Rat poison - composition, symptoms of poisoning, first aid

Rats, mice and other rodents are eternal unpleasant companions of people, being sources of dangerous infections and interfering with human life. Deratization is a method of exterminating and controlling the number of different species of rodents. Rat poison (also “mouse poison” or “rodenticide”) is a common chemical means of controlling mice and rats on a large scale. Since trapping a large population is not an effective method, rat poison cannot be avoided.

Classification of poisons for deratization

Rodent control is a common necessity when running a farm.
Using rat poison, you can quickly get rid of dangerous pests that spread infections and spoil supplies and food. Chemical compounds known as “rodenticides” are produced on the basis of highly toxic substances and are included in the list of drugs that require careful handling. Rat poison is classified according to the degree of danger and toxicity:

  • Compositions based on zoocoumarin. Their action leads to blood clotting disorders and blocks the functioning of the diuretic system. Pests die from internal bleeding.
  • Rats from zinc phosphoride with the addition of naphthylthiourea. These are the most effective drugs that can kill rats within 4-8 hours after consuming the mixture. Disinfection specialists recommend using them limitedly, only in the presence of a professional exterminator.
  • Highly toxic compounds. They may contain strychnine, arsenic, and various types of phosphorus, which lead to damage to the internal organs of the animal. Due to the high degree of danger, they are not recommended for home use.

The most common accumulative anticoagulants for use. Such mouse poison, after eating, remains in the liver and kidneys, disrupting the reproduction process of rodents. On sale you can find many options for poisonous drugs, which should be selected carefully: Flocumafen, Warfarin, Ethylphenacin, Brodifacoum. They may contain organic and chemical components, acids, and salt compounds included in cadaveric poison.

Most often, rat poison looks like a fine, light-colored powder with a faint odor. This allows you to add it to porridges or purees made from ordinary products. Sometimes small granules, tablets or sachets of ready-to-use mass are offered. The compounds dissolve well in food, which attracts hungry rodents. It is recommended to additionally stir some products in water, leaving the bowl in the path of rodent migration.

This method of preparing poison has a downside. The pleasant smell attracts pets. If you do not hide the fragrant bait with toxins, the dog may be poisoned with rat poison, which brings quick death. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the location of traps, study how the active component works in order to provide assistance in a timely manner.

Features of the drug's action

Before using poison for rodents, it is necessary to understand how rat poison works when the death of pests follows after eating the bait.

Rat poisons are divided into several groups.

  • With immediate acute action. The rodent dies almost on the spot when the toxic substance enters the stomach. This group includes a poison for rats with a mummifying effect. Their peculiarity is the presence of special substances in their composition that trigger the process of mummification after the death of the rodent. There is no unpleasant smell of rotting or decomposition. The body just slowly dries out.
  • With prolonged, chronic action. The rodent lives under the influence of a toxic substance for 1 to 2 weeks. Depends on the concentration of the toxic substance in the body. This group includes anticoagulants. Active substances affect the circulatory system and disrupt the coagulation process. Animals die from profuse internal bleeding.

Each poison has its own characteristics of action. Some substances disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, others block breathing, and others affect the nervous system, driving the rodent crazy.

How does poisoning occur?

Zookoumarins are anticoagulants, that is, substances that prevent blood clotting. Anticoagulants disrupt the metabolism of vitamin K in the liver. Vitamin K plays an important role in the synthesis of coagulation factors VII, IX, X and prothrombin, the insufficient content or absence of which does not allow the formation of a blood clot (thrombus). All this leads to the development of hemorrhagic syndrome (massive bleeding).

Anticoagulants from rat poison are quickly and almost completely absorbed when taken orally, their maximum concentration in plasma is observed after 3 hours.

Accidental poisoning of people with rat poison is rare, since for the development of intoxication a person must ingest a sufficiently large dose of poison orally. Typically, such poisonings occur as a result of suicide attempts or in children.

