Insecticide Spark Gold: use against pests for plants

Growing crops in the garden is only half the battle, but protecting it from pests can sometimes become backbreaking work.
Therefore, only “Golden Spark” can be the best assistant to the farmer in such “defense”. The instructions for use of this insecticide indicate more than 60 types of dangerous insects from which the pesticide saves. It is especially effective in the fight against:

  • codling moth;
  • moth;
  • thrips;
  • scale insects;
  • whitefly;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • weevils;
  • aphids.

The toxic substance begins to act on insects within the first hour, which leads to their death. If you use special sticks (one of the release forms), they can protect your indoor plant from pests for 6-8 weeks. At the same time, Iskra for spraying is an excellent fertilizer for crops, since it contains potassium fertilizer. Therefore, it is often used in this role.

Golden spark - a remedy for pests in the garden and in the garden

It is estimated that almost a third of the total harvest is lost due to attacks by insect pests. These uninvited guests devour completely different parts of plants, depending on the species to which they belong. Some of them can feed on young shoots, others can eat the root system, and others prefer exclusively fruits.

Among the most common insects in the garden plot are aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, mites and others. Not all pests can be controlled only with folk remedies. Sometimes this gives a temporary effect, after which it is necessary to re-treat. To save time, effort, and money, experts recommend using the Golden Spark insecticide against the above-mentioned individuals.

The content of the article:

1. Iskra Golden: composition and effect of the drug 2. Forms of release 3. Effect of the drug 4. What pests it is used against 5. Instructions for using the insecticide Iskra Golden for plants 5.1 For cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers in greenhouses 5.2 For potatoes 5.3 For indoor plants 6. Analogues of the insecticide 7. Compatibility of Iskra Zolotaya with other products 8. Precautionary measures 9. How to store the product 10. Reviews on the use of the drug Iskra Zolotaya 11. Insecticide Iskra Zolotaya: description and instructions for use from the manufacturer

Spark Double Effect

The bright shiny packaging indicates that the product is used against a whole range of pests (up to 60 species). Active components:

  • permethrin;
  • cypermethrin.

Both substances from the group of pyrethroids are characterized by rapid action. In addition to them, the composition includes fertilizing (potassium) and special anti-stress components that allow you to quickly revive a damaged plant.

Gives the greatest effect against:

  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • flies and their larvae;
  • whiteflies;
  • all kinds of beetles (sawflies, leaf beetles, raspberry beetles);
  • Colorado potato beetle,
  • leaf flea beetles.

Does not work against ticks and slugs. Form of production: tablets in a package, each weighing 10 grams.

Golden spark: composition and effect of the drug

Iskra Zolotaya Vrk is one of the newest drugs that is perfectly used against many types of pests.

It is a concentrate that is highly soluble in water.
The main active substance is imidacloprid (200 g per 1 liter is enough). Hazard class of the Iskra gold product – 3 (for humans) – “moderately dangerous”. For pollinators – 1.

Photo of the drug Iskra gold

Pest control products

ISKRA Double effect
(10g tablet)
Universal tablets against insect pests successfully protect plants from more than 60 types of pests throughout Russia.


1. Versatility and fast action, allowing the tablets to be used as an “ambulance”.

2. The action is enhanced by the addition of a second active component.

3. The presence of potassium fertilizer in the composition, which allows the plant to accelerate the restoration of the damaged part. Today Iskra is the only dual-action insecticide.

4. Low cost of treatment combined with high efficiency, especially against weevils and aphids.

5. Easily dissolves in water.

The drug has been awarded many gold medals and diplomas at Russian and international exhibitions.

Spark Double effect not only protects against pests, but also feeds the plants.

Use of the drug ISKRA Double effect, tablet 10 g

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

1 tablet per 10 liters of water

1 tab. for 10 liters of water

Working solution consumption
Apple tree, pear tree, quince tree, cherry tree Flower beetle, codling moths, moths, leaf rollers, aphids

cherry fly

10 l for 1-5 trees (depending on their age)

2 l - for a young tree, 5 l - for a fruiting tree

Strawberries Weevils, leaf rollers, leaf beetles, sawflies 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 1.5 l per 10 m2
Berries Pest complex 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 1.5 l per 10 m2
Grape Leaf rollers 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 1.5 l per 10 m2
Potato Colorado potato beetle, ladybug, moth 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
cucumbers Whitefly, aphids, thrips 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 2 l per 10 m2
Tomatoes Colorado potato beetle, whitefly, aphids, thrips 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 2 l

per 10 m2

Peppers, eggplants Colorado potato beetle, aphids 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 2 l per 10 m2
Beet Gnawing cutworms 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Cabbage White moths, cutworms, moths 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Carrot Carrot fly, psyllid 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 10

per 100 m2

Polka dots Nodule weevils 1 tab. for 10 liters of water 1,5

l per
10 m2

Corn Cotton bollworm 1 tab. for 10 liters of water Up to 10 l per 100 m2
Sunflower meadow moth 1 tab. for 10 liters of water To 10

per 100 m2

Melon melon cow 1 tab. for 10 liters of water To 10

per 100 m2

Flowers and ornamental plants Aphids, thrips,



1 tab. for 10 liters of water 2

per 10 m2

(10 ml bottle, 1 and 5 ml ampoules)
ISKRA Gold is one of the latest developments in the class of drugs based on imide-cloprid, which has become the most widely used in the world: it is successfully used in 120 countries to treat more than 140 different types of crops.


