All the dark and bright sides of breeding Curly chickens

Many ornamental breeds are considered the fruit of the breeding activities of scientists and poultry farmers in Asia. But some of them were also bred for meat and eggs. One of these ancient breeds is considered to be the curly-haired chicken. It has been bred for several centuries. Due to its distinctive exterior, the bird is very popular in Russia. She has feathers curved upward, which creates a “shaggy” effect. The birds are also very calm. Before breeding them, it is worth studying more about the characteristics of the breed.


Curly-haired chickens are also called Shershetki. Quite an ancient species that has decorative characteristics. In which country the bird originated is still unknown, as is the date of its appearance. Scientists suggest that this happened a couple of centuries ago in the southeastern region. Later it began to spread throughout the world.

A serious club community exists in Europe, but in Russia, curly-haired chickens are rarely seen. Many poultry farmers have still not come to a consensus on whether these birds can be considered a separate breed. Those individuals that have average curliness fit the standard. The gene that controls the curvature of feathers is hereditary and dominant. That is why, when glaciated birds are crossed with curly-haired birds, the latter are obtained. This is ideal if you want to use the bird for show and just get a purebred breed. They will meet the standard. This is exactly what many who breed these birds do.

Maternal instinct

The Curly chicken breed, the description of which suggests that there are practically no problems with breeding. Nature has endowed these beauties with an excellent brooding instinct and an innate desire to give their love and care to the younger generation. Moreover, winged workers quite often express a desire to reproduce, and during the entire warm season they can give the world a new generation of chicks three times.

But there is still one peculiarity, because of which many poultry farmers do not take up breeding on their own. The fact is that in the second generation, parents crossed with each other do not produce pure offspring. Of all the chicks, 40% will be smooth-feathered, and the rest will retain their natural curl.

Main characteristics

There are two types of curly hen: regular and dwarf. Representatives of the breed are small in size and have:

  • small lobes;
  • round earrings of white and red color;
  • feathered legs;
  • wide body;
  • medium sized neck;
  • long wings;
  • a medium-sized tail that looks disheveled.

The weight of a rooster of this breed reaches up to three kilograms, and a chicken up to 2.1 kg. Egg production usually begins at six months, but may occur later in very curly ones. The color of the bird is varied. We are talking about both white and black shades, and brown.


Productivity characteristicsDescription
WeightThe average weight of an adult rooster/chicken is 3/2 kg.
Egg mass59 grams.
Shell colorcreamy
Egg productionUp to 120 eggs per year.
Beginning of ovipositionAt the age of six months.
Chick survival rate89%
Survival rate of adult chickens92%


Birds of this breed are not capricious. There will be no extra hassle in caring for them, but there are still some features that need to be taken into account.

Construction of nests and perches

Due to their peculiar plumage, birds cannot fly. Therefore, even a small obstacle can become insurmountable for them, and jumping from a great height leads to injury.

It is better to place nests and perches at an acceptable height - the chicken should be comfortable jumping there. The ideal option is no more than thirty centimeters from the ground.

It is better to create a warm nest for the birds - this will provide additional comfort during overnight stays. But this moment requires special attention, as feather fragility may occur. Therefore, the poultry room should be more spacious.

The bird family should also not be crowded. Otherwise, they will lose their exhibition appearance. Roosters are usually kept separately to avoid fights.

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Temperature requirements

Due to its loose plumage, the bird is very sensitive to cold weather. To maintain the health of birds, they need a higher temperature in winter than smooth-feathered individuals.

Since this breed spends a lot of time on the floor, make sure to provide thick bedding. Thermophilia affects the appetite of birds. In the cold season, chickens require chrome with increased energy value, although at other times of the year they are quite unpretentious in their diet.


The curly-haired breed does not like it when this indicator is increased, since their plumage has no protective function. Therefore, even the slightest increase in this indicator in the chicken coop will cause a cold. In the warm season, it is better for the bird to avoid places where there is a swamp and other flooded areas.


Representatives of this breed will eat everything you offer them. Experienced farmers advise creating a diet in such a way that forty percent of the total feed volume is grain. This is beneficial as the latter contains a large amount of protein. It must be given in the morning and evening, and at lunch the bird can eat greens, vegetables and wet mash.

To ensure your chickens have good digestion, add shell rock to the feeder. If you don't have it, you can use fine gravel. Make sure there is always clean water in the drinking bowls. The latter should be at room temperature. It is advisable to wash containers daily. It’s ideal if you add boiling water over it. This is especially necessary when feeding wet mash. Leftover food accumulates microbes. Untimely disinfection of containers can lead to illness.

In order for the feathers to grow, you need to add seeds and cabbage leaves to the diet. During molting, feed the food with yeast.

There are two feeding methods: dry and wet. Both cases contain cereal crops. Fish and dairy waste will not be superfluous. After wet food, the feeder must be rinsed.

In summer, it is enough for birds to walk on a green lawn, and in winter, dried nettle, pine and bean flour can be a substitute for green food. Don’t forget about calcium and phosphorus, because this is the basis for the development of bone tissue and the formation of the shell.

Productive qualities

The meat and egg breed is attractive not only due to its appearance, but also due to its productive performance. Of course, it cannot be compared with the Russian white breed, but still these birds produce eggs and meat.

Every year, the Curly Layer lays 120 to 140 eggs. The shell is beige or brown in color, and the weight of one egg reaches 55 grams. When egg production declines, the birds are sent for slaughter. Their meat is sweetish, has a dense consistency and is quite nutritious.


The diet of shershetkas should be varied. Approximately 40% of the total food received by birds is grain mixtures. With the onset of cold weather, the amount of concentrated food is increased, as birds spend more energy to keep warm. In addition to grain, laying hens should receive vegetables, herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements:

  • shell rock;
  • chalk;
  • eggshells;
  • bone meal;
  • salt.

Feeding of poultry is done in the morning and evening. In summer, while walking, birds additionally feed on pasture - insects, worms, fresh grass. It is important to keep drinking bowls and feeders clean. The containers are washed and scalded with boiling water daily.

How to breed

Chickens have an excellent brooding instinct. 95% of chicks born survive. At the same time, they are strong and quite active.

Molting and break in egg laying

Due to rapid molting, there is little break in egg laying. But during the change of plumage, birds are vulnerable to temperature changes and humidity. Therefore, you need to keep the conditions under control and monitor the diet.

Seasonal shedding is considered a natural process that generally occurs without harmful health consequences. But there is also “unscheduled” molting, which usually begins in all birds due to improper nutrition and if the flock is infected with lice eaters. It has a huge impact on productivity. The problem must be solved as soon as possible - either by treatment or by improving the diet.

Planned herd replacement

Unfortunately, the bird cannot boast of longevity. She is quite sensitive to various diseases, and also loses immunity with age. In addition, the clutch declines in the third year of life. Therefore, it is optimal to maintain one generation for three years.


Despite good maternal instinct, chicks can also be hatched in an incubator using a standard hatching scheme. Good survival rate is maintained.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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