What are the benefits of modern microencapsulated bedbug preparations?

On the shelves of stores selling household chemicals you can often find microencapsulated preparations for bedbugs. What are they? These are ordinary insecticides, only made in the form of microscopic capsules.

The capsules contain an active substance made from synthetic and natural materials, which destroys pests. Such artillery takes up a lot of space on display cases. The principles of their use and effectiveness will be discussed further.

How to remove using folk remedies?

Traditional methods against house bugs:

  • Too low or high temperatures. Temperature conditions from 10 °C to 20 °C and from 30 °C to 35 °C cause discomfort in parasites. They are not harmful to bedbugs, but they do prevent their reproduction;
  • Bright light. Parasites are mainly nocturnal, because they are afraid of bright light and try to hide in a secluded corner during the day;
  • Aromas of some field plants. Due to their excellent sense of smell, bedbugs cannot tolerate strong odors. The main “enemies” of bloodsuckers are wormwood and tansy. Due to their repellent effect, herbal bouquets and infusions from them are used as prophylaxis, since herbal aromas are not able to destroy bedbugs;
  • Perfumery. The sharper the perfume aroma, the more unpleasant it is for parasites;
  • Chemicals. All chemicals have a pungent odor that repels bloodsuckers, but does not kill them. Vinegar, acetone, kerosene, and turpentine are used as preventive measures for disinsection of premises.

The best folk methods against bedbugs

If there are few colonies in a house or apartment, you can stop the growth and partially get rid of parasites using traditional methods. All of them are based on the acutely developed sense of smell of blood-sucking insects. If there is a highly concentrated odor in the house, they cannot find a food source - human blood and migrate.

Can be used:

  • a solution of 9% vinegar, combined in equal parts with water;
  • a mixture of turpentine, camphor oil, kerosene, taken in equal parts;
  • fragrant herbs: wormwood, tansy, mint to repel. They are laid out around the apartment in fresh or dried form, where parasites are most likely to nest. This method is effective as long as the aroma of the herbs remains;
  • solutions of water and essential oils of geranium, clove, lavender, lemongrass.

Popular rumor ascribes miraculous properties to tea tree oil and other strong-smelling substances that repel bedbugs, however, disinfection specialists are skeptical about homemade preparations. They consider only insecticide eradication to be effective.

A popular way to protect yourself from a visit from an overnight guest is to spray yourself with cologne at night. The “alien” smell will confuse them and will not allow them to find the person.

Lethal Weapon Lambda Zone

This is a modern super remedy against blood-sucking insects. It was developed and produced in South Korea. To prepare it using special equipment, lambda-cyhalothrin is placed into a nanotube with a concentration of 2.5%. Microencapsulated suspension Lambda Zone has many advantages over other insecticidal agents:

  1. Already in the first day it destroys the parasite population.
  2. Has no smell.
  3. For two to six months it protects the house from the appearance of new insects.
  4. Does not leave stains or streaks on surfaces. The product is water-based, so it does not damage fabrics, furniture, wallpaper and other things.
  5. In the active state, the suspension is completely safe. After it dries, an invisible film that is harmless to humans and animals remains.

To use the drug Lambda Zone you must:

  • Dilute 10 ml of product in one liter of water;
  • pour the solution into a spray bottle;
  • put on gloves, a respirator and a gown;
  • apply to furniture, beds, floors, baseboards and other surfaces where bedbugs may live;
  • Each corner needs to be treated, so the product will have to be diluted several times:
  • keep the room with the windows closed for half an hour;
  • ventilate the apartment well.

Do not treat clothing, children's toys, or bedding with the solution.

The incubation period for bedbugs is 7–14 days, so small transparent parasites may appear for about two weeks after treatment with Lambda Zone.

Stages of competent processing

Whatever method of extermination you choose, you need to make a baiting plan and stick to it. Experts recommend proceeding in this order:

  • at the preparation stage, seal dishes and food products hermetically or remove them from the premises;
  • insects are susceptible to temperature changes, so heat treatment is necessary. Wash all textile items in a washing machine at a temperature of plus 60 degrees Celsius;
  • blankets, bedding, clothes, soft toys that cannot be washed should be dry cleaned or treated with a low-toxic, gentle chemical;
  • remove carpets, wall panels, paintings, move bedroom furniture away from the walls, and, if possible, disassemble them;
  • prepare selected toxic agents for use. Act strictly according to the instructions, work in a protective mask and gloves;
  • carry out the treatment with the windows and doors closed;
  • observe the time interval recommended for the effective effect of the drug;
  • After it expires, ventilate the room and perform wet cleaning.

The need for repeated disinfestation is determined by the residual effect of drugs or traditional methods of control used, with the help of observations. If the signs of the appearance of bloodsuckers have disappeared, there are no traces of their vital activity, a single disinfestation is enough.

