How to properly collect and dry mint for tea at home

In the cold winter, you want not only to warm up, but also to feel the taste and soothing smell of mint.
The question arises when to collect the leaves of this plant and how to dry them correctly. Dear readers!
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In today's article we will talk about the timing of collecting mint for the winter and methods for drying it.

Which mint is suitable for drying?

Not every plant is suitable for drying for the winter. It doesn’t matter what variety of mint you choose, but you’ll have to think about the specific plant.

First, collect mature, succulent specimens.

Secondly, do not pick mint that is too young. Such specimens will dry out quickly.

Naturally, you cannot take grass near roads, enterprises, landfills, etc. A lot of waste and toxins accumulate in the tissues of such plants. Instead of benefit, such a plant will only bring harm.

When to collect mint for drying for the winter

Harvest this variety of spicy greens in the last days of July - the first ten days of August. At this time, the greens contain the maximum concentration of essential oils and extract. And that means it is more useful.


The leaves are not torn off, but carefully cut with scissors or a sharp knife. This way you will avoid damaging the remaining stems of the plant. Also, don't cut too close to the ground. Otherwise, the plant will not produce new leaves.

Carefully place the collected mint in a bag. No need to crumple the leaves. Damage to leaf tissue affects taste and shelf life.

Also cut so as to capture the petiole along with the leaf. Then the leaves will be tied together by their petioles into one bunch for drying.

It is advisable to prepare leaves before noon. The ideal time is when the dew has already passed and the sun has not yet reached its zenith.

By the way, it is believed that the best time to collect greenery is during flowering.

How to prepare mint for drying

Let’s say right away that the time interval between collecting the leaves and starting to dry them should not exceed 2 hours.

The first thing to do with the collected mint is to sort the leaves. We throw away leaves that are too old and withered. At the same stage, we discard randomly encountered weeds.

Next, you need to rinse the mint.

How to dry mint correctly, what you can and cannot do

The leaves are dried exactly until they begin to rustle when touched and break. If the leaves are wrinkled, then drying is not yet complete.

It is possible and even advisable to periodically gently stir the leaves so that they dry on both sides.

It is not advisable to turn on the appliances in use at their maximum power. This way the procedure will take less time, but the mint may dry out and lose both its aroma and the beneficial properties for which it is valued.

Do not dry out the mint. This makes it brittle, turns into powder, partially loses its unique aroma and almost completely its beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

Mint is widely used for its medicinal properties. Many doctors agree that it helps with various diseases:

  • Tea has a diuretic effect.
  • Decoctions will remove excess salt from the body.
  • Melissa infusions prevent sudden vomiting and nausea.
  • A couple of leaves added to black tea will calm your nerves.
  • A large number of anti-inflammatory ointments include peppermint. Its infusions are used for headaches.
  • Wild mint is effective for flatulence and intestinal disorders. It is also used against rheumatism and tuberculosis.
  • To get rid of split ends or treat damaged hair, use essential oil from peppermint extract.

How to air dry mint

The easiest and most affordable option to dry mint is to carry out the procedure naturally in the air without the use of any additional equipment.

Freshly harvested plants need to be dried in this way. This is how everything for which we value mint will be preserved as much as possible: aroma, taste, benefits.

Drying is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • We distribute the leaves according to size and divide them into bunches;
  • we tie the bundles by the stems with thread or twine;
  • we hang the collected bunches by the petioles;
  • leave the bunches until completely dry (takes from 1 to 3 weeks depending on the weather outside);
  • transfer the dried mint to a container for later storage.


Leaves should be dried in a dry, ventilated place with low humidity and no direct sunlight.

This method is the most affordable, because it does not require additional equipment. You can even dry mint at home in the kitchen cabinet or on the balcony. An additional benefit of natural drying is the minty aroma.

Of course, this method is not without its drawbacks. For example, it will not be possible to dry the product if the weather outside is cloudy or even rainy.

How to use an electric dryer

You are lucky if you have an electric dryer, which is used to obtain dried fruits. Then the greens can be dried in it.

The leaves are laid out on a wire rack in 1 layer. Turn on the device to the minimum temperature.

Of course, drying will take longer this way, but the maximum beneficial properties of mint will be preserved.

Check the grass periodically to make sure it doesn't dry out.

After completing the procedure, transfer the dried product to the selected container.

Drying without fermentation

Ivan tea can be dried without fermentation, in the same way as conventional medicinal herbs. A plant dried in this way also retains its beneficial properties. However, tea makers continue to claim that Ivan tea gets its unique taste precisely when the fermentation process occurs. This is a real Russian drink that competed with Indian brews, but was undeservedly forgotten.

Dried fireweed can be an integral component of a medicinal collection; for this, the plant should be dried using the usual method:

  1. Fireweed tea can be hung down with inflorescences in a dry room where air circulates well; a distance should be left between the bunches so that they are freely blown with air. You can also place it on a baking sheet in a loose layer, covering it with parchment so that air also flows from below.
  2. Using an electric dryer, you can significantly reduce the drying time of plants from 4 days to 4 hours. Temperature and ventilation are set following the instructions in the instructions. The most important thing is to prevent the smell of dry paper from appearing, which indicates overdrying.

