Interesting facts about cockroaches: what do we know about these insects

Insects of the order cockroaches appeared on Earth hundreds of millions of years before humans. In the process of evolution, they developed amazing abilities to adapt to environmental conditions. There are various myths about the survival of insects, but the reality is no less amazing. Interesting facts about cockroaches – fascinating information will allow you to take a different look at a familiar object.

How do ultrasonic cockroach repellers work?

Finding a house without cockroaches is almost impossible.
Black, red or red insects settle with equal pleasure in clean, lived-in apartments and in garbage dumps, abandoned houses and sewer mines. Not only is the neighborhood unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, pests are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms and can cause allergies and transmit cholera and other diseases. It is also worth knowing that cockroaches do not disdain to feast on all possible products and enjoy damaging wiring, mechanisms and electrical appliances. The female’s fertility is enviable; in one season she is capable of completely renewing the ranks of the “cockroach army,” which causes significant damage to a person’s peace of mind. Pest control has been going on for several millennia, but today a way to eliminate it has been found - these are cockroach repellers. Safe for human health and pets, the anti-cockroach device will successfully deal with insects of any type and in any quantity.

Cockroach farm

In Asian countries, insects are considered as a human food resource. Chinese cockroaches are used as food and an ingredient in medicine. In the Middle Kingdom they are bred on farms. Peasant farms receive double benefits - they recycle food waste and sell arthropods. A cockroach farm is a building with rows of shelves filled with containers of insects. Favorable conditions have been created for them to promote reproduction.

Information. The largest cockroach farm in China raises 6 billion cockroaches per year.

Farm products are in demand among pharmaceutical companies. In traditional Chinese medicine, cockroaches are the basis of potent medicines. Before sale, insects are killed with steam or boiling water, dried and ground. There are more than 100 farms registered in the country. Not all peasants advertise their activities. Neighbors are afraid of insect escapes. The release of millions of cockroaches into the environment would be a local disaster.

Interesting fact. In Australia, arthropods are raised not for food, but for speed competitions. The city of Brisbane hosts an annual cockroach race. The competition involves Madagascan cockroaches. The classic version of the organization involves racing along separate tracks, but Australian insects simply run from the middle of the ring to its border.

Why ultrasonic repellers help get rid of cockroaches better than all other methods

If an electronic repeller seems like an expensive idea, consider other possibilities and ways to eliminate the threat:

You can call a pest control agent, the service is expensive, rationality is questionable. The problem is the rapid adaptation of insects to the compositions used. Each new generation of pests has partial immunity; it becomes more difficult to deal with them, and therefore more expensive. The easiest option is to buy cockroach repellers.

Electronic devices help eliminate the problem using ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, aromatic substances. The volatile device operates on batteries or connected to the mains power supply. Ultrasound or an electromagnetic wave affects the insect's nervous system, causing panic and forcing it to leave the dangerous habitat.

There are 4 types of cockroach repellers:

Fumigators are considered effective devices, but the safety of use is questionable. An electronic ultrasonic device for cockroaches is more expensive, but is absolutely harmless to everyone except whiskered pests of any type. Taking into account the long service life and frequency of switching on, the unit will pay for itself in just a few years.

Why are they afraid of cockroaches?

Among the majority of people there was a hostile attitude towards the Prussians. The fear of cockroaches is justified; it is better to stay away from them. Scientists studied the contents of the paws of the Prussians and found on them:

  • 32 types of bacteria;
  • 17 fungi;
  • helminth eggs.

Arthropods carry dysentery, polio, hepatitis, and diphtheria. Bacteria and viruses contaminate food, ready-made meals, dishes, and furniture. Insects cause short circuits in household appliances. Particles of their chitinous cover often provoke allergies and asthma. The article “Insect Attack: Do Cockroaches Bite?” will tell you about the health hazards.

Information. There have been recorded cases of cockroaches eating the human epidermis. Starving adults gnaw off the skin from their fingers, eyelids, and nose.

What sounds do cockroaches make?

Domestic Prussians can disturb apartment residents with the unpleasant sounds they make when eating solid food. With strong chitinous teeth they grind paper, leather, and fabric. In nature, the Madagascar cockroach is known for its hissing. Sound signals are produced by contracting the abdomen. The air comes out sharply through the spiracles, with a characteristic hiss. Sounds are used by insects to communicate between members of the colony and to scare away predators.

