3 ways to get rid of scale insects on ficus at home

Pests affect indoor plants in the same way as garden ones, but they are more difficult to control. Insects and mites on potted crops produce more generations due to warm conditions all year round, and inept use of chemical protection products at home can cause harm to humans. Scale insects on ficus are one of the most unpleasant pests. Even if the problem is noticed on time, treatment will take a long time.

What does a spider mite look like?

Many people find it difficult to believe that the wilting of their favorite ficus is directly related to parasite damage.
Spider mites are small in size, their body length does not exceed 0.3-0.6 mm. The shape of insects is usually oblong-oval. Their entire body is covered with small, but quite noticeable hairs, which help them cling to the plant whose juices they feed on. It is impossible to see these insects with the naked eye. You should use a regular magnifying glass, through which you can clearly see them. Female spider mites are slightly larger than males. All adult ticks have 4 pairs of prehensile legs. Adults lay eggs in large numbers. Given favorable conditions, they ripen in just 3 days. In unfavorable conditions, eggs can survive in the soil for about 5 years. It is precisely because of their survivability that the fight against spider mites is quite protracted. Typically, larvae and adults respond well to the effects of both chemical insecticides and folk remedies. Ticks lay eggs in the soil, on pots and tree stems, as well as other elements.

These insects are brownish or green in color. They move slowly, so it is almost impossible to notice them. Both adults and larvae have a special proboscis, which they use to pierce the leaves and drink the juices of the plant.

It is important to know the main symptoms of plant damage by these parasites

Causes leading to ficus diseases

Optimal development conditions and proper care are the key to the full growth of ficus plants at home. Lack of lighting, incorrect temperature and humidity in the room, irregular watering and improper application of fertilizing are the reasons why diseases of Ficus Benjamin and other species appear. These reasons include unsatisfactory soil composition.

In this regard, the leaves of the rubber ficus, just like other varieties of the Mulberry family, wither, turn yellow and fall off. In this case, you need to react correctly - reduce or increase watering, expose the flowers to sunlight or, conversely, shade them, replant them, etc.

Most often, diseases of rubber ficus appear on the external condition of the leaves.

Yellowing of foliage

Most often caused by too low indoor humidity. This situation can be observed in winter in plants placed next to heating devices. Dry and hot air causes the leaves to dry out, turn yellow and fall off. Massive loss of foliage can lead to the death of the flower.

If the plant is moved to a room with high humidity and a humidifier is installed, then there is a chance of saving it

Therefore, timely care and attention are important here. If this is not possible, then the heating device needs to be covered with something.

To increase humidity, the plant is regularly sprayed.

Frequently moving a flower from one place to another at home can cause the foliage to fall and turn yellow. Therefore, its permanent place of residence must be determined immediately after purchase or landing.

Leaf fall

Ficus leaves become small and fall off en masse. Such a plant suffers from a lack of fertilizers. There is only one way out - transplanting the flower into new fertile soil. To transplant rubber ficus, use a substrate based on peat, sand and leaf soil in equal parts. After transplantation, the plant is watered.

Symptoms of waterlogging and lack of moisture

If the ficus foliage looks unhealthy, falls off, turns yellow at the edges or is covered with yellow spots, this is a sign that the plant is overwatered. Proper watering of ficus involves regularly moistening the soil only after it has dried. Excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots, and subsequently to the death of the plant itself. For ficus that has suffered from overwatering, watering should be stopped for a while until the soil is completely dry. Plants that are too flooded and are losing leaves en masse are transplanted into new soil. During the replanting process, all rotten roots must be removed. The sections are treated with charcoal powder.

A lack of moisture is as detrimental to rubber ficus as its excess. The consequence of this is shrunken and curled leaves. In addition, the root system also suffers from drying out of the soil, as a result of which the ficus may die. Proper care and provision of proper growing conditions will prevent this consequence.

Other reasons

If the tips of the ficus leaves turn dark brown, it means the room temperature is too high, or the flower is suffering from an overabundance of fertilizers.

The loss of leaves in the lower part of the trunk is considered a normal process that occurs in all aging plants. A ficus whose trunk is exposed needs to be transplanted. Perhaps such a plant was transplanted into an incorrectly prepared soil substrate.

