How to make fumigator and mosquito repellent at home

A fumigator is a heating device, the heating temperature of which is regulated by resistors built into it. By itself, it cannot destroy or scare anyone away. To do this, you need a plate soaked in an insect-killing drug or a bottle with a liquid insecticide. The role of a fumigator can be performed by any hot surface, even an ordinary frying pan heated on the stove. It’s also easy to make a liquid for fumigating mosquitoes yourself.

How to do

If you have the skills of an electrician and small-sized resistors with a power of less than 25 watts, you can make a mosquito fumigator with your own hands. It is enough to cut out recesses in the insulating material (foam, rubber, etc.) for the resistor and wires and assemble the device. An industrial plate with a repellent substance is placed directly on the resistor.


Using such a homemade fumigator may result in firefighters being called to your home.

There is no need to make a special device at home. Any hot surface can be used as a fumigator. A regular incandescent lamp, aroma lamp or candle that heats a metal container fixed above it will be a good replacement for a factory device.


Modern energy-saving lamps are not suitable for the role of a fumigator. Energy-saving lamps are cold and cannot heat the mosquito repellent plate.

Homemade mosquito fumigator
There is only one requirement for an old-type incandescent lamp: its power should not exceed 40 watts. This power is not enough to ignite the record. It is better to take a less powerful incandescent lamp so that the substance from the plate evaporates more slowly. The lamp itself must “stand” vertically in the socket or be positioned horizontally so that a record can be placed on it.

Aroma lamps act as a fumigator every time essential oils are heated in them. They don’t even need to be specially altered.

Safety of children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets

To ensure the safety of children, manufacturers reduce the levels of toxic substances and neutralize their possible effects.

They produce special products that are accompanied by notes:

  • the room where the fumigator is turned on must be equipped with working windows in order to have access to air at any time,
  • in children's rooms it is not recommended to leave fumigators throughout the night,

If any discomfort occurs, stop using the device immediately.

Recipes for preparing liquid for fumigator

Standard liquid, which is purchased in stores, mainly contains chemical components. When heated, they evaporate and poison flies and mosquitoes. It will not be possible to recreate the formula of an industrial insecticide at home. Homemade liquids work on the principle of repelling. Mosquitoes have an excellent sense of smell and there are a number of odors characterized by repellent properties.

Eucalyptus – natural insecticide

Eucalyptus oil for fumigator

If you run out of liquid, the most effective and simple remedy that can be poured into the fumigator is eucalyptus oil. To enhance the effect, add 5-6 drops of clove oil. In terms of cost, the natural drug is ahead of the factory version. Purchasing a 15 ml bottle of essential oil will cost 75 rubles, while a 30 ml fumigation liquid costs 100 rubles. But unlike the latter, using eucalyptus extract, you do not have to inhale chemical components, and the product itself also has a calming, antiviral effect, and helps eliminate headaches.

On a note!

In the absence of a fumigator, a piece of cotton wool will perform its functions. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad with a small amount of eucalyptus oil and place it near a window or other sources of mosquito penetration.

Components of fumigation liquid

You can make a mosquito repellent liquid for a fumigator from essential oils, extracts, extracts or tinctures of the following plants:

  • anise;
  • tea tree;
  • Cedar oil;
  • citronella;
  • lavender;
  • camphor;
  • carnation;
  • basil.

Essential oils for fumigator

To prepare a mosquito repellent solution, you should use a proven recipe: mix 100 ml of water, a few drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and lavender. It is not forbidden to add other aromatic components. Often, medical alcohol or vodka is used as a base.

On a note!

The prepared liquid substances are not only poured into mosquito fumigators, but also used as sprays for treating the body, headboards, window frames, clothing, and home textiles.

Tincture of dried herbs to repel mosquitoes

The mixture is made from dried herbs and apple cider vinegar. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • rosemary;
  • peppermint;
  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • lavender;
  • apple cider vinegar 500 ml.