At the same time, fireweed prepared in this way cannot be called a full-fledged tea brew.

How to use a microwave for drying

The most exotic method is drying the leaves in the microwave.

Place the leaves in a single layer on a plate and microwave. Set the timer for 10 seconds (less is possible) and dry the mint.

Such a short period of time will allow you to control the degree of drying of the leaves and avoid drying out of the mint.

The approximate time until fully cooked is from 15 to 45 seconds.


Exactly how long drying will take depends on the number of leaves, their quality, and the power of the microwave oven.

How to store dried mint

In order for dried green leaves to be used for as long as possible, they must be stored properly.

Use glass vials or plastic containers to store dried mint. To prevent the mint flavor from fading away, select containers with a tight-fitting lid.

When transferring the product into selected jars, try not to break the leaves. When whole, they better retain their beneficial properties. If you need powder, grind it immediately before using it for its intended purpose.

The bottles themselves should be stored in a dry place away from the sun. A kitchen cabinet is perfect for this purpose.

Check from time to time to see if the spice needs to dry out a little more. There's nothing wrong with that. It is difficult to constantly maintain low humidity even in an apartment.

Therefore, sometimes you may have to dry the mint again. In this case, use the same method you used in the beginning.

Features of cultivation

Lemon balm in a pot

Melissa is planted in two ways. The first is with seeds. With this method, the plant, as a rule, grows stronger and more resilient. However, when using the seed planting method, it is necessary to carefully select the material, since the future harvest will depend on its quality.

It is best to plant seeds in the ground at the end of May. By this time, the ground will have warmed up to a sufficient temperature for them to germinate quickly. It is recommended to plant seeds at the minimum possible depth (no more than 1-1.5 centimeters). The distance between rows should be maintained at about 50 centimeters. Mint bushes grow quite strongly, so when planting, it is also advisable to take this fact into account and make the distance between them at least 40 centimeters.

Note! The first shoots usually appear about a month after planting, so there is no need to worry about there being no shoots. Just wait a little, and the plant will delight you with its appearance and pleasant smell.

The second planting method is to use lemon balm seedlings. In this case, the seeds are sown in the soil in March-April, and you should wait until the first four leaves appear. After this, at the end of May, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Important! It is recommended to grow seedlings in boxes under glass. The room should be warm and well lit

When the shoots reach a height of 3-5 centimeters, they should be thinned out, and then each can be transplanted into a separate container.

You can propagate lemon balm by dividing the bushes. This should only be done if the plant is at least 3-4 years old. The optimal period for dividing is the end of May or August (when the plant has not yet begun or has already finished blooming). When dividing, the bush is dug up and cut into two equal parts. In this case, each should have 4-5 shoots and a root system. After this, the individual parts can be placed back into the ground, they will take root perfectly.

You can also cut the cutting at the top of the bush and place it in water. After the roots appear, you can plant the cuttings in the ground.

Common mistakes

Let's look at what mistakes are made when drying and storing mint.

  • Drying too quickly.
    When using an oven, electric dryer or microwave, it is tempting to set the power to maximum so that drying is completed faster. But you can’t do this, because then the mint will lose its taste, aroma and beneficial properties.
  • Poor drying.
    To prevent rotting processes from starting, the greens must be thoroughly dried. Take your time. Let the procedure take extra time, then the product will deteriorate later.
  • Mint leaves break when dried or when poured into containers.
    This is how dried herbs lose their aroma faster.
  • A container of mint is stored in the sun.
    Similar to the previous point, storage in the sun harms the beneficial properties of the dried plant.

Dry product storage rules

In order for mint to retain its qualities after drying, the following conditions should be observed:

  • Containers for storing herbs can be plastic containers, jars with sealed lids or vacuum bags.
  • Do not take cardboard or paper containers. They will only absorb the refreshing aroma of the plant.
  • The maximum shelf life of the product at home is 1 year, after which it loses its beneficial qualities.
  • The product should be stored in leaves and crushed before use.
  • At the beginning of storage, you should ensure that moisture does not form inside the container. If necessary, you can dry the mint again in the same way as before.

The storage area should be cool and dark. By following all the recommendations, you can properly prepare mint for the whole year and enjoy its aroma, taste and healing properties in the winter.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How can you tell if mint is well dried?

Properly dried leaves retain their natural shade and rustle pleasantly in your hands without turning into dust.

How long does dried mint last?

Without loss of beneficial properties and aroma, mint can be stored for a year.

Who shouldn't drink mint tea?

With caution: persons who are allergic to this herb, people with low blood pressure and problems with blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, as well as children.

What is the best way to store mint?

Ideally in special glass spice jars or canvas bags. Storage in wooden and plastic containers with a tight lid is allowed.

Can it be stored in plastic bags?

It is not advisable to store dried product in bags. Instead of plastic, it is better to use paper or canvas bags.


It is not recommended to indulge in mint teas:

  • hypotensive patients;
  • patients with severe liver damage;
  • persons suffering from varicose veins;
  • people who have low acidity of gastric juice and are prone to heartburn;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • men with libido problems;
  • women with difficulties conceiving;
  • for allergy sufferers and people suffering from individual intolerance.
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