
An insecticide based on chlorpyrofos, used to kill any “household” insects. It is safe for people and pets. The product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10 and sprayed with a spray bottle. When it evaporates, microcapsules containing poison remain on the treated surfaces. The effect of a single treatment lasts for about six months.

You can buy high-quality chemicals to get rid of cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, and other pests in the online store Repellers com.ua. The online store also has a wide range of products:


*traps for moles; *traps for cockroaches; *traps for cockroaches;


*cat repellers; *marten repellers; * snake repellers;


*from fleas; *from lice; *from odors; *from mosquitoes; Agriculture *bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks; *soil ameliorants; *bacteria for soil; You can find out more information about the store on the website

https://otpugivately.com.ua/shop/preparati/klopov/sredstvo-insektitsidnoe-get, or by phone +38- (063) -941-83-00

The best cockroach treatments in 2022

Having studied the reagent market, we can determine the rating of popular cockroach repellents in 2022. There is a complete set - aerosols, gels, pencils, powders, etc. For greater effect, it is better to use several products. Particular attention should be paid to the advantages and disadvantages. Not all remedies are equally suitable for everyone. In addition, some of them have a rather high price.

Smoke bombs to kill cockroaches


The most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment today is called Exil Global paste. This is a German drug. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. Cockroach gel is applied along the “routes” of insects.

The smell of the gel attracts cockroaches, so they will definitely feast on it. Within 24 hours after contact with the product, the cockroach will begin to chop and become stupefied. Before death, an individual will have time to infect the entire population with insecticides. And this is the effect of only one, and if you treat yourself to a dozen poisons, the result will not take long to arrive. We can expect a mass extinction in about two weeks. Particularly tenacious ones will begin to crawl out to the center of the room, and there you can use your slippers.

The table of advantages and disadvantages of the product is approximately as follows:

Safe for pets and peopleCumulative action drug
Affects the entire colonyMay “burn” stains on some types of surfaces
Odorless, hypoallergenicEffective when distributed evenly throughout the apartment
Effective for a monthLots of fakes

After a month, it is advisable to repeat the procedure to ensure that the younger generation is killed. To get a guaranteed result, you need to limit cockroaches’ access to water - wipe the sink, dishes, pipes under the sink, etc. dry.

The average price of Exil Global is from 380 to 450 rubles. To avoid buying a fake, you should pay attention to the packaging - the manufacturing plant must be indicated in German.


This list cannot do without the most lethal weapon - Regent. Initially, the substance in the form of granules was developed against Colorado potato beetles, and thanks to the fipronil in the composition, it turned out to be much more effective against cockroaches and blueberries.

Cleans the apartment within two hoursExtremely toxic to animals and humans
Convenient to treat congestion areasIt is necessary to use PPE
A little contact with the insect is enoughYou cannot stay in the treated area
InexpensiveThe need for cleaning after treatment
Easy to use

The regent is diluted with water, the higher the concentration, the better. For a standard apartment in a panel house, one package is enough. The product is applied to all habitats using a spray bottle (a regular bottle with a trigger will do). It is imperative to protect your hands, eyes and respiratory organs. After treatment, it is advisable to walk outside for a couple of hours. Next, the room is well ventilated and washed.

The price in agricultural stores is about 50 rubles per package.


Another poison based on chlorpyrifos. The product in powder form is mixed with water in a ratio of 1/10 and applied to the surface. The foam contains poisonous microgranules, which insects will begin to carry on their paws and infect the entire colony. Absorbed through the shell, the product paralyzes the nervous system and respiratory tract of the cockroach.

Insects die within 24 hoursExpensive
Leaves no traceLots of fakes
Safe for pets and people
Microgranules continue to work for a year

It is often applied to carpets, where it remains effective even after a year. So the powder can be called a long-lasting product. Many people use it as a preventive measure or as an additional poison in combination with the gel.

True, Get is one of the most expensive on the list. On the manufacturer’s official website, 50 grams will cost 590 rubles.