Sometimes ficus leaves may die. This disease can be caused by infectious diseases or pests. To be more sure of this, a thorough examination of the affected flower is carried out. Then treatment is carried out with an insecticidal preparation, which is simply irreplaceable in this situation.

Mealybugs on ficus, control measures

Very often, ficus benjamina leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. If this is not due to errors in care or moving the flower to another place, then perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is damage to the plant by mealybugs. To detect the pest, you need to inspect the leaves and stems of the ficus.

It is not difficult to spot the pest. His body is shrouded in a whitish substance - powdery wax. It looks like cotton wool or felt. The plant is harmed by females and larvae. Infection is indicated not only by the appearance of white cocoons, but also by the flow of white juice from damaged leaf blades or stems. In this case, the surface becomes sticky.

The reproduction rate of this dangerous pest is enormous; one female, whose body length is on average 3-5 mm, lays up to 600 eggs. They are also in a soft white cocoon. The process of laying eggs lasts about two weeks, after which the females die.

Young individuals begin to actively feed on plant juices, white threads appear around them and reproduction repeats. At temperatures above 24 degrees and high humidity, scale insects grow and reach sexual maturity very quickly.

It is very difficult to fight insects; cocoon fibers protect insects from direct exposure to insecticides. In addition, scale insects adapt very quickly to the products used. In the initial stage of the lesion, you can use traditional methods:

  • first wash the leaves with added soap
  • then rinse them with running water
  • sprinkle with infusion of tangerine or lemon peels

More serious measures to combat this pest are as follows:

  • radical pruning of all parts of the plant affected by scale insects
  • two - three times treatment of the plant with Decis and Karbofos preparations according to the instructions for the preparation; in severe cases, the damaged parts are cut out before spraying

The main prevention is compliance with quarantine after purchasing new plants. Even purchased bouquets should not be placed next to indoor flowers.

Reproduction, life cycle

The California scale insect is active in the warm season. Over the entire season, it manages to reproduce 2 generations of larvae. One female lays about 100 eggs. They develop under the cover of a durable shell. The female dies, and small, mobile bugs appear from the eggs. The larvae feed on the pulp and juice of plant leaves.

After 22 days, the nymphs become motionless and acquire their own scutes. At the same stage, the ability to mate develops. Males shed their scutes, females after fertilization become motionless, tightly attached to branches and tree trunks.

With the onset of spring, the movement of sap in the trees becomes more active, and the larvae wake up. They are completing their developmental stage. Already at the end of March, the plants are infected with dangerous bugs.


  • https://www.agro-biz.ru/vrediteli/shhitovka-kaliforniyskaya-zlostnyiy-vreditel-plodovyih-derevev.html
  • https://BeetleStop.ru/kak-izbavitsya-ot-shhitovki/
  • https://idachniki.ru/bolezni-rasteniy/shhitovka.html
  • https://DachaNaLadoni.ru/spravochnik-tsvetovoda/vrediteli/kak-izbavitsya-ot-shhitovki-klassifikaciya-i-foto-vreditelya.html
  • https://BeetleStop.ru/kaliforniyskaya-shhitovka/
  • https://BeetleStop.ru/shhitovka-na-yablone/
  • https://rastenievod.com/shhitovka.html
  • https://agronomu.com/bok/3874-kak-borotsya-so-schitovkoy-na-komnatnyh-rasteniyah.html
  • https://rastenia.info/zabolevaniya/schitovka.html
  • https://superda4nik.ru/shhitovka-na-yablone/
  • https://apest.ru/shchitovka/kalifornijskaya-shchitovka/

How to get rid of scale insects using folk remedies?

Flower growers have different attitudes towards folk remedies in the fight against scale insects. Many experts believe that the effectiveness of folk remedies is extremely low, and moreover, there is a risk of harm to the flower.

According to the editors of the Flower Festival magazine, folk remedies for scale insects can be used in certain cases, since they are safer for humans and animals.

If the degree of damage to the plant is small and there are few pests, then it is better to start with folk remedies or if it is a plant that can be sacrificed, but there is no desire to buy insecticides because of it.

