Animals and their young. what kind of bird is a goose: all the most interesting facts are they nomadic?

Geese are very smart birds; it seems that they pass on their goose intelligence to their offspring, which are hatched from eggs by the mother goose, and the father, the gander, guards her peace in a fighting grip, accompanied by a menacing hiss.

And the brood is called goslings, in the singular - gosling.

Baby gooses are called goslings. And in the singular - gosling. In some regions of Russia, other words are also used, but mostly they are all just folk derivatives, for example goose, goose, gusachok.

Geese breed their offspring using eggs. The family consists of a gander - the father, a goose - the mother and cubs - the goslings. In one clutch, a goose can hatch up to 10 more goslings.

A baby goose is called a gosling, the plural is goslings.

People have been raising geese for a long time. The goose is one of the first birds that humans made domestic. The reason is that the goose does not require complex care. This is an independent bird. In addition, it is important that geese grow quickly and gain weight.

Children of geese are called goslings, one child is a gosling.

The fauna of our planet is amazingly rich and diverse.

The Russian language is one of the most imaginative and vibrant languages ​​in the world; it is amazing, unique, but sometimes it makes you think.

Even in kindergarten, during developmental classes, children get acquainted with the names of various animals, and also learn the correct names of the children of these animals.

By the way, it is not always easy even for an adult to figure out what to name the cubs of this or that animal.

But, it seems to me, in the case of baby geese there are no special difficulties. Goose (or gander) is a husband, his wife is a goose, we call the child of this couple a gosling.

The noun gosling has a plural form - goslings.

Well, this is a completely simple and easy question that even very young children, that is, children aged two or three years, can answer, since even they know this. After all, a baby goose is a gosling, that is, everything is very simple and logical. Such questions. By the way, they are often asked specifically about children when, for example, they are taken to school, that is, when they pass a special commission, thereby checking their level of intelligence. And even when they take you to kindergarten, they can also ask similar questions, this is more often done by psychologists, because they are the ones who must conduct a conversation with the child, so that they can determine whether the child is healthy and mentally developed, without this they are not accepted into school or kindergarten now.

In our area they love to raise geese, they are especially good in winter, when they are covered with fat, then the soup made from them is rich. People breed them themselves, don’t trust poultry farms, and in the summer they graze with oak trees, rejoicing as the new generation of geese grows up.

GOSLES, this is either a brood, or a GOSLEY.

I like the task.

If you have a child, then you need to start telling him about animals from childhood. And when the baby learns to distinguish between them, you can teach him to correctly name baby animals. It is best to start introducing him to the world of animals with domestic animals or poultry.

The goose is a domestic bird, and the father of the family is called either a goose or a gander. The mother is called the goose, and the children together are called the goslings. If there is only one cub, then it is a gosling.

What do you call a baby goose? We still need to sort it out by age. Now, if the baby goose has just hatched, then it can be called a chick. But see for yourself up to what age you can call him that. But older ones, or even from the very day of hatching, can be called a gosling.

The babies of all birds are called chicks.

But for certain species of birds there are special names for their young.

For example, an adult male goose is called a “gander,” and a female goose is called a “goose.”

They give birth to small goslings; one chick can be called a gosling.

Actually, baby fish are called fry, which is one common word for all types of fish.

The fry are born from eggs (caviar is fish eggs).

The father of the perch family is also called “perch.”

It is correct to call the mother “female perch.”

Their babies are called perch fry.

But the words “okunyonok”, “okunyata”, “okunyok” belong to a more colloquial form of the Russian language, these are not scientific terms.

A baby seal is called a squirrel. They are usually born in the post-winter period. Their weight reaches 15 kilograms. The mother feeds the baby milk for about a month, after which the squirrel learns to get food itself (catches crayfish, shrimp, etc.). They are in “mother’s care” for about a year. The Belek seal pup turns spotted at the age of almost one and a half months. A baby seal can also be called a pup or a seal pup, which is also the correct name.

This fact is usually explained by the fact that all pinnipeds, walruses and seals and other mammals all have canids in their ancestors, that is, they are distantly, but still related to dogs. Just like all mustelids, the young of which are also correctly called puppies. However, in reality, the term puppy for the cubs of these mammals was assigned even before their origin was understood and was used very widely by northern hunters. One thing can be said about this, probably calling seal cubs puppies came to the minds of those who heard the sounds that seals make - it is very reminiscent of a dog barking. So the hunters correctly began to call the cubs puppies, without even knowing about biology.

