Horseflies and gadflies. How are they dangerous, and what is the difference between insects?

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The horsefly is a large insect that will bite you at the first opportunity. They are 1.3 to 2.5 cm long, triangular and carnivorous. When they bite, they take out a piece of meat and inject poison. The area around the horsefly bite will be sore for about five days. Horseflies are also important vectors of diseases such as turkey leukocytosan disease.

Description and habitat

Horseflies are flying arthropod insects from the Diptera family. It is most active in wetlands and agricultural areas where livestock are raised.

Externally, the horsefly looks like a large fly about 2 cm in size; natural shades predominate in color - gray, brown. Looking at the appearance of the gadfly, you can see eyes that change color, impressive sharp mouthparts and a fleshy proboscis.

The horsefly has a slightly elongated body with a thin chitinous covering. Behind the transparent wings there are halteres, thanks to which the insect can balance during flight and make characteristic sounds.

Features of the external structure

This insect in appearance resembles a large fly, whose body reaches three centimeters in length. The insect has two large wings of a slightly smoky color.

The head of a horsefly has a large diameter; in its front part a pair of processes are visible, thanks to which those very painful bites are carried out. Two pairs of large iridescent eyes help the insect to see its prey from afar.

Female horse flies have more distance between their eyes than males. They also have a more rounded body and a pair of larger processes. Photos of horseflies will help you become better acquainted with the structural features of this insect.

Lifestyle and nutrition

The horsefly spends most of its life in flight. Departure usually begins in the second half of May.

Horsefly activity, which occurs mainly during daylight hours, increases sharply before rain, but during rain the insects do not fly.

The exception is the cloak, from which it gets its name. They do not like horse flies and windy weather. The flight range of the gadfly is 2–4 km. The insect can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h.

Horseflies feed on the blood of mammals. However, this only applies to fertilized females, since they need blood to reproduce. As for unfertilized females, they are quite satisfied with the vegetable menu, just like male gadflies.

Life cycle and reproduction

The life cycle of a gadfly includes four main stages:

  • egg (the female lays from 400 to 1000 pieces);
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • imago (adult).

The total duration of complete transformation is 4 years.

The method of breeding horseflies is similar to that for other dipterans. After mating, the female produces a brood, laying eggs on leaves and stems of plants, in water and moist soil.

The horsefly larva hatches in 3–8 days. This phase lasts about a year. In spring, the larvae begin to pupate, having first moved to a drier place.

This process may take several weeks. As a result, an adult gadfly is born.


Currently, more than 4,000 species of horseflies are known. Often the name of an insect speaks about the characteristics and lifestyle of the insect:

  • bullfly (one of the largest dipterans),
  • deer horsefly
  • gray horsefly
  • ordinary,
  • with golden eyes,
  • golden-eyed forest, etc.

Common types

Although the species diversity of the subfamily is great, in temperate climates the following types of horseflies are more common:

  1. The bullfly lives throughout Europe. It is distinguished by its large size, because it reaches a length of 2.5 cm. When flying, it makes a loud buzzing sound. The chest of the bullfly is decorated with dark stripes and yellow hair, while the body of the insect is dirty brown. Representatives of this species are found even at an altitude of 2 km above sea level.
  2. The horsefly lacewing, which is also called the moth, does not exceed 1.5 cm in length. It differs from its relatives in its bright, almost contrasting color: a black chest combined with yellow patches on the abdomen. But the real wealth of the insect is its attractive eyes, painted in shades of emerald and gold, shimmering spectacularly in the rays of the sun.
  3. The rainfly looks more ordinary: its faded color cannot be called elegant. But the insect has a significant difference from its fellows: its activity increases in cloudy weather, while other horseflies prefer sunny days.

These are the three most popular types of horseflies that can be encountered in the CIS countries.

Differences between horseflies and gadflies

The differences between the horsefly and the gadfly are manifested both externally and in the lifestyle of the insects. The horsefly has a muted color, and the gadfly is brighter. The horsefly is smaller in size than the gadfly. He has four wings, and the gadfly has two.

