11 ways to get rid of annoying flies and other insects. Series of products "Mukhoyar"

If, looking at dragonflies, you want to invent a helicopter, then looking at flies, you want to upgrade your fly swatter.
Firstly, this shameless family causes too many problems. And secondly, it includes more than one thousand species. And even if we take only the houseflies that are “closest” to us, each individual manages to lay up to 900 eggs during its short (less than a month) life. Flies are too much of a problem

It is unrealistic to calculate the number of flies in a dacha. Let's better count proven ways to get rid of them. After all, today there are much more insecticides than it seems. Among them there are long-known inventions, and those that you probably didn’t even know about.

Aerosol of mass destruction

Aerosol "Mukhoyar" is an economical universal weapon against an entire army of insects born to crawl and fly. A powerful combination of insecticides confidently copes not only with flies, mosquitoes or moths, but also with cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs and ants. To treat a small room, a 180 ml can will be enough. For an area of ​​more than 30 m², you need a larger volume - 300 ml. Aerosols are one of the most popular and convenient forms of insect repellent release.

How to use

  1. There should be no people, pets or birds in the room. Close aquariums and put away food and kitchen utensils.
  2. If you want to destroy the "flyers", close the doors and windows. If there are sliders, open it. In the first case, treatment must begin on the opposite side of the entrance, gradually retreating to the front door, and the room can only be ventilated after 15 minutes.
  3. Shake the can, press and direct the aerosol stream into the air or into places where insects accumulate/possibly live (cracks, baseboards, back walls of cabinets, etc.) from a distance of 20 cm.
  4. On an area of ​​up to 18 m², the product is sprayed for 3-5 seconds, on 25-30 m² it will take 10-12 seconds.
  5. Ventilate the room.

Attention: the product is flammable! Do not spray near open flames, heat sources or hot objects. Protect from direct sunlight and heat above +40°C.

Security measures

When using smoke bombs against cockroaches, you must adhere to certain safety rules:

  • Leave the room after smoke comes out of the bomb. You can't inhale it!
  • To open the windows for ventilation, hold your breath, do everything quickly and leave the apartment again;
  • It is advisable to carry out the disinfestation procedure wearing long sleeves, glasses and a protective mask. At the end of the process you need to take a warm shower;

  • During smoldering, the smoke bomb does not give off an open flame, but in order not to damage the floor or furniture from heating, place a metal stand or a couple of bricks under the container. The bowl itself should be large enough so that the device does not fall out of it.

Important! Remember that prolonged inhalation of poisonous smoke can lead to poisoning and the development of allergies!

Crushing Spray "Press and Walk Away"

If a regular aerosol does not suit you, try treating your apartment, cottage, basement, attic, garage or greenhouse in a more advanced way . The product “Mukhoyar Full out - One Touch” will quickly exterminate flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, wasps and hornets, as well as whiteflies, leaf beetles, cutworms and other pests. And most importantly, it will do it almost without your participation . “Fly out - One Touch” will destroy flies in a room almost without your participation. One 300 ml cylinder is enough for a one-time treatment of a room of up to 60 m².

How to use

  1. Close windows and doors. Shake the can and place it on a flat surface.
  2. Press the spray valve blade until it clicks into place.
  3. As soon as spraying begins, leave the room immediately. Processing will continue until the bottle is empty. The time for complete destruction of insects is at least 1 hour.
  4. After treatment, ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.

Important ! Spray the product at a distance of at least 1 m from the plants. Only 1 cylinder can be used during the day.

The main purpose

Smoke bombs can be used in certain areas:

  • in garages and basements;
  • in utility buildings - greenhouses, conservatories, hotbeds and open agricultural land;
  • at the dachas;
  • on campsites - against insects such as mosquitoes, horseflies and wasps;
  • in residential buildings and apartments - against blood-sucking insects and cockroaches.

Insecticidal smoke bombs are available for sale for individual use in summer cottages or other open spaces and for industrial premises or residential buildings.

