How to get rid of woodlice in an apartment using industrial means and folk methods

To understand how to get rid of wood lice in the bathroom, you need to know what they are. This way you can distinguish them from other animals. You will know the living conditions, the characteristics of the organism and prevent their reappearance in your home. These are small, 10-18 mm, nimble representatives of crustaceans. They have dark gray, brown, sometimes white oval bodies, antennae and seven pairs of legs, due to which they move quickly.

In nature, these animals love very humid places with a minimum of sunlight and feed on organic matter. You can meet them under stones, logs, and overturned boats. What do they find in human habitation?

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Types of woodlice

In general, there are several thousand species of woodlice (3500-5000 according to various sources).

Typically found in a home:

  • Common woodlouse-armadillo (Armadillidium vulgare). It is easily recognized by its high, dark-colored shell. Crustaceans prefer damp cellars and basements, so they are not very often found in houses and apartments, but anything can happen. If there is a possible threat, the creature instantly curls up into a ball.
  • Woodlouse (Porsellio scaber). This is a fairly famous “traveler” of apartments. Characteristic features of representatives of this species:
  1. The shell has a reddish tint.
  2. 7 pairs of legs allow tiny creatures to move very quickly.
  3. They don't know how to roll up into a ball.

Woodlice should not be confused with silverfish (a silver-gray insect with a flat body that tapers towards the tail) and with flycatchers (they have a huge number of legs). Woodlice have a larger body (up to 20 mm), thick, oval, consisting of segments

It’s interesting that crustaceans get into the apartment:

  • Together with soil collected from the park for replanting indoor flora.
  • With soil-contaminated root vegetables purchased at the market.
  • From attics or basements.
  • From sewer pipes.
  • Along the ventilation ducts.
  • From neighbors who are so comfortable that small pests have multiplied in huge numbers and decided to develop new territories.

Woodlice are not picky eaters. They will happily eat rotten vegetables, leaves of indoor plants, can get to the roots, and will not disdain leftover food sent to the trash can, crumbs, leftovers on plates in the sink, animal food, etc. If food is really tight, crustaceans will be happy about mold spores that appeared in the bathroom due to high humidity

What do woodlice look like?

Contrary to the erroneous belief of most people, woodlice are not insects, but crustaceans. Individuals can be easily recognized by their characteristic appearance. For them it is quite repulsive and unpleasant.

What do woodlice look like? The most characteristic and distinctive feature is the body, which looks like a shell of 8 segments. Woodlice are characterized by:

  • Slightly convex oval body up to 2 cm long.
  • Two pairs of antennae: the first is short and underdeveloped, the second is long. With their help, woodlice navigate in space and look for sources of food.
  • A pair of eyes on the sides of the front of the body.
  • Seven pairs of thoracic limbs are designed to move the individual.
  • Body color is brownish-brown or marbled gray.
  • At a certain stage of development, individuals become white, but then their body becomes dark again.

Why know what woodlice look like? This will help develop the optimal strategy for controlling individuals. Crustacean beetles are often confused with silverfish, but the two species can be distinguished upon closer examination. They have quite a lot of striking external differences, which were indicated above. Also, if you touch woodlice, they will squirm or curl into a ball.

Reasons for appearance and habitat in the apartment

So, we know: for woodlice to appear in an apartment, there must be high humidity (dampness), which will be an ideal factor for the existence and reproduction of small creatures. Perhaps in nature these representatives of the fauna feel more comfortable than in a space limited by walls, but once in human housing, they choose:

  • Bathroom or toilet room.
  • Storerooms.
  • The kitchen, especially the areas under the sink.
  • Ventilation shafts and air ducts.

What attracts woodlice there? Now let’s figure it out, because the reasons can be very different:

  • In the kitchen there are leftovers of food that have already begun to rot in the trash can.
  • Stagnant water in buckets, bowls or other containers.
  • Leaking toilet and wet rags on the floor.
  • Wet laundry that has been left in the bathroom for too long.
  • Excessive watering of indoor flowers leads to stagnation of water and the appearance of a musty smell.
  • Vegetables and fruits stored in a closet or on the balcony.
  • Dirty dark corners of rooms.
  • Damp walls, ceilings or floors.
  • Old, compacted books, etc.

If the apartment does not have the required level of humidity, wood lice are not interested in it, and they continue on their way in search of a more comfortable home. Controlled dryness in the room and regular ventilation do not allow crustaceans to breathe deeply, much less reproduce.

Measures to get rid of woodlice

The destruction of woodlice involves not only creating unfavorable conditions for their existence, but also blocking possible ways for them to enter the apartment from the outside.

  1. Leaks in pipes must be eliminated.
  2. Seal all cracks in floors, walls and ceilings.
  3. Check the operation of all plumbing and household appliances.
  4. You can reduce the formation of condensation by replacing metal pipes with plastic ones.
  5. The bathroom should not be used to dry clothes.
  6. Regular ventilation of the apartment, using a hood, air conditioner or fan will help rid the room of excess moisture.

