Spanish fly: pest beetle and its unconventional uses

"Spanish fly" is a rather misleading name, since in fact it is not a fly, but a real beetle.

The body of this beetle is elongated, emerald in color with a golden sheen. The antennae are long and close to the eyes. White-gray hairs grow on the lower part of the body. The shield is noticeably narrowed towards the end. There may be a reddish spot on the head. Adult beetles have a mouse-like odor.

These beetles live in areas of Europe and Asia with warm climates. It is noteworthy that in some countries in the West this beetle is called the “Russian fly”, since they were brought there from Russia. And in our country this beetle is better known as the ash spank.

What does a Spanish fly look like: photo

Photos of beetles Spanish fly of various colors.

How dangerous are Spanish flies for plants?

Adult Spanish flies feed on plants. They eat foliage, young shoots and petals of various crops. Most often they prefer trees and shrubs, such as maple, ash, poplar, larch, lilac, spirea, privet and others (they especially like representatives of the Honeysuckle and Olive families).

These beetles are very voracious and eat plant leaves almost completely, with the exception of petioles and rough veins; they also eat all the tender parts of flowers. A group of Spanish flies can completely eat the foliage of an adult lilac bush in just one day! There are cases when beetles destroyed entire olive plantations in Europe in one night or completely ate up an ash forest in a few weeks. Mature trees can recover from such Spanish fly attacks, but become weakened and susceptible to disease. But young trees and seedlings in nurseries may die.

The flight of blister beetles is observed from late May to mid-July. They are most often found in the first half of June, and are especially active on hot sunny days. At night, the beetles sit motionless on the leaves of plants, and during the day they begin to feed heavily, choosing the foliage of well-lit trees.

Description of the beetle

Name: Spanish fly or ash fly Lat.:
Lytta vesicatoria

Class: Insects - Insecta Order: Coleoptera - Coleoptera Family: Blisters - Meloidae

Habitats:forests and forest belt
Dangerous for:leaves of many plants
Means of destruction:chemicals

The beetles are large, their body length can be from 11 mm to 21 mm. They are green in color with a metallic, bronze or blue sheen. There are antennae on the head close to the eyes, and a red spot on the forehead. The lower part of the body is covered with white hairs.

When an adult beetle is touched, it releases a yellowish liquid from the digestive tract. It contains cantharidin, a substance that, if it gets on the tissue, causes irritation and blisters.

Reproduction and nutrition

Spanish flies, like many insects, go through the following stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, adult insect.


Females lay eggs in large groups of 50 eggs or more.


The hatched first generation larvae, or triungulins, climb onto the flowers, waiting for the bees. They parasitize bee eggs, and their goal is to get into the nest. Clinging to the hairs that are on the bee’s body, the larva enters the cell with the egg, eats it and enters the second stage of development. The larva feeds on reserves of honey and pollen, grows quickly and thus passes through the third stage of development.

False pupa

Closer to autumn, the larva turns into a false pupa and thus overwinters. It can remain in this stage for a whole year, and sometimes it can remain for several years.

Imago transformation

From a false pupa it turns into a fourth generation larva, which no longer feeds but turns into a pupa and after a few days an adult insect emerges.

During a massive invasion, these beetles can even destroy plantations.

Adult beetles feed on plants, eating green leaves, leaving only petioles. Some species of Spanish fly do not feed at all.

Insects that live in grasslands eat:

  • green foliage;
  • flower pollen;
  • nectar.


  • honeysuckle;
  • olives;
  • grape.

Release form and composition

A natural preparation that contains cantharidin as the main active ingredient, available in the form of drops or powder. The bottle with a transparent liquid has a dropper dispenser for precise dosage of the substance. The powder is presented in the form of sachet sachets, each of which contains a single dose of the drug. The composition of the Spanish fly may include additional components to improve taste and impart a pleasant aroma.

Substance Description
Homeopathically diluted cantharidin A toxic substance that causes severe irritation upon contact with skin. Properly selected proportions of poison are not dangerous to the body
Essential oils Neutralizes the specific odor of beetle secretion extract
Rosemary Herbal stimulant

Health risks from Spanish fly venom

Until the 20th century, potency-enhancing drugs were made based on cantharidin, a secretion found in the yellow secretions of the beetle. But they negatively affect human health, even in small doses they affect the kidneys, liver, central nervous system, and digestive organs. These drugs have a peculiar odor and unpleasant taste.

