How to fight aphids on viburnum Buldenezh, pest control, control measures

Everyone knows that viburnum berries are healthy, because they contain a lot of vitamin C and other nutrients necessary for human life.

A decoction of berries helps against sore throat, bronchitis, even pneumonia.

The bark has no less useful properties, because it helps stop bleeding in case of a wound or cut, and can serve as a rinse in the treatment of periodontal disease.

Knowing which insects can cause harm to this medicinal shrub, you can take preventive measures.


Top most common viburnum pests

Insects can cause harm.

However, not everyone knows how to deal with them. Let's look at the types of parasites, as well as methods of pest control.

Black aphid

These small pests are tiny in size and dark (black or dark brown) in color. These insects usually intend to lay their eggs on the stem.

After hatching, their larvae drink the juices of the bush, it dries out and changes its appearance.

Aphid larvae are resistant to chemicals and severe frosts.

Control measures

It is necessary to spray the bush three times a year, since the insect can attack more than three times a year, and hatched insects can fly to any other plant.

Green lobed moth

This is a caterpillar that eats flowers. It has a bright green color, with a red stripe along the entire body.

Green moth

It can also cause harm to lilac and buckthorn. It has an active period from late spring to mid-summer.

It is also found on decorative varieties of viburnum. We also advise you to read about one of them: Kalina Gordovina.

Control measures

If not destroyed in time, many larvae can be deposited, which can lead to the death of plants in the future. A solution of Karbofos is used as a chemical effect on it.

Viburnum leaf beetle

Viburnum leaf beetles are dark brown in color and usually lay eggs in viburnum shoots. The larvae look like worms, have a grayish body and a dark head.

Viburnum leaf beetle

After hatching in late spring, they eat the leaves of the plant. Sometimes you can even notice when, in just a couple of days, instead of a leaf, only its skeleton remains. The parasites are usually attached to the bottom of the leaf and are difficult to get rid of.

This pest loves dampness, you need to beware of rainy weather and fight insects prematurely. A damaged plant may not survive frost and die.

Control measures

  • To get rid of harmful insects, you need to tear off dried and insect-infested leaves in advance.
  • It is worth processing either in spring or late summer. Intavir will cope with this task; you need to treat the plant twice with an interval of a week.

  • As we found out earlier, to improve the effect, it is also possible to spray viburnum with tinctures of red capsicum, a decoction of chamomile and onions.
  • Visual control of plant growth: you can cut off those parts of the plant that already have a clutch of eggs, and then burn them.

Viburnum leaf roller

These insects are active in the spring. Their larvae are grayish in color with yellow areas on the sides.

Viburnum leaf roller

The entire surface of the body is covered with small light hairs.

Their harm lies in the fact that they can eat all the buds of the viburnum in a short time, and their web injures the young leaves of the plant.

Control measures

These pests also need to be destroyed.

Methods to combat them include burning all their clutches and nests, spraying plants with Nitrophen paste.

Raspberry gall midge

These pests only damage viburnum inflorescences. They lay their eggs inside the bud, which changes its appearance and color. The bud does not open, becomes swollen, large and red.

Raspberry gall midge

Prevention measures

In March and November, weed all the soil; eggs of future parasites mature there. Spray viburnum with Karbofos solution.

Chekhlik moth

The adult moth looks like a small butterfly, with gray and shiny wings. It becomes active in the spring and uses viburnum leaves as food.

Moth larvae are light brown in color and very small in size. Butterflies appear in July and almost immediately damage the plant.

Control measures

Fufanon, Iskra and Intavir are suitable for you to help fight these insects. But the best time to treat viburnum for pests is in the spring, when the buds open.

Other insect pests

Spider mites, sawflies and moths can cause just as much damage to a vulnerable plant.

Control measures

Karbofos will help fight them. It should be used in late spring.

Spider mite


Care and watering

Ornamental viburnum Buldenezh is a very unpretentious plant; it does not require special care, but it will still require minimal care. Moreover, if you want the bush to grow faster and bloom as brightly and abundantly as possible.

Caring for such a plant includes the following points:

Mandatory watering. If the plant is not located near a body of water or in an area with well-moistened soil, then it will need (and often) be watered. Especially if summer is in full swing, which does not please with frequent rains. If the Buldenezh viburnum bush has the required amount of moisture, it will delight its owners with large flowers and a good growth rate.

Viburnum Buldenezh bush (photo)

From time to time the bush needs to be fed. You can start applying fertilizers no longer than three years after planting. It all depends on how well the hole for the plant was prepared. The fertilizers that were added there should be enough for the young bush to last two to three years.

