What do locusts look like, where do they live, what do they eat, how do they reproduce? Damage caused and methods of control, photo of insect
Wild animals >> Insects Locusts are one of the most dangerous insects for the national economy.
video about ticks
Tick ​​bite: classification, danger to humans, effective means of protection
Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease that can be transmitted to people and animals at the moment
Photo: Rhinoceros beetle insect
Rhinoceros beetle: photo, species, appearance, lifestyle and habitat
Wild animals >> Insects Not everyone is lucky enough to see a rhinoceros beetle in person. However, if he
Gadfly: damage and consequences of a bite
Horseflies and gadflies. How are they dangerous, and what is the difference between insects?
Wildlife >> Insects The horsefly is a large insect that will bite you when
Photo: Scolopendra
Scolopendra - description and photo, danger to humans
Wild animals >> Insects Scolopendra is a fast-moving predatory insect. It is widespread across
Ants in a summer cottage are a common problem that you can deal with yourself using folk remedies or insecticides
How to get rid of ants in the country using folk remedies and pesticides
Prevention of the appearance of ants Video The question of how to get rid of ants in the countryside worries every gardener.
Insect May beetle (Khrushchev): all the features, where they live, interesting facts, habits, role, reproduction
Wild animals >> Insects If you observe, at the end of April-beginning of May you will notice that
Crimean centipede bite - how dangerous is it for humans?
Many tourists are interested in the large centipedes of Crimea - how dangerous they are, what to expect from an encounter
Risk factors associated with aphid infestation of plants
“Folk” remedies for aphids (17 best, practice-tested)
Folk remedies for aphids are of great practical importance. First of all, because they
How long do butterflies live in nature and in captivity?
How long does a chocolate butterfly live at home?
The lifespan of butterflies depends on many factors, but the main ones can be distinguished:
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