There are a lot of moths in the house, how to get rid of them. Where does the moth live? How to deal with moths in an apartment

Insects that may appear in your home cause disgust for many, and even fear for some. But not everyone knows that their appearance can serve as a kind of warning, so take a close look at how they behave. Red cockroach - serves as a harbinger of an improvement in financial situation. If black and large cockroaches appear, then the money will be completely unexpected and large. It is believed that they are the ones who can protect you from danger, so as long as you have them, everything is fine. That is why those who do not want to remove such cockroaches leave crumbs on the floor so that they can feed and not leave. Cockroaches leaving your home, running in a colony, warn of a fire.

, blacks suddenly disappeared - misfortune. The appearance of white cockroaches portends frost. There is a sick person in your house on whom a cockroach suddenly fell - recovery will not be quick.

Moths and crickets

In addition to the standard troubles that the appearance of a moth brings, it also portends the poverty of the house in which it appears. And today, despite the achievements of the chemical industry, it can bring a lot of trouble. It is believed that if you air out and dry all the clothes from the closets on Midsummer, a holiday celebrated 25 days after Easter, the moths will disappear. A cricket that appears in the house is a symbol of well-being. However, it is unlucky to see him fly through the house. Did it fall on a sick person? This means you will have to be sick for a long time.

If the moth comes from nowhere and the usual methods of struggle do not help, this indicates that there is a spontaneous or intentional activation of the dark aspects of your consciousness, which bury alive all your best aspirations and bold desires, cutting off all paths to the transformation of your personality. Moth is associated with the dark time of day and reflects the dark and hidden aspects of your personality. There is some invisible damage happening that is damaging your subconscious and will not make itself known until something extraordinary happens. Also, the appearance of a moth indicates that in real life you should pay special attention to the small details of your behavior. If moths appear in large numbers for no apparent reason, then one of the inhabitants of the house is under a magical influence in order to level out human development in several directions at once - finances, relationships, etc.

From moths. In the fall, on Semenov's day, catch a moth and pin it with a needle with glory: You have an eternal place, sleep forever, don't fly around the house, don't eat wool. The needle is iron, the work is strong, the word is molded. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

On Maundy Thursday, sprinkle holy water in the room with the words: One moth, eat another moth, And the last one you eat yourself. The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water, my word is with me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. ________________________________________ During the waning moon, light incense and walk around, holding it in your hand, all the rooms and utility rooms with the following words: Herod’s children, take from my walls, from my mats and floorboards, from windows, from doors, from all cracks what I command you to take all my satanic army: bedbugs, beetles, cockroaches, crickets, two-wests, moths, all the aphids, all those whom I drive from the floor, from the floors, from the walls, windows, from doors, from all the cracks. Just as the Christian Church is bright and clean, so should my hut be bright and clean. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Black moth conspiracy

Many people know that if, God forbid, a black moth flies into a house, then the person will soon be dead. To avoid trouble, you need to immediately kill this moth and read the following plot:

You yourself, pray, flew into the house, You yourself wore your wings, You yourself took what you brought, You yourself suffered in death, For whom you flew, for whom you died. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You must be very attentive to the appearance of living or dead animals in your life. For example, out of the blue, a lot of moths, cockroaches, rodents, flies, worms in cereals appeared in your house - unless it is due to dirt and mismanagement, then this is a sign that damage has been sent to you "Crawler"

How to tell off a crawler:

1. I lie down praying, I get up blessed. I’ll go out into an open field and look at the blue sea.

deliver God's servant (name)

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. *** 2. You need to take 13 beans, arrange them in pairs with stones and say three times: Just as a stone cannot grow from a bean, so a creeper cannot crawl out. Conspiracy from the “creeper” I lie down praying, I get up blessed. I’ll go out into an open field and look at the blue sea. There is a king fish - steel teeth, golden fins. Weave a net for me, fish, with your fins, tie knots with your steel teeth. Put a net on my crawler. Angels, archangels, warriors, deliverers, deliver the servant of God (name) from damage, from her cramps, from her failure, from her misfortune, from pain and illness, from everything that she did not finish, from everything that she forgot to say. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Signs Mole

The moth will soon disappear if the clothes are dried on a “dry Wednesday”, that is, on the holiday of Midsummer (25 days after Easter), which is popularly called Rusal Wednesday, mermaids get ready to travel, so women do not spin, weave, sew, etc. Such activities are not practiced for the sake of health.

No matter what changes happen to this world, psychics and fortune tellers of all stripes will not disappear from it, because from time immemorial people have had a desire to look into their future. Those who couldn’t afford “certified” magicians had to make do on their own. And helpers in identifying the foggy distance were those who were more often nearby - animals, birds and... insects. Do not be surprised! If you believe folk superstitions, an ordinary flea will give a hundred points ahead to any crystal ball with predictions.

The 'home oracle' looks very unpleasant

If an unlucky rival urgently needed to disrupt a wedding, the belief was to catch a flea, tie its legs (!) and place it on the road in front of the wedding procession. It was believed that the bride and groom would never be able to cross the invisible barrier. Apparently, there were Lefties in every Russian province...

To protect your home and family from biting creatures, signs advised:

Midges dance in front of the heat

  • A small midge curls in a column in the air and dances - for warm, dry weather.
  • If you get it in the eye, you'll cry.
  • It flew into your mouth - watch your tongue so as not to offend others with a careless word.
  • If it falls into tea or a glass with another drink - expect large monetary profits and great luck.
  • If you caught a midge or a fly from a glass of wine, you can count on the interest of the opposite sex. Unless a sign was invented so that the owner of a drink with an exotic “seasoning” would not be too upset.
  • If there are a lot of midges in the apartment, there are two options. Either you are careless with money, wasting serious sums on nonsense, or you are storing vegetables and fruits incorrectly. And one does not exclude the other.

Are pests in the house a sign of magic and witchcraft?