The principle of action of microencapsulated drugs

The drug that kills bedbugs is an insecticide that is placed in a capsule. The capsule itself is made of water-soluble material or polymer film. Gradually, the insecticide reaches the surface of the capsule, and upon contact with harmful insects, it infects them. This subsequently leads to the death of insects.

Sometimes, by stepping on the capsules, bedbugs crush them. But, due to the fact that the weight of bedbugs is small, this rarely happens. As for bedbug larvae, this is completely impossible. Therefore, you should not expect that bedbugs will disappear on the second day after disinfecting the room. It takes at least 10 days for the insecticide to reach the surface of the capsule.

How to prevent re-infection?

Taking preventive measures against linen and furniture parasites is easier than getting rid of a large colony. Consider the following recommendations for prevention:

  • Avoid purchasing used furniture, old mattresses, and bedding from dubious retail outlets. Insects can live in them;
  • after arriving from a business trip or vacation, treat the bags with an exterminator, wash the items and treat the seams;
  • carefully monitor the condition of baseboards, ventilation and sewer shafts. Carry out cosmetic repairs regularly, seal cracks and cracks with sealant;
  • do not collect a lot of dirty laundry;
  • If you belong to the category of social and medical workers and visit other people's apartments due to your occupation, avoid direct contact with things, do not sit on a bed or sofa. At the end of the working day, wash or steam clean your service uniform.

After choosing a drug for self-disinfestation, carefully read the instructions and, if necessary, after the specified period, re-treat to exterminate the entire population.

Xulate C25

This liquid product consists of several active ingredients: cypermethrin (10%), tetramine (2.2%) and piperonyl butoxide (10%). A 30 ml bottle is enough to spray the drug in a room of up to 40 square meters. meters. The anti-bedbug product Xulat is transparent, and therefore there are no traces or smudges left after it. Very soon after application, the drug begins to infect insects, and the residual effect lasts up to 6 months. The solution is mixed at the rate of 5 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water.

Features of Xulat:

  • Combined effect;
  • Does not have a pungent odor;
  • Ineffective against bedbug eggs;

Small remaining period of validity.

Get (Get) – a product with a microencapsulated composition

Get is rightfully considered one of the most effective drugs against parasites. For example, Gett, an outdated predecessor of a similar insecticide, contains a spray to combat Prussians. As for the Get aerosol, it has a high concentration of modern substances that have a powerful effect. It is based on microcapsules containing chlorpyrifos. The cost of 100 ml of the product is 700 rubles. This insecticide has many advantages:

  • it does not have any pronounced odor;
  • very effective against blood-sucking parasites.


“When bedbugs appeared in my house, without hesitation I contacted the local sanitary and epidemiological station. There they recommended the drug Get to me, saying that it was very effective. In just one go, all our parasites disappeared. Of course, I had to look for such a drug, because you don’t often see it in stores, since it is microencapsulated. I purchased it online."

Vladimir, Angarsk

Advantages and disadvantages of microcapsules

Like any insecticide, modern microgranules have their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can easily select drugs suitable for each case individually. The main advantages of microcapsules are:

  • low concentration of toxic substances in the capsule, which ensures human safety;
  • long-term action - the active substance gradually penetrates through the protective membrane onto the surface of the capsules, contaminating the air around the parasites; Also, the shells of granules can collapse under the weight of bedbugs. Substances applied to the treated surface remain effective against bedbugs for more than 40 days;
  • due to the fact that the drug is fixed on the surface of the insect and it spreads the poison among its relatives, it is possible to destroy the entire population of pests;
  • the drug does not have a pungent odor, like many other insecticides;
  • the active substance is not absorbed into soft surfaces and does not reduce its activity;
  • low consumption of substances, efficiency.

But the use of insecticides in capsules also has its disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • the active effect against bedbugs does not begin immediately after application, but immediately after the capsule comes into contact with the insect;
  • the product is not recommended for treating heavily contaminated premises;
  • difficulties during storage - the drug does not tolerate low temperatures.

Despite their disadvantages, microencapsulated preparations are very effective and safe in the fight against bed bugs. Due to the prolonged action of such products, repeated disinsection for preventive purposes is not required.


Microencapsulated drugs play an important role in the fight against disgusting arthropods. Guided by the proverb “one man in the field is no warrior,” try to combine such products with pesticides of another class, as well as traps and folk remedies.

It is necessary to look for different approaches to bedbug colonies. Some creatures are vulnerable to something, while another group of bedbugs have become accustomed to such and such poison. A successful combination will provide an invaluable service, so don’t be afraid to experiment. It's better to empty your wallet than a vessel of peace at night!

