How to transplant a ficus at home step by step, into another pot, after purchase

Ficus plants do not tolerate transplanting or changing pots well, and even a simple change in the location of the plant in the apartment can cause the ficus to slow down its growth or even shed its leaves. But, despite this, young ficus trees are replanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years.

There are general instructions for transplanting a ficus into another pot at home, although certain varieties of indoor plants will have their own nuances. Therefore, we will consider the generally accepted instructions for transplantation and provide recommendations for individual varieties of crops.

  • How to transplant ficus benjamina into another pot
  • Ficus rubber: how to replant step by step
  • Ficus transplantation with a shoot
  • Features and rules of ficus transplantation

    Ficus is considered an unpretentious plant that does not require complex care. But it is sensitive to drafts, excessive watering, cold water and direct sunlight. But the main thing that ficus does not like is transplantation and change of location.

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    These features should be taken into account, and the issue of transplantation should be approached especially responsibly, following certain rules:

    • Young trees up to 3 years old require replanting every year , plants from 4 to 6 years old should be replanted every other year, grown ficus trees - only once every 5 - 6 years;
    • Before transplanting , the ficus must be watered so that it can be easily removed from the previous pot;
    • The new container should be 3–4 cm larger in diameter than the old pot;
    • It is better to renew the soil of adult individuals by transshipment, partially replacing the soil. This method helps not to damage the root part, since the earth ball remains on its surface during transshipment, and partially fresh soil is added to the new pot.

    Why is this necessary?

    If the ficus is not replanted in time, it will slow down its growth, the leaves will turn yellow and crumble. The lump of earth will begin to dry out quickly and with frequent watering, you can flood the plant. This leads to rotting of the roots and disease of the entire flower.

    A weakened plant is unable to fight diseases and indoor pests. Therefore, at the first sign that the pot has become small, urgently start replanting the flower.

    During this procedure, all roots growing upward are removed after they have reached the bottom of the pot. This procedure is not often done once every 5 years. It rejuvenates the root system, making it powerful and healthy.

    This plant is clearly craving a transplant into a larger pot.

    There is an immutable rule for removing roots. Only 1/3 of the part is removed, but no more. Otherwise, the large-leaved beauty will get sick and be stunted.

    It is important to know! Be sure to take a pot with a hole, or even more than one. Water should flow through them into the pan. Otherwise, if watered incorrectly, the roots will rot and the pet will die.

    How to transplant a ficus shoot

    Propagation of ficus by shoots can be combined with spring pruning. This procedure will help to perform two tasks at once: to give the necessary shape to the crown of the mother plant and to obtain planting material. Spring cuttings have a better chance of taking root well before autumn.

    Only mature, semi-lignified shoots are suitable for propagation by shoots. A shoot taken from the crown of the ficus will be stronger and more viable, since in the upper part of the crown all metabolic processes are more active. You also need to pay attention to the presence of a healthy leaf bud at the top of the shoot.

    For self-planting, take shoots 12-15 cm long with two or three internodes. Cut the cutting only with a sharp tool so as not to crush the tree tissue (cambium). The cut is made 5 mm below the internode at an angle of 45°, and the wound on the tree is sprinkled with crushed coal.

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    Next, the cuttings are washed under running water or soaked briefly to get rid of the milky juice. If this is not done, a film may form on the cut, which will prevent root growth. The leaves are treated differently, depending on the type of ficus.

    In varieties with small leaves, the lower part of the cutting is exposed, leaving only a few upper leaves. If the shoot is large-leaved, part of the leaf is cut off, and the remaining portion of the leaf blade is rolled into a tube and secured with an elastic band to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

    To stimulate root growth, you can treat the cuttings with special preparations for root formation and make cross-shaped notches on the cut. Rooting is carried out in two ways: in water and substrate. Everyone chooses the most convenient method for themselves.

    Rooting in water

    When the cutting is placed in a glass of water for rooting, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves are left in the air, otherwise they will quickly rot. You can cover the cuttings with a bag on top to reduce moisture evaporation. When the water level decreases, add it little by little.

    After about a week, the appearance of callus can be observed on the cut. This looks like the appearance of a light growth at the end of the cutting. Soon the roots grow. When their size reaches 2-3 centimeters, the shoot is planted in its own pot. At first, you can keep it in a greenhouse to facilitate the rooting process.