Having implemented these points, you can proceed to the destruction of existing woodlice in the house, as well as to eliminating the source of their reproduction in the attic or basement.

On a note

The first thing that the fight against woodlice involves is the absence of moisture in the room, which is what causes woodlice to appear in the apartment. In other words, it is necessary to create conditions unfavorable for the life of pests: lack of humidity and access to water. Animals will not breed in dry rooms; they simply will not survive there.

Features of woodlice

The nimble little woodlice are sometimes called miniature brontosaurs and compared to tiny armadillos. The crustaceans have a 7-plate chitinous shell, they have 2 pairs of whiskers and 7 pairs of limbs, and also:

  • These are the only representatives of crustaceans that did not completely abandon the water element, but chose a land existence.
  • When living conditions worsen, they can hibernate, and the duration of such suspended animation is up to 9 months.
  • Reproduction occurs not only through fertilization, but also “without a dad” - parthenogenetically.
  • Land crustaceans have breathing sacs and so-called land gills. Arthropods absorb oxygen from the thin film of moisture that wets these gills.
  • Since they are not insects, the use of insecticides is not always advisable , because the effect of the active substance is very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to use either very strong drugs, or supplement them with other agents, or carry out the treatment several times.

If at least one woodlice appears in the apartment, you must immediately begin to act:

  • Make sure there are no leaks in the water supply and sewerage systems.
  • Try to reduce high humidity to a minimum by all possible means.
  • Promptly seal existing gaps and cracks in the walls and ceiling, remove gaps around the risers of communication pipes (spray foam can help).

Benefits of contacting the sanitary and epidemiological station

The sanitary and epidemiological station employs professionals with specialized education and work experience. We use certified European drugs and modern expensive equipment. All products are safe for human health.

We fill out the application in a couple of minutes. We leave in 60 minutes. Processing takes no more than an hour.

We do not disclose information that you contact us for services.

If wood lice have settled in your apartment, don’t think about how to get rid of them. Contact the SES.

Call. Come.

Other insects:

  • Bedbugs
  • Bark beetle
  • Cockroach
  • Mite
  • Ant
  • Flea
  • Mole
  • Mosquito
  • Wasp
  • Medvedka
  • Fly
  • Carpet beetle
  • Silverfish
  • Hay beetle
  • Midge
  • Bug
  • Woodworm
  • Louse

Ways to combat woodlice

When choosing the most optimal method for expelling and destroying woodlice, each housewife takes into account a number of points: the size of a particular apartment, the number of woodlice and the reasons for their appearance, habitat, etc. Also, each of them understands that it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of woodlice easily and quickly. Here you need to be patient and act comprehensively , gradually moving towards the complete extermination of pests:

  • Create conditions that are completely unsuitable for the existence of crustaceans.
  • Block all possible paths and loopholes that could lead woodlice into the house.
  • Get rid of all the creatures that have occupied the apartment in the most effective ways (you can use several - active and preventive or enhancing, as well as prolonging the effect of the first).
  • Be sure to try to destroy pests in the very heart of their colony, their breeding places (usually in the basement or attic).

TOP 5 means of combating woodlice

In addition to all kinds of folk remedies for getting rid of these bugs, special means are also used that are commercially available to the public for independent use, without the involvement of professionals in the field of pest control. Let's consider the most relevant of them.


  • The drug is universal and is capable of destroying not only woodlice, but also cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and fleas.
  • The product relatively recently appeared on the insecticide market.
  • One gram of powder can effectively up to 60 sq.m. “Tarax” is notable for the fact that it does not cause the notorious habituation of insects to the components contained in its composition, which increases its degree of active influence on pests and efficiency.
  • Package 1 gr. powder is dissolved in water (200 ml - a glass) and the insect-affected area is treated with a spray bottle or sponge. Price – 80 rub.

Review: Natalya Ivanovna, Moscow

We removed woodlice under our bathtub using Tarax. We were very pleased with this drug. No poisoning was observed. The drug does not seem to be very toxic. The woodlice died immediately within a few hours. I recommend to all.


  • This is a bait gel, which comes in a very convenient package - a syringe with the drug , ready for use.
  • A thin stream in the form of a strip of gel is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places , which creates maximum comfort in using such a drug.
  • The consumption of one 30 g package can cover the treatment of 3 medium-sized rooms. Price – 40-45 rubles.

Review: Svetlana, Moscow

We recently bought an apartment in an old Khrushchev building, where we had to completely replace the plumbing with plastic pipes. It is clear that the old plumbing used to leak, the pipes were old, cast iron, there were a lot of small bugs under them, then I recognized them as woodlice. Since there were too many of them, I had to look for a German-made product - “Schabengel”, I heard that it is very effective. We did everything right, according to the instructions, and the woodlice died within a few hours. Everything worked out very conveniently and quickly.