Xulat Micro - an updated remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

Xulat Micro, a descendant of Xulat C25, was first imported into Russia in 2013 and has proven itself to be the best. The microcapsule was even smaller in size and had a unique carbon surface. Now there were 3 active ingredients. This combination made it possible to influence even insects with immunity, and for a longer period.

On sale you can find “Xulat” of both the first and second generations; the new drug has not supplanted the previous one for the reason that these are, in fact, two completely different products. The manufacturer promises the following relevance of these two varieties:

  • “Xulat S25” will be relevant no less than until 2022 inclusive;
  • "Xulat Micro" until at least 2025.

Advantages of Xulat Micro in the fight against insects

  • Kills a wide range of pests (including bed bugs, cockroaches, biting flies, fleas, mosquitoes, spiders and scorpions)
  • Controlled Release Technology Provides Long Lasting Residual Control

For indoor and outdoor use, including indoor broadcast environments.

  • The microencapsulated pesticide "Xulat Micro" has a number of advantages that give it an advantage over conventional methods of using liquid pesticides. This highly toxic chemical can be mixed and handled safely because the plastic polymer coatings help protect the applicator from pesticide exposure.
  • Microencapsulated insecticides work well on both porous and non-porous surfaces because insects easily pick up capsules from treated areas, for example by sticking to the spines on the insect's leg.
  • Delayed release of the active ingredient prolongs effectiveness, which reduces the required amount of product and expands the range of application time.
  • The advantages of Xulata Micro are the absence of odor and the likelihood of stains or other damage to the treated items.

Specificity of action of insecticides in microcapsules

Microencapsulated preparations were developed specifically for baiting domestic pests in a confined living space, in close proximity to humans. The toxic components are enclosed in a polymer or gelatin microcapsule with a diameter of 30 microns. The protective shell protects a person from getting harmful chemicals into the air and inhaling them. The capsule protects the drug contained inside it from the effects of external factors. This ensures a prolonged action of the insecticide; it retains its activity for up to a year after application.

The substances enclosed in the membrane do not harm humans when treating the room. The shell is destroyed only upon contact with an insect.

Small balls of poison stick to its paws and spread throughout the nest, infecting other blood-sucking insects. This way you can destroy the entire colony of parasites.

The insecticide can enter the body of domestic parasites in several ways:

  • contact - upon contact with an insect, the drug penetrates through the chitinous covers of the arthropod into the bloodstream and affects the nervous system;
  • fumigation - the product enters the insect's respiratory system;
  • intestinal - the toxic substance enters the digestive organs along with food.

Modern microencapsulated insecticides may contain one or more active components. Depending on the active toxic substance, micropreparations for bed bugs are divided into:

  • organophosphorus;
  • organochlorine;
  • synthetic pyrethroids.

Organophosphates degrade relatively quickly, making them less toxic to people and pets than other insecticides. Phosphorus-containing poisons are not addictive to bedbugs and always effectively fight parasites. Organochlorine preparations have a wide spectrum of action, successfully destroying domestic insects, including bed bugs. They withstand exposure to sunlight and environmental factors, retaining their properties for a long time. Pyrethroids are a synthetic analogue of natural toxic substances contained in Japanese and Dalmatian chamomile. Pyrethroids are harmless to humans, but have a strong toxic effect on parasites. Such substances, entering the insect’s body by contact, block the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, resulting in paralysis and rapid death. Pyrethroids are not addictive to bedbugs.

Bullet - a proven and reliable insecticide for bedbugs

Regent Bullet is produced in special ampoules and has a chemical composition that prevents parasites from developing immunity to the drug. The white emulsion is applied as follows:

  • the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 0.5 liters of water;
  • hard surfaces are wiped generously with a cloth soaked in the solution or a cotton swab;
  • The solution is sprayed onto soft surfaces.

The instructions indicate that the contents of the ampoule must be dissolved in one and a half liters of water. But for greater effectiveness of the drug, it is best to use a solution of higher concentration. During treatment with the Bullet solution, dishes and food must be removed.


The active ingredient is the insecticide malathion. Karbofos is quite toxic to warm-blooded animals, and therefore requires strict adherence to safety rules when destroying parasites.

The price of the insecticide is low - approximately 150 rubles / liter, and it can be easily purchased almost everywhere - in stores or online. It is important to keep in mind that Karbofos has a strong and persistent unpleasant odor.


“The product is very good, if not for the smell! After treatment, the bedbugs went away, and after them the upholstered furniture “went” into the trash, because it was no longer possible to use it. Of course, healthy sleep without parasites is worth it, but next time I wouldn’t buy this drug.”

Marina, Zhitomir

Using Xulat Micro

To use Xulat Micro microencapsulated insecticide, you will need to dilute it and mix the product in a hand sprayer. It is also advisable to wear the necessary personal protective equipment before reconstitution and application (gloves, safety glasses and face shield).

