Signs about spiders: how did our ancestors interpret the appearance of spiders at home?

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Signs about spiders have been known to our ancestors since ancient times, because these small animals are constant companions of humans, they can be found in the house, in the forest or in the field, even in a city apartment. Most of the signs were positive, promising happiness and prosperity.

Signs about spiders

But there are some beliefs that foretell trouble for a person who encounters a spider. Much depends on the color of the animal, the direction of movement, and the circumstances of the meeting. There are almost no poisonous spiders living here, so it is rare for one of them to bite someone. So the omens are mostly good.

Spider in a house or apartment

Spiders enter the house from the street both in winter and summer. They are carried through windows with the wind or go down ventilation shafts. They can live in any room. Most often they weave their web in the corners. It is in these places that all the negative energy that has accumulated in the house accumulates. Spiders “eat” it, thereby freeing the home from bad influences.

Many folk superstitions about spiders are related to the place in the apartment where they are found:

  • If a spider lives in the bathroom, the sign says: expect stagnation in business, a daily routine that will interfere with the implementation of long-term plans. To neutralize the omen, you need to reconsider your priorities and radically change something in your life. If a spider has settled in the sink or toilet, it means that soon there will be a lot of small things, fuss, and haste that will not bring the desired results. Under no circumstances should he be killed in a bathtub or drowned in water, this is unfortunate. It is best to throw it away carefully with a broom or twig.
  • In the bedroom, especially above the marital bed, a spider that appears promises a cooling of feelings between husband and wife. If a spider has woven a web under the bed, the person sleeping on it will soon get sick. If an uninvited guest crawls on your pillow or bed, expect trouble.
  • The appearance of a spider in a children's room means that your child is reliably protected from harm and trouble. Under no circumstances should you remove the spider from there. Make sure it doesn't fall into the crib, fall on the baby's head and scare him.
  • In the kitchen - it means that the residents of the house lack love, warmth, intimacy, their relationship has gone wrong. If a spider unexpectedly falls on the table during dinner, it warns that the family has a secret enemy or ill-wisher who is weaving intrigues. When an animal runs around the table, a change of housing will soon occur. If you see a spider in a mug, cup or glass, you will receive unexpected news.
  • On the door frame is a good omen and portends big profits. If an animal falls on the threshold, someone in the house will get sick or die. You need to quickly sweep it out into the street with a broom so that the unkind prediction does not come true.

In ancient times, spiders were considered brownie dogs. The more there are, the stronger the protection and guardianship of this ancient guardian of the human home. The invasion of eight-legged weavers indicates that there is a good and warm atmosphere in the house, peace and mutual understanding reign. They bring with them success, luck and material well-being. But it’s worth taking a closer look to see if these animals have started due to unsanitary conditions, and whether it’s time to start cleaning and remove the cobwebs from the walls.

Decoding sleep from various dream books

Freud's Dream Book

Freud always saw a sexual connotation in everything, and he also considered a special hidden meaning in the webs of the spider. According to Freud's dream book, a cobweb appeared in a dream to someone whose relationship was fading and sexual activity was declining. That is, the partner completely loses attraction to his lover or he himself has no sexual desire, there is no sexual arousal

To confirm his theories, he suggests paying attention to whether a person has sex with pleasure and whether he wants it. Most likely, the one who saw the cobweb reluctantly fulfills his marital duties, they have long become a routine in the relationship, the spark has disappeared and in order to return it you will have to try

Miller's Dream Book

Here a banal cobweb turns into an insidious trap, so the dreamer is strongly advised to be careful in business. Probably, a lot of ill-wishers and gossips have accumulated around the person. Try to be careful so as not to fall into a set-up trap. If you tear spider traps with your hands in a dream, you will protect yourself from scoundrels. If you got rid of cobwebs with a broom in a dream, it is high time to improve relations between spouses who have grown cold.

Vanga's Dream Book

This great seer is convinced that the web is a good dream. A person who sees a cobweb in a dream will be able to overcome the obstacles that appear in his path. If a person in a dream gets entangled in a web and cannot get out of it on his own, he is deeply in debt and needs outside help to solve his problems. Also, according to Vanga’s dream book, it is possible that the dreamer is sick or at risk of catching a cold. He is advised to be careful.