    Rooting in the substrate

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    A small plastic cup or small pot is suitable for rooting a ficus shoot in the substrate. It is better to disinfect the substrate. By calcining it in the oven or spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. For rooting, a mixture of 2 parts peat, 2 parts washed sand and 1 part vermiculite is most suitable. It is better to mix the components in advance so that the soil can acquire the necessary structure in 2-3 days.

    The milky juice is washed off the cuttings and the cut is powdered with “Kornevin” or crushed coal. The cuttings are planted in the ground so that the lower node remains above the surface. Rooting is possible only at high humidity and a temperature of 28-30°C, so a greenhouse must be built for the ficus.

    The shelter is raised twice a day for ventilation. The necessary temperature conditions can be provided by a special heating mat designed for plants or a nearby radiator. On average, it will take a month for roots to appear.

    Please note that the rooted shoot is not planted in too much soil. The size of the pot at each stage of growth should correspond to the volume of the ficus root system.

    Ficus diseases and pests

    Hoya care at home, diseases and pests

    Ficus does not require special care. But if the above rules are not followed, the flower may wither or dry out. ​Diseases in ficus can occur as a result of improper care, fungal infections, or insect infestation.

    Interesting to know! ​Infection with fungi or infections mainly occurs due to open windows. Fungal spores carried by the wind settle on the foliage and begin to destroy it.

    A short list of diseases:

    1. Powdery mildew is a common disease characterized by white dust on the leaves, which can be washed off with soap and water. During the development stage, the flower is completely affected and drops its leaves.
    2. Cercospora is a fungal disease. A sign of infection is brown and black spots on the underside of the leaf, and the cause is high humidity.
    3. Scale insect is an insect that infects and eats indoor plants.

    Leaves affected by Cercospora

    Why do ficus leaves turn yellow?

    Leaves lose their natural green tint for the following reasons:

    1. If lighting rules are not followed.
    2. If the air in the room is dry for a long time.
    3. Sunburn.
    4. Lack of nutritious fertilizers. Old leaves turn yellow and new ones fall off.
    5. The soil is too wet. The flower is simply flooded and the leaves begin to rot.
    6. Ficus leaves may turn yellow as they age - this is normal.

    Most often, it is enough to eliminate the cause so that the leaves stop turning yellow.

    Possible mistakes of the grower during transplantation

    Ficus transplant: video

    If you do everything according to the rules, the ficus will delight you with a lush green crown and decorate your home with its presence. Possessing a large green mass, these plants actively enrich the air with oxygen and cleanse it of harmful impurities. Signs say that a well-groomed ficus in the house will bring prosperity, prosperity and comfort to its owners.

    Ficus is a wonderful addition to the interior of your home.

    To preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, it must be replanted on time and in accordance with all the rules.

    Beginner mistakes

    When transplanting, flower growers sometimes make mistakes that can affect the growth and development of ficus. The main ones:

    • Recommendations regarding soil composition, consistency, and acidity are not followed. These needs are determined by the wild environment in which the plant grows. Therefore, if you could not find the necessary components to make up the substrate, it is better to buy a ready-made mixture;
    • no drainage layer has been made. Under such conditions, the root rots - ficuses cannot tolerate excess water;
    • wrong pot size. In a pot that is too large, the soil will turn sour, as indicated by an unpleasant odor. This harms the plant, dwarf varieties;
    • watering with fertilizers immediately after transplanting. During this period, the root system is not able to accept nutrients in such quantities. What is in the new soil is enough;
    • Frequently moving the flowerpot injures the plant. After transplantation, it is better to leave it in its original place if it felt good there. Ficus plants should not be placed in an environment that is very different from the previous one.

    Why does the ficus shed its leaves after transplantation?

    Ficus plants sometimes drop a small number of leaves after replanting. This is natural because the plant is under stress. It is especially difficult for him if the root system is damaged. Recovery may take 1.5–2 months. It is advisable not to over-water and not to use fertilizers at this time.

    It is undesirable to replant indoor ficus in the fall, and even more so in winter, when its vital processes are slow and growth stops. In March or late February, the plant “wakes up” and tolerates moving into fresh, fertile soil with great enthusiasm. If the place where the ficus stands is sunny, and the soil is loose, with good drainage, new leaves quickly appear and shoots begin to grow.

