Bed dust mites – what do they look like and how to get rid of them?

Dust mites , or bed mites , are domestic parasites belonging to the arthropod family. Their habitat is dust, and their food source is dead human skin cells. Bed mites are unpretentious and can survive in almost any conditions. The most favorable environment for their living is warm and humid, the temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius, that is, the one that is installed in living quarters, and there is an abundance of food (epithelium). This explains their wide distribution.

Such parasites can cause allergies, and prolonged exposure to them can lead to the development of sinusitis and even asthma. In addition, the scabies mite provokes a disease such as scabies, which occurs with regular contact with its waste products.

That is why it is important to know what a tick that lives at home looks like and how to get rid of it.

You may be confusing dust mites with bed bugs or marks on your skin with bed bug bites.

Types of house ticks

House ticks are dangerous parasites that harm household items, products and even human health. They are invisible to the human eye and are found in any living space. More than 160 species of ticks can live in symbiosis with humans. The most popular of them:

  • Itchy. It parasitizes only the human epidermis. Develops in a warm, humid environment. Causes a disease - scabies.
  • Hairy. Found in foods. Optimal development conditions are an ambient temperature of about +25 degrees. Can cause inflammatory skin lesions in humans.
  • Chicken. Distributed in chicken habitats and excrement. It can also parasitize human skin, causing irritation and itching.
  • Rat. It lives mainly on the epidermis of rodents, but with a lack of nutrition, it can migrate to humans. Mainly lives in rural areas.
  • Dusty. It feeds on dead epidermal cells, fungi, and bacteria. They do not bite, but they do cause damage with their excrement. In small acceptable quantities they do not harm humans, but when the population increases they can cause allergic reactions.

All types of parasitic insects can cause severe diseases of the skin and respiratory tract.


Next you can see a photo of bites on a human body, as well as how the insect looks under a microscope.

What does a dust mite look like, its shape and size?

You will not notice the pest with the naked eye, since its size reaches only half a millimeter. They are so small that just 1 gram of house dust can contain from 100 to 2 thousand individuals.

Dust mites can only be studied in detail under a microscope. The insect belongs to the arachnid department and has all the characteristics of individuals of this type. Externally, the parasite looks like a small spider. Its body is covered with a waterproof shell, segmented and flattened. The tick moves on four pairs of legs. Each limb has suction cups, with the help of which the insect is securely held on any surface. In the oral cavity there are 2 pairs of jaws, which are used for grinding food.


Dust mites are very small insects (type - arthropods) belonging to the class of arachnids. But this does not mean that they are like a spider in everything. Their limbs are not so long, they are poorly developed, but meanwhile, their strength is enough to move freely. They crawl slowly, constantly looking for provisions, which, in most cases, are dead cells of the human epidermis or the skin of domestic animals.

What do dust mites really look like? Most of all, they resemble bugs if their wings are torn off and their legs are shortened. A special difference is that they do not have a clear division of the body into segments. Their entire carcass, if you can call it that, is a solid “cutlet” (in a reduced form, to a size of 0.1-0.5 mm), slightly narrowed towards the stigma and thickened towards the back of the abdomen. In the front part, the stigma has a pair of small processes, reminiscent of hypertrophied mites, with which the insect sends the edible it finds into its mouth. Some compare them to hippos reduced to microscopic size. This is what a dust mite looks like in the photo, magnified many times over.

They live from 60 to 80 days, during which they manage to go through their entire life cycle, that is, to eat and copulate, after which the female lays up to 60 eggs.

Why do dust mites appear?

From the name it is clear that pests live in areas of massive dust accumulation. They spread in any room where there is dust. If you keep your apartment clean, their population will be negligible and will not harm humans. However, if you do not carry out timely cleaning and do not eliminate possible habitats of parasites, the manifestation of the negative impact of insects on humans is inevitable.

The causes of dust mites can be:

  • massive piles of things and trash in the apartment;
  • irregular wet cleaning;
  • incomplete cleaning of the room (not enough attention is paid to treating corners and surfaces under furniture);
  • old bedding, bulky curtains;
  • location of the apartment in areas with a lot of dust.

Ticks enter a person's home on outer clothing or on the fur of pets, and also enter the apartment along with dust through windows and doors.

