10 best folk remedies for mosquitoes and other insects

Summer is coming, the season of hiking and fishing begins, and many are faced with the problem of vicious insects, mosquitoes. These are annoying insects that bite quite painfully and cause itching and burning.

In many countries, they are carriers of dangerous diseases such as malaria, Zika fever, yellow fever and other parasitic diseases, fortunately in Russia they are not so dangerous, although there are dangerous species, they are still annoying and spoil outdoor recreation.

There are many ways to protect yourself from them, let's figure out how.

How to protect your cottage from mosquitoes

To make your stay at the dacha comfortable, pleasant and safe, you can plant natural repellents on the site. They will release phytoncides and aroma into the air, repelling bloodsuckers.

Experienced summer residents recommend planting repellent plants such as:

  • bird cherry;
  • basil;
  • lavender;
  • coniferous crops;
  • mint;
  • elder;
  • Melissa.

Natural repellents such as bird cherry and basil are considered accessible and safe for humans. It is enough to plant them near the country house so that they fulfill their protective function. Basil can also be planted in flower beds and placed on windowsills and at the entrance to the house. This plant is quite beautiful and emits a pleasant smell.

Lavender also has the same effect on mosquitoes, butterflies, and moths. A beautifully flowering plant will give your garden plot a well-groomed and beautiful appearance. It can also be placed in the house.

Mint's scent can repel not only insects, but also rodents. Flies, ants, fleas, mosquitoes and mice will not appear in the dacha if mint grows in the yard. You can also use dried leaves by placing them inside the house. You cannot plant pennyroyal in your yard because it is a poisonous plant.

Elderberry branches and berries are also good at repelling bloodsuckers. It is good if the bush grows close to the entrance to the house or in front of the windows. Several branches of the plant can be placed in a vase inside the house.

Mosquito exterminators

There are two types of exterminators – carbon dioxide and propane. Among the first, summer residents speak well of Grad Black installations; in the second category, SkeeterVac devices are popular.

Mosquito exterminator SkeeterVac - popularly nicknamed “mosquito genocide”

How they work

They cunningly and sophisticatedly impersonate living warm-blooded creatures. This happens thanks to three things.

1. Attractants that imitate the smell of sweat

. For example, Octenol. Placed in a reservoir blown by a built-in fan, the substance evaporates and attracts mosquitoes.

2. Heat and carbon dioxide

. In propane exterminators, they are released during combustion (this is also what powers the fan). In carbon dioxide, CO2 is supplied from a cylinder, and the body is heated by a built-in electric heating element.

3. Backlight

– the same as in UV lamps, only here it imitates movement (“running” lights).

The mosquito is sure that this is an animal. After all, what he is flying towards:

a) warm and breathable;

b) smells appropriate;

c) moves.

Having flown closer, the insect is sucked into the device if the exterminator is propane, or is killed by electric shock if the trap is carbon dioxide. That's it, finita la comedy.


❏ Allows you to completely get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage, and we are talking about a large area (manufacturers claim a range of up to 50 acres).

❏ They work continuously - a cylinder with propane or carbon dioxide lasts for a season.

❏ A completely safe way to control mosquitoes for people and animals.


The only sad thing is the cost. Although it is more than compensated for by efficiency, the fact remains: not everyone can afford shredders.

How does a propane exterminator differ from a carbon dioxide exterminator?

The principle of operation is almost identical, but from the point of view of operation there are differences. There are three important points to note here:

1. carbon dioxide traps must be connected to a 220V network, and since it is recommended to install the device on the far border of the site, stretching wires to it is, to put it mildly, inconvenient;

2. CO2 exterminators kill insects with electric current, which is accompanied by a loud, but almost constant crackling sound;

3. It is more difficult to fill a cylinder with carbon dioxide - in the regions there is sometimes nowhere to do this (and propane is available at every gas filling station).