Take a handful of each herb and place them in a glass container. Pour vinegar over the dried collection and leave for 1-2 weeks. Shake the infusion periodically. Strain the aged solution. Refrigerated storage is recommended. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water in equal proportions. The product is used as a liquid for fumigation or treatment of mosquito bites.

On a note!

Vinegar combined with shampoo is used as a repellent.

Solution for aroma lamps

Mosquito repellent solution for an aroma lamp
If, instead of a factory anti-bloodsucker device, you use an aroma lamp or its equivalent, there is more room for creativity. Eucalyptus extract is quite suitable. You can specially make mosquito repellent liquid for the fumigator:

  • add a few drops of mint, clove, lavender or cironella oil to a small amount of water;
  • sprinkle a little salt;
  • mix everything;
  • To obtain better homogeneity, add 1 teaspoon of alcohol.

Salt in this case acts as a binding component that prevents the factions from separating. You can use other types of aromatic oils if you don’t like the smell of these. You cannot pour such a composition into a factory-made insecticide bottle.

Clove and citrus remedy

Making your own mosquito repellent is not at all difficult. You only need two ingredients: lemon and cloves. This homemade remedy smells good and lasts for several days. It can also be used simply to scent a room.

There are two possible options for this recipe.

  1. The lemon is cut in half, then you need to press the halves a little to release the juice. A clove is stuck into the pulp of one half (small buds of this spice are needed), the same is done with the second half. Leave lemon in any room that needs to be protected from mosquitoes.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into a jar and add cloves. The protective fluid is ready!

The prepared products exude a scent that repels bloodsuckers, which will prevent pests from flying into the rooms and ruining your vacation.

Ointment based on aloe oils and juice

Natural insectoacaricides perform a protective function and have a beneficial effect on the skin and overall health. The pleasant aroma will not only scare away itchy insects, but also calm the nerves and relieve accumulated fatigue.

How to make mosquito repellent ointment with your own hands? For this you need:

  • one and a half tbsp. spoons of agave juice (aka aloe);
  • any base oil that is well absorbed (olive, chamomile, shea, peach or coconut);
  • essential oils that repel insects.

Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of basil, rosemary, lavender, menthol (found in peppermint and lemon balm), cloves, geranium and citronella.

Grind the aloe leaves and place in cheesecloth or a small strainer to collect the juice. The resulting liquid will be similar to a gel. Add 2 or 3 types of essential oil to choose from, 8 drops of each. Pour a little oil into the prepared mixture. Apply the resulting cream-oil to bare parts of the body shortly before leaving the house; The product is also safe for delicate facial skin.

The mixture retains its properties for 30 days; keep it out of reach of bright light in a dark glass jar.

Pyrethroids in the fumigator are a powerful nerve agent

They have a deadly effect on mosquitoes, retaining their properties for some time even after turning off the fumigator from the outlet. But for humans, this poison is practically harmless, since we and insects have a huge difference in the speed and course of metabolic processes.

However, caution is a good idea. The fact is that, according to experts, insecticides cause an allergic reaction in approximately 12% of people, regardless of name and dose. Therefore, the first time you use the fumigator, carefully monitor your health. If

  • headache occurs
  • unexpected rashes appear on the skin,
  • stuffy nose or sore throat,

It is better to abandon the device.

When purchasing a fumigator, be sure to ensure that it has instructions in Russian, which should indicate the name of the active substance. A fire certificate must also be attached (counterfeits made from flammable plastic can repel mosquitoes and smoke from the fire). And do not allow moisture to come into contact with the device.


When the device is plugged into the mains, the active substance evaporates under the influence of heat. This phenomenon is called fumigation. The released vapors destroy mosquitoes, but do not pose a danger to people.

The composition of insecticides for liquid fumigators may vary. Both natural and synthetic insecticidal substances are used as active ingredients. Natural oils include various oils: eucalyptus, mint, tea tree.

Synthetic-based drugs block impulses in nerve cells, producing a nerve-paralytic effect on mosquitoes.

