Eastern horoscope Sheep - characteristics. Year of the Sheep.

Eastern horoscope > Year of the Goat

All people born in the year of the Goat have a rich imagination and a wide variety of talents. They are artistic, cultured and courteous. Most of them have a delicate taste, an understanding of harmony in colors and shapes.

Year of the Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039.

Sheep Years Table

1931January 23, 1931 – February 10, 1932WhiteMetal
1943February 10, 1943 – January 29, 1944BlackWater
1955January 28, 1955 – February 14, 1956BlueTree
1967February 14, 1967 – February 2, 1968RedFire
1979February 2, 1979 – January 21, 1980YellowEarth
1991February 18, 1991 – February 6, 1992WhiteMetal
2003January 29, 2003 – February 15, 2004BlackWater
2015February 14, 2015 – February 2, 2016BlueTree
2027February 2, 2027 – January 22, 2028RedFire

Character traits

The characteristics of the Sheep introduces its positive and negative qualities, reveals the features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Positive. The Sheep is one of the most peaceful and good-natured signs of the eastern horoscope. She is the ideal life partner. With her kindness and gentleness, the Sheep easily wins the hearts of those around her.

Characteristic positive features:

  • non-conflict: Sheep does not like quarrels; ready to give in and give up her point of view, just so that there is no conflict; she is having a hard time with the already occurring discord in the relationship, she comes to reconcile first, even if she is not to blame;
  • sociability: often becomes the center of the company due to his easy-going, pleasant character, non-conflict nature and excellent sense of humor;
  • kindness: The Sheep cannot stand other people's tears and always strives to help a loved one; often follows the lead of others who take advantage of it;
  • hospitality: ready to gather friends at home for any reason, treat them to something tasty and entertain them with interesting stories;
  • romance: she likes to organize romantic dates and pamper her other half with pleasant little things.

Negative. A quiet and meek character makes the Sheep a good friend and life partner. At the same time, these same qualities make her lack independence and give in to life’s difficulties.

Negative sides:

  • passivity: Sheep does not like to solve problematic issues, so it often follows the lead of circumstances; It’s best when there is a person next to her “with a core” who helps her cope with life’s difficulties, consoles her and leads her;
  • impracticality: spends money easily; often waste does not correspond to income, and the Sheep “gets” into debt; often buys beautiful and unnecessary things;
  • unpredictable emotionality: can hide his feelings for a long time; as a result, emotions break out at the most unexpected moment; willful and can, if desired, “show horns”;
  • suggestibility: Sheep often falls under the influence of active religious and political figures; at the same time, she tries to instill the point of view imposed on her into those around her.

Characteristics of the Goat

What brings good luck:

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 7 and numbers containing them
  • Lucky days: 7th and 30th of the Chinese lunar month
  • Lucky colors: brown, red and purple
  • Lucky flowers: carnation and primrose
  • Lucky direction: north

What brings failure:

  • Unlucky colors: green, blue and black. The Goat should avoid these colors when choosing clothes and accessories.
  • Unlucky numbers: 4 and 9
  • Unlucky direction: southwest
  • Unlucky months: 3rd, 6th and 10th months of the Chinese lunar calendar. Don't plan important events during these months.

Before us is a sign distinguished by a great interest in music, art and any form of creativity. This is a modest, calm and world-contemplating person who prefers a rather secluded lifestyle. The Goat behaves shyly and modestly, trying to hide its feelings. She doesn’t try to push people away, but she doesn’t try to be the first to open up.

A Goat will take the initiative in love only if it is 100% confident in its other half. Sometimes self-doubt develops into increased criticism of others. This is a person of habit who painfully tolerates novelty and any changes.

The Goat is comfortable creating a small world in which everything develops according to routine. Loves to complain about life and often exaggerates. Characteristics of the sign by date of birth include a high level of intelligence and fine mental organization. Strives for luxury and appreciates a beautiful interior. This is a rational practitioner who surrounds himself with a small group of faithful like-minded people.

Positive character traits

This is a wonderful family man who rarely shows feelings, but always does it sincerely. The Goat speaks little, but clearly and to the point. In romantic terms, it sets you up for a long and happy relationship. But in the professional field, he is sometimes on the sidelines, because the sign is replaced by more active and enterprising representatives of the horoscope.

The Goat needs to feel safe, comfortable and protected from external pressure. Only in the right conditions can a person develop to his full potential and realize his inner potential. Attracts people due to generosity and responsiveness.

Negative character traits

But there are character traits that repel others. We are talking about a manifestation of passivity, indecisiveness and lack of will, which is why the sign is often forced to shepherd those in the rear on the career ladder. The Goat limits its social circle due to pessimism. Sometimes such a person worries about trifles and does not make efforts to change the situation. These are talented people who remain invisible due to inaction.