In any situation, the use of folk remedies is a personal choice for each person, but systemic insecticides are more effective.

1. Soap solution

To prepare the solution, you can take laundry, tar or green potassium soap, and, in extreme cases, any soap, as well as dishwashing detergent, will do.

  1. It is necessary to treat the entire houseplant with a soap solution, as well as the window sill, window frame, pot and pot tray. The more foam in the process, the better.
  2. After wiping the flower, it is better to wash off the soap suds after 2-4 hours.

If there are a lot of plants in the apartment and they have small leaves, then you can spray them with a soap solution to save time. The effect of the treatment will be lower, but not everyone has the patience or time to wipe.

When spraying, try not to let the soap solution get on the soil, especially on the roots of the flower. To do this, cover the soil in the pot with film.

RECIPE. Pour a tablespoon of soap shavings into a glass of warm water. To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia (technical, medical, or, in extreme cases, vodka) and 300 grams of water.

The soap-alcohol solution must be washed off after 10-15 minutes with warm water so as not to burn your home flower.

IMPORTANT! Some experts insist that using soap solution on indoor flowers is not permissible. In their opinion, soap blocks the stomata of the plant, which leads to disruption of photosynthesis and plant development

Plants with delicate leaves should not be treated with alcohol.

2. Oil

Beat 5-10 grams of soap in a glass of water until foam appears, add 15-20 ml of machine oil (2 tablespoons of olive or sunflower). The plant is washed completely with a soap-oil emulsion and left for 6-10 hours, and then washed off.

Carry out 2-3 procedures every 7-10 days. Before treating the plant, cover the soil mixture in the pot with film! Treatment with a water-oil emulsion is not recommended for plants with pubescent, delicate or very thin leaves.

3. Garlic

Pour a glass of water over five crushed cloves (a teaspoon of pulp) of garlic. Infuse the mixture in a tightly sealed container for 1-2 days, and then wash the plant every 7-8 days. To spray, strain the infusion through three layers of gauze.

Recipe No. 2. A teaspoon of garlic pulp (4-5 cloves crushed) is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for 4-5 hours. The infusion is filtered and the affected flower is wiped.

4. Onion

A medium-sized onion is finely chopped, mashed and poured with a glass of water for 2-3 hours. Then everything is the same as with garlic.

5. Pepper

Grind and boil 50 grams of fresh hot pepper in 500 ml of water, then leave for 24 hours and filter. To wash and spray the plant, 10 ml of infusion and 5 grams of household soap are mixed with a liter of water.

You can treat plants against scale insects with pepper once every two weeks. Pepper tincture can be stored for a long time in its finished form, which allows it to be used very quickly after detecting a scale insect.

6. Tobacco

Pour 80 grams of dry tobacco (shag) with a liter of water and leave for 24 hours, then strain and dilute with a liter of water. Then rinse and spray the plant.

7. Kerosene

In a liter of water, stir 40 grams of household soap (25 grams of green potassium soap) and add five drops of kerosene, and then shake the solution well. The mixture can be wiped or sprayed on the affected areas of the plant.


Most often, kidney disease in cats is diagnosed without a clear idea of ​​its cause, so treatment is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms. Goals of therapy:

  • maintaining quality of life,
  • slowing down the degeneration of damaged kidneys and the progression of chronic renal failure,
  • reduction of azotemia,
  • reduction of proteinuria,
  • reducing the risk of hypertension.

Anorexia and dehydration: intravenous or subcutaneous administration of solutions of 0.18% sodium chloride + 4% dextrose. The required volume of administered solutions is calculated based on the need for 50 mlkg 24 hours. Systemic hypertension: ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers (enalapril 0.25-0.5 mgkg per os, every 12-24 hours, amlodipine 0.10-0.25 mgkg per os, every 24 hours). Metabolic acidosis: sodium bicarbonate 8-15 mgkg per os, every 8-12 hours. Hypokalemia: Hartmann's solution, Panangin.

Hyperphosphatemia: low phosphorus diet (Royal Canine renal, Hill's kd, Eucanuba renal, Pro Plan NF), phosphorus content no more than 0.6% of the daily diet. Administration of drugs that bind phosphorus into the gastrointestinal tract: aluminum hydroxide 30-60 mgkg per day with food.

