How to choose the right cage or display for a chinchilla

Chinchillas are active and inquisitive animals that absolutely cannot be left unattended. Therefore, they spend a lot of time locked in their house. And in order for the rodent to be as comfortable as possible in such conditions, it is advisable to know which cage to choose for a chinchilla, based on the interests and personal preferences of the pet. Having an idea of ​​what kind of cage a chinchilla needs, you can go to a pet store to get it, where the selection of similar products for rodents is quite large. When choosing a house for your pet, the main thing to remember is that a chinchilla cage should first of all be comfortable for the pet, and only then for its owner.

Maintenance and feeding

Soviet breeders who created the domestic version of the breed tried not only to increase the weight of the animals, but also to make them less demanding in terms of keeping and feeding conditions. Let us note that they succeeded. Farmers raising chinchilla rabbits must follow several basic rules in their care:

  • regularly clean cages and change bedding promptly;
  • provide a balanced diet, strictly adhere to the feeding schedule;
  • provide round-the-clock access to fresh drinking water (in the cold season it should be slightly heated);
  • during warm periods, shade cells from direct sunlight;
  • protect animals from drafts and strong winds.

Representatives of the breed are unpretentious to living conditions and, with proper care, can spend the winter in cages outside.
Thanks to the very thick undercoat, these rabbits can be kept in cages located outside even in frosty conditions. But to maintain productivity in such conditions, the calorie content of the animals’ daily diet will have to be increased by 20%.

Note that during commercial breeding, Soviet chinchillas are kept in mechanized rabbitries or sheds. In a private backyard, it is quite possible to use ordinary cages. But raising these animals in pits is not recommended

Their fur is highly prized and it is important to keep it clean at all times. It is almost impossible to achieve this with pitting maintenance.

Various vegetables help to diversify and enrich the diet of rabbits

When it comes to feeding these rabbits, everything is quite simple - the daily diet does not include any non-standard products. During the warm period, animals must be provided with fresh grass. Hay is recommended not only in winter, but also as a top dressing in summer. The animals eat grains, mixed feed, and fresh vegetables well. Please note that potatoes can only be offered to them boiled. The diet of chinchillas should include meat and bone or fish meal and vitamin and mineral supplements. From time to time, rabbits should be given young branches of bushes and trees.

In the following video, an experienced rabbit breeder talks about the features of keeping and advantages of the breed:

Where to put a chinchilla cage

Of course, the location where your pet's cage will be placed will depend on the size of the cage itself and how large of an area you have in the room. However, in any case, remember the most important rules.

The cage with the chinchilla should not be in a draft, stand on the floor, be in direct sunlight, or stand near electrical or gas appliances.

The safety and comfort of your pet in the future depends on compliance with these basic conditions.

Do-it-yourself housing for a chinchilla

Often breeders decide to make a chinchilla cage with their own hands.

If you have a desire to tinker, then here are a few instructions to help you. First, buy the necessary materials for the job. It is better to give preference to wood. The frame will be made of bars, lining, boards and many shelves. Chipboard or plywood are also suitable. To close the holes, you need a metal mesh.

The following tools will be useful:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • drill and wood bits;
  • stationery knife, marker;
  • metal scissors;
  • ruler.

To begin, prepare a drawing, taking into account the size of your room and the size of the desired pet house. Then start making the base, which needs to be covered with clapboard.

Next, the cage frame is built from the bars.

The bars are attached to the corners of the base using self-tapping screws or nails.

Using a metal mesh, the walls of the cage and its roof are tightened.

To make cleaning easier, we recommend making several doors on different sides.

Then you can install various shelves and place the accessories your animal needs on them.

It is best to cover the back of the cage with a sheet of plywood.

Finally, it is necessary to treat the house with a protective impregnation.

If you show your imagination, you can use old furniture and other available materials. An old cabinet is often used:

  1. The doors are removed from the furniture and the inside is repurposed for animals. Some of the shelves are cut out to allow animals to move freely.
  2. You need to cut a hole in the top of the closet and stretch the mesh so that the house is ventilated.
  3. In place of the cabinet doors, you can make frames from wood and tighten them with a metal mesh.

A do-it-yourself chinchilla display “from scratch” will require a little more time and skill.

So, you will need:

  • metal tubes for the frame, or wooden yards;
  • corners to connect parts;
  • cogs;
  • metal mesh;
  • door hinges.

Then follow the instructions step by step:

1.First you need to prepare drawings, taking into account the minimum acceptable dimensions for a chinchilla cage.
2.Next, we assemble the frame from pipes and yards, using corners for reliability, and fasten them with screws.
3.Make (internal) markings, designating areas for the animal’s life, that is, think about a place for sleeping, playing, toilet, bath, etc.
4.The mesh bottom is attached to the cage frame. For this you need a welding machine.
5.Connect the frame and walls of the house.
6.Next you need to install the door, use hinges and a lock.
7.Attach accessories inside the house.

A do-it-yourself corner display case for a chinchilla is quite popular, because it can significantly save space in your apartment. To make one, show a little imagination and dexterity, and the result will definitely please you!

Where to place a chinchilla cage

Take seriously the choice of place in the apartment where the cage with the animal will be placed. It is better not to change the location of the cage throughout the animal’s life.

