24 best remedies for moths in the apartment and house: we destroy and carry out prevention

Moths in an apartment are a big problem for owners. The insect eats the fabric, as a result of which the clothes deteriorate and lose their original appearance, and besides, these insects spoil food. Males are not dangerous, but females must be disposed of immediately, as they lay eggs, resulting in a large number of individuals.

Moth in the apartment: dangerous neighbor.

Reasons for appearing in the apartment

Food moths are insects that eat sweet foods. Appears and uses the following products:

  • sugar;
  • cereals;
  • brewed tea;
  • cereals;
  • potatoes;
  • animal feed.


  • unscrupulous manufacturers have not checked their products for the presence of insects or their eggs;
  • insects entered the apartment through the ventilation hatch;
  • eggs were laid somewhere in the apartment, which began to hatch due to favorable conditions.

Many people believe that moths only appear in unscrupulous housewives, but in fact this is not the case. Insects do not appear because of dirt.

In 75% of cases they are brought into the house:

  • with clothes and furniture made of natural or fur materials;
  • with bound books;
  • with shoes made of fur or wool;
  • fur carpets.

Why is it dangerous?

Traces of moth activity.

Moths harm the household of any family. The fact is that during reproduction, a large colony eats fabric and fur items, as a result of which various holes are formed.

It is very disappointing when harmful insects spoil a beautiful fur coat or hat, which are very expensive.

There is another problem: multiplying quickly, large offspring will crowd out a person. These insects will crawl into a person’s mouth and nose, sit on their owners’ faces, and devour things. In general, a lot of inconveniences.

In the evening they will fly towards the light, as their instincts are triggered, and at night they will land on the face, which will cause great discomfort to a person.

Which moth is more likely to appear in the house?

Food Clothing


There are many types of control against nasty insects. These are not only the well-known anti-moth tablets or dichlorvos, after which you need to ventilate the apartment for several days.

Let's look at the most effective chemicals that help get rid of uninvited guests.

FumigatorUsually this is a device with a special liquid that helps destroy moths. It works very simply: the device is plugged into a socket, the smell spreads throughout the apartment, and when the poison is inhaled, the moth dies. Of course, a person practically does not smell it, and it is not poisonous to people.
TrapsPeople use traps to clear their rooms of insects. This product is not harmful to people or animals. To work, open the box with the trap and place it in the place where the moth appeared. The attractive aroma will attract insects. When they fly closer and land on the box, the moth will stick to the edge of the trap. You will be able to see the result within a few hours. It will take 1-1.5 weeks to completely get rid of insects.
AerosolsThis remedy is effective against all types. Inside the can there is a deadly poisonous liquid. Inhaling the aroma of the aerosol, the insect dies within a few seconds. When using an aerosol, you need to follow several recommendations: remove the child and pets from the next room; put on a mask and gloves before working with the product; do not use the aerosol on food; After extermination, carry out wet cleaning.
SpraysThis liquid is needed to repel insects. She does not kill them, but only repels them with an unpleasant odor. The spray is applied to clothing and furniture to protect items from damage. Directions for use should be written on the back of the bottle.
PillsTablets are created from essential oils, which tend to repel pests. The product may have not only an unpleasant odor, but also an attractive aroma, but the smell still repels moths. Directions for use are usually written on the package, but if you threw away the box or didn’t have time to read it, just put the tablets at the edges of the closet or inside your clothes. Change every 6 months.
PlatesThis substance, poisonous to insects, is installed in closets or clothing. The deadly smell destroys moths and larvae. There are no traces left on clothes and things after use. If you place the plates in a cabinet, attach them to the top of the cabinet, as the smell will spread from top to bottom.


Raptor also has a food moth trap in its assortment. Its active ingredient is an attractant, which is an insect sex pheromone (biologically active substances secreted by insects to attract individuals of their own species). Raptor insect traps lure pests with laboratory-synthesized pheromones.

The trap has a simple operating principle. The plate is impregnated with an attractant. It begins to act actively after removing the protective film. The moth is attracted to the smell. As he approaches the trap, he clings to the sticky surface and can no longer get out of it.

Such traps allow you to effectively get rid of food moths, and also have such strengths:

  • their neighborhood is safe for food;
  • for 1 food cabinet, 1 trap is enough;
  • the device retains its adhesive properties for 90 days;
  • this product is easy and convenient to use;
  • The trap has no smell.

When using the product, it is recommended to glue the trap to the inside wall of the food cabinet. As pests stick to the adhesive layer of the trap, the device will need to be replaced.

Folk remedies

If you don’t want to use expensive products or chemicals, you can use folk remedies against moths in your apartment.


Sachet with lavender.

This plant is an effective way of control. Lavender has a pleasant aroma for humans, but a repellent odor for winged insects. The natural plant is harmless to people and pets, which has earned it enormous popularity among Russians.

Typically, flowers are dried, placed in a bag and hung inside a closet, chest of drawers or clothing. The pleasant aroma of lavender remains, and insects do not spoil things.