Powerful smoke screen

Despite all the advantages of aerosols, they are not very effective in spacious rooms with high ceilings. And even more so, you shouldn’t try to destroy a wasp’s nest with their help. There is a simple but effective remedy for this - the “Mukhoyar” insecticidal smoke bomb. It looks like an ordinary powder in a tin jar. But if you set it on fire, thick smoke will pour out, which will penetrate into all the cracks and will certainly reach flies and mosquitoes, and fleas and cockroaches. And most importantly - before the wasps, and at the same time no one will run around like someone who has been stung. Smoke insecticidal bomb is effective against flies, mosquitoes and wasps

How to use

  1. Open the package, place the checker in the center of the room on a flat surface and set it on fire.
  2. Leave no later than 1-2 minutes after bringing the match.
  3. To completely eradicate flying insects, keep the treated room closed for 1 hour, for the rest - 4 hours.
  4. Ventilate the room.
  5. If necessary, carry out wet cleaning with a soap and soda solution.

To create a smoke screen against wasps, a 100 g package will be enough for 100-120 m³, against peripers and lice eaters - for 180 m³, against flies - for 800 m³, and against mosquitoes - for 1000 m³.
Precautionary measures:

  • Turn off electric heaters, air conditioners, and gas stoves in advance.
  • The product should not be used near open fire.
  • There should be no people, pets, birds or plants in the room. Aquariums must be closed and the air supply turned off. Dishes, food, medicines, feed, feeders and drinking bowls should be taken out or tightly closed.
  • Don't forget to use personal protective equipment.
  • Eating, drinking and smoking in the treated area is prohibited.

Blogger Olga Voronova knows how to use smoke bombs against insects. She shared her experience and even showed the whole process in a video.

First aid

If for any reason a person is still injured from the use of “Mukhoyar”, then he should be immediately provided with first medical aid, which consists of the following:

  1. If toxic smoke enters the respiratory tract, the person should be taken out into fresh air , after which he should rinse his mouth several times with clean water.
  2. In case of contact with mucous membranes, they should be washed with a large volume of cool, clean water. If severe irritation of the eye membranes is observed, then you will need to instill sodium sulfacyl 30%.
  3. If it enters the digestive system, you must drink a large amount of boiled water and take activated charcoal. Subsequent consultation with a specialist in this case is a mandatory safety measure.

Even if you successfully suppress all symptoms on your own, it is recommended to seek professional medical help to avoid possible negative consequences.

Deadly Varnish

Sometimes summer residents have to fight not only with flies and mosquitoes, but also with the ubiquitous red ants, cockroaches and bedbugs, which still need to be reached. The insecticidal varnish “Mukhoyar” is perfect for treating fly and mosquito “aerodromes”, ant and cockroach paths and bedbug beds in small rooms. Insecticidal varnish is worn with a brush on insect paths

How to use

  1. Pick up the varnish with a brush or cotton swab and go along all the routes of insects: along baseboards and pipes, behind furniture and carpets, under window sills, along window frames, joints, cracks and other hard-to-reach places.
  2. To kill fleas, coat cracks in the floor and behind baseboards, as well as walls up to a height of 1 m.

Important : store the varnish in a cool place away from sources of fire and sunlight, away from medicines and food products.

What is this smoke bomb, and how does it work?

How does a smoke bomb or bomb work? The principle of operation is the same as that of fog generators, only here instead of fog there is smoke, and generation occurs in the process of burning a disposable bomb, and not with the help of special equipment. Smoke bombs are ignited and when they burn, a pesticide is released into the air in a confined space. Falling down, its particles cover all surfaces and as a result kill pests. This allows you to treat areas that are difficult to reach with a spray.

If you've tried to deal with an insect infestation on your own, you might like this method.

However, this useful tool has a serious drawback that will become apparent when it comes time to clean up what's left. Think about this when choosing a smoke bomb.

You understand that insecticide smoke can spread everywhere. And you need to master methods that will help you quickly remove this unpleasant residue.

Killerly delicious granules

Flies irritate not so much by buzzing as by encroaching on food.
This means that you can play on this and serve them poison under the guise of a treat. Treat uninvited guests with “Mukhoyar” fly pellets! They contain not only a strong insecticide, but also special baits - attractants. And the bitter component will repel birds and pets. Flies will certainly like this “treat”. This “treat” will protect you and your products for 2-3 months.