A separate type of sounds are signals during the barracks courtship period. Males flap their wings in front of females and create a chirping sound. It occurs when the leathery elytra rub against the edge of the pronotum. The ability is characteristic of giant South American species.

How the devices work and their advantages

Ultrasonic cockroach repellers affect insects regardless of their age and size. The devices help disrupt the normal circulation of fluid inside the body of pests. Due to the transformation of liquid into a thick substance, the cells of the cockroaches body burst from excess pressure.

Once in the affected area, the body of cockroaches heats up sharply, which causes excessive vibration of the cellular system, disrupts metabolism, and destroys neural connections. You cannot get used to such an effect, which makes insect repellers effective in 100% of cases during long-term or short-term operation.

Humans and large animals (cats, dogs) do not hear the sound signal, which makes the cockroach device safe for them. The main thing is that the modules work perfectly against cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, fleas and other insects, but are harmless to owners of apartments and houses.

Cockroach repellers have a wide list of advantages:

Cockroach repellers are reusable units with a long period of action. Remote modules provide quick and long-lasting results. For prevention, the models are put into operation for another 2-3 days for a short time, after which you can forget about insects.

Smells that repel cockroaches

Insects have a highly developed charm, so cockroaches are repelled by strong odors of substances

, which are in the arsenal of every housewife.

Insects cannot tolerate vinegar

Therefore you need to take 100 ml. 9 percent composition and mix it with a glass of water. The pungent-smelling mixture can be sprayed around the kitchen using a spray bottle. Such activities should be carried out in the absence of children and animals in the room
, taking precautions to prevent allergic reactions.


, diluted in water in a proportion of 1 tbsp.
l. 10 l., you can wipe the floors. This will repel insects that have recently settled in the apartment. A proven means of control is naphthalene
, which is diluted with water and poured into several containers, for example, bottles.
The main thing is to place the vessels in places inaccessible to children and pets
However, prolonged exposure to naphthalene can lead to disruption of the liver and pancreas, causing the development of chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis. Insects cannot stand the smell of bleach
, so you can safely treat the floor with white.


! Interaction with chlorine harms the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of humans. Processing can only be carried out with gloves, a respirator and long sleeves.

After completing the work, it is necessary to ventilate the room. Even better is to leave home for a day. Then do wet cleaning.

In addition, cockroaches cannot stand the smell of kerosene, gasoline, ammonia, enamel paint and repairs.

After major repairs, insects usually do not return.

These means are effective, but fighting with them requires effort and time. Treatment alone may not be enough, so owners often have to leave to ventilate the room after treatment.

Another negative aspect of using strong odors is that they only affect adult insects.

The larvae
remain safe and
produce a new generation of healthy cockroaches.

Measures to prevent the appearance of cockroaches

It is not enough to install cockroach repellers; you need to create the most uncomfortable conditions for the subsequent appearance and reproduction of pests. As soon as domestic cockroaches appear, you should get rid of the uninvited guests. Prevention is as follows:

If a garbage or ventilation shaft in a multi-story building is clogged and has not been cleaned for a long time, it is a breeding ground for insects. A cockroach repellent device will help here for a short time. To clean the channels, be sure to call a technician from the management company. In order for the cleaning to be done quickly, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the management company - according to the law, the director is obliged to respond to the signal and put the common property in order as quickly as possible.

It is interesting that in private houses made of wood, cockroaches practically do not appear. But here you can find various woodlice, spiders and other equally unpleasant guests in abundance. The electronic repeller also works against these “neighbors”, and at the same time will prevent the appearance of “red mustaches”.

Operating principle of ultrasonic devices

As the manufacturers of ultrasonic cockroach repellers assure, you just need to plug it into a power outlet and very soon you will forget about your unpleasant neighbors. At the same time, you will not smell an unpleasant odor or encounter other problems or hassles.

The operating principle of such devices is based on the instincts of insects, since they constantly communicate using their own ultrasonic waves and signals.

For example, it is with the help of ultrasound that a mosquito is able to attract a mating partner and inform its fellows about the impending danger.

Each of their signals has a certain frequency, so if the ultrasonic device produces its repellent sound in the same ranges, then the insects will begin to fly away from it and run away in panic.

By the way, these repellers showed the greatest effectiveness against mosquitoes, causing them to fly away, hearing unpleasant sounds.

Thus, ultrasound acts exclusively on those insects that use high-frequency sounds in their normal activities.