Where do dust mites live?

When parasites enter a living space, they immediately settle in suitable habitats. They feed on dead cells of the epidermis, so they live where dead cells, along with dust, accumulate the most. This may live:

  • in pillows with natural feathers;
  • in down and cotton blankets;
  • in mattresses;
  • in carpets with natural pile;
  • in bed linen;
  • in the upholstery of sofas, armchairs, chairs;
  • in soft toys;
  • in unused clothing;
  • in drapes and curtains;
  • on dusty bookshelves;
  • in a vacuum cleaner in a dust bag.

It has been proven that in a home where there is a lot of trash, the number of individuals in the population reaches 2 million.

How to understand that a dust mite has appeared in the apartment

Since dust mites are tiny, you won't be able to notice their presence with the naked eye. The first and main sign of a parasite appearing indoors will be how you feel.

A change in your health indicates a dust mite allergy. To diagnose it, consult an allergist. The specialist will prescribe special tests to identify the parasite.

As soon as you are sure that there is a population of dust mites in the apartment, immediately begin fighting the pest.

Which pillows do not harbor dust mites?

It is worth noting that dust mites only appear in feather pillows. If the bedding is stuffed with high-quality artificial material, and it, in turn, is replaced with a new one every 3-5 years, the parasite will not live in such a pillow.

Signs of presence in the house

We cannot see the linen mite. We feel it. When the tick population is small, our respiratory organs do not perceive the parasite, but as soon as it increases, the body reacts sensitively.

Signs of the presence of bed mites:

  • redness on the skin;
  • sneezing without a cold or other illness;
  • dry cough;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness;
  • fast fatiguability.

Redness and rash on the skin are often accompanied by fever. There are cases where an undetected allergy to linen mites led to the development of bronchial asthma.

Note! If suddenly one of your family members begins to regularly sneeze and cough for no reason, he may be allergic to bed mites.

Dust mite damage

Dust mites have a harmful effect on humans, causing skin reactions and allergic symptoms throughout the body as a whole.

Do dust mites bite?

First of all, it is worth noting that dust mites do not bite humans. Allergic skin reactions in the form of rashes, redness or eczema are usually confused with parasite bites.

Insect waste poses a health hazard. These are feces, chitinous membranes, secretory secretions. They contain protein compounds - enzymes, which, in turn, destroy the skin on which the parasites feed. At the same time, these components cause various complications when they come into contact with human skin.

Who is at risk

The most susceptible to the effects of dust mites are the elderly, children, and allergy and asthma sufferers. Always pay attention to how they are feeling and visit a doctor at the first symptoms.

Symptoms of dust mite allergy

Signs of a dust mite allergy actively appear at night. An allergy develops if you have:

  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • sneezing and itching in the nasopharynx;
  • severe runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • dry cough;
  • difficulty breathing during sleep;
  • skin reactions (redness, itching, rash or eczema).

If you have a stuffy nose at night, a cough and difficulty breathing, and the symptoms go away during the day, this is a reason to see a doctor. Most likely, you are allergic to the parasite.

Don't forget to monitor your pets' reactions. Animals can exhibit the same signs of allergies as humans. If you notice the first symptoms in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Possible allergic reactions

Dust mites are the causative agents of severe allergic reactions. Their excrement actively affects the mucous membranes of the body and causes:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • conjunctivitis and rhinoconjunctivitis;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • respiratory allergy;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

These reactions can even lead to death.

How to treat dust mite bites

Since dust mites do not bite, there is no treatment for bites. Rash and skin irritation are a sign of an allergic reaction. She is treated with special medications prescribed by an allergist. In addition, the first necessary help when skin reactions occur is wet cleaning and clearing the apartment of unnecessary trash.

How to treat a child's dust mite allergy

Just as when allergies occur in adults, the first aid against skin and other reactions in a child will be a visit to an allergist, as well as limiting contact with the allergen. To do this, general cleaning is carried out, bedding is washed, and unnecessary trash is thrown away.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. To relieve allergic reactions in children, medications prescribed by a doctor are used. These include antihistamines, nasal agents and corticosteroids, for example: Suprastin, Telfast, Aleron, Erius. Please note that medications only stop the manifestation of allergies, but do not eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

How do bed ticks bite? Do they bite?