Fipronil-based gel is produced in Russia and has also earned a place in the top for its effectiveness. Sold in syringes of different capacities. A regular 20 ml syringe is designed for 45 sq.m. Unlike analogues, thanks to the fatty components, the gel does not dry out for a long time, and the food additive attracts cockroaches.

CheapExpires after 60 days
Convenient application methodLong lasting
Provides long lasting protectionThere are fakes
Safe for animals and people

Dokhlos can also be used as a preventive measure. To do this, it is enough to treat with gel the places where cockroaches can escape from neighbors.

The price for 20 ml varies from 50 to 70 rubles.


It's time for insecticidal sprays. Once on the cockroach’s shell, the poison is absorbed into the body, and what is not absorbed becomes a portion for others. The manufacturer is the well-known company Henkel. In addition to it, you can purchase traps from the same manufacturer, thereby getting simply killer results.

Extremely effectiveExpensive
Works in hard to reach placesToxic
Easy to useRequires protective equipment

After using up the aerosol, you need to leave the room for several hours, then ventilate for at least a day.

Sold for around 300 rubles per cylinder.


The once terribly toxic cockroach repellent today has a targeted effect and does not require strong precautions. Aerosol is best used as an adjuvant. When “the rats start running away from the ship,” it’s enough to skin the fugitive and after a couple of meters he will fall dead. The only thing is that if asthmatics live in the apartment, it is better to abstain not only from Dichlorvos, but also from other aerosol products.

InexpensiveIneffective for full-blown bullying
Convenient to useGives off an unpleasant odor
Safe for people

The average price is about 60 rubles.

Boric acid

The hour of folk remedies has come. Boric acid can be found in every pharmacy, and there are plenty of recipes for the most delicious poisons for cockroaches on the Internet. Some people make balls from egg yolk, vanillin and acid, envelop the poison in mashed potatoes, and dilute it in water with sugar. Here, as they say, you need to show your imagination and your culinary abilities.

CheapToxic to animals
EfficientHave to cook
Many applicationsLong lasting effect
Can be used as prevention and protection
Can be scattered in hard-to-reach places

Boric acid is a cumulative poison. Cockroaches actively eat it, after which all organs and functions involved in reproduction occur. Plus, the poison eats away at the stomach of insects to the point of death.

100 grams will cost about 15–20 rubles. There is also a factory-made version of ready-made poison based on boric acid with the loud name “Get lost!” at a price of 80 rubles for 8 balls.


They say that if everything above turns out to be powerless, you need to use really scary means. These include the well-known Raptor. Sold in the form of a gel, spray and trap. Effective already on the second day.

Highly efficientIt spoils the coating, it is better to apply it on specially lined paper
CheapEvaporates within two months
Many application methods

The price is a compromise. One tube for 135 rubles is enough for a one-time treatment.

"Clean house"

There are worse options than Raptor. Although the option of bullying is extremely inconvenient, the result is guaranteed. Clean Home comes in strip or powder form. For 1 sq. m. either a strip is laid down, or 5 grams of powder are scattered. The product is extremely toxic, so it is better to ask for an overnight stay with friends, otherwise you may suffer along with the Prussians.

“Clean House” is good because it comes in all forms, from powders and gels to scented traps. Thanks to the low price, you can purchase the entire set and use it at the same time, leaving no chance for insects.

Gives 100% resultToxic to humans
CheapYou cannot enter the premises for 24 hours
Residual effect – month
Many release forms

Moreover, it is a cheap poison. 100 grams will cost 15 rubles.


If cockroaches do not react in any way to the above remedies, then they have developed immunity. In this case, “Fas” is suitable. Components such as cypermethrin and diazinon, plus food “temptation” are many times stronger than the nuclear bombs dropped by the Americans.

The product is constantly in service with Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations and private exterminators. Available in the form of water-soluble tablets. The solution is applied to surfaces using a spray bottle. Cockroaches eat the poison, carry it on their legs, and as a result infect the colony. True, the extinction time of the colony will be 2 weeks.

PowerfulIt takes a lot of time to build up - about a week
Easy to use
Non-toxic for pets

The price is quite affordable - 45 rubles for 35 ml of product.