Causes of intoxication

Several years ago, the most popular drugs were those containing high levels of arsenic and strychnine. When deposited on the skin or mucous membranes, they provoked unpleasant consequences. For home use, manufacturers produce rat poison in granules, which prevents accidental inhalation of the powder. The latest generation of rodenticides have a standardized dosage, calculated for the weight of the rodent and does not threaten the health of the user.

Human poisoning by rat poison can occur in several situations:

  • intentional use of a dangerous substance for the purpose of committing suicide or crime;
  • children's attempts to taste bright granules;
  • storing mouse poison with food;
  • violation of safety rules when treating premises from rats;
  • absorption of toxic substances through the skin during prolonged work with them during the manufacture of bait.

The safest household products are those with a cumulative effect, which are neutralized in minimal quantities. But with chronic hepatitis and weak immunity, the cleansing process may not be effective enough, and severe poisoning occurs.

Clinical signs of rat poison poisoning:

  • bleeding from the nose and gums becomes more frequent without visible damage;
  • blood is excreted in urine and feces;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • complaints of dizziness, nausea;
  • pain in the stomach, right hypochondrium.

If the poison for rats included arsenic, the victim will experience heart rhythm disturbances and severe arrhythmia. He often loses consciousness, feels headaches, and the nasolabial triangle stands out on his face. In people with chronic diseases of internal organs, stomach or intestinal ulcers, dysbacteriosis, and dysfunction of the kidneys and hepatic ducts are exacerbated.

Top 10 poisons for mice and rats

But it is necessary to fight rodents, and for this purpose a sufficient number of poisonous drugs have been created, which will be discussed below.


This is one of the most popular means of combating mice and rats. The main toxic substance is Nephthylthiourea. It is generally accepted that this drug is most effective against rats, but it cannot have the desired effect on mice.

As soon as the rodent tastes the poison, it will immediately begin to act, and it will die within an hour after that. Using this drug you can completely get rid of rodents in 3 days.

It should be remembered that Krysid is very toxic, it is even more toxic than arsenic. It can cause pulmonary edema as it affects blood vessels. The animal will die from suffocation within an hour after consuming the drug.

If a person takes poison, he may die from pulmonary edema, however, for this he needs to take a fairly large dose. But to kill a dog or piglet, a smaller dose will be enough.

Ratfish has a specific smell. This is a gray powder. Based on it, poison for rodents is prepared by mixing the poison with various baits. You can use bread crumbs, minced meat or porridge as bait.

The drug is also dissolved in water, which is poured into drinking bowls and placed in the most likely places where rodents accumulate. Krysid is used infrequently, its use is recommended only in extreme cases.


But this is exactly the same drug that, as manufacturers say, has a mummifying effect. It consists of 4 main components. With its help you can get rid of uninvited guests both in the house and in the open air. Inta-Vir destroys all types of rodents - rats, mice, hamsters, moles and others.

The manufacturer of this drug can be trusted, since it has been working fruitfully in the market of toxic agents for a long time. One package will be enough to process 300 square meters. m. premises. Inta-Vir is inexpensive - about 300 rubles. And now about some of the features of this drug:

  • It can be used not only in a residential area, but also in a damp basement, cellar, and even outdoors.
  • Another difference of the product is that it will not be touched by pets. Simply, it contains a bitter additive, which prevents it from being eaten by pets, including ornamental rodents.
  • The drug is quite simple to use, since its dosage is very convenient - 1 bait is a dose sufficient for the animal to die.
  • Inta-Vir has all the necessary certificates from supervisory services.
  • The kit includes protective gloves.

Down with Uninvited Guests

This product is also suitable for removing rodents both inside and outside a residential building. A distinctive feature is the presence of flavoring additives. Mice and rats simply will not be able to run past such a treat.

In addition to protective gloves, the kit also includes a bait house, in which the poison is placed. The active ingredients are Rodialon, Brodirate and Bromine paste, and all these delights are seasoned with the taste of smoked sausage and cheese. The cost of the drug is 395 rubles.


