Maxim summer resident - an effective fungicide against root rot of vegetable and ornamental crops

Summer resident's remedy for ants Destruction of ants in the garden - perhaps every owner of a suburban area has had to face this problem. It is for this purpose that Russian scientists have developed the drug Dachnik against ants. The product is based on natural phytocomponents, thanks to which it is completely harmless to people. This article will tell you more about the drug.

Description of the drug

Maxim summer resident acts as a protective antibiotic, preventing infection of tubers, bulbs, and seeds during storage, planting and plant growth.


Unlike the fungicide Maxim, the drug Maxim Dachanik contains only one antifungal substance - fludioxonil at a dosage of 25 g/l. According to its chemical class, the compound is a derivative of finylpyrroles. It is a natural antibiotic with high pathogenic efficiency, synthesized from the bacteria Pseudomonas pyrocinia.


Fungicide Maxim summer resident reduces the growth and development of fungal mycelium by destroying the process of glucose phosphorylation. Destabilization of cell membrane functionality reduces pathogenic viability.

After spraying, a protective film is created on the surface and in the root system, which provides a barrier against micellar lesions for the entire period of storage and active growth.

Fludioxonil accumulates and acts in cellular processes of membrane formation. This reduces the likelihood of pathogen resistance to the pesticide.

Release form and price

The fungicidal drug Maxim Dachanik is sold in glass ampoules of 2 and 4 ml, bottles of 40 and 500 ml with a measuring cap. The price of the drug in ampoules ranges from 15 to 25 rubles. A 40 ml bottle of pesticide costs between 210-280 rubles, a 500 ml package costs 1,700 rubles.

Maxim summer resident disinfectant is stored at temperatures from -5 °C to +35 °C °C in a cool place inaccessible to animals and children. The shelf life of the fungicide is 3 years. Used packaging is disposed of with household waste. Excess solution is poured into the drain hole.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the instructions for use, the benefits of using the pesticide Maxim Dachanik are as follows:

  • prevents the spread of pathogens in storage facilities;
  • effective in the fight against root rot, smut, snow mold and other diseases of micellar pathogenesis;
  • increases the germination of seeds and seedlings;
  • one preparation for disinfection of many different crops;
  • advance processing possible;
  • improves productivity;
  • provides long-lasting protection (up to 6 months);
  • safe for soil microflora;
  • release form with the addition of a signal dye.

The drug Maxim Dachanik is deadly for marine and freshwater fauna. This is his minus. Therefore, crop treatment should be carried out further from reservoirs, rivers and other water sources. The treated crop cannot be used as animal feed.

Another disadvantage of the fungicide is the prohibition on re-dressing. If fungi adapt to its action, the effectiveness of the product will decrease.


The drug "Maxim Dachnik" has reviews that are often positive. As an example, some of them will be presented below.

Yulia (St. Petersburg): “Due to the humid climate, fungal infections are a real problem for gardeners. Excellent for late planting of potatoes. I also use it to treat eggplant seeds.”

Andrey (Vladimir): “I consider it the best means for treating seeds. I’ve been using it for the 2nd season now and not a single (literally!) sign of infection.”

Lyudmila (Elets): “I use it for flowers and growing onions at home. If you do everything according to the instructions, no disease will threaten your plants. Processing the bulbs is as easy as shelling pears - soak them in solution for half an hour, dry them and plant them. A very convenient tool."

Instructions for use

The treatment of grain and vegetable crops with the pesticide Maxim Dachanik is carried out according to the scheme.

Culture/DiseaseMode of applicationNormWorking mixture consumptionFrequency of treatments
Potato seed tubers (planting) / Fusarium, rhizoctania blightSoak for 30 minutes4 ml per 100 ml waterFor 10 kg1
Cereal peas / Fusarium (root rot and wilt), gray rot, ascochyta blight, moldSoak for 30 minutes before planting and storing2 ml per 400 ml waterPer 1 kg1
Onions / Neck and bottom rot, penicillosis, black mold2 ml per liter of waterFor 2 kg1
Winter and spring garlic / Donets rot, black and gray mold, penicillosis
Flower seeds / Fusarium, penicillosis, helminthosporium, gray mold, rhizoctonia
Flowers / Verticillium, root rot, fusariumWatering at the root, tillage2 ml per liter of water100 ml per plant2
Seedlings and flower seedlings / Root rot1 ml per literLiter per 5 meters2
Seed potatoes (storage) / All types of rot (including wet rot), Alternaria blight, Phomosis, silver scab, anthracnoseSpraying followed by drying2 ml per 100 ml waterFor 10 kg1
Houseplants / Wilt, fusarium wiltDisinfection before planting, soaking for 30 minutes2 ml per literThe solution is valid for 24 hours1
Watering at the root, tillage6-7 drops per 200 ml


The Maxim Summer Resident dressing agent is used to treat seed potatoes, onions and turnips, winter and spring garlic, peas for grain, beans, soybeans, sunflowers, and beans. Onions and garlic are loaded into a mesh or fabric bag and dipped into the solution. Can be soaked in bulk. Potato tubers are dipped into the working mixture individually or evenly sprinkled with the solution. The peas are kept in the mixture, dried and immediately planted.