The first fertilizing should be applied in early spring when the first leaves appear. The second - in the fall, before the leaves begin to fall.

Cleaning the plant. This procedure for the Buldenezhi bush must be carried out every year. In such cases, the branches will grow much better, and flowering will only improve. Decorative viburnum can be pruned immediately in early spring, or in late autumn, after all the leaves have fallen. You need to start cleaning after two years of plant growth.

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh will help decorate any area, giving it taste and grace. Its snow-white flower balls will only become larger and more beautiful if you properly care for this very unpretentious plant.

How to treat viburnum for pests

How to spray viburnum against pests, if we talk about chemicals, then the following are suitable:

  • Arrivo;
  • Fufanon;
  • Syngenta "Aktara";
  • Commander;
  • Corado.

How to protect viburnum from pests without chemicals

Biological preparations include planting plants around viburnum that can repel insects.

  • Chamomile
  • Garlic
  • Onion

After all, insects navigate in space by smell. Certain plants emit aromatic substances that repel pests.

For your information. Finding food for pests becomes much more difficult if there are too many other plants around, distracting them from their original goal.

Mechanical methods include spraying the plant with strong pressure of water from under a hose.

It is better to do all this before the buds open, as this will help reduce the number of larvae that have survived severe frosts.

You can use decoctions of potatoes, capsicum or celandine.

For your information. A ladybug or hoverfly will cope with the destruction of pests. They will only feed on insects, but they will not be able to harm the viburnum.


What diseases should you be wary of?

Healthy viburnum leaves are the key to a healthy bush (photo)

When growing ornamental viburnum Buldenezh, gardeners often encounter diseases such as rust or powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves. To overcome this problem, you need to dissolve foundationazole in water in a ratio of 20 grams per 10 liters. The plant only needs to be treated once.

If there is a yellow or orange coating on the leaves, then we can say with confidence that the bush has been affected by rust. Bordeaux mixture will help with this misfortune. She can only help if the disease has not yet advanced.

If the disease has reached a late stage and the bush is completely affected, then it must be removed from the site so as not to infect other plants.

Folk methods of struggle

Some gardeners adhere to natural methods of pest control.

One of the simplest and most accessible methods is a soap solution of laundry soap. Please note that soap shavings are easier to dissolve.

This method cannot harm humans. If you want to enhance the effect, you can add soda, ash, tobacco, or tomato tops.

Soap solution with soda

The method of preparing it is quite simple: in a bucket of water you need to mix half a bar of laundry soap and 10 tablespoons of soda.

The effect after spraying can be seen in the evening.

Soap solution with ash

It is a known fact that ash can cause severe harm to the skin of insects. Therefore, it is also a fairly popular folk method in the fight against parasites.

Advice. After spraying the plants with an ash solution, you can fix the effect with a soap solution. In this case, you will see the results of use very soon.

Tobacco leaf solution

Method of preparation: add a couple of red pepper pods to 200-300 grams of dry tobacco leaves and add water. Leave to infuse for a day.

To enhance the effect, you can add a little soap shavings and a couple of tablespoons of ash. Such a solution is capable of killing all treated insects in the shortest possible time.

Tops solution

This solution may include both potato and tomato tops. Chopped greens are poured into a bucket of water. Insists.

After this, you should boil it a little over the fire, cool, and add soap shavings.

Near the viburnum, you can also plant plants that will unnecessarily attract attention to themselves, diverting it from the viburnum bushes.

These include:

  • Begonia;
  • Nastrium;
  • Mallow;
  • Linden.


These plants are a real paradise for parasites. Keep this in mind when planning your garden plot.

Sparrows, tits and warblers can also become your helpers in the fight against unwanted insects. You can attract them with the help of drinkers and feeders on your territory.

These birds will be happy to clear the land of unwanted guests.

Unfortunately, not all folk remedies are capable of removing pests 100%, but, as practice has shown, not even all chemicals cope with this.

Therefore, if you want to reliably achieve results in the shortest possible time, you should combine all the methods available to you.

How to plant correctly

This type of decorative viburnum, like Buldenezh, looks very beautiful both in joint plantings with barberry, rowan or hawthorn, and in single ones.

Buldenezh is a rather moisture-loving plant, so it is very convenient to plant it near bodies of water. There such viburnum will grow very strong and have an unsurpassed appearance. In reservoirs of different shapes and purposes, you can create entire compositions from this plant.

Planting a viburnum tree

Planting of this kind of plant is carried out according to the 2x2 meter pattern. After planting, you need to compact the soil around a little so that the roots have better contact with the ground.

