Clean house from fleas - description, action, effectiveness  

  1. Forms of release and action of the drug
  2. Preparation of disinfestation Aerosol Clean Home
  3. Spray
  4. Dust
  • Precautionary measures
  • Clean House is a new generation insecticide based on tetramethrin and cypermethrin. The product destroys not only adults, but also their eggs. Use Clean House against fleas and bedbugs to treat residential premises.

    Instructions for use

    Let's consider the methods of use and precautions when exterminating bed bugs with “Clean House” products of various release forms


    If you purchased the “Clean House” aerosol to kill bedbugs, then follow the recommendations.

    • Before treating a room with the “Clean House” aerosol, it is necessary to prepare the room. We remove dust from all surfaces, remove curtains, bedspreads, blankets, bed linen, and subject them to high-temperature treatment. We move the furniture away from the walls to gain access to the baseboards and back walls of the cabinets. After making sure that the carpet is not infested with insects, we roll it up and take it out of the room. If the carpet is infected, we treat it along with other surfaces. The sofa must be partially disassembled to gain access to the internal surfaces. We remove mattresses from beds.
    • We put on protective equipment - a respirator, gloves, glasses, a headscarf to protect the skin, mucous membranes, and hair from poison.
    • We remove aquariums and terrariums from the room or seal them hermetically with glass, turning off the compressor. If there are other pets living in the apartment, we remove them from the premises being treated.
    • We close the windows and doors.
    • Surface treatment from a can of insecticide is carried out from a distance of 20-25 cm at a slight angle.
    • After treating all surfaces, leave the room closed for several hours; if you are carrying out express treatment, 30 minutes is enough.
    • We thoroughly ventilate the room.
    • We wet-clean the most commonly used surfaces with soapy water to wash off the insecticidal coating. These are armrests of chairs, sofas, table surfaces, headboards and other surfaces.
    • We re-treat the room with the “Clean House” aerosol after 1.5-2 weeks.


    Instructions for use are similar to those for using the aerosol, with the exception of the need for re-processing. The addition of piperonyl butoxide to the composition of the substance makes the effect of the spray prolonged.


    Recommendations for using the “Clean House” anti-bed bug remedy in powder form are as follows.

    • Preparing the room is similar to the preparatory measures before treatment with liquid agents. The only difference is that the powdered product is not used for disinsection of fabric surfaces.
    • The use of protective agents is similar to liquid forms of the drug.
    • Treatment of premises does not necessarily require closed windows and doors; just beware of drafts during work so that the powdered insecticide does not blow away.
    • We scatter the powder where there are the largest concentrations of traces of parasites, along baseboards, inside structures of upholstered furniture, beds, and on all horizontal surfaces.
    • Leave the powder for several hours or days.
    • We remove the bulk of the powdered insecticide and leave it in hard-to-reach places.


    Draw chalk lines no narrower than 4 cm along the baseboards, pest paths, on horizontal surfaces, inside the mechanisms of upholstered furniture and beds. Other recommendations for use are similar to powdered products. When choosing a means of exterminating bed bugs, be sure to read on the packaging what area of ​​treatment a particular dosage of the “Clean House” bed bug control product is designed for.

    Safety regulations

    Spray against fleas and bedbugs Clean House is not poisonous to humans, but if it enters the body it causes severe allergies or other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before use, you should read the instructions and follow the precautions:

    1. Organization of safety for all people and pets who live in the premises to be treated. Before spraying the product, all household members leave the home and take their pets. If aquariums, terrariums and cages remain, they are covered and isolated from the substance getting inside.
    2. Before work, the person who will carry out the treatment must limit contact of the spray with the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, wear the most closed clothing possible and wear gloves on your hands. The eyes should be behind glasses, and the nose and mouth should be covered with a respiratory mask, a damp towel, or a gas mask.
    3. Food products are hidden in sealed packages, trays or jars. Baby food and toys, dishes, and cutlery must also be isolated or removed from the premises. You should not eat anything that was accidentally sprayed with an aerosol.

    The room is cleaned using a respiratory mask and gloves.