Spider behavior in the house

It matters not only where the spider lives in the house, but also how it behaves at the moment when you saw it. It falls or rises, sits motionless or weaves a web. Here are some folk signs that are worth paying attention to:

  • Seeing a spider crawling towards you means profit. If he runs away, it means he takes the money with him.
  • The sign of a spider crawling up the wall foretells that a person will soon hear good news. If it goes down, the news will be bad.
  • If the weaver has descended on a web in front of his face, expect guests or news. Just be careful: a hanging spider will bring not very pleasant news to a frightened person. There is another belief that a spider crawling upward on a web foretells good events, and a spider crawling downward foretells bad ones.
  • In the evening, small animals hide, which means the next day will be cold, damp and rainy. When they crawl out to hunt at dusk, it means the weather will be good.
  • Weaving a web means wealth will come to the house, perhaps a large inheritance, winnings or unexpected big earnings for the person who sees it.

If a spider has settled in an apartment, the sign says that it should not be killed, although many do just that, because people are often afraid of these tiny harmless animals. The only case when you can kill a spider is if it weaves its web on an icon. Then the person will be forgiven 40 sins.

How to fight

An apple tree is a fruit tree that not only creates a beautiful image in any garden, at any time of the year, but also gives very tasty, healthy, vitamin-rich fruits. But if pests appear on the tree, they must be eliminated immediately. How to deal with them is described below.

It is also important that the gardener understands why the cobwebs appeared. If the apple tree begins to become covered with cobwebs in the form of a white mesh, in this case there is an apple moth. To get rid of it, you need to: where you can get it yourself, reach in places of the crown - remove the cobwebs with your hands. An important point is the mandatory removal and destruction of caterpillars that look like small worms, as well as their nests, so that new pest larvae do not mature in the future

Leaves and branches that are located high need to be treated with spraying. It is recommended to use a special tobacco infusion for this purpose. Also, you can buy biological products at specialized retail outlets, for example: entobacterin or dendrobacillin, use these products according to the instructions included in their packaging

An important point is the mandatory removal and destruction of caterpillars, which look like small worms, as well as their nests, so that new pest larvae do not mature in the future. Leaves and branches that are located high need to be treated with spraying. It is recommended to use a special tobacco infusion for this purpose. Also, you can buy biological products at specialized retail outlets, for example: entobacterin or dendrobacillin, use these products according to the instructions included in their packaging.

Of course, after this the leaves will dry up, and the caterpillars will make a tent out of cobwebs and live in it (up to 70 pieces in one). Then they eat all the leaves on the tree, and the gardener did not have time to look back when the apple tree was covered with white cobwebs. Then the caterpillars will pupate, butterflies will appear, which will again lay their eggs and everything in a circle...

Also, in early spring, it is imperative to cut off and burn all spider nests so that the caterpillars do not crawl around your apple tree. Starting from the period when the apple tree is about to be covered with blossoming buds and then flowers, it is recommended to spray the trees. For example, you can use one of the recommended products.

Spider on the window, outside the window or on the windowsill

Often small spiders weave their webs on a window or windowsill. Many folk signs are also associated with this. If you are alone and a spider has settled in your apartment on a window or on a glass balcony, look at which corner it has built its web. Each of them is responsible for one or another side of the world:

  • Top right is east.
  • The top left is north.
  • Bottom right is the hot south.
  • Bottom left is west.

Why know this? On which side the spider settled, the betrothed or betrothed will come from there. It's sad when the web is in the center. You will have to wait for fate for at least a year.

When an eight-legged guest takes up residence on the inside of the window, soon there will be good guests at home with expensive gifts. You will have a great time with them, communicate, but it will be a little sad to say goodbye. A spider outside the window, on the contrary, portends separation. If the spider is light, the separation will be short-lived; a dark one foreshadows a bitter separation and a long absence of a loved one.

Other places in the house

There is a spider in the house and the sign about it is connected not only with the room. The specific place where he was seen also matters.

On the ceiling

A spider on the ceiling is a fairly common occurrence, because it is so convenient to catch flies here, there is no risk of someone stepping on it. Signs and beliefs depend on what he does and where exactly on the ceiling he sits:

  • Sitting peacefully without moving - expect a letter or good news from someone.
  • If you saw how the net is being weaved, it means that harmony and happiness will reign in the house. Folk signs about house spiders claim that they trap good luck and happiness in their webs and do not let them out of human homes.
  • When you see a spider at work, be sure to make a wish. If it creeps up, then the wish will come true, downward - not.
  • If it falls from the ceiling before your eyes, it means that something pleasant and good will happen in life.

