Does bay leaf help against cockroaches and how to use it

Cockroaches lived alongside people long before the chemical industry became part of our reality. Then they fought with what nature provided.

Today we call this folk remedies , and we understand perfectly well that they will not save you from cockroaches the way that dichlorvos will do for a short time. Nevertheless, interest in folk remedies does not subside. Bay leaf is one of these, cheap and available.

In this article we will tell you whether bay leaves actually work against cockroaches, as well as in what cases and how they should be used.

What is bay leaf

Bay leaf (Folium lauri) is a leaf of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), an evergreen subtropical shrub native to regions with a coastal climate. In the CIS, it grows in the Krasnodar Territory and Transcaucasia.

In everyday life, the leaf is often used as a spice for culinary purposes, less often as a means of traditional medicine. Laurel leaves and twigs have long been a symbol of victory. Despite the fact that in the context of fighting insects they are far from a symbol of victory over cockroaches, we will still look at its advantages.

Chemical composition of bay leaves

Bay oil, tannins, resins - all this gives the leaves a typical aromatic smell and spicy bitterness. The content of essential oil reaches its maximum in the leaves - 3.0 - 5.5%.

The composition of the essential oil of laurel nobilis includes: pinene , cineole , myrcene, limonene, camphor , linalool, various organic acids and other components. Fatty oil consists of glycerols, lauric and palmitic acids.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to be able to draw correct conclusions regarding the use of this folk method, we will consider its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Absolutely safe for the health of people and animals, unlike modern chemical insecticides.
  • Low price and availability.
  • Easy and convenient to use at home.


  • Ineffective against large numbers of cockroaches.
  • The result is noticeable within a few days.

Like all folk methods, melon method does not have an immediate effect. It will take patience and maintaining perfect cleanliness.

In addition, you can always increase efficiency by:

  • Ammonia, which is dripped onto a piece of cloth or cotton wool and left as an additional repeller.
  • You can carry out wet cleaning using a vinegar solution.
  • Use a variety of essential oils.
  • Get geraniums that cockroaches hate

Why are cockroaches afraid of bay leaves and how effective is it against them?

To understand the degree of effectiveness of a particular product, you need to understand in detail its mechanism of action.
Cockroaches are afraid of cineole , which is what affects their respiratory system. Other substances, such as camphor and pinene, can be lethal to Prussians, but only in certain dosages. As you can guess, the amount contained in a bay leaf is clearly not enough to kill the insect.

With such a diverse composition, “laurel” (as these leaves are simply called) can deter cockroaches to a certain extent, repelling them.

Bay leaves do not kill cockroaches, but they do produce an odor that cockroaches least like and even find repulsive. This may force them to seek permanent shelter elsewhere.

Bay leaf generally acts as a repellent , and, it is worth noting, a very reliable repellent.

However, reducing the number of cockroaches with its help is possible only at the initial stages of settlement, and even then is not guaranteed. A bay leaf will work provided that its scent is able to overcome the pheromones that other cockroaches use to mark their territory.

Please note that if there are too many red spots and marks on the wallpaper and kitchen furniture, then it is too late to get the bay leaf, and you need to seriously think about the chemical method of control.

Combination with other means

To increase the effectiveness of the spice in the fight against Prussians, it can be combined with the following plants:

  • chamomile – contains pyrethrum, which is a strong insecticide;
  • lavender - this combination repels any insects, including moths;
  • mint, wormwood, tansy - plants have an unpleasant aroma for pests;
  • eucalyptus - the plant also includes cineole, so the combination of herbs has a stronger effect;
  • anise - has an irritating effect on the respiratory organs of pests.

Is it worth using bay leaves for cockroaches?

Arguments for"

  • Due to its natural origin and relatively low (for humans and animals) percentage of essential oils and tannins, there are no contraindications for use
  • Easy to use
  • Very cheap
  • Does not cause resistance
  • No too strong unpleasant odor

Arguments against"

  • Cannot be used if you have allergies
  • Useless when the room is massively populated by cockroaches
  • Short-term effect
  • Doesn't kill, just scares away
  • Requires repeated use, and the effect occurs only after a few days/weeks

If you still decide to arm yourself with a bay leaf in the fight against cockroaches (like our ancestors), we recommend that you approach the choice of leaves consciously and consider the most effective ways to use them.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of bay leaves is justified by many advantages:

  • safety, no harmful fumes, no unpleasant “chemical” odor.
  • Significantly low cost, especially in comparison with industrial insecticides.
  • Lack of habituation in insects.
  • Ease of use.

However, some cases require the use of a different repellent, due to the following factors:

  • the effectiveness of the product decreases in proportion to the increase in the number of insects.
  • No immediate effect. Usually the first improvements in the situation can be observed after 4-5 days.

