Why do you dream about a lot of live cockroaches in your house and apartment?

The most ancient inhabitants of the planet, the same age as dinosaurs, the eternal neighbors of humans are cockroaches. The unique ability to adapt to the environment, even the most unfavorable, helped them survive many disasters. It is believed that even exposure to a nuclear explosion cannot destroy cockroaches. The attitude towards them in reality is usually disgusting, sometimes to the point of panic fear (blattophobia). At the same time, according to popular belief, their appearance in the house was considered a sign of the prosperous life of the owners, and not at all the lack of regular cleaning. Such an ambiguous attitude quite naturally manifested itself in the interpretation of the question of why cockroaches appear in dreams at night.

Dream Interpretation: seeing cockroaches in a dream

The generally accepted opinion of the popular dream book is a promise to soon achieve financial well-being and receive income. Apparently, the origins of this decoding are in a sign associated with cockroaches. Of course, other interpretations may be different according to different dream books. But there is an opportunity to choose the option with the most positive meaning, and believe that the pleasant scenario will come true.

According to Miller's dream book

dreaming of cockroaches is a good sign that there is no reason to worry about anything in the near future.

A huge number of cockroaches predicts many small tasks, but at the same time, doing them brings pleasure and joy. Vanga's prophecy

, a dreamer who sees cockroaches will in reality be faced with the need to solve minor problems and unexpected situations of a pleasant nature that arise one after another. Possible surprise, receiving a gift.

According to the interpretations of the biblical dream book of Azar

Dreaming of cockroaches in large numbers predicts a quick move to another apartment. This change will be for the better.

Russian dream book

predicts annoying acquaintances who will cause some trouble. Dreaming of cockroaches warns that uncleanliness in business can lead to problems. At the same time, there are many large cockroaches - an unambiguous interpretation of future profits.

According to the dream book of the peoples of Ukraine

It is believed that cockroaches dream of bad news. You will have to devote a lot of time to household chores.

Esotericist Evgeny Tsvetkov promises that in reality the dreamer will meet a rich man. Subsequently, this acquaintance can bring a lot of benefit.

Ancient Slavic dream book of Veles

also predicts a wealthy guest. In addition, the dream encourages you to calm down and not worry about current events. They will be resolved favorably with minimal effort.

According to Aesop's dream book

the question: “why do you dream of cockroaches” has a very favorable answer. This is unexpected, but good news.

The medium Hasse interprets cockroaches in a dream as a quick win in gambling. At the same time, if they are found on a plate of food, in reality there are envious people nearby. The dreamer can seriously suffer from their machinations if he does not take preventive measures.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Longo

warns the dreamer that his excessive worries about minor troubles are unfounded. Besides, if you constantly worry, you can miss the best moments and not enjoy the joy of life.

For representatives of the stronger and fairer sexes, the interpretation of dreams differs, and the Prussians in the dream are no exception.

Location of cockroach baiting

If the persecution of Prussians took place in the bedroom, this is a good sign. It symbolizes getting rid of problems in your personal life. For lonely people, the dream foreshadows the beginning of a new relationship that will bring happiness and, most likely, lead to the creation of a family. For family people, the dream promises strengthening relationships, reconciliation after a quarrel, and harmony in the sexual sphere.

Removing insects in the kitchen dreams of prosperity and material wealth. Night vision symbolizes that the period of material problems is coming to an end. Life will get better soon, perhaps:

  • The emergence of an additional source of income.
  • Salary increase or extra money.
  • Receiving an inheritance.
  • Sponsorship or patronage of a wealthy person.

To poison the Prussians throughout your apartment - the time has come to get rid of everything that prevented you from moving forward. Relationships that have become painful, work that does not bring pleasure, in a word, everything does not bring the desired result. The dream says that now is the time to radically change your life.

Coming to someone else's house with the independent intention of poisoning cockroaches there foreshadows litigation over finances or property. If the dreamer is not given the opportunity to carry out disinfection, it means that in reality the court decision will not be in his favor. If he carries out the persecution, everything will end well for him.