Here are some tips for you:

  • the room should be dry and light;
  • direct rays of the sun should not enter the cage;
  • drafts should not be allowed;
  • the air temperature where the animal lives should not exceed +23° C.
  • the cage should not be placed next to electrical heating appliances;
  • It is not advisable to place the cage on the floor;
  • the cage should not be placed next to loud devices (equipment);
  • Since chinchillas are very active at night, you should not place the cage in the bedroom. It's better to put it in the living room.

Cleaning a chinchilla's cage or display case

It is not enough to simply make a house, choose a place for it and move your pet into it; you must also not forget about caring for your pet’s home. Once a week you need to do a general cleaning, and at this time the animal should be placed in a carrier. The house can be wiped with a wet cloth and even vacuumed. At the end of cleaning, you need to wipe the cage dry. Disinfection (if necessary) is carried out using specialized products purchased at a pet store.

What kind of cage should a chinchilla have and where should it be placed?

Chinchillas are very active animals, especially at a young age, they love to jump high, climb on different shelves, and run, so the cage must be large enough to satisfy these needs of the animals. The height of the cage is especially important; for chinchillas, the higher the better. Experts believe that the optimal cage size should be about 1 meter in height, and at least half a meter in width and length.

In general, you can place the cage anywhere in the apartment; there are no clear rules about this, but there are some notes that will help you choose the right place for the chinchilla’s house. The cage should not be in a draft, as your pet may catch a cold; a place near a radiator is also not suitable, because the maximum temperature for chinchillas to live comfortably is 26 degrees. Your bedroom would not be the best place for a cage, because these rodents are active at night, they will simply disturb your sleep.

What to pay attention to

  • Chinchillas are quiet animals and prefer to be nocturnal;
  • they are easy to train, it is advisable to try to train them;
  • care must be taken to keep their fur from getting wet. Rodents with such fur do not dry out completely, and the fur may become moldy over time;
  • the chinchilla's cage should be in a quiet place so that nothing interrupts its sleep;
  • this rodent is susceptible to stress;
  • You should not feed your chinchilla human food;
  • require children to handle animals carefully and, if possible, monitor this;
  • remember the rodent's protective reaction to stress: hair loss, biting and splashing urine.

Basic requirements for the premises

To make your chinchilla feel comfortable indoors, adhere to the basic requirements that apply to all types of cages. To ensure that the animal does not experience inconvenience, the room should be:

  • light;
  • warm;
  • dry;
  • comfortable;
  • ventilated.

Zoologists recommend buying cages with parameters no less than these: height - 70 cm, length - 50 cm and width - 50 cm.

Warning! If possible, purchase a design larger than the minimum size. Because a chinchilla, oppressed by a small space, will often be exposed to various diseases. Therefore, you need to allocate areas for games and other entertainment.

For the safety of animals, buy cages with bars located close to each other, the distance of which should not exceed 2 cm. Because the animal can poke its head through and get stuck. Many chinchilla owners use a pull-out litter box. Because it is difficult to clean a firmly fixed floor. It's easier to pull out the tray and wash it. Also, bedding made of sawdust or hay should not lie for more than seven days. Replace bedding as often as possible.

Main rules for keeping chinchillas

You should know that chinchillas practically do not shed, and if they do, it is only from fear or some kind of excitement. There is no need to wash the fur with water. Nature intended that chinchillas clean their fur with volcanic dust. At home, of course, there is no such dust, but it can be replaced with sand. It can easily be placed in a cage.

The advantage of chinchillas is that fleas and ticks do not like their thick and dense fur, which means they will not bother either the animals or you.

Chinchillas do not smell, while many other rodents require constant bedding to keep the smell from getting stronger.

Do not take chinchillas from random breeders, as no one will guarantee that the animal is healthy. The best option is to take the animal from a nursery.

What is the best home for a chinchilla?

First of all, you should decide whether the chinchilla needs a display case, or whether a spacious cage will be enough. It is not so important for your pet whether the walls are solid or made of mesh. The main thing is that it is spacious and safe inside. The conditions in the apartment play a big role in the choice.

A showcase is preferable if:

If the number of chinchillas in the house is not stable, and the owner plans to breed and sell pets, then it is more convenient to acquire a set of cages. They can be combined into a large complex, or installed separately from each other.

Popular cell types

Sand for chinchillas, composition, special attention is paid to it, since the beauty of the fur skin depends on it. The animals perform hygienic procedures in the sand, while the use of river sand, as well as quartz sand, is excluded

With sharp fragments, the material does not clean the fur, but spoils and cuts the hair.

You can check the quality of dust content in the package only after opening it; the color of the composition should be matte; any shine indicates foreign particles. If you rub them in your hands, there should be a trace left on them, like powder, when poured with liquid, the real dust will dissolve, and the heavy quartz will settle to the bottom of the container. Before arranging a swim, you need to resolve the issue of housing. Home cages are somewhat different from professional cages.

