How to use ant repellent bros - recommendations, instructions, reviews

Description of the ant repellent Bros, release form and storage conditions. What types of ants can Bros fight against? Ensuring safety when processing premises or areas. Customer reviews.

Ants are beneficial insects for nature and an important part of the ecosystem. But, if we talk about their settlement in a person’s home, in a summer cottage or garden, then their activity leads to spoilage of food, the spread of infectious diseases, aphids, and a negative effect on plants.

Owners who have encountered such a problem as an invasion of arthropods recommend starting the fight immediately, using effective substances based on insecticides. One such option is Bros. Ant Repellent.

Description of the drug

Bros is a drug in the form of a granular powder; the shade can vary from pure white to grayish. It is distinguished by the presence of a characteristic odor. The active substance is an organic ingredient - chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 1 gram per 50 grams of the drug).

Also among the components of the drug are:

  • Food additives that attract insects;
  • Denatonium benzoant.

When chlorpyrifos penetrates the body of pests through the respiratory organs, the substance paralyzes the nervous system, causing the ants to die.

Since the product is a contact insecticide, to achieve maximum effectiveness it can work in two directions:

  1. The ant tastes the pellets and dies.
  2. Particles of the powder stick to the chitinous layer of the pest and its limbs, after which they independently carry the poison into the nest of the ant colony, spreading it among other relatives. As a result, the death of not only ordinary individuals, but also the queen - the queen, which can produce about 40 thousand eggs per day.

Proper use of pest control powder will lead to the extinction of the entire family of ants in the room. Most often, complete disappearance is observed after one or two days after disinfestation.

Customer Reviews

Last summer, the bushes at my dacha began to rot. It turned out that they were infested with ants. After reading reviews about Bros powder online, I decided to buy it. I dissolved the product in water according to the instructions and sprayed it on the bushes. The pests disappeared on the second day. Now I always use this miracle powder.

Hello! I decided to write a review. I recently got ants in my apartment. They came suddenly, most likely from neighboring apartments. I found their nest behind the kitchen drawer. For a long time I couldn’t decide how to poison the ants, because there are a lot of means and not all of them can be effective. Friends recommended the drug Bros for ants. One 100 gram package was enough for the entire processing. I sprinkled dust everywhere I saw these pests. The next day all the insects were dead.

There are ants in our country house. They crawled everywhere, it was very unpleasant to be in the country. I learned from friends about Bros. powder. I bought a package and scattered it in all corners. We left the dacha so as not to breathe this chemical. When we returned a couple of days later, we found dead pests. I'm happy with the result.


Features of Bros, storage conditions

The product is produced by a Polish manufacturer in two packaging options - 100 or 250 grams. According to the manufacturer, it is possible to destroy 25 arthropod anthills with 1 can weighing 100 grams.

The packaging is plastic and has holes in the roof, making use as convenient as possible.

The powder product must be stored in a dark, dry place, away from animals and children. When purchasing an insecticide, pay attention to the expiration date, after which the use of the drug is prohibited.

Chlorpyrifos - instructions you must read

The effects of the drugs last for one to two months. In the soil, chemical compounds persist for up to 120 days. However, some experts express the opinion that the drug is stable for two years. You should be prepared for the fact that if you regularly use this chemical to treat a certain area, some insects may develop group resistance.

Nowadays, a wide range of chlorpyrifos poisons are produced for agriculture. Pay attention to whether the drugs you purchase have been registered. As practice shows, certified products are really effectively used against sucking and gnawing types of pests that occur, for example, in sugar beets - these are leaf aphids, flea beetles, meadow moths, common beet weevils, cutworms, cutworms or carrion beetles.

Indications for use

The use of the Polish insecticide Bros against pests is recommended if you find ants inside your home, in the garden, vegetable garden or personal plot. You need to understand that arthropods can inhabit both country and village houses and city apartments - no one is safe from such an invasion.

Throwing makes it possible to get rid of the following types of ants:

  • Black garden beetles are woodborers;
  • Red forest;
  • Yellow ones (they are also called pharaoh ants, house ants, ship ants) - it is worth noting that pharaoh ants are more difficult to get rid of, since their reproduction process is many times faster than that of other species - they can populate a multi-entrance 9-story building in just a year;
  • Meadow.

The presented pests are quite dangerous because they can carry a variety of infections. Since they move freely from nearby garbage cans and landfills into a house or apartment, owners may encounter pathogens. If you notice at least a few individuals, start fighting immediately, before the colony settles in hard-to-reach places.

How to get rid of ants using folk remedies?

People have been fighting ants for a long time and have found a number of relatively effective natural compounds for this purpose. They take a lot of time and do not always give a positive result, but if you cannot purchase a special drug, you can use old-fashioned methods.