Why does a woman dream about cockroaches?

Very unexpectedly, if a woman dreams of cockroaches, in reality she will learn good news. A bonus or sudden side income is possible.


For a woman, a dream predicts that she may soon have an amorous relationship. Romance will imperceptibly penetrate into the usual way of life and complement it with joyful emotions.


A woman's dream of cockroaches predicts a happy period. There are no problems with money, everything is fine in the house.

Cockroaches also symbolize children. Pregnant

For a woman, such a dream predicts a quick meeting with the baby, and a favorable course of childbirth.

When young

the girl dreamed of cockroaches in a dream, in reality she can safely go to the store in the near future. All purchases will be very successful. When in a dream you see that a cockroach is actively moving its antennae, soon someone will propose marriage.

In general, there are a lot of cockroaches

, seen in a dream, also predict the sudden arrival of guests and troubles.
cockroach predicts a reliable assistant, and in one interpretation - a minor obstacle to the fulfillment of a dream.

Killing a Prussian in a dream

Attempts to kill an insect in a dream indicate that the dreamer is trying very hard to achieve his goals in reality. If you managed to smack at least one cockroach, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve the desired result, but if all the parasites scattered when you tried to strike, it means that you are not putting in enough effort in real life. Killing all the Prussians from your dream promises a serious monetary reward.

Here's what else you might dream about killing parasites in your home:

  • If a girl dreamed of how she killed mustachioed insects in huge quantities, it means that in reality she will have a quick solution to problems of an intimate nature. This question has probably bothered you for a long time, so it is recommended to take a close look at your male acquaintances. Most likely, one of them has already noticed you for a long time, but does not dare to take the first step towards a love adventure. Do not be afraid to take the initiative, and then you and your partner will receive unforgettable pleasure and satisfaction of your needs.
  • Have you been chasing a cockroach around your apartment for a long time and still caught up with the disgusting insect? In the near future, you will be one step closer to achieving your cherished dream. Also, such a dream may indicate that the sleeping person has been trying to get some thing for a very long time. If this is indeed the case, then now is the best time to implement your plans.
  • Quite often, dreamers have to watch a picture of them poisoning cockroaches in a dream, but this does not bring any results. Such a plot foretells a sleeping person a large number of new responsibilities and increased responsibility to others. The main recommendation in this case is to make sure that your friends and colleagues do not abuse your integrity by placing a bunch of additional problems on your shoulders.

Why do men dream about cockroaches?

Cockroaches in a man’s dream are interpreted depending on the size of the insects.


They promise success in a new commercial enterprise, the successful course of business as usual. Cockroaches crawling up the wall promise natural advancement up the career ladder thanks to hard work and a happy coincidence of circumstances. If the barbel does not move straight, but diagonally, or in circles, the path to prosperity will be complicated by obstacles.

Small, nimble cockroaches crawling in different directions warn that household appliances may soon require minor repairs. Motorists should check the condition of their car before setting off on the road. A breakdown will not cause harm if it is noticed in time.

Then the repair costs will not be too high.

But if you dreamed about the dead

cockroaches in a dream, the interpretation warns that the project they were working on is threatening to collapse. At the very beginning, a mistake was made that has not yet been discovered, and so that the efforts are not wasted, you need to take time to find it. According to another interpretation, dead cockroaches mean that prudence will help you avoid trouble. Otherwise, there is a risk of incurring financial losses. We must try to keep expenses under control and create a “financial safety net.”

Dreamed redheads

cockroaches say that soon some crazy or completely unexpected money will appear in your wallet. If the dreamer experiences very unpleasant sensations, a dispute over a financial issue is possible.

Practical guidelines for interpretation

Next, we will give some recommendations for interpreting dreams with cockroaches. Astrologers recommend taking into account not only the details of the dream itself, but also the position of the moon.