Chinchilla cage

The following designs were included in the review, the most popular among breeders:

  • Houses connected with metal rods. Similar options are presented by sales representatives; they are easy to build yourself. The advantage of such buildings is their low cost and ease of installation.
  • Manufacturers, in general, completely supply all the necessary parts; it will not be difficult for the owner to assemble the elements and not worry about further arrangement.
  • The dwellings, presented as a kind of showcase, will be needed by a livestock breeder who has decided to start a family of chinchillas. In this constructive space there are all the details necessary for future offspring. The material chosen is different, but suitable both for interior decoration, where wood is preferred, and for external structures made of metal elements.

Chinchillas have become a profitable business because of their fur. For commercial breeding, cages of other sizes and designs are needed, designed for the constant reproduction of individuals.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: DIY pig feeders

A male can serve up to 8 chinchillas, but the owner tries to keep a good sire and prefers to give him no more than 4 future mothers. The cells are arranged in cells arranged on floors, where each is intended for one family. The uteri are separated from each other by their own space, but the rodent moves freely between them through a special passage built into each combined cell wall.

What should cells be made from?

Most often, a chinchilla cage is made of metal with a galvanized mesh and a plastic tray.

Painted or varnished materials should not be used to furnish a home for rodents, especially in the form of protruding parts. There is a possibility that the animal will start gnawing on them. This will lead to poisoning of the pet with chemicals contained in the paint. And the protruding parts of the plastic cage interior can break into sharp fragments. If the animal swallows them, it may well damage the esophagus. Therefore, plastic shelves with metal edging will be safer for the animal, and also durable.

Shelves for chinchillas with a smooth surface are quite dangerous, as are mesh accessories. Therefore, all parts of the interior of a rodent’s home must have a rough surface. It is also desirable to be made from natural materials.

The cage bars should have a pitch of 20 mm. Then the animal will not be able to injure its paws and will not get out of its house.

For a female with offspring, a mesh with a mesh size of up to 1.5 cm and a wire diameter of at least 1.5 mm is suitable.

Chinchilla displays are often made of wood and plexiglass. The wooden part of the structure is safe and has a high degree of environmental friendliness. But there are also some disadvantages: wood quickly absorbs odors, and it cannot be disinfected.

Coniferous wood is not suitable for making chinchilla cage parts.

Recently, for the manufacture of display cases, plexiglass has been used, having a thickness of 6 mm, with edges treated for the safety of the animal. The frame of such a cage is made of aluminum.

A chinchilla's cage must be constantly ventilated, otherwise the animal's fur will lose its healthy appearance. And the pet itself can also get sick. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you need to check that the chinchilla display case has a special window for air circulation.


Regardless of whether the chinchilla cage is purchased ready-made or made independently, it must meet certain standards. This will provide the pet with proper living conditions in the future. Housing should not only be comfortably decorated, dry, bright, illuminated, but also have good ventilation.

In addition, several characteristics are important for the design

Minimum size

Keeping an adult chinchilla requires a lot of space: the dimensions of the cage should not be less than 50 cm in length and width and 70 cm in height. If the cage is small, the animal’s activity will decrease and it will begin to get sick more often.

To keep several individuals, the above parameters must be multiplied by the number of animals.

This size will be quite enough for the pet to have a place to rest, eat and play.

Distance between mesh bars

To protect the animal, this figure should be no more than 20 mm. Otherwise, the “fluffies” will be able to easily get out.

Free access for cleaning

To facilitate the process of cleaning the house, the presence of a retractable tray in the design, where you can pour small shavings or sawdust, will help. If you purchase a cage with a fixed floor, then cleaning it will be difficult and inconvenient.

Today, cages for chinchillas are presented in a huge assortment, and each type differs not only in size, design, but also in price. Several cage designs are best suited for keeping this type of animal.


It is made in large sizes and is intended for group breeding of pets. As a rule, such models are purchased by those who plan to professionally breed chinchillas. Showcases are made from various materials, but wooden construction is in particular demand.

A cage made of wood is considered environmentally friendly and looks attractive, but it must be additionally lined with dense material, otherwise pets will quickly gnaw through the walls of the structure. You can also make display cases from durable plywood and glass.

Box of twigs

This is a common type of cage that can be found in every pet store at an affordable price. Additionally, the boxes are equipped with houses, which allows you to save money on arranging housing for the animal. Such cages can be disassembled into separate parts, they are convenient to store and transport in bags. In addition, the boxes are easy to clean. The only drawback of such models is that products made from rods are not able to absorb sound.

DIY design

It can be multi-tiered, three-story, corner and wall. For more convenient operation, owners make structures on wheels using old cabinets and chests of drawers. The main advantage of such a house is that it can be assembled from any available material according to an individual design.

Most often, homemade structures are made from plywood, planks and glass, but their assembly requires some experience and time.


The chinchilla is an active animal that is always on the move. It is not recommended to release your pet from its cage. The external environment is fraught with dangers for exotics. Therefore, a home for a rodent should be as spacious as possible. In cramped conditions, a chinchilla is at risk of physical inactivity, which entails a whole bunch of health problems.

Veterinarians answered what the minimum cage size is acceptable for keeping a chinchilla. The dimensions of the house for one individual are 70/70/50 cm. But the larger this figure is, the happier the pet will live.