A mixture of silicon dioxide and boric acid in a ratio of 3:1. It has the same effect on cockroaches of all types; insects are not able to develop immunity to it. It has an enteric-contact principle of action. The product is completely safe for humans and pets.

The smallest particles that fall on the body of a cockroach and stick to the whiskers penetrate the body through the oral cavity and microcracks in the chitin, corroding the insides and causing severe dehydration.

The powder is available in plastic bottles of various sizes. It is enough to scatter it near discovered nests of cockroaches and places potentially suitable for their habitat, as well as along travel routes.

Important! At high humidity, the Gektor mixture significantly loses its effectiveness, so it is not suitable for bathrooms.


A domestic broad-spectrum insecticide that helps get rid of not only cockroaches, but also many other flying and crawling insects. The desired effect is provided by a combination of thiamethoxam and zeta-cypermethrin.

Once inside the body or on chitinous integuments, it causes paralysis of the nervous system after several hours. The insect dies due to the inability to breathe, eat and move, having previously infected its relatives and introduced poison into the nest.

The drug is powdery, available in 10 g bags. Before use, it is diluted in water, the liquid is used for spraying. It is used economically and does not leave stains on furniture or wallpaper.

The effect of one treatment lasts for 5-6 weeks. The product is also toxic for people and pets.

Aerosol Raid

Raid is a product that allows you to quickly clear a room of cockroaches. In order to fully treat an apartment, it is enough to spray one bottle of Raid. The components that make up the insecticide have a high damaging effect. Among them, the most important are cypermethrin (a chemical compound included in the group of contact-intestinal pesticides) and imiprothrin (a synthetic pyrethroid created by analogy with the natural one).

Raid has high insecticidal activity and is effective against crawling insects that have developed immunity. Peritroids enter the body of cockroaches through the mouth or chitinous membrane and have a nerve-paralytic effect. Poisons cause hyperactivity, motor dysfunction, convulsions, paralysis and death of insects.

The aerosol form of Raid allows you to spray the toxic substance from the greatest possible distance and uniformly treat the entire area of ​​the room, or act locally, choosing the places where insects are most concentrated.


  • does not leave fingerprints on wrapped surfaces;
  • effective against cockroaches;
  • has a low cost;
  • the drug has no odor;
  • economical.


  • has a short-term effect, approximately two hours;
  • does not work against individuals at the larval stage of development;
  • disappears quickly.

Go to the store

Borium dohlox “Get lost!” No. 76

Available in different versions, used depending on the type of premises (residential or non-residential) and the degree of neglect of the problem. The described No. 76 is a yellowish gel with a strengthened formula that helps get rid of cockroaches, even if they have managed to breed in large numbers.

The main effect is provided by diazinon (neurotoxin). Auxiliary component is boric acid. The principle of action is enteric contact. Cockroaches die due to a combination of paralysis, dehydration and corrosion of internal organs. They are attracted to the gel by an attractant mixed into it.

The drug is available in soft plastic tubes or “syringes”. The thin spout ensures ease of use and dosage accuracy. This gel is non-toxic for humans and pets, but it is difficult to wash it off the treated surface. The substance dries out quickly, so you have to renew the “protection” every 2-3 days.


A German gel that helps get rid of cockroaches and ants, not only from individual individuals, but also from large colonies. The active ingredient is chlorpyrophos (acts upon direct contact), attractants attract insects to the gel. You can’t expect immediate results; cockroaches begin to die en masse after 12-15 days.

The drug is mustard-colored and is available in small tubes. For greater plasticity and ease of application, it is recommended to warm it up in your hands (7-10 minutes). The effect of a single application lasts for about a month; contact with oxygen, high humidity, and direct sunlight do not reduce the effectiveness.

The light smell of the gel is tolerated by humans and pets without problems, the substance is safe for them. It is recommended to apply it to small pieces of cardboard and plastic - it is quite difficult to wash any surface on which it dries.

Prevention of parasites

Why do cockroaches appear in our homes? There are actually many reasons, which is why it is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, since after some time after disinfection they return again.

Let's look at the most well-known reasons.