Artemisia grass

Natural grass has a pungent aroma that is unpleasant to moths. If you hang bags or simply put grass inside the closet, the moth will try to stay away from the source of the unpleasant odor. Of course, things will remain intact.


Peppermint essential oil is unpleasant for moths.

An effective remedy to combat harmful moths. Insects do not like this smell, for this reason they will not live where there is a mint smell. Buy a plant at the market or pick it on the street, if possible. Then dry the mint and put it in a bag.

Place the bag inside a closet, clothes, books, and any place where there are moths. The mint smell will quickly spread throughout the apartment, as a result of which the moth will try to get out of the room.


Tansy plant.

Previously, this plant was used in the village. It helped expel caterpillars and some beetles from the economic territory. It turned out that tansy can repel bedbugs and moths, as a result of which it is used as an effective remedy against household pests.

This plant can be found near the forest. If you live in the city, you can buy tansy at the pharmacy. Dry the plant and place it inside clothing or furniture. Remember that this product only repels and does not kill insects!

Orange and tangerine

An effective deterrent. The fruit's crust has a pungent aroma that irritates moths. If you put fresh orange zest in your closet or clothes, the moth will quickly leave your place of residence, and your interior will smell like fresh orange or tangerine for a long time.

The crust repels both food and fabric moths, but the product is not effective against larvae.

Fir oil

Often used by people who like to inhale the aroma of oils in their apartment. The smell of fir repels moths, since this plant has a pungent odor for insects. You should not drip oil onto clothes or furniture, as you will then not be able to get rid of greasy stains. It’s better to pour a little oil on a saucer or thin plate and place it in the place where the moths have appeared. Gradually you will get rid of it.

If you want a greater effect, heat the oil in the microwave to make the smell more intense.


The unpleasant smell of garlic will repel winged pests. To repel moths, place a head of garlic in food where moths have appeared or in a cupboard. It is not recommended to make a paste that is subsequently spread on the cabinet openings, as things will smell like garlic.


This plant has previously been used as an effective control method. The tobacco needs to be dried and placed in a bag. Then the bag is placed in the place where the moth appeared. The pungent smell will frighten all insects.

Dried tobacco.

Description, life cycle and reproduction

The moth looks inconspicuous: it is a small butterfly of golden yellow or straw color, the wingspan is 15 mm. The insect is afraid of daylight, so it leads a nocturnal lifestyle. During her life cycle, the female manages to lay about 300 eggs. Flying butterflies do not harm clothes. Their digestive system does not function; they only consume water. The danger is posed by small caterpillars - the larvae of household moths.

Knowing how the pest reproduces, you can take preventative measures. At home, the insect prefers to breed in the folds of clothing. Females love dry and warm habitats. After mating, the female is ready to lay eggs within four hours. The higher the temperature, the faster the larvae will hatch from the eggs. Moths in apartments feed on keratins, which they obtain from home textiles: woolen fabrics, fur coats, fabric pads in furniture, curtains and carpets. She is especially attracted to worn clothes with traces of dirt and sweat.

The larvae have a translucent or light yellow body color, due to this the entire contents of their stomach are visible. There are eight short legs on the abdomen; the caterpillar's head is brown. The larvae reach a length of 12 mm, have powerful jaws and a voluminous digestive system. Thanks to this, clothes quickly become unusable, leaving gnawed tracks on the product.

If you see a flying clothes moth, then it is a male. Females do not know how to fly, they stay in one place, and the males fly to them themselves, finding them by a specific smell.


In addition to conventional means, aerosols are used that are effective in fighting insects. They may be odorless and are inexpensive. Anti-moth spray comes in different varieties and is used both in apartments and in summer cottages. The product itself is harmless to humans.


A good aerosol that rids your apartment of winged insects. The product is inexpensive and is sprayed inside the apartment.

The creator of the product says that after using Armol, things and furniture will be protected for 6 months. It needs to be sprayed everywhere: in the closet, room, corners, behind the wall, etc.

Raptor - protection against moths

Raptor from moths.

This product costs from 150 rubles. It is very popular because it effectively gets rid of annoying moths. After using the raptor, there is a faint aroma of lemon in the room. Buyers claim that the moth disappears the next day.

The manufacturer promises that the product will protect the apartment from pests for 12 months. Most reviews say that the product really works as it says on the package.

Mosquitall – protection against moths

A very advertised product that helps get rid of adults. Has no effect on larvae. Relatively inexpensive spray. Reviews claim that the product is effective, but there are sprays and aerosols that have the same effect, but are cheaper.

Mosquitall has a strong smell, but it dissipates in a very short time.

Aerosol Clean Home

Aerosol Clean House.

An effective spray that instantly kills moths.

The product costs about 150 rubles and has an unpleasant, even very pungent odor.

During use, it is recommended to leave the apartment for several hours, and it is necessary to open the windows wide so that the smell disappears. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the aerosol.