The animal tolerates loneliness well; it always has something to do in a properly equipped cage. If you're considering getting a couple of pets, keep in mind that same-sex ownership is rarely peaceful. The classic version of the neighborhood is a male and a female. But if you do not want possible hassle with offspring, choose a same-sex pair from the same litter. The minimum cage dimensions for keeping two chinchillas are 90/90/50 cm.

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Ordinary cell

In small apartments, chinchillas are most often kept in ordinary cages. It is best to choose the largest possible housing for your pet - after all, the animal will spend most of its life in it. However, if the breeder has enough time for daily communication with the animal, the chinchilla can be kept in a small house.

Lori cells

A good option for keeping one chinchilla would be the Lori cage model 5363. Its average price, depending on the region, starts from 1,400 rubles. Dimensions: 56 cm by 40 cm by 85 cm. You can install two shelves or a shelf and a house in it. There is also enough space for a feeder and drinking bowls, but the bathing area will have to be installed temporarily.

The same manufacturer has a more convenient and practical model: Lori Chinchilla 100. The price starts from 2,400 rubles. Dimensions: 108x56x94 cm. The cage is quite spacious and allows you to place inside not only a house, but also shelves and some toys. Can be used to keep a pair of chinchillas.

Waka Cells

Another good cell manufacturer is Vaca. One of the most popular models, Vaka 515, has dimensions of 515x575x660 mm, and the price starts from 3,300 rubles. It conveniently houses shelves, feeders, toys and a bathing suit. You can keep a couple of animals.

Cage Creed

If funds allow, you can purchase a cage from Kredo for chinchillas in three tiers. Its price starts from 5,000 rubles. Dimensions 65x45x93 cm. This cage is also suitable for keeping several chinchillas.

Regardless of the company and price, all ordinary cages have a plastic base with a pull-out tray and metal bars.

The main difference is the quality of metal and plastic. Which model is better depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. There is no one common and correct opinion here.

Chinchilla display

Display cages are the most preferred and convenient option for keeping a chinchilla. They are distinguished by their large size, tiered design and the ability to contain several animals in one display case at once. The size of the enclosure is determined only by the capabilities of the owner and the size of the room where it will be installed.

Most often, display enclosures are made of wood. The material is not only safe, but also noble - such a showcase will fit well into the interior of the room. However, a wooden showcase requires some care - keeping it clean is somewhat more difficult, since wood absorbs odors and moisture well. The second popular material for display cases is chipboard sheets.

A chipboard display will cost much less than a wooden one. However, when choosing sheets, you should be sure of their safety: some impregnations are very poisonous. Showcases are also made from aluminum profiles. This version of the display case will be the most expensive (from 9 thousand rubles), but will last a long time.

The latest version of the display case is made from old unnecessary cabinets and pencil cases. Many breeders prefer this option. There are several reasons for this - price, availability of material, convenience. Making a display case from an old cabinet means cutting several windows in the side walls, attaching a lock to the doors and arranging the interior space. If a breeder’s goal is to breed chinchillas, then it is better to use a display case.

How much does a chinchilla cage cost?

Italian brands

Cells from Ferplast

on the market since 1966. The company's products have high prices, but the housing meets the standards of the animals for which they are intended and has good performance characteristics. The manufacturer adheres to a comprehensive sales policy; the price of the cells also includes the necessary components.

Modest cage Ferplast Cincilla Kd

sold together with plastic shelves, drinking bowl, feeder and metal house with wooden roof. With dimensions of 80x50x80 cm, the volume is 0.32 m3, and the purchase will cost no less than 16,600 rubles. Prices for more spacious housing start at about 22,000 rubles.

Fop is not inferior in quality to its famous compatriot

The models are notable for their elegant design. The cost of a compact Fedro Natura
, with parameters 66x45x76 cm, with a volume of 0.22 m3, is approximately 6500 rubles. A similar model with a height of 121 cm will provide 0.35 m3 of free space for a chinchilla and will cost 13,500 rubles. The cages are supplied with wooden ladders and shelves, a drinking bowl and a feeding trough.

Cage Fedro Natura
House for chinchilla from Marchioro

with a volume of 0.27 m3 and equipped with the necessary furnishings costs approximately 12,000 rubles.

Marchioro cage

Imac models

notable for their functionality.
The fully furnished DOUBLE 80
includes an external house with a door and ventilation holes. The structure does not take up space in the cage and, if necessary, can serve as a carrier. Such thoughtful housing with a volume of 0.40 m3 costs about 14,000 rubles.


A manufacturer from China offers cages for chinchillas from 92 cm in height made of thick plastic and galvanized mesh. The package includes shelves and ladders. The products are similar in structure, the price range is ensured by the difference in size.

A two-door model from Kredo, equipped with wheels, three shelves and ladders, will cost 6500-7500 rubles, with dimensions 64x44x93. If necessary, housing can be divided into 2 compartments to keep pets separate.

Credo cage


The Belgian company has been producing pet products since 1999. When searching for models from this company, you need to take into account that in the catalog, rectangular models with a height and length of 80 cm or more are called cages. The manufacturer positions tall products as enclosures for chinchillas.

Most Savic designs for chinchillas have spacious doors.

The cost of a complete cage measuring 80x50x80 cm is 10,500 rubles.