1. Highly effective against a wide range of dangerous pests: the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, white flies, aphids, thrips and other insects on potatoes, vegetables, flowers and ornamental crops.

2. Long-term protective effect. After spraying, the drug is absorbed into the upper cellular layers of the leaves and spreads throughout the above-ground part of the plant. Thanks to this, the drug is not washed off by rain and when watering, it stays in plants for more than 25 days, and protects them from pests that have flown from other areas. In addition, Iskra Zolotaya protects shoots that appear after treatment.

3. Destroys insects that are resistant to other drugs. Over the twelve years of its use in the world, no pest addiction has been identified to imidacloprid.

4. Works flawlessly in hot weather, which is especially important for the southern regions.

5. When used according to instructions, it is highly safe for humans and warm-blooded animals, birds, fish, minerals, and earthworms.

Due to the high effectiveness of Iskra Zolotaya, one treatment per season is sufficient.

Use of the drug ISKRA Gold (liquid)

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle, ladybird, aphid 1 ml per 5-10 liters of water 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters
Cucumbers (protected



Greenhouse whitefly, aphids, thrips 5 ml per 10 l 2 ml per 10 l 5-10 liters per 1 sq.m. 5-10 liters per 1 sq.m.
Roses and ornamental plants Aphids, thrips,



5-10 ml per 10 liters of water 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters (depending from

number of pests)

(powder in a package of 40 g and 8 g)
ISKRA Gold in powder combines all the advantages of ISKRA Gold VRK and has a number of additional advantages.

1. The drug in powder is a special form of increased safety:

5-12 times safer than drugs from other groups (pyrethroids, organophosphates). A 40 gram package is designed to process 5 acres of potatoes.

2. Contains fertilizing, implementing the idea inherent in ISKRA Double effect: 40 g of the drug contains 1 g of additional substance, the rest is an effective supplement.

Use of the drug ISKRA Gold (powder)

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

8 g per 5-10 liters of water

Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle, ladybird, aphid 5-10

l per 1 hundred square meters

Cucumbers, tomatoes Whitefly, 40 g per 10 l 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters
aphids, thrips 16 g per 10 l 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters
Apple tree Aphids, apple honeydew 40 g per 10 l 2-5 l per tree
Roses and ornamental plants Aphids, leaf-eating insects 40-80 g per 10 l


5-10 liters per hundred square meters (depending on the number of pests)

ISKRA-M against caterpillars
(10 ml bottle, 5 ml ampoule)
Huge damage to garden crops is caused by hordes of caterpillars: codling moths, leaf rollers, sawflies, moths, cutworms and others.

To combat them, a special preparation ISKRA-M has been created for caterpillars. This drug is especially effective against pests of vegetable and fruit crops. Has a fast effect. Successfully used in greenhouses.

Application of the drug ISKRA-M against caterpillars

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Apple, pear, quince Codling moths, leaf rollers, copperheads, sawflies, mites, aphids, weevils, scale insects, false scale insects 5 ml per 5 liters of water From 2 to 5 liters per tree (depending on age and variety)
Cherry, sweet cherry, plum Codling moths, sawflies, scale insects, cherry flies, silkworms, moths, leaf beetles, moths, aphids, weevils 5 ml per 5 liters of water From 2 to 5 liters per tree (depending on age and variety)
Currants, gooseberries Leaf and shoot bud moths, gall midges, leaf rollers, aphids, sawflies, copperheads, scale insects, false scale insects 5 ml per 5 liters of water From 1 to 1.5 liters per bush
Raspberries Raspberry-strawberry weevil, raspberry beetle, mites, raspberry bud moth, aphids 5 ml per 5 liters of water Up to 2 l

for 10 bushes. Spraying before flowering and after harvest

Strawberries Sawflies, raspberry-strawberry weevil, mites 5 ml per 5 liters of water Up to 1.5 l per 10 m2
Grape Ticks, mealybug 5 ml per 5 liters of water 1

l per 10 m2

Cabbage Cabbage and turnip whites, cabbage cutworm, cabbage moth, flies, aphids, thrips, whitefly 5 ml per 5 liters of water Before 1

l per 10 m2

Open pound cucumbers and tomatoes Mites, thrips, aphids, sprout fly 5 ml per 5 liters of water Before 1

l per 10 m2

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil Mites, thrips, greenhouse whitefly, nightshade leaf miner 5 ml per 5 liters of water Up to 2 l

per 10 m2

Melon watermelon Melon fly, mites, aphids, melon ladybird 5 ml per 5 liters of water Up to 1 liter per 10 m2
Citrus Ticks, whitefly, scale insects 5 ml per 5 liters of water From 2 to 5 liters per tree (depending on age and variety)
Flower crops, ornamental shrubs Pest complex 5 ml per 5 liters of water Up to 1.5 l per 10 m2

(10 ml bottle, 5 ml ampoule)
Natural preparation for the destruction of insect pests and mites on vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops. Safe. Approved for use until harvest.