To ward off a bad omen, you need to say: “Mind me.” Then all the evil will go away, the situation may change radically and nothing irreparable will happen.

On the floor or on the wall

When a small fly catcher crawls along the floor, it is important to look at the direction of its movements. Running towards you means bringing success in business closer; expect losses from you, both moral and material. You also need to keep an eye on the spider on the wall. Here is how the signs evaluate his behavior:

  • You are standing near a wall, and a spider crawls towards you - it means it will bring you luck, and it will take luck away from you.
  • If it goes up, it means money will appear soon; if it goes down, expect material losses.
  • Hidden in a hole or ventilation - something is wrong in your house, there is too much negative energy, you can’t hope for success in business.

When two people see a spider on the wall, they can compete. You need to stand on opposite sides of him, to whom he crawls, luck will smile on him.

Where does it come from?

Spiders are the oldest creatures, living on earth for more than two hundred million years. Without their web, they, perhaps, would not be so interesting to humanity. So where do spiders’ webs come from and what does it look like?

The web is the contents of special glands that many arthropods have (false scorpions, spiders, spider mites, etc.). The liquid contents can be stretched without tearing. The resulting thin threads harden very quickly in air.

Each spider has several specific glands on its body that are responsible for producing webs. Different glands form webs of different types and densities. They are located on the abdomen in the form of very thin ducts and are called “spider warts”. It is from these holes that a liquid secretion is released, which soon turns into a beautiful web.

With the help of its paws, the spider distributes and “hangs” the web where it needs it. The spider's front legs are the longest, and they play the main role. And with the help of its hind legs, it grabs drops of liquid and stretches them to the required length.

Spider color and size

We talked about places in the house where you can meet a fly hunter. But its appearance also matters, primarily color and size. This is what spiders of different shades promise:

  • Black promises failure, quarrels, separation from loved ones. You will have financial difficulties, unexpected expenses and problems. But a black spider and a sign about it are not always misfortune. If he crawls towards you, it means he is carrying good fortune and luck. The brown spider has approximately the same meaning. But its negative influence is weaker than that of black.
  • White promises good luck in love and a romantic meeting. Even in cases where behavior and location promise trouble, they will be uncomplicated and quickly resolved.
  • Yellow, like gray, means an imminent separation from a loved one or a quarrel with a loved one.
  • Red or red - to big money. Some people advise putting it in your pocket or wallet, then any transaction will be successful.
  • Green - good news, although there may be profit.

The size of the spider is quite easy to decipher. There is a big cross on the way, which means there will be great success or failure. Seeing a small spider means minor troubles or minor successes. If a spider crawls towards you, it will bring good luck, regardless of color. The one who runs away is always a misfortune.

Times of Day

It matters not only the place where you saw the fly hunter, his behavior, color and size, but also the time. You can see the spider during the day, in the evening and even at night. Here's what the signs say about this:

  • In the morning - it does not bode well; the day can be written off as scrap.
  • First half of the day - minor troubles await you.
  • Second half of the day - perhaps you will meet your destiny, look around carefully.
  • Seeing a spider in the evening is a sign that great luck will come soon, you will receive a win, a gift, unexpected big earnings. For some people, such a meeting simply gives hope and improves their mood.
  • At night or before going to bed over the bed - it’s time to get ready for troubles in the morning, fruitless running around the whole next day.

Signs about spiders may differ in different countries. For example, Italians believe that a spinner encountered in the evening only foretells good weather the next day. The French have a positive attitude towards meeting a spider in the morning and consider it a postman bringing good news.

Other signs

There are other signs about spiders. After all, animals can be found not only in the house, but also on the street or at work. Here are some beliefs associated with it.


If you meet this spinner in the office, expect success at work or a bonus. But only if he crawls up the wall or towards you. When a spider runs away from you across the floor, your salary will be delayed or you will face a reprimand from your superiors. When a spider falls on your desktop, it means that someone in the team is plotting against you.