User's Guide "Xulat Micro" for indoor use

  • Step 1: Check the label. Read the label on Xulate Micro microencapsulated pesticide to determine proper use and rate.
  • Step 2: Mix the product. Add the required amount of Xulat Micro to a hand pump sprayer half filled. Stir Xulat Micro and then add the remaining half of the water and stir again.
  • Step 3: Begin the insect removal process. For indoor applications, spray into cracks and crevices, door frames, window frames, baseboards, around pipes, and under cabinets and appliances.

Prices for extermination of bedbugs

RoomCold fog (ULV irrigation)Cold Mist and Barrier ProtectionHot fog and barrier protectionComprehensive treatment and barrier protection
1 room apartment 1800 rub.2700 rub.4500 rub.6200 rub.
2 rooms apartment 2000 rub3100 rub.4700 rub.6600 rub.
3 rooms apartment 2300 rub.3300 rub.4900 rub.6900 rub.
4 rooms apartment 2600 rub.3500 rub.5100 rub.7200 rub.
Common areas + kitchen1500 rub.2000 rub3000 rub4000 rub
*The guarantee is provided when the entire apartment is processed.

Get a discount when ordering on the website


The growth of the population of the household bug occurs in all seasons of the year. The female is fertilized in a very non-standard way: the male introduces seminal fluid through the female’s skin. The liquid is stored for the rest of the female’s life. They spend it prudently and gradually, laying no more than five eggs per day. During her life, the female lays from 250 to 550 eggs.

You can find bedbug eggs absolutely everywhere: in mattresses, on furniture seams, in fabric covers. The main characteristic of the location of the offspring is dark, inaccessible places. Externally, eggs are similar to rice cereal. During their development, the larvae turn yellow. The entire development cycle of the embryo takes place in 7–10 days.

If the environment is not suitable for the bug, then the cycle increases to 20 days. A larva is a small bug that absorbs blood for a speedy transition to the next stage of its development. During molting, small bugs shed their dark brown skin. Shelled shells can be found in places where parasites accumulate. Typically, these places are sofas, mattress seams and even pillowcases. When the cub sheds its skin 5 times, it becomes an adult.

The bite of a larva and an adult bedbug is easy to distinguish. When a cub bites a person, a sharp and unpleasant tingling sensation is felt, as if the skin was pierced with a medical needle. The thing is that an adult bedbug has the ability to produce an anesthetic gland, which softens the bite and makes it unnoticed by humans.

If the temperature in an apartment or house is favorable, then bedbugs reproduce faster. The presence of food for the insect also ensures rapid development of the embryos.

House bugs are the scourge of modern life

To begin with, it is worth briefly recalling what house bugs are and what danger they pose to humans.

The classic house bug is, first of all, an insect that feeds only on blood at all stages of its life cycle, except eggs. These are small bugs with an almost round body shape, brown or light brown in color, of different sizes, but not more than 5 mm in diameter. The bug's mouthparts are piercing-sucking; saliva contains substances that have analgesic and anticoagulant effects. Thanks to such a complex chemical composition of saliva, the moment of the parasite bite is practically not felt.

House bugs, like cockroaches, are one of the few types of insects that have adapted to life in human living conditions. There is everything here for their favorable development and procreation. Bedbugs bite exclusively people, although if the population is too large in one apartment, attacks on domestic animals are also possible, but this happens extremely rarely.

Insects cannot live more than a day without fresh blood, so they do not go far from humans. They cannot be found on the skin, like lice, or in things, like fleas. A characteristic feature of bedbugs is that they feed only at night, and only when their victim is completely immobilized, which occurs during the deep sleep phase. Therefore, during the daytime, insects hide in sleeping places - in the folds of mattresses, under them, under sheets, duvet covers, under pillowcases, and so on.

Link to topic You can read more about house bugs here.

Bedbugs have another very unpleasant bonus for humans. When bitten, the sharp proboscis of the bug must enter a small blood vessel, otherwise the volume of blood for adequate nutrition will not be enough. This proboscis does not have elasticity, like that of a mosquito, therefore, if the bug does not “guess” the location of the bite, it will move a couple of millimeters and bite again. If the second attempt fails again, there will be a third, fourth, fifth and so on bite.

Thus, one bug can bite more than a dozen times during the night, and the bite sites in the morning will be located as if on a ruler. On top of everything else, bedbugs are very shy, one slightest movement by a person in a dream, and the insect instantly runs for cover. But as soon as everything calms down, it goes hunting again.

Despite all the negative aspects, there seems to be no fatal harm from bedbugs. They do not carry infectious diseases and do not attack with an army of thousands to suck out all the blood overnight. The biggest nuisance, besides the aesthetic one, is that in the morning, at the site of the bites, after the effect of their anesthetic saliva wears off, dense, red spots form on the skin, which are very itchy. Rarely, some people may experience an allergic reaction to bedbug bites, and if insects attack from night to night, and some bites are layered on top of others, strong scratching damages the upper layers of the skin and purulent inflammation may develop.

