How to prepare sour cream at home, its benefits and harm to the body


Prepared by: AlenaPrika

01/25/2021 Cooking time: 8 hours 0 minutes

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Everyone loves tender and tasty sour cream, especially the one prepared at home, because it turns out both thick and healthy! You will know exactly what ingredients such a product is made from!

How to make homemade sour cream

This can be done in several ways and they are not particularly difficult. The product, created in your own kitchen, will delight you with a delicate taste with a pleasant sourness.

Housewives most often use milk, but you can choose another product as a base:

  1. Sour cream prepared using a special starter is considered light.
  2. You can turn whey or yogurt into a thick fermented milk product.
  3. You can also create tasty and healthy sour cream from yogurt.

Having decided to take on the creation of sour cream, you should strictly follow the recipe without violating the proportions and algorithm of actions. We will describe several methods that will help you create a fermented milk product, step by step.

What are the benefits of goat milk?

Goat milk

has medicinal properties, it is especially
for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing hemoglobin, improving vision, and for diathesis.
Freshly milked goat's milk
has bactericidal properties. It contains biologically active substances that are not found in cow's milk.

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Classic sour cream recipe

In the classic version, a fermented milk product is created from milk.

Table 1. Ingredients for the classic recipe

List of ingredients: Cooking mechanism:
You will need 3 liters of milk. Pour the milk into a plastic or glass container (clean).

Cover with gauze, tie with a tourniquet, tightly, and leave in a warm place for 2 days.

There is no need to stir or shake the container.

When the milk turns sour, pour it into a colander, having previously lined it with 2 layers of gauze.

Place a deep bowl under a colander and leave everything for 1.5 hours.

Remove the gauze, place its contents in a plate, and beat with a blender.

Transfer the sour cream to an airtight container and leave it in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.

If the sour cream turns out thick, then it can be diluted by adding a little milk, and then mixing everything again with a blender.

Rules for choosing the main ingredient

When buying milk for making sour cream, you should pay attention to the appearance of the farm owners and goats. Animals must be clean and active. If they have watery eyes, a cough, or a dirty, clumpy coat, you should find another supplier.

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The appearance and smell of the product and the container in which the milk is stored is important. If the goat's udder is poorly washed before milking, the milk will have a specific odor.

Of course, if sour cream is made from milk from your own animals, the question of boiling remains at the discretion of the owner. If it was purchased from unknown farmers, it is better to boil the product, especially if they are not going to separate it, but decided to ferment it.

Homemade sour cream from store-bought milk

Following this recipe, you will be able to obtain a dietary product with a low degree of fat content. The taste of sour cream is light, delicate with a characteristic sourness, how to prepare it at home.

Table 3. Recipe for sour cream from store-bought milk

What you need for preparation: Process description:
1 liter of milk.

2-3 tablespoons of store-bought sour cream.

Pour the milk into a glass container and add sour cream.

Then mix everything thoroughly with a clean spoon.

Cover with film or gauze folded in several layers to prevent particles of dust and dirt from getting into the starter.

After a day, check the sour cream for readiness and taste it.

If not ready, cover again and leave at room temperature for another day.

Then we put the product in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

It is important that the sour cream does not over-acidify, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

Technological process for making sour cream

To compare with homemade preparation, you can find out how sour cream is made in production. The production process begins with the separation of purified milk, where the cream is separated from the skim part. The separated cream is brought to the required standards of mass fractions of fat and protein. To do this, the fat content is artificially reduced or increased by adding cream or milk powder.

The cream normalized in this way is further pasteurized, that is, exposed to high temperatures for a certain time. Pasteurized cream must be uniform in consistency; for this, the mass is subjected to homogenization. The process is carried out using pressure and temperature.

After receiving the cream, fermentation with bacterial starter begins at 27°C. After 12 hours, the resulting mass is cooled and left to ripen at a temperature from 0°C to 8°C. The duration of the stage depends on the size of the container and ranges from 6 hours to 2 days. The resulting products are packaged, sterilized, and then brought to full ripening within 6-12 hours. Now the sour cream is completely ready for sale.

Goat milk sour cream recipe

Goat's milk has a high fat content, but at the same time it is more easily absorbed by the body; you can also make sour cream from it.