ISKRA Bio is created on the basis of avermectins, natural substances that paralyze insect pests. The drug has passed state tests and has been tested in practice in open ground and greenhouses.

1. Destroys insects and ticks that are resistant to other drugs.

2. Does not cause addiction among pests.

3. Effective in hot weather. At an air temperature of +28 °C, the effectiveness of the drug increases.

Use of the drug ISKRA Bio

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
cucumbers, Spider mite, 1 ml per 1 liter of water 10 l per 100 m2
peppers, eggplants peach, melon aphids, 8 ml per 1 liter of water
tobacco, western flower thrips 10 ml per 1 liter of water
Apple tree Spider and red fruit mites, Schlechtendahl mites, leaf rollers, moths, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 2-5 l per tree
aphids, 6 ml per 1 liter of water
codling moth, cutworms 3 ml per 1 liter of water
Currant Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 1-2 liters per bush
moths, leaf rollers, sawflies 3 ml per 1 liter of water
Roses Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 10-20 l per 100 m2
green roseate aphid, 5 ml per 1 liter of water
western floral tripe 10 ml per 1 liter of water
Cabbage Cabbage and turnip whites, cabbage scoop 4 ml per 1 liter of water 4-8 l per 100 m2
Potato Colorado potato beetle (larva) 2 ml per 1 liter of water 5-10 l per 100 m2

(bottle 10 ml, ampoules 1 ml)
This is one of the drugs based on imidaclo-pride that are most widely used in the world. Developed by Polar Link (New Zealand, UK). The new drug in composition and formulation is an analogue of Confidor. The spectrum of action and protected crops are also the same.


1. Destroys the most persistent pests - the Colorado potato beetle, whitefly,

aphids, thrips on vegetable, flower and ornamental crops.

2. Has a long-lasting protective effect. Usually one treatment is sufficient.

3. Operates flawlessly in hot weather, which is especially important for southern regions.

4. Low consumption rate on potatoes - 1 ml per hundred square meters.

5. Guaranteed effectiveness, impeccable European quality.

Use of the drug KOMANDOR

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

1 ml per 5-10 liters of water

Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado beetle, 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters
ladybug, aphid
cucumbers, Whitefly, 5 ml per 10 l 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters
tomatoes aphids, thrips 2 ml per 10 l
Roses and decorative Aphids, leaf-eating 5-10 ml per 10 liters of water Up to 5 liters per 1 hundred square meters,
plants insects (depending on the number of pests)

(bottle 10 ml, ampoule 2 ml)
Lightning is a highly effective drug against the Colorado potato beetle and a complex of pests of roses and other ornamental plants. Lightning has a pronounced “knockdown” effect. The death of insects occurs within 30 minutes. The high activity of the drug persists for 2-3 weeks. Special additives ensure resistance in the rain. Suppresses the development of spider mites. This avoids additional treatment with a specialized anti-spider mite product.


1. Visible results in just 30 minutes!

2. Cost-effectiveness - 2 ml per 1 hundred square meters of plantings.

3. Does not penetrate plants.

Lightning is one of the most effective drugs in the pyrethroid class.

Use of the drug MOLNIYA

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

2 ml per 10 l of water 2 ml per 10 l of water

Working solution consumption

Roses and other ornamental crops

Colorado potato beetle Pest complex 10

l per 100
m2 10

(bottle 10 ml, ampoule 2 ml)
One of the safest drugs. Effective against Colorado potato beetle larvae. It is distinguished by a special mechanism of action. After treatment, the larvae stop feeding and die, since Sonnet blocks their growth and development of the irx chitinous cover. The maximum effect occurs 3-5 days after using the drug and lasts for about 30 days.


1. Safety when using.

2. Early processing of potatoes provides long-term protection against pests.

3. Protects potatoes in the early stages of pest development: affects eggs and larvae.

Use of the drug SONET

Culture Insect Pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle,

potato ladybug

2 ml per 5-10 liters of water 5-10 liters per hundred square meters (depending on the size of the bush)

(bottle 10 ml, ampoule 5 ml)
Regent is one of the most effective drugs against the Colorado potato beetle for the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. The patented active component has a quick action and long-lasting protective effect. Destroys both beetles and larvae.

Use of the drug REGENT

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

5 ml per 10 liters of water

Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle, potato ladybug 5-10 liters per 1 hundred square meters

(4 ml ampoule)
Broad-spectrum biological product.