Depending on the characteristics of the composition, the following types of liquids are distinguished:

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  • universal with the widest possible application;
  • for children – contain a small amount of insecticides;
  • natural based products;
  • synthetic preparations, odorless.

Most of them are based on an active substance with a certain degree of toxicity. Does this mean that the fumigator liquid is harmful to humans?

As a rule, experts answer negatively to this question. The amount of toxic substance released is minimal and therefore does not pose a danger. You should choose the drug very responsibly in cases where there will be children, pregnant women or people prone to allergic reactions in the room, as well as those with severe pathologies of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

If any family member has a headache, rash on the body, or nausea, the drug should be replaced and the expiration date checked. In such cases, it makes sense to turn to natural mosquito repellents.

Which type to choose

What fumigator do you use?


Each type of fumigator is quite in demand on the market.

Basic advice can be boiled down to several points:

  • for natural conditions it is better to take spirals, ultrasonic keychains or compact devices, lamps with light and current;
  • for hiking, walking, and active movement, ultrasonic keychains and small battery-powered plate fumigators equipped with a belt clip are suitable (can also be attached to a backpack);
  • Electric fumigators with plates and liquids work great indoors. It is better not to tempt the sensitive respiratory organs of allergy sufferers, children and animals with rough compounds. It is preferable to take special versions;
  • the presence of a fan in electric fumigators will allow the active substance to be distributed more quickly throughout the room;
  • liquids provide a faster effect and less frequent replacement.

Based on these tips, it’s easy to choose a fumigator to suit your own needs and wallet.

Review of popular models

From all the variety, we can select models from several manufacturers. They are recognized by users as the most effective and safe.


A universal device that works with liquid or tablets. Equipped with a rotating plug that allows you to plug the device into vertical and horizontal sockets. Equipped with a built-in light indicator.

The basis of the fumigant Raptor is the active ingredient etok

The liquid contains ethok, a substance developed in Japan that is highly effective. It has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but is safe for people and animals.

You can choose an odorless or green tea-flavored liquid, as well as a reduced concentration of the substance for sensitive or allergy-prone people. Nekusayka liquid is offered for children.


Works with both liquids and tablets. It has a rotating fork and a Power Control system that allows you to adjust the heating intensity.

The Reid fumigator is easy to use

The main active ingredient of the fumigant is prallethrin, a synthetic analogue of Dalmatian chamomile extract, a modern, highly effective remedy. Available in 30- or 60-night bottles, as well as 10-night tablets.


These devices can also be used with liquid or with plates. There are models equipped with a rotating fork, a timer and a fan that evenly distributes the fumigant vapor throughout the room.

In the Moskitol line you can choose a fumigator to suit any need

Fumigants in the Mosquitol line contain prallethrin and transfluthrin. These substances effectively kill insects and are safe for warm-blooded animals. For children, a liquid with a reduced content of active ingredients is produced. It is designed taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body.


The Kombat line includes devices for liquids and plates. They are efficient and easy to use, and newer models come with an on/off switch. The kit includes 90 plates or a bottle of liquid, designed for 45 nights.

Fumigator Combat is effective and easy to use

The fumigant contains DV-esbiotrin, based on herbs. Safe for both adults and children. One plate is designed for 15 hours. The device is effective even with open windows.

How to make fumigator and mosquito repellent at home

There is a mosquito fumigator in almost every home in the summer. It is difficult to imagine a simpler way of baiting annoying insects. However, there are situations when the factory device has broken down, or the liquid in it has run out, and there is no way to purchase it at the moment. There are several ways to prepare mosquito fumigator liquid with your own hands.

Fumigation refers to the poisoning of insects with toxic fumes. The devices used for these purposes are called fumigators.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that the composition of the mosquito fumigator liquid is harmless to humans, it is still worth taking precautions. The first rule in this regard is not to use such a device around the clock without a break.