  1. Leftover food. You probably noticed that cockroaches appear mainly in the kitchen, that is, a room where there is always food and water. To avoid setting up restaurants for these insects, it is necessary to thoroughly clean after each cooking and eating. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely clean your house of crumbs, but you will significantly reduce the number of them on the table and floor.
  2. Pets. Keep an eye on your pets' feeders. They are easy prey for cockroaches because they are always visible and filled with food. Make it a habit to clean up leftovers immediately after your pet eats. Don’t forget to wipe the floor, because even a small crumb is a whole feast for a cockroach family.
  3. Trash can. Take out the trash as often as possible. And the container itself must have an airtight lid.
  4. High humidity. Cockroaches can live without food for more than a month, but without water - no more than a week. That’s why they prefer to settle where there are springs. For them, water leaks are like an oasis in the desert - constant dampness and mold, and they really like it.
  5. Cracks and crevices. No matter how you seal your living space, if your neighbors are fans of cockroach racing, then get ready for part of the team to come to you.

Cockroaches are capricious creatures; if they want to live in your apartment, they will do so. No matter how neat you are, you will not be able to remove all drops of water and the smallest crumbs of food, nor will you be able to seal all the cracks, including ventilation.

Modern cockroaches eat absolutely everything - hair, glue, soap, plastic. These are real terminators, which every year adapt to unfavorable conditions and become simply indestructible. This is the scourge of apartment buildings. They need to be poisoned centrally, throughout the entire house, not forgetting the attic and basements.

For some time you will forget about the unpleasant neighborhood, until the surviving individuals multiply in such numbers that they again become noticeable, numerous and arrogant. And you'll have to start the fight all over again.


A domestic insecticide based on fipronil (a potent neurotoxin), which helps get rid of any crawling insects, including those with multiple nests. A transparent gel with a bait flavor begins to act when it enters the stomach, paralyzing cockroaches in 2-3 days.

Preservatives provide a long-lasting effect; the gel needs to be renewed no more than once a month. It is easy to apply and comes in a convenient syringe. But insects are able to adapt to it, so it is not advisable to carry out more than two treatments in a row. Another significant disadvantage is that after drying, the gel practically cannot be washed off from any surface.

The most popular brands and manufacturers

On the market you can now find dozens of different drugs for killing cockroaches.
The TOP 5 most famous companies producing poison look like this.

  1. Raid is a brand owned by the American holding company Johnson and Son. The company has been producing household chemicals since the middle of the last century and has long been known to domestic consumers. The holding has at its disposal scientific laboratories where the latest insect repellents are developed.
  2. Dohloks is a Russian company on the market for twenty years. It specializes exclusively in cockroach repellents bearing the same name.
  3. "Raptor" is another domestic manufacturer that produces various insect control products. The quality of the products is always at its best.
  4. "Agrovit" is the creator of the famous chalk "Mashenka". Produces various household chemicals, including insecticides.
  5. Gektor is a brand that focuses its efforts on creating insect repellents that meet modern requirements for safety and effectiveness.

Combat Super Spray against crawling insects

An insecticide from South Korea, as you might guess, in aerosol form. Using a special nozzle, it is applied not only “fan-wise”, but also “pointwise”. The active ingredients are imiprotrin and cyphenothrin in high concentrations. Insects die within a few hours due to paralysis. They do not develop resistance to aerosol.

This spray is safe for people and pets and does not leave stains. However, it has a pungent odor, so during processing it is necessary to wear goggles and a respirator, then leave the room, and upon returning, ventilate it.

"Raptor" of increased efficiency

One of the newest domestic insecticides. A combination of cypermethrin, imiprothrin and piperonyl butoxide provides a literally “killing” effect for cockroaches and other insects. Upon contact with the substance, about 90% of individuals die within a few minutes, the rest die within 1.5-2 hours, having managed to infect their “relatives”.

The spray does not cause addiction in cockroaches; it even works on insects that have developed immunity to other drugs. The flexible nozzle allows you to spray it into hard-to-reach places. The premises are treated using personal protective equipment, then leave them for several hours. This drug is also toxic to humans and pets.