The poison of Spanish flies, accumulated in the meat of frogs that fed on them, causes poisoning in people who eat their meat.

In Central Asia, shepherds are afraid of those pastures where Spanish flies are found. There are known cases of death of animals that accidentally ate a beetle with grass.

Secret Doctrine

Now the ordinary person about the effect of beetles on health, i.e. As a rule, little is known about their use as medicine or in any other way, except, perhaps, for such an insect as the Spanish fly, which is often encountered in history and fiction. This subspecies of blister beetles was used for sexual arousal by both women and men back in Ancient Greece. Insects indeed often had an effect on potency due to the active substance cantharidin they contained. Over time, it began to be used as an ingredient in various oils and drops, or simply added to food and drinks, since the substance is tasteless and odorless - although, according to other sources, on the contrary, it has a pungent and unpleasant odor. Usually Spanish fly powder was added to a glass of drink to increase sexual desire. True, contrary to the assurances of novelists, as modern medicine has proven, the fly only affects men, leaving women indifferent to this drug, and with an overdose, even a slight one, it can lead to death.

Nature and features As wise dictionaries say, Spanish, or Spanish, fly is a widespread beetle that is found in nature and lives on various shrubs and trees throughout Southern Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. This insect has been known to people since time immemorial due to its medicinal, toxic and irritating properties at the same time. The toxic substances produced by these beetles are used by them as a means of chemical defense against various enemies, which are abundant in nature. Spanish fly larvae parasitize bees. Females lay eggs in large groups: from 50 to 200 pieces. The larvae develop in the nests of earth bees, where they feed on their honey reserves. The beetle's flight time varies, depending on its geographic distribution and weather conditions, from May to June. They inhabit areas with rich shrub and tree vegetation, on the edges of forests, and in meadows. Then they climb to the crowns of ash trees, where they eat the leaves, leaving only the petioles and midrib. It happened that in early spring, during the night, beetles completely destroyed the olive plantations of Italy, and with the arrival of a new day they disappeared into the vineyards. The food plant can also be rose and lilac bushes, as well as maple and poplar trees.

Medical aspects The Spanish fly is a golden-green bug with a bronze sheen, about 2 cm long, which, when touched, releases a liquid containing cantharidin - a substance that is the active principle of the toxicity of this insect and causes irritation and blistering when it penetrates the skin. When touched, a yellowish liquid is released on its joint, between the leg and thigh, and a digestive secretion is released from the mouth, which contain about 5% cantharidin. When a person comes into contact with a fly, a chemical burn occurs, causing a burning sensation, stabbing pain and moderate rashes, and the formation of blisters is observed within a few hours after contact. If beetles enter the digestive tract, severe distress occurs with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, and in some cases, with a large dose, can lead to death. Lesions are found in the liver and kidneys. At the same time, cantharidin affects the nervous system and causes increased sexual desire. During the time of the “Three Musketeers,” when the craze for Spanish fly in France was almost universal, doctors even had a special term for convulsions from Spanish fly poisoning. For humans, cantharidin is a strong irritant. It is sometimes used to remove moles, warts and tattoos from the skin. Getting into the stomach does not weaken this effect at all. When leaving the body, the poison greatly irritates the lining of the urethra. In women, irritation has no external manifestations, but in men, a large swelling appears in this area, which leads to a prolonged erection. It is unlikely that such an erection is pleasant, but this did not stop lovers in the Middle Ages from sprinkling this aphrodisiac to their chosen ones. Even a slight overdose of the substance can lead to a man requiring medical attention, as severe abdominal pain, problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory system, kidney failure, bloody urination, convulsions, coma and death occur. However, since nowadays there are more harmless ways to cause an erection, the Spanish fly is used less and less. Blister plasters are made from Spanish fly powder - previously a fairly common remedy for many diseases, used at the beginning of the 20th century. When properly administered into the body in optimal doses of the Spanish fly drug, it manifests itself as a remedy that serves as an effective medicine for those who suffer from low libido, and also has the ability to artificially excite or enhance sexual feelings. We used Spanish fly no more than 4-6 times a month.

extreme sports enthusiasts To prepare appropriate medicines, beetles are collected at dawn, when they are still in a lethargic state due to the cool atmosphere. The insects are then heated in vinegar steam until they die. Killed beetles are crushed, mixed with milk and sugar, dried in an oven or drying cabinet and ground into powder. From 100 g of dry Spanish fly, the yield of cantharidin is 0.3-1.5 g. Tincture of Spanish fly is prepared by immersing the beetles in alcohol, and the extract is used as a medicine. People who use this drug claim that they have received tangible benefits from its use. But, as noted in the specialized literature, due to the poisonous properties of beetles, it is extremely important to carry out treatment under the supervision of a qualified and competent doctor. Modern preparations based on Spanish fly contain a very small amount of poison, since no company wants to have troubles associated with poisoning. Therefore, the drugs act rather weakly or generally only at the level of self-hypnosis.