Operating a fumigator 24 hours a day can negatively affect people’s health, and first of all this will affect the nervous system. Experts believe that 2 hours is enough to get rid of the buzzing mosquitoes, and recommend activating the device just a few hours before bedtime with mandatory ventilation of the room.

If you turn on the device at the head, then no closer than 1-1.5 meters from the pillow. It is imperative to check the socket and the serviceability of the device itself in order to avoid a fire, which can be caused by the slightest short circuit.

Remember that any device should not be plugged into an outlet with wet hands. And also such devices are not stored in a wet place. If there are children in the house, keep the device away from them to avoid accidents. By taking all precautions when using liquid fumigators, you will ensure not only reliable protection from mosquitoes, but also safety.




How to use a fumigator without causing harm

The main advantage of protective equipment is considered to be effective removal of pests. They are silent and easy to use.

Disadvantages of devices:

  • heating of the case, release of harmful fumes from molten plastic,
  • flavored fumigants have a strong odor,
  • the need to connect electric fumigators to the electrical network,
  • release of acrid smoke when using pyrotechnic devices,
  • possible risk of allergic reactions,
  • increased fire hazard of pyrotechnics,
  • possible headaches due to the appearance of gaseous ethers of chemical elements in the room.

Types and principle of operation

The most common and effective method of controlling mosquitoes in an apartment is fumigators, which poison insects with toxic fumes. These are general-purpose protective equipment that can protect everyone present in the room at once, in contrast to creams, which are considered individual protection.

They are divided into pyrotechnic and electrical:


These include spirals.

By their operating principle they resemble incense sticks. They also need to be set on fire. When smoldering, unpleasant smoke spreads, which has a negative effect on mosquitoes, which, when released into the air, kills insects. It is necessary to ignite the spiral only from one end in order to obtain the effect of smoldering and not combustion. They can be used in an apartment, but it is better to use them outdoors.

Electric fumigators

Designed for home use. They operate on mains power, in which case they have a built-in plug for the socket, or on batteries. But the device itself simply does not protect against unwanted insects. This is just a device, in the form of a plastic container, for heating a composition of dangerous substances that kill insects - fumigants.

As the temperature rises, the poison begins to disintegrate and evaporate, spreading in the air throughout the room in which the fumigator is turned on, and negatively affects unwanted bloodsuckers.

Such toxic compounds are usually presented in the form of plates or a special liquid in a bottle. In most cases, the substance contained in the perennial chamomile flower – pyrethroid – is used as a poison. Under the influence of such synthesized poison, the nervous system of mosquitoes is blocked and they are paralyzed; if the concentration of this substance is high, then they die.

At the same time, pyrethroid is absolutely harmless for people and pets.

Insecticides for electrofumigators, which is better

Insecticides are liquid chemicals that are used to disinfect premises to kill insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

Those insecticides that enter the insect's body in a gaseous state are fumigants.

Among them are:

  1. Natural insecticides – peritrins. They are obtained from certain plants by extraction.
  2. Synthetic insecticides – pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are isolated from esters of various acids.

Natural fumigants are considered the safest for the human body. The use of artificial insecticides is widespread in industrial production.

Among the components of liquids for fumigators, there are various combinations.

The main elements are considered to be:

  • prallethrin,
  • transfluthrin,
  • citronella extract.


Other substances are used to make plates:

  • natural pyrethrum,
  • Thiamethoxam.

Home remedies to repel blood-sucking insects

All of the following mosquito repellents are more effective at repelling mosquitoes indoors. They simply do not approach the source of the odor that is unpleasant to them. And if you apply the clove scent to your clothes or skin, you can forget about mosquitoes for a while on the street.

  1. Clove cologne. If you don’t have one at home, you should look in stores and stock up on it for the summer season.
  2. Clove oil - purchased in pharmacies or specialized online stores.
  3. We place pots with flowering geraniums or pellargonium on the windows everywhere. This method will protect the rooms from mosquitoes. A proven method and completely safe. If you do not touch the foliage of the plant, then the rather pungent smell will not bother anyone, but mosquitoes recognize it very well and fly around.
  4. Stick dry cloves from the store, from the department where they sell spices, into the lemon halves. A hedgehog with a clove-lemon scent. And place it on saucers wherever possible.