In most cases, a single treatment is sufficient. If the problem was very advanced, it will have to be repeated in 2-2.5 weeks.

List of the most effective drugs

As has already become clear, there are many means to combat cockroaches, ants, and others. But the question remains unanswered: which method will still be more effective - smear everything with gel, sprinkle the entire floor with powder, blow out all the cracks with an aerosol, or maybe set traps?

10 effective ways to kill cockroaches in a dorm


Crayons are one of the most popular and versatile tools. This is a reliable barrier designed to repel insects from your home. It is enough to circle the perimeter of the apartment with chalk and cockroaches will not cross it. But the barrier must be at least a centimeter wide.

In fact, cockroaches still find a loophole, so users have come up with other use cases. Chalk is simply crushed into powder, dissolved in water and all surfaces are treated with the solution.

Like other products, it contains insecticides, so it additionally works as a preventive agent, but specifically as a baiting agent it is not particularly effective. The most popular brands of crayons are “Mashenka”, “Tornado”, “Clean House”, “Domovenok” and “Proshka”.


But gels have proven to be more effective killers. The application method is also quite convenient. They are mainly produced in syringes, so after cutting a couple of notebook sheets, it is enough to apply a drop of gel to the leaves and scatter them around the apartment. The product should be applied to pieces of paper, because upon contact with some surfaces, such as linoleum or wood, faded stains remain.

The only negative is that the papers will have to be replaced after a month, since the gel wears out over time. In addition, if the remedy turns out to be ineffective, the cockroaches will develop immunity to it. This will affect the effectiveness of using other drugs. Therefore, the choice of gel must be approached extremely carefully, given the many fakes on the market.

If you managed to buy an original product, like “Global”, “Forsight”, “Brownie”, “Absolute”, “Medelis Anti-cockroach”, “Rubit”, “Raptor”, “Combat”, “Trap”, “Blockbuster”, “Maxform” "from Bayer and others, then if you follow the instructions, the effect is guaranteed.

Advice. When using the gel, an important point is the complete isolation of insects from water. It is necessary to wipe the sink and dishes dry, in general, not to allow cockroaches to find even a drop.


Products in powder form are convenient to use over large areas, pour into cracks and spread in hard-to-reach places, for example, behind a countertop, sink or toilet.

Like gels, they begin to act within 24 hours. True, after bullying there will be a huge cleaning task, but in hard-to-reach places the powder can be left for the entire time as a preventive measure, since, unlike the gel, it does not fizzle out.

Powdered poisons come in two types - those that need to be diluted in water and those that are simply scattered over surfaces. For those who do not want to disturb their comfort, the best solution is soluble powder. The next time you wash the floor, just add the product to the water. Thus, a clean floor will continue to please the family, but for cockroaches it will turn into a mined field from which they will never return alive.

The top powders with killing power are “Tiuram”, “Agita”, Boric acid, “Ecokiller”, “Frontline M”, “Phenaxin”, “Fas-Double”, “Clean House”, “Pyrethrum”, “Borax”. The soluble powder “Cyclops” has proven itself well, which has a striking effect specifically on red-haired Prussians. You can also wash floors with Karbofos or Medils Cyper; the active ingredient karbofoskinkil does not wash off for a long time and works without misfires.

Attention. Although boric acid is on the list of the best poisons, most likely some neighbors have already used it and cockroaches will have a strong immunity to it.


Capsules are a fairly new type of cockroach repellent on the market. Their method of action is quite interesting. The capsules, similar to an ordinary medicine, contain a concentrated concentrate, and the soluble shell itself is attractive due to the presence of flavorings. When a cockroach gnaws the capsule, the poison will inevitably enter the body and it will infect the entire colony.

True, they do not act instantly. You'll have to wait until the cockroaches feast on it, only then will extinction begin. Once opened, the capsules will be effective for another 4–5 months. The main advantage is no fumes, complete safety for humans.

Popular ones include Delicia, Total, Fas Double, Dupont Advion, Adamant-Tab. Some packages say “lenses”.