Witchcraft is the magical manipulation of energy to cause changes in reality to favor one's interests. The energy used by the witch (sorcerer) can be taken from the forces of the earth; grass, stones and other natural objects. Magical influence can also be obtained through the energy of the Universe itself. Witches are best known as ritual specialists who typically incorporate all of these techniques into their magical practice.

Witchcraft - magical spells to manipulate hidden energy

It's depressing, but witchcraft can have dangerous consequences for people. Unfortunately, over time, witchcraft moved away from tradition and began to be used to cause harm. Completely forgetting its true origin for the treatment of illnesses on a spiritual and physical level, the magic of our days has taken on an unpleasant aspect.

Those who have ever been attacked by the forces of black magic have experienced all kinds of disturbing sensations that are simply impossible to list. From strange pains throughout the body, inability to think clearly and insomnia to unexplained feelings of hatred and anger, these are just some of the symptoms that can be caused by witchcraft.

But a classic sign of witchcraft that is rarely talked about is strange and unexplained pests in the house. The most common pests are flies, mosquitoes, ants, fleas or cockroaches. As a rule, these are insects used in magical rituals of witchcraft.

Symptoms of witchcraft

When we talk about witchcraft, we don't mean modern, new age self-proclaimed witches. We are talking about "old school" witches with very negative powers, capable of using so-called black magic against people. And, as a rule, an attack by insects indicates that a “professional” of magical codons is behind the witchcraft.

The key to determining whether you are a victim of witchcraft is the discovery of insects in unnaturally large numbers, which are also supernaturally vicious. Of course, there are always certain problems with insects in the house. But if this is not accompanied by obvious mental or physical discomfort, then you should not worry.

However, if problems of chronic bad luck, illness, nightmares, scandals or accidents appear, and the house suddenly appears full of flies or ants, then you can be sure that you are in the crosshairs of a magical attack. In this case, insects are the deliverer of a black magic spell directed against you.

Various insect pests

Flies: If there are a lot of flies in the house and you cannot determine their origin, then this may be witchcraft. When flies are summoned by the powers of witchcraft, they tend to be very powerful and dangerous creatures. There are many different types of flies that can infest a home. The most common are fruit flies, which are reddish or orange in color.

Flies are often attracted to fruits and rotten sweets that may be in the trash. Although at first these are ordinary insects, in the case of witchcraft work their presence increases noticeably. At the same time, they become aggressive, and their expulsion from home suddenly turns into a real battle.

Mosquito: Mosquitoes are perhaps one of the most feared figures in the case of witchcraft as they feed on blood. It is well known that blood is a powerful element of black magic, whose power lies in its ability to be a perfect conduit between different dimensions.

When hordes of mosquitoes appear in your home in an inexplicable way, you can be sure that this is powerful witchcraft. Mosquitoes will feed on the blood of all the inhabitants of the house with the sole purpose of infiltrating all types of demonic creatures from the astral depths.

Ants: If your home is under attack by ants, the first thing to do is identify the element that attracts them. Look for leftover food or food in poor condition. If you cannot find anything, do not immediately think of witchcraft, since the attack of ants controlled by the ritual of black magic is accompanied by burning bites.

Cockroaches: They are also associated with witchcraft. It was previously believed that these insects came from the underworld and could be negative entities materialized in our reality. If you cannot find the source of the brown plague, then you should perform a spiritual and energetic cleansing of your home.

There are other insects that, when under magical spells, acquire the ability to torment people with only one intention; turn the victim's life into a continuous nightmare. Most of those who encounter such an attack cannot imagine that there is a magical attack hidden in it. Meanwhile, this is where the cunning of sorcerers is masked.

Defense against magic on your own.

Often, insect problems are associated with spiritual attacks involving a demon or evil spirit. This will be an entity summoned by the witch and sent to attack the victim. It is important to emphasize this point because most people are simply not strong enough to handle the work of witchcraft on their own.

It is necessary to carry out a very strong "cleaning" of the person and the house, and it is possible that there will be a change of job or "spiritual warfare" with the witch. It is possible that to repel the evil invasion you will have to resort to the services of professionals. However, you can try to protect yourself from a witchcraft attack on your own, magic experts say.

This amulet is made from blessed salt on Palm Sunday, blessed with herbs and placed on a saucer with holy wax. Being in the house, the amulet will serve as good protection, even if you do not believe in supernatural forces.

We also have the option of using a type of tree and shrub called rowan. In ancient times, the rowan tree was believed to protect against witchcraft and spells due to its appearance. You can find a small five-pointed star or pentagram in each of the berries opposite its stem, and the red color represents good protection against witchcraft.


About the centipede

Despite its repulsive appearance, the centipede is beneficial

Long, fidgety, unpleasant-looking insects often cause heart-rending female squeals and disgust from all family members without exception. Not entirely deservedly: centipedes successfully replace sticky tape, catching and eating other multi-legged animals in the apartment. However, housewives did not agree to keep an insect under the rug as a pet even in the old days, so the signs warned: you should not clean the house on the evening before a big church holiday or Sunday, otherwise centipedes and wood lice will appear.

But the oracle from the house flytrap turned out so-so. The maximum that could be counted on when she appeared was a letter or news from somewhere far away. Who else could be a walker if not an insect with so many legs!

A lot of moths in the apartment - a sign with a magical twist

It would seem that there is no mysticism in the appearance of these insects. But esotericists have a special sign:

  • A moth has flown into the apartment - someone is trying to jinx the owners.

Damage and curses are also possible, the purpose of which is to undermine the well-being of the family and damage the good attitude of household members and their health. It is likely that the inhabitants of the home themselves poison their existence with petty squabbles, bad thoughts, and everyday squabbles.

  • It’s worth reconsidering your lifestyle, and also cleaning your apartment at the household and energy level.

About caterpillars

Once upon a time in Japan they worshiped a caterpillar god!