How to protect yourself in nature

With the onset of warm days, there is a desire to leave work and hide from the bustle of the city among nature. There is nothing better than listening to the chirping of birds in the forest, the murmur of water on a river. But annoying mosquitoes can ruin your entire vacation. To prevent bites, use remedies prepared according to folk recipes.

  • A decoction of wheatgrass roots. Weeds can also be beneficial. Grind the root, add hot water, leave for at least 30 minutes. Strain and pour the folk medicine into a spray bottle. Spray exposed skin and clothing. They take it with them into nature. The maximum effect is observed for 2 hours. Insects approach, but do not land.
  • You can fight mosquito bites with cedar oil. One of the most effective folk remedies without a persistent aroma. Creates a protective film on the surface of the skin and also helps the epidermis recover in the event of a bite. The product is not capable of driving away pests over a long distance, but it protects against bites better than others. A real salvation when there are a large number of bloodsuckers.
  • The smell of vodka repels pests. If you add lemon juice and a packet of vanillin to it, you will get the best fumigator in the wild. All that remains is to anoint the skin. This method of protection is often used by fishermen, as well as outdoor enthusiasts. The homemade preparation is also used on animals by spraying the fur from a spray bottle.
  • If you don’t have time to prepare the remedy, but you know for sure that mosquitoes and midges are waiting in nature, rub open areas of the body with valerian tincture and take a bottle with you in reserve. People also suggest applying the product to an accessory, a handbag, or a stroller for a walk. The maximum effect lasts 2-3 hours, depending on the number of parasites. If necessary, repeat the treatment.
  • Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of incense. Sold in specialized stores along with essential oils, churches. Spread on the skin and forget about parasite bites. The aroma is not strong, so the folk remedy is suitable for children of all ages.
  • To get rid of bloodsuckers, you can smear yourself with the juice of lemon, orange, tangerine, and grapefruit. The only contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to citrus fruits.
  • A traditional vinegar solution is used to treat skin and spray clothes.

Precautionary measures

When using folk life hacks, you should take the simplest precautions:

  1. You can verify the safety of a repellent after conducting a sensitivity test.
  2. Women during pregnancy and lactation should use homemade repellents with extreme caution. It would be helpful to consult a doctor about this.
  3. Concentrated solutions should not be used by young children; such products should first be diluted with water.
  4. When making repellent from essential oils, use dark glass containers. It is better to store the finished product in a dark and cool place.

Aloe cream

Aloe-based cream protects well against mosquitoes and midges. The active ingredient in it is the essential oil of clove, lemon balm or citronella. 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice is combined with 15-20 drops of any essential oil. Then olive or chamomile oil is added to the resulting mixture, serving as a base. Before going outside, the finished product is applied to areas of the body not protected by clothing, including the face area. The effective properties of the composition are maintained for several hours.

If mosquitoes prevail in the apartment

Bloodsuckers can cause trouble not only on the street, but also in the house.
Insects enter a room through open windows and doors, and are also carried by a person on the body or clothing. The use of chemical-based repellents can be dangerous to humans. For this reason, it is better to use safe folk remedies for mosquitoes. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

Review of popular models, rating, operating principle. Is it worth taking?


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They are effective in the fight.

  • Carnation

Mosquitoes are afraid of natural essential oils and seasonings. Clove oil or dry cloves will provide reliable protection against them in the room or on the street. To prepare a homemade repellent, you need to pour 5 g of cloves into 200 ml of hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Using a spray bottle, apply the prepared infusion to exposed areas of the body. Deep and safe sleep is guaranteed to you.

Instead of cloves, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, mint, lemon balm, and basil have the same effect on mosquitoes. If this method of protection is not suitable, you can soak a napkin in essential oil and place it on a plate at the head of the bed.

  • Vanillin

Vanilla aroma is attractive only to people; insects are afraid of it. To prepare a natural mosquito repellent with your own hands based on vanilla, you need to dilute ½ tablespoon of vanillin in a mug of warm water. Then moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin with vanilla solution. You can also add 40-60 g of vanillin to baby cream, mix thoroughly and apply to the body.