For those who don’t want to bother with cleaning, traps will be a lifesaver. It is enough to place Velcro in the places the cockroaches love and the result is guaranteed. Traps are usually made of cardboard or plastic. The working plate is covered with an adhesive substance, from which not a single insect can escape. To make cockroaches willingly go into the trap, there is bait inside with a tempting aroma.

However, complete destruction of the population cannot be expected. More precisely, they will not cope with advanced cases and there is no way to completely remove cockroaches with their help. But they are often used as a preventive measure. Traps under the sink and in ventilation openings, where cockroaches most often enter apartments, will bring good results. If you periodically check the traps, you can have time to eradicate the problem in the bud.

The best are “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Combat Superbyte”, “Dohloks”, “Brownie”, “Taiga”, “Clean House”.


In addition to the usual Dichlorvos, the modern market offers a bunch of aerosols. But they are not always suitable for full-fledged baiting of cockroaches. And judging by sales statistics, aerosols are not popular. When spraying poison, you have to use a mask, constantly wash your hands, work surfaces and other amenities.

Sprayers with a real effect that help get rid of cockroaches forever - “Aerosol Combat”, “Raptor”, “Argus”, “Delicia”, “Raid”, Cobra, “Fumitox”, “Gett”. When purchasing a product, it is important to read the instructions. You will also have to use protective equipment and leave the premises for a while.

Raid against crawling and flying insects

Aerosol from a brand from the USA. The spectrum of action is very wide, including not only cockroaches, but also most other flying and crawling insects.

It is a plant-based insecticide whose active ingredient is cypermethrin, obtained from chrysanthemum and Persian chamomile flowers. It is safe even for people with a tendency to allergies and diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The composition includes a flavoring agent that provides a light and unobtrusive lavender aroma.

The spray does not leave marks on the surfaces being treated and is not addictive to insects. After contact with the chitinous covering of cockroaches for 7-10 days it causes muscle paralysis and death.

To completely get rid of insects, three treatments will be required. The second - 7-8 days after the first to destroy individuals hatched from eggs. The third – after about a month to “consolidate the result.”

Why do cockroaches appear in the house?

Cockroaches are attracted to homes by the following factors:

  1. free access to food and water;
  2. an abundance of old unnecessary things where insects can find refuge;
  3. suitable temperature conditions;
  4. long delay of garbage in the bucket;
  5. scattered crumbs and cereals;
  6. a layer of fat in the space next to the stove;
  7. lack of mosquito nets and baseboards in the apartment, dried out floors and window sills with many cracks;
  8. leaving a dirty wet rag next to the sink;
  9. leakage in water supply and sewerage systems;
  10. absence of fine-mesh grilles on the ventilation system.

Before fighting cockroaches with chemicals, it is necessary to eliminate the above factors.

There are folk remedies for fighting parasites, and one of the most effective, in which you definitely can’t make mistakes when choosing – cleanliness and order in the house, maintaining a good microclimate and technical condition of the house.

Pests can enter an apartment in the following ways:

  1. from neighbors who used chemicals to kill parasites, or in search of new food sources through cracks in the walls, ventilation network, cable ducts or through-hole socket blocks;
  2. along with food purchases, especially if they are brought from the market - in modern warehouses they usually use the most effective means and regularly carry out pest control, but private traders often have large quantities of pests in their warehouses;
  3. with equipment and other things purchased on the secondary market - a used TV may contain several cockroaches, which could potentially become a large colony;
  4. through parcels - online shopping has long become a part of everyday life, but they can also bring with them individuals adapted to life, the extermination of which will require a very strong agent;
  5. on clothes and shoes - the rarest way to carry pests, but also occurs. A cockroach can easily be brought with him by one of the household members who has visited an apartment where toxic substances are not used.


It has long been a well-known remedy for cockroaches, which has received the status of “folk” and has managed to get into jokes. Looks like a regular piece of white chalk. In principle, this is a pressed mixture of chalk and gypsum with the addition of deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin.

The chalk is easily crushed and dissolves in water. The resulting powder or liquid is used to treat the habitats and movement routes of cockroaches. Individuals smeared in the substance or swallowed it die from paralysis on the 4th-5th day. Additionally, gypsum that enters the digestive system “glues” the insides together.