A spider can crawl into a car, because it is warm and cozy there, almost like in a house. What does it mean to find an animal in your personal vehicle? Here are the explanations:

  • On the dashboard or the seat next to the driver - profit or loss, depending on which direction the spider crawls.
  • If the spider in the car is small, then the income will be scanty. When it is big, and the amount awaits is impressive.
  • If an uninvited passenger gets on top of you, financial profit is guaranteed and will be considerable.
  • If you have made a web in the car over the driver’s head, it means that you are under special protection (or you haven’t cleaned up the car for a long time).

It doesn't matter what kind of car you have. The main thing is that the spider is not black. Then luck may turn away from you. It is important that it does not fall on your head while driving; unexpectedness can cause you to lose control of the car on the road.


What do folk signs say when you see a spider on the street, what do they portend? Here are some interesting beliefs:

  • Getting entangled in a web means minor troubles that will “run” around like flies.
  • Touching a cobweb with your hand means a pleasant meeting with an old friend.
  • If a cobweb clings to your clothes unnoticed, wealth awaits you.
  • A flying cobweb caught your face - this means that something very pleasant will happen to you soon.
  • If the spider sits in the center of its web, the weather will be clear; if it hides, it means rain.
  • Seeing a spider on a bush or in the grass is a sign of a country trip. If it is colorful, it means you are in for a fun picnic.
  • When a spider descends from above (for example, from a tree branch) right in front of your face, this is good luck.

The main thing is not to be afraid of him when you see a spinner on the street. Then you can frighten off all the good events that he portends.

On the human body

It often happens that a spider ends up on one or another part of the body. If it goes down on your head and gets tangled in your hair, it means that you will soon receive a gift, you will be rewarded for work done a long time ago. When it crawls along your hand, right or left, it means that money will come to you soon. Even a spider dropped from your hand brings material well-being. If you saw a weaver on clothes, buy yourself something new soon. If a bride accidentally finds a spider on her veil, it means her marriage will be happy.

When the spider is on your foot or shoe, you are in for a journey. Whether it will be light depends on the color. A spider sits on your shoulder or neck - this promises new acquaintances or the arrival of good friends. The spider must be carefully removed from you so that it does not get offended and does not take your luck with it. It will be difficult to catch lost luck. It will turn out like with a broken egg: easy to miss, but difficult to collect.

A dangerous sign is a dead spider; it always promises trouble. You can’t crush him either: he will take your luck with him.

To believe or not in superstitions is a personal matter for everyone. But beliefs appear for a reason; it’s not for nothing that our ancestors came up with so many superstitions. They observed and compared facts. Perhaps there is a rational grain in the beliefs, especially since it is so interesting to find out what will happen to you in the future, and spiders can lift the veil of secrecy. You certainly cannot destroy these innocent creatures, because they bring considerable benefit. If you are afraid of them, just throw them out of the house with a broom. Remember that spiders are wound up for good luck, you should not offend them.

Why doesn't the spider stick to its web?

To avoid falling into its own trap, the spider makes several dry threads for movement. I know my way around the intricacies of nets perfectly, and he safely approaches the stuck prey. Usually, a safe area remains in the center of the fishing net, where the predator waits for prey.

Scientists' interest in the interaction of arachnids with their hunting traps began more than 100 years ago. Initially, it was suggested that there was a special lubricant on their paws that prevented sticking. No confirmation of the theory was ever found. Filming with a special camera the movement of the spider's legs along fibers from the frozen secretion provided an explanation for the mechanism of contact.

A spider does not stick to its web for three reasons:

  • many elastic hairs on its legs reduce the area of ​​contact with the sticky spiral;
  • the tips of the spider's legs are covered with an oily liquid;
  • movement occurs in a special way.

What is the secret of the structure of the legs that helps arachnids avoid sticking? On each leg of the spider there are two supporting claws with which it clings to the surface, and one flexible claw. As it moves, it presses the threads against the flexible hairs on the foot. When the spider raises its leg, the claw straightens and the hairs push away the web.

Another explanation is the lack of direct contact between the arachnid's leg and the sticky droplets. They fall on the hairs of the foot, and then easily flow back onto the thread. Whatever theories zoologists consider, the fact remains unchanged that spiders do not become prisoners of their own sticky traps.

Other arachnids, such as mites and pseudoscorpions, can also weave webs. But their networks cannot be compared in strength and skillful weaving with the works of real masters - spiders. Modern science is not yet able to reproduce the web using a synthetic method. The technology for making spider silk remains one of the mysteries of nature.

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