  • In Russia, England and the countries of the East, there is one common sign: if you see a hairy caterpillar, throw it over your left shoulder behind your back, and happiness will come. For the same reason, you cannot crush or otherwise exterminate an insect. Who wants to interfere with their happiness?
  • In Japan, such a caterpillar was called the “storm dog” and they claimed that it was protected by the gods. It was believed that the hairy insects appeared in abundance on the grass before heavy rains with thunder and lightning.
  • If a person with fever keeps a caterpillar with him, the disease will subside. For whooping cough, they used an equally original remedy, hanging a woven bag with crawling creatures around the neck.

An unexpected belief: if a woman approaches a caterpillar during her “critical days,” she will die.

Signs of appearance

If there is a moth in the house, it is not difficult to detect it. When the insect reaches the size of an adult, its activity increases sharply.

The pest begins to fly quite long distances. Narrow cracks and openings are not an obstacle for the pest. When the pest multiplies in large numbers, a characteristic musty smell appears in the room.

House moths breed throughout the year.

Oh moth

An unwanted guest in any closet

  • When moths appear in a house, the owners will face unexpected expenses
    . If you do not have time to take action in time, you will have to update your wardrobe and the omen will come true.
  • Sometimes the appearance of winged wool eaters was seen as a reproach: one of the household members was behaving incorrectly. Have African passions been raging in your apartment lately?
  • The unexpected invasion of moths was also regarded as an attempt to influence the family in a witchcraft way. If you are not afraid of damage, fight pests with earthly means, and forget about mysticism - it will not affect you anyway. If you know you have a tendency toward suspiciousness, wash yourself with holy water and go to church. For a believer, these measures are sufficient.
  • By the way, about methods of struggle. Chests with clothes were supposed to be aired on the Dry Wednesday of Rusal Week - the 25th day after Easter. Doing needlework at this time meant incurring the wrath of the water girls, but the mermaids did not object to putting things in order. It was believed that after such drying, the moth would disappear until next year.
  • In the minds of many peoples, the white moth embodied the soul of a departed relative who had flown to visit loved ones. They were supposed to open the windows and politely escort her out of the house.


Destructors. "Read me please"

We will talk about reading and understanding the language in which our reality communicates with us.

For the most part, communication is one-sided, we are told, we do not understand and complain, something is not going well for us, somehow it is not working out.

And I would like to be both smart and beautiful, all at once. But in fact, only in order: beautiful in youth, and smart in maturity. There can be many reasons for this, you won’t see or understand everything. One of them is that one-way communication. Reality tells us something, we don’t understand, and in the end: either you are smart or beautiful.

The study of any foreign language begins with elementary concepts and figures of speech. This allows you to satisfactorily navigate and interact in a certain territory with a minimum amount of knowledge. The series of articles “Learning to Read” was built using the same algorithm. Understanding the language of reality at the everyday level will allow you to intuitively navigate at more complex levels. We will talk about destructors, household pests, the representatives of which are: moths, cockroaches, spiders, flies, mice, rats, garden pests.

At first glance, their appearance on the same territory as us seems to be a spontaneous, accidental misunderstanding and a very unpleasant circumstance. And there is no logical explanation for this, because the same means of control have the opposite effect in apartments on the same landing. From the point of view of esotericism, there are no coincidences. Randomness is the result of unidentified patterns. Every living organism on our planet is adapted to a specific habitat. Not only from the point of view of physical conditions, but also energetic ones.

The formation of a certain energy environment is determined by the presence of necessary causes. The cause forms the effect, the effect determines the energetic atmosphere or environment. Large animals choose their habitat using the Hartmann grid. Wildlife is intelligent and even cats and dogs get along in it, because cats are comfortable with a negative field, while dogs are comfortable with a positive field. The information is generally known. Destructors, those who live next to a person and invade his territory, are oriented towards a different field, a different energy. On the energies released by living beings. I propose to consider the reasons formed by man, the reasons that create a comfortable energy environment for household pests.


There must be a person present in the moth’s habitat, most often a woman who loves shopping. Special characteristics of a beautiful lady: sweet, sociable, and a lover of kitchen gatherings. She very accurately notices who is wearing what, style, fabric, texture, jewelry. Being an accountant by profession, she has many hobbies. The house is cozy and tidy, but the closets are filled with mountains of unnecessary clothes. Something was bought for the occasion, something was too cheap, and for some thing there are no suitable shoes. It’s time to throw some things away, but it’s a pity, some are out of size, and some things are just for the holiday. And it’s not about things. And the fact is that this beautiful bearer of intelligence is not capable of logically and rationally exploiting material resources. Please help her. The flight of this elusive butterfly is as unpredictable as the thoughts of a beautiful lady, a good and sweet woman in all respects. Only she needs to use shopping like medicine, in doses and under the strict guidance of a man. Rely on your strong soul mate, trust him with your healing.


There is an opinion that cockroaches are found in city apartments and public institutions and have not been seen in private homes. There is a logical explanation for this, natural from the point of view of esotericism. Cockroaches share territory with people who are irrational or careless with food and food products. Determine who in your family or in your living space buys more than can be eaten. Pay attention to whether food is thrown into the trash, whether food is stored in the refrigerator. Perhaps there is a child in the family who leaves a couple of spoons of food on the plate. Or someone does not eat the entire piece of bread and leaves crusts. These seemingly insignificant actions indicate an irrational attitude towards food resources. And, they attract additional eaters into your home in the form of destructors. In the private sector, this role is played by dogs, cats, pigs, chickens and other rural animals. City dwellers should learn how to properly dispose of food, since it is difficult to feed food waste to mongrels while rushing to work or other vain matters. Don't forget that we are all guests on this planet.

do-it-yourself ridge girder for a gable roof


Flies, annoying with their intrusiveness, can unsettle many people. Of course, there are mosquito nets and sticky traps. A fly swatter will allow you to train your reaction and accuracy. What else would you do if not kill flies? If flies bother you, I suggest a small awareness test. Do you always, at any time of the day, know what everyone in your household is doing? Are you aware of the problems and details of the personal lives of your colleagues and neighbors? You don't consider your awareness to be curiosity. You are used to knowing everything and about everyone. At the right moment, this allows you to flaunt your knowledge of the details of a person’s life. If “the scythe found a stone,” then stab, or even hit accurately with a word. And make no mistake, the owners of this quality of character are not only beautiful women, but also frantic men. Looks like “this is the time now or this is how life is - bitchy,” but not us, we are saints, we are forced to be “like everyone else.” But isn’t everyone a part of those same “all”? It remains to turn to folk wisdom, which says: “Curiosity is not a vice, but a big disgusting thing.” And swinishness is where flies find their greatest comfort. Don't create disgust and you won't be disturbed by annoying flies.


