How to get rid of skin beetle in an apartment using folk remedies?

At any time, terribly tenacious and troublesome carpet beetles can appear in your home. Being incredibly irritable, they quickly attract attention by eating your favorite expensive items.

The article on fighting the skin beetle on your own contains the following chapters:

  1. Plan for the destruction of the carpet beetle
  2. The most effective folk remedies
  3. About the cold air
  4. And finally - a little about prevention

There is no need to wait for the carpet beetle to finish off your last leather jacket, because there are good old-fashioned folk ways to get rid of the little bastard!

the main point in the fight against any household pest is its timely start, and our parasite is no exception! Bugs can cause enormous damage to your apartment, so hurry up and don’t delay in getting rid of it!

Plan for the destruction of the carpet beetle

Detection of skin beetles and their “nests”

Initially, you need to make sure that it is the carpet beetle that has settled in your apartment. Adult skin beetles usually reach the size of a match head, and their larvae are half that size, with hair all over their body.

To detect it, you need to check its typical habitats:

  • in the corners of the room;
  • under rugs, carpets;
  • in old things, other rubbish;
  • in ventilation pipes;
  • on leather clothes;
  • check beds and linens;
  • in (attention!) cans of cereals.

One of the most important parts of this stage is the detection of the skin beetle's nest - clusters of its larvae, which can be found in the above-mentioned places. It is necessary to get rid of these “foci of infection” first, which will be discussed below.


There's no cleaning here! This insect reproduces incredibly quickly, therefore, the main purpose of cleaning is to eliminate the larvae!

  • A vacuum cleaner is the main enemy of domestic parasites, since with its daily use most of the malignant larvae will simply be destroyed.
  • It is recommended to immediately throw away clothes damaged by beetles, and wash the remaining items thoroughly in the hottest water possible.
  • It is also necessary to check all the pillows in the apartment - parasites occasionally reach them. If carpet beetles are found, the pillows must be thrown away (or, in extreme cases, dry cleaned).
  • For a more effective result, it is recommended to thoroughly wash all corners and baseboards in the apartment with a mixture of laundry soap and soda.

The use of folk remedies

Benefits of folk remedies

  1. The main advantage of the methods below for combating skin beetles is their complete safety for human life. If you do not have the opportunity to vacate the apartment for her chemicals. processing is what you need.
  2. Availability. Folk remedies for getting rid of parasites are called that way to be budget-friendly, and if you don’t want to spend money on paying for the work of men in gas masks, they will suit you.
  3. Ease of execution. In order to get rid of skin beetles using folk remedies, you don’t need anyone’s help. Hard and careful work, a little patience - and your apartment is like new!

Disadvantages of using traditional methods

  1. The main disadvantage is time. Indeed, these methods require much more time to implement. You will also have to wait longer for the results of your own labors, which is unacceptable when we are talking about a huge number of these pests.
  2. Guarantees. It all depends on your diligence and attention, but we still recommend using the recommendations below when there are relatively small numbers of carpet beetles in the apartment.

We also draw your attention to the fact that in the “Store” section on our website you can purchase products for getting rid of carpet beetles yourself.

Carpet beetles in an apartment, how to get rid of them?

From everything stated above, it is clear that the destruction of skin beetles must begin immediately as soon as this abomination is discovered and identified. This is the only way to avoid losses due to unwanted proximity to parasites. All insect repellents are good in the fight against insects.


Moreover, our market has a wide selection of insecticides in different forms:

  1. Tablets are best suited for protecting clothing from skin beetles. These are the well-known drugs “Dezmol”, “Supronit”, “Antimol” and others. They are laid out in closets and drawers where clothes are stored. These forms of pesticides act on an ongoing basis for a long time. Therefore, there will be no trace of skin beetles left in a couple of weeks.
  2. Aerosols . Particles of poisons sprayed onto parasites penetrate through the chitinous shells, causing paralysis in the nervous system of insects. This is followed by their death. However, eggs and pupae remain alive when treated with aerosols. Therefore, it has to be repeated several times at certain intervals. Along with the well-known Karbofos and Dichlorvos, Raid, Raptor and Clean House work well. But you cannot treat clothes with them, since their vapors are also toxic to humans.
  3. Powders . They can be poured into cracks under baseboards, under window sills and cabinets, inside sofas, armchairs and any other furniture. Powdered insecticides with boric acid and permethrin are considered the best. In addition to being used in dry form, they are diluted in water for spraying in places where insects accumulate.
  4. Concentrates are applied over the entire area of ​​the room or in individual corners. They do not leave stains behind and do not damage surfaces. But still, especially valuable things are placed in plastic bags before disinfection and immersed in the concentrate for 2 hours. When treating premises, the effect of the concentrates lasts for a month and thereby ensures complete cleansing of parasites and their offspring. The most popular among concentrated poisons are Executioner and Tetrix.

The main thing is to follow the instructions for each drug and prepare the solutions correctly. After spraying aerosol forms, drafts should be provided for ventilation 2 hours later.


Among non-chemical methods, exposure to sub-zero temperatures is sometimes used. However, the beetles are quite resistant to light frosts and die only at -11 and below. Particularly persistent individuals can hibernate, and when warmth is restored they come to life. Therefore, to be safe, the rooms are kept at -20 for several hours.

It is recommended to periodically repeat the frost exposure. But such low temperatures do not always occur even in winter. And not all owners will agree to risk freezing the water in the heating system in order to get rid of skin beetles.

The most effective folk remedies

Boric acid is the best choice when fighting skin beetles!

Undoubtedly, the leader in effectiveness in the fight against carpet beetles among folk remedies is boric acid in powder form.

In order to forget about this annoying insect once and for all, it is necessary to treat absolutely all corners, baseboards and hard-to-reach (for humans) places with the above-mentioned acid. This is done by rubbing in the acid using a regular brush.

It is also necessary to sprinkle powder on all “foci of infection” found during the first step.

For you and me, this product is absolutely harmless, and (unlike other chemicals used to poison these beetles) the acid has no odor.

Liquid MediLIS Super

MediLIS Super is a concentrated insecticide for universal use. It contains lambda-cyhalothrin, a chemical that destroys pests when they enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. The drug has a repellent (repellent) effect and is twice as effective as the strongest second-generation insecticides. The knockdown effect that lambda-cyhalothrin causes in insects is irreversible. Quickly penetrating the tissue, the drug changes the potential of the nerve cell and blocks the nervous system. The death of the population occurs within 24 hours. The insecticide is capable of completely destroying pests and protects the room from the reappearance of the skin beetle. The product is sold in the following packages:

  • plastic bottles;
  • glass or plastic ampoules;
  • polymer containers with a volume of up to twenty liters.

Before use, it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100, and then sprayed in insect habitats. MediLIS Super is excellent for use in advanced infestations, as it remains effective for a long period of time (up to 1.5 months) and is a more powerful poison compared to others. The estimated cost of the drug is 450 - 500 rubles. Hazard class three (moderately dangerous). Gloves, overalls, goggles, and a respirator should be used as protective measures. The drug does not leave stains on treated surfaces and is invisible to an outside observer. The consumption rate is indicated in the instructions.

Buy the drug

Cold air is the main enemy of insects!

Yes, our grandparents also knew that every small nasty thing that is an insect is afraid of cold temperatures, and the carpet beetle is no exception!

Absolutely all household linen that was used during the period of incubation of the parasite must be frozen for several hours: a balcony is suitable for this in the cold season (the temperature should not be higher than nine degrees Celsius), or your freezer if it is moderately warm outside.

It is recommended to “freeze” the apartment - leave all the windows open for the whole day so that the temperature becomes as low as possible. The parasites will definitely not survive such tests, and all you have to do is vacuum thoroughly again.

“Freezing” must be carried out only after completing the step with boric acid, since otherwise the beetles will simply be able to safely escape from your apartment.

it is recommended to use all the tips clearly point by point, and combine methods for getting rid of carpet beetles together: this way you can achieve the most favorable result, and also forget about this annoying parasite forever!