But first of all, you need to prepare the ground for this. If you need to plant a single bush, then you should prepare a hole in advance, measuring 60 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters long and 80 centimeters deep.

After preparing it, the hole needs to be filled with a large volume of water. This must be done in cases where the landing site is not in a lowland, but on a flat area or even one that is elevated.

The bottom of the hole needs to be lined with drainage. This way, water will not constantly linger at the root. As drainage, you can use tree bark, stones, sand and other materials that allow moisture to pass through well.

80 percent of the entire pit needs to be filled with some kind of nutrient mixture. It may include:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • old leaves;
  • ash;
  • potassium-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • garden soil.

After this procedure, the soil in the hole must be watered abundantly again.

The nursery pit was prepared with high quality, then the plant will be able to feed on useful substances from there for many years. As a result, you get a beautifully growing bush that will decorate any corner of the site.

During planting, you need to make a small depression in the mixture, into which the plant is planted.

The neck of the root must be deepened by at least 5 centimeters. After this, you need to dig the plant in with regular soil from the garden and water it again.

The ground around the young planting should be mulched. Old sawdust, leaves or pine needles are usually used as mulch. This action will help the soil remain moist and loose longer, and a hard crust will not form on top.

Pest Prevention

The most reliable way to prevent viburnum from diseases and pests is to regularly inspect it.

  1. Carefully inspect each leaf, inflorescence, and stem itself. If you see that the plant has begun to change shape, color, rot or dry out, you must immediately look for the problem and take measures to eliminate it.
  2. As a preventative measure, you can safely use the above-described decoctions and self-prepared soap solutions.

In this article, we examined in detail all the insects that can harm viburnum, the types of control against them, as well as ways to prevent diseases of the plant itself.

Follow these effective tips, and then your viburnum will never get sick.

Which side is better to plant shrubs?

Lush flowering of decorative viburnum (photo)

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh loves humidity, so it is better to plant it in areas that will provide it with this component. To do this, you can choose places near water bodies or areas below where there is no shortage of moist soil.

If the required place on the site cannot be found, then you need to keep the soil in this condition yourself. If the shrub is well-watered at the root, it can withstand the heat very easily.

Humidity is the most important point when choosing a place to plant viburnum varieties Buldenezh. In all other respects, it does not show any whimsicality; it grows well on any type of soil.

It is very important to tie up a young plant. It has delicate and fragile wood, and strong winds can break it very easily.

Buldenezh protects well from the summer heat, so it is very useful to plant it near benches or other recreation areas on the site (near the gazebo, etc.).

Viburnum leaf roller

The viburnum flat leaf roller (Acleris schalleriana) damages viburnum and mountain pine. The wingspan of butterflies reaches 16–20 mm. Its fore wings are grayish-white with a brown-black costal spot that reaches the apex of the wing. The caterpillar is dark bluish-gray or olive-green, yellowish on the sides, covered with light hairs, and the head is light brown.

Caterpillars that hatch in the spring eat the buds and later damage the leaves, entwining them with cobwebs and knocking them into a ball (Fig. 7). Caterpillars pupate in mid-summer in feeding areas. When developing massively, the leaf roller destroys a lot of leaves, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Control measures. Collecting and burning nests with caterpillars. Treatment of plants in the period from the beginning of bud break to the appearance of buds with 10% Karbofos. During the mass appearance of insects, use 0.05% Decis or Inta-Vir (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). Two weeks later the procedure is repeated.

Butterfly and caterpillar of viburnum leaf roller

Typical damage to viburnum leaves by leaf roller


The moth family (Gracillariidae) has about 2000 species. Moths - moths often damage fruit, ornamental and industrial crops, sometimes multiplying in incredible quantities. These are small, rarely medium-sized butterflies with a wingspan of 4.5 – 21.0 mm. The head is oval or round, smooth or with a tuft of hair-like scales. The eyes are relatively large and round. The wings are narrow, lanceolate with a well-developed light, sometimes shiny pattern of clearly defined white stripes, spots or strokes on a dark background.

At the beginning of their development, caterpillars of moth moths mine the leaves of plants, then they roll up part of the leaf into a tube and skeletonize the inside of the resulting shelter. Throughout the entire period of development, the caterpillar feeds hidden in the mines inside the leaves, so pest control is difficult. The caterpillar pupates in a cocoon in a folded leaf or on its surface. The pupa overwinters in mines on fallen leaves.

Control measures. Pyrethroids, derivatives of the natural preparation pyrethrum, which have a wide spectrum of action and are odorless, are effective for pest control.