Effective in hot weather.

Use of the drug AKARIN

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Cabbage Cabbage white, turnip white, cabbage moth : 4 ml per 1

l water

4-8 per 100 m2
Potato Colorado potato beetle (larva) i

2 ml per 1 liter of water

5—Yul per 100 m2
Currant Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 1-2 liters per bush
moths, leaf rollers, sawflies 3 ml per 1 liter of water
Apple tree Herbivorous mites, leaf rollers, moths, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 2-5 liters per tree
aphids, 6 ml per 1 liter of water
codling moth, cutworms 3 ml per 1 liter of water 10 l per 100 m2
Cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants Spider mites, peach aphids, melon aphids, 1 ml per 1 liter of water 8 ml per 1 liter of water
tobacco, western floral tripe 10 ml per 1 liter of water
Roses Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 10-20 l per 100 m2
rose aphid, 5 ml per 1 liter of water
western floral tripe 10 ml per 1 liter of water

(4 ml ampoule)
Broad-spectrum biological product. Suitable for use in greenhouses and indoor plants.

Use of the drug FIToverm

culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants Spider mite, peach aphid, melon aphid 4 ml per 5 l

water 4 ml per 0.8 l of water

10 l per

100 m2

tobacco, western floral tripe 4 ml per 0.4 l of water
Flower crops Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 10 l per 100 m2
aphids, 4 ml per 1 liter of water
thrips 4 ml per 0.8 l of water
Indoor flowers Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 0.1 l for 5-10 plants
aphids, 2 ml per 0.25 l of water
. thrips 2 ml per 0.2 l of water
Currant Spider mite, 2 ml per 1 liter of water 1 liter per bush
moths, leaf rollers, sawflies 4 ml per 2.8 liters of water
Apple tree Herbivorous mites, aphids, codling moth, cutworms 4 ml per 2.8 liters of water 2-5 l per tree

(depending on

depending on variety and age)

Cabbage Potatoes Cabbage whites, turnip 4 ml per 1 liter of water whites, cabbage scoop

Colorado potato beetle 4 ml per 1 liter of water (larva)

4 liters per 1 sq.m. 4 liters per 1 sq.m.

(5 ml ampoule)
Time-tested drug.

It has been used in Russia for more than 20 years.

Use of the drug ACTELLIC

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants Whitefly, mites, aphids, thrips 30 ml per 10 liters of water 1 liter per 10 m2 - for open ground,

2 l per 10 m2 - for protected ground

Cabbage Pest complex 30 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Celery Aphids 30 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Carrot Carrot fly, psyllid 30 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Potato Colorado beetle 30 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Strawberries Moths, moths, leaf rollers, sawflies 15 ml per 10 liters of water


15 l per 100 m2
Currants, raspberries, gooseberries Aphids, gall midges, beetles 15 ml per 10 liters of water 15 l

for 10 bushes

Peach Scale insects, false scale insects 15 ml per 10 liters of water 15 l for 2-5 trees
Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

10 ml per 10 liters of water

15-20 ml per 10 liters of water

Working solution consumption
Chokeberry Ornamental crops Cherry slimy sawfly

Pest complex

15 l for 4-10 bushes 1-2 l

per 10 m2

(2 ml ampoule)
An effective preparation against pests of potatoes and ornamental plants. Prevents

development of gall mites, has low consumption rates.

Use of the drug KARATE

Culture Insect Pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle

Roses and other complex of pests of ornamental crops

2 ml per 10

l of water
ml per
10 l of water

10 l per 100 m2

10 l

per 100 m2. Spraying during the growing season

(5 ml ampoule
) Fufanon is effective mainly against sucking insects - aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, bedbugs and plant mites.

Use of the drug FUFANON

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Apple tree, pear tree, quince tree, plum tree, cherry tree Weevils, mites, scale insects, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, cherry fly TO ml


2-5 l per 1 tree
Currants, gooseberries Gall midges, aphids, scale insects, sawflies, bud moths, leaf rollers 10

ml per
10 l

1 - 1.5 l per 1 bush
Raspberries, blackberries Raspberry-strawberry weevil, raspberry beetle, aphids, bud moth, mites 10

ml per

2 l per 10 bushes
Strawberries Whitefly, spider mite, raspberry weevil, sawfly 5

ml per

5 l per 10 m2
Grape Spider mite, mealybug 10 ml

10 l

2-5 l per 1 bush
Citrus Ticks, whitefly, scale insect 10

ml per
10 l

2-5 l per 1 tree
Cabbage Whites, cutworms, aphids, moths, flies, bedbugs 10

ml per
10 l


l per

Cucumbers, peppers Spider mites, sprout flies, aphids, thrips 10

ml per
10 l


l per Yum2

Tomatoes Whitefly, aphids, spider mites 10 ml

10 l

1-3 l per 10


Watermelons, melons Melon fly, mites, melon ladybird, aphids 5

ml per


l per

Flower crops Mites, aphids, thrips 10

ml per
10 l


l per 10 m2

Roses and other shrubs Spider mites, aphids, roseate sawfly 10

ml per
10 l


l per 10 m2

(package 60 and 30 g)
Reliable, time-tested drug.