Mice in the apartment is nonsense and, nevertheless, anything can happen. Seasonal migration of rodents is not considered because it is of natural origin. Cats successfully cope with this phenomenon. I bring to your attention “other” mice – out-of-season mice, household pests and destructive agents. Nimble mice, outwardly carefree and timid, who have become the prototype for cartoon and fairy-tale characters, choose their habitat for a reason. They are attracted to the energies of people who live one day at a time and do not make serious plans for the future. Ask them what they want to achieve or what their immediate plans are and you will understand everything yourself. Most often, mice live in the same territory with either very young or elderly people. Which to some extent explains the lack of goal setting. The young have not yet learned to live, and the elderly have decided not so much to live as to survive. What can I say here? Everyone chooses for themselves.


These are destructors of a different nature, predatory, dangerous. It’s not for nothing that they are carriers of deadly diseases. If this destructor appears on your territory, it means that there is a person on this territory who poses a certain danger to other people. Because he is a carrier of such an energy deviation as vampirism. Perhaps, as a result of an incorrect lifestyle or way of thinking, cosmic, vertical currents are inaccessible to him and his energy supply has switched to horizontal energies. Currently, horizontal energies do not exist in nature. Because of this, people’s energies become food. The situation is the most unpleasant, and your reality informs you of this through the arrival of a destructor. There is no need to be upset. Take action, master techniques and methods. You are responsible for your reality and no one but you.

Garden and vegetable garden pests.

If you are the owner of a summer house or vegetable garden, then you have obviously encountered the fact that from year to year it becomes more and more difficult to remove pests and get a healthy and full-fledged harvest. There is an opinion that the immunity of pests allows them to mutate and survive in the atmosphere of any poisons. But summer residents just can’t mutate and begin to understand why our gardens and beds attract destructors. Are our apple trees sweeter than our neighbors’ or are our potatoes not high-quality? That's right, sweeter and more appetizing. Why do you work in the garden and beds? For food or because of tradition? And if for the sake of food, to please your relatives with vitamins in the middle of winter, then why look at neighboring areas? Why compare who has cleaner beds and heavier tree branches? So you mentally praise your plants, infecting them with appetizing thought forms ahead of time. The harvest is still in its buds, but it already smells delicious. That is why they are forced to fertilize and treat gardens and vegetable gardens with poisons beyond measure and not according to schedule. To destroy the stench of poison and saltpeter in thought forms. The earth teaches wisdom and tolerance. Have a generous harvest.

Thus, having some simple worldly knowledge, it becomes possible to avoid pitfalls and not provoke gossip in a sincere conversation with an overly curious person. And not to leave people close to us without emotional attention. Let's not forget about what is a resource and be careful masters of our existence. Understanding what reality says, a person is able to harmoniously interact with the world and be its welcome guest.


About worms

The worm can predict the weather more accurately than a barometer

  • If earthworms climb to the surface, the weather will turn bad.
  • If you manage to catch a worm in the process of emerging from the ground, pack your bags for a long trip.
  • If in the fall there are a lot of worms in the puddles after rain, the winter will be snowy and without severe frosts.
  • If a worm crawls across someone's path, that person will soon learn incredible news.
  • If you step on a worm, you will have no luck for the rest of the day.
  • If you kill him purposefully, your luck will run out for a long time. All that remains is to find out whether fishing is considered murder.

Previously, when an English fisherman happened to injure his finger while fishing, he immediately pressed a worm from a jar of bait to the wound, and then threw it into the river. It was believed that the strange healer would draw out all the bad things from the cut, and the wound would not fester. And don’t rush to wince! Nowadays, even in developed countries, there is a method of cleansing wounds from dead tissue using maggots. Of course, it is built on a different principle and requires constant medical supervision, but the possibility of using the worm for medical purposes is an undeniable fact.

About mosquitoes

The little bloodsucker is a renowned meteorologist

  • Mosquitoes rage and buzz before the rain.
  • If insects are active in the evening, it will be warm tomorrow.
  • They curl in clubs high in the air - to good weather, above the ground - to bad weather.
  • In spring there are a lot of mosquitoes - prepare a lot of boxes. This refers to baskets for mushrooms and berries.
  • An agricultural omen promises that wheat will be born after a large number of mini-vampires.
  • Seeing a mosquito in February is a sign of ruin.
  • In the patient's room, the windows should be opened at dawn. The mosquitoes will fly away and take all the illnesses with them.
  • A mosquito or midge flies into the ear to gossip.
  • If they get into the eye, it means tears.
  • In your mouth - either you should be more careful about what you say, or be more careful: “don’t open your mouth.”

Folk omens are an interesting and, at times, useful thing. However, that is until you begin to build your life around every “mosquito sneeze.” Be carried away by signs of health, but do not forget that the insect may not even be aware of the expectations placed on it. Every small fry has its own business.