Aerosol Extramite

The aerosol has the smell of lavender, which is pleasant to humans, but destructive to moths. The product kills insects within a few hours. It is very cheap for the Russian market.

The aerosol rids the apartment of flying insects for 6 months. Customer reviews are positive.

Tips for choosing

Tips from experienced buyers will help you make the right purchase and not regret it after the first use:

  1. Decide on the purpose of the purchase. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, then buy products with a higher concentration of toxic substances. If the product is purchased for preventive purposes, then a natural, safe composition will be sufficient.
  2. Pay attention to the composition, especially if you or family members have allergic reactions or hypersensitivity.
  3. It is better to take a large volume of the product in aerosol form, since it must be carefully applied to the habitats of living creatures.
  4. An important parameter is the smell. It will be sharp at first, but then change to lavender (the most popular).
  5. After treatment with some products, it is not necessary to ventilate the room, which is quite a big plus.


A fumigator is a special device that contains a poisonous liquid for insects inside the bottle. When you plug in the fumigator, the smell spreads throughout the entire apartment. The smell is not strong and quite tolerable. The insects die within a few days.

Safe for children, animals and adults.

Fumigator Dick 3

Fumigator Dick.

An inexpensive and very effective device that appeared quite a long time ago. The rest of the fumigators were made according to the Dick 3 type.

Previously, it was thought that the poisonous aroma only killed mosquitoes, but it turned out that this remedy also works on moths. The substance can be in a liquid state or in the form of plates. After plugging in the Dik 3 fumigator, a poisonous odor begins to be produced that is destructive to moths. The device itself consumes little energy.

Fumigator Mosquitall

It costs more than other devices, although the efficiency is the same as that of other fumigators. Costs about 300 rubles. Kills insects, mosquitoes and moths quickly and effectively.

Fumigator Raid

Fumigator Raid.

The box contains not only the Raid fumigator, but also mosquito repellent plates. The smell from the plates is also detrimental to moths. This device has several special functions: intensity regulator and timer.

Of course, because of these properties, the fumigator costs 160-310 rubles. The efficiency is the same as the Dick 3 fumigator.

Moth sections

The sections have the appearance of a three-dimensional board and smell of a sweet aroma that is destructive to insects. May have the scent of lavender, orange, fir and others.

Raid. Effectively kills adults, but does not harm insect larvae. One of the advantages is a pleasant smell in the room or closet.

Raptor sections. Buyers claim that the product kills moths very quickly and leaves a pleasant smell. Only positive reviews.

Mosquitall sections. The product protects clothes well, repels and even kills moths. It has a pleasant smell and is effective in combating. Reviews about the section are positive.

Prevention of occurrence

To protect yourself from moths, you need not only to use a control agent, but also to treat the places where insects accumulate or breed.

Preventing appearance in the kitchen

Moths in food.

To avoid problems with moths in the kitchen, you must follow some rules:

  1. Check grains, cereals, and pasta for insects and holes in the packaging. If you find insects, get rid of the product. If there are only holes, then place dry lavender or another product inside the package that repels or kills pests.
  2. Places where insects may appear are best treated with special products. This way you will get rid of moths. For the best effect, place the folk remedy next to food so that the insects do not even try to eat something.
  3. If there are still winged insects left, kill them with a newspaper or your hand.

Preventing it from appearing in the closet with clothes

To prevent moths from appearing in the kitchen, you must follow certain steps:

  1. Take clothes out of the closet and check everything for insects and eggs. If found, spray the items with a special aerosol. Carefully check clothes made from natural fabric, as this is the best place for moths to live.
  2. Clean items from larvae. Apply the aerosol liquid to your clothing.
  3. Throw away clothes that are badly damaged.
  4. Place fresh tangerine peels inside the chest of drawers, cabinets or drawers, hang a bag of lavender or fir, then insects will not live in these places.
  5. You can buy a special impregnation for clothes that protects things from pests.
  6. You can buy special covers that are saturated with the best moth repellents. By placing clothes there, you don’t have to worry about their safety.
  7. Sometimes hang fur clothes on the balcony. Treat fur fabric with special insect repellents.

Ventilate the closet every 2-3 weeks. This method helps to check the closet for insects and get rid of them in time. Place geraniums next to the closet. It has an unpleasant odor that repels moths.


Chalks are a cheap and accessible way to combat moths. Their radius of action is 30 m. After using this product, you can forget about moths for a month and a half. However, the use of crayons is justified when the number of pests is small.

Application: Take the chalk out of the package and draw several stripes in places where insects accumulate. The thickness of the lines should be 2–3 cm. To achieve maximum effect, use this method in combination with others.

The danger of crayons is their high toxicity. They are not recommended for use near food, underwear or bedding. When using crayons, follow safety precautions: wear a respirator and rubber gloves. After cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. Well-known brands that produce moth chalk are “Domovoy” and “Mashenka”.

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