The drug does not pose a serious danger to mammals,

Approved for use on many crops, effective against insects and ticks.

It is well absorbed by soil and does not pollute groundwater. Karbofos belongs to the group of moderately toxic when used in accordance with the recommendations.

Use of the drug KARBOFOS

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Apple tree, pear tree, quince tree, plum tree, cherry tree Weevils, mites, scale insects, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, cherry fly 60

per 7-8

2-5 l per 1 tree

(depending on the variety

and age)

Apricots, peaches Codling moths, leaf rollers, 60 g per 10 aphids 2-5 l per 1 tree
Currants, gooseberries Gall midges, aphids, scale insects, sawflies, bud moths, leaf rollers 60

per 8

1 - 1.5 l per 1 bush
Raspberries, blackberries Weevil, raspberry-strawberry beetle, aphids, bud moth, mites 60

g per

1 - 1.5 l per 1 bush
Strawberries Whitefly, spider mite, weevil 60

g per

1-1.5 l per 10 m2
Grape Spider mite, mealybug 60

g per

2-5 l per 1 bush
Citrus Ticks, whitefly, scale insects 60

g per

2-5 l per 1 tree
Cabbage Whites, cutworms, aphids, moths, 60 g per 10 liters flies, bedbugs 2 l per 10 m2
Cucumbers, peppers Spider mites, sprout flies, aphids, thrips 60

g per

2 l per 10 m2
Open ground tomatoes Whitefly, aphids, spider mites 60

g per

2 l per 10 m2
Watermelons, melons Melon fly, mites, melon ladybird, aphids 60

g per

10 l per Yum2
Beet Mining flies, aphids, moths, bugs 60

g per

2 l per 10 m2
Flower crops Mites, aphids, thrips 60

g per


before and after flowering

Roses and other shrubs Spider mites, aphids, roseate sawfly 60

g per


before and after flowering

Sea ​​buckthorn Gall mites and aphids 60

g per

Spraying cuttings of seedlings and then keeping them under film for 24 hours
Serviceberry, barberry, almond, dogwood, bird cherry, chokeberry, hawthorn, honeysuckle Pest complex 60

g per

Spraying during the growing season

(2 ml ampoule, 10 ml bottle)
A popular drug from the pyrethroid group. Its advantages include low processing cost and fast action.

Use of the drug DECIS

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado beetle 2 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Apple tree Weevils, glass beetles, codling moths, aphids, leaf rollers 2 ml per 10 liters of water 2-5 l per tree
Trees and ornamental shrubs Pest complex 2 ml per 10 liters of water 2-5 l per tree

(2.5 ml ampoule)
An economical, effective product for pest control.

Use of the drug KINMIX

Culture Insect pestsDrug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado beetle 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water 10 l per 100 m2
Cabbage Cutworms, moths, white moths 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water Yul per 100 m2
Grape Leaf rollers, leaf phylloxera 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water 2-5 l per bush
Currants, gooseberries Leaf-eating and sucking insects 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water 1 - 1.5 l per bush
Apple tree, cherry cherries Leaf-eating and sucking insects 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water 2-5 l per 1 tree

CITKOR (1.5 ml ampoule)

The active ingredient of the drug is one of the most used not only in agriculture, but also in the fight against household insects. Economical.

Use of the drug CITKOR

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption Working solution consumption
Potato Colorado potato beetle, potato ladybug, moth 1,5

ml per

10 l per 100 m2
Corn Cotton bollworm, corn borer 1,5

ml per

Up to 20 l per 100 m2
Apple tree Codling moths, leaf rollers 1,5

ml per 10 l

1.5 ml per 10 l,

consumption 2-5 l per tree

Vine Leaf rollers 1,5

ml per

2-5 l per bush
Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers Whitefly, aphids, thrips 1,5

ml per

4-5 l per 10 m2
Cabbage White moths, cutworms, moths 1,5

ml per 10 l

10 l per 100 m2
Sugar beet Gnawing cutworms 1,5

ml per

Up to 10 l per 40 m2
Watermelon melon Gnawing cutworms 1,5

ml per 10 l

** 6-8 l per 40 m2
Melon melon cow 1,5

ml per 10 l

Up to 1.5 l per 40 m2
Carrot Carrot fly, psyllid 1,5

ml per 10 l

Up to 12 l per 40 m2

(5 ml ampoule)
A drug against herbivorous mites.

Destroys larvae and adult ticks. Safe for bees and other beneficial insects.

