Solfisan remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, 100 ml

Veterinary inspection organizations successfully use the drug "Solfisan" to combat cockroaches, crickets, mosquitoes and flies, fleas and rat mites. It is suitable for processing objects of various types - transport, public places, residential and administrative buildings, warehouses and industrial enterprises, food plants, factories.

Advantages of the drug "Solfisan":

  • wide spectrum of action aimed at killing arthropods and insects
  • lack of resistance in parasitic individuals to the main working substance
  • safe for people and animals if the instructions for use are strictly followed
  • economical consumption
  • high efficiency: treatment of large areas with a minimum volume of solution
  • quick result
  • the prepared solution can be used within 28 days
  • high efficiency with low concentration of the key active ingredient;
  • long residual effect of the product - up to 90 days
  • absence of organic solvents, odor and traces after application of the solution.

The main active ingredient of the drug is cyfluthrin.
This is a component that is classified as a new generation of synthetic pyrethroids. Its insecticidal effect extends to arthropods: domestic cockroaches, bed bugs, crickets, blood-sucking insects, flies, fleas and rat mites. The principle of action of cyfluthrin is to block the transmission of nerve signals, which leads to poor coordination of the insect in space, paralysis and death of the individual. According to the standards, the product belongs to moderately hazardous elements of class III. Additional substances that enhance the effect of the drug are triglycerides, distilled water, Tween and carbomectyl cellulose. The developed composition is safe for animals and humans and does not cause allergic reactions.

Product description

Solfisan is an insectoacaricidal agent, presented in the form of an oil-water based emulsion concentrate. Suitable for exterminating cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas and other insects often found in human homes. The main feature of the drug is its unique composition based on cyfluthrin. This synthetic pyrethroid is, one might say, unfamiliar to pests in our region. They are absolutely not adapted to its action, which determines the maximum efficiency of the disinfestation process.

Solfisan has a neutral odor that disappears literally an hour after working with it. It also does not leave streaks on treated surfaces. Therefore, you definitely don’t have to worry about the integrity of your repair!

Where can I buy the drug?

"Solfisan" is sold at the Disinsection and Deratization Service in Moscow or the Moscow region. The labels must necessarily contain information that the manufacturer is. This will indicate that the product is not counterfeit.

It should be noted that at a price, Solfisan is a very affordable remedy for any category of citizens. Its cost is 135-150 rubles.


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • safe for all family members;
  • immediate impact on the body of pests;
  • economical consumption and simple method of application;
  • long period of protective action (from 1 to 3 months).

Principle of action: the active component of the drug is cyfluthrin. Once in the body of an insect, it has a negative effect on calcium metabolism in synapses and sodium-potassium channels, and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. This causes excessive release of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse. Poisoning is characterized by damage to motor centers and severe agitation.

Solfisan buy in Moscow

Solfisan is a colorless or light yellow oil-based emulsion concentrate. It is characterized by easy and uniform mixing with water in any proportions.

Solfisan can be bought in Moscow in large plastic canisters or small polymer bottles. Unopened containers are stored for up to 3 years from the date of production. After unpacking, the bottle must be used within 28 days.

SES "Des Group" does not sell Solfisan products and other insecticides.

Mode of application

To prepare working emulsions, the product is diluted in water at room temperature, stirring constantly until a homogeneous substance is formed. Calculation of the required amount of the drug depends on the type of pests and the degree of infestation of the premises.

The amount of Solfisan required for the preparation of working aqueous suspensions:

Species of centopods Concentration (%) AI Concentration (%) of working suspension according to formulation Amount of product (ml) per (l) water
1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 0,05 1 10 100 1000
Bedbugs 0,012 0,2 2 20 200
Fleas 0,012 0,2 2 20 200
Ants 0,025 0,5 5 50 500
Flies imago 0,025 0,5 5 50 500
Flies larvae 0,025 0,5 5 50 500
Mosquito imago 0,012 0,2 2 20 200
Mosquito larvae 0,012 0,2 2 20 200
Rat ticks 0,012 0,2 2 20 200

The areas of movement, potential habitat and most frequent locations of insects should be treated. It is important to use spray equipment. Consumption rate: 50 ml/m² on non-absorbent surfaces and 100 ml/m² on absorbent surfaces. After 24 hours, wash off the product from all surfaces. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Area of ​​use

The drug "Solfisan" has insectoacaricidal activity, which means that it helps exterminate various types of pests. In addition, the product helps fight mites, nits and specific insects. These include ixodid ticks, synanthropic insects that appear in industry, catering units and other enterprises, as well as in domestic conditions. A composition based on cyfluthrin helps get rid of unwanted insects in unprotected natural bodies of water and even indoors.