Many people are concerned about whether mattress mites bite and, accordingly, what the bite looks like. This type of parasite does not bite and does not spread infection. This is due to the fact that the pests are too small and cannot bite through human skin.

The cushion mite causes harm in a different way, through its metabolic products. These include:

  1. Cuticle remaining after molting;
  2. Secretions produced by parasites;
  3. Feces that contain proteins that cause allergic reactions.

Those who are predisposed to allergies should be especially careful, because the parasite causes extremely unpleasant symptoms that can develop into a serious illness. That is why, if alarming signs are detected, it is worth contacting an allergist or immunologist to check for suspected tick allergies.

The rash that appears on the skin in response to the activity of the mite is confused by some with bed bug bites. In fact, bed bugs, unlike ticks, leave very specific bites: they are numerous and grouped, looking like large swellings with a pronounced red seal in the middle.

Ways to get rid of dust mites at home

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of dust mites. However, it is possible to reduce the number of individuals in the population to the maximum permissible norm. To destroy the pest, you can use both improvised methods and means, and special objects.

Reducing indoor temperature and humidity

You can get rid of dust mites by changing their favorable habitat conditions. Since the parasite is active at an air temperature of 22-26 degrees and relatively high humidity, a decrease in these indicators will lead to the death of a larger number of individuals.

Ventilate the room as often as possible, lower the temperature and humidity. Optimal indicators for stopping the vital activity of ticks, and at the same time normal human existence:

  • temperature from +18 to +21 degrees;
  • humidity level is not higher than 40%.

If you are unable to reduce the humidity level in the room, buy a special device that dehumidifies the air.

Wet cleaning

Be sure to carry out general cleaning from time to time and wet cleaning daily. Get rid of old furnishings, things that accumulate dust, worn-out mattresses and bedding. Also remove curtains, curtains, soft toys, artificial flowers. Treat horizontal surfaces and floors with water with dissolved salt (3 tablespoons per 10 l) and a few drops of essential oil.

Treating bedding with high temperatures

Change bed linen at least once every 2 weeks, and at the first manifestations of allergies - once every 7 days. Wash textiles and linen in hot water, dry naturally and iron with an iron with a steam function. You can treat furniture and large bedding using a steam generator or hot water. If you add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the steam generator liquid, the treatment effect will increase several times.

If you have been using pillows, blankets or mattresses for a long time, replace them with new ones. In this case, it is better to replace feather pillows with silicone ones, and old mattresses with orthopedic ones.

Effect of ultraviolet

Ultraviolet radiation not only kills ticks in just 2 hours of exposure, but also destroys protein bonds in enzymes contained in their metabolic products. As a result, they lose their allergenic properties. If possible, take bedding, carpets, and toys out to bask in the sun for 2–3 hours. You can also treat the affected areas in the apartment with ultraviolet light using a special lamp.


Dust mites cannot withstand low temperatures and die in just 2 hours at -5 degrees. If you have toys or bedding that can't be washed in hot water, such as silk or wool, simply freeze them. If the item is small, pack it in a bag and put it in the freezer for 3-5 hours. After freezing, shake the product thoroughly to remove as many dead specimens as possible.

For large items, such as carpets, airing outside in frosty weather is suitable. Just take the carpet outside and thoroughly “bathe” it in the snow. In this way, you can not only destroy pests, but also clean the carpet from dust and dirt.

Mattress cover against dust mites

You can prevent the proliferation and spread of dust mites in your bed with the help of a special mattress cover. It is made of hypoallergenic cotton, which prevents parasites from developing in bed and also reduces the possibility of skin reactions. You can buy an anti-mite mattress cover in a specialized store or order it online. The average cost of such a product is 1800 ₽.

Pillowcase against dust mites

A product similar to a mattress cover is a pillowcase against dust mites. Made from hypoallergenic polyester, which does not allow dust and allergens to pass through. Pillowcases come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. You can buy such a device for about 1300 ₽.

Using infusor soil

Ciliate earth or kieselguhr is made from the skeletons of single-celled aquatic organisms. The fine powder consists of tiny fossilized remains that are as sharp as a blade. They do not harm humans, however, they have a detrimental effect on small pests.