Bottle structure

The factory container is closed with a stopper into which a special porous rod is inserted. Along this rod, the mosquito repellent rises to the heating element.

The bottle must not be turned over. The contents will leak onto the heating element overnight. The consequences are unpredictable: from buying a new bottle of insecticide to a fire in the house.

The liquid in the bottle is not oily and does not clog the pores. The cork fits very tightly. If you managed to remove the plug without damage, you need to decide what can be poured into the fumigator and not clog the pores in the rod. Aroma oils traditionally used against mosquitoes are not suitable in this case. Only non-oily liquids are suitable.


100% eucalyptus extract is best suited for the role of a new “filling”. It must be an extract, not an oil.

Next, the bottle is screwed into the device and used as usual. The smell of eucalyptus is good at repelling mosquitoes.

Features of wrestling

In order for mosquito control at home to be effective, it is enough to determine which substances are intolerable to mosquitoes.

These include the smell of the following plants:

  • geraniums;
  • basilica;
  • lavender;
  • lemongrass;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus, etc.

If we talk about the most effective methods of pest control, these are undoubtedly garlic and bread yeast. The smell, of course, is not the most pleasant. But if you rub these products on objects in the house (or, in extreme cases, eat them), the result will be 100 percent.

Another effective solution is zinc + vitamin B1. Rub the resulting mixture onto your body. The smell will repel mosquitoes. But that's not all. Who would have thought that wheatgrass (a plant that infects flower beds and garden areas and grows at incredible speed) is also an effective assistant in the process of getting rid of mosquitoes. A decoction from the roots of this plant can drive pests away from your home.

It is likely that not every owner of a private home will want to rub himself with garlic, fish oil or yeast bread before going to bed. In this case, there is a product with a much more pleasant smell - cedar oil. And in general, the smoke of burning pine needles is a good way to get rid of bloodthirsty insects.

Even such a bad habit as smoking will serve you well in this situation. Another alternative for residents of a private house is to plant tomatoes around the premises - this will once and for all block the path of mosquitoes to your home.

Do-it-yourself mosquito repeller - work progress

1. Take a dark plastic bottle, cut off the top part of it - about one third.

2. Remove the lid from the top - we have a funnel.

3. We insert our funnel inside the cut bottle.

4. Using an awl, make two holes along the edges.

5. We insert the wire.

6. We secure it on both sides - the mosquito trap is ready! Now it's time for the bait...

7. Mosquitoes react to carbon dioxide and heat that are released... during yeast fermentation. Therefore, pour about 5 grams of dry yeast into a bowl.

8. Measure out half a glass of granulated sugar.

9. Pour it into a bowl.

10. And add a glass of warm (not hot!) water to our mixture, the temperature of which is about 30 degrees.

12. Mix our mixture well.

13. And pour it into the bottle. The main thing is that the mixture does not reach the neck. Now the mosquitoes, attracted by the carbon dioxide and heat that the yeast produces during fermentation, will rush towards our trap. Once inside, they can no longer get out. The bait in the trap should be changed every two weeks. This trap can also be used for wasps and flies if, instead of the yeast mixture, you pour a little sugar syrup or jam inside.

For aesthetes.

You can decorate our trap with a spectacular “skirt”.

Protecting yourself from ticks

Since ticks often become carriers of serious diseases, protecting your area from these insects must be taken very seriously, especially if your dacha or country house is located close to the forest. It is advisable to begin the fight against dangerous bloodsuckers as soon as the snow melts, and not reduce efforts until the fall. Keep in mind that the active season of these insects begins as soon as the air warms up to 7-10°C and continues until the onset of cold weather.