Use of the drug NEORON

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption

15-20 ml per 10 l

Working solution consumption
Apple tree, grapes Ticks 2-5 l per 1 tree

(pack of 100 and 30 g)
A powerful weapon to fight mole crickets! A unique, ready-to-use granular bait preparation on a natural basis. The bait recipe is the basis for the high effectiveness of the drug. One Medvetox granule is enough to kill the pest. The drug is also successfully used against garden ants.

Use of the drug MEDVETOX

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption
Root crops, vegetable seedlings Mole cricket, ants 20 g per 10 m2.
and flower crops Application into the soil to a depth of 35 cm in row-spacings, ridges

(granules, 30 g packet) Advantages:
1. Convenient granular formulation.

2. Long-lasting protective effect against wireworms and other soil-dwelling pests.

Use of the drug BAZUDIN

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption
Potato Wireworms 15 g per 10 m2.

Application when planting in a hole

Cabbage Cabbage fly 10 g per 10 m2.

Application to the soil surface

during the growing season

Flower crops Soil pests 15 g per 10 m2.

Application to the soil before planting

(package 10 g)
Special remedy for harmful garden ants. Increased safety of the form distinguishes Muravyin from similar products

drugs. The ready-to-use drug is very convenient - it does not need to be mixed with anything or diluted with water.

Use of the drug MURAVYIN

Culture Insect pests Drug consumption
Vegetables, berries, and flowers Garden ants 2030 at Yum2.
culture Introducing into the anthill to a depth of 2-3 cm

Updated: 2019-07-09 22:19:49

  • Treatment of worms with folk remedies
  • Treatment with leeches
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Useful and medicinal properties of wild garlic (flasks, onions)
  • Beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock (burdock, burdock)
  • Home doctor advice

Release forms

There are several forms of release.

You can choose the most convenient form of release of Iskra Zolotaya for use:

  • pills;
  • powder;
  • ampoules;
  • bottled concentrates.

Photo of the drug Iskra Zolotaya in tablets and bottles

Among the new products are Iskra Golden sticks for plants in pots. It is a mixture of base material and fertilizers. Very convenient and easy to use. The stick is placed in a pot, in the ground, just below ground level between the plant itself and the wall of the pot. The stick dissolves over time, providing complete nutrition and protection for the plant.

Advantages of the drug:

Golden spark has already been approved by most specialists in the fight against insects that harm plantings.

Photo of the drug Iskra Gold in an ampoule

It has gained popularity due to the real advantages that Iskra Zolotaya has:

  1. Long exposure period protecting the treated plant. Lasts 25 days.
  2. Easy to use as a spray. As a result of this procedure, Golden Spark is quickly absorbed through the surface of the leaves, penetrating into the cellular layers.
  3. The product spreads over the entire surface of the soil, as a result of which it is reliably stored in the soil. It does not wash out when it rains or when watering.
  4. It is capable of destroying even those insects against which most insecticides are powerless.
  5. Iskra Golden is not addictive to pests, so it can be used repeatedly.
  6. Works great and remains effective in high temperature environments. This is especially true for the southern regions.

Insecticide Confidor Drug Akarin Kinmiks
Among other things, the insecticide Iskra Zolotaya combines high efficiency against pests and absolute safety for human health and the environment (in particular, animals, fish, beneficial insects).

Brief overview of the drug Iskra Zolotaya - video

General description of the anti-aphid product Iskra

Technoexport is a company that produces insecticides with different spectrums of action. The products of this manufacturer destroy pests, strengthen plants, and help their growth. The insecticide Iskra from the Technoexport company has established itself as a high-quality product. This product, which has been on the market for more than 20 years, has gained great popularity. The entire line of Technoexport chemicals is constantly updated thanks to research in the agricultural field.

There are four different types of Iskra:

ConcentratesA solution with a high concentration of active substance. One ampoule is enough for a large treatment area.
PowdersInsecticide in powder form, used to prepare a solution. The prepared solution cannot be stored for long periods of time.
PillsProduct in tablets for preparing solutions. More convenient than powder, as you can easily use only half or a quarter.
Soil sticksProgressive remedy. The sticks are scattered on the ground near the plants, destroying pests and, in addition, being a good fertilizer. The drug is intended for indoor plants.

Attention: before using the drug Iskra, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow its points.

Iskra is a universal drug. It is designed for processing any fruit and vegetable crops. Its effect is long-lasting, treatment can be carried out once.

The insecticide is used on plants:

  • pear;
  • plum;
  • apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • currants;
  • roses;
  • cabbage;
  • raspberries;
  • greens - dill and parsley;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes and other crops.

Effect of the drug Iskra Zolotaya

The active action of Iskra Zolotaya begins after spraying, when it is absorbed through the foliage and penetrates into parts of the plants located on the surface of the earth. The drug Iskra gold works very quickly, the waiting period after treatment is insignificant. After 1 - 1.5 hours, adults and larvae stop eating. Motor activity and signs of life still remain for some time. Complete death occurs on the 2nd – 3rd day. It is worth noting that neutralization occurs within 1 – 1.5 hours after spraying.