Weight loss: high-calorie diet, appetite stimulation with various taste attractants, parenteral nutrition, nasoesophageal tube Proteinuria and hypoalbumemia: ACE inhibitors enalapril 0.5 mgkg per os, every 12-24 hours - reduce protein excretion by the kidneys when they are damaged. A diet rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Immune suppression: annual vaccination and protecting the animal from potential sources of infection. Decreased appetite and vomiting: a diet with a reduced level of protein with a urea level of more than 40 mmol, H2 receptor antagonists (famotidine 0.5 mgkg per os, every 12-24 hours, metoclopramide 0.2-0.4 mgkg per os, subcutaneously, every 6-8 hours.

Anemia: with hematocrit below 18%, erythropoietin 25-100 units kg, subcutaneously 1-3 times a week, ferrous sulfate 5-20 mg kg per day per os.


1) CKD is the irreversible progressive destruction of kidney tissue as a result of diseases that, in the absence of dialysis or kidney transplantation, lead to the death of the patient. 2) Cats with chronic renal failure may not have symptoms until the glomerular filtration rate becomes very low. 3) The consequence of chronic renal failure is a violation of the metabolism of water and sodium, calcium and phosphorus, anemia.

Ways to fight

There are different methods for dealing with scale insects on Ficus Benjamin. You can achieve better results by combining them with each other. One procedure will not be enough, so the key to success is regularity.

It is important to strictly follow the instructions for medications and recommendations so as not to cause harm. For example, increasing the dosage of pesticides will not only not bring a better effect, but can also cause poisoning of plants and humans


Adults and larvae should be removed manually. To do this, use a sponge soaked in a solution of laundry soap, tweezers or the blunt side of a knife to scrape the scale insects from the woody ficus branches. Affected leaves and shoots should be cut off and destroyed.


The use of chemical insecticides is the fastest and most effective way to combat any plant pests, including scale insects. But pesticides are often powerless against females, which are reliably protected by a waxy shell. The larvae die in one treatment, but soon new ones will emerge from the eggs. This explains the need for preliminary collection of scale insects and repeated procedures.

  1. "Aktara" is a systemic insecticide that has won the trust of flower growers. This is a powerful remedy that destroys almost all pests of indoor plants. It is used for 2-4 sprayings and spilling the soil.
  2. "Actellik", which is called the best drug in the fight against scale insects. It is allowed to use it no more than 3 times. Due to the toxicity of Actellik, all work is carried out only in the open air.
  3. "Vermitek" with neurotoxin effects. In order not to harm the plant, you can treat the ficus 1-2 times, and then use another insecticide.
  4. "Confidor" contact-intestinal effects.
  5. “Fitoverm” with the active ingredient “aversectin C”, which is not addictive to pests. This is a powder that dissolves well in water. The ficus is treated with the resulting liquid 4–6 times every 7–10 days.

Work with chemical insecticides is carried out in a well-ventilated area. A person must use protective equipment, avoiding contact of substances with the skin and mucous membranes.

Treatments are carried out 3–6 times until the scale insects are completely destroyed. 7–10 days should pass between procedures: during this time new individuals will appear.


The use of biological preparations is harmless to plants and humans. Scale insects are destroyed by other insects such as Blastotrix and Prospaltella. The pest's parasites are fungi and some types of nematodes. To “add” them to the ficus, you can purchase the drugs “Avertin”, “Aversectin” and “Nemabakt”.

Folk remedies

A good result is shown by using a mixture of soap and machine oil diluted in water. The ficus is thoroughly treated with this solution, covering the soil with polyethylene, and left for 12 hours. It will take 3 procedures, carried out every 7–10 days. To prepare, you will need a glass of water, 10 g of grated laundry soap and 30 g of oil.

Infusions are also effective:

  • garlic (5 cloves per glass);
  • onions (1 piece per glass);
  • hot pepper (50 g per 0.5 l);

They are left under a tightly closed lid in a dark place for 12–24 hours so that the water acquires a rich smell that repels insects. Spraying procedures are carried out 4–6 times at weekly intervals.