Record holders among arthropods

The sizes of insects vary significantly by species: the usual red-haired locusts are 10-13 mm long, and Gromphadorhina portentosa, living in Madagascar, reaches 100 mm. Giant arthropods are vegetarians. They feed on plants and fruits. Adults are chocolate brown, with a dark head and pronotum. A characteristic feature of the species is the absence of wings in males and females.

The rhinoceros or giant burrowing cockroach is native to Australia. The length of adult individuals is 80-90 mm, while their weight is 35 g. The mass of the insect is comparable to the parameters of a sparrow. The heavyweight lives in eucalyptus litter, digs tunnels up to 1 m long. The lifespan of Macropanesthia rhinoceros is 7-10 years, this is another reason to mention the insect.

The species Megaloblatta longipennis was included in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to its huge wings. Their span is 20 cm. The insect lives in South America, the length of adult individuals is 7.5-8 cm. Detailed information about winged species in the article “A simple question - a simple answer: do cockroaches fly?”

Is ultrasound effective against cockroaches?

Fortunately for cockroaches and unfortunately for humans, these insects do not use ultrasonic signals to communicate with each other. They simply do not have the organs with which they could make these very sounds.

It would seem: since there are no such organs, then the device is useless.

However, there are certain subtleties in this issue. Of course, the consumer will not be able to decisively, once and for all and in a short time, get rid of cockroaches using ultrasound. And yet he can do something.

If you buy a device of sufficient power, then when cockroaches remain in the field of ultrasound for a long time, their nervous system will begin to malfunction.

Their behavior will also change: cockroaches will begin to crawl out during the day, into daylight, try to climb too high and fall from there, or become completely disoriented in space.

In addition, ultrasound will affect their ability to reproduce quickly, as if inhibiting it, in some cases completely depriving them of it.

As mentioned above, the listed characteristics are characteristic only of powerful types of repellers, but you cannot count on the complete destruction of cockroaches.

Even the most powerful ultrasonic cockroach traps only help reduce the number of insects in small numbers. This is probably due to the fact that pests feel uncomfortable near the signal source; they prefer not to reproduce in its presence.

The importance of cockroaches in nature

Cockroaches belong to the class insects, phylum arthropods. They are combined into one group with termites. Scientists have identified about 5,000 species of cockroaches. Most heat-loving insects settled in tropical countries, but the high number of individuals forced them to expand their habitat to all continents except Antarctica. Initially, arthropods chose the forest floor for themselves. The reduction in green areas and general climate change have forced them to adapt to life in new conditions. Insects settled in caves, deserts, and human buildings.

Information. Only 30 species of cockroaches are pests. Some of them carry dangerous diseases, others damage food and plants. 5 species of synanthropes have been spotted in Russia.

The proximity of arthropods and people turned out to be beneficial and comfortable for insects. Apartment residents have unbearable neighbors who dirty the walls, spoil food and spread infections. There is a negative attitude towards Prussians; many people do not understand what cockroaches are for? All parts of nature matter and maintain overall balance.

For millions of years, insects have existed on the planet for a reason. Under natural conditions, they feed on rotting plant debris containing a lot of nitrogen. After processing in the body of arthropods, the chemical element enters the soil. Nitrogen is necessary for plants to fully develop; it is a fertilizer. Also, some species feed on carrion and animal excrement. These are waste recyclers and keep the soil surface clean.

What are the benefits of cockroaches? They live in numerous colonies on the forest floor; their overall contribution is difficult to overestimate. The simultaneous disappearance of all individuals will lead to serious consequences. Trees and bushes will become weak, and deterioration will affect animals. No less important is the importance of arthropods as a food resource. They serve as food for small mammals and birds. Spiders, reptiles. Any disturbance in the balance of nature causes a negative chain reaction, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

The most effective brands of ultrasonic devices


A device from a Russian manufacturer, outwardly very reminiscent of an old, Soviet-era radio.

This is a small square box with a power cord. According to the manufacturer, the ultrasonic cockroach repeller is capable of operating at different frequencies.

It has two modes: the first is a weak ultrasonic signal, the second is a stronger one.

The range of action (if, again, you rely on the honesty of the manufacturer) is approximately 80-82 meters.

Unable to withstand the painful sounds, cockroaches leave the room within 7-14 days.

According to buyers who have already tested the device, Typhoon is relatively effective, although it does not produce particularly impressive results.

The price of the device is about 1000 rubles or a little less.