Not all ticks are dangerous to humans, but more than two hundred species of these insects are blood-sucking, i.e. parasitic on humans and animals. Most often, our compatriots suffer from taiga, dog and black-legged ticks, which live in the grass and attack as soon as people are within reach of their tenacious paws.

Site cleaning

In winter, ticks hide in the thickness of fallen leaves and withered grass, and with the onset of warmth they crawl out and begin searching for prey for food. Therefore, in early spring it is advisable to collect and burn all last year’s garbage in which bloodsuckers are hiding. In summer, you can send it to a compost pit and turn it into fertilizer: due to the high temperature, all pests hiding in the foliage will inevitably die.

In addition to fallen leaves, it is also necessary to remove other debris in which field mice and other small rodents can hide. These animals, as a rule, serve as carriers of ticks and deliver dangerous insects to your garden on their own skin. Do not leave leftover food on the site overnight; regularly remove falling fruits that attract rodents to the garden.

Creating a barrier

To prevent ticks from entering your territory from neighboring areas and from the forest, it is necessary to create an insurmountable obstacle for them that will prevent them from entering your estate. To do this, it is enough to circle the area around the perimeter with a strip of crushed stone, sand or sawdust. The width of the border strip should be at least 50 cm so that not a single tick has the strength to crawl across it.

In addition, it is advisable to plant plants along the border of the site whose smell repels parasites:

Rules for indoor use

Before you start using mosquito repellent, you must read the instructions. It is recommended to use an electric fumigator only after checking the serviceability of the outlet used.

Each application should be accompanied by regular ventilation of the room; it is worth opening the window for at least 10 minutes.

It is prohibited to use 2 or more devices in the same area. Replacement cylinders and cartridges should not come into contact with personal hygiene items, dishes or food.

If there is a need to connect an adapter for a socket, you should monitor the tightness and quality of fit of the elements to each other.

Please read the instructions before use. After all, different models have their own characteristics.

Electrical devices are connected to the network. Some devices are equipped with a start button. Duration of work – 7–8 hours. Operating time is reduced if the room is small. The distance from the sleeping place to the device should be 1-1.5 meters.

Ultrasonic models differ in that they produce ultrasound. Modern units are equipped with batteries and regulators, with the help of which the frequency is changed. Such devices are located at a distance of 2–3 meters.

The liquid or plates for the mosquito fumigator are selected with special care. After all, various manufacturers prepare their own composition. It is studied before use.

What types of Raptor fumigators are there?

Fumigators are usually called special heating elements equipped with special wicks and plates, impregnated with insecticides. The evaporated substance has a detrimental effect on harmful insects.

As for the Raptor fumigator, designed to kill mosquitoes, it is presented in two main variations, which differ in their power source:

  • devices operating from a stationary electrical outlet;
  • mobile devices powered by batteries.

The first option is intended exclusively for indoor use. The second option, compact and mobile, is convenient to use both indoors and in open spaces and fresh air.

In addition, the models of this device differ depending on the type and form of the active substance used. There are currently three of them:

  • liquid;
  • spiral or wooden rod;
  • plates.

What features does the liquid product have?

Raptor fumigators, working on the basis of a special liquid, act in the following way:

  1. Special containers filled with liquid are placed inside the device.
  2. An electrode is immersed in a bottle of liquid.
  3. The device plug is connected to an electrical outlet.

When connecting the device to the power supply, the bottle with liquid should be kept exclusively in a vertical position, with the neck up, to prevent accidental leakage of the insecticide.

Such a session can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, after which there will be no live mosquitoes left in the room. During this period, no one should be in the room.

The advantage of the liquid-filled Raptor device is its economical use, as well as its long shelf life. The place where insecticidal liquid is stored must be inaccessible to children.

You can purchase such a kit for approximately 250-300 rubles.

Application of spirals

The spiral-shaped Raptor device will allow you to effectively get rid of mosquitoes wherever you are, because its operation does not require any power sources - neither stationary nor mobile. This option is ideal for you if you are going on a hike or just want to relax in the open air.

