Pepper Lesya - description of an early ripening variety, characteristics and reviews

Ripening period:early
Shape, weight of fruits:reverse teardrop-shaped, 160-180 g
Bush type:determinant
Growing regions:all regions
Productivity:from 4 kg per bush

The biggest problem for busy gardeners when growing sweet peppers is frequent watering and timely formation of the bush. If Bulgarian varieties can still be called a “crop for the lazy” with a stretch, then thick-walled varieties with a bright, rich taste require constant attention and significant labor costs. This stereotype is destroyed by the Lesya pepper, created by the Ukrainian breeder D. Terentyev. Early, low-growing, with original fruits and excellent taste, it is resistant to drought and can do without formation.


Pepper Lesya is an early ripening variety. Its bushes are low, up to 60 cm, but spreading. The leaves are smooth and the same size as the fruits. The stems are thick, but during the fruiting period they need support and tying.

The fruits are dark red, large, fleshy, juicy, up to 10 cm in length, weighing up to 160 g. Thickened walls up to 8-10 mm are visible on the cut. Particularly attractive is the unusual heart-shaped shape of peppers with an elongated, sometimes curved nose. The surface is smooth, shiny, there are no ribs. The seeds are located in 2 compartments separated by partitions.

Care in the ground

Les planting of sweet pepper seedlings is timed to coincide with the weather conditions of the region, the main thing is to establish positive temperatures at night. You can plant them in the greenhouse earlier. When growing peppers in open ground, it is advisable to use shelter at first.

Planting seedlings

Since peppers love nutritious soil, peat, compost or humus and always wood ash are added before digging. Fill each well with two liters of boiling water. You can add potassium permanganate.

The holes are made at a distance of 40x40 or 35x45 cm. For early sweet peppers of the Lesya variety, this is enough. When the soil has cooled, the seedlings are planted. It is advisable to take them with a good clod of earth, in this case the seedlings take root better.

Plants are buried down to the first true leaves and the soil is compressed well. Plantings are immediately watered with warm water.

Warning! Lesya sweet peppers cannot be planted next to bitter varieties: due to cross-pollination, they will begin to taste bitter.

In the future, the peppers are watered in a timely manner only with warm water, the soil is loosened, weeds are removed, and they are fed.

For feeding, you can use mineral fertilizers or organic matter: infusion of mullein, bird droppings, green grass. From time to time, peppers are dusted with dry wood ash.

Main characteristics

Pepper is perfectly stored and transported. In cool conditions it can last up to 5-7 weeks. It is convenient to transport: the fruits do not break or crack, and can withstand shaking.

Related article:

When to fertilize pepper seedlings

Plants need good soil. They are picky about the soil and do not produce enough fruit if there is a lack of nutrients. At the same time, the crop is drought-resistant and does not require abundant watering.

Important! 6 tips to increase your pepper harvest

History of creation

Pepper Lesya is the result of Ukrainian selection.
It was first introduced by the Bilous family from the village of Prisluch, which is located in the Khmelnitsky region. Since then, the plant's seeds have spread throughout Russia. The variety is a collectible variety: it is not produced by large agricultural companies. You can purchase seeds only in small portions in private stores.

Related article: Spicy and its varieties: 5 types of hot peppers that will add piquancy to dishes

Diseases and pests

The Lesya variety is a tasty morsel for insects. It is also susceptible to fungal diseases, so it requires careful care and regular spraying. The most common diseases are:

  • late blight;
  • black and gray rot;
  • blackleg;
  • Alternaria blight.

Of the insects, the vegetable is often attacked by slugs, aphids, and mole crickets.

To combat the fungus, use such products as Fundazol (20 g per 1 liter of liquid), copper sulfate (3 sachets per 10 liters of water), Privent, Baktofit, Planriz preparations (diluted according to the instructions).

Related article:

The best varieties of large peppers with thick walls

Spraying against insects is carried out with insecticides. The most effective of them are Akarin, Fitoverm, Zolon, Sunmite. The preparations are diluted according to the recommendations on the packaging and sprayed over the plants from a spray bottle. To obtain a stable result, several treatments per season are required.

What to do before sowing

The sweetest and most delicious peppers of the Lesya variety are obtained from seedlings. To obtain an early harvest, seeds are sown in late February or early March. The sowing dates can be postponed to mid-March, then the peppers will begin to ripen later.