To the question I have a lot of MOTHS in my house! chevron specified by the author

The best answer is to start by reviewing all woolen items. 1. Hang the moth-free ones out for airing, shake out the dust and carefully put them in special cases, sprinkling them with tobacco or lavender, if you have it, add mothballs (but it smells nasty). 2. Moth-eaten, dry and iron with steaming; if ironing is not possible, then you can freeze or wash, then as in step 1. This is if the moth is small and gray. If the moth is large, 5 mm or more, then it is in your food, look through all the packages with cereals, salt, flour, etc. All dried fruits, as well as along the edges of the wallpaper near the ceiling, if the kitchen is papered, there may be nests there food moth. Moths also do not like the smell of kerosene; you can spread pieces of cotton wool soaked in it (but this is an extreme case), the smell is very pungent. And for the future, buy bags of lavender and place them on the shelves in your closets. Acorns help well, but they need to be renewed every year with new, dry orange peels and strong-smelling toilet soap.

Reply from 22 replies


Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I have a lot of MOTHS in my house!

Reply from Osolovet

[active] buy snuff (good). and eat citrus fruits.

Reply from Porositsya

[active] We need to determine which moth it is. If it’s fruity, then it’s large and stupid, clap your hands and that’s it. But we need to reconsider and most likely throw out dried fruits, etc. But if there are moths that eat woolen things, that’s a problem. What can be washed, dried, aired in the sun and prevention, prevention, prevention - tobacco, lavender, orange peels and no dirty clothes should be lying around!

Reply from spam

[guru] buy them the most expensive fur coat and let them choke

Reply from Natanat

[expert] find the place from where they fly. hang a good anti-moth remedy there - anti-moth, for example anti-moth from Mosquitol. it helped me.

Answer from Irina Kirilova

[guru] The moth itself is no longer scary. We need to find her nest. If previously these worms ate only wool, now they eat everything. My friend's upholstery was a little torn due to meth. doors (cat and dog at home), moths have started inside this upholstery, in the cotton wool. You need to crawl into every corner, shake out all the things and all the closets and mezzanines. Moths usually lay eggs in places where you rarely look. Buy a good imported spray (for flying ones) - if you find a nest, treat it well. Moths are also afraid of kerosene.

Answer from Yorgey Tkachenko

[guru] Find the source. It can be anything grains grass food animals clothes whatever you can throw away whatever isn’t treated with armol. even the husks from parrot food can harbor moths

Answer from Zakharov Alexander

[expert] Tobacco

The presence of insects in the house causes a lot of trouble for residents: damaged clothes, furniture, food.

This not only leads to a bad mood, but also affects the family budget.

The danger is not the butterflies themselves, but their larvae, which gnaw through their favorite things and foods.

It is very important to notice the presence of moths in the room in time and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Sometimes owners get the impression that an insect appears out of nowhere, but this is not the case, and there is a reason for its presence in the house.

Four main reasons for insects entering your home:

  1. a moth can fly into a house through an open window
    or front door;
  2. the place where insects enter people's homes is often through cracks and vents
  3. you can bring butterflies into the house along with food or things, especially old ones
    , on your own;
  4. Pets
    are often carriers of moths ; pests can be found on their fur.

A similar sign

Moths successfully spoil clothes, food, and furniture. It is very difficult to completely get rid of it, especially if the neighbors do not do this, because it freely flies from apartment to apartment through the ventilation system, and flies into the window from the street. This pest has been bothering us for a very long time, so there are many signs associated with it.

  1. Hordes of moths suddenly appeared in the house - hidden enemies, envious people trying to do harm to the family.
  2. Finding a white insect in your home is a bad sign. You should quickly go to the cemetery to visit your deceased relatives, and carefully release the flying animals into the street.
  3. Silver or golden living creatures flutter freely around the apartment - discord will begin in the family, one of the household members will constantly provoke quarrels.
  4. Finding an insect in a closet sitting on furniture is a bad omen, promising financial instability. There are serious expenses ahead that will hit the budget hard.
  5. Accidentally crushing a white insect will begin a series of misfortunes.
  6. A dark-colored moth has flown into the home - one of the relatives will die within a year.
  7. It flies right in the face - to the appearance of news from afar.
  8. Seeing a white moth at night means a deceased relative is worried about the living.
  9. You can get rid of pests by drying all things outside on a dry Wednesday - the fourth Sunday after Easter.
  10. In order to scare away pests, dry tobacco and lavender should be placed in the corners of the closet and on the window sills, according to the signs.
  11. You can get rid of living creatures that eat cereals and other food products in a simple way - remove all curtains and blinds so that as much sunlight penetrates the room as possible, and also ventilate the room in the morning and evening. It is believed that the moth will leave a place unfavorable for life in a short time.
  12. Finding an insect in a drawer with underwear means one of the ill-wishers is trying to do harm by committing financial fraud.
  13. A pest sitting on outer clothing, according to signs, promises the wearer a quarrel with a loved one.
  14. If you saw a moth in a dream, you need to be careful when sharing information with others so as not to harm yourself.
  15. If you dreamed that a pest ruined your clothes, conflicts at home and at work will have an adverse effect in the future.

Article on the topic: Full moon: what you can and cannot do
You can remove a voracious pest not only with folk remedies. There are a lot of aerosols, sachets, plates, and gels on sale that help keep food, belongings, and furniture safe and sound.

Where do moths come from in the house: the main reasons

House moths are a bad neighbor for humans. Of course, she doesn’t bite the skin, but she spoils things and products. And when brown butterflies suddenly start flying around the apartment, it’s better to sound the alarm right away. Where do moths come from in an apartment? It is worth finding out this issue in more detail in order to be fully armed against a flying insect.

Moth - types of butterflies

There are several types of moths that literally distribute “spheres of influence” in a person’s apartment. All of them are divided into two groups - food moths and clothes moths. As the name suggests, some butterflies parasitize on food, while others parasitize on the host’s things and clothes. The following types of moths are distinguished:

1. Fur coat. The yellowish butterfly itself, up to 1.6 cm in size, does not harm humans, since it does not eat anything. Its main goal is to lay several clutches of eggs, from which voracious larvae emerge. Outwardly, they resemble worms and have a white translucent color. Worms eat the fur of fur coats, hats, collars, and gnaw holes in them. In a matter of days, the fur turns into a sieve.

