Folk remedies for flies - a review of effective formulations with descriptions, reviews and photos

Updated: 04/22/2021 17:10:27

Expert: Anna Maslova

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

It’s not for nothing that flies are called the most annoying insects. They are present in everyday life in apartments, offices, dachas, public spaces, and transport. Flies don't just bother you with their annoying buzzing. They pose a real threat to human health. Fertile insects lay up to 2000 eggs in a lifetime. Their intrusive presence is not so easy to get rid of.

There are many ways to fight

, including folk remedies. Natural repellents are based on the properties of plants to repel annoying swarms. But this method is not always relevant in an urban environment, and then more modern means come to the rescue. The simplest is a physical method of destruction. Using a fly swatter, you can fight insects in a closed space, but this does not give 100% results, since as soon as you open a door or window, the obsessive buzzing is heard again in the room.

Common method

– fight with sticky tape. Flies land on it, but cannot fly away and die. Insecticides are widely used. They are produced in the form of an aerosol, powder, spray, granules and are capable of destroying large concentrations of flies not only in closed but also in open spaces. The products are based on toxic or biologically active substances. Recently, electrical devices that either repel or neutralize insects have become very popular.

In our article we will introduce you to the best fly repellents of different principles of action. Their effectiveness has been proven in practice, as confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Experts have studied the characteristics and also recommend them for use.

Rating of the best fly repellents

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best fly sprays1Dr.Klaus Fly from flies and wasps279 ₽
2Aerosol Raid against crawling and flying insects207 ₽
3Insect Raptor188 ₽
4Dichlorvos Innovative183 ₽
5Fly killer for flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants120 ₽
The best anti-fly liquids and plates for fumigators1Go Out from flies odorless 30 days65 ₽
2Plate for fumigator Raptor from flies62 ₽
3Liquid for fumigator BOYSCOUT HELP81 ₽
4Plates Clean house from flies and mosquitoes40 ₽
5Liquid ARGUS against flies, midges, mosquitoes58 ₽
The best electric fly traps1Insecticidal lamp TLK-Line 40W3 600 ₽
2Ecosniper GF-4 destroyer of mosquitoes, midges, flies2 130 ₽
3Mosquitoff trap Skat 20 HCX-10021 790 ₽
4Electric trap BOYSCOUT HELP lamp for killing flying insects503 ₽
5Trap lamp Argus Eco AR-2095383 ₽
The best baits and traps for flies1Glue trap BROS525 ₽
2Raptor trap Protection against wasps and flies199 ₽
3Adhesive window fly trap Argus72 ₽
4Bait Trap As Seen On TV Flies Away302 ₽
5Aeroxon Flycatcher Adhesive Tape74 ₽

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is important to carry out preventive measures. Excellent conditions for the reproduction and residence of pests - heat, humidity, and the presence of organic waste. Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  • Keep the house, sheds and yard clean. Remove dirt in a timely manner, throw out garbage (preferably once every 1-2 days), do not leave dirty dishes with food residues, regularly ventilate the room.
  • Take care of pets and birds. Remove droppings from them, clean their habitats, and wash the animal if necessary.
  • Keep the area clean - cover trash containers, mow the lawn on time, remove old grass and fallen leaves, remove dog droppings, fill cesspools with bleach or any other septic tank.
  • Monitor the condition of ponds on the site. Standing water creates favorable conditions for various insects, so you need to make sure that it does not rot and silt does not form.
  • Properly store the harvest. The putrid smell of spoiling vegetables and fruits attracts flies, this is a real feast for them!
  • Install mosquito nets. Now mosquito nets are made to any size. It is advisable to install them on windows, vents, doors, ventilation holes.

We answered in detail the question - how to deal with flies in a summer cottage. Once you start the fight, it is best to take an integrated approach - use chemicals, folk remedies, and various traps.

The best baits and traps for flies

BROS glue trap for catching flies and other flying insects

Rating: 4.9

The best option is a glue trap that will help kill flying insects indoors and outdoors. The package contains 5 plates with three-dimensional patterns that attract flies. The sticky composition does not contain toxic chemicals, so the trap can be used in crowded places, as well as on livestock farms and other farmsteads.

No preliminary preparation is required. The plates are unpacked and hung in the right places. Flies, midges, mosquitoes, gadflies, moths stick and then die from dehydration and hunger. The composition retains its properties perfectly. They do not decrease under the influence of moisture and in conditions of high heat.