  • This is a new generation of dichlorvos, which has a universal effect on parasites and other crawling and even flying insects , as well as on bugs such as woodlice.
  • It is noteworthy that “Varan” is completely odorless and is not toxic to people and animals.
  • Price – from 48 to 100 rubles. and higher depending on the percentage of concentration of the active substance and the volume of the bottle.

Review: Sergey, Leningrad region

I used “Varan” against woodlice in my dacha. The drug worked perfectly, there have been no bugs for six months now. I think they won't appear for a long time. I really liked that this remedy against all kinds of parasites has no odor at all. I already thought that I would have to endure some kind of stench, like Dichlorvos, but it turned out that Varan has no smell at all and is not toxic.


  • The drug Gett has its own analogue - “Master”. Both the analogue and its substitute are a liquid concentrate of high toxicity for fish , so in no case should you work with it near an open aquarium or pond
  • the aquarium with something
  • for humans and animals.
  • The effect of its influence occurs only when the insect comes into contact with Gett microcapsules. Price – 700 rub. (100 ml).

Review: Vitaly, Ekaterinburg

We destroyed all the woodlice, which with their presence often caused us trouble in the kitchen near the trash can. Of course, we had to replace the trap under the sink so it wouldn't leak. And then we dealt with the woodlice using Gett. A friend recommended this product to us and it turned out to be very effective. There is still a little left in the bottle, which will be useful for other insects.


  • A very strong and active product against many different household insects.
  • The active component of Tetrix is ​​cypermethrin, which is why it kills bedbugs, ticks, fleas and woodlice so quickly and for a long time.
  • Complete death of insects is possible only after 2 days .
  • The effect of the drug can last up to 70 days .
  • The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion in bottles and canisters from 250 ml to 1-5 l.
  • Expensive, but very effective drug. The price for a 250 ml glass bottle is about 2,000 rubles, for a 1 liter canister – up to 5,300 rubles, and for a 5 liter canister – 21,000 rubles, 20 liters – 80,000 rubles.

Review: Nikolay Savelievich, Moscow

Since we work with a construction company for finishing work inside apartments, our company is often faced with an invasion of various insects such as wood lice, bedbugs, cockroaches and other harmful insects. In order not to lose our clients, and at the same time our time while waiting for disinfection specialists, we decided to use insect control preparations ourselves. We tried everything, nothing helped. But when we used Tetrix once, we realized that there were no other poisons better than it. We have even begun to include Tetricos treatment in the cost of finishing work in apartments. Clients are happy and we are calm.

How to get rid of woodlice in an apartment:

Folk remedies

Many people adopt folk methods of dealing with uninvited “guests”. And for a reason. After all, they are time-tested, affordable, safe for people, and most importantly, they are effective. Here are some of them.

No. 1. Boric acid (in different versions)

Boric acid, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, is a white powder and is one of the most effective means for killing woodlice. The product can be used in dry form, in solution, or in a mixture.

  1. Sprinkle the dry powder generously along all baseboards and in the corners of the rooms.
  2. Prepare a solution: dilute 10 g of acid in 10 liters of water. It is good to wipe the surfaces in places where crustaceans are located with the resulting composition for 2-5 days.
  3. Roll into small balls from a mixture of boric acid, semolina and egg yolks, or boric acid, flour and table salt. Place killer baits in areas of greatest concentration of woodlice.

No. 2. Kvass

Dry kvass must be dissolved in hot water (boiling water) in a ratio of 1:5. Spray the solution in the toilet, bathroom, corners and shelves, leave for 8-10 hours with doors and windows closed. When the time is up, do a wet cleaning.

No. 3. Bleaching

A bleach solution is made at the rate of 50 g of product per 1 liter of water. They treat all surfaces that raise doubts, including vertical ones.

No. 4. Vinegar

Vinegar dissolved in water is not liked not only by many insects, but also by woodlice. The liquid mixture, applied in the places where they live, scares off the small tenants with its smell and forces them to leave previously conquered territories.

No. 5. Alum

100 g of alum is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and used to kill pests. For a homemade preparation to work, it is enough to apply it in the habitats of arthropods.

No. 6. Mustard with soda

  1. Mix soda and mustard powder. Dilute the resulting mass in water and treat baseboards, floors, and walls. The mixture can also be used in dry form - just sprinkle the problem area, and the effect of the composition on woodlice will be enhanced by additionally placing in different places small plates with a slurry of soda and mustard.
  2. Mix 20 g of mustard powder with 2 liters of water and let it brew for 24 hours. The resulting product is applied under the sink, sink, bathtub and toilet, and the suspension is also poured over the soil in which indoor flora grows.

