Borax powder - a remedy for cockroaches and other insects

Residents of multi-storey buildings are familiar with problems with parasitic insects in the kitchen and beyond. Old houses, especially those with garbage disposals, often become havens for cockroaches. Red locusts are incredibly prolific and will spread throughout your home in a matter of weeks once they enter your basement or waste drain. In addition, they are distinguished by incredible survivability.

It is very difficult to fight cockroach colonies; moreover, this requires the use of potent drugs. One of the most effective is Borax for cockroaches. It helps to quickly get rid of uninvited guests.

What is Borax?

This powdered product, widely used in the fight against insects, has long been used in European countries, including Russia. The powder is based on boric acid, which has a detrimental effect on cockroaches and prevents them from breeding indoors. The substance is an intestinal insecticide, but it also acts when the insect comes into contact with the powder. The packaging of the drug is a dense bag weighing 200 g. It can also be packed in a cardboard box.

The cost of the product is low, which makes it recognizable and in demand. Effective action has been proven by positive customer reviews. Using the drug "Borax" you can get rid of cockroaches and other insects in a few days.

Cockroach repellent with boric acid - video

Well, if you suddenly decide to make a cockroach repellent with boric acid powder at home, be sure to watch this video. It contains current and scientifically proven information about baits with boric acid. From it you will learn: why liquid baits work better than dry ones, what foods cockroaches eat most readily and why, and whether a hungry cockroach will eat boric acid powder (experiment in the video).

Dmitry Lipchiu

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Description of the powder

According to the instructions, Borax is a poorly soluble, odorless, white substance. During hydrolysis, an alkaline reaction occurs, so if you place the powder in hot water, it will begin to dissolve.

The product has a third hazard class, which makes it possible to use it in residential premises. It is effectively used in public catering establishments, educational institutions, clinics and hospitals. The drug is considered safe, but you should still avoid direct contact with it.

If you carefully study the composition, you can understand what Borax is. The main component of the product is borax, which contains boric acid salts: anhydrous tetraborate and sodium decahydrate. They have a poisonous effect on the body of pests.

This powder is not a highly toxic substance. But in order to protect pets and children, it should only be poured into inaccessible places: crevices, cracks in the floor or narrow spaces between furniture and walls.

Is Borax safe for natural home cleaning?

No longer just a cleaning product our grandmothers used, borax is enjoying new popularity as a wonder ingredient for natural cleaning. It can be found in many recipes for making homemade cleaning products or for preserving homemade beauty products. It's also the main ingredient in my popular all-purpose cleaning and laundry detergent. Moreover, it is a common ingredient in many homemade recipes that our children love so much.

Since I continue to ask a lot of questions about the safety of borax, let's take a fresh look at the controversy and see how it stacks up.

Action "Borax"

The drug acts as a paralyzing substance. When an individual comes into contact with it, the poisoning process begins to take effect. The insect carries the poison on its antennae and legs to areas where the largest number of pests accumulate. One cockroach is capable of spreading Borax powder throughout the premises, which can result in the death of several dozen members of the species.

The damage occurs to the insect's nerve fiber system, which leads to its complete paralysis. After contact with the powder or bait, the individual begins to be poisoned; the drug penetrates the insect and kills it. When a cockroach infests a colony, within a few days the number of pests decreases several times. But you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and not wash off the powder for three weeks.

What about boron?

As with many things in the world of healthcare, there is a downside to the challenges. Boron is a trace element (atomic number 5) and a fascinating character (because I'm a dork and easily fascinated by chemistry). It turns out that there is a biological need for boron in small quantities. Research shows that boron plays a key role in the functioning of healthy cell membranes and is especially important for bone health. Note: The boron family can be considered non-toxic to humans in smaller quantities, but these products are more harmful to insects (hence their use as a pesticide):

In biology, borates have low toxicity to mammals (similar to table salt), but are more toxic to arthropods and are used as insecticides. Boric acid has a mild antimicrobial effect, and a natural boron-containing organic antibiotic is known. Boron is essential for life. Small amounts of boron compounds play a strengthening role in the cell walls of all plants, making boron essential in soils. Experiments indicate a role for boron as an ultra-trace element in animals, but its role in animal physiology is unknown.