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This is a good natural mosquito repellent for children that will ensure a restful sleep for your child without being bitten or scratched.

Treatment of the area

A radical solution to the problem, a way to combat mosquitoes for the most desperate. Most often used for processing:

❏ Cypertrin;

❏ Force site;

❏ Jurax;

❏ Digital;

❏ Medilis-Ziper.

How does it work

The area is treated with insecticides in two stages. First, attention is paid to places of potential accumulation of larvae (ditches, pipes, drainage systems, drainage barrels), then to the remaining area. Since mosquitoes do not migrate far from their habitat, the risk of an outbreak is minimized.


A truly effective way to get rid of mosquitoes in an area is to completely wipe out the population.


❏ Insecticides are extremely dangerous for humans and domestic animals.

❏ The consequence of treatment can be a serious disruption of the natural balance, because not only mosquitoes, but also other insects will be destroyed. This will negatively affect fruit and berry crops.

Vanillin ointment

Homemade mosquito repellent ointment has a good effect. It has a delicate texture and a pleasant aroma. Substances contained in vanilla remove redness, including those caused by insect bites. To prepare the cream you will need:

  • container for mixing ingredients;
  • a small jar for cream so that it is convenient to carry with you;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • baby cream (can be either oily, for additional moisturizing of the skin, or a lighter texture).

Squeeze some of the baby cream into the prepared container, then pour in the vanilla. Mix well. Transfer the mixture into a small jar. Before going out into nature, you need to treat unprotected skin with the resulting ointment. The cream repels both mosquitoes and midges well. Another plus: it is suitable for delicate baby skin.

There is a simpler recipe for mosquito repellent with vanilla. Instead of baby cream, use plain water and add vanilla powder. Vanilla water should be applied to the body and wait until it dries. This emulsion also repels insects well.

What are mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are annoying blood-sucking insects with a well-developed sense of smell, flying to the smell of human blood (as well as sweat, carbon dioxide). In addition, mosquitoes react to the heat emitted by the human body and to his movements; they often sense the “victim” even several meters away. It has been scientifically proven that only female mosquitoes bite humans, while males are more humane - they feed on the nectar of flowers, as well as plant juices.

Mosquitoes are carriers of infection

Where do mosquitoes come from and what are the reasons for their appearance in residential premises and basements?

Mosquitoes are evening, even nocturnal, animals. They love warmth and moisture, so they usually choose damp, warm or wet places for living and breeding. In cities, these are dark, damp basements of multi-story buildings, bathrooms, balconies, garages, places under suspended ceilings. In villages and hamlets there are barns and cellars. During the day, mosquitoes are much less active than in the evenings. When it gets cold (for mosquitoes this is 0 degrees), they fall into a kind of hibernation - torpor.

Most often, mosquitoes fly into apartments and houses in spring and autumn, when the street seems not warm and comfortable enough for them. However, sometimes mosquitoes appear in winter, when they must freeze completely, because they simply cannot tolerate temperatures below 0 degrees. Where do they come from in winter? During the cold season, mosquitoes fly out of basements, where water or sewer pipes often leak. Puddles that never dry out appear in basements; heating pipes provide warmth to insects, so they can easily survive the winter. They get into people's apartments through ventilation openings, stairs, and elevators.

Mosquitoes don't breed in dry places

What types of mosquitoes are there?

In addition to the well-known species of mosquitoes that suck human blood night and day, there are also insects that prefer the blood of horses or birds, frogs or lizards, even fish or dragonflies (although, as a rule, dragonflies feed on mosquitoes). There are even mosquitoes that don't bite anyone at all.

The mosquitoes we are familiar with belong to the Culicidae (blood-sucking) family; they can be of any color depending on the places in which they live. Such insects are most often found closer to people because this is their “food”.

There are mosquitoes with long legs, their family is Tipulidae. They usually “hang” motionless in the air for some time; their favorite place in houses is under a suspended ceiling, they are warm there. Because of their unpleasant appearance, such insects are often confused with malarial ones, but this is completely in vain, because they are harmless. These large mosquitoes feed on plant roots, nectar or dew. They don't bite people.