Causes of bedbugs

Bedbugs can get into any apartment along with old furniture, clothes from the market or second-hand stores. In addition, pests may well move to you from your neighbors through the communication system in the house, especially if they have just asked for bedbug removal services. Insects escape from a destructive environment, where they want to get rid of them, and end up with you. Now the fight against parasites is already your headache.

Bed bug removal specialists

Leonid Berezhnenko

More than 9 years of experience in the field of disinfection; the specialist has specialized education in the field of “Disinfection.”

Alexander Volzhanin


More than 10 years of experience. Has a certificate of education in the program “Disinfection, disinsection, deratization.”

Vladimir Egorov


More than 7 years of experience in the specialty. Received additional education in the specialty: “Disinfection.”

Bedbugs can also attach themselves to a pet's fur or a person's shoes while walking outside. Particularly at risk are hostels, dormitories, hotels and inns, as their occupants change frequently. It is difficult to say when and to whom the bugs attached themselves. This process cannot be controlled in any way, so Rospotrebnadzor authorities obliged these organizations to contact insect extermination services and enter into an agreement for bedbug removal services with regular preventive treatment. This is a reasonable price for effective pest control and peace of mind for guests.

Dust is a powerful and effective remedy

The powder contains various insecticides, which makes it not only a powerful drug, but also a long-lasting product. The effectiveness of Dust does not weaken even with temperature changes. However, increased air humidity in the room can reduce the effect of the powder.

To destroy bedbugs, Dust is applied in a thin layer to the habitats, accumulations and movements of parasites. Before using it, you should open the windows and put on a respirator, goggles and protective gloves. Upon completion of work, it is recommended to wash your hands and face with soap. One package of powder weighing 50 grams is enough to treat 10 square meters of area.

Methods of use

Before starting disinfestation with microencapsulated preparations, it is recommended to do a general cleaning of the room using a vacuum cleaner. This procedure will make it possible to eliminate clutches of bedbug eggs and determine their habitat areas based on the waste products left behind. The encapsulated drug disintegrates in areas of potential residence and possible movement of bed parasites, namely:

  • around and under the bed;
  • on the bed frame;
  • behind and under furniture;
  • under the mattress;
  • into bed cracks and gaps;
  • on ventilation grilles;
  • near the baseboards;
  • in cracks on the floor and in the walls;
  • on the back of paintings, carpets, posters.

After completing the procedure for distributing the anti-bedbug product, it is better to wash your hands with soap, and the best option is to carry out the work with rubber gloves.

To enhance the effect, microcapsules that have a prolonged and delayed effect are recommended to be combined with instant insecticides: liquids and aerosols. The liquid product kills bedbugs instantly, but does not affect clutches of eggs. And microcapsules make it possible to destroy surviving bedbugs and young larvae after hatching. In heavily contaminated areas, it is recommended to use multi-component capsules.

Xulat Micro - an updated remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

Xulat Micro microencapsulated insecticide provides long-term residual control of a wide range of pests, including bed bugs, cockroaches, biting flies, fleas, mosquitoes, spiders and scorpions.

What is a microencapsulated insecticide?

  • Microencapsulated pesticides are insecticides in which the active ingredient of the pesticide (dry or liquid) is coated (or encapsulated) with a protective coating (polymer). The coverings may be plastic, starch, or some other type of material. Microencapsulated pesticides are mixed with water and applied as a spray, just like any other sprayable pesticide formulation.
  • Once sprayed, the plastic coating of the microencapsulated pesticide breaks down and releases the active ingredient contained in the capsule. In some situations, the encapsulation process may provide a delayed release of the active ingredient.
  • Depending on the physical composition of the coating, the release of the pesticide's active ingredient may be affected by environmental weather conditions. If release is slower than normal, residue may remain on treated surfaces longer than expected. Other factors that may vary depending on the chemistry of the polymer or changing factors during processing are insecticide residual, speed of action, odor, and product safety.
  • The microcapsules are suspended in a liquid composition base such that the final composition is a flowable suspension. The composition is then mixed with water and requires regular stirring to prevent the capsule from settling.

Conditions for use of microencapsulated pesticides

Microencapsulated pesticide formulations are excellent for indoor pest control due to their long residual effect and rapid kill of a range of different pests.

They are also versatile in the types of equipment they can be used on, from small portable sprayers to hydraulic sprayers, low-volume ground sprayers, foggers and low-volume aerial sprayers.

There are several reasons why you might choose a liquid insecticide that is microencapsulated. We recommend using them for general control of insect pests found in your home. One specific use for microencapsulated insecticides is to install a pesticide barrier around the perimeter of your home or building.