Even following all the recommendations for prevention, it is impossible to completely protect ficus from scale insects. But simple measures will help reduce the likelihood of its occurrence:

  • maintaining the plant in good condition: thinning the crown, removing dry or yellowed leaves and shoots;
  • water and feed the ficus on time, because weakened plants become easy prey for pests;
  • carry out regular inspections of the plant;
  • use mesh on open windows;
  • carefully examine new plants and bouquets of flowers brought into the house.

These universal recommendations will also protect you from other pests.

Fighting scale insects on ficus and other plants is not an easy task. It is important to prevent an increase in the number of pests by starting the treatment of indoor flowers in a timely manner. Practice shows that with the regular use of products according to all the rules, it is possible to destroy the scale insect and save the ficus, returning it to a healthy appearance.

Tropical and cactus scale insects

The tropical scale insect (Abgrallaspis cyanophylh) has been recorded on many greenhouse plants; Of the cacti, it affects cereus, prickly pear, mamillaria, etc. The scutellum of the female is oval and yellow.

The cactus scale insect (Diaspis echinocacti) settles on cacti in entire colonies. Prefers prickly pears, echinocacti, cereus, and mamillaria. It sucks out juices, which leads to drying out of individual parts, and sometimes entire specimens. Whitish-yellow spots appear on the stems, which often merge. The female of this insect is covered with a round white shield 4 mm long. Two generations develop in a greenhouse; mass reproduction of the pest is noted in spring and autumn.

Watch the video “Fighting scale insects” to better understand how to get rid of these pests:

Reasons for the appearance of scale insects

Ficus benjamina is considered one of the most popular indoor plants because it does not require special care and becomes a beautiful miniature tree in a few years. But if you do not adhere to basic rules for its maintenance, the plant grows weak, and this is the main reason for infection with scale insects.

The following factors will be favorable for the rapid proliferation of the pest:

  • proper watering is not observed;
  • insufficient amount of light;
  • the air in the room is too cold or hot;
  • excess nitrogen content in the soil;
  • diseases of other indoor plants.

The most dangerous period for ficus infection with scale insects is winter. The air is dry due to heating, daylight hours are too short. All this affects the fact that the plant sap undergoes changes in its structure, which attracts insects.

Appearance of the pest

The scale insect is a parasitic insect, the family of which includes about 2 thousand species. Most often they damage cultivated and wild plants, but with soil and other flowers they can be brought into human homes, where there are all conditions for the reproduction and existence of scale insects: warmth, light (if the flowers are on the window), moisture, nutrition.

Ficus leaves contain a lot of juice, which contains a large amount of nutrients; sugars are important for the life of pests.

Males do not bring any harm to indoor flowers, since their life cycle is too short due to the lack of mouthparts - but they have paws, segmented bodies and even wings. They usually do not fly around the apartment, but they can move short distances this way.

The female scale insect on the ficus is attached to the leaves and is protected by a small waxy “shield” (it is smaller in males). It is the females who secrete a special sticky enzyme that spoils the leaves. Only young females have legs and can move; over time, the legs are reduced, and the insect remains on the leaf.

An adult scale insect reaches 4-5 mm in length and has a brown, reddish or yellowish color. An unfavorable fact for plant growers is that scale insects multiply very quickly, and after a couple of hours small insects run out from under the mother’s shell and begin to lead an independent life.

Signs of scale insects

Many plant growers do not always see the presence of scale insects on Ficus Benjamin. How to deal with it?

Before asking such a question, you need to know the signs of an insect:

  1. A sticky coating on the leaves is a substance secreted by female scale insects, which makes the plant unviable. This glue is called honeydew - it is excess plant juice that is not “removed” in the scale insect’s body.
  2. If you look closely at the leaves of the plant, you can see brown or gray larvae.
  3. The flower began to dry out sharply, its leaves were dying.
  4. Lumps have formed on the surface of the flower, which form in damaged areas when they begin to be overgrown with new tissue.
  5. The plant stopped developing.

If the pest affects the ficus for more than two years, the plant’s leaves not only fall off and young shoots dry out, but the bark also begins to crack, and dark-colored bumps and irregularities also form on the trunk and branches.

Most often, the owner has no idea how the insect could get on the houseplant.