American made cockroach repeller – Pest Reject

The American manufacturer confidently states that his brainchild works on an area of ​​about 200 square meters, but it produces noticeable results only after a week of using the device.

What is especially interesting is what is written in the instructions for the device - in it the manufacturer recommends using this repeller in combination with the use of gels and traps for cockroaches.

It is necessary to expel insects from your home in this way for at least seven days. Of course, the effectiveness is obvious, because the poison and traps will do their job, most of it, even without the help of a repeller, and the manufacturer will be able to sleep with a clear conscience.

But the price for such a cunning device is low, only 600 rubles.

A device with the pathetic name “Tornado”

This is another invention of our Russian engineering geniuses. In their opinion, it is this device that includes those important characteristics that are necessary to create the most uncomfortable living conditions, as well as the rapid reproduction of cockroaches.

The device creates a powerful ultrasonic signal without causing any harm to pets and people.

It has no analogues, but our manufacturers are honest with their customers: they advise not to expect instant results, since cockroaches will begin to leave your home after 2 or even 3 weeks.

As for the price, it is within a thousand rubles.

Repeller "Banzai"

If you do not trust American developments, and do not strive to support the Russian manufacturer always and in everything, then perhaps you will like the Banzai repeller.

It was developed in Taiwan, and this device is considered one of the best and most effective. Reviews from enthusiastic buyers say that the insects actually leave the apartment within three weeks.

But the device itself is not entirely safe. For example, it is prohibited to install cages with pets or sleep near it, since the device emits an unpleasant squeak that is audible to humans.

If you think about it, wouldn’t it be easier to just poison the cockroaches with the usual means - crayons, gels or boric acid?

Magnetic resonance repeller AR120

The device with the strange name AR120 is declared by the manufacturer as magnetic resonance. This means it is capable of creating low frequency waves, and it is these waves that will torment the cockroaches, create discomfort for them, surviving the insects from your home once and for all.

It is inaudible to the human ear, does not pose any danger to animals, and begins to act almost immediately after switching on. According to the manufacturer, the device will leave absolutely no chance for the small, mustachioed inhabitants, but buyers have a slightly different opinion.

Judging by the reviews, the device really gets rid of cockroaches, but only in the room where it is turned on. Apparently, it's all about the small radius of action.

So is it worth buying a repeller?

It's up to you to decide. As you can see, ultrasound is not a panacea; rather, it is an addition to such usual means for humans as poisoned baits and traps.

If you are still planning to buy this device to protect your home from cockroaches, then purchase it from reputable stores, request and study all the certificates, documents, ask whether there is a guarantee for the effectiveness of the device, what is its service life.

And don’t buy too cheap models, because they most likely will have absolutely no effect on the cockroaches that are bothering you.


What do cockroaches like?

The lifestyle of insects affected their preferences. Arthropods love warmth, comfortable temperatures of 25-30°. When the temperature drops, the metabolic processes of Prussians slow down. Indicators of 15° and below stop the reproductive activity of insects. Negative temperatures cause a state of suspended animation and death. Arthropods prefer damp places. Water is vital for them; it is used to cool the body and wet food.

Cockroaches love dark and secluded places. They are timid by nature, it is this quality that allows them to survive. The food preferences of natural inhabitants are not diverse. They usually eat fallen leaves, plant remains, and finding rotten fruit is a great success. Synanthropic insects expanded their diet with human food. They love sweets, fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and pasta. The taste preferences of pests are used against them. Their sweets are prepared as poisonous baits to destroy the Prussians.

Information. Cockroaches are extremely attracted to beer. The intoxicating drink is often poured into homemade traps.

Is an ultrasonic repeller an effective remedy for cockroaches or just another marketing trick?

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Hello my regular readers. I welcome those who have recently joined us. I’m sure each of us has at least once encountered an intrusive TV advertisement that you turn on and get stuck in for half an hour: you can’t take your eyes off it. I don’t know what the secret of these videos is, but personally I don’t switch until I watch it to the end (just don’t tell anyone about this weakness of mine).

But there is one thing there, the controversy about which still does not subside: an ultrasonic cockroach repeller. The advertisement says that you just need to plug this device into a power outlet and enjoy a clean home without insects, since they all run away from the ultrasound like fire. And it is safe, and effective, and in general, here it is - the last missing link on the path to a happy and carefree life without disgusting Prussians, bedbugs and ants.