How to use

  1. Sprinkle granules onto non-food substrates at the rate of 2.5 g per 1 m².
  2. Place baits in places that are especially popular with flies.
  3. You can enhance the effect if you mix the granules with water in a 1:1 ratio and coat the perimeters of window and door openings with this mixture.

Important : under no circumstances should you give (or even show) granules to children. Use the product only for its intended purpose and remember to wear gloves.

Hazard Class

In accordance with the accepted classification, “Mukhoyar” checkers are classified as substances of the third degree of danger. This means that this product is a low-hazard substance, but do not forget that its composition is based on permethrin, a toxic insecticide, so there is still some threat.

Negative consequences may occur in the following cases:

  1. Inhalation of toxic smoke.
  2. Contact of any amount of the substance with mucous membranes.
  3. Ingestion of any amount of a substance into the body.
  4. Failure to comply with fire safety regulations.
  5. Failure to comply with product storage conditions.
  6. Use of the product for purposes other than its intended purpose.

Delicately crafty stickers

The glass is over 5,500 years old, and the flies never get tired of feeding on it. Whatever it is that attracts them, the flycatchers now have one more trap in their arsenal! Stained glass interior stickers are an unobtrusive way to get rid of intrusive flies and midges. A colored self-adhesive picture with an insecticidal coating will destroy them in just a few minutes. An interior window sticker will beautifully and stylishly rid you of flies

How to use

  1. Separate the picture from the backing and glue it to the window, preferably in the upper corner.
  2. Remove and discard any expired stickers. They do not leave marks on the glass, and flies do not stick to them.

Consumption rate: 2 stickers per 10 m².

Destructive liquid

The fumigator has long been familiar to everyone who drives away mosquitoes every season.
And now this simple device can cope with other annoyances. All you have to do is pour a new generation drug into it - liquid for the fumigator "Mukhoyar". A new generation drug - liquid for the fumigator "Mukhoyar" This insecticidal product will save you not only from flies, but also from mosquitoes, sand flies and moths. And most importantly, you don't even have to leave the room.

How to use

  1. Remove the cap from the bottle, insert its rod into the fumigator and secure it until it stops.
  2. Plug in the device so that the bottle is in a vertical position. After 15-20 minutes, insects will stop bothering you.
  3. Ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of all smoke bombs is extremely simple:

  1. After ignition, the checker begins to release thick, acrid smoke. It spreads evenly throughout the room or open area and penetrates into all spaces.
  2. Microscopic particles of smoke settle on the body of the parasite and penetrate the body through the outer cover. The mosquito or other insect quickly dies.
  3. Particles of poison settle on the surface and thereby protect against the appearance of new parasites.

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Killer adhesive tape

The production of the first fly stickers began production back in 1910. And they still have not lost their relevance, flies still fly to them - and still stick. But now - not randomly, but purposefully. Because the adhesive tape against flies “Mukhoyar” contains a special honey bait. It can also be safely used in places where chemical treatment is prohibited. Anti-fly adhesive tape with attractants

How to use

  1. Hold the pencil case in your hand to keep it warm.
  2. Turning slightly, slowly pull the adhesive tape out of it by the loop.
  3. Hang your pencil case where flies fly most often.

Important : Do not hang the adhesive tape in the sun or close to an open fire. Store it separately from food in dry places out of the reach of children.

What types of smoke are used for baiting?

Smoke bombs have several subtypes:

  1. Pyrethroid is most effective against domestic insects. The main substance is pyrethroid, it is used in household aerosols.
  2. Hexachlorane - The base substance is hexachlorane, primarily used to kill bed bugs on agricultural lands.
  3. Sulfur - sulfur acts as an active substance, or rather its dioxide. Sulfur bombs are often used to eliminate mold in greenhouses, basements and basements.

Pyrethroid tablets are the best option for getting rid of bed bugs indoors. But you need to know that in many countries Hexachloran is prohibited for indoor use, since its active substance negatively affects not only adults, but can also cause serious consequences for the development of the fetus if a pregnant woman is in the apartment.