Moth - moth

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of aphids on viburnum, every spring you need to clean the bush of old peeling bark, under which there may be masonry, and whitewash the trunk with lime. You should also regularly cut out root shoots and tops.

How to fight moles in the garden using folk remedies?

If there are ants in the garden that contribute to the development of aphids, it is necessary to get rid of them by pouring boiling water over the areas where they accumulate. But some insects, such as ladybugs, should be attracted to the garden because they eat aphids.

How to prune and shape a bush correctly

To make the bush multi-stemmed, the young viburnum plant must be cut at a level of 20 centimeters from the ground. And in order for Buldenezh to bloom profusely with large flowers next year, you need to cut off the first inflorescences before they bloom. And at the end of July you need to pinch off the young shoots.

With further pruning, you need to begin to form a crown. The shoots need to be trimmed in June, after flowering stops. If you do this procedure precisely during this period, then by the end of the year new buds will have time to sprout and bloom the next year. Pruning is strictly not recommended in the spring - this will only weaken the plant.

In spring, you can only remove branches that are damaged or broken by the wind. All summer you can correct the shape of the crown - shorten some branches, thin out the bush.

Expert opinion

Yulia Yurievna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of cultivating plants and mulching the soil, and I share my experience.

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Description of the variety

The average height of the “Chinese snowball” is 2-4 m. It is planted in flower beds either as one bush or in small groups. During the flowering period (late spring - early summer), decorative viburnum is covered with large spherical inflorescences. At first they have a greenish tint, and then become snow-white. A characteristic feature of this decorative variety is the absence of odor in the flowers.

At the beginning of summer, the bush is completely covered with inflorescences

Greenish lobed moth

The greenish lobed moth (Acasis viretata) is a green and white-green caterpillar with a red-brown ringed pattern. It feeds on flowers of viburnum, lilac and other plants.

The flight of butterflies occurs in April–May and June–July. Butterflies with a wingspan of 23 - 26 mm. Juveniles are usually olive green in color, which quickly darkens. The forewings are variegated, dirty yellowish-green with light dots and transverse black lines, the middle and, partly, the outer part of the wing is black-gray, the outer edge is gray. The hind wings are light, gray tones. One generation develops per year, sometimes two (with a flight period in August and September).

Control measures. The main method of pest control is the use of insecticides against younger caterpillars during the phase of bud formation or immediately after flowering (10% Karbofos, etc.). It is advisable to treat plants only in areas of mass reproduction of pests. To determine the optimal timing of spraying, it is necessary to conduct phenological observations of the development of the pest.

Greenish lobed moth: caterpillar and butterfly

Honeysuckle spiny sawfly

The sawfly damages decorative and edible honeysuckle and viburnum. The pest larva has an olive-colored body and two transverse rows of white spines, with a dark red back or mesh pattern, light gray sides and a yellow head. The larvae overwinter in the top layer of soil. Pupation occurs in the spring. Adult pests appear when the leaves bloom, on which the females lay eggs. The hatched larvae eat the leaves. They can eat until they are completely naked.

Control measures

To combat the sawfly, autumn digging of the soil is effective. Then you need to spray the bushes before flowering and after it with 10% karbofos (100g per bucket of water), and also treat the plant with wormwood decoction (750g of dried grass per bucket of water) or garlic, tobacco, onions (200g tobacco waste or dust, 200g ground onions or garlic and 200g of onion peel per bucket of water).

Botanical characteristics

When thinking about purchasing a seedling of this beautifully flowering shrub, you should remember that you need quite a lot of space so that planting and care can be carried out without problems. Viburnum buldenezh characteristics are as follows: this plant of the Adoxaceae family is quite large, and with good care, ten years after planting, it can grow up to 3 meters in height. Its crown is large, spreading, and in adulthood its width reaches 4 meters. This shrub has light green large leaves 10-12 cm long. The most important decoration of decorative viburnum is its snow-white flowers, collected in huge inflorescences, the diameter of which can be more than 20 cm. The variety is sterile, that is, it practically does not form seeds, which determines its characteristics its reproduction. This plant is quite frost-resistant and has taken root well throughout the European territory of Russia, with the exception of the Far North and southeastern regions.

An ornamental plant such as viburnum buldenezh (planting and care must be carried out taking into account all the characteristics of the bush) can delight with its flowering for 50-60 years.

Viburnum leaf beetle

It is one of the main plant pests, reaching a length of about 7 mm. Every year, one individual lays up to twenty eggs on the stems of viburnum, from which by the end of spring larvae form, which eat the leaves of the plant at a high speed.

Without killing these insects, by early summer they will turn into beetles, continuing to gnaw holes in the leaves of the tree.

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