There are several ways to become infected with scale insects:

  • buying a diseased plant - in flower shops there are often epidemics of scale insects;
  • on a bouquet of flowers from a store or garden;
  • in the warm season, the pest can be brought by the wind;
  • from other diseased plants.

Infection occurs for no reason and at any time of the year, so it is impossible to prevent it.

Chemical control methods

If you cannot remove scale insects from a plant manually, for example, using soap, a sponge or a scraper, you have to use chemicals. They are considered the most effective in combating scale insects on Ficus Benjamin. Often, even poisons cannot have an effect on the females and larvae hiding under the shield, so it is first necessary to remove severely affected leaves and collect the pests manually.

Next, you can use a chemical, the most effective are “Aktara” (spray the plant and water the soil 4 times with a break of a week), “Aktellik” (considered the best remedy for fighting scale insects, before use you must read the instructions), “Vermitek” (treat 1 once and switch to another insecticide), “Fitoferm” (spray the plant with a powder solution 7-9 times with a break of 10 days).

Traditional methods

The best results are obtained from mixtures of machine oil (30g) and soap (10g), diluted in water (a glass). The ficus is treated with this substance several times until the signs of the presence of scale insects completely disappear. The main rule when processing is to cover the soil with a bag and leave it unwashed for half a day. The interval between procedures is 10 days.

An additional remedy can be tincture of garlic, pepper or onion. Leave for a day under a tight lid and spray the plant several times at intervals of 5-7 days.


Scale on indoor plants is not the most pleasant thing, especially considering that it is not easy to remove. Often growers lose this battle because they do not take the matter too seriously.

Scale insects require systemic control using different substances, and often several procedures are required at once.


Insecticides can completely destroy scale insects. But they are used in advanced cases. Do not use chemicals during the fruiting period. Pesticides will get into ripe fruits, which will become unsuitable for food.

Important! A one-time treatment with insecticides is not enough. 3-4 sprayings are carried out with a break of one week.

“Aktara”, “Confidor Extra”, “Aktellik” are proven chemicals against insect pests. Scale insects are capable of developing immunity to drugs, so it is recommended to change them periodically.


Ficus Benjamin diseases always develop due to unfavorable growing conditions. The main reasons for this are low temperatures (below 60°F) and overwatering. Effective tips for maintaining a healthy plant include using pathogen-free planting soil and container and disease-free seedlings. It is worth taking a closer look at common problems with ficus and how to solve them.

  • Leaf fall. This is the most common problem for new growers and is usually caused by temperature changes. Ficus loves constant conditions, so it is necessary to maintain the same level of heat and humidity. A change in these two factors, even within 5-10 degrees, will cause leaves to fall. The only way to eliminate the problem is to stabilize the environment and continue to regularly water and fertilize the flower.
  • Brown spots. Cercospora blight looks like tiny black spots on the leaves. In this case, they may turn yellow and fall off. The grower will need to remove diseased shoots and spray the plant with a specialized product, and subsequently prevent high humidity. The use of sulfur helps, it is sold in sprays. Copper-containing fungicides can be applied at the first sign of the disease to prevent its spread. Organic products will prevent spores from germinating.
  • Anthracnose. This disease manifests itself as rusty spots on stems and leaves. When a problem occurs, remove diseased leaves and then practice good sanitation. Collecting and disposing of all affected plant parts and providing adequate light, water and fertilizer will strengthen the plant's ability to resist the fungus. Chemical treatments are rarely used because they can be harmful to occupants indoors.
  • Juice oozes from a ficus tree. This condition is caused by the appearance of sucking pests. Mealybugs appear as small cottony clumps, and scales appear as white or black spots on the stems and body of the tree. The problem can be eliminated by using horticultural oils or a soap solution - 1 tablespoon of soap per 4.5 liters of water.
  • The appearance of inflamed areas. Such swollen places can form on leaves (in large veins), stems, and sometimes roots, near stem cuttings. It is caused by a bacterium. It can be destroyed by removing affected plant parts to prevent spread. Using herbal sprays containing copper is an effective treatment for this condition.
  • Black spots. Very small marks usually develop on the underside of the leaves. This is nothing more than a fungus; when the infection is very severe, the foliage turns yellow and falls off over time. Further spread of the disease can be prevented by removing infected areas and spraying with a fungicide. Spotting can also be caused by canker sores. The spots may appear rusty and at times ooze juice.