No. 7. A mixture of pepper, tobacco and soda

Prepare a mixture of tobacco, red pepper and soda (salt), taking 3 g of all ingredients. Dissolve the resulting composition in 1 liter of water. Using a spray bottle, spray the solution in places where woodlice are most concentrated, leave for several hours, and then treat the surfaces with a chlorine-containing agent.

No. 8. Red pepper (hot)

100 g of pepper are ground in a meat grinder, 1 liter of cold water is added to the pulp and left to steep for 10 days. Then the infusion is diluted with plain water at the rate of 1/100 to treat plants against woodlice.

No. 9. Garlic

Chop 100 g of peeled garlic, add 2 liters of water (cold) and leave for 10 days. The resulting infusion is used to treat plants that have become food for wood lice and places where the latter accumulate.

No. 10. Hellebore, wormwood and hogweed

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used these plants (dry, fresh, and their infusions) to destroy woodlice. You need to work with folk poisons very carefully so as not to get hurt in the process.

No. 11. Essential oils

Oils from plants such as eucalyptus, citronella or peppermint are applied to areas where moisture is most present or collects. It is enough to drop a few drops for the crustaceans to hurry to leave the area.

No. 12. Salt

Rock table salt is scattered on the floor in places where the greatest amount of moisture can be observed, for example, in the bathroom. Salt perfectly absorbs this moisture and will work to dry out the room, which wood lice will not really like.

No. 13. Quicklime

Quicklime is a super-powerful remedy against crustaceans. Lime is placed in a container and diluted with water. The resulting mixture is placed in a certain room (bath), the door is closed and left for 3 days. Since the interaction of quicklime with water is accompanied by a violent reaction with the release of not only heat, but also a specific odor and caustic substances, it is necessary to take care to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs, and also remove toothbrushes, combs, creams, cosmetics and other things from the room personal hygiene. On the 4th day, everything is taken out, thorough cleaning and long-term ventilation are done.

No. 14. Kerosene and gasoline

These flammable substances actually help in exterminating woodlice. And arthropods die if the room is treated with a mixture of gasoline and kerosene, taken in equal proportions. But using them means exposing yourself and your home to danger, since in a confined space there is a high probability of the formation of an explosive mixture, and even an explosion itself (at the slightest careless movement or a small spark). Therefore, before choosing a method of dealing with tiny crustaceans, it is better to thoroughly think through all the pros and cons.

Traditional methods of extermination

Methods for exterminating woodlice

Woodlice live in the apartment, how to get rid of it? Crustaceans in the house are a signal that there is dampness in the building. If you eliminate it, the crustaceans will disappear on their own.

However, it is impossible to completely remove dampness from the bathroom, so you can try to destroy woodlice using “grandmother’s” methods:

  • Tobacco, pepper. Dissolve soda, tobacco, dry red pepper in water (1 liter). Spray the liquid on the bathroom floor.
  • Quicklime. If woodlice live in the bathroom, how to get rid of it? You need to fill half the bucket with lime, carefully (without splashing) fill it with water (2/3 of the bucket) and set it down. Quickly leave the room by closing the door. In a couple of days, all the crustaceans will die. You need to sweep the floor and ventilate the room.
  • Place wet brooms in the corners of the bathhouse. The crustaceans will get into them. Collect brooms and run them over the fire. This way you can destroy woodlice.

Homemade traps

Homemade traps are simple, unobtrusive and very affordable. It won’t be difficult to organize this, and it will bring benefits, even if not super huge.

No. 15. Bath brooms

The trap can be prepared from bath brooms (birch or oak), but if you find them a problem, then you can use an ordinary household broom and even just damp rags or containers filled with fallen leaves (wet). The brooms must be well moistened and placed in places where land crustaceans most often appeared, and left overnight. And when morning comes, it is necessary to collect traps and destroy living creatures.

No. 16. Potatoes and carrots

Although root traps are a simple option, they can significantly reduce crustacean colonies. Small holes are made in the tubers and the vegetables are left overnight. Woodlice rush to the bait, sensing the smell of juice, get inside, and in the morning you can throw everything away together: both root vegetables and pests.

Why do wood lice appear?

Woodlice, due to their origin, love places with high humidity. Therefore, most often in apartments they can be found in the bathroom or kitchen. In wooden houses they can be in places where there are areas of damp wood or rotten covering. Woodlice often settle in basements. They can feed on spoiled plants, sometimes fresh flowers. Cacti, orchids, and ferns are at risk of damage. In large numbers, woodlice can cause serious harm. In the wild, their function is to enrich the soil, since by eating spoiled plants, they produce nutrients.

No. 17. Heat treatment

This method is often used when colonies of woodlice are clearly visible visually and are at an accessible distance. The fact is that crustaceans die at temperatures above 70°C or when exposed to steam. Therefore, if possible, a steam cleaner or hair dryer is quite suitable.