And this is a bait made in the form of a red briquette. Using the drug you can get rid of all known types of rodents. The destruction of parasites is carried out in residential premises; industrial facilities; in children's institutions and outdoor areas.

The room in which this drug is used does not have to be warm and dry; its use in damp basements, cellars and sewerage structures is allowed.

Rattidion-Extra can be used by both professionals and citizens who do not have special training, but processing must be done only with special protective gloves.

If the drug is used in a room where it may be accessible to children, then measures must be taken to ensure that this does not happen. Also, this bait should not be placed near water sources.

The poison is laid out at a distance of 5-15 meters. But if the number of rodents is very large, then the distance can be reduced. The active substance of the drug is Brodifacoum.


This is a foaming composition for removing all types of rodents. The product is sold in 750 ml bottles. The cylinder has a tube with which poisoned foam can easily be placed in holes where rodents are hiding. It is not at all necessary to use all the product at once; the remainder will retain its properties throughout the shelf life.

Brodiat can be used in any premises, including residential buildings and children's institutions. Using a special tube, the product can be injected into burrows and crevices that rodents can use to move around. Brodiat contains special flavoring additives that rodents simply cannot ignore.

The foam will stick to the rodents' paws, and they will, of course, lick them, which will certainly lead to poisoning. Thus, the toxic substance will enter the rodents’ food tract, which will certainly lead to their death.

The product can also be used together with a food base: Brodiat - 50 g, food additive 1 kg. But Brodiat itself is very attractive to rodents. Shelf life: 2 years.


If you have suffered an infestation of rats or mice in very large numbers, then this remedy will be simply irreplaceable for you. It will be possible to get rid of unwanted tenants in a fairly short period of time.

The drug can be used in any type of room. Varat will be able to destroy both mice and rats. Benzoate is used as the active substance. The substance is made in the form of granules that have a very pleasant odor for all types of rodents. The drug is inexpensive - only 200 rubles.


This is a gel-like mass, the active substance of which is Bromodialone. The drug is capable of destroying any species of mice and rats. It is even used in kindergartens. But at the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of children coming into contact with the drug. Without direct contact, the drug is completely safe for people.

Bromocide is sold in a plastic bucket with a lid. It can be stored for 2 years. To prepare the poison, you will need 1 part of the drug and 30 parts of a food base, which can be used as feed, flour or various types of cereals. The price of the drug is 560 rubles.


The main component is Brodifacoum. The drug is made in the form of a red liquid. Brodifan has low toxicity, so it can be used in any type of premises. The drug requires preparation.

To do this, take 1 kg of food base and 20 ml of concentrate. The components are mixed. Grain, mixed feed, porridge or some other products can be used as a food base.

This remedy is used against all types of rats and mice. It is sold in a plastic canister. Experts advise adding unrefined vegetable oil to the preparation, which will further enhance the interest of rodents. The drug costs about one and a half thousand rubles.

Bromine paste

This drug is a bait that is almost ready for use. It is sold in the form of briquettes and is intended for breeding rodents. Active substance - Benzoate. It also contains food additives and colorings.

The product is placed in containers, which are placed in places where rodents are most likely to appear. You can use the paste anywhere. The cost of the product is 70 rubles.

Rat Death

This drug contains substances that have a negative effect on the circulatory system of rodents. Rat Death has one significant advantage: after consuming the drug, the rodent will feel suffocated, and therefore will definitely leave the room into clean air, where it will die. This means that there will be no unpleasant odor from a decomposing animal.

Relatives will not suspect anything is wrong, since the affected animal will have no signs of poisoning. But if we talk about rats, they are very smart creatures that can foresee danger.

The poison will be active for several years, which is made possible thanks to the special substances contained in the composition. The drug is similar to plasticine, packaged in special bags. They are capable of transmitting odor, but not moisture. Therefore, this product can also be used in damp areas.