In the year of the Goat, zodiac signs need to focus on self-development and creative realization. You can set up a family home and continue the family line. The eastern horoscope calls for savings and accumulation. It is very good if you have several sources of income, since due to the crisis you will have to say goodbye not only to your income, but also to some of your acquaintances.

The Goat, Pig and Monkey will be lucky to have a favorable year. Also, everything is going well for the Rat, Dragon, Horse, Rabbit and Snake. But the Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Ox need to be careful.

Famous people

The year of OKose became the date of birth for Christopher Columbus, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Michelangelo, Andy Warhol, Bruce Willis, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Honoré de Balzac, Muhammad Ali and Kevin Costner.

Love and relationships

The sheep is the ideal partner. She chooses a strong personality as her companion, whom she loves unconditionally and pleases in everything. She usually meets her soulmate through third parties, for which she has been grateful to them for a long time. She herself never shows attention first and waits to be noticed.

At home, the Sheep creates a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. Does not tolerate conflicts and always tries to resolve unpleasant situations as quickly as possible.

Since childhood, she has been accustomed to patronage. She tries to bring to life the scenario of relationships in her family, which she rarely succeeds. If the Sheep makes a mistake in choosing a partner, and a weak person is nearby, she still remains with him, although she suffers all her life.

Be more proactive in love. Don’t be afraid to be the first to invite them on a date, call your significant other and demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions. By being shy and indecisive, you risk missing out on opportunities that you will regret.

Characteristics of the Goat by elements

Type of Goat (Sheep)Year of birthCharacteristic
Wooden Goat (Sheep)1955, 2015Friendly, gentle and compassionate
Fire Goat (Sheep)1907, 1967, 2027Friendly, frank and honest, always maintaining cleanliness and order
Earth Goat (Sheep)1919, 1979, 2039Fair, honest, straightforward, will never harm their friends
Gold/Metal Goat (Sheep)1931, 1991Ambitious and kind, very responsible in their work; can be too stubborn
Water Goat (Sheep)1943, 2003Always ready to help others, can sacrifice their interests for the sake of others

Year of the Red Fire Goat (Sheep)

This is a wise, passionate and versatile sign. He is distinguished by a high level of energy, modesty and ability to behave in society. This is an amazing person in romantic terms, as he can be both tender and passionate. And a slight haze of shyness preserves the mystery. The goat reveals itself precisely in love.

Year of the Yellow Earth Goat (Sheep)

It is distinguished by predictable behavior, reliability, stability, passivity and practicality. Essentially, he is a devoted person who is ideal for marriage. People are drawn to the sign because the Sheep knows how to support and give competent advice.

This is a person with a heart of gold. Of course, pedantry is repulsive, but its advantages include frugality and neatness, which are useful in everyday life. She lacks the desire for impulsiveness, but knows how to enjoy simple pleasures.

Year of the White Metal Goat (Sheep)

Among all representatives of the Goat sign, this is the most sociable. There is still secrecy, isolation and shyness, but such people know how to overcome this and build harmonious relationships with society. The White Goat easily becomes the life of the party, eschews strictness in order and does not like restrictions.

This is a creative person who enjoys the events around him. Curiosity and curiosity allow you to achieve high intellectual development. Goats often make travelers or psychologists. Such a person strives for freedom in all its manifestations, but loves his own home and remains faithful to his partner.

Year of the Black (blue) Water Goat

This is the most mysterious representative of the Goat sign. The soul is filled with secrets, and such a person will never reveal other people's secrets. Sometimes he behaves irrationally, because he cannot understand why he acts this way and not otherwise. The Black Goat does not want to be the center of the Universe, because it prefers to secretly manipulate others without attracting attention to itself.

This is an emotional and devoted person who gradually reveals new facets of his own personality to his other half. There is no selfishness in the Goat, so marriage of convenience is extremely rare. He does not like to take responsibility and will take any opportunity to throw problems onto someone else's shoulders.

Year of the Green Wooden Goat (Sheep)

Here we have a homebody who doesn’t like being in a noisy crowd or hosting large groups of friends. For the Green Goat, it is extremely important to keep the boundaries of the internal space intact. He knows how to act as a leader in any team and is not afraid to take responsibility. This is a wonderful life partner, acting as a reliable support for a partner.

Family and marriage

For those born in the year of the Sheep, a family is a cozy haven that protects them from life’s adversities. They value marriage and do everything to smooth out rough edges. They are helpless in the face of financial problems, which is why the lion's share of responsibility falls on their life partner. Their house is always clean and filled with the aroma of delicious food. They tend to get hung up on everyday life, which is why life with them turns into a routine. Jealous and touchy.

Saturate your family life with bright colors. Travel with your significant other, attend social events more often, and find time for intimate solitude. No matter how hard you try, homework cannot be changed.