Application of Borax

To effectively remove arthropod tenants, you should know their habits and favorite places where colonies are most often found. They usually prefer to live in warm places. For example, behind the kitchen stove, sink or on the floor under furniture, in the kitchen or bathroom behind appliances and toilets. Access to food and food is one of the main conditions for establishing a colony. When studying the instructions and understanding what Borax is, you need to take into account its certain amount of toxicity.

Sprinkle areas where cockroaches accumulate with a thin layer of the preparation. It is not recommended to wash the floor and walls after treatment for 21 days; throughout this period the substance actively continues to fight pests.

How to use a cockroach poisoning agent?

The powder can be used in its pure form, dissolved in water or mixed with other ingredients.

First of all, you need to start cleaning the kitchen. Cockroaches love to settle in secluded places that are close to food and water. They hide in cracks, crevices and baseboards. The powder should be scattered near the wall, moving away the stove, refrigerator, kitchen furniture, dishwasher, microwave oven. Next, you should treat the inlet and outlet in the pipeline in the wall, under and behind the toilet, under the sink and bathtub.

It is imperative to follow the recommendations for use of the product:

  • Sprinkle Borax powder in a thin layer;
  • Do not wash or wipe the treated areas for 2-3 weeks, since during this time the drug retains its activity;
  • to cover as much space as possible, you can dilute the powder with warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and wash the walls;
  • For the best effect, it is recommended to add boiled egg yolk and a little potato to the preparation, stir thoroughly, form balls from this mass and place in the corners.

The substance begins to act most actively on days 5-6. At this time, you can see a huge number of poisoned insects on the floor, which can only be carefully swept away.

Precautionary measures

There are some rules when working with the drug. You only need to contact it with gloves and a respirator. To avoid borax vapors from entering the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to prepare baits in well-ventilated areas. Inhalation or contact of the product with the skin carries a certain amount of danger, since the active substance is removed from the body for a long time.

The cumulative properties of tetraborate carry a certain risk to humans. In case of contact with mucous membranes, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath and irritation may occur. The areas where the substance interacts with the skin and integument should be thoroughly washed.

Store the remaining amount of powder out of the reach of children and pets.

But is Borax toxic or not?

There are many conflicting answers based on different sources. Key points I found in my research: Current warnings are for eye irritation, undiluted skin contact, and ingestion. The FDA and ECA (European Chemicals Agency) have banned borax as a substance of serious concern, but have provided no documentation other than the hazards at the soil level.

According to this EWG article, the European Union and Canada have banned the use of borax not only in food, but also in body care products intended for children under 3 years of age. This may be reasonable since it is applied directly to the skin (not the case with cleansers or detergent residue). I have not been able to find any research that shows that borax in natural cleaning products in diluted amounts is dangerous unless it comes into contact with the eyes or is ingested. The EWG Skin Base classifies borax as a moderate hazard, but most studies and listings involve its use in foods. In case of accidental ingestion, immediately contact your local emergency department or the American Association of Poison Control Centers at 1-800-222-1222.

Tips for using the drug "Borax"

Before you start processing the corners and walls of the apartment, you need to mix the powder with sugar. The sweet treat will serve as bait and will quickly attract mustachioed gluttons. The next step is to dilute the powder in warm water in a ratio of 1:10; this solution should be used to treat all surfaces and walls, except for the hob and table used for cooking.

Another effective way is to prepare balls with powder, boiled yolk and potatoes. They should be placed in cockroach habitats and in the corners of the room. This option is only suitable if there are no animals in the apartment. It is very important to block insects’ access to water at the beginning of disinfection at home. You need to first turn off the taps and wipe the bathroom and sinks dry. Before use, you must once again read the instructions in detail to understand what Borax is.

Borax based recipes

Poisonous baits are prepared using acid to kill parasites. The substance itself is odorless and tasteless, so it does not attract parasites.

Food products are used as additional ingredients: sugar, flour, eggs, gelatin, potatoes, etc. The “delicacy” is placed in places where parasites most often appear. Let's look at the most common recipes.

Borax and egg yolks

This method is the simplest, you will need to do the following:

  • mix raw yolk with borax (50 g of powder per yolk);
  • mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  • the composition is laid out in small slides on a board;
  • The bait is placed in places where barbels move.

This method is relevant for small numbers of parasites. We must not forget that the “food” spoils quickly, so you will need to periodically prepare new ones.

If the cockroach population is large, then borax with yolks loses its effectiveness.