Assessing the feasibility of a dream on January 27, 2022

, according to the website Gadalkin House.
Today is Thursday, the Waning 4th quarter from January 25 16:42, the Night Sun entered the 1st house. If you had a dream on another day, you can look at the recommendations in this table
. Now let's look at the main indicators of today that influence the interpretation, according to astrologers.

Probability that the dream will come true: no more than 50%
IndexGuidelines for interpretation
Day of week:
Try to remember everything that you dreamed about on the night from Wednesday to Thursday as accurately as possible - pay attention to small, at first glance, insignificant details. Most likely, the interpretation of today’s dream will be somehow connected with your personal life or some hidden desires.
Lunar day:
25 Lunar day. Today is the day of prophetic dreams. Much of what you saw this night may come true in real life in the next lunar month. It’s more difficult with those dreams that you don’t want to come true. To avoid such a dream coming true, wash your face with cold water and whisper “The water has flown and the dream has gone.”
Moon in sign:
Sagittarius (28°19'31");
Sagittarius - in the case of dream interpretation, symbolizes the progress of relationships, the achievement of goals and a successful combination of circumstances. If you have come across something similar among the interpretations, take note.
Waning 4th quarter
Waning moon. Whatever the interpretation of the dream, keep in mind that this period is characterized by a loss of strength and energy. The person becomes more passive and tired. If there are some global projects coming up or active actions are required from you, put things off until the period of the waxing moon.

Why do you dream about living cockroaches?

Living cockroaches in a dream are usually interpreted as a good sign if they do not cause negative emotions.


cockroaches approaching the dreamer like a wall warns against a quarrel with someone powerful. Sometimes it is better to humble your pride and not prove yourself right with foam at the mouth. If you dream of huge cockroaches, which simply do not exist in reality, then in reality a tendency to self-deception can hinder your success. It is worth listening to the opinions of others so that the actions taken are effective.

Actively swarming black

cockroaches portend an improvement in your financial situation. This will be facilitated by the dreamer’s hard work and willingness to seriously invest effort in a work project.

Little ones

cockroaches promise that in reality the dreamer’s intervention will be needed in many matters at once. There is routine work ahead. Small cockroaches also predict fatigue from everyday life.


insects warn that in reality someone is preparing to deceive the dreamer. Albinos in this case contain a call to check incoming documents and information for accuracy. Banknotes should be checked for authenticity.

For men flying

cockroaches in a dream hint that you will have to compete with someone both in your personal life and at work. For women, such a plot speaks of the need for a break from everyday life.

When you dream of a bunch of cockroaches

, like an anthill, and if they cause concern, the dreamer’s subconscious is disturbed by the unworthy act he has committed. Remorse signals the need to correct an injustice. Fear of losing money means another interpretation of this plot.

Action with cockroaches in a dream

The interpretation of dreams in which interaction with cockroaches occurs is usually associated with the desire to destroy them.

A dream in which you have to kill

cockroaches with a newspaper or magazine, promises quick good news. News may come from afar, but most likely something very close will surprise you.

A warning that the dreamer is minding his own business and wasting his talents - that’s why you dream of pressing

cockroaches with their feet. In another field, the reward from your efforts and moral satisfaction will be much greater.


cockroaches in a dream is not a very pleasant interpretation. External factors will force you to quit planned activities. However, it’s too early to be upset.

Subsequently, it may turn out that the matter was futile, and a lot of effort could have been wasted.

Cockroaches and other insects in a dream

, cockroaches and beetles observed in their natural habitat

in a dream they promise favorable news in reality. The expected reward will please you with early receipt.

To correctly decipher what spiders and cockroaches

, we must consider how they interact with each other. If a cockroach gets caught in a web, the dreamer’s competitor will be neutralized in reality. A joint attack on a sleeping person is a sign to be wary of ill-wishers.

Bedbugs and cockroaches

, seen in a dream, urge you to remain calm. Someone will deliberately piss you off, “drink blood.” To succumb to provocation means to lose not only self-respect. The scandal is created in order to take money by dishonest means.