The product is convenient to use and safe for people and animals. However, there are also significant disadvantages, first of all - a short-term effect, high consumption and lack of results in advanced cases. You need to “draw” with chalk on a grand scale, creating long and wide stripes.

Types of means to combat cockroaches

In addition to your favorite slipper, the market offers a huge amount of chemicals and folk remedies for removing cockroaches. What’s interesting is that what friends recommend as a miracle remedy doesn’t always work in another household. Going into the biology of the action of poisons is a rather labor-intensive process, but you can study the entire arsenal of available means in a couple of minutes.

A cockroach repellent will work in 99% of cases if it contains a chemical compound such as the insecticides fipronil and chlorpyrifos. When studying the composition you need to look for these words.

The first is a kind of cockroach plague or flu. It is enough for one person to become infected and everyone will become infected, even the larvae, which usually replace dead soldiers. The second acts as a paralytic, blocking the NS and airways. The insect turns into a vegetable and eventually suffocates. You can also find carbofoskinkil, although it is rare, it also has an impressive effect.

Choosing poison for cockroaches. It is worth paying attention to the composition. If one of the insecticides is not listed in the first positions, then such a product will be ineffective.


Initially, this fipronil-based substance was created to combat the Colorado potato beetle, but the manufacturer quickly discovered a “side effect”: it is effective against cockroaches, bedbugs and fleas. The release form is water-soluble granules, the mechanism of action is enteric-contact.

The solution is used to spray all “suspicious” areas. The treatment is carried out using at least a minimum set of personal protective equipment, after which you need to leave the room for 1.5-2 hours, and then ventilate it well.

"Clean house"

If the problem is noticed at an early stage, special strips will be enough to get rid of cockroaches. In severe cases, the same insecticide is used in the form of an aerosol or powder. The product is also effective against fleas, bedbugs and flies.

The drug is very effective and cheap, but at the same time extremely toxic. The treatment is carried out in compliance with all precautions, after which you cannot remain in the room. The “residual effect” of it lasts for about a month.

Criteria for choosing an effective remedy

When choosing a cockroach repellent that is suitable specifically for your situation, you need to adhere to a number of criteria:

Price. The main thing to understand is that a truly effective drug cannot be cheap. On average, the price of an effective remedy is equal to calling the emergency services. Here, it’s up to you to decide whether to fight insects yourself or seek the help of specialists. To begin with, you should evaluate the degree of occupancy of the apartment and your capabilities, then make the right choice.

Efficiency is the most important criterion for choosing a product. Many manufacturers focus on safety, ease of use and price, but this does not mean that the product is effective. A good example, in this case, is electronic cockroach repellers, which are in great demand among consumers (no need to use chemicals, completely safe, easy to use), but they will not help get rid of insects.

Safety. There are a number of effective means that an ordinary person, without special equipment and protection, cannot use on their own. Therefore, when choosing effective drugs, it is recommended to take into account its safety for you and your household.

Validity. Before purchasing products, you need to assess the situation and understand how long it will take you to get rid of cockroaches. For some, it is important to get rid of cockroaches within a day and completely clean the room; for others, time is not critical and treatment can be done in stages. But again, we should not forget that when the apartment is heavily infested with insects, one treatment is not always enough. Only with a specific goal and a correct assessment of the situation will you be able to choose an effective remedy that is suitable for you.

Easy to use. This criterion is one of the most important for the consumer. It is much easier to purchase an effective, safe drug and “sweep” the apartment according to the instructions than to look for places where they accumulate, track their movements and lay out traps, bait and poison that pets may stumble upon.

Let's look at effective means that are suitable for self-destruction, safe and easy to use. From this list you can choose the drug that is suitable specifically for your situation.

"Boric acid"

Folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches should also not be neglected. The effectiveness of boric acid has been time-tested and proven by the experience of several generations of Soviet citizens. To kill insects, you need a substance in the form of a powder, not a liquid. It is also dangerous for pets.

