Insects in the bed: causes, types of living creatures, consequences

  1. Who bites in bed at night: bedbugs Bites from domestic bedbugs
  2. Why are bedbug bites dangerous?
  • Who bites in bed: fleas
  • Who bites in bed: lice
      Human underwear
  • Human head
  • Pubic lice
  • Body lice
  • Who bites in bed at night: ticks
      Dust mites
  • Scabies mites
  • Who bites at night: cockroaches
  • Who bites at night: regular mosquitoes
  • Agree, it’s unpleasant to feel bitten in your own bed the next morning. The first thought that comes to mind is: “These are mosquitoes.” And it’s good if this turns out to be true, since it’s the easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes in your home. It is imperative to figure out who encroaches on the human body at night in order to take competent measures to destroy small pests.

    Lovers of human blood

    The presence of blood-sucking parasites in an apartment not only gives its residents an unpleasant itchy sensation in the bitten areas, but can also cause sleep disturbances and even nervous disorders.


    Statistically, bedbugs are a scourge in some European capitals such as London, Stockholm and Amsterdam, as well as major cities in the United States. The number of apartments in which blood-sucking insects have settled grows exponentially every year, which is why professional bedbug extermination services do not have time to fight them; moreover, the parasites have been able to develop resistance to most insecticides.

    In addition to bed bugs, which are the most famous and widespread insects that love to feed on human blood, you can find other similar pests in nature that bite night and day.

    Therefore, if someone wakes up in the morning and discovers that he has been bitten by invisible bugs, and he knows for sure that they cannot be in the apartment, then you can try to determine the type of “bloodsucker” by the appearance of the wound at the site of the bite. Below is a list of possible contenders, their descriptions and methods of struggle.

    Who can bite in bed at night?

    When my friend came to visit me, I found him very tired and unhappy. It turns out that his appearance was the result of frequent night awakenings due to bites of unknown insects. He decided to settle the matter. I offered to help him. We immediately checked the bite marks on his body and came to the comforting conclusion that bed bugs were not working. This calmed his friend a little. We have identified insects that may be involved in this situation: lice, cockroaches and fleas. Bed bugs are not on the list of suspects, but they will be discussed in detail below.

    Mosquitoes and mosquitoes

    Mosquito and mosquito
    These flying bloodsuckers appear only in the warm season, if there is water or wetland nearby. Mosquitoes are easily recognized by their characteristic buzzing noise at night. Mosquito bites usually itch for several days, then disappear without a trace.



    These millimeter-sized winged insects can be seen flying out of, for example, a sink siphon. No, this is not a hallucination: butterflies simply lay eggs in decomposed organic remains, of which a lot accumulates inside the siphon and pipes. An adult butterfly flies out of the pipe and settles down somewhere inconspicuously in the kitchen, waiting for the opportunity to return to its native sewer to continue the race. These insects are not only very small, but also nocturnal, so even if you have them, your chances of seeing them are close to zero. But don't worry: they don't do any harm... they're just disgusting.


    Flea and its bites
    Most often in bed, in addition to bedbugs, ordinary fleas can bite. These jumping bloodsuckers settle indoors where there are pets. Unlike bedbugs, fleas prefer to bite during the day, but this can also happen at night.

    Not everyone knows that fleas can carry infections such as typhus, encephalitis, brucellosis, anthrax, etc., so their presence in the apartment is very undesirable.

    On a note!

    It was the large number of fleas among rats in the Middle Ages that caused the widespread spread of bubonic plague in many European cities, after which about a third of the continent's population died.

    Fleas can get into an apartment not only with animals, but also come from a neighbor’s cat or on the clothes of a person who stroked the “poor little kitten” in the yard.

    Flea bites are very itchy, and scratching too hard can lead to infection.

    To get rid of fleas, you must first treat your pets with special products, and then poison the parasites in your apartment with insecticidal preparations designed to destroy them.

    How to deal with bedbugs

    There are two reliable ways to remove bedbugs:

    1. Poisoning them with special insecticidal sprays or aerosols. The first include, for example, concentrates for dilution Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Get, Karbofos, Executioner, Sinuzan. The second includes ready-to-use products in aerosol cans: Raptor, Dichlorvos, Combat and their analogues. Sprays are more effective, especially if there are a large number of bloodsuckers in the house, but are somewhat more difficult to use.

    2. The second option is to call special pest control teams that poison bedbugs often with the same insecticides, but relieve the apartment resident from the risk of poisoning himself.

    Removing bedbugs yourself is cheaper, but requires a serious investment of time and effort. When contacting pest control services, you need to be careful so as not to encounter scammers or those who, in fact, do not do the work.