When unfolding bags, it is recommended not to touch them with bare hands, as the human smell will definitely repel rodents. After the rodent tastes the drug, the effect will appear in 2-3 days. In young mice, the process of poisoning the body will take slightly less time. The cost of the drug is 100 rubles.

Symptoms of poisoning

When the drug enters the body, signs of poisoning will certainly appear. But they manifest themselves differently for everyone. For some, after 2-3 hours, for others, after 1-2 days.

The main symptoms of rat poison poisoning:

  1. weakness;
  2. aches throughout the body;
  3. nausea;
  4. lack of appetite;
  5. dyspnea;
  6. pallor of the skin of the face and chest;
  7. periodic nosebleeds;
  8. increased bleeding of gums;
  9. the appearance of blood in the urine;
  10. severe pain in the abdominal area;
  11. formation of hematomas along the entire perimeter of the body;
  12. hair loss.

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Signs of rat poison poisoning:

  • intense headache;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • nose bleed;
  • bleeding from the gums;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding, which is manifested by vomiting “coffee grounds”, black tarry stools (with severe bleeding, there may be an admixture of fresh blood in the stool and vomit);
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • severe weakness;
  • apathy;
  • lack of appetite.

The more severe the poisoning, the more pronounced its symptoms will be.

Symptoms of poisoning by rat poison (ICD 10 - X48) appear 2-4 days after it enters the body. Intoxication has a chronic course. When taking a large dose of the substance, acute intoxication is possible - in the first day.

In case of oral poisoning with mouse poison, the following symptoms most often appear:

  • a significant decrease in performance, lethargy, drowsiness and unreasonable fatigue;
  • loss of appetite and nausea;
  • nosebleeds;
  • unbearable headaches;
  • pale skin;
  • dilated pupils;
  • bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • bloody spots in the stool;
  • dysfunction of the organs of hearing and vision.

The intensity of symptoms and their number depend on various factors and body weight. A child will feel unwell much faster than an adult. If you suspect poisoning from a rodent poison, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive qualified treatment. Self-therapy is unacceptable. The consequences of amateurish actions can be irreparable.

What dangers do poisons pose to human health?

All poisons are unique in themselves and there are a number of factors that have a detrimental effect on human health:

  1. The degree of toxicity of the drug.
  2. General state of human health.
  3. Age range of the patient.
  4. The dose that entered the victim's body.
  5. How the victim’s liver works.

In any case, even if you are a completely healthy person and you do not have any diseases or allergic reactions, play it safe and follow safety measures. Be sure to use gloves when handling the poison and do not smoke during the process. After you finish working, throw away your gloves and wash your face and hands with water.

The main thing is to ensure that the poison does not enter the stomach. If the poison enters the human body, intoxication will begin: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and in some cases loss of consciousness is possible.

The most dangerous poisons are the first category; here everything can lead to death. This is where you need to strictly observe safety measures. Store these poisons in hard-to-reach places so that children and pets cannot get to them.

If you understand that there are a lot of rats on the property or in the house, then it is better to contact professionals so as not to risk your health again.

Of course, such a service costs a lot of money, but it’s better to spend it once than spend the rest of your life on restoring your health.

Lethal dose of rat poison

Whether it is possible to be poisoned by rat poison depends on many factors: dosage, presence of diseases of internal organs, type of substance. The most toxic compounds are made independently, without compliance with standards and precautions, from chemicals purchased second-hand. When phosphates or acids are added to the drug, the level of toxicity increases several times.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans is 4 grams. toxic compound in its pure form without additives or flavorings. In terms of finished poison, this is at least 130–150 grams. in granules, which are supplemented with bone and wheat flour and bran for flavor. To get acute poisoning, you need to eat 60–70 mg/kg of Warfarin or 300 mg/kg of Bromadiolone in a single dose. For a child or an elderly person with poor health, the dose is significantly reduced.

