"Great Warrior gel": a remedy against cockroaches and house ants

Ant bites can cause intoxication of the body, which is especially dangerous for children. And the appearance of a colony in a vegetable garden or garden jeopardizes harvesting. To quickly solve the problem of house and garden pests, you can choose the Great Warrior Anti-Ant Gel, which will get rid of uninvited guests for a long time.


The distinctive property of this gel is that it contains two active ingredients (chlorpyrifos and diazinon).
They enhance each other's effects and destroy even the most resistant cockroaches. This drug is so effective that after 2-3 days it completely destroys the entire cockroach colony. The gel has a “cascade” effect: even one cockroach that eats it transmits a lethal dose of poison to its relatives. Very attractive to cockroaches with its smell and taste. The “Great Warrior” gel does not deteriorate, does not dry out and does not lose its effectiveness for several months after use. This guarantees reliable protection of your home from cockroaches for six months or longer. The gel is easy to use, easy to apply even to hard-to-reach places. It has no unpleasant odor, does not emit harmful substances into the air and can be used by people suffering from allergies or asthma.

One dispenser syringe is designed to treat rooms with an area of ​​40-60 m². In addition, the “Great Warrior” gel successfully copes with house ants.

“Great Warrior Gel” is a heroic blow to cockroaches.

Components and action of the gel

The Great Warrior is available in tubes of 30 g or tubes of 80 g. According to the instructions, one syringe of the Great Warrior ants is intended for treating a room or plot of land with an area of ​​40-60 square meters. m. The effectiveness of the gel is quite high and helps get rid of garden and house ants with the help of insecticidal components.

Main components:

  • chlorpyrifos 0.3% is a toxic substance, the effect of which begins after a few hours and paralyzes ants;
  • diazonin 0.2% - added to enhance the poison so as not to cause addiction to parasites.

Additionally, it contains preservatives, a gelling agent (bitrex) and food additives with a smell to attract insects.


Great Warrior gel" against cockroaches and house ants:

4620015694405"Great Warrior Gel" syringe - dispenser 45 g
4607043200204“Great Warrior Gel” tube 80 g


"Great Warrior gel" against cockroaches and house ants - types of packaging

Advantages of the drug

Warrior-gel against ants is highly effective. It destroys not just individuals, but the entire family. It is easy to spot an anthill in the garden, but in the house it is almost impossible. Ants make deep holes and numerous passages. Place the nest under the floor or in the wall. Gel bait does not require clarification of the situation. The ants themselves will bring the poison home.

High efficiency is ensured by two active toxic substances at once. This eliminates the possibility of adaptation. The gel will always work.

One treatment is enough to destroy the entire family. The effect lasts for 2 months. During this time, a new generation will have time to appear and die. It does not deteriorate over time and does not dry out. When placed on an anthill or nest, the effectiveness increases significantly.

Availability and low cost.

Sold together with a dosing syringe. Convenient to apply and spread over the surface.

Gel “Great Warrior” against cockroaches and ants - instructions for use, how to use

Apply the product in a dotted line along the baseboards, into cracks and other openings where cockroaches can hide. If the number of insects is high, the drug is applied along the perimeter of the room with a dotted line: 2 cm of gel - 6 cm of untreated surface. With small and medium numbers of cockroaches, the interval between gel strips can be increased to 6–8 cm. The gel can be applied to a substrate (30–50 mg) and placed in areas where cockroaches live, gather or move.

Gel for killing red house ants

applied in dotted lines in places where they are detected or on paths of movement (“paths”) with an interval of 2 to 6 cm between strips of gel. To destroy garden and other types of ants, which, as a rule, crawl onto the lower floors of houses, cottages, verandas of open terraces, “Great Warrior” gel is placed on substrates or applied not only around the perimeter of the premises, but also outside them. Consumption rate: 30 mg/sq. m. Repeat treatments when ants appear. The death of ants occurs after 1 day, and of cockroaches on the 2nd day.