Treatment for aphids and dilution of the drug Iskra - video

The drug Golden Spark: what pests is it used for?

The spectrum of action of the drug is quite extensive.

Golden spark helps against the following insects:

  • from whitefly;
  • sawflies;
  • lacewing;
  • scoop;
  • moths, moths;
  • silkworms;
  • whitefish;
  • codling moth;
  • leaf roller;
  • hawthorn

Pests in the garden!
Wireworm Medvedka
The Golden Spark remedy against aphids and the Colorado potato beetle has proven itself to be excellent. These are especially frequent guests in potato fields, as well as cabbage and other vegetable beds. Aphids also attack plants, including those growing at home.

Efficiency and analogues

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the type of insect against which it was used.

Thus, the Colorado potato beetle larvae will die within 20 days, and the aphid colony will be destroyed in just 2 days. Thrips will die within 24 hours after treatment.

Analogs of drugs:

  • Bio analogues – Fitoverm, Kleschevit, Akarin;
  • analogue of Iskra M - Karbofos;
  • analogue of Golden - Corado, Prestige, Biotlin;
  • analogue of Double Effect - Fufafon Nova.

Golden spark: instructions for using insecticide for plants

There is a general recommendation for using Iskra gold, how to dilute it, to treat 100 m2 of land you will need to spray only 1 ml of Iskra per 5 liters of water.

Photo table on the use of the drug Iskra Zolotaya

As a rule, there is a recommendation for preparing the solution in 2 stages:

  • dissolve the specified amount of product (1 ml) in a smaller amount of water from 1 to 2 liters;
  • After complete dissolution of the product, add the missing amount of water.

Plant treatment

The product is safe for humans and beneficial insects; it does not harm earthworms in the ground. The main active ingredient in it is imidacloprid. The Golden Spark pest repellent is used as follows.

To treat potatoes in order to get rid of aphids, ladybugs and Colorado potato beetles, you need to dilute 1 ml of the “Golden Spark” product in 5-10 liters of water. This amount of solution should be enough for 1 hundred square meters. To protect indoor cucumbers and tomatoes from thrips and aphids, you need to make a solution of 10 liters of water and 2 ml of “Golden Spark”. To destroy greenhouse whiteflies on the same crops, you need to mix 5 ml of the drug and 10 liters of water. To treat one hundred square meters, 5-10 liters of solution are needed, the exact amount depends on the number of pests.

You can protect roses and other ornamental plants from leaf-eating insects, aphids, and thrips by preparing a solution of 5-10 ml of product and 10 liters of water. The specified quantity is enough to process 1-2 acres.

Analogues of the insecticide Iskra gold

Golden spark is an effective insecticide.

Photos of instructions for use of the Iskra Zolotaya insecticide from the manufacturer

However, it also has analogues:

  • Tanarek;
  • Bison;
  • Corado;
  • Prestige;
  • Biotlin;
  • Imidor;
  • Commander
  • and others.

On a note!

Once again, it is worth recalling that the drug Iskra golden in the form of sticks was created for very busy gardeners.
This is more about prevention, which is always better: it saves time, effort, and money.

Compatibility with other tools

All types of the drug are approved for use with other insecticides, acaricides, and fungicidal groups. In tank mixtures, the exact dosage is observed and the components are thoroughly mixed.

On a note!

It is not allowed to use alkaline solutions that reduce the effectiveness of the active ingredients of Iskra.

Precautionary measures

Despite its non-toxicity and safety for humans, certain safety precautions should be observed when working with the product:

  • use all freshly prepared solution, as it cannot be stored;
  • there should be no children or pets nearby during processing;
  • the solution is prepared only in a container specially designed for this purpose, and in no case in a food container;
  • when working with the drug, wear a respirator, goggles, and gloves; The duration of treatment with Iskra Zolotaya should not exceed 3 hours;
  • do not smoke or eat food during the process.

TOP 7 best and effective remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
When the treatment is finished, thoroughly wash your hands and face, and you can rinse your mouth. Clothes that have been treated should be sent to the wash.

How to store the product

Golden Spark, like other insecticides, is stored in a specially designated place, away from medicines and food. The storage location should be protected from light and with low humidity. Acceptable temperature is from – 5 to +25 degrees.


Keep away from open flames and heat sources!

The shelf life is 3 years.

Iskra Zolotaya insecticide is an excellent product that should be in every garden plot where pest infestation occurs. It has an extensive list of actions, high efficiency and safety for humans and the environment.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug is stored in a dark and dry place, inaccessible to children and pets, at a temperature of +20 to +40 degrees. Do not store the insecticide near food, medicines, or near fire sources. Chemicals are disposed of with the packaging tightly closed. Do not bury, throw away, or burn the product near water supplies, wells and reservoirs.