    If you plant Ficus Benjamin in a pot that is much larger in volume than its root system, problems may begin a few months after transplantation. Moisture from the substrate surrounding the roots will not be absorbed as necessary, and the process of rotting will begin.

    The quality of the soil in which the plant is planted also plays an important role. It is undesirable for it to be simple peat, which absorbs moisture and retains it for a long time. The soil should be loose and allow water and air to pass through well. You can buy special soil for ficuses, and put a drainage layer of about 3 cm at the bottom of the planting container.

    Is it possible to transplant a ficus in winter?

    It is better to replant ficus in March. Even if it does not remain dormant in winter, biological processes slow down due to a lack of light. With the onset of spring, all life processes become more active. Therefore, changing the potty is better tolerated.

    In autumn, transplantation is carried out more often for unforeseen reasons:

    • there was rapid growth over the summer;
    • the soil became very compacted and needed to be replaced;
    • dishes were damaged, etc.

    If the transplant is carried out in early autumn, then the ficus will be able to recover before the arrival of winter.

    Ficus transplantation should not be done in winter unless there are emergency reasons. In winter, all types of ficus have a dormant period.

    As you know, it is highly not recommended to disturb a plant during its dormant period, that is, recuperation, especially to carry out such serious procedures as replanting, pruning, and others. During the dormant period in winter, the ficus needs to be cared for based on weather and climatic conditions: place it not near heating devices, maintain the usual room lighting and air humidification. Over the winter, the ficus will have time to gain strength, so that the spring planned replanting will be tolerated easily and without significant health consequences that can arise if the plant is disturbed in winter.

    Step-by-step instructions for replanting a plant

    First, you need to clean and disinfect all instruments and utensils that will be used in the transplant procedure. The process consists of the following stages:

    1. 1–2 hours before transplanting, moisten the soil under the tree or bush abundantly. This makes it easier to remove from the container.
    2. Expanded clay or analogues are placed on the bottom, then sand. Under the drainage, at the bottom, you can put a ceramic shard - the convex part is directed upward. This prevents soil from being washed away.
    3. A little prepared soil is placed on top of the drainage layer.
    4. The plant is pulled out of the pot and freed from the old soil, being careful not to damage the roots.
    5. Examine underground organs. The areas affected by rot are cut off and sprinkled with crushed charcoal.
    6. The ficus is placed in the center of the pot.
    7. Fill the pot with substrate. The basal neck is not closed.
    8. The soil is compacted a little.
    9. Water with settled water at a temperature of about 25 ° C, drain the excess from the pan after a few minutes.

    The transplanted plant is placed in its original place. The next time the soil is moistened, when the earthen lump on top dries out. Small plants can be covered with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions. The film is removed 1-2 times a day to ventilate the seedling.

    If it is necessary to transfer, for example, when seedlings are moved to a larger pot, a lump of old soil is left on the roots. Then, after moving it to a new pot, add the missing amount of soil.

    After transplantation, the ficus needs special care and conditions:

    • temperature 20–25 °C;
    • watering only after the top layer of soil has dried;
    • daily spraying of shoots with warm water.

    Fertilizer is applied only a month after transplantation at intervals of once every 15 days.

    Preparation for flower transplantation: pot, soil

    Ficus is a tropical plant, so it is important for it that the root system is not overcooled. Considering this, it is better to choose a plastic pot for your green pet. Containers made of glass and ceramics are not suitable; in winter, their walls on the windowsill become too cold and the roots will freeze.

    If you are confused by the unpresentable appearance of a plastic pot, you can choose a beautiful glass pot to match it - then the flower will also serve as an interior decoration. The advantage of this approach is that a boring pot can be replaced with another at any time.

    Automatic watering pots have become an innovation in home gardening. They are quite expensive, but they allow you to forget about watering for 2-3 weeks. A special indicator shows the liquid level at the bottom. All that is required from the plant owner is to add 1-2 glasses of water to the tank in a timely manner. This is very convenient for those who have a lot of plants in the house or when the owner of the apartment often goes on vacation and business trips.

    The size of a ficus pot depends on the volume of its root system. The new container should be 2-3 cm wider and 3 cm higher than the previous one. Ficus plants definitely need a drainage layer, so the pot should be quite high.

    The soil should be nutritious and loose at the same time. In terms of composition, the following mixture is recommended for ficus plants:

    • 2 parts leaf soil;
    • 2 parts of turf land;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part coarse sand.