Some microencapsulated pesticide products contain highly toxic coating materials to improve product safety, to reduce odor or to protect the active ingredient from photodegradation.

How does bedbug extermination work?

Comprehensive disinfection of an apartment to kill bedbugs will take no more than a few hours. Foggers provide faster dispersal of the insecticide compared to household treatment methods.

Processing stages:

  1. Inspection of the premises . The specialist arrives with a full set of equipment at the prepared apartment, assesses the scale of the infestation and localizes the likely outbreaks - bedbugs. An agreement is concluded for the provision of services for the destruction of bedbugs, indicating the characteristics of the premises, fixing the selected treatment technologies, guarantees and rights of the client. At the same stage, the final price for exterminating bedbugs is fixed: no additional payments “after the fact”, no hidden fees.
  2. Preparation of the emulsion . The exterminator dissolves the drugs in the required concentration and installs steam generators.
  3. Checking rooms . The specialist must make sure that the doors and windows are tightly closed and there is access to all walls, baseboards, and cornices.
  4. Hot and cold fog treatment . The installations can operate in parallel, although in most cases, disinfestation with a single type of fog with additional treatment of suspicious areas with a local spray is sufficient to successfully kill bedbugs.
  5. Installation of barrier protection . The specialist applies a protective gel to the areas that are most likely to be attacked by migrating bedbugs. The insecticide creates a stable toxic film that will not interfere with everyday life. The product will continue to work for months after disinfestation.

The price of bedbug treatment includes a guarantee for pest control. If the insects return, our specialists will repeat the procedures free of charge - and conduct a study to identify the cause of the relapse.


If there is no positive result in the fight against bedbugs, you should use the services of a pest control service:

  • Professionals will rid the apartment of uninvited visitors using hot and cold fog;
  • To carry out the procedure, a special device is used - a fog generator. It is used to spray an insecticidal agent, pre-cooling or heating it. This provides additional effect. The effect of heated chemicals is several times more powerful;
  • There are also cold fog generators for home use;
  • Hot fog is used only by professional services;
  • There are no significant differences between the two types of disinfestation. They are equally effective, however, with hot mist disinfestation, the chemical particles remain in the air a little longer, providing longer contact with various surfaces.

REFERENCE: Cold fog is also used to kill cockroaches.

Do all bedbugs need to be exterminated?

Some types of parasitic insects are harmless; moreover, they are an important component of ecosystems. Thus, the soldier bug eats the remains of invertebrates and leaves, which contributes to the rapid decomposition of organic matter. Blue zikron destroys the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle. There is no need to touch these insects; they can be called beneficial.

Some parasites harm garden crops. This is a cruciferous, rapeseed, berry, turtle parasite. The common name for garden pests is stink bugs. To combat these beetles, numerous chemical agents have been invented, and there are folk recipes.

Dangerous to humans is the house bed bug, a small flat parasite that increases several times in size when saturated with blood. Cimex lexctularius is the most common member of the family that can be found in the home. Another type of blood-sucking parasite, Cimex hemipterus, lives in tropical countries. There is none in Russia, but there is a danger of bringing a tropical “guest” back from your trip.

Representatives of the order Cimex pilosellus parasitize bats. They are found in the southern regions of Russia, settling in attics and wall openings of buildings. This species of individuals can enter apartments and houses, especially during the migration period of bats, and attack people.

The parasites Haematosiphon inodorus feed on the blood of domestic birds: ducks, chickens, geese. The likelihood of biting people is low only if the owner spends a lot of time in the poultry yard.

Let's find out in what ways it can be destroyed by the house bed bug, the blood-sucking parasite Cimex lexctularius, which is the most widespread.

Effective aerosols

Aerosol insecticides are very easy to use, since they do not need to be diluted, and the stream can be directed specifically to the habitats of the parasites. Among the best aerosols for killing bedbugs are:

  1. Universal spray without odor Clean home. This product from a domestic manufacturer is a potent insecticide that can be used to get rid of pests in a short time. However, the product does not affect egg laying, so repeated treatment is required.
  2. Famous and effective. The drug contains three active components, due to which its destructive power is very high. After treatment with Raptor, parasites have no chance of survival, adaptation and recovery. One can is enough for a room of 20 square meters. m.
  3. Varieties of the drug Dichlorvos. The well-known remedy fights blood-sucking insects very effectively. However, it has a pungent odor, so it is used reluctantly. But, thanks to scientific developments, today there are varieties of this drug. Dichlorvos Neo is odorless and acts instantly. Includes aromatic additives.
  4. Universal aerosol Raid. With the help of the drug you can destroy not only crawling, but also flying insects. It is not recommended to wash surfaces treated with the product for two weeks. The smell from the aerosol disappears very quickly.
  5. Aerosol with floral scent Combat. The product causes increased mortality in bedbugs and has a long-lasting effect. It is characterized by low toxicity towards people and animals. Combat is also effective against bacteria. It can be used in residential premises, shops, children's institutions, and food industry facilities.


