Aquafumigator "Raptor": reviews. Fumigator for cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas, flies, mosquitoes

Objectively, it is worth recognizing that the Raptor aquafumigator is a rather interesting and original means for combating insects in domestic conditions. The originality lies, first of all, in the non-standard operating principle, which is partly similar to the operating principle of “hot fog” and insecticidal smoke bombs, popular among professional exterminators.

On a note

Treating a room with the so-called “hot fog” is considered one of the most effective professional methods for exterminating bedbugs and cockroaches, and therefore is sometimes used in the most difficult cases when other methods do not give the desired result.

The aquafumigator combines the advantages of both “hot fog” and smoke bombs, but is largely devoid of their disadvantages. The product operates autonomously and requires minimal effort from a person when treating the room: there is no need to treat every crevice in the furniture and hard-to-reach places where insects hide (as is required, for example, when using standard aerosol products). It is enough to place the aquafumigator in the water - and it will do the rest of the work of killing insects itself.

At the same time, the product, when used correctly, is safe for people and pets (as well as for the interior of the apartment, which cannot be said, for example, about some insecticidal smoke bombs). And what is important, you can buy a Raptor aquafumigator for about 5-8 times less than what you would have to pay if the premises were professionally treated by a pest control service.

Interestingly, the manufacturer states in the description that the system provides instant elimination of any insects in the room. Actually, the aquafumigator itself is called “a system for the instant elimination of all types of insects.” But isn't this too self-confident a statement?

Let's figure out what this device can actually do in practice and whether it can actually be used to effectively fight bedbugs and cockroaches in an apartment...

General characteristics

The Raptor aquafumigator, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is a universal remedy for mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and other existing types of insects.

But this is not his only advantage. According to reviews, the Raptor aquafumigator allows you not to be present during disinfection in the apartment. This was appreciated by many users of this product.

If the owners of the house have children, animals, and the owners themselves would not like to be indoors at the time of chemical treatment, then the presented product is perfect.

Electrofumigators for fleas

Electrofumigators are used as a flea repellent. Modern devices support the installation of special containers with insecticide in a liquid state or multilayer cardboard plates impregnated with an identical substance.

Using such a system is very simple - just connect it to a household electrical outlet. 30 minutes after the thermal plate inside the device is fully heated, the working fluid gradually evaporates, affecting ectoparasites.

The advantage of the electric fumigator is the low cost of the system and the availability of insecticidal agents. However, as practice shows, it is difficult to destroy a full-fledged colony of insects.

The priority area of ​​use is the creation of a protective background that prevents the reappearance of ectoparasites in an apartment or private house after disinfestation. The repellent substance repels adults, but has no effect on larvae and egg laying.

Action of aquafumigator

The principle of constructing such a product as an aquafumigator against all insects is extremely simple.

The active substance is located in a special container. The container with the chemical is placed in water. When these two substances react, they produce steam containing disinfectants.

Thanks to this method of distribution, the aquafumigator is able to quickly get rid of all insects, getting into even the most inaccessible places, crevices and inaccessible pest hiding places.

The Raptor fumigator will effectively eliminate the threat posed by the presence of insects in the house.

Favorable places for fleas to live

The frequent habitats of bloodsuckers, from where fleas usually enter an apartment, are numerous:

  1. Basements of residential buildings. Blood-sucking insects (rat fleas) feed on the blood of mice and rats, which spread parasites throughout the area through ventilation hatches and cracks in the walls.
  2. Infected premises. Unsanitary conditions: dirt, dampness, accumulation of garbage and rubbish do not guarantee the occurrence of fleas, but significantly increase the chances of infection.
  3. From the first floors of high-rise apartment buildings, parasites often migrate to the upper floors in search of favorable living conditions.
  4. People and animals often bring fleas from the street on their clothes and fur.
  5. Pests can also jump on a suitcase or bag in a public place.
  6. Through window openings and doors.
  7. From the nearest habitats of stray untreated animals.
  8. In private households, a breeding ground for fleas is a rabbit pen, a chicken coop, or a doghouse.