Let's find out how this device works, find out which insects are afraid of ultrasound and why, and also determine whether it makes sense to shift the responsibility for disinfestation measures to the repeller.

Emerald wasps and cockroaches

An interesting species of burrowing wasps lives in the tropical parts of Asia and Africa. Insects have a slender small body (15-20 mm) green in color with a metallic sheen. They are parasitoids that lay eggs in the body of living prey. Emerald wasps attack tropical cockroaches. Their poison forces the victim to move in the desired direction. The wasp takes the cockroach into a hole and lays eggs in its abdomen.

The larvae develop in the body of a living arthropod. After pupation, the adults leave the empty chitinous shell. Nature has given the emerald wasp unique qualities. It is capable of delivering a precise sting to the victim's brain; its venom blocks the transmission of nerve signals. A small insect that cannot drag large prey simply zombifies it. A helpless cockroach goes off to its own death.

What is ultrasound and where is it used?

Ultrasound refers to high-frequency (above 20,000 hertz) sound vibrations that are not perceived by the human ear. Ultrasound is used in many areas: medicine (ultrasound examination, physiotherapeutic procedures), manufacturing (cutting, homogenization), biological research, mechanical cleaning, washing small parts and dishes in the laboratory, fishing industry (echolocation), flow measurement, flaw detection, ultrasonic welding, electroplating, etc.

In the last couple of decades, resourceful scientists have come up with the idea of ​​using ultrasound to repel insects and mice. Initially, ultrasonic repellers were used to protect against mosquitoes, later they began to be used in private houses and apartments as protection against mice and other rodents, and now the device is used to combat domestic cockroaches.

How does an ultrasonic repeller work?

The device is a small plastic device, the operation of which begins after being plugged into an outlet. Some manufacturers produce a device with a compartment for batteries, which is very convenient: you can take the device with you outdoors and not be afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes. As for the range of the device, it all depends on its power.

Some are enough to protect an entire apartment, while the weaker ones can be used several at a time. Look for information on the ultrasonic exposure area of ​​the device on the packaging. By the way, if the manufacturer indicates that the radius of activity of the device is, say, 20 square meters, you should not rely on chance and use the repeller in a hundred-meter hangar. In this case, you will not get the expected effect and will be quite annoyed, this is how negative reviews about ultrasonic repellers are born.

Why do rodents and insects avoid high-frequency sound waves?

It's nice to know that technological progress does not stand still, and that scientists have finally invented an effective and safe remedy for people to help fight annoying insects and rodents. But why do these creatures react to high-frequency vibrations?

The fact is that some types of living beings communicate with each other using ultrasound - bats and ordinary mice, mosquitoes. This is how they convey information about readiness for mating, danger, etc. The high frequencies that the device transmits irritate mice and mosquitoes, forcing them to run away from the sound source. In addition, manufacturers tune their devices to the communication frequency of bats, which in the wild are a natural predator of mosquitoes.

For this reason, mosquitoes fly away in panic, believing that a dangerous bat is nearby. As you can see, the use of an ultrasonic emitter is quite justified from the standpoint of repelling rodents and blood-sucking insects. It’s clear with mice, but what about cockroaches?

Are cockroaches really afraid of ultrasound?

However, advertisers claim the opposite. And happy owners of repellers in their reviews are scattered with gratitude to the manufacturers of such devices. What's the matter here?

Cockroaches do not use sound to communicate and receive information from the outside world: they rely on smell and tactile sensations obtained with the help of their long and sensitive antennae. Although the Prussians do not have special organs adapted for the transmission of ultrasound, high-frequency sound waves do not leave the Prussians indifferent.

When exposed to ultrasonic waves, the cockroach feels disorientated, cannot concentrate, begins to panic, loses the ability to find food, breeding becomes impossible for the cockroaches, and in general they feel severe discomfort. All these sensations together force the insect to retreat in search of a safe space: cockroaches run away from the source of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, we can safely say that the ultrasonic trap has a certain effect in the fight against Prussians.

But it's not that simple. Below I will explain why, despite the laudatory reviews and claims of advertisers, you should not fight cockroaches with the help of high-frequency radiation. But first, let's find out how sound radiation at high frequencies affects other insects - after all, in addition to cockroaches, many other types of living creatures can live in our apartments.

How does high-frequency sound radiation affect other insects?