Some practical tips about rat poison in the chicken coop and on the property

First, rats quickly adapt to any poison, so buy several different types.

Secondly, manufacturers write on the packaging how the poison acts on rodents. It is better to choose such compositions from which rodents go far away to die, and do not remain near human habitation and water sources.

Denis Ivanovich, Gomel, shared his advice.

And again a link to methods of fighting rats from experienced poultry farmers.

Good luck!

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First aid for rat poisoning

You can reduce the risk of painful consequences if first aid for rat poisoning is provided correctly. At the initial appearance of signs of intoxication, it is necessary to rinse the stomach to remove all remaining granules and reduce the impact on the digestive system. The solution is prepared from warm water with the addition of a spoonful of salt and several crystals of potassium permanganate. Repeat washing until completely clean.

If a child has eaten rat poison, the stomach is washed with warm water without additives and a cleansing enema is given. The baby should definitely be given adsorbent based on body weight and age:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Sorbex.

When poisoned by rat poison, signs of damage may appear 12-72 hours after the toxin enters the body. It all depends on the concentration of harmful substances and the state of human health. The main symptoms of poisoning are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness in the body;
  • pale skin;
  • headache.

In very severe cases of poisoning with anticoagulants, bleeding from the nose, gums, the appearance of bloody traces in the stool, and red spots on the skin and mucous membranes may occur.

If a toxic substance has been accidentally swallowed, it is necessary to immediately take first aid measures:

  • induce a gag reflex by inserting 2 fingers deep into the mouth and pressing on the root of the tongue;
  • drink at least 3 liters of clean water;
  • take a saline laxative;
  • drink 4 tablets of activated carbon.

If the poison gets on the skin, the affected area should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap. The mucous membrane is washed with plenty of water. If the poisoning is severe, you should urgently seek medical help. To treat poisoning with anticoagulants, vitamin K1 is used, which neutralizes the effect of the toxin. In very severe poisoning, a blood transfusion is given.

If an adult or child has swallowed rat poison, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and immediately take measures to eliminate the toxin from the organ.

You can do a gastric lavage and force the patient to drink at least 3 liters of boiled water. Most often, after this a person develops a gag reflex, give the victim a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, and a laxative.

The first thing to do is call an ambulance, and only then should you begin providing first aid.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage as soon as possible. This procedure allows you to remove part of the toxic substance from the body to prevent its further absorption and thereby reduce the severity of hemorrhagic syndrome. To lavage the stomach, the victim is given 0.5–1.5 liters of warm water to drink, after which, irritating the root of the tongue, they induce vomiting. The stomach should be rinsed at least 2-3 times until the rinsing water becomes clean, free of food particles.

To inactivate the poison that has managed to penetrate the small intestine, you should take any drug with absorbent action, for example Activated carbon. The dosage depends on the person’s body weight and is 1 tablet. for every 10 kg. Before use, activated carbon should be crushed into powder and mixed with half a glass of water.

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TOP 6 most effective remedies

The range of toxic substances is represented by means with different effects. Second generation anticoagulant drugs are considered the safest and most effective. A review and comparison of popular products helps you choose the best and solve your pest problem.

Rat Death #1

The poison is produced under the brand name of the Italian company Dr. Tezza. Manufacturer: Ukrainian.

There is no need to open the poison packages. They are laid out in places where rodents move, near burrows. There is 1 packet per mouse, 2-3 per rat. The distance between baits should be from 2 to 15 m.

Precautionary measures:

  • the poison must be placed in closed containers where other animals have no access (plastic bottles, containers with a hole in the form of a hole);
  • work with gloves.

You need to add more as you eat.

The substance blocks the production of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. The rodent dies from extensive bleeding.


The rodenticide is produced by a Russian company.

Containers with bulk poison and briquettes are placed near burrows, crevices, and paths of rodents. As the bait disappears, new portions are added. The distance between points with poison is 4-5 for rats, 2-3 for mice.

