Neostomozan: instructions for use for dogs and cats

In this article I will talk about the veterinary drug Neostomozan. I will describe the instructions, its release form, composition, dosage and method of use. I will explain the principle of action and indications for its use. I will explain how to treat the dog and the room in which it lives with the product. I will write about side effects, contraindications, storage conditions and expiration dates.

Neostomozan is a safe prophylactic drug with a broad spectrum of action. Used to combat ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice eaters, etc.). It is used for treating pets and the premises in which the animal is kept.

Release form and composition of the drug neostomozan for dogs

Neostomozan is available in the form of an emulsion. The product is dispensed in concentrated form. Before use, it must be diluted with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.

The drug must be used within two hours from the moment the bottle is opened.

The composition includes insecticides:

  • tetramethrin 0.5%;
  • transmix 0.5%;
  • Excipients.

Packing form:

  • for the treatment of animals, 2 ml or 5 ml ampoules and 200 ml bottles are produced;
  • for treating premises, the product is sold in cans from 1 to 5 liters.

The drug is available in ampoules

Release forms

Neostomozan is an emulsion with a broad spectrum effect. Under its influence, parasites experience disruption of the peripheral nervous system, blocking impulses coming from it. Insects experience paralysis and death. The drug contains components such as transmix, tetramethrin and fillers that enhance their effect (piperonyl butoxide, acetic anhydride, geronol FF/4/emulson AG/L, geronol FF/emulson AG/MS, paraffin oil, solvent - Solvesso 150ND / Solvarex 10 LN.).

An aqueous solution is prepared on the basis of neostomazan - 5 ml per 1 liter of water (for treating the animal’s sleeping place). Or 1 ml per 200 ml of water (enough for a cat). Stir the resulting liquid thoroughly; this should take at least 15-20 minutes. It is convenient to use a container (for example, a plastic bottle) with a spray bottle.

Indications for use and mechanism of action

The product is used for prevention against fleas, ticks, lice, lice, blood suckers, zoophilic flies, bedbugs, ants and other parasites.

The drug is poisonous to parasites. Upon contact with neostomosan, the insect’s nervous system is disrupted (the conduction of nerve impulses is blocked) and the parasite dies.

When used correctly, neostomozan has no effect on animal health. It has a detrimental effect on fish and bees.

Neostomozan is also suitable for cats. When disinfesting premises, the product is also harmful to insect larvae.

It is recommended to carry out a one-time treatment of the dog and its home.

Security measures

Throughout the entire period of working with the substance, one must not forget about safety measures. The following conditions must be met:

  1. During processing, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke.
  2. The product must be stored separately from human and animal food, out of the reach of children and pets.
  3. The shelf life of Neostomozan is 3 years at temperatures from 0 to +25°C.
  4. Unused mixture residues should not be poured into water bodies.

This is interesting: do fleas bite people?

If there is a need to rid your pet of parasites living in its fur, then it is better to use a proven product - Neostomozan. This broad spectrum insecticide will kill all insects quickly and effectively. In addition, it can be used to carry out high-quality disinfestation of both the animal’s sleeping area and the entire apartment.

Dosage and method of administration

Dog treatment

The solution is prepared immediately before use. It must be used strictly within two hours after diluting the drug.

For dogs weighing less than 20 kg, 1-2 ml of the product is sufficient; for pets with a larger body weight, up to 5 ml of the drug is possible.

1 ml of neostomosan is diluted in 200 ml of water at room temperature.

Just 1 ml of product is diluted in 200 ml of water

The prepared solution is applied to the pet with a sponge or using a spray bottle (water spray). It is necessary to carefully process all the animal's fur.

When treating ear mites, the product is instilled into the ear (3 drops in each), then the entire auricle is treated. The procedure must be repeated after 7 days.

Special recommendations for the use of neostomozan:

  • It is recommended to apply the drug in a well-ventilated area (preferably outdoors);
  • Do not pet the dog for two days after treatment;
  • to avoid licking the medication, it is advisable to put a muzzle on the animal for half an hour after applying the solution;
  • You can wash your pet no earlier than two days after treatment with neostomozan;
  • before using the solution, you must wear rubber gloves and clothing that covers the entire human body;
  • When treating several dogs at the same time, you need to limit their contact until the fur is completely dry.

Subsequent treatments for the dog are recommended every 10 days.

Room treatment

To disinfest dog homes, the solution is prepared in the following proportion: 5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

For the convenience of cleaning the room, spray bottles are used. Particular attention should be paid to textile surfaces (furniture, carpets, dog beds), radiators and floor crevices.

The premises are treated with a spray bottle. The liquid is diluted in the required dosage

The dog's sleeping place should be thoroughly disinfested. Before spraying, it is recommended to wash the litter (boil if possible).

The room needs to be treated every month. After spraying the product, it is necessary to ventilate the room well (within 3 hours). It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning of the room no earlier than 3 weeks after treatment.

During disinsection, children, puppies, kittens, birds and aquarium inhabitants should be isolated from the premises. Animals should be allowed into the treated area only after the fur and all surfaces have completely dried, and after the room has been thoroughly ventilated.

Instructions for use

When using a substance, you must always remember that, first of all, it is a poison, so regardless of the dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions.

When treating with Neostomazan, follow the dosages according to the instructions, otherwise you may harm your pet

Animal handling

Pets can be treated using a spray bottle or foam sponge. The sponge allows you to wet your pet's fur very well, as well as rub the substance into the skin. If the work is carried out with a sprayer, then for the best effect you need to stroke the animal against the grain with one hand and spray it with the other. This technique will allow the substance to reach the pet’s skin, where the parasites are located.