On a note!

Merciless plate on the window

Fly sticks work well, but don't look very attractive. The “Mukhoyar” window plates will help you get rid of flies and midges quickly and aesthetically. What are their advantages?

  • They attract insects with both special attractants and visual elements.
  • The flies “land” on the plate and receive a lethal dose of insecticide. But they don’t stick , but calmly fly away to die in another place after about 30 minutes (or a little more).
  • Within 24 hours there will not be a single living fly left in the room.
  • Moreover, the plate will work for at least another two months , destroying the “newbies”.
  • The plates are allowed to be used even if there are children in the room.

The “Mukhoyar” insecticidal plate will destroy almost all flies in the room in less than a day.
For 10-15 m², only 1-2 plates will be enough for you.

How to use

  1. Attach the plate to the window frame using double-sided tape located on the colored side. Choose places protected from direct sunlight and located at least 1.5 m from heating devices.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Instructions for use

Regardless of what object is being processed (greenhouses, houses, basements, garages, etc.), you must adhere to a certain sequence in your actions in order to get excellent results:

  • It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the object: close windows, doors and fill all cracks.
  • It is recommended to install the insecticidal product in the center of the room, preferably in a container made of non-flammable material.
  • They are filled with water, for which a mark is provided by the manufacturer.
  • When the fuse is lit, all people must leave the room.
  • After the smoke has stopped spreading, you need to wait for several hours or days, then open the windows, ventilate the room and clean it.

Place it in the center of the area to be treated on a surface (stone, brick, ceramic tile or dishware).

Security measures

If large objects (greenhouses, storage facilities) are processed, several similar means are used. First, you need to set fire to those that are located further from the exit. You must wear gloves when touching the checkers, and after finishing the treatment, your hands should be washed with soap. To reduce the risk of smoke inhalation, it is recommended that you wear a respirator when working.

When using different means, you need to take into account the time recommended by the manufacturer for exposure of pests to chemicals (from several hours to several days).

Amazing pendant

Suspension plates against flies and midges "Mukhoyar" act in exactly the same way as window ones. The only difference is that you can place them anywhere using any available means. Hanging insecticidal plate against flies and midges

How to use

  1. Bend the plate so that the working surface with the black and white pattern is on the outside.
  2. Hang it in places where flies congregate, securing the edges if necessary with double-sided tape placed on the colored side.

Gas protection

You can protect yourself from toxic sulfur anhydride using a gas mask. A respirator and safety glasses can be used, but only if the treatment area is small and a maximum of two tablets is used.

As a rule, two people carry out the processing. One controls the process, and the other processes the room. If the floor in the greenhouse is wooden, you cannot place a saber with a wick on it. A basin or other objects are usually used for this.

You cannot be distracted by food or drink liquids during the process. There should be no children or animals nearby. Immediately after setting fire, a person must leave the room; being among the smoke is extremely dangerous. If several checkers are set on fire, they should be lit in such order that the handler moves towards the exit and has time to get out before the smoke starts to flow.

Gel - fly killer

If you are not a fan of aerosols, granules, sticky tapes or sheets, try another drug with a unique mechanism of action - fly gel. This product retains its properties for a whole month, and it can be used even where children and pets are constantly present, because it does not emit harmful substances. Insects do not stick to it. They simply taste it and receive a fatal dose of insecticide. If you are not a fan of aerosols, sticky tapes and fumigators, try fly gel

The benefits of tobacco checker

photo from the site dezbox.ru

Smoke from a tobacco bomb destroys such insect pests as whitefly, copperhead, aphids, thrips, leaflets, spider mites, as well as their larvae. The smoke screen simply scares away bees and rodents without causing any significant harm to them.

Smoke, unlike insecticides, penetrates into every crack, so pests cannot hide from it. At the same time, it does not leave harmful substances in the soil and on the leaves of plants. Tobacco also effectively fights late blight, powdery mildew and other fungal infections.

But the effect of the remedy is short-lived. Typically, a greenhouse or cellar is fumigated from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure several times.

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