Security measures:

  • it is necessary to lay out the poison in protective clothing;
  • upon completion of work, wash your hands with running water;
  • Places where the poison is located must be protected from animals and children.

Items that were used as auxiliary tools (tweezers, mats, gloves) should be burned or buried.

The drug has a skin-resorptive effect (absorbed through the dermis into the blood).

Zookoumarin Neo

Combined drug of domestic origin.

Mode of application:

  • Portions of the poison are laid out at the entrance to the burrows or poured into the cracks.
  • Consumption for mice is 20-50 g, for rats 50-100 g.
  • You need to check the amount you eat after 1-2 days.

If the bait has not been touched for 7 days, you need to change the place. The drug can be used for prevention.

Precautionary measures:

  • the toxic substance must be spread out with a special tool or spoon;
  • Protect your hands with latex gloves;
  • store and use rodenticide out of reach of people and animals.

After finishing, wash your hands with soap, treat the available products with a 5% soda solution or burn them.


The poison is produced by the English concern BASF. The drug is produced in the form of granules and bright blue wax briquettes.

The second generation anticoagulant has a concentration of 0.005%. When eaten, it slowly accumulates in the body. The absence of smell and taste does not cause a feeling of danger in the rodent, so they try the bait many times.

Usage algorithm:

  1. Briquettes and granules are placed near burrows, along the path of movement of individuals, near drinking sources, under the floor, in the walls.
  2. The bait is laid out at intervals of 5-15 m for rats, 2 m for mice.
  3. You need to add a new portion of poison after 1-2 days.

You can clear a building of rodents using Storm in 3 weeks.

Security measures:

  • you need to wear gloves when laying out the poison;
  • in case of contact with the drug, wash the painted area with soap and water;
  • Places of placement should be inaccessible to children and animals.

The use of special containers for bait will block access to the poison to non-target representatives of the fauna.


The manufacturer of the poison is a German company.

The product is intended for professional use. Available in containers from 1 to 10 kg. It is used over large areas, in places where representatives of the mouse order gather.

By acting on the blood clotting mechanism (suppressing the regeneration of vitamin K), the poison causes internal and external bleeding.

The paste is laid out near holes, cracks, and in places where rodents appear. The amount of the drug varies from 1 teaspoon (for mice) to 1 tbsp. spoons (for rats). The bait should be added according to the degree of consumption.

Precautionary measures:

  • you need to wear protective clothing when working with a highly toxic drug;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash off with plenty of water and detergents;
  • Place the tools used to spread the paste out of reach.

Place the poison out of the reach of children and pets.


An inorganic poison based on a heavy metal (aluminum phosphide) causes poisoning by vapors of the substance.

The toxic chemical affects the respiratory and nervous systems, causing suffocation and paralysis. The death of rodents occurs in 100% of cases.

The toxicity of the drug does not allow its use at home. The poison is used for agricultural purposes. They carry out deratization of grain in storage facilities.

A variety of poisons and their effect on pests

For use at home, you must purchase a ready-made drug. It can be in the form of seeds, powder or grains.

Rat poison can be purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. It is already coated with a low-toxic drug and the possibility of poisoning is reduced.

It is not recommended to prepare poison for rats on your own, even if there are people who have already made it and successfully used it themselves.

You can become poisoned by rat poison during cooking by inhaling, or it can enter the body through damaged skin, or it can enter the intestines through dirty, poorly washed hands. In such cases, internal bleeding is possible, which is life-threatening.

Coumarin is a component of rat poison that acts by disrupting the process that controls blood clotting.

In just a few hours, a deficiency of vitamin K forms in the body, the walls of blood vessels begin to collapse, which provokes a failure in the normal functioning of the liver. The blood changes its composition, a serious form of anemia occurs, then oxygen starvation of the brain.

If you do not seek medical help in time, then in just 1-2 days the body suffers a serious malfunction: the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys, and lungs is disrupted, and degeneration of internal tissues occurs.