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The life potential of these people is at an average level. They rarely get sick, but if this happens, they take a long time to restore their strength. The most vulnerable are the lungs, thyroid gland, liver and reproductive system. Health problems are compensated by a correct lifestyle. They don’t smoke, drink alcohol in moderation, and stick to a diet. They don't know how to deal with stress. Often suffer from depression and nervous breakdown.

Learn to remain calm, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Try meditation, yoga, cycling or swimming. Regular physical activity and spiritual practices will increase your resistance to stress.

Horoscopes based on zodiac sign

To better understand how exactly the year of the Water Tiger will go for the Goat, it is necessary to consider the influence of different zodiac signs:

  1. Horoscope for 2022 for Aries: a successful and pleasant year is expected, there will be no problems with money. But you will have the opportunity to fulfill your old dream and make a large purchase. Luck is on the side of Aries-Goats.
  2. Horoscope for 2022 for Taurus: growth in finances, strengthening of position and self-worth in the eyes of others. Taurus-Goats are planning a successful year for new business acquaintances, changing jobs and finding business partners. Any changes will change your life for the better. There will be a white streak in February, and you need to take advantage of it.
  3. Horoscope for 2022 for Gemini: not the most successful year, as there is a risk of losing an important and expensive thing. On top of everything else, the money situation will worsen: expenses will increase, but income will not increase.
  4. Horoscope for 2022 for Cancer: throughout the year you will feel moral pressure from close people and relatives. Romantic relationships will worsen, the loved one will no longer be like himself, passion and romance will disappear.
  5. Horoscope for 2022 for Leo: there will be an opportunity to improve your financial situation, enlist the support of colleagues, bosses and business partners. A good year for quitting, starting your own business or any creative work. There will be a strengthening of influence among your friends.
  6. Horoscope for 2022 for Virgo: you should not expect any drastic changes for the better from this year. Virgo-Goats will have to immerse themselves in routine, be constantly in touch and solve important business issues. But your health will not let you down.
  7. Horoscope for 2022 for Libra: an ambiguous year. On the one hand, any business communication will quickly bring tangible results, financial success in business, and a promotion at work. But in your personal life a lot of problems and omissions will arise, old grievances will accumulate that will not give you peace.
  8. Horoscope for 2022 for Scorpio: an unstable year that will add a lot of fears and self-doubts. Scorpio-Goats will develop a strong, burning lack of confidence in themselves and their choices. And this applies to both work and personal life. A long period of self-reflection is expected.
  9. Horoscope for 2022 for Sagittarius: this year Sagittarius-Goats need to take from life everything that it presents. A good period for work and romantic relationships, there will be an opportunity to earn good money and go on a long journey, get a lot of positive emotions.
  10. Horoscope for 2022 for Capricorn: the year will bring a lot of good news, and all of them are related to work. A promotion and increase in salary are expected, there will be an opportunity to open your own business and quickly achieve self-sufficiency. And you will need to take advantage of this fortune.
  11. Horoscope for 2022 for Aquarius: you will have to completely immerse yourself in work and routine, and there will be no time left for creativity. The financial situation also leaves much to be desired.
  12. Horoscope for 2022 for Pisces: any trips and travels will be successful and will allow Pisces-Goats to reconsider their views on many things in life, and also be inspired for new achievements. Spiritual search will allow you to get to know yourself better and avoid a lot of conflicts with loved ones.

In any case, 2022 will be a successful year for most Goats of different zodiac signs.

In the most crisis moments (which will happen to some), any travel and travel will be very helpful. They will help you relax and restore peace of mind.

Additional information on the topic:

Eastern horoscope for Snakes for 2022 - what to expect from the Water Tiger

Eastern horoscope for 2022 for the Monkey - what to expect from the year of the Water Tiger

Eastern horoscope for Horse for 2022 - what to expect in love, money, career and health in the year of the Water Tiger

Career and profession

The sheep is an excellent performer. She does her job well only under clear guidance. She herself is not able to organize and plan the work process, so she rarely moves up the career ladder.

Its distinctive feature is the establishment of relationships in the team. She is able to defuse the situation, prevent conflicts and sympathize at the right time. This makes her a favorite among her colleagues.

Recommended professions. Sheep are suitable for areas with minimal responsibility and a creative streak. She can become a good musician, photographer, artist, actor, writer.

Areas of success

The most natural and predictable professions that suit Sheep the most are acting, writing and others traditionally classified as creative. In particular, Sheep are predisposed to be excellent musicians and extraordinarily talented artists and architects.

But, besides this, many conscientious and more prosaically minded Sheep find themselves in administration, engineering, and the construction industry. It is in these areas that they manage to realize themselves better than in others. But especially responsible positions that require constant self-control, or positions that require strict outside control, are best avoided by Sheep. Let's say, it is quite difficult for such people to sit through 8 working hours every day in a bank under the “gaze” of security cameras.

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