Myths and legends Humanity has been trying to find the formula for love since time immemorial - after all, a love potion promised to instantly solve the main problem of all lovers on Earth. The Spanish fly occupied an important place in this matter. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece say that the wife of Hercules, jealous of her husband for Princess Iola, sent him clothes dipped in a love potion she had prepared with her own hands. True, she did not know that the main ingredient, the blood of the centaur Nessus, is not an aphrodisiac at all, but a powerful neurotoxin. As a result, Hercules was poisoned and, in terrible agony, threw himself into the fire, which, as we know, could well have been from an overdose of the Spanish fly used - as we see, even then the ancient Greeks warned that one should not trust deceitful charlatans from magic. It should be noted that the powder, and later the Spanish fly patch, is one of the most ancient, widespread and accessible natural remedies for love pleasures. Thus, in the annals of history it is mentioned that during the times of Ancient Rome, Livia - the third and last wife of Emperor Octavian Augustus - sprinkled such a love spice into the food of guests with the hope that it would inspire them to immodesty, in order to be able to blackmail them in the future. Her much-despised grandson Emperor Claudius - who later showed rare loyalty to his grandmother's memory - aptly described her as a powerful, intelligent, but treacherous and dangerous woman. By the way, those around him noticed that from the moment he met Libya, the enchanted Emperor Octavian began to shave (before that he wore a small beard). And this is exactly how he appears in all his images - smooth-faced until the very end of his life. And since then, all emperors of the 1st century adhered to the custom of shaving their beards. BC. According to rumors, the poet and philosopher Lucretius died from an overdose of Spanish fly. The famous fortune teller and healer Catherine Monvoisin became famous for preparing love potions from Spanish flies for the entire French court in the 70s of the 17th century. Among her clients were the names of Madame de Vivon, the sister-in-law of the official favorite of the king, the Countess of Soissons, the niece of Cardinal Mazarin, the Duchess of Bouillon and even the Marshal of Luxembourg. By order of King Louis XIV, who suspected that the courtiers were going to poison him, Madame Monvoisin was arrested and burned at the stake on the Place de Greve, so the love potion from the Spanish fly did not help, but only worsened the situation. The peak of consumer popularity for the Spanish fly occurred in the “gallant era”. All the French kings and nobles of the 18th century simply could not imagine lovemaking without her. They say that extract from Spanish fly was often used by Empress Catherine the Second, known for her love. Many close associates wanted to be the empress's favorite. And if they were among them, they tried to “stay in the saddle” longer, resorting to various means of increasing potency. The Spanish fly, which gained great popularity back in the old days and for a long time was considered the only potent means of increasing love of love, was generally considered such a remedy. The most famous favorites of the queen were Grigory Orlov, Grigory Potemkin and Platon Zubov. After the murder of her legal, but unloved and rejected husband Peter III in 1762, she planned a marriage with Orlov, however, on the advice of those close to her, she abandoned this idea, and with Potemkin, most likely, Catherine was secretly married. She had the strongest feelings with these two men, as well as with Alexander Lansky, who died early. Moreover, only two of the favorites: G.A. Potemkin and P.V. Zavadovsky subsequently became major statesmen. Each potential lover of Catherine was first examined by the court doctor for venereal disease, after which the skill of the new favorite was assessed by a trusted maid of honor. If he “passed the aptitude test,” then he was allowed to entertain the empress. Catherine lived with her favorites for several years and literally drank from them all the male strength, which had to be constantly maintained at its best by any available means, including often the well-known, proven and affordable spandex. However, excessive enthusiasm for the Spanish fly often led to sad consequences. The handsome Count Lanskoy, who ignored the restrictions, with whom the autocrat was seriously in love, died after two years of obvious abuse of the miraculous remedy.

