How to care for a decorative rabbit and how to trim its claws correctly

If you brush your rabbit's fur regularly and properly care for it, grooming is not required. But if dead hairs accumulate on the body, fall into tangles and harden, then grooming the rabbit will be the only way to alleviate the animal’s suffering and prevent skin diseases. Let's find out how to properly cut a rabbit's hair, and when this procedure can be avoided.

How often should you trim your rabbit's nails?

On average, it is recommended to trim once every 1.5-2 months. It is best to use the length of your rabbit's nails as a guide when examining. The clicking sound of your pet's claws on the linoleum or wooden floor may indicate that it's time to trim.

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Are decorative rabbits sheared?

Why does a rabbit need a haircut?

Like any pet with fur, a rabbit needs to be brushed regularly to get rid of excess hair and clean the fur of small dirt.

Removing the fur is necessary if the eared cat has already formed abundant and hard tangles. To prevent the formation of tangles, you can use cosmetic zoosprays, which are applied to the fur coat immediately after combing. The spray acts on the principle of a balm - it prevents hair from tangling and matting.

Rabbits should not be washed if they have mats. After bathing, even more of them will form, and then you will have no choice but to cut off all the hair or take your pet to the groomer.

Bathing is a last resort if the rabbit is very dirty. But usually long-eared animals keep their coats clean on their own.

Grooming will be relevant for those rabbits that participate in exhibitions. For these animals, special methods are used to maintain the beauty of their coat. Some use special shampoos, lotions and other products, while others roll the wool on paper or curlers to stand out with graceful curls.

How should you care for a rabbit's fur?

Any rabbit needs to be looked after, even if it has very short fur. It is enough to comb it with a special comb at least once a week.

Long-haired comrades require more attention and time. They need to be brushed every day or at least every other day.

If you decide to rid your rabbit of its fluffy wealth, you need to do it extremely carefully. Any hygienic manipulations are a great stress for the eared one. Therefore, it will be much better if one of the family members joins you.

As is the case with dogs and cats, rabbits also need to be taught grooming from early childhood. If the baby is familiar with a comb, scissors, trimmer and tangle cutters, then as an adult he will not experience wild horror from the procedures.

How is a haircut done?

It is advisable to have the rabbit cut by a professional groomer who has the skills and all the necessary tools. But if you don’t have the opportunity to take your pet to a specialist, you can trim your eared cat on your own.

Attention! Be very careful with the rabbit's belly - there are two rows of small nipples that can be damaged very easily. Many owners do not completely cut off the fur from the belly, but only shorten it a little.

To trim your rabbit, follow these instructions:

  • Start the haircut procedure with combing. Use a brush to remove excess hair.
  • Place the animal on your lap or on the floor. It is advisable to have someone hold it. Start cutting your rabbit from the back in narrow strips, gradually working your way to the sides.
  • Trim very carefully, because rabbits have delicate skin, and any sudden movement can cause severe pain in your pet.
  • The hair on the head and ears is usually left untouched, but you can shorten it a little. The main thing is to be careful and make sure that the rabbit does not jerk and hurt itself.
  • It is important to hold the rabbit's limbs and head while clipping. But if the big-eared one panics greatly, kicks and even screams, it is better to let him go and continue the procedure after a while, or entrust this matter to a professional.

Do not forget that rabbits should be clipped only as a last resort, and not just for the sake of it. Any manipulation will be stressful for the animal and may not end very well. If possible, it is better not to touch the rabbit’s fur at all - just comb it with a brush.

Poor quality wool (dullness, fragility, bald spots, dandruff, frequent formation of tangles, sores, etc.) is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

How to keep your rabbit's fur in good condition?

Much depends on the owner and his conscientiousness:

  • It is necessary to clean the rabbit's habitat on time. If he spends most of his time in a cage or enclosure, you need to clean it regularly. Remains of food and hay, scattered dirty litter, spilled water and rabbit “peas” - all this can stick to the fur and spoil it. Ushastik will look at least unpresentable if his house is dirty.
  • Cut off tangles in a timely manner. Of course, it is easier to prevent the formation of mats than to fight them. But if they do appear, under no circumstances pull them with a comb, trying to untangle them - this will cause pain to the rabbit. The mats need to be cut off with a mat cutter either yourself or in the groomer's office.
  • Don't wash your rabbit in vain. Washing is not a priority for a rabbit, as it is for a dog. Rabbits are great at keeping their coats clean themselves. You only need to wash the animal if it is very dirty and the situation cannot be corrected without water.
  • Nutrition is also important. The rabbit should have a rich and balanced diet, including greens, vegetables, and sometimes fruits as a treat. If you feed your rabbit cheap and low-quality food, this will affect not only its appearance, but also its well-being.