To attract cockroaches to boric acid, it is mixed with something edible - mashed potatoes, boiled egg yolk, cottage cheese. You can add sugar, vanillin, cinnamon. Small balls are molded from the resulting plastic mass and placed in places where insects appear most often.

Getting into the gastrointestinal tract when swallowed, boric acid corrodes it from the inside. At the same time, it dries out the insides, causing severe dehydration. The process is slow and takes 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, the cockroach manages to infect its relatives.

Important! For the most pronounced effect of baits with boric acid, you must take care in advance to block the cockroaches' access to any sources of water.

Another folk remedy comes from

Helper Methods

An alternative to insecticides is folk remedies for cockroaches, which are attractive because they are safe for the health of households and beloved pets.

  • Ammonia. Pour a teaspoon of the drug into five liters of warm water. Wash the floors with this solution, having first removed the rugs and carpets.
  • Freezing. This method is suitable for private homes and involves turning off the heating for several days in severe frosts. Then all that remains is to remove the dead insects.
  • Bay leaf. The smell of this spice repels cockroaches, so the leaves are laid out for preventive purposes.

The smell of kerosene, which is recommended to lubricate the baseboards, repels insects. Wipe table surfaces with a slice of lemon.

Ultrasonic repellers

Ultrasonic repellers are a preventative measure against cockroaches. It is advisable to use it after killing insects with insecticides to create a reliable barrier against their penetration from neighboring apartments.


When choosing the best remedy for cockroaches, do not neglect traps - purchased and made yourself.

  • Pour 50 ml of beer into a jar. The inside walls are lubricated with Vaseline. Insects attracted by the smell will easily penetrate the container, but will not be able to get out.
  • Double-sided tape is glued to a sheet of cardboard. Put a little honey and place it under a closet or bed.

    DIY cockroach trap Author: Doki Nor.

Stores offer varieties of traps that contain sticky substrate or poisoned bait. It is recommended to install such devices in places where malicious Prussians are likely to appear. Having found them in a trap in time, you can quickly apply any strong anti-cockroach remedy.

The Kombat trap is popular. The bait contains the insecticide hydramethylion, which ensures the transfer of the toxic substance along the chain between insects. With small populations, three to four traps will lead to the complete disappearance of cockroaches.

Baking soda with onions

THE USSR. It does not work quickly, but it is effective. With its help, you can get rid of cockroaches in 6-8 weeks. The mixture is laid out in their most “favorite” places, changing every 5-7 days.

Soda is mixed with onion gruel in approximately equal proportions. The smell, despite its harshness, attracts insects. If desired, you can add vegetable oil or powdered sugar, increasing the effectiveness of the bait (about a teaspoon per tablespoon).

In individuals who swallow it, soda comes into contact with gastric juice. The chemical reaction that begins includes the release of carbon dioxide, and they die from poisoning.


Its main advantage in the fight against cockroaches is its high chlorine content. It is harmful to cockroaches not only when swallowed. It is enough for them to inhale the vapors to get severe swelling and irritation of the respiratory system, the insects die from suffocation.

The surviving individuals are urgently “evacuated” from the apartment. But after a few days they may return. To “ward off” them for good, treatments will have to be carried out for a month, 2-3 times a week.

The concentration of the solution varies from 2-3 to 8-10% and depends on the degree of neglect of the problem. They wash the floor with it and wipe all surfaces. Undiluted liquid is poured into saucers and placed next to the discovered nests. “Whiteness” has pronounced disinfecting properties, which is very important, since cockroaches are carriers of many diseases.

Causes of cockroaches

Of the five thousand species, red cockroaches appear most often near humans. These are mobile insects that are active at night. Thanks to their flat body, they hide in crevices and are almost invisible during the day.

Prussians appear in apartments for various reasons:

  • moving from a neighboring apartment;
  • carried in bags that have been standing for some time in rooms with cockroaches;
  • come with things bought at the market or secondhand.

Leftover food, garbage, water are suitable conditions for the rapid reproduction of insects. One female gives birth to an average of 40 individuals at a time. And reproduction continues throughout the year.

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