Treat premises only in the absence of people, animals, birds and fish. The windows must be open. It is important to use personal protective equipment: protective suit, mask, gloves, respirator. While working with the product, do not drink, smoke or eat. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Hurry up to buy Solfisan in the online store Insects.Net at the most affordable price, having the opportunity to get rid of annoying pests in your home.
Each client is guaranteed fast delivery to any region of Russia. We are waiting for your orders! This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Special instructions when using Solfisan

All work with Solfisan emulsion (preparation of solution, spraying, disposal) must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations and using personal protective equipment - gloves, masks, goggles, respirator, cotton suit, headgear. While processing the site, workers should not eat, smoke or drink. At the end of the event, you must wash your hands and face in warm water and soap, and rinse your mouth.

Children under 18 years of age, nursing and pregnant women should not come into contact with Solfisan. Persons who are allergic to other disinfectants should be allowed to work with the emulsion with extreme caution.

If Solfisan comes into contact with the skin, you should immediately wash the affected area with warm soapy water and water. If the product gets into the eyes or other mucous membranes, they are washed for 120 seconds with a large volume of tap water, after which it is better to immediately call qualified medical help. If Solfisan gets inside the body, you must drink at least 10 tablets of activated carbon, wash it down with 3-4 glasses of water.

It is possible to treat an apartment or house with Solfisan on your own, but it is better to entrust the task to experienced specialists. A team of workers using professional equipment will effectively and quickly rid you of cockroaches, crickets, mosquitoes and flies, fleas and rat mites. The emulsion is sprayed into tiny particles, which allows Solfisan to penetrate into all cracks, corners and holes. The best results are obtained by using an insecticide in combination with barrier protection and preventive measures. To call a team, contact a representative by phone or email.

Safe Handling Techniques

The drug solfisan is classified as hazard class 3 and in some cases 4. This allows you to use it quite calmly for processing both residential premises and industrial or commercial structures.

Disinfestation with Solfisan is carried out using the simplest personal protective equipment:

  • robe;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves;
  • petal-type respirator.

At the time of spraying the drug, people and animals should be removed from the treatment area, eating and smoking should be avoided.

It is recommended to store the drug, excluding contact with food for humans and animals, in sealed packaging, at room temperature. Subject to storage conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, Solfisan remains effective for five years.

Composition and effect of the drug

The drug Solfisan (Solfisan) is also known under the international name Cyflutrin. This is due to the presence of the main active ingredient pyrethroid difluthrin in its composition.

The composition and effect of the drug are clearly reflected in the table:

ComponentsQuantitative presence in the drugImpact
Cyfluthrin50 mgThe contact insecticide that forms the basis of the drug penetrates the body of parasites, activating sodium channels and blocking the nervous system of insects. This leads to loss of coordination, paralysis and death of the parasites.
Triglycerides100 mgContact and inhalation of the substance leads to a failure of protective instincts.
Twin50-80 mgUsed as a component that enhances the effect of other components.
Distilled water1 mlExcipient.

The powerful composition ensures massive destruction of household insects after the first treatment. The effect of the contact insecticide lasts for three months.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Solfisan, like any chemical, must be stored under certain conditions . The drug should be placed in a dry room with good ventilation, out of direct sunlight. The insecticide should be kept away from heating and heating devices, and there should be no food or medicines near it. Children or animals should not enter the room where Solfisan is stored. The product itself must be kept closed. The room temperature is set in the range from -4° to +30°C.

The shelf life of the insecticide is 5 years. We must not forget that the opened solution must be used within 30 days.

This is interesting: Kombat anti-cockroach spray.


The characteristics of Solfisan, declared by its manufacturers, are confirmed by numerous positive user reviews. Here are some of them.

Irina, 48 years old:

“We owe the cockroach invasion to careless neighbors. We tried a lot of things. On the advice of a friend, I bought Solfisan (and shared it with my neighbors). After one treatment, not a single cockroach! Thank you".

Artem, 56 years old:

“At the dacha, fleas appeared in the house from the neighbor’s cats. Their presence drove me to despair. Solfisan helped get rid of them. Literally in one procedure they disappeared without a trace. I advise everyone to buy it if a problem arises. They say it also helps against bedbugs. Fortunately, we don’t have any.”