    Expanded clay or brick chips are used as drainage.

    Note: instead of sand, you can add agroperlite to the soil; it absorbs excess moisture and then slowly releases it to the roots of the plant. Agroperlite also increases the air permeability of the soil. It is inexpensive and sold in any flower shop.

    You can also purchase ready-made soil for ficus plants. It takes into account all the needs of this particular type of plant.

    Ficus transplant after purchase

    The specimens that are sold in stores are grown in soil, whose composition is designed to maintain the presentation of the green mass for a short period of time, so the plants need to be replanted with a complete replacement of the earthen coma.

    Step-by-step instructions for replanting a ficus:

    1. Water the plant 24 hours before transplanting. Disinfect the new container with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and dry it.
    2. Place 3–5 cm of drainage in a new container. Lay sand on top of the drainage in a layer of about 2 cm. Push the walls of the pot with the plant with your hands, lightly tap on the bottom.
    3. Having tilted the pot to the side, carefully dump out the ficus along with the earthen lump. Move the flower to a new container. Level the plant so that the root collar rises 5 cm above the soil surface.
    4. Fill the voids with nutrient soil. Water the plant with settled water at room temperature (+20–25°C).
    5. If the root of the plant is damaged by pests or fungus, replanting is not carried out using the transshipment method, but with a complete replacement of the earthen clod.
    6. In addition, you need to remove the damaged parts of the plant, immerse the roots for 30 minutes in a solution of “Fundazol”, diluted according to the instructions.
    7. After drying the roots, they are powdered with charcoal and only then the plant is moved to a new pot.

    When to replant a ficus after purchase depends on the condition of the plant. Typically, a ficus should spend a month in a new place before transplantation: this is how much time it will need to adapt to the microclimate of the room. But if there are signs of disease in the root system or the spread of pests, replanting is carried out urgently.

    Rules for selecting and preparing containers

    Before you find out how to properly transplant a ficus, you should stop at the pot. It is very important that the diameter of the new container is a couple of centimeters larger than the “native” pot. The same point applies to the height of the container. Only flowerpots with holes at the bottom for aeration and drainage of excess liquid are suitable for planting.

    The day before the transplant procedure, disinfection should be carried out with a formaldehyde solution. After this, you can lay a “drainage cushion” on the bottom, consisting of broken bricks or drainage expanded clay. True, there should not be very many of these elements. Ideally, no more than 15% of the total amount of soil. The latter can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared yourself.

    Transplantation and time of year

    By nature, ficus is a “preservative”. He does not like change and reacts to everything new by falling leaves. To ensure that the transplant does not have a strong impact on it, it is advisable to do this in the spring, in March-April.

    Over the course of spring and summer, he will recover from stress and enter winter as a strong and healthy handsome man.

    It is not recommended to replant the ficus in winter; it is in dormant mode. If you disturb it, you may encounter leaf fall and yellowing of the foliage. The emerald handsome man will lose his beauty and may also become very ill. And all diseases stop growth.

    If the plant is very large and difficult to replant, it is enough to change the top layer of soil. It is removed to a depth of 3-5 cm and fresh soil is added.

    It is important to know! The soil should be loose and nutritious. But the bottom of the planting container must be filled with a large layer of drainage.

    Plants from the store

    For young plants from the store, only replanting, not transshipment, is applied. Although it is considered an aggressive method, there is no other way. And it’s all about the soil in which young plants grow.

    The fact is that it is not intended for growth, but only for transportation. And all the nutrients that are added there have long been used up by the children. It is subject to removal.

    In this case you should:

    • do everything as described above from No. 1 to No. 4;
    • carefully remove part of the coconut or peat substrate;
    • inspect the roots for the presence of rot or pests, try not to damage the young roots;
    • if there are damage or rotten roots, remove and treat with a fungicide;
    • place the flower in a new container and gradually add soil until the container is completely filled;
    • the plant should be planted at the same height as it was in the old container.
    • water, put in a permanent place.

    It is important to know! When planting a purchased ficus, strictly ensure that the roots are not in a bent position. When filling with soil mixture, they must be leveled and not bent down. Otherwise, the young pet will die.

    How to trim a ficus to make it fluffy

    Pruning ficus trees helps to ensure that the crown grows beautiful and voluminous. This is a delicate matter, so all instruments used must be sterile. Before you begin to form the crown, you need to carefully study the general appearance of the ficus.