As for indoor plants, very often the only way to save them is replanting. Before transplanting the flower into another pot, you need to rinse its roots well. If everything is very sad, you should lower the plant for 15 minutes in a container with warm water. Destroy any woodlice that float to the surface

How dangerous are woodlice?

Are wood lice dangerous for humans and do these creatures bite or not? These are the questions that arise for those who discover these small crustaceans in their kitchen or bathroom. Woodlice do not attack humans; their bite can only be dangerous to indoor plants. Arthropods are safe for human health; to a greater extent, they cause unpleasant aesthetic sensations.


Although if you look at it differently, the appearance of any pest in the apartment worsens its sanitary condition. After all, woodlice, just like cockroaches or ants, climbing through the basement or attic, can come into contact with rat, mouse or pigeon excrement. And after moving into an apartment, migrate from one room to another. Although the disease tolerance of these creatures has not been proven today, it is clear that the appearance of such a “tenant” in the house does not promise anything good.

The damage caused by this crustacean consists of damage to vegetable stocks that are stored in the cellar, as well as damage to indoor plants. Arthropods are especially partial to young shoots of seedlings.

Chemical destruction

The use of chemicals to kill woodlice requires a responsible approach and, if you cannot do without them, you must:

  • Initially, carefully read the instructions and do not neglect the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Put the safety of people first, and then the degree of effectiveness of the drug.

The range of modern insecticidal preparations is quite large and making the right choice is not difficult.

No. 18. Aerosols

Aerosols, of course, will give a positive result much faster than traditional methods. The active substance of the drugs is strong insecticides. However, maximum benefit can be obtained by using the product in a limited space. That is, it is good if wood lice concentrate in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen. The most effective aerosols include:

  • "Tarax" deservedly takes its place among the leading drugs. The film that forms after spraying is poisonous and first paralyzes arthropods, and then their death occurs.
  • “Dichlorvos Varan” (universal - acts on any insects and various living creatures for 20 minutes after spraying. It is odorless, but must be used in sufficiently large quantities.
  • "Tetrix" belongs to a series of concentrated preparations, sprayed around the apartment in small quantities. It is effective, but does not act immediately, therefore, as practice shows, repeated treatment of the apartment is required.
  • “Dichlorvos (Eco and Neo)”, “Combat”, “Clean House”, “Raptor” and others are aerosols that are very successful in destroying woodlice.

No. 19. Solutions prepared from concentrates

To obtain the solution, high concentration insecticides are used. The drugs are diluted in water according to the instructions. The prepared mixture is poured into a spray bottle and surface treatment begins. The products are so effective that some of the ones proposed below are used by pest control services. Most Popular:

  • "Tetrix" and "Cifox".
  • "Taran" and "Xulat Micro".
  • "Cucaracha" and "Delta Zone".

New developments are becoming increasingly popular - microencapsulated drugs with increased efficiency and extended duration of action:

  • "Get" and "Lambda Zone".
  • "Xulat" and "Tarax".

No. 20. Dusts and powders

As for dusts and powders, their purpose is to be scattered around the perimeter of rooms, kitchens, etc., poured under baseboards, into corners and crevices to combat woodlice. Despite the fact that insecticidal powders are powerful means of exterminating pests, they have one small drawback - the impossibility of applying them to walls. This means that some arthropods (and probably a considerable number) will escape along vertical surfaces. To avoid such situations, powdered formulations are used in a duet or trio with other products. But the effect of such a combination is amazing. Well proven:

  • "Riapan" and "Phenaxin".
  • "Neopin" and dust "Clean House".

No. 21. Pencils (crayons)

Special pencils are easy, convenient and fast. They will be an excellent solution for small rooms. Using insecticidal chalk, draw lines where woodlice will sooner or later get caught. The peculiarity of land crustaceans is their flat bodies, and it is this body structure that leads to the adhesion of poisonous substances to them in large quantities. Subsequently, this, of course, leads to the death of woodlice. In addition, using a special pencil, you can block the paths for pests to enter the apartment - draw a kind of “border” (around sockets, ventilation outlets, etc.). Even if annoying creatures violate it, they will already be doomed to death. The most popular insecticidal chalk among housewives is “Mashenka” and its analogue “Titanic”.

No. 22. Gels

Gels work in a similar way to crayons. Usually they choose remedies for domestic ants and cockroaches - they attract woodlice and act to destroy them. One of the best gels is Antiinsecte. The drugs are applied to the surface in strips directly from the tube or using a syringe. A combination of several methods gives a good result.

