What to do if red bugs eat lily leaves?
In recent years, all amateur gardeners growing lilies have encountered a serious problem. Its reason and
autumn digging of beds
How to get rid of wireworms - chemical and biological means
The appearance of a wireworm on a site is difficult to confuse with anything else. This pest undermines tubers and
Burrowing wasps: should I be afraid, what types are there?
Sandy ammophila In spring and summer, not only hoverflies, bumblebees, bees,
What do ringing mosquitoes represent and is the insect dangerous?
What do ringing mosquitoes represent and is the insect dangerous?
Do you know what green mosquitoes are? These small insects are also called chironomids. They relate
Fly - what it looks like, habitats, main subspecies, stages of development + 82 photos
The fly is a two-winged nuisance insect from a species of arthropod. This is exactly the name she got
In the apartment
We fight epilyachna from the ladybird family - no pesticides!
Why and how do they get into the house? In summer, most often ladybugs accidentally fly into
The best flea remedies for dogs: a review of effective drops, sprays, tablets and traditional methods
Parasites as tenacious as fleas are very difficult to remove without special means. These insects adapt
Ladybugs: legendary bugs and their true essence
Where did the name ladybug come from? Ladybug: description, structure, characteristics. What does a ladybug look like?
Red mites: benefit or harm, and how to get rid of this scourge
Small red spiders in the apartment are not that uncommon. If you notice these little spiders on
Aphids on currants
We use baking soda against aphids, ants and other pests
Sodium bicarbonate, or simply baking soda, is not only an assistant in cooking, but also
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