When choosing, make sure that the kieselguhr is intended for food purposes. Sprinkle the powder generously onto bedding, mattresses, pillows and blankets and leave overnight. Then remove any remaining substance from the furniture with a vacuum cleaner and wash the bed linen.

The influence of indoor plants

Houseplants both promote and slow down the development of mites. If you don't take care of your flowers and rarely dust the leaves, populations of dust mites can settle on their surfaces. At the same time, certain plants, when properly cared for, not only do not collect ticks on the surface, but also purify the air. These include:

  • gerbera;
  • geranium;
  • chlorophytum;
  • philodendron;
  • dipsis yellowish;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • ficus;
  • dracaena.

You can also place fresh bouquets of mint, lemon balm, lavender or chamomile around the apartment. Their smell repels parasitic insects.

Tea tree oil

At the first symptoms of an allergy, tea tree oil will help you feel better. Its effect significantly reduces the tick population.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of essential oil in a glass of distilled water and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Treat all surfaces that accumulate dust with the substance, and you will immediately feel better. Use this spray regularly.


Use ammonia products with extreme caution. It is better to avoid using ammonia if children or pregnant women live in the house.

Prepare a homemade insecticide based on ammonia. To do this, mix ammonia with distilled water in equal proportions and add 2-4 drops of any essential oil to the solution. Pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle and treat all objects that accumulate dust. Be extremely careful not to use treated items until the alcohol vapor has completely evaporated.

Which vacuum cleaners are better for dust mites?

Unfortunately, conventional vacuum cleaners only raise dust and do not eliminate the problem. However, it is extremely difficult to clean your apartment without a vacuum cleaner. Having a washing vacuum cleaner will be a definite plus in this matter.

In the last few years, special vacuum cleaners for exterminating dust pests have appeared on the household appliance market. The device helps reduce the population of individuals due to the built-in ultraviolet lamp and a special dust collector that does not allow even the smallest particles to pass through. The cost of such a vacuum cleaner varies between 13,000 rubles.

Of course, not everyone can buy such equipment. For a standard household vacuum cleaner to help, follow these recommendations:

  • choose a model with a hepa filter, which reduces the emission of sucked dust;
  • vacuum not only the floor, but also drapes, curtains and furniture;
  • vacuum at least 3 times a week;
  • After dry treatment, carry out wet cleaning.

Open the windows

Ventilate the room as often as possible and turn on the air conditioner. The flow of fresh air can reduce the amount of dust by 30%.

Use rugs and slippers

Lay a grate mat in front of the entrance to the apartment. This will help reduce dust entering the living space by 40%. Don’t forget to clean your door mat and slippers from dust in a timely manner.

Air filter or cleaner

An excellent solution would be to use a special air purifier. Such a device can destroy almost all possible household allergens. To make the purifier work as efficiently as possible, close all windows and doors while it is running, and also clean the filters on time.

Minimize space

Remove unnecessary items and supplies from your closet. Do not clutter the walls and shelves in the apartment with soft toys, books, or massive paintings. Sort through and throw away unnecessary junk. By removing objects that can accumulate dust, you will significantly reduce the spread of dust mites.

Steam generator

With the help of a steam generator you can get rid of mites in furniture, carpets, and curtains. To completely destroy the population, several treatments per day are sufficient, taking no more than 5 minutes. Simply fill the reservoir with water and turn on the device. The water is heated and steam is converted, leaving the device under pressure. Carefully treat all surfaces and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Ozone generator

Unfortunately, it is not mentioned anywhere that ozone can destroy ticks, so using an ozone generator in an apartment is not rational. In addition, there is an opinion that gas slows down a person’s metabolic rate and disrupts his biorhythms.

Prevention methods

Disinfection and sanitation of premises against bed mites is an extreme measure, and it is better not to resort to it. Simple measures will help prevent an increase in the population of linen mites:

  • regularly wash and vacuum children's soft toys;
  • replace feather pillows and duvets with new ones with anti-allergenic fillings;
  • replace wool carpets with cotton or synthetic ones;
  • change mattresses regularly;
  • change bed linen at least once a week;
  • ventilate the rooms, maintain the temperature in them no higher than 22 degrees;
  • clean upholstered furniture;
  • Don’t get carried away with humidifiers, mites love humidity.