Savic cage

The Royal Suite 95 enclosure with dimensions 95x63x159 cm provides 0.95 m3 of space for your pet to exercise. The cost of a spacious room is about 35,000 rubles.


The company was founded in 1983 in Spain. The equipment is more modest than that of its Italian colleagues, but there are wooden shelves. A modest model with a living area of ​​0.18 m3 from Voltrega will cost 5,000 rubles. Higher cage with parameters 70x41x106 from 15,000 rub.

Voltrega cage


The Polish company was founded in 1996. Not all cages marketed by the manufacturer as housing for chinchillas actually meet the requirements, so the product must be carefully considered before purchasing. An undeniable advantage is budget prices.

Housing with a volume of 0.46 m3 with parameters 101x58x80 cm from Inter-Zoo costs 5,600 rubles. The assortment includes both modest and more spacious models.

Inter-Zoo cage


Triol has been on the market since 2004. A wide range of prices ensures a variety of sizes. Most chinchilla models come with multiple doors. The manufacturer positions its products as silent.

The Triol brand, under a special license from Disney, produces products with images of famous cartoon characters.

A compact cage from Triol will cost 4,000 rubles. For a model with parameters 61x46x77, the stated price starts from 6,000 rubles.

Cell Triol

A rodent can live more than twenty years at home. Therefore, saving on quality is impractical. It’s better to pay for a really reliable and comfortable cage once than to return to the housing issue again a year later. You can also make the cage yourself, taking into account all the features of the interior. shinshilly/uhod-za-shinshillami/kletki-i-vitriny.html

Aviary for chinchillas or a regular cage.

Both classic cages and aviaries have their supporters and enemies. Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages, which I will try to present from my own experience.

Advantages and disadvantages of chinchilla enclosures:

  • made to order can turn out to be a beautiful piece of furniture for any interior;
  • chinchillas do not make as much noise as in a cage;
  • can be of any size and shape, even very large or with a non-standard size, adapted to the room in which it will be installed;
  • more difficult to move and carry;
  • cleaning is more difficult because you can't easily pull out the shelves to wash;
  • it is more difficult to disinfect, for example, after parasitic diseases in the herd;
  • this is often more expensive than a regular cage.

Advantages and disadvantages of a chinchilla cage:

  • the cage for chinchillas is relatively light, it is easier to transport or rearrange;
  • the shelves are not permanently fixed, so you can freely rearrange them or clean them if necessary;
  • cheaper than an aviary;
  • the galvanized mesh structure, unfortunately, makes quite a lot of noise when the chinchillas jump in the cage;
  • the dimensions are not too large, it is difficult to find a ready-made cage suitable for a large herd;
  • less aesthetically pleasing than an aviary;
  • we cannot choose the size ourselves, we must choose a ready-made model from the manufacturers’ offer

You can buy cages for chinchillas and other rodents inexpensively here:


Chinchillas are animals prone to obesity, and they need active movement just like food and water. You can make chinchillas move by building them easy-to-climb routes in the “town.”

The town includes:

  • running wheel for chinchillas;
  • shelves fixed at different levels;
  • transitions between shelves.

The variety of transitions is limited only by the imagination and skill of the chinchilla owner.

It can be:

  • suspension bridges;
  • tunnels;
  • stairs;
  • swing.

The only requirement for all these products is natural wood without paint or varnish. You can make transitions from unsanded branches of edible tree species. And change it periodically.

The role of a transition, a toy and a place to rest is simultaneously performed by a hammock for a chinchilla suspended in a display case. It is made from dense non-stretch fabric. Denim suits well. They secure it so that the chinchilla can jump into the hammock, but cannot swing it too much.

In addition to shelves and passages, the town must have a running wheel and a treadmill. The wheels are sold in pet stores and are designed for all active small animals. You need to buy a wooden or plastic one, as a metal wheel can be dangerous for a chinchilla. But you can do it yourself.

DIY chinchilla wheel

To make a wheel you will need:

  • 2 sheets of plywood with a side of at least 40 cm and a thickness of at least 1 cm;
  • up to 10 figured meter slats;
  • automobile tension bearing;
  • drill;
  • drill 12 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • 2 bolts with a diameter of 12 mm: long and short;
  • screwdriver;
  • washers for bolts;
  • nuts for bolts;
  • jigsaw

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Find the middle in the pieces of plywood and drill holes. Using a jigsaw, cut out 2 circles of 30 cm in diameter.
  2. One is left, another circle with a diameter of 25–27 cm is cut out of the other. Only a large circle will be needed from this circle.
  3. The slats are cut into pieces about 15 cm long. The size of the slats depends on the chinchilla. The animal must fit freely into the wheel.
  4. The cut slats are attached closely to the ends of the circle and the cut out circle.
  5. Put a washer on the long bolt, insert the bolt from the inside into the wheel, put on another washer and screw the structure with a nut.
  6. A hole for a bolt is drilled in the wall of the display case.
  7. The center of the bearing is aligned with the hole in the wall and the bearing is screwed in with self-tapping screws.
  8. The wheel with the bolt is inserted into the bearing and tightened with a nut from the outside of the display case.

The video shows in sufficient detail how to make a running wheel for chinchillas.