Useful tips for fighting carpet beetles:

  1. If you live in a private house, it is recommended to get rid of bird nests next to it, since there is a high probability that these nests have become a hotbed of incubation for parasites.
  2. If you find carpet beetles in your apartment, you must immediately limit their access to things that are dear to you: starch them, place them in the above-mentioned vacuum bags.

Don't forget that traditional methods don't always have the maximum impact. For the best disinfestation, you need to soberly assess the scale of insect reproduction in your apartment. The above recommendations will be most effective at its minimum and medium levels.

Processing rules

The most suitable processing times are May, October-November. During these periods, the skin beetle larvae do not have dense cover after molting, which makes them vulnerable. Before starting disinfection, it is necessary to close windows, doors, and ventilation ducts. Remove children and animals. Despite the low toxicity, treatment should be carried out in thick clothing with sleeves, rubber gloves and safety glasses.

Aerosols and emulsion solutions are sprayed at arm's length, at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from the surface. The walls are processed from top to bottom from a height of 1.5 meters.

Sequence of insecticide application:

  • walls up to the baseboard;
  • behind the baseboards;
  • window;
  • doors;
  • lampshades;
  • cushioned furniture;
  • pile surfaces;
  • in closets;
  • ladder.

At the end of the procedure, ventilate the room.

And finally - a little about prevention

After getting rid of the annoying pest, your main task is to prevent its reappearance. Below are must-have prevention tips:

  1. Clean the carpets in your apartment regularly. From now on, the vacuum cleaner is your main assistant in the apartment!
  2. Once a year it is necessary to disinfect suitcases with essential boric acid.
  3. Place wormwood and lavender on every clothing shelf—bugs hate these herbs.
  4. Keep as few old and unnecessary things as possible in your apartment.
  5. Check your clothing regularly.
  6. Buy vacuum bags and put clothes in them that you won't be wearing in the near future.
  7. The windows will have to be equipped with insect nets - they are excellent protection against skin beetles.

By regularly following all our advice, you will most likely be able to protect your apartment not only from disgusting skin beetles, but also from almost any other household pests!

Appearance of an insect

The natural environment is home to 600 species of representatives of the order Coleoptera. Of these, 7 varieties are dangerous pests.

General signs of skin beetles:

  • size – up to 1.2 centimeters;
  • the body cover is covered with hairs or stripes;
  • color in shades of brown;
  • Hairy larvae are brown.

Carpet beetles eat animal and plant organic matter.
In the human environment, insects are attracted to natural fabrics, wood and wood products, and food scraps. Depending on the nutrient substrate, the skin beetle can be found in the apartment:

  1. Carpet, brown bug, up to 4 millimeters. Habitats: woolen, knitted, cotton products. It feeds on fibers, wool, and skin residues.
  2. Ham, black, with gray-yellow wings. Substrate - food.
  3. Fur coat, with white dots. Eats food.
  4. Museum black. Lives in books. Destroys paper, cardboard, glue.
  5. Kozheeda Smirnova. Eats wood. Habitats: frames, window sills, stairs.
  6. Frisch's carpet beetle. Nutrient substrate - products.
  7. Floral. It feeds on pollen from indoor plants.

Despite their tiny size, carpet beetles cause significant material damage and threaten human health.

Habitats of different species

The museum leather beetle can be found on stuffed birds and animals, leather bindings of book volumes, natural fabrics and paintings. Workers at museums and exhibitions most often encounter this species. Adult beetles do not cause harm, but they lay eggs, from which voracious larvae then hatch. Adults can be seen on flowers, and larvae can be seen on dried corpses of mammals.

The kapra beetle from the genus Granivorous leather beetles lives in cereals, dried fruits, nuts, and feeds on meat and cheese reserves. This is a dangerous quarantine pest. Its homeland is India, from where, along with trade goods, it spread throughout the world. The insect prefers areas with a warm climate and breeds in granaries and food warehouses.