If family members suddenly develop unexplained allergic symptoms, an allergist and this article will tell you how to get rid of them. Linen mites can be dealt with, and time and regular cleaning of the premises will help.

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Remedies for dust mites

In addition to available means to combat dust mites, you can use special aerosols and shampoos designed to destroy the parasite and purify the air.

Benzyl benzoate

The substance is intended for treating human skin. Apply the product to exposed skin and the ticks won't even get close to it. With similar actions, you can alleviate allergic reactions that occur upon contact with waste products of the pest. The action of Benzyl benzoate lasts for 36 hours, after which it must be washed off with water.


A product aimed at reducing allergic reactions from dust mites. Intended for oral administration under the tongue. Contains a small dose of allergen to enhance immunity. During the use of Staloral, a person's sensitivity to the pathogen decreases and disappears over time, being replaced by a normal reaction.

Easy air spray

An acaricidal drug designed to clean the air from parasites and other allergens. Presented in the form of a spray in a 1 liter bottle. The Polish manufacturer assures that after using the product, protection against dust mites lasts for at least 2 weeks. It is recommended to use Easy air immediately after wet treatment.

Spray Alergoff

The aerosol is designed to combat all kinds of allergens in the apartment. Treat bedding, upholstered furniture and carpets with the substance, and dust mites will not appear within six months.

Milbiol spray against dust mites

The product is produced in Switzerland. Presented in 250 ml bottles. If you spray the substance on all carpets, upholstery, pillows and other objects that accumulate dust, Milbiol will last for 2-3 weeks.

Preventive measures

Of course, it is easier to prevent a problem than to fight it. To reduce the risk of a massive appearance of dust mites, clean your apartment regularly, wipe horizontal surfaces and floors with a damp cloth, wash bedding and accessories on time, clean carpets and upholstery.

Additional tips:

  • Change pillows and blankets every 5 years. Give preference to synthetic rather than natural fillers.
  • Buy a hypoallergenic mattress. Ventilate it regularly in the sun or frost, clean it with a steam generator, or take it to the dry cleaner once every 12 months.
  • Don't sleep on a bed without bedding.
  • Store books in locked cabinets.
  • Ventilate your apartment daily.
  • Use air purifiers.
  • For cleaning, use washing vacuum cleaners or devices with hepa filters.
  • Do not forget to regularly wash curtains, curtains, toys, covers on chairs and sofas.
  • From time to time, inspect your apartment and throw away unnecessary trash.
  • Groom your pets regularly, bathe and brush their hair.

Following these rules will help prevent the appearance of dust mites and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Dust mites are a dangerous pest. It does not parasitize human skin, but it secretes dangerous enzymes that contribute to allergic reactions in adults and children. The main enemy of the parasite is cleanliness. With regular wet cleaning, you will not only get rid of the problem, but also prevent its occurrence, thereby reducing the risk of life-threatening allergic reactions.

Measures to combat bullet mites

To prevent this from happening, you need to get rid of parasites. Complete extermination will not be easy to achieve: animals reproduce quickly and are resistant to environmental factors. But it is necessary to organize certain measures aimed at combating them:

  1. Carry out frequent wet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter or a multifunctional cleaning system. You will deprive insects of their food supply.
  2. If possible, replace upholstered furniture with leather upholstery.
  3. Remove carpets, including synthetic ones. Or just take them out into the cold from time to time. Do the same with soft toys. Store them in closed boxes.
  4. Wipe off dust on books with a damp cloth.
  5. Store bedding in covers. Boil them and dry them in frosty weather in winter.
  6. Leave the mattress outside at sub-zero temperatures for 5-6 hours, the frost will destroy the ticks.
  7. Clean pillows using special equipment. Its loading hopper is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp. Its bactericidal properties have a detrimental effect on microscopic organisms.
  8. Use acaricides, textile treatments by spraying or washing.

Ticks are easy to eliminate if you know at what temperature they die. These organisms do not tolerate frost and ultraviolet radiation. At - 5º C, ticks die within 2 hours, at + 40º C - within 6 hours. The main condition when fighting them is clean and dry air. The less dust there is in the house and the cleaner it is, the worse it is for arthropods.

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