Reviews confirm high results. The BROS trap is used in food warehouses, stables, and poultry houses. Minimum costs provide economic benefits. The formula is valid for 12 months after opening the package.


  • effective against all flying insects;
  • non-drying glue formula;
  • for outdoors and indoors;
  • does not contain chemical insecticides.


  • not identified.

Raptor trap Protection against wasps and flies

Rating: 4.8

Second place is given to a product that is an effective protection against flies, hornets and wasps. It is used in open areas of summer cottages and in any other places with a large distribution of annoying insects. The action area is 16 square meters. m. The trap is hung on tree branches or hooks at a distance of 5-10 meters from the intended resting place. It can also be installed on any surface.

The bait is made without toxic ingredients. It contains malic acid, sugar, yeast and gelatin. Flies flock to the smell and get inside through a narrow opening. A special design prevents them from flying out. The attractive design in yellow-brown colors blends well with any natural landscape. A miniature house will decorate your dacha area.

After use, the bait can be made independently from any available products. Buyers appreciated the product of the popular brand, which actually showed good results.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • wide area of ​​action;
  • pleasant external design;
  • mobile device.


  • not identified.

Adhesive window fly trap Argus

Rating: 4.7

The third prize is a simple and safe remedy, the effectiveness of which lasts for 2 months. The trap is attached to the corners of the glass or along the bottom edge. When insects fly up to the light, they become stuck and can no longer free themselves. The adhesive tape does not form odors and does not emit toxic substances. The environmentally friendly method does not affect the health of others.

The design is varied. You can choose stickers with images of fruits, or with floral prints. They will become not only a useful thing in the kitchen and other rooms, but also an attractive decoration. After removal, no traces remain on the glass. No preliminary preparation is required to apply the following strips.

Such traps are used in public areas such as canteens and cafes. They are used in apartments, houses, offices, they are inexpensive, but the effect is obvious, as confirmed by consumers. Flies, midges, mosquitoes and other flying insects remain on the tape.


  • safe formula;
  • easy way to use;
  • interior decoration;
  • long period of validity.


  • not identified.

Fly Trap As Seen On TV Flies Away

Rating: 4.6

On the fourth line is a bait that will help destroy flies both indoors and outdoors. It attracts insects, which through a narrow hole get inside, where a small amount of water is previously poured. There is no longer any possibility of getting out. The ecological control method is absolutely safe for humans, animals and beneficial insects living in the garden.

The device has a patent for a biodegradable, environmentally friendly product. Once loaded with bait, you can catch up to 20,000 individuals. The trap can be hung in any convenient place. It makes it possible to enjoy nature and restful sleep in the open air without any effort on the part of people.

According to reviews, the trap is widely used in summer cottages or outdoors during picnics, where there is no possibility of connecting protective devices to the network. The operating principle is simple. There are no costs involved. The effectiveness has been confirmed by many customers.


  • non-toxic eco-product;
  • simplified operating principle;
  • safety for others;
  • high efficiency per cycle.


  • not identified.

Aeroxon Flycatcher Adhesive Tape

Rating: 4.5

Last on the list is a German-made product that is valid for 56 days. The composition is made of cellulose and glue. It does not have a negative effect on people or animals. Flies, mosquitoes, midges stick tightly to the tape and soon die. This method does not require energy consumption, but is very effective in places with large concentrations of insects.

The sleeves in which the tapes are stored are made in a bright design. One strip covers an area of ​​8-10 square meters. m. The ecological adhesive base does not lose its properties at high humidity. It does not dry out, so the effect lasts up to 8 weeks. The kit includes nails for fastening.

Many buyers choose this particular method of dealing with intrusive insects. The strips can be hung in close proximity to food, since there are no poisons, toxins or chemicals in the formula. Packaging and used tapes are disposed of as normal household waste.


  • high level of protection;
  • quickly getting rid of flies;
  • safety for others;
  • long-term preservation of qualities.


  • not identified.

Description of the pest

Almost everyone knows what most types of flies look like. This is a small insect, about 8 mm long, with a hairy body, usually gray or black, and one pair of transparent membranous wings. The paws have sharp claws and sticky pads, which allows them to move on any surface. The organ of smell is the antennae, with the help of which they sense odors many meters around.

The eyes of these pests have a special structure. There are five of them in total: three eyes are located on the midline of the forehead and two large eyes on the sides of the head. The large eyes are made up of thousands of hexagonal facets. This arrangement of the organs of vision allows you to see everything around at 360 degrees, so it is almost impossible to catch it simply with your hands.