For chinchillas, this is an additional device, and it is easier to buy it in a store. There it can be sold as a treadmill for decorative hedgehogs. She looks like this.

Now the display case contains everything necessary for a happy life for chinchillas. All that remains is to figure out what a walking ball is.

Chinchilla ball

This is a device that a chinchilla should not have. The plastic ball transmits infrared rays very well and heats up from the inside. Chinchillas do not tolerate heat well. Half an hour in such a ball is enough for the animal to die.

In such a ball, some careless owners of small animals let them “walk” in the fresh air and eat the green grass that falls into the cracks of the ball. Juicy food is contraindicated for chinchillas. And the stress of a walk is much more harmful than being in a spacious display case.

Chinchilla in the house. Cage, accessories, filler, food and treats. What to choose?

An incredibly interesting and playful animal, Chinchilla, has appeared in your home? Or are you collecting information about the care, rules of keeping and feeding of the future Pet? In this case, come to us! In this article we will talk about the necessary accessories for a chinchilla, about choosing a cage for the animal, about proper care and the best food for it, based only on our experience and, of course, reviews from our customers about this or that food, accessories and much more. Everything necessary for the life and development of a Chinchilla: a cage for a chinchilla, food and treats for a chinchilla, a house, toys, a drinking bowl, a feeder, buy cage filler, a walking ball, a hay box, a bathing suit, dust for bathing chinchillas, a slicker, a nail clipper and much more, You can buy in our online store

1. Cage for a chinchilla.

How to choose the right cage for a chinchilla? The dimensions of the selected cage should be based on the number of animals that will live in the cage. If you have one Chinchilla, the dimensions should be at least 50x50 cm, if you have two rodents - at least 70x65 cm. The cage should have wooden or plastic shelves for convenient arrangement of accessories and for the Pet to play. The fastenings in the Chinchilla cage must securely fix the cage to the pallet. It is more convenient to clean a cage with a solid tray than with a sliding tray. Since the retractable one may sag and become deformed over time, or it will be more convenient for your rodent to chew on it. The distance between the rods should be no more than 2-2.5 cm. Otherwise, your Pet will be able to escape. For one Chinchilla, a Voltrega 270 cage, a Chinchilla cage for rodents, a Rudo Lux chinchilla cage or a Triol C1 rodent cage are suitable. For two Chinchillas, the ideal option would be to buy a Voltega 490 cage with one wooden shelf or a Viola Lux chinchilla cage with a size of 79*45*93 cm with three wooden shelves. You should approach the location of the cage carefully: choose a room where the air temperature in winter and summer will be from 19-21 degrees, drafts are excluded. Under no circumstances choose a place with direct sunlight, above a radiator. A bright, draft-free place with moderate temperature and good ventilation is ideal for a Chinchilla.

2. Checkered litter for Chinchilla.

Which filler is better? Newspapers, paper, napkins are not a very good option. Since they do not fulfill their main function as a filler, odor retention and good liquid absorption. Wood shavings or compressed wood pellets work well (the pellets should be medium in size, so that the Chinchilla’s paws can easily walk). The price of wood filler and sawdust is low. Another of the cage fillers is corn! Hypoallergenic filler, soft, lightweight, comfortable for rodent paws. One of the most popular corn fillers is Benek.

3. What accessories are needed for a Chinchilla cage?

Drinking bowl.

It could be glass, it could be plastic. The best option is a drip shelf, volume of at least 250 ml.


One of the options is a hanging feeder for birds and rodents from Trixie, the second option is a ceramic feeder, it should be heavy so that the Chinchilla cannot turn it over, the third option is a wooden feeder. Volume from 250 ml.


This cage accessory is a metal feeder that is attached to the outside of the cage, on its bars. You can put hay, tree branches or treats in it. It can be mounted on rods or suspended in a cage in the form of a ball. This year's new product is a canopy made of natural wood without varnish or treatment! You can buy hay for a Chinchilla cage in our online store


– this is exactly the place where your animal will rest. Some Chinchilla breeders recommend wooden houses, some soft hammocks for rodents. Here the choice is yours.

Running wheel.

Choose a metal wheel with a frequent weave, it will be safer for the rodent’s paws. A good option, but at a higher price, is a wooden wheel; in addition to the fact that the Chinchilla will run in it, it can also be chewed and is safe for health). You can buy a wheel for a chinchilla in our store.

Nail clipper
or scissors for trimming claws

or a comb to comb out excess hair. This accessory is not required, but recommended. Not necessary since you will only use it a few times.

Bathing bag
and dust for bathing Chinchillas .
You should choose a medium size swimsuit, 35x23x15 cm. The version from the famous Trixie brand is ideal for a chinchilla. Choose sand for bathing Chinchillas from the Polish company Pucek.


or a rodent tray. Here the opinions of breeders are divided. Some say that this is pampering and there is no need to buy it, others, on the contrary, recommend that when purchasing a Chinchilla and a cage for it, you buy a toilet tray for training to go to the toilet in a certain place, and not throughout the cage. Based on personal experience, if you bought a cub, then it makes sense to accustom him to this tray, this will simplify and speed up the cleaning process and reduce the cost of litter. But if you were given an adult animal as a gift, or you bought a Chinchilla over a year old, the likelihood that you will train it to the tray is low.