Klopor is a Russian-made drug. It is based on Cypermethrin and Permethrin. This product is an analogue of another, no less effective insecticide - Forsyth. But Klopomor, unlike its brother, is not produced in such a strong concentration.

In order to treat an apartment consisting of two rooms, you need to stock up on about 6 bottles of Insecticide. The product is sold in hardware stores. The average cost of such an insecticidal substance is 600 rubles.


“I'm a student, so I have to live in a dorm room. It seems to me that I have already tried all the insecticides against such bloodsuckers. I also bought the drug Klopomor. This insecticide has been produced recently, and sellers constantly recommended it to me. After using this drug, I did not see any special effect. The product is quite expensive (about 620 rubles), but it is not very effective. Why overpay if Insecticide smells like Dichlorvos?”

Evgeniy, Nizhny Novgorod


Fufafon is a Dutch drug that is actively used in everyday life, agriculture, and floriculture, thanks to its high-quality and reliable insecticide. The composition contains malathion and additional components.

The use and effect of Fufafon is similar to Karbofos; it also has an unpleasant odor. Fufafon is popular in rural areas. Fruit trees and flower beds are often treated with it. It acts effectively against bedbugs, retaining its properties for a long time. After using Fufafon, adult individuals are destroyed immediately, and the extinction of larvae occurs as they form from eggs.

It is necessary to begin treating premises with Fufanon against bedbugs and other pests by first studying the instructions

An important advantage of this drug over others for the purpose of removing blood-sucking insects is that only one treatment of the room is carried out and there is no need to repeat it to consolidate the result. Fufafon is packaged in bottles and ampoules


This drug has a special composition that is different from other insecticides. You can kill parasites with either an aqueous solution or dry Klopoveron. Some people confuse microcapsules with granular ones. These insecticides have completely different compositions. This drug cannot be found in every store, since it is sold mainly to legal entities (pest control services). The cost of such a product is quite high - 100 g is at the level of 1200 rubles.


“I haven’t seen a better drug than Klopoveron for bedbugs. This insecticide easily copes with such insects. Just one treatment will destroy all parasites. At the same time, I processed the apartment without using a mask and gloves. After that I slept very peacefully and not a single insect bit me again.”

Vadim, Nizhny Tagil

Xulat C25 and Xulat Micro. What is the difference?

Both drugs are suitable for professional and household use. In this article, we will briefly tell you what microencapsulated insecticides are, why they are so useful, and how to use them correctly to successfully control pests in your home.

First, Xulat C25 gained popularity in the market. This is one of the first microcapsule insecticides in Russia. “Xulat C25” is produced only in liter containers and is intended for use by professionals in disinfection services and sanitary stations to destroy bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, and ants.

At the time of its appearance, it was one of the few drugs without a pungent odor, relatively safe and effective, ensuring the death of insects.

On a note!

Unfortunately, surviving insects treated with substances such as Chlorpyrifos eventually develop immunity. Therefore, the manufacturer synthesized an improved new generation Xulat - “Xulat Micro”. Its microcapsule is smaller in size, and its shell has become carbon. 3 active ingredients were placed in the capsule, eliminating the resistant effect against insects. This is the difference between Xulat S25 and Xulat Micro. In terms of composition and release form, these are two different products under similar names.

Medilis Cyper

Medilis Cyper is a drug based on 0.1% cypermethrin. Mainly used by emergency services personnel, but also suitable for domestic use. Cost - about 150 rubles, sold in specialized garden stores.


“Medilis was bought to kill bedbugs in a log house. According to the instructions, you need to make a 0.05% aqueous solution, and then spray all areas of accumulation. I had to repeat the treatment twice, but I really liked the result.”

Olga, Tver

Chemicals at home

  • Microencapsulated drugs. The active components are enclosed in microcapsules, remain on surfaces for a long period and are carried on the limbs of bedbugs. Similar drugs include “Get”, “Delta Zone”. They have a nerve-paralytic effect. Can be used for treating residential premises because they do not have a pungent odor;
  • Aerosols and sprays. The products are available in cans and are ready for use. Some kits include a special nozzle that allows you to treat all hard-to-reach places with the chemical. The following drugs are distinguished by their versatility: “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Combat”, “Clean House”. They have an acceptable cost and economical consumption. Disadvantages include the rapid dispersion of active substances and the need for repeated disinfestation;

The products are effective as preventative measures and for the destruction of small numbers of parasites.