Repeated use is recommended when insects appear, but not earlier than after 3 weeks, since the composition, having an intestinal-contact effect, retains its effect for 1.5–2 months.

Precautionary measures

Great Warrior gel for fighting insects
Great Warrior ant gel should be applied carefully, making sure that the toxic substance does not get from your hands into the nose or mouth, or onto the mucous membrane of the eyes. After treatment with this product, be sure to wash your hands and face with soap. Throw the used tube into the trash.

On a note!

The tubes are stored in a dark, cool place for 2 years, away from food products, and always out of reach of children and pets.


First, ants settled in my private house, and soon there were also cockroaches. I tried to defeat the living creatures using traditional methods - laying out baits with boric acid and scattering salt. None of this helped me. Then I decided to buy chemicals. My choice fell on the Great Warrior ant repellent. I liked that the product has no odor and has a long shelf life. The insects disappeared already on the second day. A month later, I again discovered garden ants. I still had the product from last time, and it quickly rid my house of “guests.”

Alexandra Nikolaevna, Tyumen

Garden ants attacked the greenhouse. I didn’t immediately start fighting them. I decided that they would be my helpers in fertilizing the soil. But soon aphids appeared on the plants, and the strawberry crop was eaten up. Then I purchased the Great Warrior at a local hardware store. The drug began to act instantly. On the third day, not a trace of the living creatures remained. Now every year before the start of the summer season I buy a magic remedy. It quickly destroys black ants in my greenhouse at the dacha.

Reviews of the Great Warrior indicate that the chemical has many benefits. It is inexpensive, effective and easy to use. But you must follow the instructions for use so as not to suffer from the drug yourself. We must not forget that chemical agents for killing ants should be kept away from pets and children.

To escape from the invasion of small insects that have settled in an apartment or in a garden, which are capable of destroying food supplies or even trees and the entire crop, the Great Warrior gel against ants will help. Produced by the Russian enterprise “Your Economy”.


This year, when we arrived at the dacha, we discovered a lot of ants that had settled in the kitchen, laying paths from the window to the table, cabinets and other places where food was stored. I read about the Great Warrior gel on the Internet and decided to try it. Apply the substance according to the instructions in strips at 6 cm intervals throughout the kitchen. After a couple of days, the number of ants dropped sharply, and a week later we breathed a sigh of relief: the ants were gone.

We used to make trapping belts to protect the garden, but this year we decided to try the Great Warrior to kill garden ants. They treated the trunks of fruit trees with it, and placed cardboard with the applied substance near the anthill. The number of ants has decreased sharply, although not completely. But these insects are beneficial in small numbers, so we were pleased with the result.

This product helped me in the greenhouse. No ant poisons were used, but the Great Warrior managed. All the ants left and never returned. I recommend it because... I've been using it for 2 seasons now.

Great Warrior Gel is effective and budget-friendly, but if it is not on sale, you should read the review of the best ant repellents and choose the best option.


The great warrior is applied around the perimeter of the entire room with short strokes at intervals of two to six centimeters.

Use of the drug Great Warrior

If this is the first treatment, then it is recommended to do small intervals. When the substance is reused, the distance between the strips of poison becomes larger - from five to six centimeters. The instructions for use state that ant paths and places where insects accumulate are treated with the gel.

On a note!

If the drug has expired, it should be thrown away.

We must not forget about precautions when using the gel:

  1. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves, and hair should be braided into a ponytail and hidden under a scarf or plastic cap.
  2. The used syringe and its packaging must be thrown away immediately.
  3. If there is gel left in the syringe, it should be stored in a dark place, away from children.
  4. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wash your clothes at high temperatures separately from other things.

After the insects are destroyed, the remaining product must be removed and the room thoroughly washed.

On a note!

If the substance gets on the skin, the area should be washed with plenty of cool water.

Repeated treatment can be carried out after three weeks. Poison strips should be kept away from dust and water.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

At first, the area of ​​the settlement does not exceed a couple of square centimeters, being located in books, under the floor or wallpaper, behind kitchen wall cabinets.