The chinchilla is a nocturnal animal; the highest activity begins in the evening. To develop and strengthen muscles, he needs to run actively. To make it interesting for him to play, there are toys for Chinchillas made of wood: a dumbbell, a ball with a bell, hanging wooden toys with a stone for sharpening teeth, there are also toys made of hay in the form of radishes and carrots.

walking ball.

This accessory is necessary for Chinchilla. During periods of activity, which is in the evening, it will be fun to give your pet the opportunity to run around in a ball throughout the apartment. It has special holes for oxygen supply. It is convenient and practical. Choose the size of the walking ball according to the size of the rodent. At least 18 cm. The Mini Twistertoy walking ball from the Spanish brand is suitable for your Chinchilla.


necessary for transporting a rodent in a car, on a train, or just for a trip to the veterinarian. You can buy a carrier for a chinchilla in our store

Walking harness.

If you go out with your Chinchilla for street walks, you will need a harness with a leash. The chinchilla is a timid type, so any squeak or bark from a dog can greatly frighten it and it can run away. A harness is needed to control the rodent. An excellent option for a harness with a Trixie leash. They are sold in different colors, both with a fabric insert and simple thin nylon harnesses.

4. Diet for Chinchilla.
Which food and treat to choose?
A detailed article about food and treats is being prepared and you will be able to read it very soon!

5. Cleaning the Chinchilla's cage.

Every week it is necessary to do a light cleaning of the rodent’s cage, that is, replace the filler and rinse the drinking bowl. General cleaning must be done once a month, that is, after transplanting the Chinchilla into another cage or jar, remove all accessories from the cage, rinse them under hot running water, wipe dry, treat the cage and rods with a special product Odor Eliminator for Birds and Rodents 2in1 Mr Fresh or Amstrel "Odor control" eliminates odors, stains and marks for birds and rodents. Under no circumstances use soap solutions, shampoos or powders to wash the cage!

You can get a full consultation and buy checkered accessories for your Chinchilla by calling us or writing to Viber +375333777556. The managers of our online store will be happy to share their experience and select an option that you will like and suit your Pet!

How to set up a chinchilla cage

With shelves alone, the animal will feel uncomfortable. Chinchillas are good jumpers, but they are far from squirrels. Therefore, it will be necessary to make transitions between the shelves. In addition, as nocturnal animals, chinchillas need shelter where they can sleep during the day. First of all, animals need a home.

Making a house

The appearance of the house depends solely on the imagination and skill of the chinchilla owner. The main requirement is that it must be the right size. In a shelter that is too spacious, the animal will feel discomfort, and in a shelter that is too small, it will feel cramped. The simplest version of the house is in the photo below. This is a wooden box with a cut-out entrance.

A more complex version of a large house for a large chinchilla also provides the possibility of attaching a wooden hemp treat to the house.

Otherwise, the owner’s imagination is not limited. You can make houses on several floors, with several entrances, or decorate them with carvings.

Bathing suit

Chinchillas love to swim in the sand, so a bathing suit is also one of the essential items for animals, as is a feeder and drinking bowl. Bathing suits can be bought at a pet store, but they are also easy to make with your own hands.

Hay manger

The feeder is used for feeding grain concentrates and various dried fruits to animals. There should be a separate place for hay. You can make miniature mangers of a classic shape.

They can be made from wire or wooden sticks.

Important! Do not use hay balls intended for decorative rabbits. Although the animals are often equal in size, the rabbit is not adapted to fit into very narrow crevices

What is safe for rabbits may pose a threat to the life of a chinchilla. In the photo below, the chinchilla just got into the rabbit hay ball and can’t get out of it on her own.

Although the animals are often equal in size, the rabbit is not adapted to fit into very narrow crevices. What is safe for rabbits may pose a threat to the life of a chinchilla. In the photo below, the chinchilla just got into the rabbit hay ball and cannot get out of it on her own.

Feeder, water bowl, manger, house, tray and bathing bowl - the display case now has everything a chinchilla needs, except for a small town for physical activity.

Attributes for a cell

Any cage of a domestic rodent must have the necessary attributes in the form of a feeder and drinking bowl . But in the case of chinchillas, their list should be somewhat wider. Now about each in more detail.

Drinking bowl

The drinking bowl from which the animal will drink should only a drip bowl.

The fact is that this little rodent loves water very much, but at the same time he should not get his face, paws and fur coat wet.

Therefore, the drinking bowl should be a small flask with a metal tube and a ball at the end. The flask itself should be made of glass, since the chinchilla readily gnaws on plastic models.


It is important that the feeder is stable , because chinchillas are very active animals and can easily turn over all the objects in the cage.

The material of the feeder should be ceramic or metal, and the fastening should be very stable, so that the entire structure will be quite heavy and strong, and the animal, which is playful by nature, will not be able to topple it. Here, again, you should exclude the installation of plastic models, since the chinchilla will willingly chew on it.

House for chinchilla

A prerequisite for keeping such an animal is a house in which it will hide and sleep. It must be a wooden dwelling, fastened with nails or special glue. The chinchilla sleeps in the house during the daytime (yes, chinchillas are nocturnal animals), and at night crawls out of it to stay awake.