The mouth has a licking-sucking structure, a kind of proboscis acts as a mouth, therefore flies feed mainly on liquid food, solid food must first dissolve in saliva.

These pests multiply very quickly. A female can lay more than 6 clutches over the summer, and each clutch can contain more than 1800 eggs. Life expectancy is approximately 2-4 weeks, depending on climatic conditions, so up to 20 generations can change over the summer!

Why are flies dangerous?

Favorable conditions for living are places where garbage, dirt and various waste accumulate. They feed on the products of decomposition of organic waste. Since there are many different pathogens in the garbage, pests on their legs transfer them to the food on which they crawl.

Flies on food

Thus, food may contain pathogens of intestinal infections, tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, helminthiasis, salmonellosis, ascariasis, and sometimes more dangerous infections - for example, anthrax. Some species may bite humans when the risk of infection increases.

In addition, flying parasites can lay eggs on bread, which, when eaten, enter the human body and cause intestinal myiasis, the consequences of which can be very dire.

Electric shredders

The devices described above lead to the death of only those individuals that fly to them. More effective remedies for flies in the country require their destruction from a distance. These include electronic devices - fumigators. Their advantages are as follows:

  • absolute safety for humans and pets;
  • compact dimensions allowing installation in any convenient place;
  • ensuring complete disposal of all insects in the dacha, including mosquitoes, as well as other pests of this class.

Fumigators work according to the following algorithm:

  • a special plate containing substances harmful only to insects is inserted into the electrical appliance;
  • under the influence of heating, this substance is released into the air;
  • When inhaled, insects experience paralysis of the respiratory system, which leads to instant death.

The effect of fumigators extends over fairly large areas, but only within a closed or semi-closed space.

Strong unpleasant odor

They are sharp only for flies. A person does not feel them at all. Therefore, you can safely use them in small concentrations. But the flies definitely won't like it.

  • Essential oil of orange, lemon, laurel, eucalyptus, clove, lavender, peppermint. These aromas will be pleasant to you and will repel insects. Nice bonus, right?
  • Rosettes of carnations. It is enough to keep a small container with them in an inconspicuous place.
  • The smell of kerosene and turpentine. Yes, these odors are not very pleasant for humans. But in small quantities you won’t feel it.
  • Onion juice. Just apply it to the window frame and door frame.
  • Vapors of vodka and alcohol. Pour them into a spray bottle and spray a couple of times into the air.
  • Laurel leaves. Fresh or dried doesn't matter. Place them selectively in several places.
  • Lavender scent. Place beautiful fresh lavender flowers that will decorate your home and at the same time repel flies.
  • Fresh or dried leaves of mint, basil, tansy, wormwood, tomatoes, geranium. Proceed in the same way as with bay leaves.

How to avoid flies in your home

Preventing the appearance of flies includes a variety of actions. You have known about them since childhood. Let's look at them again now.

  • Don't leave food out in the open. Carefully remove crumbs and leftover food. Wash the dishes immediately so that flies do not have the opportunity to feast on them.
  • Closed trash can. Leftover food often ends up in the garbage, and for flies this is just a gift.
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the entire house and especially the kitchen.
  • Sink drains without food residue. High humidity especially attracts the family of flying creatures.

Additional measures are recommended for owners of private houses and country houses.

  • Cleanliness of the outdoor toilet.
  • Areas for birds and animals should be cleaned regularly.
  • Make sure there is no landfill near your home

Environmental Compliance in the Private Sector

There are also plants that flies do not like. Their scent is too strong for them. These include elderberry, bird cherry, wormwood, geranium, and tomato leaves. Therefore, if such plants are planted near the house or in front of the windows, this will repel flies and they will not fly to you. Even when dried, plants continue to exude their aroma, so they become an excellent natural prevention against the appearance of flies.

But if, after all, flying insects have entered the house, there are effective methods for expelling them. This will prevent flies from breeding in your home.

Keep the yard clean

It is well known that flies are attracted to strong odors, and it does not matter whether it is the smell of blooming roses, fried meat or a garbage can. Therefore, first of all, in order to get rid of flies in the yard, you need to restore complete order. Pay special attention to dog feces, their smell especially attracts flies. Place your pet's waste in tightly sealed bags and place it in the trash.

The trash can on the site must have a lid. Always close it tightly; if you have guests over, ask them to do the same.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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