Biological insecticide Fitoverm: instructions for use, reviews, when to treat plants and how
Despite its completely natural composition, Fitoverm is a rather toxic product, which is assigned a third class
Aphids on viburnum Buldenezh eat all the flowers - what to do?
Unfortunately, like most cultivated plants, viburnum is a source of food for black aphids.
Bugs in the apartment
Small brown bug in the apartment: how to deal with it?
In the spring, many Russian residents are faced with the appearance of small bugs on the windowsill. They come in different varieties
Deer bloodsucker or moose fly: can it bite a person?
The world of insects is very diverse and these small representatives of the fauna are not always harmless and
Ant development cycle
Ants: their types, nutrition, reproduction and life in general
Ants belong to the order Hymenoptera and are representatives of the family of insects from the superfamily Antidae. On
Ammonia against ants in the garden and against aphids: use against pests in the greenhouse and in the beds, how to fight with ammonia
Ants are not as harmless as they might seem when you read about them in fairy tales and
Powder poured onto an anthill
"Delicia" from ANTS - the entire line of drugs (composition, how to use, etc.)
It is unlikely that anyone will be happy when ants appear in the garden, vegetable garden or house. Despite
Solfisan 10 ml how to dilute
Solfisan remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, 100 ml
Veterinary inspection organizations are successfully used to combat cockroaches, crickets, mosquitoes and flies,
How to use Mashenka chalk pencil against cockroaches, ants and bedbugs
Mashenka pencil is a long-used remedy for cockroaches and other household pests. Insects are not
Photo: Mite
Where do ticks live and in what places do encephalitis ticks live?
Wild animals >> Arachnids Ticks are quite dangerous and unpleasant animals that become more active
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