Gels are one of the most relevant methods for exterminating woodlice. By their nature, isopod crustaceans have a kind of “immunity” to insecticides. And wet cleaning and solutions are generally a blessing for them. In the case of gels, we are talking about food poisoning: crustaceans are partial to organic matter, i.e. will also eat bait gels

No. 23. Baits with poison

Many housewives are well aware of baits with poison, which very successfully resist the invasion of cockroaches. This is exactly how you can get rid of woodlice. Tiny crustaceans, like all animals, need to eat, and they happily eat the remains of human food. This opportunity must be used, but in order to enhance the effect, the classic recipe for poisoned bait (egg yolk and boric acid) is slightly changed. Instead of the last component, take a concentrated insecticide preparation: “Delta Zone”, “Xulat Micro” or “Lambda Zone”. You'll have to wait a while for the arthropods to get enough, but the result is worth it.

No. 24. Sticky traps

The action of sticky devices does not lead to mass destruction of woodlice. Therefore, it is best to use them for preventive purposes: after the action of the main drugs or vice versa, so as not to take on “chemistry”, but to catch a couple of creatures that accidentally got into the apartment. Often bought: “Argus”, “Global”, “Brownie”, “Raptor”, etc.

No. 25. Smoke bombs

It is unlikely that this method will be a godsend in the fight against woodlice when it comes to an apartment. But to destroy the source of their reproduction, insecticidal-repellent bombs will be very useful. As a rule, these products are used to treat basements and attics. Someone might think: “What do I care about this basement, they won’t get to me.” Believe me, they will get there. And since the war is going on on all fronts, this procedure is simply necessary - we will not only get rid of arthropods, but also not give them the opportunity to reproduce and come back again.

To get excellent results, it is better to choose smoke bombs whose active ingredient is permethrin. When the active substance begins to work, the woodlice die, and the surfaces after treatment are covered with a very thin layer of permethrin. It will be the reliable protection of the premises from repeated invasion of pests. The most popular drugs are “City” and “Quiet Evening”.

If it is not possible to use strong chemicals, you can use sulfur smoke bombs. “Climate” and “Face” are popular among users. At the same time, you must be prepared for the fact that the drugs will not give the same effect as the above checkers (it will be less) and the duration of the protection will also not be as long.

How to kill woodlice: industrial means

Modern means designed for baiting various types of insects are excellent for getting rid of woodlice. There are currently several types of such substances on the market:

  • insecticidal aerosols;
  • spray concentrates;
  • powders;
  • insecticidal crayons (pencils);
  • gels;
  • sticky traps;
  • fumigators;
  • ultrasonic repellers.

Insecticidal aerosols

These include a variety of Dichlorvos, Clean House aerosol, Raptor for crawling insects, Combat Superspray. However, these substances are useful only when treating certain areas where large concentrations of woodlice are observed. These drugs are not suitable for ridding the entire house or basement.

Concentrated sprays

The most popular products are called Delta Zone, Taran, Xulat Miko, Tetrixy, Cucaracha, Get. With their help, the premises are treated by many representatives of disinfection services. Using these drugs, you can destroy woodlice over large areas.

Insecticidal powders

These preparations (Riapan, insect repellent Clean House, Fenaxin) are intended for scattering around the perimeter of the premises. The effectiveness of powders is not very high, since not all woodlice prefer to move on the floor. For this reason, their use is advisable only as additional control measures.


Such products are ideal for use on vertical surfaces, where wood lice are more susceptible: a large amount of toxic substance adheres to their shell. Crayons and pencils are great as barrier agents that can be used to treat the spaces around where insects enter your apartment.

Sticky insect traps

This option is suitable as a preventive measure and is not used as a primary remedy. Using sticky traps you can catch single individuals, but this will not solve the problem of destroying all woodlice that have settled in the house.


Although fumigators are traditionally used against flying insects, they can also be used to control woodlice infestations. As practice shows, these devices are very effective and allow you to get rid of annoying crustaceans with regular use.

How can you poison woodlice: industrial products in the photo

Insecticidal powders can only be used as additional measures to combat woodlice.

Among all industrial products, sprays are best suited for killing woodlice.

Insect chalk helps protect your home from the recurrence of woodlice.

Insect gels can destroy only a small part of the woodlice population in the house

Insect traps, like sticky gels, remove only a small part of the insects that have settled in the house. Fumigator is an effective means of combating woodlice.

The ultrasonic insect repeller is useless and has no effect on woodlice.

Ultrasonic repellers are the least effective in combating woodlice, the use of which gives practically no results.

Attention! The use of chemicals in the fight against woodlice is highly effective, but most of these products are unsafe for humans and pets.

The use of chemicals gives results only after preliminary preparation of the apartment, which involves blocking access to wood lice from external sources. Otherwise, processing will be required more than once.

When choosing and using a chemical to kill insects, follow the basic rules:

  • When examining the product on the counter, pay attention to its level of safety for people and animals, as well as the absence of unpleasant odors;
  • Before using the drug, read the instructions carefully. If necessary, use respirators and rubber gloves to avoid poisoning.

According to observations, wood lice do not tolerate treatment with hot steam. Temperatures exceeding 70 °C are critical for their life. This control method can be used as an alternative to chemicals.