You can build such a house with your own hands using ordinary plywood, but you need to remember that it will need to be periodically replaced with a new one, since a small animal will periodically gnaw holes in it. The cage should have one house for each individual.


A hammock for a chinchilla can serve instead of a house, since these animals really like to sleep in such unique beds. Hammocks are also quickly sewn; they use fleece or denim fabric, which is folded in two layers.

At the four corners of such fabric, 4 holes are made, into which metal chains are threaded. Then the hammock is attached inside the cage using these chains. By the way, chinchillas often prefer hammocks to houses.


Chinchilla does not like water and never washes its coat in it. In its natural environment, it bathes in volcanic dust, but at home it requires special sand made from the mineral zeolite . This sand also contains some wood ash, medical sulfur and talc.

For bathing you will need a special bath, similar to a round container with a hole. The same special sand is poured into this bath (you can only buy it at a pet store), then the animal climbs into this structure and begins to perform bath procedures in a very original way. Watching a chinchilla bathe in the sand is very entertaining: it lies down on the sand and begins to spin around in it at incredible speed, thus cleaning its beautiful coat.

Attention! Ordinary river sand is not suitable for chinchillas to bathe! Because of it, the valuable fur coat of this animal will lose its beauty and shine.

It is important to remember that the bathtub should not be in the cage around the clock: it is placed for a chinchilla for a maximum of half an hour and then removed. If you forget the bath in the cage, the animal will definitely make a mess there and go to the toilet in the sand.

Other paraphernalia: teeth sharpeners, toys, shelves

We must not forget that a chinchilla is primarily a rodent, so it urgently needs a teeth sharpener. To do this, you can use very hard pumice or buy a special stone at a pet store. By the way, it is there that you can buy not simple stones for sharpening the animal’s incisors, but specially enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Since chinchillas are very playful and active, they simply need a running wheel in their cage. It should be made of any material, but it is worth remembering that metal structures begin to emit an unpleasant creak over time, and since chinchillas are nocturnal animals, the owners are unlikely to be able to get enough sleep if their animal decides to engage in physical activity on the wheel after a nap.

It is recommended to place the wheel in a cage where only one animal lives. If there are two chinchillas, then sooner or later they will start fighting for the right to ride in it. If a chinchilla is cramped in a cage, you can purchase a special walking ball for her (or him), in which she can move freely around the apartment. In the cage you can hang special wooden shelves along which the animal will move. In addition, these charming rodents are very fond of various tunnels and ladders.

Cages for professional breeding of chinchillas

Some keep animals for sale. Special cage designs are suitable for professional keeping. They take into account the large number of residents and the ratio of chinchillas of different sexes. For each male, 4–8 females are taken. The most common option is 1:4.

For professionals, a large cage (block) often consists of 16 compartments. It turns out to be four floors. Each has the same number of cells with a passage for the male. Professional breeders make sections of approximately 50 by 38 by 40 cm.

Then each cell is arranged as a separate cell. They set up their own feeders, drinking bowls and everything else. Someone makes large display cases for chinchillas with their own hands and houses many individuals there.

Construction of a cell

I highlight several reasons for building a cage with my own hands:

There is nothing complicated in the construction of a chinchilla cage; the diagram of the parts is simple and clear at first glance at the photo. Let’s look at the important nuances of construction that need to be taken into account for a comfortable life for animals and humans.

The main advantage of building a chinchilla cage with your own hands is the ability to create a house of the right size and configuration for your beloved pet.


Basic requirements for cages for chinchillas

For normal well-being and development, animals need suitable conditions. The following requirements for cells are distinguished:

Sufficient size. In an ordinary apartment, it is advisable to increase the dimensions to at least 50 by 50 by 70 cm for one chinchilla. It is recommended to add more space for the play area. These sizes are multiplied by the number of animals. If there are more than three, you need to think about another cell

The size of the home is important for the movement and health of pets. When choosing a regular metal cage, pay attention to the distance between the rods. It should not be more than 2 cm

Otherwise, the chinchillas try to get free and get damaged. Small animals run away. The home should be warm and dry. Good ventilation and light are important. If the floor is made in the form of a retractable tray, it is easier to wash it and fill it with sawdust. Sometimes they are specially modified. Strength of any structural detail. Flimsy meshes, glass, etc. lead to injuries and escapes of pets.

Instructions for making a chinchilla cage at home with your own hands

So, before you start making the cage, you need to decide on the material. Plastic, chipboard or DVD will not work. Dirty wood infected with fungi is also not suitable. Artificial materials are also unsuitable for making cages for animals such as chinchillas. When making a cage, pay attention to various small items, such as bolts, nuts, and so on. They must be securely fastened. They are small in size, which means that animals can easily swallow them, which is very bad.

So, the cell itself, or rather its frame, is made of aluminum. The side walls are made of metal mesh, and the pallet is made of steel sheets. Other materials are used for finishing inside the cage.

Once the structure is ready, you can fill the bottom with sawdust or straw for the chinchilla’s comfort. They will have to be changed daily, but in parts, and every week - completely.

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