    Release forms

    The effectiveness of the insecticide under discussion depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on the number of insects in the house and the extent of bedbug infestation. An important factor for achieving the best results is the competent choice of the form of the drug. There are four such forms in total:

    aerosol; dust; gel; spray.


    Peculiarity. Aerosol “Clean House” for bedbugs is the most popular form of all existing ones. This is due to the ease of use of a bottle of household poison. The contents of the container do not need to be mixed with anything; you don’t have to worry about spilling it. Simply press the valve and spray onto potentially dangerous areas. A three-second spray is sufficient to treat one “square” area.

    How to use

    1. Remove the stopper from the bottle.
    2. We direct to the area where the parasites were noticed.
    3. Spray for a few seconds.
    4. After 15 hours we repeat the procedure.

    Cypermethrin in the aerosol contains 13%, and tetramethrin - 2.5%. Particles of poison entering the airspace become harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals within a couple of hours.


    Peculiarity. Bedbug dust “Clean House” is a powder that has an unsightly gray color. It is designed to spread in places where bedbugs are concentrated. But, judging by user reviews, it has proven itself much better in the fight against cockroaches and moths. Due to the reduced concentration of active substances, compared to an aerosol, more powder has to be used. A 50-gram package is enough to treat half a standard room in an apartment.

    How to use

    1. We put on rubber gloves and a respirator.
    2. We open the package with dust so as not to accidentally spill its contents.
    3. Sprinkle powder on bedbug nests.
    4. After three to four hours, we wash off the powder, having prepared a soap solution in advance to thoroughly wash the places where the dust was applied, as when working with poison in the form of chalk.

    The dust contains 0.2% cypermethrin and 0.02% tetramethrin. However, the composition of the powder is supplemented with another component - piperonyl butoxide, the concentration of which is 10%. Having become part of the liquidation “trinity”, the substance significantly prolongs the effect of the two toxic components. This means that dust treatment can be done once and, as a rule, does not require repetition.


    Peculiarity. Clean House Bed Bed Spray is a relatively new form of insecticide. It differs from an aerosol by the same pressure inside and outside the bottle. While for aerosol these indicators are different. In addition, the latter sprays larger particles - approximately 5 microns, while aerosol particles are about 2-3 microns in size.

    How to use

    1. We remove the limiter.
    2. We spray a few times to the side to bleed out the air.
    3. We aim the nozzle at the parasites and spray their habitats.
    4. If necessary, pour the contents of the bottle into a garden sprayer and work with it.

    It is believed that liquid preparations in the fight against bedbugs are more effective than “Clean House” powder for bedbugs. Therefore, if you have dust in the house, you can prepare the spray yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 g of dry substance in 0.5 liters of water, pour it into a sprayer, and carry out the treatment in a well-known way.


    Peculiarity. Gel “Clean House” is found on the shelves of supermarkets and hardware stores less often than other forms of poison. However, this particular form is considered one of the most promising. First of all, due to low toxicity. At the time of treating the house, the family does not have to leave their home walls at all - even pets can stay inside (provided that you prevent them from coming into contact with the insecticide). The person doing pest control only needs to wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Protective clothing is not required.

    How to use

    1. Apply a thin layer of gel to the areas where bedbug nests are concentrated.
    2. Leave it for two weeks.
    3. After the specified time period, completely rinse off the remaining product with water.
    4. Apply a new portion of gel.

    Terms of use

    When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account its properties. Although its toxicity to humans is not great, it cannot be called completely harmless. It may cause allergic reactions if used incorrectly. That is why, in order to safely use the “Clean House” bedbug repellent, you should strictly follow the manufacturers’ recommendations.

    Before you begin pest control, you must remove all residents, including pets, from the premises. Next you should prepare the room. All small items must be removed. They can also contain insects, so it is better to wash all fabric items suitable for washing in hot water, and shake out the rest, as far as possible, outside.