In order for bay leaves to better help fight cockroaches, it is recommended to use it in combination with other repellents of plant origin.

Which bay leaf has the best effect on cockroaches?

As we know from life practice, fresh leaves and fruits have a more persistent aroma. Same with bay leaf. When choosing, you should give preference to fresh leaves - they have a more bitter aroma and are saturated with essential oils and other chemical compounds by an order of magnitude.

The bay leaf will be effective if it is: dark green in color, stored in a hermetically sealed container or package, and its harvest period ranges up to 1 year (optimally 2-3 months).

If you have an ongoing problem with cockroaches, it is best to grow bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) indoors. This is quite possible by placing pots with this plant on your windowsill.

Security measures

If people who suffer from allergic reactions live in the room, the traditional method should be used with great caution. If any allergy symptoms appear, you must immediately stop the procedure and not return to it.

Laurel itself, in its pure form, has a bright aroma, but when fumigated, a decoction is brewed, or essential oils are used, the aroma becomes several times stronger. Small children, pregnant women, animals and birds perceive it much more strongly and this can cause side effects. In addition, you should not use such methods if there are people in the apartment who suffer from respiratory tract disease.

If fumigation is carried out, then all residents, including pets, must leave the room. Birds are particularly susceptible to fumes.

You should also take into account the fact that some of the products absorb odors very strongly. But in addition to the smell, the product will also acquire an unpleasant bitter taste, so make sure that the products are hermetically sealed.

“Bay” treatment for cockroaches: how to prepare an apartment

The smells of food and sewage that are not promptly removed to trash cans, as well as the accumulation of water due to leaking pipes or sewers, are perceived by cockroaches as an invitation to visit your home and settle there for a long time.

So first of all, stop sending them such encouraging signals:

  • Clean kitchen counters promptly after preparing meals and snacks.
  • Regularly sweep the floor not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms if you eat there
  • After preparing food and subsequent meals, wash dirty dishes immediately
  • Eliminate water on counters, sinks and under them
  • Store bulk foods in containers with tight-fitting lids
  • At least once a week (and more often if possible), wet clean the entire apartment, do not forget to use a vacuum cleaner
  • Check your food supplies at least once every six months.

Preparing the premises

In order for cockroach repellent to work, you need to properly prepare the room. To do this you need:

  • fill all the cracks in the walls of the apartment;
  • close all ventilation openings with a fine mesh;
  • caulk all through holes for pipes through which insects can get through from other living spaces;
  • check and replace all leaking plumbing fixtures and taps;
  • replace a regular trash can with a sealed one with a lid;
  • go through all the food supplies in cabinets and pantries, throw away the old ones;
  • package dry food products suitable for consumption in airtight containers;
  • go through the contents of all the drawers in the kitchen, clean them of items that have not been used for a long time, garbage and crumbs;
  • clean the back walls of all household appliances;
  • check for cockroach nests behind the baseboards;
  • remove clothes and things that have not been used for a long time from the apartment.

If there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, you need to use an instant-acting insecticide, and use bay leaves as a preventive measure.

After using the leaf for prevention, you will need to:

  • keep the kitchen clean - not leaving crumbs or untidy food leftovers overnight;
  • wipe dry water on all surfaces in the kitchen, flower trays, and pet feeders;
  • keep dry foods in airtight containers;
  • do not leave the trash can overnight;
  • Regularly check the premises for insects.

In order to determine where cockroaches live on a forge, you need to track where they run, hiding from bright light.

How to enhance the effect of bay leaves against cockroaches

To enhance the effect of the above methods, you can combine bay leaf with other plants that contain essential oils and persistent chemical compounds (mint, anise, wormwood, etc.). Alternatively, use or alternate with bay leaf Catnip (Népeta catária ). According to research by American scientists, this is another repellent for cockroaches. Catnip can be used if there are no cats in your apartment. It consists of essential oil (up to 3%), the main component of which is nepetalactone (~77%). Mint also contains ascorbic acid, tannins and bitter substances, glycosides, and saponins. Nepetalactone, which has a faint lemon odor, acts as the main active ingredient - a natural repellent. It is this that has a detrimental effect on cockroaches.

How to use catnip for cockroaches

  1. Place a small amount of fresh catnip leaves where you see cockroaches most often. Leaves must be changed every 3-4 days.
  2. You can use a decoction of the leaves: boil 9-10 catnip leaves in two glasses of water over low heat for 5 minutes. Allow the solution to cool, and you can spray it with a spray bottle in those places where you see cockroaches.
  3. A modern city dweller is unlikely to collect leaves and prepare a decoction. Therefore, the easiest option is to purchase a spray of “Catnip Extract” at a pet store and spray it on the baseboards and the places where you have already laid out the bay leaves (excluding grocery shelves).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all these popular tips will be effective only if the required sanitary conditions in the apartment are strictly observed.

