Which mosquito repellent plates are the most effective and which is better – liquid or plates?

Mosquito plates are a simple and reliable tool for fighting bloodsuckers. By their nature, they are small synthetic fragments, resistant to high temperatures, impregnated with special compounds. Insecticides that destroy harmful insects are used as an active component for impregnation.

They are consumables for fumigators.
Manufacturers produce consumables under their own brands. But in reality there is no significant difference between them. With different trade names, the composition of the impregnations, as well as the concentration of the active substance, are almost always the same. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

Review of popular models, rating, operating principle. Is it worth taking?


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We are talking about a universal method of fighting insects. Whether mosquito repellent plates help keep flies away depends on the composition. Basically, the market offers only bloodsucking options. But there are remedies against mosquitoes and flies, midges, midges - complex options.

For the most part, they are completely harmless and pose no danger to adults, children, or pets, if you follow the instructions for use and strictly observe safety precautions.

What types of mosquito repellent fumigator plates are there, how effective and in what cases are they effective? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

How do the products work?

The beneficial effect is based on the ability of the insecticidal impregnation of the plate to evaporate at high temperatures. Simplified, the process can be represented as follows:

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  1. The user inserts the consumable into the fumigator. Devices that are designed for this type of consumable components are equipped with a special surface. It heats up to a certain temperature. It is enough to provoke the process of evaporation of the insecticide into the surrounding space.
  2. A cloud of insecticide is created within the range of action. If the standards for the protected area are met, the cloud will be dense enough to destroy insects in any quantity. Fumigators are designed for an average area of ​​10 to 20 square meters. When the room is large, the efficiency of the device drops sharply. You will have to think about purchasing several devices.
  3. As the insecticide works on mosquitoes, their numbers drop. But the effect ends a little after turning off the device from the network.

How mosquito repellent plates work does not depend on the brand or model of the fumigator or consumables. In this respect the principle is always identical. Consumables for fumigators, however, are only effective indoors. In the open air or with wide open windows, the result will be lower. Not counting devices that are created specifically for use in camping conditions.

How much do mosquito repellent plates cost?

Why should you give preference to the assortment of the company dacharu.ru? Our online store offers favorable terms of cooperation:

  • The best prices in the region for repellents.
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  • Quality assurance. We work only with well-known manufacturers.
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  • Convenient form of payment.
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Types and composition

You can find insecticidal products from several manufacturers on sale. The most frequently encountered options are:

  • Raid;
  • Mosquitall;
  • Raptor;
  • Picnic.

The list goes on and on. It is difficult to say which mosquito repellent plates are the most effective. Considering that they are almost identical to each other. The most popular options are impregnated with special chemical compounds based on insecticides. Most often, mosquito repellent plates contain three components.


Considered one of the newest. Its structure is a synthetic pyrethroid. Refers to hazardous substances. Has a negative effect if inhaled. It has a lesser effect on humans when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes - in the first case, rashes are possible, in the second we are talking about burns. Esbiotrin also has a high allergenic potential.

Unlike analogues, when used correctly, it does not pose a threat. Can be used to protect pregnant women from mosquitoes and midges. But you still shouldn’t be in a room with a high concentration of pyrethroid vapors.

The beneficial effect of esbiotrin increases gradually, reaching its peak after a few tens of minutes. In a closed room, you can completely get rid of bloodsuckers in an hour to an hour and a half or even faster.


The second popular component for the manufacture of anti-mosquito drugs is prallethrin. By chemical nature, it is still the same synthetic pyrethroid. But somewhat different from esbiotrin. She's not that toxic. Outside Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union it is used more widely because it is considered safer.

The beneficial effect increases gradually as the concentration of the substance increases. 30-40 minutes with the windows and doors closed is enough. Mosquitoes die from paralysis of the nervous system. The substance has almost no effect on people. On the other hand, prallethrin is considered a moderately toxic compound. If you inhale vapors for 10-20 minutes or more, you can get mild poisoning. Although, as in the previous case, this pyrethroid has neither teratogenic nor mutagenic properties. Therefore, it can be used to protect children and pregnant women.

Other components

Basically, insecticides for fumigators are represented by consumables prescribed with these two components. There are products based on DEET. However, this compound works more as a repellent. It drives away harmful insects. DEET can kill intruders, but the concentration of the substance must be very high to do this. In such quantities it will be dangerous not only for mosquitoes, but also for people and pets.

That is why you should not buy goods that have not been certified, whose manufacturer is unclear. This is fraught with severe poisoning and long-term health problems. The harm to humans when using standard mosquito repellent plates, which are represented by branded options, is minimal. And if used correctly, it doesn’t exist at all.

Operating principle

The product is made in the form of flat rectangular strips of cardboard impregnated with the active substance. The plates are activated using special fumigator devices due to heating and evaporation of toxic impregnation.

The product retains its anti-mosquito effect for 8 hours, after which it changes color to white. The maximum area of ​​the room covered by protective fumes is 20 m2.