Swift and swift. Although there is no such word, it can be heard in conversation.

The baby of any bird is called a chick.

For example, a swift chick (swift chick). You can also say swift.

Photo of a small baby swift.

Bunnies are born several times a year. Babies born in different seasons of the year are called differently. Bunnies that were born in winter are called “nastovniki,” and a little hare is called a nastovnik. The name comes from the word “nast”, which means a dense crust on the snow.

New just built house! New house, new yard. Petrovich brought goslings purchased from the incubator. Little goslings are a troublesome business; it is difficult to care for them without a mother goose. Kind-hearted Aunt Lyuba gave the young couple a goose. The goose sat on the eggs, but could not hatch anything, apparently the gander let us down, so she became a foster mother. At night, small, fluffy goslings were slipped under the goose. All night long the new mother goose was anxiously poking her curious goose faces at her. The goslings squeaked warily and tried to escape. The goose was on guard! We calmed down only in the morning.

In the morning, a small flock of a mother goose and ten goslings was released outside under close supervision. Mom proudly and worriedly looked around, calling the little children, so the goose was nicknamed Gaga. Having observed that the foster mother was looking after the babies, she was left to graze with the goslings, but she constantly led her now goslings home, towards her previous home. The house was far away; Gaga could have lost her goslings along the way. Therefore, they decided to tie Gaga to a rope near the house in the clearing. Gaga did not resist for long, and so they began to live, Gaga on a rope, her little children ran freely.

Every morning, a goose was led on a string like a dog, and her small flock ran after her, a peg was installed each time in a new place and a huge basin of water was buried in the ground so that the goslings could swim and get out onto the grass. A gosling is a baby goose. Which of the modern children knows what a real small, fluffy gosling is? We saw a plastic toy! There are also an odd number of all kinds of soft, colorful geese and geese.

The little gosling is a miracle of nature, a small fluffy yellow-green lump. The nose and beak are like the nail of a newborn baby, well, maybe a little, a little, harder. Small, barely palpable teeth, located on the beak itself from the inside above and below them, the gosling snaps off the grass and grinds it with the help of its rough tongue, the little one is soft, the gosling grows up, both the beak and the tongue become coarser. There are two small holes in the beak through which the gosling breathes. The eyes, small black, shiny peas, are covered from time to time by subtly transparent eyelids that flap from time to time. Goose ears? Two small inconspicuous holes, on the sides of a small goose's head, hidden under fluffy fluff, which softly fluffy covers the entire small, light, weightless body. A long fluffy head, on an even longer neck, constantly stretching forward with curiosity. Stubby short ponytail. Small webbed feet on which the gosling runs like mad. In this goose family there were ten goslings, so at first they timidly stomped only in the wake of the mother goose, gradually growing up they became larger and larger. Gradually, little feathers came out, became coarser, and by the end of summer the goslings became big, adult geese and the rope had long been forgotten, they became independent, learned their yard, grazed and came home on their own.

One day an unpleasant incident happened: the herd came home without Gaga. The young owner Larisa was very upset and began looking for Gaga, but she was nowhere to be found. The whole family was very upset, they were especially upset, the little children were so used to Gaga, late in the evening, putting the children to bed, Larisa went out into the street and began calling Gaga, Gaga, and lo and behold, Gaga responded, somewhere in the distance, her voice could be heard, the hostess went to the voice. Gaga's voice was heard from someone else's barn. On the next street. The owner of Gaga knocked on the door of the barn owners and told them to give her Gaga, but they said that it was their goose. The owner knew by her voice that it was her Gaga, but the neighbors began to argue, then the owner of Gaga opened the gate and let all the geese out, let her decides where her house is, Gaga escaped from someone else's yard and ran straight home, so the owner and Gaga defeated the thieving neighbors.

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✅Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of poultry. Talk about the benefits birds bring. How a person cares for them, what he feeds them and where he keeps them. Insert the general concept of “poultry”

✅Show the pictures and name the body parts of domestic birds (paws, neck, head, beak, tail, torso, legs, wings; a rooster has a comb, beard, spurs) what is the bird’s body covered with?

✅Name the father, mother and baby of each bird (rooster-hen-chick, drake-duck-duckling, goose-goose-gosling, turkey-turkey-turkey).


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