    Cutting off the apical shoots stimulates the development of lateral buds. You need to cut only above the bud, exactly the young stem. If the stem is thick, it is better to cut it at an angle.

    Juice will flow out of the wound; wipe it with a damp and clean cloth until it stops. Then sprinkle the cut with charcoal.

    ​Important! ​You should not prune when replanting a flower. This will be too big and stressful for the plant.

    With proper and high-quality care, ficus will give succulent leaves that will decorate the interior, delight the eye and help with their useful functions. It is the ficus that has the ability to filter air, processing it into sugar and amino acids. Therefore, it will not only bring pleasure with its beautiful appearance, but will also bring a lot of benefits.


    The main condition for rapid establishment of a plant after transplantation is maintaining a certain temperature regime, which ideally should be in the range of 22−25 o C, as well as observing air humidity standards. Watering is reduced and carried out only after the soil above has dried. In the morning and evening, you can irrigate the leaves with warm water. Sometimes gardeners spray the plant with Epin, which actively stimulates growth and helps the ficus recover quickly after transplantation.

    Ficus is an original and unusual plant that anyone can grow. Another thing is that you need to know when you can replant a ficus, and how to do it correctly. Considering that the flower is sold in a temporary substrate, which is devoid of all useful substances, it will not be possible to bypass the manipulation, because otherwise the plant will simply die.

    Care after replanting a plant

    Regardless of what type of ficus was transplanted, it must be properly cared for, otherwise the plant will die.

    Additional Information ! After transplantation, there may be a cessation in the growth of the above-ground part and partial loss of leaves.

    Principles of caring for ficus after the procedure:

    • Temporarily stop fertilizing, as the new soil is quite fertile.
    • In the first month, reduce watering to once a week, but at the same time spray the crown daily.
    • Place the flowerpot in a slightly shaded place so that the flower adapts to new conditions.

    How to transplant ficus benjamina into another pot

    Transplanting Ficus Benjamin is an important stage in caring for the plant.
    It should be borne in mind that any manipulation of the roots represents serious stress, so replanting should not be carried out unless necessary. Note: According to general recommendations, young plants are replanted annually, and starting from the age of three - once every 2-3 years.
    Large trees that are grown in tubs are not replanted at all, only the top layer of soil is periodically changed. The need for replanting can be determined by the condition of the plant. If caring for the flower remains the same, but growth has slowed down, or roots have become visible through the drainage holes, then it’s time to move the crop to a larger container (Figure 3).

    The most common method of transplanting Ficus Benjamin is transshipment:

    1. About an hour before transplanting, water the plant very generously. The new pot is thoroughly washed and disinfected.
    2. Hold the bottom of the container with one hand, and cover the soil with the other, passing the trunk between your fingers. Next, the plant is turned over so that the earthen lump falls out. If this does not work, you need to lightly tap the pot on the table. If this does not help, separate the soil slightly from the edge of the pot with a knife.
    3. Carefully remove the remaining drainage from the earthen clod and carefully examine the roots. If necessary, cut off damaged parts.

    Figure 4. Replanting Ficus Benjamin does not present any serious difficulties.
    Further replanting is not difficult. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the new pot, lightly sprinkled with soil, the plant is installed, the roots are straightened and the free space is filled with soil, it is lightly compacted and watered. In order for the plant to take root faster in a new pot, it is better to use Kornevin’s solution rather than ordinary water.

    When is the best time to replant a flower?

    The best time to transplant ficus trees is early spring. Even if the plant does not require a period of rest in winter, all its vital processes slow down, it receives little light and therefore almost does not vegetate. In the spring, the phase of active growth begins and it is necessary to transplant the ficus even before these processes begin, then the transplantation will be the least traumatic.

    You can replant the flower in the fall, while there are warm sunny days. Then the injured roots will be able to recover before the difficult winter period begins. Autumn replanting is most often resorted to because of a pressing need. The plant may have grown too much over the summer, or the soil in the pot has become compacted and caked and requires immediate replacement.

    How often should ficus trees be replanted?

    • Young specimens of large species grow quickly and therefore require annual replanting.
    • Adult plants are replanted less frequently - once every 2-3 years or even less often.

    Experts advise not to disturb adult ficuses again; the roots do not like to be injured by transplantation. If the plant is sitting in a huge pot or tub, you can simply replace the top layer of soil.

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