Spotted skin beetles are found on mammal carcasses. They are used to clean bones in museums. These insects are kept in special rooms called dermestariums. Beetle larvae can spoil food supplies of fish, meat, milk powder, and cheese. Pests are found in museums and silk production plants.

Ham skin beetles live everywhere. The larvae are practically omnivorous - they eat containers, telephone wires, wood, paper, leather, etc. They are used by taxidermists to clean skeletons. Insects are found in bird nests, burrows of wild animals, and food warehouses.

The fur coat beetle lives in apartments; its appearance may be caused by the abundance of dust on which it feeds. It can be found under baseboards, in carpets, under sofas, in cracks on the floor and furniture, and in closets. He shares an apartment with a carpet beetle - a big lover of leather, fur and house dust. These beetles eat feathers and down in pillows, blankets and duvets, spoil things, stocks of cereals, flour and plant products.

Damage caused by beetles

For a significant portion of citizens, the leather beetle is an unfamiliar insect. Having no idea what this bug looks like, the owners cannot detect its presence in the house.

Smirnov's carpet beetle is a small insect, the length of which is about 5-10 mm. It has a strong brown shell, on top of which there are small stripes that stand out in color. The body has small villi. If you carefully examine the beetles, you will be able to detect a long, small tuft, similar to a tail. There are two most popular types: Smirnov’s leather beetle and ham beetle.

Finding uninvited guests in an apartment is not easy. They are often carried on clothes, shoes, flowers, and pets. They can easily penetrate an unclosed window.


These insects are nocturnal inhabitants that are not immediately detectable. Therefore, it is not always possible to take quick measures to exterminate them. As a result, skin beetles manage to lay eggs and gradually begin to capture “new territories.” Usually, owners become aware of the presence of skin beetles only after noticeable passages gnawed by insects begin to appear on furniture items. In addition, bite marks may appear on human skin.

The size of the beetle is small, but the harm from its activities can be serious. In particular:

  1. Material damage. This is due to the gluttony of insects, which begin to eat everything that, in our opinion, cannot be edible. Furniture, natural and leather fabrics are damaged. Carpets end up with bald spots after beetles. Uninvited guests are able to take a fancy to the sofa, and having made their way into the closet, they will hasten to spoil a significant part of the wardrobe there.
  2. Harm to the health of people living in the premises. Like all other insects, the skin beetle can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, the pest can spread infectious diseases and bite strongly. The skin beetle larva is not blood-sucking, so it does not attack people.

The insect bite is usually not felt. There is slight redness in the affected area, and the area may itch. In people with sensitive skin, this redness will be more pronounced. Patients suffering from an allergic reaction also face a similar problem. In addition, swelling often appears at the bite sites.

Important! The carpet beetle is dangerous due to its ability to spread infections. The bite of this insect often causes human infection. Therefore, the affected area must be disinfected.

Thus, if an “unpleasant “neighbor” is found in the house, urgent measures must be taken. Not only adult representatives of this species are subject to extermination, but also larvae and eggs. There are many ways to fight parasites.

Ways to enter the home

Skin beetles appear along with furniture or second-hand items purchased from previous owners at a low price. Insects can easily be brought in from the street on shoes or clothes. The larvae enter the house with contaminated food products - cereals, flour, cheese or meat. An adult beetle flies into an apartment through an open window; it can easily be brought in along with a bouquet of wildflowers.

Parasites penetrate into a person’s home, where it is warm and dry. It is convenient for them to reproduce at above-zero temperatures. They can come from the street along with vegetables purchased at the market, cardboard packaging, contaminated wooden containers. Bugs easily crawl from neighbors through balconies, cracks, ventilation or garbage disposals.

Pests become more active in the warm season. Carpet beetles quickly master a cozy, dry home if the owners do not like frequent cleaning. They like clothes in closets, carpets, leather and fabric upholstery, and food. You can protect your home from insects if you know what they look like, where they come from, and carry out preventative cleaning on time.

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