Signs of scale insect infestation

You need to start taking measures to save the ficus if:

  1. A sticky coating resembling syrup appeared on the leaves. This substance is called honeydew or honeydew. The scale insect, being voracious, often draws more juice from plants than it can absorb and releases its excess outside. Such an environment is fertile for the appearance of sooty fungus, which also causes damage.
  2. Upon careful examination of the ficus (preferably under magnification), you can see the larvae and females of the scale insects, which have a dirty gray or brown color.
  3. Damaged areas of leaves begin to be overgrown with new tissue, so bumps appear on its surface. Ultimately, the sheet plate takes on a deformed appearance.
  4. Ficus leaves turn red and gradually die.
  5. When the infection is advanced, individual shoots begin to die, and the growth of the entire plant stops.

If the pest’s “work experience” exceeds more than 2 years, then its parasitic activity leads to massive death of leaves and drying out of branches. The bark on the trunk and shoots begins to crack.



The mulberry scale insect is a malicious pest of gardens, forests and vegetable gardens. It is almost universal, because... affects almost all stone fruit trees, mulberries and tea plantations. The white scutes of females cover the upper part of the trunks and shoots, while the males develop on the lower part.

Adult insects are yellow in color. In April, when the air warms up, the female lays about a hundred eggs, which mature under her shield. Vagrants (first instar larvae) hatch after a month, lead an active lifestyle, and then stick to the tree trunk and become covered with a shield. By early June, females become adults. Males hatch at different times, their flight lasts for 1.5 - 2 months. The life of one male is about ten days. At the end of June, females of the 2nd generation appear. Only fertilized females overwinter.


The California scale insect is a quarantine pest. It affects more than 200 species

The most unpleasant thing is that this species is extremely prolific: there are from 100 to 300 eggs in a clutch, up to four generations mature over the summer.

Scale insects are an extremely harmful creature that is dangerous for garden crops. You should very carefully monitor the condition of green spaces and take timely measures to combat this insect.

How to fight scale insects on ficus benjamina?

Ficus benjamina is characterized by fast growth and strong foliage. When growing it, an interesting design solution is popular when several young shoots are planted next to each other and, as they grow, the trunks are intertwined with a pigtail. The tree looks great and undoubtedly decorates any interior, but the fight against scale insects becomes noticeably more complicated. A spreading plant in a large tub is sometimes impossible to put on a balcony or move into a bathtub, and spraying such a bush with pesticides is dangerous for one’s own health, even with the use of protective equipment.

The solution may be a plastic bag of sufficient size, placed over the crown and tied under the pot. Make a small hole in the bag and insert an aerosol spray bottle containing aphids, cockroaches or housefly repellent into it. The insecticide is sprayed for a minute, turning the tip in the bag in different directions, then the hole is closed and the ficus is left in the bag for several hours. After removing the cover, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

Important! The convenience of using an aerosol is that it forms a thick mist that can reach all hard-to-reach places. Like other contact insecticides, it is effective only against larvae and young insects.

Therefore, this procedure should be repeated three times with a one-week break. Before processing, food and liquids in open containers are removed from the room, and pets are removed. After airing, wipe the floor with water and detergent.

Like other contact insecticides, it is effective only against larvae and young insects. Therefore, this procedure should be repeated three times with a one-week break. Before processing, food and liquids in open containers are removed from the room, and pets are removed. After airing, wipe the floor with water and detergent.

The best chemicals

According to the majority of experienced gardeners and gardeners, an effective chemical remedy for scale insects is the Aktara insecticide. Its destructive effect on insects lasts for a whole month. An aqueous solution of this product is not only sprayed on plants, but also watered on the soil underneath them.

In second place in popularity are organic neonicotinoid pesticides. Under their influence, the functioning of the nervous system of insects stops. They can neither move nor eat, and die of hunger. Such remedies include drugs Apache, Mospilan, Tanrek, Golden Iskra, Confidor, Colorado.