5 effective ways to remove moths from a fur coat

2. Clothes. The size of the butterfly is up to 2 cm, its wings are yellow and purple at the base. The caterpillars look the same as those of the fur moth, but they settle in the folds of various fabrics and clothes with wool. The butterfly lays its eggs directly on the inside of the fabric, and after the caterpillars hatch, they immediately begin to feed.

Clothes moth: features and control methods

3. Furniture. In the house, she begins to lay eggs on the upholstery of furniture, as well as in the cracks of wood. The caterpillars eat the upholstery and then move onto the wood. The butterfly is small, up to a centimeter with a wingspan, light yellow in color with brown wing bases.

4. Carpet. The larvae of this butterfly eat carpets, fur, and even leather products - bags, boots. This moth almost does not react to standard means - camphor and naphthalene - so it can sometimes be difficult to remove it.

Attention: An untrained person cannot distinguish a food moth from a clothes moth, but there is a big difference between them. This type of butterfly lays eggs directly into food products - nuts, cereals, flour, and the larvae intensively eat them.

Where do clothes moths come from?

What causes moths to start in an apartment is something everyone should know, because sometimes even the most neat, ironed and cleaned things turn out to be infected with this scourge. A butterfly or eggs can get into your home in a variety of ways. If a person suddenly develops furniture moths, this probably happened after purchasing furniture - sometimes even new.

In carpets made of natural wool, these insects also migrate to the new owner straight from the store. Fur items stored in stores for a long time may also be infected with the parasite. It is not difficult to understand that you can expect tricks even more often from worn clothes or other items that are not new.

In addition to the indicated paths, there are other directions where moths in the house come from:

  1. A butterfly may accidentally fly into an open window. Further reproduction of butterflies is possible if such an individual turns out to be a female. Usually the insect flies outside in the evening in the summer, so it is recommended to have mosquito nets on the windows.
  2. Insects often fly in through doors. They hide in the entrance, waiting for the right moment to enter the owner’s home. This happens more often in the evening - when the door opens, butterflies fly into the light.
  3. Moths can also enter the house from neighbors through ventilation. Therefore, ventilation grilles must be strong, undamaged, and cleaned regularly.
  4. Occasionally, if there is a moth infestation, this is due to the introduction of its eggs from the fur of dogs. This is possible when the pet belongs to a long-haired breed. Butterflies can lay eggs on animals as temporary housing, and if purchased, in addition to the dog, the owner will become the owner of harmful insects.

Help: It is a mistake to think that butterflies and their caterpillars breed when sanitary standards are not observed, in dirty, uncleaned rooms. The reasons why moths appear are not related to dirt and dust - these parasitic insects only need suitable food.

How do food moths appear?

Where do kitchen moths come from in an apartment? If a moth is spotted in the kitchen, it most likely got there while hunting for food:

  • Cereals and flour
  • Dried fruits
  • Nuts
  • Spices
  • Animal feed

Food moths, attracted by the smell of such food, can enter the home from neighbors or from the entrance. But in most cases, its eggs are already available in food products, especially when they are sold in bulk. Important reasons for food contamination in warehouses are dampness, poor ventilation, and poor packaging seals.

Attention: Food moths, or more precisely, their caterpillars, are very tenacious. They live in a cocoon, even in unfavorable conditions, for a very long time, until they find themselves in a more suitable environment. In warm, damp conditions they hatch and eat everything they can.

Moth entered the house

From the point of view of common sense, moths in the house entail unexpected expenses. If you don't remove the insect in time, your wardrobe will be in trouble.

Moths especially love expensive winter items, so you should pay close attention to them. Moreover, it is important to know that it is not adults who destroy things, but their larvae.

However, every housewife knows this “sign” about moths in an apartment. What do folk legends say about this?

Moths in the house - a bad sign

First of all, the appearance of a flying wool beetle may signal that someone living in a house or apartment is showing excessive aggression and inattention towards loved ones.

The best way to avoid further development of negativity is to analyze the home environment, the “degree” of communication between family members, and make adjustments to relationships.

The appearance of moths in an apartment can also serve as an indication that some spiteful critic is ruining the house using black magic.

If moths appear suddenly, and even in large quantities, then this, according to the sign, indicates the manifestation of a negative influence from the outside: negative thoughts from others, anger, envy, the use of witchcraft, an attempt to cast the evil eye.

Usually the appearance of moths is associated with the actions of evil entities sent by enemies.

There are also very gloomy interpretations of this sign: if a black moth appears in the house, then in the next month one of the household members will leave this world forever.

Another interesting sign: moths have appeared in the closet - not only damage to the wardrobe, but also an indication that your new chosen one will bring losses to the house.

Signs of moths in the house

Methods for controlling these pests depend on the location in the house where the butterflies are found.

Usually the moth “attacks” the kitchen or one of the rooms.


The most favorable conditions for the existence of moths are not ventilated.

First of all, the kitchen is at risk.

- This is a modern, effective means of getting rid of annoying insects in the house.


If there are moths in one of the rooms, you should go through all the objects in it.

It is better to throw away severely damaged clothing immediately.

The remaining things need to be shaken, including undamaged ones, and knocked out to get rid of eggs, larvae and their remains.

After this, things should be aired outside for some time in cold or hot sunny weather.

The larvae do not tolerate low temperatures and ultraviolet rays. An alternative option is dry cleaning.

After treatment, the clothes are again placed in a pre-washed closet in bags and covers with special substances that are not tolerated by moths.

For larvae they are only destructive; for butterflies, a regular cotton wool moistened with essential oil of fir or lavender is suitable.

Sofa upholstery, rugs and carpets can be treated with aerosol or liquid contact preparations.