    Afterwards, pack it in plastic. The sofas need to be unfolded, the mattress on the bed should be turned over, all the furniture should be moved away from the walls so that there is access to the back parts, where bedbugs often settle. Next, we proceed to remove the parasites and their metabolic products with a vacuum cleaner. Do not forget to pay great attention to the air vents and the places behind the baseboards, which are also recommended to be emptied.

    It is very important not to forget about the personal protective equipment of the person carrying out disinfestation. Clothing that tightly covers the entire body, a mask or respirator with goggles on the face, rubber gloves - no chemicals should be allowed to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. We proceed directly to spraying the chemical.

    After finishing the treatment, it is recommended to leave the premises for a day. When you return to your apartment, start by ventilating it, because the “Clean House” bedbug poison has a strong, unpleasant odor. But after airing for 1-2 hours, not a trace will remain of it. The next stage is wet cleaning. Carefully wipe down all areas where the furniture comes into contact with human or pet skin with a water-soda solution.

    If suddenly after a couple of weeks parasites appear again in your apartment, this means that the eggs that were laid before disinsection have survived. In this case, to consolidate the result, repeat the procedure. I would also like to mention that the “Clean House” product is a universal insecticide and allows you to get rid of not only bedbugs, but also fleas and other insects.

    The chalk base contains the active ingredient - alpha-cypermethrin. It causes paralysis in insects and is dangerous for animals. Therefore, it should be stored in inaccessible places.

    “Clean House” (chalk) for cockroaches is easy to use and quite effective. Reviews indicate that its main area of ​​application is getting rid of cockroaches. But it can be used in the fight against ants and fleas. Many note the ease of use and cost-effectiveness of the chalk.

    Before disinsection, you should clean the house and vacuum the carpets. The treatment is carried out with the windows and doors closed; there should be no pets or other people in the room. Work with the spray wearing rubber gloves and a respirator.

    1. The container must be shaken thoroughly. Hold at arm's length. There should be 20 cm left to the surface to be treated.
    2. Initially, baseboards, doorways, floors are sprayed, then walls at a level of 1.5 m from the floor, and furniture on the back side.
    3. Leave the room closed for at least 2 hours. After this, ventilate thoroughly. The unpleasant smell of the spray disappears faster if you create a draft in the apartment.
    4. The alkaline environment neutralizes the effect of the spray. It is necessary to wash in places where hands will touch. Add baking soda and laundry soap to the water.

    As we have already said, treatment for bedbugs is possible through aerosol and spray, but also through the use of “Clean House” powder, the so-called dust. Of course, first of all, it is recommended in the fight against cockroaches and ants, but it also shows good results when baiting bedbugs.

    Externally, the dust is gray in color and does not have a very strong odor. The composition of the powder includes components already familiar to us, but in lower concentrations:

    1. Cypermethrin 0.2%;
    2. Tetramethrin 0.02%;
    3. Piperonyl butoxide 10%.

    The latter substance was not used in an aerosol, but in the powder it performs the prolonging function of the main components. The price of dust is lower than that of aerosol, but due to the lower concentration of active ingredients, more of it will be needed. Plus, its use is justified for preventive measures: before a vacation or in country houses, when there will definitely be no people in the premises for some time.

    Forms of release of the product

    In addition to being released as a spray (aerosol), it is available in the following forms:


    Its concentration of substances is lower than in other forms of release, so the consumption of the substance increases.

    One of the disadvantages of the product is the inability to process vertical surfaces.

    The advantage is the presence of piperonyl butoxide in the dust, which prolongs the action of toxic substances and helps in the fight against insect eggs and larvae.


    Peculiarity. Aerosol “Clean House” for bedbugs is the most popular form of all existing ones. This is due to the ease of use of a bottle of household poison. The contents of the container do not need to be mixed with anything; you don’t have to worry about spilling it. Simply press the valve and spray onto potentially dangerous areas. A three-second spray is sufficient to treat one “square” area.

    How to use

    1. Remove the stopper from the bottle.
    2. We direct to the area where the parasites were noticed.
    3. Spray for a few seconds.
    4. After 15 hours we repeat the procedure.

    Cypermethrin in the aerosol contains 13%, and tetramethrin - 2.5%. Particles of poison entering the airspace become harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals within a couple of hours.