Seed preparation

To get a good harvest, you need to specially prepare the seeds:

  1. Calibration Dilute the stimulant in a glass and pour in the seeds of the Lesya sweet pepper. Viable seed will fall to the bottom, and puny seeds will float on the surface, unable to produce a full harvest. Unusable seeds are removed, and the rest are left in the solution for 6 hours. Instead of a stimulant, you can use aloe juice; it contains trace elements necessary to stimulate growth.
  2. Soaking and germination. Pepper seeds, including the Lesya variety, are designed in such a way that they are difficult to germinate. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate this process.

Pour the seeds with clean warm water for half an hour, then place them in a linen cloth for germination. The seed should be kept in a warm place in the light.

After 5-10 days, tender white dots will appear from the swollen seeds. But it is undesirable to wait for the roots to appear. It is inconvenient to sow such seeds, and it is very easy to injure the roots.

Preparing soil and containers

Sweet pepper of the Lesya variety loves fertile soil. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made substrate, the mixture is prepared independently:

  • humus or compost – 2 parts;
  • garden soil - 1 part;
  • river sand – 1 part.

In addition, for every kilogram of soil, add one tablespoon of wood ash.

As for mineral fertilizers, they are not applied when preparing the soil for sowing seeds. They will be needed for feeding.

The soil must be disinfected. There are different methods, each gardener chooses the most convenient for him. Here are some options:

  1. Steaming the soil in an oven for an hour at a temperature of 100-150 degrees.
  2. Warm up in the microwave at maximum mode for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Spilling boiling water with crystals of potassium permanganate.

Some gardeners treat the soil for sowing seedlings of sweet peppers of any variety with a solution of boric acid. Don’t forget about containers, especially if they have been in use for several years. They can be doused with boiling water or a solution of boric acid. Plastic seedling boxes are washed with hot water and laundry soap or other detergent.

Comment! Be sure to rinse containers with clean water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lesya pepper has many advantages compared to other varieties:

  • resistant to drought and tolerates it well;
  • juicy, meaty, has excellent taste;
  • suitable for any method of consumption;
  • does not crack, is well stored and transported;
  • grows both in greenhouses and in open ground;
  • the culture produces high-quality seeds that can be used for planting, since it is a variety and not a hybrid;
  • high yield.

Among the disadvantages, we can mention the need to tie up bushes and regularly carry out treatment against pests and diseases.

Growing seedlings

Sowing pepper varieties Lesya is done with dry or germinated seeds. The time of germination depends on this. Seedlings can be grown with subsequent picking or without this operation.

To do this, use ordinary plastic cups or peat pots, the volume of which is at least about.5 liters. It must be remembered that pepper of any variety does not tolerate picking well and slows down its development.

Sowing seeds

Lesya sweet pepper seeds are placed in prepared containers in moist soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm, so as not to impede germination. The step when sowing in a common container is at least 3 cm. It is more convenient to take the swollen or germinated seed with tweezers so as not to damage the seeds.

Attention! When growing seedlings of peppers of the Lesya variety without picking, you need to put 2-3 seeds in each container, then remove weak sprouts.

After planting, carefully water the soil so as not to wash out the seeds, cover with film and place in a warm, well-lit place. The film is lifted daily for ventilation. There is no need to water until the first hooks appear.

When shoots appear, the shelter is removed. Further care consists of moderate watering so as not to provoke plant disease with blackleg.


When 2-3 true leaves appear on the peppers, the plants planted in a common container are placed in cups with a volume of at least 500 ml. The soil used is the same as when sowing seeds. Plants planted with seeds directly into cups are thinned out, leaving one, the strongest sprout in each vessel.

After watering the Lesya sweet pepper seedlings with warm water, place them in a lighted window and lower the temperature slightly. After two days, they are again placed in comfortable conditions, at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. If there is a lack of light, the seedlings are illuminated artificially.

Seedling care

You need to monitor the top layer of soil so that it does not dry out. Excessive watering is not allowed. After two weeks, seedlings of the Lesya pepper variety are fed. You can use special mineral fertilizers for seedlings or water them with wood ash dissolved in water. Pour 1 tablespoon of sifted ash into a liter jar, add hot water and leave for two hours. The same solution can be used for foliar fertilization as a preventive measure against aphids. Only the solution is made twice as weak.

About 14 days before planting in a permanent place (in a greenhouse or ground), the peppers are hardened, gradually accustoming them to new growing conditions. At the time of planting, the Lesya variety has from 10 to 16 leaves.