Don't expect a destructive effect from bay leaves! Use it only as an auxiliary, preventive means against the further resettlement of Prussians.

If cockroaches appear in your home, do not self-medicate. Timely contact with specialists is the key to effectively solving any problems with cockroaches. Call us, we will help you!

Methods of application

After the kitchen is in order, you can begin to lay out the leaves and use preparations from it. In order for maximum effectiveness, you need to correctly combine the dry leaf, tinctures and decoctions from it.

Method number 1: laying out the sheet

Fresh or dried laurel leaves should be placed in areas where cockroaches may appear or have previously lived:

  • ventilation ducts;
  • cracks and baseboards;
  • under furniture in the kitchen and rooms;
  • on top of furniture
  • in cans and boxes of cereals
  • in kitchen drawers.

From time to time (once a month), old leaves need to be replaced with new ones for full effectiveness. It is advisable to use whole leaves; if it is possible to use branches, they should be preserved without tearing off the leaves.

In cabinets, on shelves or on the top lid, you can lay out bundles of laurel branches and aromatic herbs - mint stems, wormwood branches, gauze bags with anise seeds, dried or fresh lavender, Dalmatian (fragrant) chamomile.

Anna, 24 years old:

New neighbors moved into our house along with cockroaches, and cockroaches began to appear in our previously clean apartment. My grandmother recommended the bay leaf method. True, the sheets need to be changed monthly, but cockroaches avoid our apartment.

Vasily, 42 years old:

Cockroaches were constantly found in the toilet; it took a long time to find where they were crawling from. We figured it out - through the ventilation hole. The wife placed bay leaves tied in a gauze bag in front of the ventilation grill. Sometimes we burn the leaves to make the smell stronger.

Method number 2: ignition

In order to fumigate a room with smoke from bay leaves, you need to place several pieces in a metal plate near hard-to-reach places where cockroaches can hide. It is advisable to close the windows and doors in the room; the leaves should be set on fire so that they smolder.

You need to fumigate the room several times a day for 5-6 days. During this period, a larger number of hidden individuals can be removed from the premises.

Olga 30 years old:

At home, small children poisoned cockroaches (there were only a few) with chalk. A neighbor suggested recipes for laurel; first they laid them out and then set the leaves on fire. There are no cockroaches in sight yet.

Maxim, 32 years old:

We bought an apartment without knowing that there were cockroaches in it. A little, really. We started looking for a natural recipe so as not to breathe in the poison. We found recipes on the Internet; at first, fumigating with a bay leaf seemed funny, but we tried it and it helped.

Method number 3: essential oil

Laurel laurel essential oil can be an excellent substitute for plant materials. It can be purchased at pharmacies or natural cosmetics stores.

Oil can be added to water to wash the surfaces of furniture and household appliances, floors, place paper moistened with laurel oil in places where cockroaches may appear, or apply drops of the product behind baseboards and under sinks, near the trash can.

You can mix laurel oil with lavender oil, peppermint oil, anise oil and eucalyptus oil. The effect of this application will be stronger.

A necessary condition is that there should be no residents in the house who are allergic to these substances.

Nikolay, 44 years old:

We have been fighting cockroaches for a long time, we tried everything we could, we learned about bay leaves from the Internet. After they brought all their people out, the neighbors began to crawl. We add laurel oil to the water for washing in the kitchen, and put cotton pads soaked in a mixture of lavender and laurel oils in all the cracks. We are happy, it seems like there are no parasites crawling around.

Maria, 26 years old:

I like the smell of laurel, and when I found out that it helps against cockroaches, I use it all the time. There are no insects in the apartment, but the neighbors have a whole zoo of different colors and sizes. After I started washing my apartment with water with the addition of laurel and mint oil, I stopped being afraid that they would infest me too.

Method number 4: decoction

In order to create an atmosphere in the house that is unfriendly to cockroaches, you need to periodically spray corners and places where cockroaches are likely to accumulate. To prepare the decoction you need:

  1. Place a store-bought pack of bay leaves in a saucepan;
  2. pour 500 grams of cold water into the pan;
  3. bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat;
  4. close the lid and let it brew.

You can prepare an infusion using the same recipe, but the raw materials must be poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water. You need to insist for at least 6 hours.

When spraying corners and places where insects accumulate, you can add a little essential oil of mint, laurel or anise to the broth.