Many summer residents prefer to use juvenoids. They are synthetic analogues of insect hormones. These substances disrupt the metabolic processes in pests, causing them to soon die. Drugs with this effect are Admiral, Phasis, and some others.

Also, in the fight against scale insects, enteric-contact drugs can be used. When they enter the digestive system of insects, they die very quickly. This category of protective drugs includes Karbofos, Actellik, Alatar, Kemifos, Antiklesch, Novaktion.

All of the above drugs are very toxic. They must be used only in strict accordance with the instructions, and they are always included with each package. When processing plants, you must follow safety rules. In particular, you need to work with them wearing glasses, rubber gloves, protective clothing, and a respirator.

Leaf diseases

Why do ficus leaves fall off? There may be several reasons why the plant is sick. Among the most common diseases of the leaf blade of home ficus, the following are worth highlighting:

  • yellowing of foliage. As a rule, this problem occurs in winter. Heating devices are actively working in the apartment, and hot air flows are often directed at indoor plants. For a sick ficus, this factor will be disastrous. The leaves begin to turn yellow, wither and gradually fall off. When a flower sheds its leaves en masse, it stops growing and may die. The best solution for you is to move the flowerpot with the evergreen specimen to another, much more suitable place. However, be careful when looking for a new corner to place your ficus pot. If you disturb it too often, the yellowing of the foliage may begin again, but this time the ficus will get sick due to the stressful situation you created;
  • shredding or falling leaves. Such ficus diseases also pose a serious danger to the plant, so they must be treated as quickly as possible. The diseased plant gradually withers, and the reason for this is a lack of nutrients in the soil. The situation can be corrected. To do this, it is necessary to replant the plant, completely replacing the soil composition;
  • yellowness of the tips of the leaves, the appearance of yellow spots. This problem indicates an excess of moisture in the soil. Do not forget that ficus loves moisture, but watering should be moderate. Be sure to let the soil dry before irrigating the substrate again. For an indoor flower, a lack of moisture will be much less destructive than its excess;
  • dropping leaves at the bottom of the trunk. This reason is considered natural - each ficus leaf blade develops within three years, and then ages and falls off. However, the trunk cannot be completely exposed, since in this case it will be very difficult to save it. If you observe the fulfillment of unsuccessful predictions, it’s time to replant the flower or add complex mineral fertilizers to the soil;
  • pests on ficus leaves. As a result, the leaf blade dies sooner or later if treatment is not taken. You can get rid of pests with the help of special insecticidal preparations, which you need to buy in the store.

If Ficus Benjamin gets sick, the main thing is to determine the cause of the disease as soon as possible. Only after this begin to treat your ficus.

Nuances of life

In the photo, the California scale insect looks like growths on the bark. Single individuals are extremely rare; they mainly live in colonies in which insects of different ages. They spend the winter in the first instar larval stage under the bark of trees.

As the plants awaken, scale insects also awaken. The larvae begin to feed intensively and increase in size. The scutum becomes small and the first molt occurs, after which sexual characteristics appear. The population is dominated by females, the number of males ranges from 10 to 15%. Further development occurs according to two scenarios:

  • One part of the larvae enters diapause. The shell of such individuals is black and they go into hibernation until next year.
  • Other young individuals continue their development. After the completion of the molt, the males fly out from under the scutes and perform their direct duties - they fertilize the females. They do not live long, since they lack an oral organ and exist due to the accumulated nutrients during the larval stage. They die off 3-4 days after the start of summer. Some males have a lifespan of several hours. Mating usually occurs at the beginning of the second ten days of May.

California scale insects are viviparous species. Fertilized females spend 2 months giving birth to strays. Such a long period of reproduction of offspring greatly complicates the fight against the pest. Vagrants are very active and carefully choose their habitat. Without food, the younger generation can live 7 days. They can crawl around a tree for several days until they find a comfortable environment for themselves: a well-lit place near the top of the tree, on the trunk, or skeletal branches.

Having decided on its habitat, the tramp pierces the bark with the help of sharp bristles of the oral apparatus. Having attached itself to the plant, it secretes wax-like threads that intertwine and form a white shield covering the top of the larva. After a week it turns gray. With the onset of this moment, the stray molts and begins a new phase of its development.

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