    It comes in the form of a pencil, with which you need to apply 3-4 cm strokes in insect habitats. It also contains alpha-cypermethrin, which has a toxic effect.


    This is a convenient product in the form of a syringe, which also helps against house ants. Its thick consistency allows you to apply precise dotted lines in the required places and on any surface - both vertical and horizontal. The activity of the drug lasts up to several months.

    Precautionary measures

    By taking precautions, you can avoid unpleasant health consequences:

    • During treatment, it is forbidden to eat, smoke or drink.
    • Aerosols and sprays are not sprayed near fire sources;
    • The aerosol bottle is under pressure, so its integrity cannot be damaged.
    • The spray bottle in which the spray was contained is not used for household purposes.
    • The drug is stored in a place inaccessible to children. If a child swallows the product, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
    • If the product gets on the skin or mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse with plenty of water.

    If symptoms of intoxication appear (headaches, general weakness, vomiting, impaired consciousness), you should urgently seek medical help.

    Aerosol “Clean House” against bedbugs 1⃣

    The drug is available complete with a nozzle. This is a thin tube of short length; it is fixed in the upper part of the cylinder - where the atomizer hole is located. Thanks to the nozzle, it is possible to spray the substance in areas of complex configuration. In other places it is not necessary to use it.

    The aerosol contains substances from the pyrethroid group: cypermethrin, tetramethrin. Their concentration is low - 0.18% in both cases. Cypermethrin kills various insects, including bed bugs. As a result of the use of such poison, modulation of sodium channels of neurons is ensured.

    The tube nozzle helps to spray the substance in hard-to-reach places

    Tetramethrin works in a similar way. The insecticide is a universal poisonous substance, as it destroys various pests. It is distinguished by its ability to have a contact effect on pests. The substance is characterized by a faint odor, like Dalmatian chamomile. Aerosol Clean House against bedbugs is used according to the instructions:

    The room is prepared: you need to remove dust from the surfaces, then move the furniture, as you need to open access to the baseboards

    It is also important to clear passages to the back walls of cabinets. Roll up the carpet, making sure it is not infested

    All textile items are removed from the premises, if possible. The exception is upholstered furniture. Clothes, bedspreads, and curtains should be washed at high temperatures. The bed is being dismantled, the mattress needs to be removed from the bed. The sofa is partially dismantled to provide access to the internal surfaces. Use a respirator, gloves, closed clothing, headscarf, and goggles. Such measures are taken to ensure protection of the skin, mucous membranes, and hair from poison. The aquarium must be removed from the room. It is permissible to leave it only if there is glass on top and the compressor is turned off. Close windows and doors. Begin spraying the substance by placing the container with the poison at a certain angle relative to the surface. The distance to the object being treated is 20-25 cm. The room should be left for several hours. When carrying out express treatment, 30 minutes is enough. The room is ventilated. They perform partial cleaning: remove insecticidal plaque from surfaces that are often used, for example, armrests of chairs, headboards, and so on.

    The drug is sprayed again after 1.5-2 weeks. After approximately this period of time, parasites will appear from the eggs. When purchasing a Clean House spray against bedbugs, you need to take into account that the instructions for use given above can also be used in this case, since the principle of operation of both types of products is the same.

    Insecticide composition

    The “Clean House” consists of chemicals, many of which were discovered back in the 70s of the last century. However, their action in the fight against insects has proven to be effective.

    Active components

    The “Clean House” aerosol and spray contain substances such as tetramethrin and cypermethrin . Their amount in the product is safe for people, but harmful to insects. These are ingredients of contact and food action.

    Active molecules penetrate through the pores of the chitinous cover of insects. Through food action, the product only affects cockroaches; bedbugs are resistant to it, since they feed exclusively on human blood.

    Tetramethrin has a nerve-paralytic effect, stimulating inhibition and then complete cessation of the activity of the nervous system and other organs. The insect thus experiences paralysis and death.

    The concentration of the component reaches 13% percent. Cypermethrin paralyzes the muscles of the insect and causes the internal organs to stop functioning.