The long-legged mosquito and the malaria mosquito are not the same thing

There are mosquitoes that carry the largest amount of infection, but these mosquitoes are not ours, they are not found in Russia. Their habitat is the tropics or subtropics - Asia, Africa.

Midges that live near running water are also a type of mosquito; they bite painfully.

We are also familiar with ringing mosquitoes (in the language of fishermen - bloodworms), they are harmless and safe, they do not bite people.

Bell mosquitoes are common bloodworms

Why mosquitoes are dangerous and why you should fight them

The main dangers that arise after a mosquito bite are the possibility of contracting an infection or discovering an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember that mosquitoes bite not one person, but several, so they can easily transfer the disease from one infected person to several healthy ones (this route of transmission even has its own scientific name - it is a transmissible route).

Mosquitoes transmit malaria (fever, chills, enlarged liver, anemia), lymphatic filariasis (blockage of blood vessels, swollen limbs), tularemia (severe intoxication, fever, affected lymph nodes), West Nile fever and yellow fever (fever, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract). - intestinal tract, kidney and liver damage).

A mosquito bite can cause allergies

How long can a mosquito live in an apartment after being bitten?

As soon as the female mosquito senses a person, she begins to hunt for him with the goal of biting. Directly during the bite itself, a kind of exchange occurs - the person gives blood to the mosquito, and at the same time the insect injects its saliva into the victim’s body, which contains a substance that prevents blood clotting (it remains liquid and “flows” into the mosquito). It is this that causes unpleasant pain in a person at the site of the lesion, redness, itching, and other symptoms accompanying a mosquito bite. In some cases, this substance can also cause an allergic reaction of varying severity in people.

How long does a mosquito live after it bites a person? In principle, there is no connection between mosquito bites and their lifespan. These are not bees that die, leaving a sting in a person. Female mosquitoes live from 42 to 115 days (depending on ambient temperature), and males live half as long.

The lifespan of a female mosquito is almost twice as long as that of a male

If we treat one apartment, will insects disappear from the entire apartment building?

If there are mosquitoes in an apartment building, treating one apartment will not solve anything; the insects will disappear only for a while, and then they may come from the neighbors. To get rid of mosquitoes and no longer hear this nasty sound, you need to treat the basements of the house - this is much more effective than treating a separate apartment. It is necessary to treat the place where mosquitoes breed and live.

Professional pest control - how effective is it and what does it involve?

The question of professional pest control arises at a time when mosquitoes are already multiplying too quickly, and conventional mosquito repellents no longer help.

Mosquito larvae are adapted to living in aquatic environments

How does disinsection occur? Specialists treat possible areas where annoying insects accumulate (plumbing lines and walls, ceilings and basements) with special compounds. Thanks to this procedure, existing mosquitoes die, and the appearance of new ones is prevented, since chemicals intolerant to insects are also applied to places with high humidity, thereby almost completely eliminating the possibility of the birth of new individuals, that is, affecting the centers of spread of harmful creatures.

So, the advantages of pest control: mosquitoes disappear for a long time.

Professional pest control is effective, but has some disadvantages. For example, chemicals used by specialists during pest control can cause an allergic reaction in hypersensitive people. It should also be taken into account that the room being treated will have to be left for some time, and then ventilated for a long time and carried out general cleaning. These disadvantages are the main reason why people refuse professional pest control.

Mosquitoes disappear for a long time after professional pest control

If we get rid of insects, is it forever?

You can get rid of mosquitoes for a long time, or until the next “mosquito season,” but you cannot dry out the basement or cellar forever or carry out professional pest control so that mosquitoes do not breed there at all. You won’t be able to fight basement mosquitoes on your own—without drainage and without disinfestation. All methods are effective and efficient, but mosquitoes are living creatures, and they can disappear, and then fly back “out of nowhere,” and basements and cellars are their “permanent place of action.”

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