Romantic stickers Previously, it was believed that small black stickers made from Spanish fly, like moles, adorned all exposed parts of the body of society ladies: face, hands, décolleté. In the glorious era of the Three Musketeers, the hobby for flies was widespread, and men often used them. There was a special “language of flies”, like the “language of flowers” ​​or “language of a fan” - to convey personal information of an erotic nature. At this stage, as many eminent researchers of the past believe, there was a combination of two different concepts: there is a “Spanish fly” - a medicine and there is a purely decorative cosmetic fly - decoration - an artificial mole. At the same time, perhaps the first mole flies were made from “Spanish” plaster. The use of Spanish fly flourished in particular during the era of the Sun King Louis XVI - at court, freedom of morals reached such a limit that there was no longer any strength or desire to lead an intense sexual life. But the fame of a nymphomaniac or sexual maniac was a prerequisite of court etiquette for a successful court career...

Vladimir Golovko, Kiev [email protected]

Unusual facts

Spanish fly powder.

In the Gallant Age, Spanish fly was used as a powerful aphrodisiac. There are accounts of how the Marquis de Sade used powder from crushed beetles, adding it to guests' dishes and observing the consequences.

In the USSR, the poison of these beetles was used as a remedy for warts. A special plaster was prepared. Upon contact with the skin, the drug caused an abscess, thereby destroying the wart. All that remained was to heal the wound.

Why did this beetle get the name fly?

The beetle's venom can cause death.
These beetles were first discovered in Spain. A huge number of insects have destroyed olive trees. This news spread throughout southwestern Europe. This is what farmers called the insect because they didn’t know whether it was a beetle or a fly, and “Spanish” means “Spanish.”

Only in the 18th century did Carl Linnaeus classify these beetles as members of the blister beetle family. But this name has already been assigned to the insects, so the scientific council decided to leave it, which is why the bronze blister is called a spandex fly.

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Action and effect after administration

The action and effect of the drops appear 10 minutes after administration.

They call: blood flow to the organ
2.increased lubrication production
3.strong sexual arousal
4.normal reaction to external affection
5.increasing self-esteem (helps to relax)
6.irritation of nerve receptor endings

During the first ten minutes, there may be an increase in heart rate and pulse, redness of the skin of the face and the appearance of a blush on the cheeks due to the active process of blood circulation.

Due to the fact that Cantharidin has an irritating property, it stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles of the vagina, after which it becomes more elastic and elastic. The drops dilate the venous vessels and increase the flow of blood inside the vagina. This effect improves the release of vaginal secretions, making sex more comfortable and enjoyable.

Spanish Fly restores the functioning of the nervous system. Under its influence, nervous tension is reduced, stress and tension are suppressed, and the problem of insomnia goes away. Even with strong excitement, the product helps to achieve arousal and satisfaction from sex. The positive effect lasts for five hours.

The effect of the stimulant appears 10 minutes after administration

Possible side effects

Side effects are possible if you violate the rules for using Spanish Fly or have an allergic reaction to the composition. Taking a large amount of a stimulant causes an overdose. It is dangerous due to prolonged deterioration in health and the manifestation of symptoms of acute poisoning. In case of overdose, you should quickly seek medical help.

If you are intolerant, the drops may cause side effects:

oftendrowsiness, apathy, indifference to what is happening, allergic rash, redness of the skin, thirst, short-term upset of the digestive system, increased nervous excitability, irritability
rarelypain and burning in the reproductive system, dizziness, tension in the temples, spasms and hot flashes, impaired sensitivity of the fundus of the eye

Side effects are not dangerous to human life. In 95% of cases, the patient’s well-being improves within a few hours after their onset. If a negative reaction persists for a long time, rinse your stomach to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, and then rest.

Long-term abuse of Spanish Fly drops causes problems with urination. Do not ignore them, stop taking the stimulant and consult a specialist. It is also important that the intensity of adverse reactions depends on the individual sensitivity of the body to this drug. Before therapy, it is better to take a Cantharidin compatibility test.

If you are intolerant, drops may cause side effects

Best for women

The best poppers for women are mild poppers with a pleasant feminine scent. Poppers are not divided into women's and men's. they cause high sexual arousal in both men and women.

All types of poppers are suitable for women, but we have selected for you especially gentle but at the same time strong ones:

  • RUSH
  • Hi-Tec
  • Hard Core

The strongest is Rush poppers. This product has a dizzying aroma and begins to work within a couple of seconds. It is able to cause maximum relaxation of the vaginal mucosa and increase sensitivity.