    Features of using aerosol

    Before treatment, it is necessary to accurately calculate the optimal amount of product and prepare the room. According to the instructions, 1 bottle, the volume of which is 600 ml, will be enough to disinfect an apartment of 80 square meters.

    How to prepare the room?

    Basic steps before processing:

    • Remove residents from the premises: children and adults, pets;
    • Disassemble the furniture into parts, because bedbugs often live in the joints of parts;
    • Pack food, dishes, hygiene products hermetically;
    • Buy protective equipment: goggles, rubber gloves, a respirator or gauze mask, thick overalls.

    How to apply insecticide correctly?

    Before use, shake the aerosol can. It is necessary to spray the composition evenly over all surfaces where bedbugs can nest: cracks, baseboards, wallpaper, cracks in the wall, hard-to-reach places. If stains remain on the floor or furniture, you can remove them with a damp cloth soaked in a soap-soda solution.

    Clean Home is an effective remedy that will help you get rid of blood-sucking parasites

    Effective treatment involves spraying the composition for 3-5 seconds over an area of ​​1 sq.m.

    It is recommended to leave the apartment for 24 hours after treatment. However, this is not necessary. The insecticide has an unpleasant odor, but to eliminate it, it is enough to ventilate the room for 30-50 minutes.

    What to do after processing the apartment?

    After disinfestation, you should thoroughly clean the room, wiping all surfaces. Floor coverings need to be vacuumed. You will need to remove the covers from upholstered furniture in order to wash them along with the curtains.

    It is recommended to wash the floor with a soap-soda solution, which can neutralize the effect of the insecticide. Only after these steps can you put things and food back in their places. However, to completely destroy the parasites, it is recommended to re-treat the room.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Of course, like any other means, a clean home has its advantages and disadvantages.

    The benefits include:

    • The drug acts quickly and is quite effective.
    • Convenient and easy to use.
    • If all safety precautions are followed, it is not dangerous for people and animals.
    • Does not leave stains or marks on surfaces.
    • Low cost.
    • Versatility.

    Regarding the disadvantages, the following should be noted:

    • Does not affect parasite eggs, which means repeated treatments are required.
    • It has a pungent and unpleasant odor.
    • You must leave the apartment for 12 hours.

    Despite these shortcomings, a clean house has quite a lot of positive reviews that prove its effectiveness.

    Preparing the premises

    Since the drug will be applied using a sprayer, it is necessary to clear all surfaces. Remove clothes, belongings, toys, etc. Be sure to remove blankets, bedding and wash. After washing, hang it outside, and after drying, be sure to iron it. Also, such manipulations must be carried out with animal bedding.

    If the apartment is heavily infested, it is advisable to move the furniture away from the walls to gain access to the baseboards, as well as to the back walls of the furniture. It is necessary to remove food, dishes and kitchen utensils from surfaces. Also hide personal hygiene products and towels.

    When the apartment is cleaned, you need to thoroughly vacuum the carpets and upholstered furniture. Be sure to get rid of dust and cobwebs. Carry out wet cleaning. These steps are necessary to get rid of some of the eggs. The fact is that fleas do not arrange special places for laying eggs, but scatter their offspring throughout the room. General cleaning can significantly reduce the number of future offspring and thereby ensure greater processing efficiency. When the room is prepared, you need to take care of the safety of people and animals living in the apartment.

    Carrying out processing

    Shake the aerosol can before application. The container must be kept at a distance of 20 centimeters from the surface to be treated. It is necessary to apply a clean house to baseboards, walls, backs of furniture, and floors. After the drug is applied, you must leave the room for at least 12 hours, while all doors and windows must be closed.

    Upon returning to the apartment, it is necessary to ventilate it thoroughly to get rid of toxic fumes. Next you need to carry out wet cleaning. For this, water and laundry soap are used, since the alkali helps neutralize the effect of the drug, which is dangerous to people.