Julia, 25 years old:

Several years ago, my husband and I rented a room in a communal apartment. There were an innumerable number of cockroaches, you turn on the light - they are like a rug on the floor on the walls. My husband's mother advised him to try it with bay leaves. They sprayed the infusion and burned the leaf. It seemed like there were fewer people, but we didn’t live there for long—we moved out, otherwise they probably would have taken us out.

Anastasia, 32 years old:

I've heard that it helps, but I don't believe it. More than once I shook out huge cockroaches from a pack of bay leaves, both alive and dead. I didn’t bother with them for a long time - I poisoned them with an aerosol, and haven’t had them since.

Method number 5: alcohol tincture

If you brought fresh laurel branches from vacation, you can prepare a tincture that can completely replace a purchased repellent. For this you need:

  1. glass bottle with a wide neck;
  2. Place 100 grams of leaves and a glass of vodka in a bottle;
  3. Close tightly and refrigerate for 3 weeks.

To repel insects, pour 2 tablespoons of the tincture with 200 grams of water and spray the areas where cockroaches may appear daily.

Olga, 27 years old:

Several years ago, my grandmother removed cockroaches from my parents that had crawled in from their neighbors. She laid out a bay leaf and sprayed everything with a tincture from it. It’s been a long time since we remember what cockroaches are.

Konstantin, 32 years old:

My parents moved to a new apartment, which they exchanged with heavy-drinking tenants; cockroaches walked around. Nothing helped. And they sprinkled laurel infusion, and laid out boric acid, it became less, but then it increased again. Then my father, when he was gluing the wallpaper, added poison to the glue.


If you are allergic to strong aromas, the spice should be used very carefully. The pronounced odor of the plant can cause adverse reactions in pregnant women and young children. This also applies to small pets and birds.

When fumigating a room with smoke, the windows must be closed. Therefore, after the procedure you should leave the apartment.

According to reviews, some products can quickly absorb the aroma of spices and even acquire a bitter taste. This feature should be taken into account when placing spices in food cabinets.

Bay leaf for cockroaches is an effective remedy that helps cope with harmful insects. To achieve good results, you need to choose the right method of using the product and follow safety precautions.




Aroma oils

Aroma oils have a pronounced pleasant aroma, and most people like to inhale it, which cannot be said about cockroaches. In fact, a variety of oils found in the house can be used against these insects, but the following varieties will give the most powerful effect.

  • Tea tree. This oil must be used carefully as it is poisonous to pets. If you have a pet in the house, it is best to turn on the aroma lamp with this oil. In other cases, a few drops are diluted in a bucket of water, and then the floor and other surfaces are washed.
  • Fir. The fresh pine scent is an excellent solution for scenting your home and getting rid of cockroaches. Half a liter of water is diluted with 50 grams of alcohol, and then the mixture is supplemented with 30 drops of fir oil. The resulting composition is used to treat housing. Not recommended for use in rooms where there are babies and pregnant women.
  • Geranium. It is best to take pink geranium: its smell is the strongest. Geranium flowers are poured with a small amount of alcohol and infused for about 14 days. Then dilute with water and spray the room. You can buy ready-made oil at a pharmacy or specialty store.

Also, cockroaches will react quite quickly to the following types of oils:

  • citrus;
  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise.

When using oils, it is important to remember that too long exposure can cause a feeling of weakness and headaches. Many oils are harmful to pets and often cause allergic reactions in humans.


Some other folk remedies are also called effective. It is recommended to periodically change control methods to obtain a faster effect.

  • Ammonia. Soak the cotton wool and leave it in the saucer overnight.
  • Vinegar. Prepare a concentrated solution, wash the floors, wipe down the furniture.
  • Essential oils. Drop onto a candle, light it, and leave it overnight. Soak the cotton wool.
  • Geranium. Grow on a windowsill.

Folk remedies with a repellent effect are more suitable for preventing infection of a room than for active control.

We act for sure

Cockroaches are afraid of bay leaves, so the more of it there is in your apartment, the fewer insects there will be. At the same time, the owners of the house practically do not feel the smell. For the product to work for sure, the following conditions must be met:

  • The trap will not last forever. The stronger the smell, the better its effect. The maximum period of protection is one year. However, it is advisable to change bay leaves more often.
  • There is no need to chop the leaves. Of course, they smell stronger this way, but the effect will disappear literally in a matter of days. Therefore, it is best if they are whole, on a branch.
  • When the apartment is well ventilated, the leaves need to be changed more often. In open air, essential oils evaporate faster.

A tincture or strong decoction of laurel is considered an analogue. You can prepare it in advance, and then spray all corners with a spray bottle.

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