Like all poppers, RUSH has a number of contraindications, so it should be used strictly according to the instructions. The use of products is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding and persons under 18 years of age.

Correct intake and how long does the effect last?

Proper intake of poppers is very important, otherwise they may not only not bring you the expected pleasure, but also harm your body.

Poppers should be inhaled in small doses. Under no circumstances should it be taken orally or applied to the surface of the skin. To get an exciting effect, you only need to take a couple of breaths. Depending on the strength, poppers last from three to 5 minutes. Poppers are allowed to be used no more than 3 times a day.

To have fun with your partner, place the open bottle in a room not far from the bed. When evaporating, you will feel a pleasant sensation, and then sexual arousal. One evaporation from a bottle is enough to make your sex unforgettable.

There is no dependence on the use of poppers and cannot be either physical or emotional

Poppers cause high sexual arousal in both sexes.

Modern preparations based on Spanish fly

In the past, Spanish fly was only available in powder form. The bugs gathered at dawn. They were then heated in vinegar steam until they were killed, after which the insects were dried and ground into powder.

Sometimes, when using Spanish fly, the exact dosage was not observed, which led to various unpleasant side effects.

Currently, the process of producing Spanish fly is strictly regulated and is carried out in pharmaceutical laboratories in compliance with all hygienic conditions. The product is obtained by extracting the digestive secretions and hemolymph of the bug.

Today, Spanish fly preparations are produced mainly in the form of drops or tablets. This form of release is quite convenient for use. In addition, in this case it is easy to maintain the dosage of the product.

Gold Spanish Fly drops (China)

Spanish fly in the form of drops has a beneficial effect on the sexual desire of men and women.

The drops are packaged in separate 5 ml bags. They must be dissolved in chilled tea, juice, mineral water, etc. within 15–20 minutes. before intimacy. You can also use low-alcohol drinks (wine, champagne). The drug can be taken not regularly, but as needed.

Attention! You should not take more than 5 ml of the product at a time; the next dose should be no earlier than 3 days later. Otherwise, the toxic properties of cantharidin may adversely affect the condition of the body .

Gold Spanish Fly drops should be taken with a break of 3 days

The duration of the effect after taking the drops is 6–8 hours, then the effect of the drug weakens and completely stops after 16 hours.

It should be noted that fatty and high-calorie foods reduce the absorption and bioavailability of the product, reducing its effectiveness. Gold Spanish Fly drops can be taken with a small amount of alcohol. Drinking a large amount of alcohol can cause unpleasant effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • bloating;
  • temporary loss of visual perception.

The aphrodisiac Gold Spanish Fly has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • individual intolerance.

The appearance of side effects is possible only with an overdose of the drug:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise;
  • allergic edema;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • burning when urinating;
  • bleeding.

The average cost of 5 ml Gold Spanish Fly is 230 rubles. A package of 12 bags costs 1100–1300 rubles.

Shelf life from the date of manufacture is 3 years. The drug should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Drops Cantharis D6 (Milan, Germany)

To increase male and female sexual activity, Cantharis D6 drops are an effective remedy. In their composition, for every 9 g of cantharidin (cantharis D6) there is 1 g of extract of the plant aphrodisiac Miura Puama.

This is interesting. An extract from the bark of the Miura Puama tree was officially recognized as an effective remedy for the treatment of male potency in the middle of the last century in Brazil and Great Britain.

The drug should be taken 30–40 minutes before. before intimacy. A single dose is 10–15 drops. They need to be dissolved in any liquid. Since the product contains alcohol, it is not recommended to take it together with strong alcoholic drinks.

Cantharis D6 drops can be taken in courses

Cantharis D6 can be taken as a course: daily up to 15 drops per day. The duration of treatment should be determined by a qualified specialist.

The estimated cost of a 5 ml bottle is 590 rubles.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

Mini-tablets Spanische Fliege (Milan, Germany)

The package contains 30 mini-tablets, which are intended for both sexes.

The product contains cantharidin and extract of the bark of the South American tree Miura Puama.

It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets every 20-30 minutes. before the start of sexual intercourse. The pills can be swallowed normally or dissolved in any drink. According to the manufacturer, the use of the drug can be combined with alcohol.

Contraindications to the use of mini-tablets are the same as for other drugs based on Spanish fly.

A package of Spanische Fliege can be purchased for RUB 1,350.