If you need to disinsection a large dog, then you should not use a sponge, as the process will be quite long and labor-intensive. In this case, it is much more appropriate to use a spray bottle. The procedure should be carried out in the fresh air, having first placed a special collar on the animal’s face, protecting the dog’s eyes, mouth and nose from contact with the solution.

“Neostomazan” must be diluted in water before use.

In addition, the owner does not need to neglect personal protective equipment. Suitable for this:

  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves;
  • trousers;
  • clothing with long sleeves.

Cats and small dogs can also be sprayed with a spray bottle, but there is a high probability of the solution getting on the face, which can lead to damage to the mucous membranes. In this regard, veterinarians advise using a regular foam sponge. It allows you to wet the animal’s fur very well, and also gently rubs the substance into the skin.

During treatment with “Neostomazan” you must wear a basic set of protection

Gradually, the drug will spread throughout the pet’s body, destroying all parasites. The procedure should be repeated no earlier than after 10 days. It must be remembered that under no circumstances should weak or sick animals be subjected to such disinsection, as this can have a detrimental effect on their health.

After the procedure, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the cat or dog. On the first day you may notice such negative symptoms as:

  • apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lacrimation;
  • weakness;
  • redness of the skin.

If they appear, there is no need to panic. Most often, this is a normal reaction of the pet’s body to the action of an insecticide. All symptoms should disappear within 3 days. If the animal's condition does not improve, you should seek veterinary help.

After treatment with Neostomazan, you should thoroughly rinse the product off the skin.

Rules of behavior after the procedure

After the treatment has been carried out, the owner must adhere to certain rules of behavior:

  1. Petting your pet is prohibited for the next two days.
  2. The animal must be wearing a special collar or muzzle that will prevent attempts to lick the substance. Protective items can be removed only after the preparation has completely dried.
  3. The use of any soap products during bathing should be very limited. It should be remembered that wool can come into contact with water no earlier than 2 days after the procedure.
  4. After working with the solution, you must wash your hands well with soda. It can also be used when processing containers in which the substance was located.
  5. Until the product applied to the fur is completely dry, the pet should be kept as far as possible from other animals.
  6. If necessary, repeating the treatment is allowed only after 10 days.

Compliance with the rules will make the procedure as effective and safe as possible. Violation is fraught with poisoning of the animal or its owner, as well as the spread of parasites.

Inspect your home for the presence of accumulations of insects, there is a possibility that they moved from the living animal into your house

Disinsection of a pet's habitat

Usually, to get rid of insects there is no need to treat an apartment or residential building. For example, if a dog constantly lives on the street, that is, in a kennel or a separate building, and is practically never in the house, then it is advisable to disinfect only this room.

Neostomosan, 5ml is again suitable for such disinfestation. The instructions for use indicate that the ampoule of the active substance must be diluted in 1 liter of water and mixed thoroughly. After this, the aqueous solution should be poured into a spray bottle and then applied evenly to all surfaces of the building. The sleeping area should be given special attention. So, if an animal sleeps on a fabric bedding, then it needs to be boiled for half an hour.

This method of killing parasites is very effective and is recommended to be carried out monthly. This measure will prevent the reappearance of insects. Before allowing the animal into the area where the treatment was carried out, the room must be thoroughly ventilated for 2 hours. But it is better to move your pet to another place at least for a day.

Elimination of parasites in the apartment

Typically, the volume of solution required for high-quality disinfestation of an apartment depends on both the area of ​​the room and the purpose of treatment. For example, if it is carried out for prevention, then 1 liter of water with the addition of 5 ml of the substance will be enough for a small apartment. If a large living area has been infected, a solution of 10 ml of the drug and 2 liters of water should be prepared. To roughly calculate the required volume, be sure to take into account the quantity and size of upholstered furniture, since disinfecting it will require twice as much product.

The finished mixture is applied to the floor and walls using a spray bottle. It is held at arm's length at a distance of 20 cm from the surface being processed. Considering that the substance is a contact drug, it is imperative to ensure that it gets into all places where insects may be.

To kill insects, it is enough to treat the surfaces with “Neostomazan”

It is better to start treating the living space from the pet’s sleeping place, since if parasites have already appeared in the house, then most of them will be on fabric bedding. A good way to disinfect such beds is to thoroughly wash them in hot water, but this is not always possible. If it is impossible to wash the bedding, then it is treated in the same way as carpets and rugs, that is, sprayed with Neostomozan.

After finishing work, the room must be ventilated for at least 3 hours. All places that may come into contact with the skin must be thoroughly wet cleaned. It should be borne in mind that full general cleaning can only be carried out after 3 weeks. During this time, all insects will die.

Repeated spraying is preventive in nature and is not mandatory. It is carried out 10-15 days after the first disinfestation. In this case, the concentration of the substance can be reduced, that is, dilute 5 ml of the drug in 3 liters of water.

If you experience the first signs of Neostomazan poisoning, you should consult a doctor


Reviews from owners about the drug indicate its effective antiparasitic effect:

  • “The drug proved to be effective from the first use, I deviated a little from the instructions, but everything worked out the first time, I recommend it against fleas in cats!”
  • “Neostomazan, indeed, a product of French quality. I liked its use not only on animals, but also on surfaces. One 5 ml ampoule was enough for a 4 kg cat and a 2-room apartment. There’s still more left!”
  • “Be sure to try neostomasan, it makes my Fanya’s fur shine! No fleas, after shaking the cat's fur, they dropped dead. Just get out of the house and then ventilate.”

  • “Affordable, good product, all my furry brethren are treated with neostomosan. In a private house I spray it on the floors and walls. The main thing is to make sure that cats and dogs do not lick it off. Repeated disinfection is also necessary, otherwise all initial efforts will be in vain.”
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