Several recipes:

  • Based on boric acid. It is worth mixing a hard-boiled yolk, sugar and boric acid (about 20 g). Place the balls of the product near the anthill.
  • With yeast. Mix nutritional yeast (1 tbsp) with granulated sugar (4-5 tbsp). Pour the product into the lid and place it in its habitat.

The best ant repellents allow you to get rid of these and other insects in just one use, both in the garden and at home. At the same time, they are safe for humans and animals, and some drugs do not even harm beneficial insects. In order not to waste time choosing, it is worth taking a look at one of the lineups in the rating.

Preparatory measures

The drug is quite easy to use if you follow the instructions.

Before the procedure, you need to pay attention to the preparatory work, namely:

  • Eliminate the possibility of pets, birds, and children being inside the premises;
  • Remove all dishes and food products - it is best to take them out of the room or pack them tightly and place them in a locked cabinet;
  • Provide access to places where pests are located - first check the location of ant nests;
  • Make sure you have personal protective equipment - you will need gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Effective methods of using Bros

In essence, the presented product is an insect bait. After the composition is applied to the surfaces, the ants will rush to the treated area.

Bros can be used in the following ways:

  1. Pure type of powder - for this you need to scatter the drug in a small layer near the areas that were chosen by arthropods. Among their favorite places are baseboards, the backs of furniture, and refrigerators.
  2. Prepared solution - it is necessary to dissolve the powder in water at a concentration of 100 grams per two liters of liquid. 1 liter of solution is enough to treat 1 square meter of room. This composition should be used to treat cracks, seams, baseboards, and other hard-to-reach places.
  3. Liquid composition for treating bushes, trees and other plants. To prepare, you need to dissolve 100 grams of powder in 2.5 liters. Mix thoroughly before applying. After this, water or spray the vegetation that was infested by ants.

You should not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions, as this will lead to the death of insects too early; they simply will not have time to deliver the poison to the anthill to infect their relatives. It should also be noted that the substance is toxic, and increased concentrations can harm plants, leading to burns.

The final stage:

  1. It is necessary to dispose of the packaging of the powder; the best option is to burn the container, since parts of the poison may remain inside.
  2. Thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap.
  3. Restricting access to treated areas for children and pets for two days.
  4. Cleaning up dead insects and powder residues, washing surfaces after two days.
  5. Ventilation of the room.

It should be noted that the product is effective for six to eight weeks, so there is a long-term preventive effect.

Tips and tricks

The best time to control insect pests is early morning or late evening. During this period they are in the anthill or next to it.

On a note! Frequent use of products containing chlorpyrifos can lead to arthropods developing resistance to it.

You will have to stop smoking and eating food in the treated area, because we are talking about a toxic product.

Taking Precautions

Organophosphorus preparations, including Bros, do not have long-term retention of activity. The active substance does not penetrate into the root system of vegetation, and therefore into the fruits.

But if the presented type of insecticide is safe for flora, then it can cause some harm to people.

To avoid this problem, you must adhere to these simple rules:

  • It is best to treat street plantings with the drug in dry and windless weather;
  • Before carrying out the procedure, put on a hat and tuck your hair under it;
  • When using the product indoors, it is not recommended to apply it near sleeping areas, playrooms, dining rooms, and doorways.

A drug that contains chlorpyrifos is classified as hazard levels 2 and 3:

  • If the product enters the human body, it can cause severe intoxication. Usually such cases require medical attention. The antidote for the substance presented is atropine sulfate;
  • If the drug gets on the skin, it must be carefully removed using a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol solution;
  • If the powder gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, rinse it immediately with plenty of warm running water;
  • In case of irritation of the mucous membranes, intoxication with poison vapors, it is best to go into fresh air, spending several hours there, but before that, take off the clothes in which the treatment was carried out.

Insect control

This drug was originally used to control mosquitoes . It was believed that it affects insects even in the larval stage of development. Currently, the drug has also proven to be quite effective in the fight against aphids, mites, cockroaches, ants, flies and even lice.

In agriculture, it is used to get rid of insects in areas where grain varieties, cotton, vegetables, fruits and nuts grow. Flower growers have also found use for it, using the drug in flower beds and lawns, where mainly decorative flowers grow.

The developed drug was also adopted by veterinarians who treat dogs, horses, sheep with chlorpyrifos and disinfect premises for various types of animals. It was possible to achieve such success in the fight against insects in various areas thanks to the use of a special enzyme in the preparation itself , which paralyzes the nervous system of insects.

A large number of both domestic and foreign drugs are produced based on this substance. They all have the same effect, paralyzing insects , only the names are different. Considering the fact that the drug enters the body of insects through the respiratory tract, the question arises: is chlorpyrifos harmful to humans?

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