    Do not neglect these mandatory actions, since upon contact with the drug, a person may experience a severe allergic reaction; in addition, the ingress of toxic chemical vapors into the body causes severe poisoning. The procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

    List of the most effective flea remedies

    The list will be based on real reviews, presented below:

    "Raptor". The prolonged action makes it possible to get rid of fleas in the house in a matter of minutes. The effect lasts for a month; "Sinuzan." Used by intelligence agencies. It can also be used as a preventative measure to get rid of parasites. But there is one significant drawback: a strong, unpleasant odor. Therefore, the apartment will have to be ventilated for 5-6 hours; "Chlorpyrimark." The active substance is chlorpyrifos. This is an organophosphorus compound. The residual effect lasts for 1.5 months; "Biorin." It is effective for 8 weeks, but adults and larvae die after the first procedure. The active substance is deltamethrin. Poses a danger to children and domestic animals. It goes on sale in the form of a concentrate, dilute in accordance with the instructions. It says how to kill fleas at home, and what kind of control is needed for this. The aerosol makes it possible to quickly and thoroughly treat a living space. Ventilate the apartment after 4 hours; "Get." The drug is available in microencapsulated form as a spray and concentrated emulsion; "Clean house". This is a spray. Under its influence, insects experience paralysis and convulsions and die literally in seconds.

    If you cannot stand a specific smell, we recommend paying attention to “Pyrethrum”, “Varan”, “Butox”. Before you think about getting rid of fleas in your home, consult with specialists, they will help you choose the right product.

    Description of the drug

    The flea remedy Clean House is produced in the form of a clear liquid with a sharp, specific odor. Sold in bottles with a capacity of 400, 600 ml. The spray is ready for use; before disinfestation, you just need to shake the bottle thoroughly.

    On a note!

    A convenient dispenser ensures complete spraying of the aerosol flea product onto any surface.


    • You can get rid of newly hatched nymphs by boiling bed linen, ironing it and treating it with a steam generator.
    • After the baiting of bedbugs is completed, the consequences in the form of nests remain in many places. Many try to remove them physically - by trampling them. The technique is certainly effective, but the best way to get rid of residual effects is to wash floors and other surfaces with a soap-salt solution.
    • The incubation period for bedbug eggs is 2 weeks; after this period, re-treatment of the premises must be mandatory. Otherwise, a horde of bedbugs will attack the apartment again.


    A popular form of release for home use is an aerosol. The places where the largest concentration of individuals was noticed and the places where they are most likely to appear are processed. After the aerosol is applied to the surface, it is most effective for two hours, but the effect lasts up to two weeks.

    The aerosol contains 2 active substances - cypermethrin and tetramethrin. This combination of insecticides provides high efficiency. In addition, the possibility of addiction to the insecticide is excluded. Available in a convenient spray bottle. Before applying the substance, the bottle must be shaken.

    Treat baseboards, drainpipes, ventilation holes, back walls of furniture, under furniture. After the procedure, you must leave the room for about 2 hours, the windows must be closed. After returning, the apartment is well ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out in those places with which the person comes into contact.

    The benefits include:

    • Convenient and easy to use;
    • Quite fast result;
    • Does not have an unpleasant odor;
    • Low price.

    The aerosol has its own disadvantages, which include:

    • Toxicity, danger to people and animals;
    • The larvae remain untouched;
    • Has a short period of action.

    If we talk about clean home aerosols, they are considered to be the fastest and most effective insecticides. By the way, aerosols from other manufacturers are also considered the most effective compared to other forms of release. Simple use also adds to its popularity, because immediately after purchase it is ready for use, and there is no need to prepare solutions and mixtures.

    The procedure for treating a living space with an aerosol consists of several stages.

    At the first stage, be sure to prepare the room; for this you need:

    • Sweep the apartment, remove all dust and cobwebs;
    • Move furniture away from the walls, remove all surfaces behind cabinets and the back walls of furniture;
    • Hide all dishes and kitchen utensils, close household appliances;
    • Hide food in the refrigerator, containers and bags that are hermetically sealed;
    • Wet cleaning of the entire apartment is carried out.