As the anthill grows, new settlement points appear. These full-fledged nesting sites form a great metropolis, where all colonies are closely connected with each other.

Subgroups of insects in one nesting site have specializations.

Every day, working representatives of the group leave their nests to search for food. The rest are obliged to constantly look after the “head” of the ant genus – the queen ant.

A clear distribution of roles allows the colony to live and reproduce for up to 15 years.

Pharaoh ants are omnivores. The food can be crumbs, plant and animal products, rotting organic matter and even other insects.

In tireless worries

Representatives of many species of these small insects not only crawl quickly, but also periodically fly. If you have ever seen a swarm of flying ants, you will agree that this picture is not for the faint of heart. In flight, one can observe queen ants leaving the parent colony before mating, and their potential “suitors”—participants in the mating process. Worker ants do not fly.

It’s good that on Russian territory there are no species that are deadly dangerous to human health. Although there are already enough troubles from these insects.

An unobvious sabotage, which can be called a “symbiosis of pests,” is the active care of the “milch herd” of aphids, which supplies the numerous voracious colony with its favorite food—the generously secreted sugary juice. Ants spread aphids wherever possible - to fruit trees and shrubs, garden strawberries, and flowers. Gray (ground) aphids, protected by ants, can even be found on the roots of violets, phlox, and root vegetables.

Ants and aphids work together to deprive plants of vitality

"Apartments" of ants

There are hundreds of species of ants in the world. They all need to live in a colony, where they can safely bring what they need for life and reproduction. Anthills are built in different ways. For example, one of our common species, the red wood ant, makes a nest-like home from twigs and grass.

A colony of red myrmica (this species is often located close to humans) can be found in a ventilation pipe, under the floor of a house, or in some kind of crack.

The black garden ant can also live in the cracks of buildings, but usually these insects still build anthills in the roots of plants and in the soil. It is this species that most often causes damage in dachas, penetrating absolutely everywhere. To feast on sweets, insects find access to sources of carbohydrates - fruits and berries, and damage them. Gardeners can only accept that the harvest is no longer suitable for storage or food. Omnivorous ants include in their diet leaves of seedlings, young greenery of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, gnaw holes in flower petals, and can even eat seeds sown in the ground.

It is believed that insect passages underground make it more breathable and loose. But at the same time, ants damage the roots of plants, causing great damage to young plantings, seedlings, and adults too.

A less common species is carpenter ants, but they cause no less harm than other “tenants.” The peculiarity of these insects is that they make their home in tree bark and adore rotten stumps and old wood from fallen trees. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and not leave such landfills on your summer cottages and garden plots. And be on the lookout: woodworms will not stop even in front of fresh wood, seemingly durable lumber from which houses, bathhouses, and gazebos are built. Therefore, they, as well as wooden fences, decorative design elements, etc., must be treated with special means.

Beekeepers suffer greatly from ants. An insect invasion may result in commercial honey turning into useless supplies that no one can sell or eat. There have been cases when colonies of ants destroyed entire bee families. Moreover, any species of these insects pose a threat to apiaries. Beekeepers can come up with all sorts of things to scare them away: they fill the anthill with soot, use grease, tar and other sticky and odorous substances, and set traps with honey water. But folk remedies help little.

Ants in the house - how to get rid of insects

If you want to quickly and permanently get rid of ants, try the Great Warrior series of products from. The products have a double effect: they lure insects and kill their entire colony with poison. As a result, your home, garden and vegetable garden will be completely free of pests.

The series includes drugs of different types so that you can choose the most suitable option. Their main advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • duration of action;
  • safety for pets;
  • ease of use;
  • economical consumption;
  • no pungent odor.

Thanks to the products from the Great Warrior series, you can quickly get rid of ants in your apartment and on your property. All you need to do is “treat” the pests with gel, granules, varnish or syrup and celebrate victory! Now let’s take a closer look at each drug and how to use it.

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