Mice and cockroaches

appearing in a dream at the same time call for attention to someone much younger. A possible quarrel with loved ones can be completely avoided.

Rats and cockroaches

in a dream they are not very pleasantly interpreted. This is some kind of squabbles. Enemies hatch an intrigue to gain position or money. There's a financial swindler nearby.

, cockroaches and ants appeared in the dream

- portend that you will have to work very hard to receive rewards. The dreamer needs to remember that asking for help is not at all shameful. Provided that you will then have to provide a return service.

Where did you dream about cockroaches?

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember where exactly they appeared.

Dream about cockroaches in the kitchen

- Expect an early visit from friends or relatives. Whether the dreamer will have fun or the painful and tedious duty of entertaining visitors depends on the sensations experienced in the dream. If the dreamer turned out to be so agile and fearless that he managed to catch cockroaches on the table, in reality he will receive a very generous reward for his efforts. This will be completely deserved, but if negative emotions are experienced at the same time, ill-wishers are preparing to darken the joy.

Prussians, one at a time, leisurely walking in the apartment

, talk about the presence of parasites in life, both literally and figuratively. The dreamer needs to analyze whether someone is too brazenly taking advantage of his kindness and willingness to help at work, among friends or family. The subconscious asks to get rid of the ballast of parasitic people.

Lots of cockroaches in the house

- This is a sign of lasting financial well-being. If the insects run away in panic in different directions, in reality the money “slips through your fingers” and is spent on trifles. This story warns: in order not to end up broke, you should analyze your expenses and learn how to plan a budget.

The dreamer is worried about internal problems - that’s why he dreams of cockroaches in bed

. According to another interpretation, a cooling of feelings is possible due to disputes over money. To maintain a relationship, you will have to negotiate.

Seeing cockroaches in your hair

in oneself - excessive concern about appearance. A little confidence in yourself and your plans - and everything will work out both in your personal life and at work. Cockroaches falling on the head from above are a pleasant gift if the dreamer managed not to be scared. The plot of a dream in which insects are in someone else’s hair is an attempt to understand someone else’s finances.

So, cockroaches are dreamed of mainly as an auspicious symbol. He warns against mistakes, and it is worth listening to the prompts of the subconscious. Happy dreaming!

Dream meanings for a woman

When answering the question about why you dream of living cockroaches in an apartment, it is worth noting that the answers may be different for a male and female dreamer. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are more susceptible to emotions, and the stronger sex tries to think more logically. Because of this, even from a psychological point of view, the same vision will almost always carry different meanings for girls and boys.

Why do women dream of live cockroaches based on the interpretation of modern dream books:

  • According to most sources, the Prussians from the kingdom of Morpheus symbolize the dreamer’s material wealth. If a representative of the fair sex dreams of a large number of insects, it means that in reality she will receive a promotion up the career ladder or an impressive bonus. It is worth noting that career growth will be very rapid, and the best part is that the girl will occupy a new post for quite a long period of time.
  • If in a dream you happened to kill a cockroach, while experiencing a feeling of disgust or fear, then in reality you will receive good news. Vanga’s dream book says that the good news will also affect the dreamer’s family. For a more detailed interpretation of the dream, try to compare these facts with your life.
  • An unsuccessful love affair awaits a young girl if in a dream she found a bunch of live cockroaches in her bed. Interpreter Tsvetkova claims that the man who is currently next to the dreamer does not have sincere feelings for her and tolerates her character only for the sake of satisfying his own sexual needs. The sooner you understand this, the less heartache you will experience from a breakup. It is recommended not to ignore such a dream.

Cockroaches (if there are a lot of them) can symbolize the dreamer’s worries about meeting old friends. This is especially true if in your night dreams you poison insects, but their number does not decrease. In reality, you will have to work hard to organize a meeting between friends, but these efforts will not be in vain. Your friends will be sincerely grateful to you for holding such an event, and the dreamer herself will feel how sympathy for her person will noticeably increase.

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