Marina, 50 years old:

“I fought cockroaches with both special and folk remedies. Nothing helped, they appeared again and again. A friend suggested that Solfisan helps from them. I bought it and was not mistaken! The cockroaches have disappeared. Hopefully forever."


Among analogues, the following drugs have proven themselves well:

  • Medilis-Ziper – has a specific odor and is used against cockroaches, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes.
  • Tetrix is ​​effective in the fight against bedbugs. Disadvantage: very strong smell.
  • Sinuzan - quickly destroys bedbugs, but is ineffective against cockroaches.

Compared to the mentioned insecticidal agents against household parasites, Solfisan has no equal. This is evidenced by the advantageous characteristics of the drug.

Solfisan for various insects

It is not uncommon for pets to become infected with fleas. These insects multiply quickly, colonize all corners of the premises and bite the inhabitants of the house. You can get rid of small bloodsuckers with a solution of Solfisan at a concentration of 0.012%. The working emulsion is used to treat walls, floors, gaps around baseboards, carpets and other coverings.

Application of insecticide against other types of pests:

  1. From cockroaches. The composition of 0.05% is sprayed in areas where parasites accumulate. Treat cracks, gaps in walls and baseboards, door and interior openings, as well as ventilation pipes. If a large number of beetles are found in a room, then other rooms in the house into which they can move should also be treated. If necessary, the drug is sprayed again.

    Cockroaches quickly die from treatment with Solfisan

  2. From bedbugs. A solution of 0.012% is used to kill beetles in bedding. If insects are found in large numbers, then you need to inspect the entire room and corners where there may be accumulations of parasites. Pests can hide under baseboards, in places where wallpaper is peeling off, cracks, interior openings, and carpeting on the inside.
  3. From rat mites. The working emulsion is used in the same concentration as when treating bedbugs. Mites can be found in walls, baseboards, flooring or utility pipes. Be sure to treat the drawers, lower parts of the furniture and the ceiling. The room can be re-treated only after 10 days.
  4. From ants. Destroy parasites using a composition with a concentration of 0.012% or 0.025%. Spray the insecticide in the locations of pests and their routes of movement.
  5. From flies. A solution of 0.025% is used to treat plantings of insects, areas where they accumulate and the external surfaces of the room. Flies also inhabit garbage pits and food waste. Additional treatment will be required if there is a large number of adult individuals of these parasites. It is carried out 20-30 days after the first one.
  6. From mosquitoes. A composition with a concentration of 0.012% is applied to the parasites and the external surfaces of the room. Areas where household waste accumulates should be treated. The product can also be used for open natural reservoirs where there are no fish or other living creatures. Additionally, the drug is used every other month.

    To kill mosquitoes, the “Solfisan” product requires treatment in minute concentrations

Non-residential apartments and old basements are first cleared of debris and then thoroughly treated with Solfisan. Clean the room from the sprayed drug every other day. Surfaces are wiped with a dampened soft cloth.

Hazard to human health

There is an assumption that bedbugs are carriers of deadly infections. There is no scientific evidence for this yet. However, the insect can still seriously injure children and adults. First of all, mentally. The table will show why parasite bites are dangerous to human health.

Table - Why bed bugs are dangerous


Bites— One individual leaves a chain of five to seven bites; — there is a risk of infection through the area injured by the bug
Allergic reaction- It can be very extensive; - sometimes anaphylactic shock occurs
Anemia— Iron deficiency occurs due to blood loss; - the condition is diagnosed in childhood
InsomniaDue to regular attacks by bedbugs at night, people do not get enough sleep
Stress— Regular lack of sleep puts the body in a state of stress; - there is a need for psychological support
Depression— Often turns into prolonged stress; - requires the intervention of a psychiatrist due to danger to physical and mental health; - significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life

Solfisan fleas will retreat after the first spraying

It's difficult to meet a pet owner who has never experienced fleas. These blood-sucking pests are everywhere, they prevent you from sleeping peacefully, they bite painfully, and they also carry dangerous diseases. But not everything is so bad, because there are special means that allow you to “harass” insects quickly and without unpleasant consequences for pets and their owners. One of them is Solfisan. The liquid is harmless to people and warm-blooded animals, economical and allows you to quickly deal with any pests.

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