Chemical compositions for deratization are classified as pesticides. They are used on an industrial and domestic scale to control rodents. There are several chemical compounds on sale that have similar effects on the mouse, rat and human body:

  1. “Strychnine” and “White phosphorus” are highly toxic poisons. Extremely dangerous to human health.
  2. “Zinc phosphite” and “Krysid” are highly toxic and belong to the category of fast-acting poisons. Rodents die in 100% of cases. The instructions for their use say that use is permissible in exceptional cases, if other means are powerless. The poison poses a great danger to humans.
  3. Preparations based on “Zookoumarin”. A common drug that is freely available.

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans depends on the main active ingredient. When taking drugs based on Warfarin (a strong anticoagulant), 4.8 grams is enough for death.

When using the latest generation of drugs, symptoms of rat poison poisoning begin to appear only after 2–4 days. After interacting with enzymes and digestive juice, toxins reduce the production of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, its composition and consistency. The patient's enzyme production is disrupted, hemoglobin and important indicators for the body decrease.

It is more difficult to predict the body's reaction when consuming rat poison made with the addition of phosphorus, nitric acid or strychnine. It affects internal organs, accumulates in the liver and kidneys, and can penetrate the brain. Many toxins negatively affect the functionality of nerve endings and provoke their death.

Poisons against rats can be addictive to rats. If an animal swallows a poisoned bait with a small concentration of poison and does not die, then over time it will develop an aversion to this substance, and the drug will be powerless in the fight against rodents. Therefore, poisons for deratization are constantly being improved.

The most ineffective poisons are those containing thallium, lead and arsenic. Such poisonous components are obsolete and are not particularly popular. Toxic substances act slowly. Poisoned animals may writhe in death throes for 2 days.

To enhance the toxic effect of arsenic-based drugs, manufacturers add other toxic components: white and yellow phosphorus, thallium sulfate, strychnine. The combination of such substances kills not only rats and mice, but can kill pets and cause irreparable harm to human health.

The most modern and advanced poisons against rats are zoocoumarins. They contain anticoagulants that block the animal's blood from clotting. Once the pest enters the body, zoocoumarin causes internal bleeding and death. Through natural openings in the rat’s body, poisoned blood flows out and poisons its relatives.

Anticoagulants for rats come in first and second generation. First generation drugs are less toxic and can be completely excreted by animals through the kidneys within 3 days. Such components act very slowly. Over time, rodents become accustomed to them and they lose their effectiveness.

Medical assistance

If a person ingests rat poison, whether accidentally or intentionally, he or she will need medical attention. In a hospital setting, doctors will determine whether there is internal bleeding and prescribe therapy, which may include:

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  • forcing diuresis, washing the stomach and intestines (this will help the poison leave the body faster),
  • administration of vitamin K, which will act as an antidote (the duration of treatment with the antidote is selected individually and, depending on the degree of intoxication, can be 15-30 days),
  • prescribing hepatoprotectors and agents that help restore normal liver function.

If blood clotting is very impaired, therapy with blood plasma transfusion is possible. For the entire period of treatment, restrictions on physical activity are imposed; bed rest is preferable.

When is medical help needed?

Without timely medical care, one cannot count on a successful outcome, so it is necessary in any case, even if the poisoning seems not serious.

Treatment of patients with intoxication caused by rat poison is carried out in the toxicology department of the hospital, and in critical condition - in the intensive care unit.

Specific antidotes for anticoagulants contained in rat poison are synthetic analogues of vitamin K (Vikasol, Phytomenadione). They should be administered for a long time, at least 10-15 days. In case of severe poisoning, blood transfusion and/or plasma transfusion is indicated to combat bleeding.

Symptomatic therapy is also carried out, aimed at reducing the severity of signs of poisoning and maintaining the function of the affected organs.