No. 26. Help from professionals

When all means have been tried, but there is no desired result, there is always a backup option - the help of specialized specialists. Today, many companies and SES provide services for the destruction of indoor pests. What are the advantages of such cooperation?

  • The correct medications will be selected (effective against wood lice and safe for people).
  • The professionals will accurately calculate the required amount and concentration of funds.
  • When working, special equipment is used that allows you to process the most inaccessible places.
  • A guarantee is provided against the return of arthropods within a certain period of time.

Professional processing techniques

SES workers first inspect contaminated objects and select the most effective means and equipment for disinfestation.

Cold fog

Cold fog against woodlice

One of the effective and safe ways to kill woodlice is cold fog. The chemical solution used is at room temperature. It is sprayed using a generator. The solution in the form of tiny drops reaches hard-to-reach places. Forms a film on surfaces that is harmful to pests.

Cold fog is used during the initial stages of pest family development; in houses with access to perimeter walls; at production facilities.

Hot fog

This method is more effective than cold fog. The equipment generates steam from reagents selected for pests. Heated microscopic particles when sprayed turn into a cloud that settles, reaching inaccessible areas. Active components affect pests.

Hot fog is recommended for use in buildings that have a complex structure with many hard-to-reach places.

Complex way

It is best to destroy woodlice using a comprehensive technique. The use of different methods prevents the risk of relapse.

The action of hot fog gets rid of adult pests and larvae, while cold fog has a long-term effect on the remaining individuals.

Preventive measures

Timely cleaning is the norm for any housewife. But a few simple tips will help you restore order and cleanliness in your apartment so that wood lice will avoid it as much as possible.

Moreover, in reality everything is not as complicated as it seems, all you need is:

  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Make sure there is good air ventilation in the rooms. For this you can use a fan or install an air conditioner.
  • It is better to dry things on the balcony.
  • Do not leave floor cloths wet, make sure they dry completely.
  • Monitor the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and prevent them from rotting.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes with food leftovers in the sink.
  • Take out the trash promptly and keep the trash can clean.
  • Periodically treat indoor plants for prevention.
  • Carry out a preventive inspection of plumbing and fix problems immediately, without putting it off “for later.”
  • Spend sufficient time checking hoods and ventilation.
  • Eliminate cracks in the floor and walls.

Cost of room disinfection

The cost of treatment depends on the area of ​​the premises and the size of the population. On average it is (in rubles):

Treatment of 1 room apartment

Cold fog (ULV irrigation)From 1800 rub.
Cold Mist and Barrier ProtectionFrom 2700 rub.
Hot fog (GAP treatment)From 4500 rub.
Complex treatment with hot and cold fog, barrier protection as a giftFrom 5900 rub.
Complex treatment with hot and cold fog, barrier protection as a gift + PPE (personal protection system)From 7400 rub.

Additional control methods

Several methods of controlling woodlice in an apartment:

Birch brooms are moistened and placed in the corners of the room. A wet broom will definitely attract woodlice. Leave overnight. In the morning, carefully collect the brooms and take them out of the apartment. Can be repeated several times. Make traps for woodlice. You need to use potatoes. Cut out the middle of half. Place the cut on the floor. Leave for a day. Woodlice will collect in wet potatoes. The trap needs to be cleaned of woodlice from time to time. In a room with uninvited guests, leave a bucket of quicklime. Treat the areas where they accumulate with this solution. Do not enter the premises for 3 days.

It should be noted that woodlice do not like:

High air temperature, dry climate. Alkalis and acids. Corrosive substances. Strong odors.

Where do woodlice mostly live?

The love of silverfish (or woodlice) for dampness, as well as the bait - the smell from the trash can, food lying on the table or dirty dishes in the sink, is the main reason that they are found in the apartment. If the owners were away from home for a long time, or forgot to throw out the trash or wash the dirty dishes before leaving, meet the little woodlice upon arrival. To know in which places to treat a room when fighting bugs, you need to understand where they most like to settle. They live in the following places:

  • under the bathtub,
  • behind the toilet;
  • behind sewer or water pipes;
  • in ventilation ducts;
  • under the windowsill;
  • inside sewer pipes;
  • near the trash can;
  • under baseboards;
  • under rugs, rugs, carpet, where there is high humidity, it is dark and no one has cleaned it for a long time.

In a word, wherever it is musty, damp, dark and dirty, there are ideal conditions for insect-like parasites to live. Dampness forms in the house due to poor ventilation. Ventilation shafts should be cleaned, for which a special employee from the housing office is usually invited. The reason may be the formation and accumulation of condensation. For example, if window sills and double-glazed windows are poorly insulated, then a damp environment will gradually form there, which is ideal for woodlice to live in. These individuals do not require warmth, so they can withstand cold air.