    The aerosol must be applied to clean surfaces to prevent the substances from mixing with dust, which will significantly reduce effectiveness.

    Be sure to follow safety precautions:

    • You can work with the drug only when using protective equipment.
    • It is necessary to wear a respirator, gloves and safety glasses, the body should be covered as much as possible with clothing.
    • Only the person performing the procedure should be in the room.
    • There should be no residents or pets in the apartment.
    • The drug is applied at a distance of 20 centimeters from the surface.
    • You are not allowed to smoke, eat or drink indoors during the procedure.

    When processing, pay attention to the baseboards, since most often they make nests there. Pests choose hard-to-reach places to live; carefully inspect the furniture for cracks.

    Don't forget to check the wallpaper for voids; if there are any, be sure to treat them. Also apply the aerosol on the walls behind the radiators, under the window sill, on the back walls of furniture, on ventilation grilles, pipes, corners in the bathroom and toilet, surfaces under washbasins and sinks. The aerosol can be applied to upholstered furniture, as the substance leaves no traces.

    As soon as the procedure is completed, it is necessary to remove protective equipment, wash your hands with soap, wash, change clothes and leave the room for 2 hours. Upon returning to the apartment, you need to ventilate it well and create a draft. Wet cleaning is also carried out using a soap solution. Cleaning must be done with gloves. Surfaces with which people and pets come into contact are cleaned.

    Since the drug has no effect on the larvae, they remain untouched and after a while young individuals appear. It is recommended to re-treat after two weeks. Be sure to follow preventative measures.

    Mechanism of action and composition

    The main active components that provide a destructive effect on parasites are permethrin and tetramethrin. These are insecticidal substances that belong to the same group. The preparation contains them in a minimal dosage, which ensures safety for people and animals, but is mortally dangerous for fleas. When working with the drug, you must always strictly follow the instructions for use and adhere to safety precautions.

    The mechanism of action of the active components is as follows. When the drug is applied to the surface, fleas come into contact with it and particles of the substances remain on their bodies. Next, the active substances penetrate the body through the chitinous membrane and affect the flea’s nervous system. This leads to paralysis of the parasite and then death. It is impossible to say the exact time during which the drug will lead to death, since the result directly depends on the amount of the pesticide that enters the body. If the quantity is sufficient, then destruction takes several minutes.

    During the first 2 hours, the aerosol retains maximum activity; as practice shows, this time is enough to get rid of most of the parasites. Further, the spray does not lose its activity instantly, it gradually begins to decrease, which ensures further effectiveness.

    It should be noted that a clean house, like all other insecticides on the market, is capable of destroying adults and larvae, while insect eggs remain intact. Since it takes about 2 weeks for the eggs to develop, the premises are re-treated after 14 days. This allows you to get rid of the younger generation and prevent further reproduction.

    How to prepare an apartment for processing?

    Preparatory work for treating the premises should begin with sending residents and pets to the country house or for a visit for one day. This is due to the fact that the vapors of the drug can lead to short attacks of suffocation or allergic manifestations.

    Then you need to move the furniture where the Prussians are most often found. The most attractive place in the house for parasites is the kitchen area. Of course, this is a rather labor-intensive process, but extremely important, because insects often hide in hidden corners. Products must be packed in sealed bags. All kitchen appliances must be placed inside cabinets.

    It is imperative to remove all small objects, especially children’s toys. It’s good if the windows are open while the room is being treated with dust.

    Negative effects on humans

    A “clean house” is relatively safe. However, if precautions are not taken, the poison can harm living beings (in particular, humans and pets).

    Toxic effects on people occur when inhaling insecticide vapors or through dermal contact with it. It has been scientifically proven that there will be no serious consequences for a warm-blooded creature when touching the poison. The maximum is a skin rash that will go away quickly. But if it enters the stomach, a group C carcinogen, which is tetramethrin, can cause the following symptoms of poisoning:

    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
    • blurred vision;
    • vomit.

    If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, the patient should get access to fresh air and take a sorbent. Even before the ambulance arrives, the drug will begin to act on toxins, break them down, and remove them from the body.

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