To make a romantic date unforgettable, you need to take 2-3 tablets of Spanish fly

Body to work4

It's time to finally fall in love with sports! Regular exercise will significantly improve your appearance, increase stamina and... increase arousal. A 2022 study found that women who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with arousal and orgasm than their lazy counterparts.

For men, sports are even more beneficial. Athletic guys are less likely to experience erection problems. Even in old age.

How it works? When you start exercising regularly, your blood circulation improves, your stamina increases, you become more energetic, your self-confidence increases, stress levels decrease, your mood improves, and endorphins are in full swing.

Types of poppers

Types of poppers vary in composition and variety of flavors.
Differences in poppers composition:

  • isobutyl nitrite is a chemical compound that allows you to get a strong effect;
  • isopropyl nitrite is a chemical compound with a mild effect;
  • Amyl nitrite is a chemical compound with a strong effect and strong aroma but with a high risk of side effects.

Regardless of the composition, poppers work according to the same principle:

  1. allows you to relax smooth muscles;
  2. stimulate a strong flow of blood to the muscles;
  3. helps increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  4. tactile sensations become brighter;
  5. mood improves, feelings of depression disappear.

If poppers are used incorrectly, it can lead to side effects such as headaches, increased blood pressure.

If you abuse poppers, you may experience symptoms of nitrate poisoning: fatigue, shortness of breath and thirst. With a large overdose, death is possible, but such cases have not been recorded.

The cost of stimulants depends on the strength of action.

Secrets of a beetle

What makes a pathogen valuable in the eyes of producers and consumers? The substance cantharidin is the secret of an unremarkable Eurasian bug, about the secrets of whose habitat you can watch a video. Experts who have thoroughly studied how cantharidin acts on the human body gave their feedback: in addition to its stimulating properties, it is a strong poison, so taking the drops without following the recommendations is simply dangerous.

How does the Spanish fly work:

  • Strengthens the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems.
  • Irritates the inner walls of the urethra and receptors of the genitourinary system. This acts on women as an additional irritant and makes the genitals more sensitive.
  • Strengthens secretion, more vaginal lubrication is released, which facilitates penetration and provides comfort.
  • The pulse quickens, which naturally prepares you for the upcoming sexual intercourse.

What should you keep in mind? Cantharidin, the basis of Spanish Gold fly, is a poison, but in a precise dosage, it acts on women as an aphrodisiac, allows the body to relax, and the desire for intimacy appears.

The drug increases your heart rate, which prepares you for the future of sex.

Compatibility with alcohol and fatty foods

A special feature of Spanish Fly is its high compatibility with alcohol and fatty foods. Drops can be taken immediately after meals, and their fat content does not matter. They are quickly absorbed into the blood from the walls of the stomach, starting to work within a few minutes.

As for alcoholic beverages, in small quantities they do not affect the effectiveness of the product. If abused, the drops have a less active effect, which lasts less than the time stated in the instructions. When taking a small amount of ethanol, the effect of the product is not impaired, and the occurrence of adverse reactions remains minimal.

In order for the effect of Spanish Fly to be quick and high-quality, experts do not recommend mixing them with alcohol. Between taking drops and alcohol, you should take a short break (at least 15 minutes). If left untreated, the remedy will cause malaise, nausea and headache. Despite the fact that alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body, doctors do not advise abusing it if there are disorders of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.

It has been proven that ethyl alcohol negatively affects the degree of sensitivity of nerve endings, as a result of which, after taking high doses, a woman does not feel the expected pleasure.

It's not just the sun that rises

Why in the spring does all living things begin to awaken and become infected with a playful mood? Why are there so many holiday romances in summer?

It's all because of the sun's rays.

According to some data, just thirty minutes of exposure to bright sunshine significantly increases testosterone levels in men. And the level of sexual satisfaction triples.

Sunlight makes us happier. This is where vitamin D comes into play. It helps regulate hormones that control our mood. Serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine - if everything is in order with these guys, your chances of good sex increase many times over.

And the fact that in hot weather there are so many half-naked bodies walking the streets easily explains why loneliness is so unbearable in the summer.


Massage increases serotonin and dopamine levels. It also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And the process itself can easily serve as a prelude.

A sensual massage will help both of you get rid of stress and regain lost intimacy. Massage oil and a sincere desire to please your partner are the main tools. Involve as many sensitive points on the body as possible. And the massage will smoothly turn into sex.

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