How to get rid of spider mites on vegetable crops using drugs and folk remedies?
Soap solution Alcohol solution Garlic Onion Decoctions and infusions of herbs Rosemary essential oil Cobweb
Effective clove oil against insects
Cloves against mosquitoes: how to use at home
Among the essential substances obtained from plants, clove aroma oil is especially popular due to its ability to repel
Sawfly - lifestyle, damage, characteristics, species with photos, habitat of the sawfly beetle, how to identify and get rid of
Author: Elena N. Category: Plant Pests Published: August 06, 2017Last edits: October 28
Why are cockroaches afraid of bay leaves?
Does bay leaf help against cockroaches and how to use it
Cockroaches lived alongside people long before the chemical industry became part of our
furniture bugs
All about furniture bugs: description of the insect, whether it poses a danger to humans, how to get rid of it forever, prevention of recurrence
Small blood-sucking parasites such as furniture bugs choose secluded places in human apartments to live.
Are huge wasps on your property allies or a mortal threat?
Many of us have had to deal with wasps in the warm season. For some this
Female ixodid tick Amblyomma cajennense (“First-hand science” No. 5/6(85), 2019)
How ticks reproduce - stages of development and features
Valentin Vlasov, Vera Rar, Sergey Tkachev, Nina Tikunova “Science at First Hand” No. 5/6(85), 2019
Hay eaters
Book lice (hay lice) in the apartment: their description, causes of appearance, methods of control
A variety of insects often settle in the vicinity of humans, which sometimes cause inconvenience. Some of
ants with leaves
How much does an ant weigh and how much weight can it lift?
An ant is an insect that lives in huge colonies, within which a strict hierarchy prevails. The ant has long been considered
Swimming beetle. Stages of development of aquatic insects, types, photos
Description of the diving beetle and its specifics The diving beetle spends the vast majority of its time in the aquatic environment.
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