Quality of the drug

Raptor fumigators have a number of advantages:

  • Efficiency. This quality is ensured by the content of a substance such as Japanese-made cyphenothrin in the disinfectant. This is what helps to get rid of the problem of insects in the house once and for all.

  • Easy to use. You don’t need anything other than water to activate the work of a product like Raptor against ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ticks and other insects.
  • Safety. This quality is laboratory confirmed. The only safety condition for using the presented product is strict adherence to the instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Uniqueness. By minimizing human contact with chemicals during disinfestation, the active substance will effortlessly control pests even in the most inaccessible corners of the apartment.
  • Versatility of application. “Raptor” against mosquitoes, ticks, and ants will help get rid of unwanted pests in your summer cottage. For apartment residents, this same product will become an indispensable assistant in expelling cockroaches, flies and other insects from their homes.

Spirals, plates

There is a wide selection of plate-based fumigators on the market. The mechanism of action is similar to previous devices. Instead of a bottle with liquid, a special plate impregnated with insecticides is used.

Spirals, plates for insect control

Spirals are made from a material similar to plates. Completely impregnated with poisonous components. Poison is released into the air when burned. The dose is enough to poison fleas, but not enough to harm humans.

On a note!

The use of spirals in a residential area - apartment, house - is inconvenient due to the unpleasant smell of smoke and the risk of fire. The spiral should be used under supervision.

Instructions for use:

  • The plate is placed in the fumigator and the device is plugged into an outlet. One plate is enough for the night. They turn it off during the day.
  • The spiral is placed on a support made of non-flammable material and set on fire.

Whether a fumigator will help against fleas depends on the degree of infestation of the room. In most cases, this option of fumigators is used as temporary protection before choosing a more effective method. The cost of production is about 100 rubles. The set includes the fumigator itself, 10 plates, for a spiral you will have to pay around 50 rubles.

Application technology

The manufacturer provides a certain sequence of actions for operating the presented product.

Initially, you need to open the package and take out all its contents. There should be a metal container inside. It should be removed from the packaging. Water is poured from the bag into a jar.

The next step is to place the container in a jar of water. As soon as this part of the work is completed, you should leave the room for at least 2-3 hours. It is better if the home is left overnight. The Raptor aquafumigator against bedbugs, cockroaches and ants will fully perform its functions during this time. Upon returning home, the owners can count on the complete destruction of insects within the walls of the treated premises.

Even the most difficult types of pests can be eliminated using the presented technology.

How to use smoke bombs?

Let's look at how smoke bombs are used in the fight against bedbugs.

Preparing the premises

Before starting processing you must:

  • Evacuate people and domestic animals from the area where treatment will be carried out;
  • Disassemble sofas and beds to provide better access to their internal structures, where bedbugs most often hide;
  • Open all cabinets and shelves. Clothes should be packed in vacuum bags, dishes and food should be removed;
  • It is advisable to remove carpets, paintings, photos and other decorations from the walls;
  • Carefully close all windows and doors, block ventilation vents;
  • If a fire alarm is installed in the house, then it must be turned off during treatment.


Now you need to activate the smoke bomb. If it is a pyrotechnic preparation, then the checker is placed on a non-combustible material - brick, metal sheet, etc. To activate the aquafumigator, water is poured into a large container and the contents of the small container are immersed in it.

Having activated the checker, you must immediately leave the room, tightly closing the door behind you. The action time of a checker depends on its type (this parameter is indicated in the instructions). After completing the treatment, you will need to open the windows and doors, creating a draft. And after removing smoke from the premises, you will need to carry out a thorough cleaning, washing all surfaces with water.

Recommendations for use

The manufacturer has provided a number of rules and recommendations for the use of such a disinfectant as the Raptor aquafumigator against mosquitoes, ticks, flies and other insects.

One of the requirements of the product’s operating instructions is to disable fire safety sensors. It is also advisable to warn neighbors about the upcoming disinfestation of the premises, so that none of them, seeing smoke, call the fire department.

The next requirement specified by the manufacturer is to place the container in the center of the room on a flat, smooth surface. After this, you should open the doors of all cabinets, cupboards or sideboards in order to allow the active substance in the form of steam to freely penetrate into the narrowest and hidden spaces where pests love to hide.