The horsefly has a much larger habitat, since it needs living organisms to reproduce. On the other hand, the gadfly always strives to be closer to water, as it needs a stable, moist environment for spawning and raising offspring.

Insects also have different methods of reproduction. Horseflies lay their eggs in water, grass or moist soil. To reproduce, a female horsefly needs to implant its larvae into the body of an animal or human, which then actively parasitize it.

Specifics of life activity

The danger comes from female horse flies that feed on the blood of animals. Moreover, they attack victims not only for the purpose of feeding, but also to obtain blood necessary during the development of eggs.

With the help of its proboscis, the horsefly cuts the skin of the victim, resulting in the formation of a wound, which will be the source of blood for the insect. One bite can result in blood loss of up to 200 mg. But male insects feed on flower nectar, secretions of worms and aphids.

Horseflies prefer to attack immobile prey. But at the same time, they are able to pay attention to the dark shade of the animal’s silhouette, the smell of sweat, or the wet body of a moving animal.

After consuming blood, the female quickly begins to digest it. In the intestines of a fertilized female, traces of digested food can be found 2 days after the bite. After 3-4 days, she is ready to lay eggs. The masonry size can reach 100-1000 pieces. at a time. In this case, the nutrition cycle reaches up to 6 times per season. This means that the average number of eggs laid can be about 3,500.

The ideal place for insect larvae is moist soil or water. Therefore, they live near bodies of water and are most active in hot weather in summer.

Horsefly bite and its causes

While in nature, you can easily become the target of a gadfly bite. The insect senses sweat from a distance of several tens of meters.

When a female horsefly bites a person or animal through a bite in the skin, she injects a special substance that thins and prevents blood clotting. Gadfly bites are dangerous for two main reasons:

  • This can cause an allergic reaction to the insect substance entering the bloodstream. In some cases, allergy sufferers can also die after being bitten;
  • A gadfly bite can cause an infection; in this case, treatment is much more difficult.


  1. 1 2
    Teskey, HJ
    The horse flies and deer flies of Canada and Alaska (Diptera: Tabanidae)
    . The insects and arachnids of Canada, Part 16. - Ottawa: Agriculture Canada, 1990, 381 p. [ Text] (English) (Accessed March 19, 2012)
  2. Life of animals. Volume 3. Arthropods: trilobites, chelicerates, trachea-breathers. Onychophora / ed. M. S. Gilyarova, F. N. Pravdina, ch. ed. V. E. Sokolov. — 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1984. - P. 402. - 463 p.
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First aid for a horsefly bite

First aid for a horsefly bite should begin with washing the affected area with cold soapy water and treating with an antiseptic to prevent secondary infection from entering the wound.

To reduce pain and swelling, it is recommended to apply an ice pack to the bite site. Baking soda based lotion is good for itching and redness. Pharmacy creams against insect bites, for example “Rescuer”, are also a good help in these cases.

If the victim of a gadfly bite has a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to urgently take an antihistamine.

Attention! If the bite lands directly on a mole, you should immediately consult a doctor, as such damage can cause the mole to degenerate into a malignant form.

In any case, it is necessary to immediately begin providing first aid for a horsefly bite, so as not to provoke complications that require serious medical intervention.

What danger do they pose?

Horseflies and gadflies are carriers of infections and parasites that are dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. When a horsefly bites, it injects toxic anticoagulants contained in its saliva. The affected area is irritated, very swollen, and blood does not stop oozing. Cases of increased temperature have been reported.

Attention: people with allergies should take antihistamines after an insect attack. The bite of one horsefly is equivalent to the bite of 70 mosquitoes.

In addition to unpleasant sensations, a horsefly bite can cause serious harm in the form of introducing bacteria and nematodes into the wound, which are also contained in saliva.

Horseflies carry dangerous diseases:

  • anthrax;
  • tularemia;
  • filariasis.

Immediately after the attack, it is necessary to put pressure on the resulting papule to minimize the penetration of harmful substances into the body. Gadflies are dangerous due to their larvae. Subcutaneous and gastric types are dangerous for humans. They can cause intoxication of the body.