For any difficulties, contact a specialist. If the appearance of your pet’s coat leaves much to be desired, there is no need to give up on it - be sure to make an appointment with a veterinarian or groomer. Experts will tell you why a rabbit may have problems with its fur and how to properly care for it.

How your long-eared friend will look and feel depends largely on you. Don't let him down!

Sign up for rabbit grooming.

You can make an appointment at the salon at a time convenient for you. From our consultants you can order a rabbit haircut at home at any time convenient for you.

Competent and friendly managers will answer all your questions by phone:

1. Grooming a rabbit in a pet salon. Metro Marksistskaya, Ryazansky Prospekt, Aviamotornaya, Rimskaya, Ilyich Square, Taganskaya, Avtozavodskaya, Kalitniki station:

3. Call a specialist to your home, 8 499 723 10 45 at any time convenient for you and to any district of Moscow and the Moscow Region.

You can check prices by phone and on our website in the prices section Sincerely, Pet salon salon Baluti.

If your pet is covered in tangles and there is no way to comb it, bring your pet to us for grooming.


How to determine gender

In order not to miss when buying a rabbit or baby rabbit, you need to follow several rules for determining sex. These principles vary somewhat depending on the sex of the individual. For example, it is impossible to detect sexual characteristics in an animal that has not reached 30 days of age. With decorative breeds everything is a little more complicated due to their small size, you will have to be more careful. By the way, outwardly females at an early age are much larger and have a more rounded body shape, while males are angular.

The situation is easiest with adult rabbits. To determine the sex, grab the animal by the withers with one hand and sit it on its tail with its hind legs up. Using your free hand, smoothly stretch the skin between the hind legs, placing your thumb just above the reproductive organs and your index finger below the anus. The female's genital slit is located very close to the anus, while in males the organs are located a little further. The boy will also be given testicles; the testes are not covered with fur and are located at a short distance from each other. Read about keeping and caring for the decorative breed Lop-Eared Rabbit here.

Rabbits aged 2 to 3 months can be distinguished by the distance between the anise and the genitals. In boys it is much larger than in females.

Features of care

Keeping decorative breeds is much more difficult than keeping ordinary rabbits. These are very gentle creatures that require constant veterinary supervision, attention and care. Their diet should be balanced and include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Vitamins and minerals are very important for these little ones, which you can pick up at any pet store. In addition to the usual procedures, such as feeding, cleaning the cage and providing clean water, they should be regularly allowed to run outside their designated area. You also need to take care of the condition of the fur and claws. All this needs to be done correctly. Read about the black-brown breed of rabbits at this link.

Do I need to wash it and how to do it correctly?

The fur of any fur-bearing animal is capable of self-cleaning, and frequent water procedures can worsen its condition, lead to temperature imbalance and disrupt sweating cycles. Therefore, bathing rabbits is not recommended at all. The exception is situations when the fur is heavily dirty (dirt can cause skin diseases). In such cases, you need to act according to a strictly defined plan. You will need a small bowl of warm water, a few soft towels and your pet's favorite treat. Do not resort to chemical shampoos and other means, this will harm the animal.

  1. Warm the water to a temperature of 35-40 degrees (in colder temperatures, the rabbit can catch a cold, and decorative breeds are almost impossible to treat).
  2. Fill the basin so that only the rabbit's paws are submerged in the water.
  3. Before bathing, give the animal a treat and pet it to calm it down.
  4. Place the animal in the water and gradually water it with water (it is better if you prepare another container with warm water from which to water the animal). Do not use the shower under any circumstances.
  5. Wipe particularly dirty areas most thoroughly ; you can use a sponge and a soft brush.
  6. After the fur is cleaned , remove the rabbit from the water and sit it on a towel, and wrap it with another. Once the towels are wet, wrap the animal in more. Continue until the animal is completely dry.
  7. While drying, give your pet a treat to calm him down.

Rabbit grooming care

Rabbit haircut in Baluti salon

Timely grooming of rabbits saves them from heat and the formation of tangles, especially for decorative breeds. Grooming rabbits is simply a necessary hygienic procedure that makes caring for the animal easier. Specialists at the Baluti pet salon will bathe, cut, comb out tangles, detangle hair (fur), trim claws, clean ears, care for eyes and glands.

Grooming, combing, washing, cutting a rabbit.