Black moth, photo, signs

If the golden moth is familiar to everyone, then the black one can cause bewilderment. An unprepared person does not understand what to expect from her and what she is all about.

As a rule, such moths are food-grade and live in cereals and flour in the kitchen. Those pests that fly around the kitchen are mostly males. Female black moths are much lighter in color and prefer to incubate their eggs in a nutrient medium. The lifespan of an adult black moth is only a couple of weeks, and during this time it needs to have time to lay as many eggs as possible.

Like other representatives of this species, the black moth is divided into fruit, cereal and flour varieties. This affects the food preferences of the larvae. The eggs look like dusty cobwebs. Once hatched, the moth larvae resemble hairless white caterpillars with a black or brown head. Their length is slightly less than one centimeter, but with good nutrition they can grow up to two cm. The long white body of the larva has six false legs - one pair at the head, the rest along the body. Their jaws work so well that they are able to chew through not only the hard shell of food, but also bags and even foil.

Having hatched, they begin to bite into grains with roots or dried fruits in order to penetrate inside and continue their growth there. The larva develops within four or five weeks, easily processing and digesting food. If its habitat is warm and humid, it grows even faster.

Surrounded by a nutrient medium, they reach thirteen millimeters and pupate. The cocoons are light brown, made of cobwebs, ranging from six to thirteen centimeters in length. Eventually, an adult moth emerges from the cocoon. After release, food becomes secondary for her, and mating and laying eggs comes to the fore.

Its main danger is that it multiplies too quickly for the pest. If her stay in the house lasts for one or two months, all supplies will be spoiled. The presence of larvae in the cereal, in addition to the notorious “cobweb”, can be identified by the presence of dust from gnawed grains. In addition, they are detected by glued pieces of cobwebs and discarded skins.

According to signs, a black moth foreshadows the sudden and rapid death of one of the household members. This can happen within a month to a year.

Remedies for moths

When deciding on the issue of removing moths from the house, many will give preference to chemical agents, which today are divided into 2 types:

  • contact;
  • fumigation

The first type includes solutions and aerosols intended for treating clothing.

, carpets and upholstered furniture.

However, such drugs last only 3 months.

The second option is blocks and tablets

, suitable for cabinets where food and wardrobe items are stored.

The active substances contained in the drug saturate the air with toxic vapors, and harmful insects die. Their effect lasts longer - up to six months.

Butterfly plates do not have an unpleasant odor, which is important for comfortable storage of things and food.

Until recently, the favorite method of pest control, naphthalene, is now recognized as dangerous to human health.

How to fight moths at home:

Over the many centuries of coexistence between humans and moths, a great variety of ways to get rid of them have been invented - from the most peaceful, such as expulsion from the house, to the most radical. Since the inhabitants of the house may be allergic to the usual method of combating with strong odors, you can resort to a variety of other, more gentle methods. There are folk recipes and special plants for this.

folk remedies

In addition to spells requiring catching and piercing a still-living moth with a needle, folk superstitions recommended drying clothes in a “dry environment.” It comes on the twenty-fifth day after Easter. For those who do not believe in conspiracies and omens, there are more effective recipes for getting rid of winged pests. To prevent moth larvae from infesting food products, it was recommended to hang and lay out dry leaves and bunches of the following plants throughout the apartment:

  1. Wormwood.
  2. Walnut.
  3. Ledum.
  4. Tansy.
  5. Fir and others.

If food moths managed to penetrate the house and breed, after a careful inspection and disposal of spoiled supplies, their storage areas should be treated with vinegar or a solution of laundry soap rubbed into water.

In addition, you can use aromatic oils and flowers with a strong smell, dried peels of all kinds of citrus fruits. They need to be laid out between the cans, making sure that they do not get inside. As they dry out and lose their aromatic properties, they need to be replaced with new ones. But garlic and bay leaves can be put directly into jars of cereal.

In addition to the laundry soap solution, the bars themselves are also used - they can be placed on a shelf or in a nightstand, and also tucked into clothing pockets. It's best to use fresh soap, although its pungent smell may make you want to wear clothes soaked in it.

Lavender flowers are most suitable for protecting clothes from clothes pests. It smells nice and repels adults. Dried flowers can be placed or hung in a wardrobe, or placed in a porous bag and placed on a shelf. If oil is used instead of flowers, then it is better to place the open container at the very bottom of the cabinet. Do not splash oil on clothes. If the composition is not completely pure and contains impurities of a number of other oils, then an irremovable stain may remain where the drops hit.

Dry tansy, horse chestnut, mint, ginseng and rosemary can be used in exactly the same way. You need to check once a week whether the dried herbs are exhausted and, if necessary, change them. A controversial remedy against moths is dried aromatic tobacco. I usually use finely chopped leaves, like for cigarettes. They are placed in bags or containers with holes and placed in places where moths can be found. A significant disadvantage of using it is that clothes need to be ventilated after use - not everyone likes the ingrained smell of tobacco.

Garlic is usually used straight in cloves. They are laid out mainly in drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Vinegar is also used as a protection against moths and at the same time as a disinfectant. It is added to the water that needs to be used to wipe all food storage areas. It is best to use the freshest vinegar.

Non-standard methods of getting rid of moths include the use of cedar bark, which simply needs to be laid out in places where moths are found. In addition, moths cannot tolerate the smell of camphor and black pepper. It is advisable to use the latter in the form of peas, and apply camphor to a cotton swab.

Among other things, moth larvae are afraid of sudden shaking, since they are not tightly attached to clothing. And warmth. Therefore, if they are found on clothing, it is better to wash the items in the washing machine at a temperature of more than fifty degrees.

Heat can destroy food moth larvae. Initially, it is better to throw out contaminated supplies, since it is very difficult to select larvae and eggs from them. The remaining products for prevention can be heated in an open oven at a temperature of sixty to seventy degrees. Unfortunately this is not suitable for all types of products.