In our time, there are no reliable scientific studies that would determine the effect of high-frequency sound on insects. For example, bedbugs do not react at all to high-frequency sounds. No way. These creatures do not have organs sensitive to high-frequency sounds. Moreover, they themselves do not produce any noise. Entomologists say that bedbugs don’t even hear high-frequency sounds - just like you and me. Therefore, we can confidently say that such devices purchased to combat bedbugs are wasted money.

Some, however, argue that bedbugs are indifferent to high-frequency sound waves because of their habitat: bedbugs live in mattresses, which supposedly muffle and smooth out sounds. In practice, a group of scientists in a special laboratory proved that even in open space, bedbugs exposed to ultrasound feel great. It’s the same story with ants, flies, moths and other human companions in a city apartment.

The conclusion is this: emitters of high-frequency sounds affect only those creatures that transmit and receive information from the outside world using ultrasound. The rest of the insects completely ignore it.

But what about advertising and reviews from satisfied customers?

The catch is what frequencies make cockroaches run. Sounds above 20,000 (20 kHz) hertz are known to have a detrimental effect on Prussians, but how much higher should the sound be than this? There's a catch here. Radiation with a frequency of 20 kHz will remain inaudible to humans and will not have a noticeable effect on the red ones, causing them only a barely noticeable disturbance. In order for the trap to have the desired effect, the frequency of its radiation must be several times higher than the stated value.

Here lies the main problem: too high sound vibrations negatively affect not only cockroaches, but also mammals, including humans. Buy a 50 kHz trap, and it will not only get rid of insects, but will also cause a lot of trouble for you and your pets. People exposed to high frequency radiation experience headaches, restlessness and anxiety, dizziness and nausea.

Some may experience a panic attack, the mechanism of falling asleep is disrupted, the quality of sleep decreases, and the person feels overwhelmed and tired. Animals can rush around the apartment, refuse food, show anxiety and even aggression.

Are such severe side effects worth the effect that the device has on cockroaches? Of course not. In addition, the shelves of hardware stores are literally bursting with all kinds of insectoacaricidal products: here you can find powders, crayons, insecticidal gels, traps with pesticide poison, and fumigators. So you don't have to worry about where to find the right product. How many folk recipes are there with the help of which people have been protecting their homes from annoying Prussians for centuries?

In short, there really is plenty to choose from: if necessary, everyone can choose the right product for their needs for any wallet size. Is there any point in using dubious devices that, in addition to being ineffective, cause harm to the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment?

There is one more nuance - manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers directly say that the devices should be used in conjunction with insectoacaricidal agents (the same gels, powders, fumigators and other preparations). Devices that expel insects using high-frequency radiation promise to rid your home of insects completely and forever, but not earlier than in a few months. So, if you decide to use only sound traps, get ready to wince in disgust for many more weeks when you encounter the vile red bastard.

And if you follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and purchase additional insectoacaricidal agents for the device that will get rid of cockroaches in a few days at most, then a reasonable question arises: why do you need this emitter if in a couple of days all the Prussians will be dead thanks to the insectoacaricides?

You may ask: what about all those rave reviews from customers who got rid of cockroaches using ultrasound? I can assume that these people used devices of such power that they really repel cockroaches. At the same time, they hardly managed to avoid those unpleasant health consequences that we discussed above. Most likely, these people simply did not connect the deterioration in their health with the use of devices, attributing the malaise to something else. This is how reviews appear that have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

Are bedbugs afraid of cockroaches?

Human habitation is favored by various types of synanthropic insects. Sometimes they end up in the same room. What happens when cockroaches and bedbugs live together in the same apartment? Apart from the common space, they have no points of intersection. The main conflicts of various species arise over food. Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects. They attack people and feed exclusively on blood. Cockroaches are omnivores, prefer food scraps, and do not consume blood.

Under normal conditions, synanthropes share a room without collisions. Bedbugs live in the bedroom, and Prussians live in the kitchen. When there is a shortage of available food, arthropods crawl throughout the apartment. Cockroaches readily eat found eggs and larvae of bedbugs. The number of bloodsuckers decreases, but the colony cannot be completely destroyed in this way. People used the predatory instincts of the Prussians for their own benefit. Previously, worsted mills bred them to kill moths. The voracious Prussians ate the eggs of harmful moths.

Insecticides are used against all domestic insects. Bedbugs and cockroaches die from the same products containing pyrethroids (cypermethrin, deltamethrin). Boric acid is poisonous to them. Sinanthropes are repelled by folk remedies: dry herbs (tansy, wormwood), ammonia, vinegar.

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