Golden spark: reviews of the use of the drug against pests

Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Irkutsk region My ficus started to hurt. Most likely, I just poured it out of carelessness. The leaves began to turn yellow, in a word, they began to wither, mold and cobwebs appeared. I decided to try using Golden Spark in the form of sticks. I always like to try new products, especially since they are so easy to use. One stick was enough for me. I placed it in the pot, compacting it well so that it was not visible. I started watering less. After 3 days, the flower was transformed: it perked up, the drooping leaves perked up and became more saturated in color. I recommend you try it and spare no expense in purchasing it, because it is a very effective drug in a modern, convenient, practical form. By the way, I also treated the neighboring flowers as a preventive measure. Everything is fine: they bloom and rejoice and make me happy.

Vitaly Vladimirovich, Samara Now I always have a golden spark for fruit trees. Since she helped me eliminate the leaf roller from fruit trees. The processing is simple, the effect is not long in coming. In my opinion, even the yield has increased slightly. The quality of the fruit has definitely improved. What I like about this drug is that it does not need to look for a replacement, as was the case before when I used other insecticides. The insects got used to it, so we had to look for new ones. The golden spark does not require replacement, because it is not addictive and works like the first time every time.

Fungicides in the garden!
Strobi Fungicide Antracol Bordeaux mixture
Maria, Cheboksary I am surprised by the drug Iskra golden with its wide spectrum of action. So my friend sprays Golden Zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes with Spark, and I spray roses. Last year, aphids simply attacked my favorite garden flowers. And immediately in huge quantities. The sight was unpleasant, of course... I was confused at first and began to look for folk remedies, since I am very sensitive to my “pets.” I came across a description of the Golden Spark on the Internet in one of the forums. There were positive reviews, in particular regarding flower care. I tried it. As expected, I took 1 ml for 5 liters of water and sprayed it. A week later there were no aphids. Since then, I have always had this wonderful remedy for aphids and other rose pests (for example, spider mites) in my gardening arsenal. I recommend to everyone!

Advantages and disadvantages

The products included in the Iskra complex differ not only in their chemical composition, but also in their effectiveness on different types of insects. They are suitable for treating almost 60 species of pests living in greenhouses and open soil.

All insecticides Iskra:

  • harmless to higher living organisms;
  • do not accumulate in plant tissues and do not affect the quality of the crop;
  • kill an insect in at least 15 minutes, maximum in an hour;
  • provide reliable protection of cultivated vegetation for a month;
  • when used correctly, they do not cause resistance;
  • have a short waiting period - processed fruits can be eaten within a week;
  • are inexpensive.

Iskra Golden Vrk: description and instructions for use from the manufacturer Green Belt


Imidacloprid 200 g/l

Golden Spark is an insecticidal agent for protecting tomatoes, cucumbers, and flower crops from aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae.

Penetrates into the upper layers of leaves and provides long-term protection against pests. Due to its properties, Iskra Zolotaya is not washed off by rain. The drug works reliably in hot weather, is economical and easy to use, and has a long shelf life.

Preparation of a working solution of Iskra Zolotaya

Pour 1-2 liters of clean water into a bucket, open the bottle, measure out the required amount of the drug in accordance with the table, pour into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Bring the working solution to the required volume and mix again.

How to use Spark Gold

To get the maximum effect, spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution of Iskra Zolotoy, evenly wetting the leaves. Optimum air temperature during processing: from +12 to +25 C. When used on private farms, it should not be mixed with other drugs.

The period of safe entry into the greenhouse, including on private farms for manual work, is 1 day.

The safe period for people to enter areas treated with pesticide, including on private farms, to carry out mechanized and manual work is 3 days.

Period of protective action:

When spraying - at least 14 days.
Not selective. Speed ​​of impact:
The effect is observed several hours after treatment. Not phytoxic for plants at recommended application rates. If the regulations for use are observed, cultivated plants exhibit a fairly high level of tolerance to the drug. When alternating with insecticides from other chemical groups, the emergence of resistance is unlikely.

Recommendations for choosing the right variety

To choose the right pest control product, you first need to determine which insects have chosen the beds.

  1. Aphids are small insects, barely more than 5 mm in length. The body color of this pest depends on the plant on which the aphid has settled. Parasites live in large families. They stick around the plant in a very dense layer and destroy it, especially preferring young shoots.
  2. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease. It looks like a dense white coating; when the spores mature, drops of liquid form on the leaves.
  3. The raspberry beetle is a small insect with a body length of about 4 mm. The gray-black color allows it to hide on the ground and remain unnoticed. These insects lay larvae inside the berries, where they develop.
  4. Spider mite - the length of an adult insect reaches 0.5 mm. By the end of summer, individuals turn brown-red.

During the period of active fruiting, it is recommended to use the BIO preparation, since the fruits after treatment with this product can be collected the very next day. A concentrated insecticide is chosen when there are a large number of pests and a large area of ​​the site.

Important! Treatment should be carried out in calm, quiet, dry weather so that the effectiveness of the solution is maximum. In this case, the heat will not interfere with processing.

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