The plates are produced in sets of 10 pieces, each of which is sealed in a sealed compartment. The product contains fragrances to give the product a pleasant aroma and insecticides:

  1. D-allethrin and its derivative esbiotrin. The substance paralyzes the nervous system of mosquitoes and leads to their death.
  2. DEET. A universal toxin that destroys most insect pests.
  3. Isopropanol An alcohol whose toxic effect exceeds that of ethanol. Along with the plates, it is part of aerosol sprays against mosquitoes.
  4. Prallethrin. A synthetic pyrethroid that instantly kills blood-sucking insects.

As additional components, natural repellents are added to the impregnation for the plates - extracts and essential oils of chamomile, cloves, eucalyptus and other plants that repel insects in the wild.

Which plates are the most effective and safe?

From the point of view of useful action, they are approximately the same. The most effective and safest are branded products that have been certified and are produced by well-known companies. Be it Raptor, Moskitol or others.

When choosing, you need to focus not so much on effectiveness, but on age-related features of use. There are options for adults with higher concentrations of chemicals. There are options with less toxic components. These are more preferable for protecting the room where a child sleeps or stays for a long time.

The question is purely individual. When it comes to branded products, it makes no sense to rank the best mosquito repellent plates.

Which is better - plates or liquid?

In this matter, everything depends on the specifics of the application, the number of harmful insects, the frequency of use of the drug and the duration of switching on the fumigator.

There are several typical differences:

  • The plates have a much shorter lifespan. How long the plate lasts depends on the time of continuous use. On average we are talking about 5-6 hours. It can be more or a little less. How much liquid is enough is determined by the same factor. But one bottle is enough for several days and even weeks.
  • The cost of the plates is several times less. They are sold in packs of 5-10 pieces. The average price is determined by the company. However, liquid in any case turns out to be a more expensive option. Although, other things being equal, it is more profitable to use it, since the duration of the beneficial effect is longer.
  • Safety. The plates practically do not emit toxic compounds outside the fumigator and surface heating. In addition, the packaging is made of durable synthetic materials, so it will be much more difficult for animals and children to get to the drug. The same cannot be said about liquid. It is much easier to get poisoned with a liquid insecticide.

Also in the section: Mosquito fumigators with liquid

Otherwise, everything is determined by the specific fumigator model. Even liquid devices are different from each other. First of all, the amount of substance sprayed. If there is a lot of it, mosquitoes will die faster. The subjectively beneficial effect will be higher, although the consumption will also be higher.


A less well-known, but no less “combat-ready” remedy with an eloquent name will help make the real “kaput” annoying insects. Standard set of 10 pcs. It is used quite sparingly. Light green plastics work fairly quickly until they are completely discolored. And this happens after 10 hours of active use.

Although, according to reviews, some people manage to use the product for 25 rubles or more. They put the already used “kaput” back into the packaging and then reuse it: they say, good savings.

By the way, the drug has another pleasant bonus: in addition to mosquitoes, the effect extends to midges and spiders.

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About the rules and techniques of use

Using mosquito repellent plates is not difficult. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  1. To begin with, it’s worth saying how to insert mosquito repellent plates into the fumigator. Strictly with the device turned off. The plate cannot be inserted while the fumigator is turned on.
  2. The same should be said about removing used consumables. The reason for this is a possible burn when touching a hot surface or electric shock.
  3. When choosing, preference should be given to well-known brands, since nameless insecticides often turn out to be an explosive mixture of DEET and unknown components. When using such consumables, no one can guarantee the safety of health.
  4. While the device is operating, do not stay indoors. Whether it's children's plates or standard branded consumables, this rule is universal. If the number of mosquitoes in the room is very large, and there is no other way out, you need to stay away from the fumigator. And during sleep, ensure normal ventilation of the room.
  5. You need to apply insecticides for at least 30-40 minutes continuously. Better 1-2 hours. This is the answer to the frequent question why mosquito repellent plates do not help. The answer is in time and drug concentration.

Also, do not use expired products. They are at least useless, and possibly dangerous.

These rules provide not only safety, but also useful action.

Is it possible to use plates without a fumigator?

Is it possible to set mosquito repellent plates on fire? Yes. This is an emergency option when there is no time to use a fumigator for a long time. The result is needed here and now.

How to use them without a fumigator:

  1. You need to set the edge on fire.
  2. Wait for the flame to spread.
  3. Blow out the fire.
  4. Walk around the room and fumigate it with smoke.
  5. As soon as the base begins to fade, it can be slightly inflated.

You can repeat this up to several times until most of the synthetic base burns out.

You can burn mosquito repellents, but inhaling this smoke in concentrated form is highly not recommended. Allergic reactions or poisoning are possible.

Mosquitall Universal protection

The Mosquitall package contains 10 neat records. Consumers are attracted by the price of this set - about 30 rubles. Each plate effectively “works out” 8-10 hours . It is advisable to “arm” the fumigator in advance, before falling asleep. In general, there is enough money for the night.

As they are used, the light green color of the plates changes to bluish or white on one side and yellow on the other. A good property is the absence of odor.

Allergy sufferers claim that they use Mosquitall without any problems.

A certain inconvenience: each cell of the package is difficult to tear off, since there is no tear line of the plate. You have to use scissors.

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