Three weeks after the treatment of the room, it is necessary to carry out a surface treatment of the room. This is due to the possibility of insects emerging from eggs previously left by pests.

It is necessary to calculate how many containers with the active substance will be needed in order to process the required square footage at home. “Raptor” against ants, mosquitoes, ticks and other insects is designed to treat rooms up to 30 m2. If the room is larger, it is necessary to use two bottles of disinfectant at the same time.

Security measures

Remember that residential premises are treated using toxic pesticides that can harm the health of people and animals. Safety measures must not be neglected. Be sure to read the instructions for use and strictly follow the recommendations.

During the procedure, wear clothes that completely cover your body; you should wear gloves on your hands. When substances come into contact with the skin, allergic reactions occur, which are accompanied by irritation, rash, and inflammation. If the product gets on an open area of ​​skin, immediately rinse thoroughly with water.

The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator; toxic fumes are hazardous to health and can cause quite serious health problems. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness and other signs of poisoning, you should immediately go outside and call an ambulance. It is equally dangerous if the substance gets on the mucous membrane; if this happens, rinse with water and consult a doctor.

Insecticides are also dangerous for pets, so it is very important to move them to another room during treatment. Remember that small children and animals do not understand that you treated the apartment with poison, so they will lead their usual lifestyle

Things can rise from the floor and come into contact with a surface that, in our opinion, is inaccessible. It is very important to wash all surfaces after treatment to prevent dangerous situations.

Recommendations not specified in the instructions

There are a number of actions that are used behind the scenes by users and transmitted to each other through various sources.

One of these rules is the removal from the premises being treated not only of living beings, but also of certain things. It is mandatory to remove food and utensils from the room. It is better to move all these things to the balcony.

Another rule is the need to lay out all sofas, armchairs and folding elements. Insects can also live in them.

Children's things, toys and all objects with which the child comes into contact must also be hidden away from the disinfestation site.

After working with the Raptor exterminator against mosquitoes, ticks, ants and other insects, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Negative reviews about the product

In various resources you can find many comments on the presented drug. Among them there are both positive and negative opinions.

One of the most common negative comments is the lack of effectiveness of a product such as the Raptor aquafumigator. Negative reviews can be explained by several facts. The operating instructions may not have been fully followed. If the insect den is located far from the treatment site, the product will also show its inadequacy. It is imperative to identify the location of most pests.

If the drug was used for difficult-to-remove insects, and the result did not live up to expectations, you should seek the help of more narrowly targeted, specialized products. Perhaps due to the frequent use of other pest control agents, insects have adapted to the effects of chemicals on them.

By following all the recommendations provided by the manufacturer, the operation of the presented product will be as effective as possible.

Liquid fumigators

They showed great effectiveness against flying blood-sucking insects. The liquid is in a special flask and is connected to a heating device. The liquid fumigator operates using electric current. The active ingredients are synthetic and natural insecticides. In most cases, permethrin.

Liquid flea fumigator

When heated, toxic components are released into the air. For a person, this is a tiny dose of poison, so the body does not even feel such effects of poison. The poison enters the body of fleas through breathing. Causes muscle paralysis and death.

Instructions for use:

  • To start working, you need to plug the fumigator into a power outlet;
  • leave overnight;
  • During the day the fumigator is turned off.

One bottle lasts for almost a month. If the room area is large, several devices are installed in one room.

On a note!

Effective products: Raptor, Clean House, Moskitol. The cost of a liquid fumigator is on average 300 rubles.

Positive reviews

Positive opinions about the presented product include ease of use. The aquafumigator against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other pests does not require any additional means other than ordinary water. Many users like this.

Another factor noted in positive comments is the lack of human involvement during disinfection and minimal contact with chemicals.

There are many reviews confirming this about the effectiveness of the presented product. Moreover, the comments make it clear that even the most difficult types of pests were destroyed by the aquafumigator.

By familiarizing yourself with the characteristics, requirements and recommendations on the process of using a universal insect repellent, you can be convinced of its effectiveness. There is a lot of evidence of the quality of such a product as the Raptor aquafumigator. User reviews are mostly positive. By using a correctly presented product, you can be sure of its effectiveness.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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