1. Do rabbits need to have their fur trimmed?

If the wool is matted. Anyone who wants to trim a pig or rabbit for hygienic reasons can do so. But only the fur of decorative, fluffy pigs requires special care.

Rabbits and wool. To cut or not?

Is it possible to cut a furry rabbit's hair?

Of course you can. But this only applies to furry breeds. You understand that it is very difficult to trim a normal-haired rabbit, and without experience it is completely impossible. Fluffy rabbits have always been trimmed in agriculture, so what's stopping you from trimming a fluffy dwarf rabbit?

If you are caring for your furry bunny, be sure to prepare for the fact that your little one will have to get a haircut this summer. Or if these are other seasons, then the reason for the haircut may be not only heatstroke, but tangles. Mats are very harmful and pose a danger to all animals. Remove mats from rabbits in a timely manner.

Grooming will help your rabbit quickly get rid of tangles and make it easier to care for in the future.

By the way! If a rabbit marks a lot, it needs a hygienic groin trim. ==========

Why does a rabbit need a haircut?

Grooming a rabbit is necessary only if the animal develops tangles that cause discomfort and can provoke the development of dermatitis. Matted dead hairs tighten the skin and cause itching. The animal tries to get rid of them and often itches. As a result, scratches appear in which pathogenic microflora quickly develops.

However, experts note that after cutting, rabbit fur grows back slowly and unevenly. This is explained by the fact that hair is cut at the same time: both young and already finished growing.

An alternative to cutting is plucking. This procedure not only rids the rabbit of excess hair and fluff, but also increases blood flow to the upper layers of the skin. This stimulates growth and improves the appearance of the coat.

Important! Plucking is an ineffective method in the presence of formed tangles.


  1. Decorative rabbits of the Hermelin, Angora and other breeds are very popular among pet lovers, but you need to remember that they need careful care and attention.
  2. You can find out the gender of the rabbit from the seller , but it is better to make sure for yourself who is in front of you, a boy or a girl.
  3. In addition to simple maintenance (feeding, supplying water, cleaning the cage), decorative rabbits must have their claws trimmed. But it is not recommended to bathe him unless necessary.
  4. The rabbit gradually gets used to your hands; there is no need to force your closeness on him.
  5. Aggression in rabbits is always provoked by something . If your rabbit bites, you need to wean him off it patiently and gradually. The main condition is a calm environment.
  6. Rabbits will cause you problems with an unpleasant odor only due to their own ill health. The rabbit will not stink if properly cared for.

What should the end result be?

This is what the final result looks like:

So, in the end result we see that the rabbit's claws do not extend beyond the fur.

If you are cutting a rabbit's claws for the first time, it is better to cut it a little smaller at first so that the claws come out from under the fur. This way you will not hurt the rabbit and over time you will learn to trim the claws yourself.

Remember, nail trimming is stressful for a rabbit. Therefore, when you finish trimming your rabbit’s claws, be sure to pamper him with a treat so that he will quickly forget the insult.

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Required Tools

For everyday care of rabbit fur, massage mittens, combs and combs of varying thickness are used. For long-haired breeds, you should choose tools with sparse teeth. This will allow you to carefully comb the fur from head to tail without damaging the skin.

If there are tangles that are just beginning to form, they can be sorted out with your fingers or plucked out. Large tangles must be cut off with sharp-edged scissors or a tangle cutter.

The procedure should be completed by combing the wool using a slicker brush. It is best to choose a model with protective balls at the ends of the teeth.

Interesting! To improve blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, you should comb the fur several times against the growth of hairs, and at the end of the procedure, smooth them again from head to tail.

Professional grooming is carried out using a special rabbit clipper. To carry out this procedure, you must have the appropriate knowledge and skills. Therefore, during the hot season, it is worth visiting a beauty salon for animals once a month or calling a specialist to your home.

For short-haired breeds, you can use a massage brush and comb, and during the shedding period, a furminator.

What to do if it bites

Decorative rabbits are generally very peaceful and get along well with humans. Sometimes Toddlers can still be aggressive. The cause is most often fear, and in males it can be caused by sexual arousal during sexual activity. In any case, you must show that biting is bad. To begin with, do not provoke the animal into such actions. Try not to take him out of the cage without his consent and do not squeeze, scream or make noise near the animal. If the bite does occur, then immediately after that shout at the rabbit, you can repeat “you can’t” several times. It is effective to slightly press the rabbit's head to the floor to show your dominance in the house. Do not scold the rabbit for longer than necessary; punishment can only be carried out at the moment of the offense.

If aggression is caused by the mating period and ordinary educational measures do not help, then it is worth consulting with a specialist about castration and sterilization.

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