Prevention measures

Woodlice love water very much. To prevent them from coming to a person’s home again, he should control the humidity in his home. To do this, you should always leave the bathroom open or ventilate it after each bathing, as well as any manipulations that involve interaction with water. Attention must also be paid to the floor surface. Once a day it must be wiped dry. In general, cleaning in this area should be meticulous. The condition of the areas under the sink, bathtub and toilet should be monitored.

Pests may also infest other rooms. If pots with houseplants are placed here, water may accumulate in the trays. It should be poured out in a timely manner and the surface of the product should be wiped. Another important rule is to dispose of garbage in a timely manner.

Washed clothes should be dried outside or on the balcony, but not in the bathroom. Any cracks and crevices in the walls should be sealed, and leaks should be repaired. If possible, it is better to install a hood in the bathroom. This way, any factors that could contribute to the appearance of woodlice can be eliminated. Keeping your apartment clean is the key to getting rid of parasites. Moisture will not appear if the walls and floor are dry.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the manipulations to combat woodlice. If you follow these tips, unwanted guests will not appear in the house, and those that already exist will disappear once and for all.

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Chemical repellents for woodlice in the apartment

If safe folk remedies do not help, you will have to use chemicals.

Leading scientists in our country have developed means that massively destroy insects, including wood lice. There are means and baits “Mole” and “Gett”. The composition should be applied to the floor of the bathroom or toilet, then left to dry for 48 hours. After 5 days, the treatment must be repeated, this guarantees the complete disappearance of unpleasant neighbors.

Tarax powder is highly effective. The product destroys almost all types of insects. One package is enough to treat sixty square meters of surface. The powder is dissolved in 250 ml of water; the solution must be treated with pipes, baseboards, ventilation shafts, and other places where woodlice accumulate. The product is applied using a syringe or brush. The composition operates on the principle of forming a microfilm on the surface, which represents the active substance. When interacting with this substance, woodlice will die. The drug is effective due to the fact that insects also poison their relatives.

Universal products with maximum effect - “Schabengel” bait – gel, “Varan” spray, “Tetrix”.

Treating the soil in autumn and spring with insecticides “Grom”, “Aktara”, and “Ideal” will help get rid of woodlice in the garden. The soil should be constantly loosened, providing oxygen access to the roots of the plants. To avoid spoiling the harvest, it is better to spray the bushes with a soap solution prepared in a ratio of 100 grams of laundry soap (finely grated) per ten liters of water.

When using pesticides, you must follow the rules for their use. Protective equipment is required - rubber gloves and a respirator. After treatment, hands and face should be washed with soap.

Is it worth exterminating woodlice?

Many people underestimate the danger posed by woodlice infestations. These insects do not bite, so most people think that they are harmless to humans. But in fact, this is not entirely true, and even the most common woodlice in small quantities can cause great harm to humans .

These insects often travel through sewers and garbage disposals. If they appear in a residential area, they bring with them a whole bunch of infection that can settle on food. But that's not all! Woodlice eat onions, carrots and other vegetables, making them unsuitable for food. In addition, these insects can damage indoor plants.

Woodlice are far from being cute and harmless insects, but a huge problem that can lead to serious illnesses, so every effort must be made to get rid of these pests.

Home Remedies

How to remove woodlice from an apartment using folk methods? The following time-tested options exist:

    You need to mix the following ingredients:

Red hot pepper, 3 grams. Soda ash, 3 grams. Tobacco mixture, 3 grams.

Dilute the mixture with water and treat the area with woodlice. After 8 hours, wash the areas with bleach.

2. Prepare a solution of boric acid with water (20 grams per 1 liter). Spray the product.

3. Dilute dry kvass (100 grams) in half a liter of hot water. Treat the area.

4. A popular remedy is dry salt. It is scattered in places where wood lice accumulate, under cabinets, behind baseboards.

5. If wood lice have infested flowers, it is necessary to replant the plant by treating the root system.

How to block wood lice from entering your apartment

In order for the woodlice to retreat from the house, it is necessary to deprive it of all amenities, creating unsuitable conditions for existence.

Check your water supply pipes for leaks and fix them immediately. It is very important to get rid of cracks and other openings through which insects can easily enter the house.

Most often, woodlice enter a living space through the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. There are always loopholes through which not only woodlice can penetrate. If there are cracks in the walls, especially around windows, then no matter how you poison the parasites with various chemicals, there will still be plenty of them, all different.

In addition to cracks in the walls and ceiling, you need to pay attention to baseboards, pipe openings and sockets. Extra holes will become good “gates” for woodlice to enter the living area.

Often the insect enters the bathroom or kitchen through the ventilation . If the hole is completely open or equipped with the wrong mesh, then nothing will prevent woodlice and other insects from entering the house. Very often they crawl from one apartment to another; the easiest way to do this is through the ventilation. In addition, woodlice make nests in ventilation openings and can climb out in hundreds, so you need to check whether the ventilation grilles are selected correctly.

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