Table 4. Goat milk sour cream

Ingredients: Cooking rules:
Goat milk in a volume of 2 liters.

Sour milk, as a starter 150 ml.

Pour sour and regular goat milk into a wide bowl. Mix everything thoroughly.

Leave the bowl for 4 days in a warm place, after covering it with gauze or cling film.

You shouldn’t move it or mix it, it’s better not to touch it at all.

After 4 days, we remove the resulting layer - this is sour cream.

Mix it thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.

Sales channels

Well-established sales channels allow you to plan production volumes and receive stable profits. Therefore, work on finding and attracting regular customers must begin at the stage of organizing the enterprise. To do this, you should use all possibilities, including:

  • installation of outdoor advertising media;
  • publications and videos in local media;
  • creation of your own website, its promotion;
  • use of high-quality packaging with an attractive design;
  • establishing reasonable trade margins;
  • production of products of various fat contents in containers of different volumes;
  • regular promotions and sales;
  • introduction of discount systems for regular and wholesale customers.

It should also be taken into account that it is most profitable to sell your own products yourself. Therefore, it is recommended to open several small retail outlets, attracting customers with affordable prices and high quality products.

Despite the benefits of cooperation with large wholesale customers, such as trading centers and chain companies, you should not avoid interacting with small wholesale customers. These can be small shops, catering establishments, food and confectionery industry enterprises.

Cooking will take 15 minutes. The pancakes fry instantly and have a delicate structure. This is a great option for breakfast or snack.

You need to do the following:

  1. Beat a couple of eggs into a stiff foam along with salt and sugar.
  2. Add 100 g of sour cream and an incomplete glass of sifted flour with a pinch of soda.
  3. Mix thoroughly. There should be no lumps left in the mass.
  4. If the dough is too liquid, then add a little more flour.
  5. Fry the pancakes in hot oil for 2 minutes on each side.

Homemade sour cream in a slow cooker

The recipe is not very complicated; you can prepare a fermented milk product yourself with minimal knowledge of cooking.

Table 6. Sour cream from a multicooker

What you will need, list: Algorithm of actions:
500 milliliters of heavy cream.

A little starter: 0.5 grams.

It will take a long time to cook, at least 10 hours.

Let us scald glass jars with boiling water and place the starter in them.

Heat the cream at a temperature of 40 degrees, set the timer for 10 minutes.

Then put the starter into jars and pour in the heated cream.

Wash the bowl well and scald it with boiling water.

Place the jars with cream and sourdough in a clean bowl.

Select the yogurt mode and set the timer for 10 hours.

After the specified time, the sour cream will be ready, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then eat it.

The fat content of the cream does not matter, but the higher it is, the thicker the resulting fermented milk product will be.

Storage recommendations

It is better to keep sour cream in the refrigerator, sealed, which will extend its shelf life. Do not store it at room temperature, this will lead to rapid spoilage.

A fermented milk product prepared at home can be stored for no longer than 2 days, at a temperature from zero to minus 10 degrees.

It is not recommended to freeze sour cream, as this will negatively affect its consistency, organoleptic characteristics and beneficial properties.

Sealed packaging will protect against pathogenic microorganisms, but will not be able to extend the shelf life.

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At home, you can prepare sour cream however you like, using any of the recipes described above. The product will certainly bring benefits if you eat it correctly and store it in compliance with the temperature regime.

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Benefits and harms

Sour cream can bring enormous benefits to the body, as it contains vitamins and mineral components. For what reasons should it be included in the diet:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, as it is considered a fermented milk product;
  • a source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other useful elements, vitamins; it contains proteins that promote muscle growth;
  • With regular use, it strengthens the immune system and increases the body’s natural protective functions;
  • sour cream contains cholesterol, which is processed by the liver and used to build cells;
  • has a rejuvenating effect and is actively used in cosmetology, to create products for facial and body skin care;
  • stimulates the digestive system, increases appetite and normalizes the process of food digestion.

If we talk about a product prepared independently, then among its disadvantages:

  1. High fat content, which is not suitable for women and men watching their weight or dieting.
  2. Short shelf life, even if all storage recommendations are followed.

Contraindications for sour cream include:

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