Despite widespread practice, the drug Maxim Dachanik cannot be used to process tomatoes.


Judging by reviews from flower growers, the fungicide is effective for any flower plants, especially those that are susceptible to wilt and fusarium rot. Disinfection is carried out when planting or dividing a bush by watering the planting hole with a solution.

Maxim summer resident is an ideal product for processing tulip bulbs, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, and begonia corms. The fungicide can be used to treat the soil when propagating home flowers or rooting purchased plants.

The drug Maxim Dachnik disinfects only dormant plants, that is, bulbs, tubers, seeds. Living roots are not soaked in the solution, only by watering.

Useful video on how to treat orchid roots with Maxim summer resident fungicide


Maxim summer resident is used for treating the soil before sowing seeds, planting seedlings or rooting adult plants. The solution is prepared at the rate of 40 ml per two buckets of water. They carefully pour the soil over it, then cover it with a polyethylene film. After a week, the film is removed, after 10 days they begin planting or sowing.

Preparation of the solution

To create a working solution, carefully dissolve 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Be careful not to penetrate exposed areas of the body. This is a standard solution for watering infected soil; specific dosages depend on the type of plant.

The specific dosage of the solution depends on the type of plant.

Important! Under no circumstances should the solution be made in containers used for storing and eating food or drinks. Before dissolving the Maxim drug, put on personal protective equipment (respirator, special clothing, latex gloves).

Security measures

The pesticide Maxim Dachanik belongs to the 3rd class of hazard to humans, which means that safety measures are necessary when working with the solution:

  • prepare the solution and process the crops in a protective suit, respirator, gloves, rubber boots;
  • while working, refrain from smoking, eating, drinking;
  • after treatment, discard the packaging, wash your face and hands with laundry soap, wash your clothes;

Manipulations with fungicide are carried out at a distance of more than 10 meters from children and animals.

At the first symptoms of poisoning with phenylpyrrole derivatives, you must immediately stop working, take the affected person out of the influence of the pesticide, remove the protective suit and consult a doctor.

Elimination of symptoms of fungicide poisoning is carried out symptomatically; there is no special antidote.

Compatibility with other drugs

Fungicide Maxim Dachnik can be used in combination with drugs based on metalaxyl (Apron, Metalax, Ridomil Gold, Certikor, Flex), cypronidil (Phlox, Horus) and difenoconazol (Attik, Skor, Rayok, Chistotsvet). The pesticide is compatible with furatiocarb (Rapkol, Promet, Deltanit) and oxolinic acid (Starner).

The drug is allowed for use together with fungicides of bacterial origin (Fitosporin-M, Biokill, Gamair, Alirin-B) in a ratio of 0.5:1.

Pesticide Maxim Dachanik does not come into contact with microfertilizers and insecticides. They can be used together.

What types of insects may appear on the site

The list of “garden ants” includes the following insects: black garden, yellow garden, red forest and house ants. Let's look at their main qualities:

Red forest

The ant is large, approximately 1 cm in length. The family of these insects build huge anthills, in which several tiers go underground. Harm to humans and the garden: ants breed aphids, spread them and protect them. Leaves and fruits of plants are eaten, especially from fruit bushes and trees.

Black garden

Garden insects of this species, on the contrary, are very small. The length of the goosebump reaches only 4-5 mm. The color of the shell is almost black. Despite their size, black garden ants breed aphids better than other species. Harm: in addition to eating fruits, berries and leaves, in the spring they can eat all the seeds sown in the soil.

Earthen (yellow) garden

Ground goosebumps are even smaller than black garden goosebumps, only up to 0.5 mm in length. Large workers, since they loosen the soil well, eat the larvae of small insect pests. But they build huge anthills that go several tiers deep into the ground. Such construction damages the roots of bushes and trees if the anthill is located nearby. Earth ants do not breed aphids. But they are great hunters for eating berries and fruits.


This ant is also called the ship ant. Having settled on the site, he soon moves into a house, greenhouse, and barn. Doesn't build an anthill. This small pest (only 2.5 mm in length) eats everything it comes across on its way.


Analogs of Maxim Dachanik in terms of active substance include preparations used for industrial areas of grain and vegetable crops.
  1. Sinclair – fludioxanil suspension concentrate 75 g/l for treating seeds and tubers;
  2. Switch is a fungicide for protecting gardens and vegetable gardens;
  3. Fludimax is a concentrated suspension of fludioxanil 25 g/l.
  4. Wrestler - designed for disinfection of peas, soybeans, corn, sunflower;
  5. Maxim 480 KS is a concentrated suspension of fludioxanil 480 g/l for vegetables and ornamental crops.

Fungicide Maxim Dachanik is a highly effective fungicide for long-term protection against a wide range of fungal diseases. Gardeners know that yield is only half the success. It is important to take care to protect the seed from diseases and ensure its safety for active vegetation.

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