Treatment for acute poisoning

If a person does not know what to do if he is poisoned by rat poison, he should immediately go to the hospital. Using a probe, the specialist rinses the stomach and performs a gastroscopy to check for bleeding or opening of an ulcer. During the first 24 hours, the patient requires special attention and constant monitoring. He undergoes a number of procedures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the heart, respiratory and urinary systems:

  1. In case of a critical decrease in blood cells and to prevent dangerous bleeding, vitamin K is administered, which serves as an antidote.
  2. Drugs to increase blood clotting (Vikasol, Phytomenadione) are administered.
  3. If necessary, plasma transfusion is recommended.
  4. She continues to take Polysorb and Enterosgel sorbents.

In case of poisoning with rat poison, it is important to save the packaging of the drug and show it to your doctor. This will help you choose an antidote and the right treatment, predict possible complications and promptly prevent their development.

Possible consequences

Doctors do not recommend ignoring rat poisoning; be sure to consult a toxicologist for advice. Many effects appear after a few days or weeks. The most serious for humans is considered to be hemophilic syndrome, which disrupts blood clotting. It provokes severe bleeding with a simple scratch and jeopardizes surgical intervention. Kidney damage, necrosis of certain areas of the liver, and nervous diseases are often encountered.

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If you use the substance incorrectly or use it without observing the proportions, then poison from rats can easily cause considerable harm not only to them.

When using potent poisons and violating safety precautions, an adult can be poisoned. Poisonous drugs can be purchased in specialized stores and you can carry out deratization yourself. But it is better to seek help from specialists who know the rules for using the products and can guarantee the quality of the work performed.

Rat poisons have a small concentration of toxic substances. To receive a lethal dose of poison, an animal must feed on poisoned bait for about a week. And to kill a person, the pieces of poison must be of impressive size. But some toxins can enter the body through the respiratory tract or be absorbed through the skin.

Any poisoning does not go away without a trace, including intoxication with rodent poison. A person who does not receive help on time will face:

  1. Bleeding gums.
  2. Poor blood clotting.
  3. Internal hemorrhages.

To avoid poisoning, you need to use anti-rodent products that do not have such a detrimental effect on humans. You can get recommendations from the sanitary and epidemiological station. The ideal option would be to involve specially trained people from the sanitary and epidemiological station to solve problems with rodents.

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The prognosis for poisoning with rat poison is always serious. In case of severe intoxication, death cannot be ruled out.

Bleeding in the urinary system can cause the development of a life-threatening complication - acute renal failure.

First aid

First of all, immediately call an ambulance; do not rely on the fact that you yourself will be able to provide treatment.

Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. Pour a liter of water into the victim and induce vomiting, repeat the procedure at least 3 times.

The poison penetrates the human body within 30 minutes, so you must immediately drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet = 1 kilogram.

If the victim begins to lose consciousness, give him access to fresh air and prepare ammonia.

The most important thing to remember is that rat poison is a highly toxic agent. You should not self-medicate, this can lead to disaster.


To prevent poisoning from rat poison, deratization and baiting of rodents should be entrusted to professionals. If it is necessary to prepare the poison yourself, work is carried out wearing protective gloves, precautions are strictly observed, and disposable utensils are used. For the greatest safety, it is better to use special traps, traps, and treat the home in the absence of children and pets.

To prevent poisoning from rat poison, you should carefully follow the instructions for its use, and also observe safety precautions not only during work, but also during storage of the toxic substance.

Rat poison should be stored out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. When working with it, you should use personal protective equipment (respirator, change of clothes, rubber gloves).

The best and safest option for rodent control is not to use rat poison yourself, but to call a pest control specialist.

How to prevent poisoning

If you fight gray rats and mice on your own, follow the safety rules. Be sure to wash your hands after performing work, or better yet, use disposable protective equipment. If you have small children in your apartment or house, try to protect them from the poison.

When choosing a means for deratization of a living space, it is recommended to use drugs with a weak toxic effect. Don't forget to consider alternative rodent control options. Perhaps you should just get a cat?

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