Fistulas, which are formed by the larvae of subcutaneous insect species, are gateways for the penetration of bacteria. There are known cases when the larvae of gastric botflies reached the human brain. Such a defeat leads to death.

What a gadfly bite looks like and what to do if swelling and redness appear, read more in this article.

These insects also cause a lot of trouble for animals. The larvae infect them with bacteria, infections, damage the skin and tissues and often lead to painful death.

Treatment of a horsefly bite

Since the likelihood of insect attacks in the wild is high, it is necessary to clearly understand how to treat a horsefly bite.

First of all, during treatment, it is necessary to treat the affected area of ​​the body by washing it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, chlorhexidine, or at least clean water. Then you need to carefully squeeze the liquid out of the wound. This will prevent insect saliva from spreading under the skin. It is best to seal the bite site with a band-aid.

To prevent allergies, you should take antihistamines (Cetrin, Loratadine). You can take painkillers and antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen).

Among the folk remedies for relieving swelling, rubbing, oddly enough, with Corvalol, soda solution, dandelion juice, grated potato mass, as well as regular ice and iodine are suitable. Salt lotions help a lot.

Preventive measures

As they say, prevention is the best cure. Therefore, when going for a walk or a trip to nature, you need to take measures to protect yourself and your loved ones.

When going outdoors, you need to pay special attention to the choice of clothing. It should not be of bright colors, so as not to attract undue attention from horse flies.

It is better to give preference to things that cover the body as much as possible, made of dense, but breathable fabrics, of a khaki color. It is not recommended to use perfume in such cases, as it attracts insects.

Various repellents containing 20% ​​diethyltoluolamide in the form of creams, lotions, and sprays will help repel horse flies. You can also use traditional methods:

  1. If you are going to live in a rural area, then you need to collect wormwood and tansy in small bunches. By hanging them outside on the walls of the house at the entrance and windows, a person will scare away horse flies that try to approach the home.
  2. Bouquets of tansy and chamomile in the house would be useful. You can spread tansy stems around the tent if you have to spend the night outdoors. This plant perfectly repels blood-sucking insects.
  3. When making a fire, it is recommended to burn several chamomile flowers and stems in it. Then evening gatherings by the fire will be safer. You can also use valerian, juniper pine, wheatgrass root, and cinnamon.
  4. If you treat the body with a solution of carbolic acid, horseflies will never attack.
  5. To repel blood-sucking insects, an effective remedy is to lubricate exposed areas of the body with fish oil.
  6. You can sprinkle chamomile tincture on your body and clothes. The most effective in this regard are the Persian and Caucasian species of this plant.
  7. If there are puddles nearby, you can pour a little gasoline or diesel fuel into them. Flies that want to get drunk on the fly, having landed in such traps, will no longer fly up.

Sometimes it happens that you have to stop for the night in places where there are concentrations of horse flies, mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Then it is better to follow the safety rules:

  • you need to set up your camp on a hill, away from the swamps,
  • sleep under a mosquito net, and if possible, smear your face with mud (silt), especially before going to bed,
  • It’s better to tuck your trousers into your socks or shoes,
  • put on all your clothes, especially at night,
  • be sure to use a protective mask and gloves,
  • Use repellents applied to clothing; they retain their effect for weeks.

There are many recipes on how to avoid insect attacks, but the main thing is to use them in time and correctly.

The horsefly, being a blood-sucking insect, causes inconvenience to both animals and people in the warm season. Many people are familiar with its obsessive buzzing and painful bites. In hot weather, far from cities, horseflies stage real attacks, interfering with comfortable outdoor recreation or work in the garden. They also annoy livestock. What kind of insect is this and why does it attack?

Consequences of a bite

The consequences of a gadfly bite are swelling, allergies. Pregnant women may experience fetal death, premature birth, or miscarriage.

Infection of a wound can contribute to the development of an inflammatory and infectious process, including blood poisoning (sepsis) and bacteremia (high levels of bacteria in the body).

Tetanus and gas gangrene may develop.

Allergic reaction

A person who is bitten by an allergy may experience an attack of suffocation or anaphylactic shock. Maybe even coma, and then death.

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