To rid furniture items of moths, you can prepare a solution of three tablespoons of eucalyptus oil, 0.25 liters of denatured alcohol and the same amount of soap solution. A tablespoon of this killer mixture is stirred in five liters of heated water and treated furniture and linen with it. When everything is dry, problem areas on the furniture can be wiped with fir oil.

Natural remedies against moths do not harm not only people, but also the environment. This makes them significantly different from chemical drugs. Despite the safety notes for humans, they still require that no one remain in the room after spraying the drug. This applies not only to people, but also to pets, who can become seriously poisoned and suffer.

household chemicals

Chemicals come in completely different shapes and sizes. Depending on the purpose of their effect, they are divided into insecticides and repellents. The purpose of insecticides is to eliminate not only adults, but also larvae and even eggs. The purpose of repellents is to repel moths to prevent them from multiplying. Among the chemical moth repellents, the following types stand out:

  1. Plates against moths and beetles. They are devoid of an unpleasant odor and are almost universal, since they can either be attached to the door of a bedside table or a closet shelf, or placed in clothing pockets. They can serve without deterioration for about six months.

  2. Tablets or briquettes. They are a mixture of naphthalene and camphor and are considered a very effective drug for repelling moths. They are usually placed at the top of wardrobes so that heavy vapors descend and destroy moths and their larvae. A significant disadvantage of these drugs is their impact on the environment and the danger of poisoning for humans.
  3. Sections are a way to get rid of moths with the least loss. Using Velcro they are attached to the inner wall of the cabinet. They last for six months or more, and their impact area is 0.5 cubic meters. They have pleasant scents of tangerine, chamomile or lavender and can even be used for children's clothes. The only thing worth remembering is that you don’t need to attach them to more than what is indicated on the package.
  4. Sprays. Among them, the most famous are Dichlorophos, Antimol, Raptor or Reid. In addition to them, Armol, Clean House and Mosquitall are used. Armol is useful for processing fur products, Raptor is suitable for processing any premises. It acts throughout the year and kills not only adults, but also larvae. Mosquitall is suitable for processing all types of fabric. All of them are extremely dangerous and toxic, so after use you need to go out for the time indicated on the package and isolate the room. When spraying, it is better to use protective equipment - breathing masks, special goggles and gloves. In order to avoid an allergic reaction, you need to avoid getting sprays on bare skin. If it gets into your eyes, it is better to rinse them and consult a doctor. After the toxic fumes have dissipated, it is advisable to ventilate the room and wash all surfaces. It is better not to allow animals into the room in which these sprays are sprayed - it can cause poisoning or burn the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx. If there are too many moths, then repeated spraying can be done only seven days after the first.

  5. Glue traps. These traps serve primarily to prevent the reappearance of insects and target males. One side of them is sprayed with female moth pheromones, which are almost insensitive to the human nose. Attracted by the smell, the males are captured in sticky captivity. Most often it is used in the kitchen. In addition to a special trap, you can use regular flypaper, but moths can only stumble upon it by accident.


Small winged pests cannot tolerate not only frequent ventilation and wind, but also extreme heat and sun. In order to save a thing or carpet from moths, it is enough to hang or spread them out under the scorching sun and leave for thirty minutes or an hour. To increase the chances of getting rid of the larvae, clothes should be shaken vigorously several times and carpets should be beaten out. Moth larvae hold on to their “food base” very poorly and will simply fall off during these manipulations.

Few people know, but in addition to heat and sun, moth larvae cannot tolerate cold. Once exposed to the cold, they quickly die. If you let the linen or carpets freeze thoroughly at a temperature of minus ten degrees, then half an hour will be enough to just shake off the dead larvae.

plants from moths in the house

To prevent the appearance of moths, it is much easier to grow unpretentious plants at home than not to shake out drawers and cabinets every time. Moths do not like strong smells and flowering house plants may well scare them away. Natural repellents include:

  • Coleus. This is a low flower with heart-shaped leaves of the most bizarre colors. Its other name is “nettle” due to its external resemblance to nettles. Its flowers are small, blue or purple. The smell is persistent, but not irritating. At home, it rarely needs outside attention.

  • Geranium is probably the most ancient moth fighter. Its leaves are soft and round, covered with fibers, and the flowers are large and bright. Usually there are five or more of them in an inflorescence. The smell cannot be called fragrant, but it is quite tolerable. The plant is unpretentious and, if you make friends with it, will not require anything other than watering.
  • Fragrant tobacco very rarely decorates apartment window sills. Although the word “tobacco” brings to mind the unpleasant smell of cigarettes, its flower smells no worse than a violet. Its flowers are large, the inflorescences are lush and voluminous. The petals are mostly muted, pastel shades. In addition, its distinctive feature is the ability to adapt to any conditions.
  • Mint is more often found not as a decoration for window sills, but as a “resident” of the home garden. It is beneficial not only as a medicine and tea leaves. It blooms all summer and its small, light flowers are extremely unpleasant for moths. Even after its flowering is complete, the leaves will emit a pungent odor due to the menthol contained in their tissues.
  • Lemongrass is a rather exotic house plant. It is usually preferred to be grown in the garden, allowing it to reach the size of a small bush with pointed leaves. At home, lemongrass or lemongrass is grown mainly for food. Usually you won’t get flowers from it, but the leaves themselves emit a moth- and mosquito-repellent smell. A significant disadvantage of the plant is its gluttony and the need for a large pot for growth.

  • Lily - quite recently it was perceived as a purely garden plant, but now it serves as decoration for apartments and balconies. Her flowers are large and bright, with a pleasant sweetish smell.

All these plants help with their flowering and simply presence in the house. Among the wild plants that help against moths are wormwood, oregano, sweet clover and marsh rosemary. In addition to them, you can use chamomile and cornflower. They are used in dried form. Sachets are made from these plants, simply hung and laid out in bunches, crushed into powder and placed in an open bag at the very bottom of the cabinets.

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