    In the photo there is a nest of bedbugs in furniture:

    If these insects are infested in a sofa or other furniture, they can be frozen out outside in winter at temperatures below minus 20°C. However, this method is rarely effective, since bedbugs often hide not only in the sofa, but also in other places in the apartment.

    You can also kill bedbugs in an apartment with heat, raising the room temperature to +50°C, which is usually achieved using industrial fan heaters. Of course, such a procedure must be carried out very carefully and with all precautions.


    Lice bites
    A rather unpleasant answer to the question of what bites someone in bed at night may be lice that do not live in the bed itself, but settle in clothing or hairy parts of the body. Lice bites are smaller in size than those left by bedbugs, but they can be larger in number, as a result of which they cause discomfort.


    Surely many will be interested in the question, where do insects come from in the bed, especially if the mattress is new? Note that insects can migrate from neighbors, and they can be brought in by guests with some things.

    In addition, if you purchased a new mattress and the old one is still in the apartment, pet parasites may move to a new home.

    We recommend buying a new mattress and immediately taking care of prevention.

    What can you do to minimize the possibility of insects in your bed?

    • It is necessary to regularly change bed linen, wash it (preferably at a fairly high temperature), and iron it.
    • You should also systematically carry out high-quality cleaning of the apartment, eliminating dust.
    • To protect the mattress, it is necessary to use mattress pads and covers that have a moisture-proof surface.
    • Clothes should be kept further away from the bed.


    This option may surprise you, but the “red and mustachioed” ones are quite capable of biting a sleeping person. The human epidermis on the face near the nose or lips is quite suitable for them as food. Typically, cockroaches bite when there is a lack of water and food, when their number in the apartment is so large that they begin to look for other types of food.

    You can get rid of cockroaches only by completely destroying the entire colony in the apartment.

    Silky pretender


    These bugs prefer natural fabrics, but there have been cases where these golden bugs were found in jars of cayenne pepper! This cute bug can feed on any organic food, but most often inhabits flour and cereals. Its cute appearance and body covered with golden fur are unlikely to make an impression if you find this pest in your cupboard!

    Comparison of various insects and their bites

    The easiest way to detect an insect that bites in your bed at night is to catch it and examine it, which not everyone succeeds in, but is quite possible.

    In order to determine accurately, just look at photographs of various parasites that love to bite and drink human blood. Everyone knows what mosquitoes look like, but fleas are very difficult to catch.

    The photo of blood-sucking bugs shows their rounded shape and changes in size depending on the state of saturation with blood. Bedbug bites have a characteristic feature: they are located on the skin in a path a few centimeters apart. With a large number of them, especially in children, an allergic reaction is often observed, anemia may develop, and when scratching with severe itching, a purulent-inflammatory process may begin in the wound.

    Fighting methods

    Household: fumigators help against mosquitoes. They require constant charging with plates or liquid. The type of drugs is in most cases unknown, and therefore can cause harm to people. Regardless of the type of insect, stores offer approximately the same set of products. Look at them:

    • Sprays don't work. Even modern installations that evaporate substances do not help in the long term. They will kill 50-60% of the individuals, but the rest will continue to reproduce;
    • Ampoules - sold in veterinary pharmacies. Used for washing dogs, but also available for use at home. Since you won't be able to cover the entire area, including the areas behind the baseboards, there's no point in talking about effectiveness.

    There is no point in continuing the list. All products have two drawbacks: local impact (not all insects are destroyed) and outdated formulations. Loud statements by advertisers are nothing more than an attempt to extract money from gullible people. You might as well believe the banners telling about the miraculous effects of baking soda. Most likely, on some website there is already an announcement like: “Fleas ate the old lady, but all she had to do was...” and then a photo of a white and orange box is displayed. This won't work.

    Professional: at the moment it is 1 and gives 100% results, which is confirmed by a guarantee. This is a method of treating houses and apartments using a fog generator. The method has 3 advantages described below:

    • The complexity of the effect - sprayed preparations contain 2 components. These are mammal-safe ingredients designed to kill adults and eggs. And also repellents that create a barrier against the invasion of new hordes. If there is a flea on your clothes, it will prefer to jump off you rather than get into the danger zone;
    • Duration of exposure - the active period of the substances lasts up to 2 months. Easily clean, wash floors, etc.;
    • Sedimentation efficiency - particle size does not exceed 80 microns. They get behind sockets and even into appliances. There can be no short circuits due to fog. The result is that there is not a single crack where small enemies could hide.
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