  • Powders. The most popular is pyrethrum, which is a natural component. It is optimal for treating residential premises where small children live, since it is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions. The natural component is obtained from the flowers of the Pyréthrum or Dalmatian chamomile plant. The dried flower heads are crushed into a powder, which has a detrimental effect on blood-sucking parasites. The powder is diluted and sprayed using a sprayer, or poured in a thin layer on the surface;
  • Crayons. The popular remedy is relatively inexpensive, but not very effective. It is mainly used as a preventive measure. To treat the premises with crayons, you do not need to vacate the apartment from its occupants. The most famous drug is the “Mashenka” chalk;
  • Concentrates. Often used by professionals. Due to the too high density of the active components, they are the most toxic. Before disinsection, the preparations “Tetrix” and “Fufanon” are diluted and sprayed using a fog generator or sprayer. "Karbofos" is popular among gardeners; it is used to combat pests.

ATTENTION: You must be careful when processing yourself at home. Concentrates also have a strong odor.

When using concentrates, you must carefully prepare the room before disinfestation.

Microencapsulated drugs – the key to salvation?

Many different means have long been developed against bedbugs that affect only insects and are relatively harmless to humans - insecticides. In addition, a large number of forms of these substances are produced, with the help of which they are applied to surfaces - sprays, powders, granules, emulsions, and so on. The Raptor aquafumigator against bedbugs and cockroaches has also now become very famous. But the trouble is that any chemical has a certain period of active action and is most effective in direct contact with the external integument of the parasite and has practically no effect on insect eggs.

The result is the following picture: by spraying the spray on living bedbugs, you can cause their death; those that were not hit, crawling through the treated areas, will take on some of the poison and will probably also die. After 2-3 days, the chemical activity of the drugs is reduced to almost zero, and young individuals emerge from the eggs. And to defeat them, you need to process everything again. As a result, in order to completely remove parasites from an apartment, many treatments are required at least a couple of times a week and the total duration of the process is at least two months.

The chemicals are not cheap, and the smell is unpleasant. As a result of frequent processing, things become saturated with this aroma and it becomes not entirely clear what is simpler - bedbugs or a room that smells reminiscent of the household chemicals warehouse of a large hardware store. Among other things, if your neighbors have bedbugs and they don’t fight them in any way, then there is a high probability that the parasites will again migrate to their previously promised places and again begin to annoy you. This forces many to change their living space in order to literally escape from small blood-sucking parasites.

Taking all these points into account, the industry has created a new form of product that spreads the effect over a longer period in one place - microcapsules. The chemical principle of the insecticide is the same here, but small quantities are sealed into tiny capsules, the shell of which consists of a water-soluble or polymer thin film. Molecules of the active substance come out in small portions through the pores of this film, thereby achieving a long-lasting effect. In addition, adult bedbugs with their body weight and sharp claws of their paws destroy the film, releasing chemicals, which increases the concentration of the toxin.

However, this method also has its downsides. After treatment, the chemical begins to be released onto the surface of the microcapsules immediately, and after about 1-2 weeks, and in some cases a month, before the wall film becomes so thin that it begins to let the drugs through. And then, the overall concentration of the chemistry is not so high as to suppress too high a population of insects. In short, microencapsulated preparations are not suitable for mass and rapid processing.

They are used more for preventive or, as they call it in specialized circles, barrier action. Primary treatment is carried out using conventional means, such as sprays or powders, and then a layer of microcapsules is applied. The latter are especially effective in creating boundaries that fence off places where bedbugs can enter an apartment - cracks between baseboards, in walls, air ducts, and so on. The effect of such a barrier is effective for at least six months. It turns out that after treatment, the owner need not think about bedbugs for at least six months, even if the neighbors are swarming with them.

Top 3. Master 250 µs

Rating (2021): 4.39

47 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Yandex.Market, Otzovik

The best quality is chlorpyrifos 25%. In other products, the content of the substance does not exceed 10%; in situations with severe contamination, only concentrated formulations can help.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 830 rub.

  • Country: Israel
  • Substance: chlorpyrifos 25%
  • Action: 120-180 days

The drug "Master-250 μs" is intended for home use, and this is one of the best ways to destroy the ubiquitous bedbugs and cockroaches, used in Israel and Russia for more than 20 years. It contains a high concentration of chlorpyrifos, which is more effective than pyrethroids, to which many pests in apartment buildings have developed immunity. At the same time, the product has a tolerable odor, which disappears very quickly, and it is easy to use. The effectiveness of the poison is confirmed by dozens of reviews. The undoubted advantage of “Masters-250 μs” is its universal action against all crawling insects.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Fastest total destruction effect
  • Convenient bottles for 1 use
  • The smell may persist for the first 3-5 hours
  • For processing areas over 50 sq. I need 2 bottles

See also:

  • 10 best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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