Sweet pepper Lesya, reviews from gardeners:

Pepper Lesya: description of the variety, photos, videos | Garden and vegetable garden

The bell pepper Lesya adds flavor to the city dwellers with savory berries and difficulty in sight. Let's look at the description of the variety more clearly.

Pepper variety Lesya

Characteristics of the variety

Based on its characteristics, Lesya pepper is a high-yielding variety with high immunity, good growth in regions with a stable climate and is suitable for growing in mixed soils.

Description of the Tabernacles

The bush is medium-sized, growing up to 75 cm at full height. Gilks ​​are scattered on all sides. There are a lot of leaves, the smell is smooth and the same size as the fruit. There are already a lot of fruits growing on the tops, because the stench can become lame. Lesya ripens in 120 days. Up to 30-35 fruits grow overnight.

Description of the fruits

As described above, the pepper fruits take the shape of a drop with a long tip. Price for one fruit - up to 180 rubles. Wall thickness - 1 div. Lesya's pepper is a bright red color. Its skin is smooth and shiny. The pulp is licorice, juicy, savory and aromatic.

After landing

Plant the plants at the end of winter, when they cannot be buried more than 2.5-3 cm below, and then lightly water the soil. At this stage, the most favorable temperature for growth is 25°C. After a couple of summers, the fry will appear, the highest temperature for them is 18°C.

After planting, water the sprout regularly. After the soil has dried, watering will begin.

The order is not to blame for the presence of weeds and excesses of other plants.

Vikoristannya dobriv helps sheep cultures develop. A good option for preparation is 0.1 kg cow milk per 1 liter of water. It is not recommended to fertilize more than 2 times a month.

Fertilize peppers obov'yazkovo


The Colorado potato beetle is a mosquito that reaches 10 mm at a time. The stalk of the beetle is brilliant, brownish-orange in color with black edges. The Colorado potato beetle is similar to the wing, so it can fly over long distances. Beetles feed on the leaves of bushes and cry out their death. For control, sprinkle with a mixture of water and wood ash (1 kg of ash per 5 liters of water). A slug is a brownish-gray mollusk that gets too dry, habitually, and leaves a trail of mucus behind. Slimaks feed on the leaves of the bushes and gorge on the fruits. One simple and effective way to fight slima is manual. This zastosuvannaya conveys a look at the tabernacles for the presence of these losers and their collection. Slimaks are often found in the shade and near wet areas. Popelitsa are small bugs, and it is important to note. This shkіdlive lump of green color eats sіk roslin. The pope reproduces faster than other people. Use wood ash and water against it (1 kg of ash per 5 liters of water). The spider mite is a small red beetle. He drinks succulents and removes cobwebs.

Spider mites burrow under the leaves. To combat it, it is recommended to use a mixture of mild and water (50 g of mild per 1 liter of water).

As disrespect was shown, the evildoers began to multiply greatly and began to use harsh chemical drugs to fight.

The use of such drugs is expensive, so it is important to note the first possible problems.

In the fight against bad people, it is important to carefully examine the plants for their presence. It’s good to put together a plan and look around, so that you know from afar what place to look at.

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The pepper variety Lesya effectively deserves the respect from gardeners. This variety has a great variety of advantages and does not require special attention.


Lesya pepper can be harvested in a state of technical and biological maturity . In the first case, the fruits will still be green or yellowish. During this period, they are removed for transportation, storage, and sale. Biological (physiological) maturity is the time of complete ripening of fruits.

The pepper is bright red and cannot be stored for long. It is better to cut the fruits from the bushes with sharp pruning shears along with the stalk. You cannot break off the fruits, as there is a risk of damage to the stem.

So, the Lesya variety is a high-yielding, early-ripening pepper of Ukrainian selection . It is unpretentious and undemanding. Grows in both fertile and poor soils. Particular attention should be paid to the preliminary preparation of seeds, containers, soil and seedlings before planting in a permanent place.

After planting, the plant requires only regular watering and mulching of the soil. Provided you follow simple growing technology, the crop will delight you with an excellent harvest.

We recommend that you look at our other materials about the intricacies of growing allspice, black and ornamental peppers, as well as the varieties and hybrids Khalif, Pompeo, Kakadu, Ram's Horn, Gipsy F1, Aristotle F1 and Gemini F1.

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