This spiral is very simple and easy to use. It must be placed on any surface with non-flammable properties and set on fire. The smoldering product will begin to emit smoke containing a substance called allethrin - it has a detrimental effect on insects, in particular mosquitoes.

Packages containing 10 such spirals are available for sale. Each of them is enough for 7 hours. The cost of one package is only 45-50 rubles. Thanks to this product, your outdoor recreation will be comfortable and carefree. The only limitation is windy weather, when the smoke does not have time to affect insects.

The mosquito repellent rods provided by the Raptor company seem to work.

Features and advantages of devices with plates

Devices that work using plates are also very popular and in demand due to their convenience and low price. The average cost of a package of ten plates is 35-40 rubles.

Conventional batteries or accumulators are used as a power source, so due to their mobility they can also be used at home, in the country, and outdoors.

The validity period of one such plate is eight hours, so this product can be called quite economical. The advantage of this form of the product is that it is non-toxic to people and animals.

Table of toxins used and brief description

Elements for fumigators are distinguished by type of origin and method of production.

Type of insecticideCharacteristic
PrallethrinSynthetic type, composed of 8 elements, moderately toxic
CitronellaA natural fumigant obtained from the leaves and stems of the plant of the same name, used as a plant repellent
PyrethrumA natural component obtained by extraction from a perennial plant of the aster family.

How to fight moths in an apartment, where they come from, folk remedies and chemistry

The best liquid devices

Devices with liquid repellent from the following brands have won the trust of experts and consumers:

  1. Moskitol. Home protection liquid marked “Prof” contains two repellent substances that evaporate at different temperatures and complement each other’s action. The product is designed to work for 1 month. The children's fumigator, presented in the brand's line, sprays 0.8% transfluturin and chamomile essential oils. Non-toxic, odorless, costs no more than 200 rubles. per set.
  2. Raid. The liquid in the kit has a eucalyptus scent, and the device has a built-in timer, thanks to which the intensity of spraying of the product can be adjusted. Effective in rooms up to 50 m2. The cost of the bottle and fumigator is 250 rubles, the validity period does not exceed 45 days.
  3. Battalion commander Designed to protect small (up to 20 m2) rooms from bloodsuckers using the insecticide DV-esbiotrin. The price of a set that will last up to 1 month is 250–300 rubles.
  4. Family Picnic. Only natural repellents are used - essential oils of eucalyptus, Dolmatian chamomile, citronella. Suitable for treating children's rooms. The bottle is fully used with regular use for 30 days. The price of the product is 150 rubles.

But what if you’ve already been bitten?

You can relieve redness and itching from a fly or mosquito bite, if you haven’t yet managed to make a fumigator yourself, using a solution of regular baking soda - 1 tbsp. water dissolve tsp. soda and wipe the bite area with it. The soda in the solution can be replaced with ammonia - it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, or with potassium permanganate, preparing a light pink solution. And don’t forget about the famous Vietnamese “Star” - an effective remedy for many insects.

Will conditioner help in the fight?

Millions of people around the world fall victim to malaria every year.

LG has produced an air conditioner with built-in ultrasound to repel mosquitoes. The Korean electronics giant says its product tests found that "in an average 24 hours, the device repels 64% of female mosquitoes capable of carrying malaria and 82% overall." But it is not recommended to use the device as the only measure to prevent malaria.

This uses sounds with frequency characteristics ranging from 30 kHz to 100 kHz, which is much higher than the 15 kHz used for “scare radio”.

Bart Noles says that without information about the tests performed on the device, it is impossible to judge its effectiveness. “It is well known that air conditioners dry out insects and kill them due to the air circulation they produce. So how did ultrasound contribute to its effectiveness? Has this been established? he asks.

Ultrasound has also begun to be used in phones. Back in 2003, a certain South Korean company offered to download an ultrasonic signal to a mobile phone, which, it was claimed, could be effectively used against mosquitoes within a radius of one meter. There are now dozens of smartphone apps you can download that claim to turn your phone into a mosquito repellent.

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