Borax, sugar and starch

This recipe is characterized by a longer effect compared to the previous version.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • borax – 220 g;
  • powdered sugar – 70 g;
  • starch (preferably corn) – 65 g;
  • vanilla sugar for an attractive aroma – 25 g.

First, the bulk components are mixed, then water is added little by little. The mixture should be thick and hold its shape well.

Subsequently, small balls are molded from the finished composition, which are laid out on sheets of cardboard, and not on the floor or other surfaces.

This will make the cleaning process easier and will allow you to monitor the process of eating the bait.

Borax, potatoes and eggs

To use another effective and simple recipe for cockroaches with borax you will need:

  • boil one large potato in its jacket;
  • peel the tuber, mash to make a puree;
  • hard boil an egg, peel, chop, add to mashed potatoes and stir;
  • add 30 g of borax.

Small lumps are created from the finished mixture, and then laid out wherever the Prussians were seen. If necessary, a new bait is prepared, spoiled balls are replaced with fresh ones.

When using the recipes listed, it is important to prevent possible contact of cockroaches with water.

To do this, close the taps tightly at night and remove condensation and remaining liquid in the bathtub and sinks.

An aqueous solution of borax is poured into small containers and placed under pieces of furniture, in the sink, near the trash can. Insects will come here to quench their thirst.

Similar manipulations are repeated daily, before bedtime. In the morning, the containers are removed, and all surfaces where they were located are wiped with a wet cloth.


How to get rid of cockroaches? We are preparing poison for cockroaches!!!

The patient's psychotype and symptoms

Characteristic features of patients of this type are:

  • Excessive sensitivity;
  • Unreasonable fussiness;
  • There is a constant fear of contracting infectious diseases;
  • Unreasonable worry, anxiety;
  • Jumping up at the slightest sounds;
  • Anxiety is aggravated when going down or going up;
  • Jumping up and screaming during sleep;
  • Nostrils sore, with ulcers, tip of nose swollen;
  • The process of breastfeeding a baby is very painful;
  • After feeding, severe pain is felt, the mammary glands seem empty;
  • Crying and laughter alternate;
  • Fear in a dream;
  • Constant feeling of nervous tension;
  • All senses are heightened;
  • Urination in children is accompanied by strong crying;
  • Excessive sensitivity to surrounding people and events;
  • Constant feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • The mucous membranes and skin are painfully sensitive;
  • Particular deterioration occurs in wet weather;
  • The condition worsens in the elevator when descending, when walking down the stairs, when bending, or with loud or sharp sounds.

Analogues of the drug

  • Bryonia is a drug similar to Borax. It is capable of causing and treating oral aphthae in children. A characteristic symptom of this drug is that the child does not latch on well or refuses it completely. But as soon as his mouth is moistened, he begins to vigorously suckle at the breast. Patients who have encountered this drug know that when taking it, there is a strong feeling of dryness in the mouth. To encourage your baby to breastfeed more effectively, he should moisten his mouth with liquid;
  • "Mercurius" is a substitute for "Borax", when in case of diseases of the oral cavity, which are accompanied by hypersalivation, saliva literally drips from the baby's mouth. With diarrhea, clearly defined straining (tenesmus) is observed. This should be sufficient to separate these drugs;
  • "Aethusa cynapium", popularly called dog parsley, is given to children in cases where crying and intestinal colic are accompanied by strong and frequent vomiting, which are characteristic of this remedy;
  • "Arum triphyllum" - its distinguishing feature is the intensity of the symptoms. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are usually accompanied by pain and the appearance of scabs near the mouth and nostrils. For Borax, a characteristic symptom is the baby's crying preceding urination. The urine is hot, with a foul, pungent odor;
  • “Petroselinum” is used quite rarely in domestic homeopathy, although completely undeservedly - the remedy is indeed very effective. The symptoms are very similar to Borax, but there is an unexpected, strong and sudden urge to urinate. In addition, this remedy is taken for gonorrhea;
  • "Graphites" helps to cope with the problem of eyelashes curling into the eye;
  • "Natrum carbonicum" is similar to "Boraxom" and is good for itchy skin, in particular the back of the hand. Small ulcers appear around the finger joint;
  • Sepia is the most effective remedy for eliminating small ulcers around the mouth.

Drug interactions and analogues

Borax is an effective remedy when interacting with a number of homeopathic medicines, used in conjunction with:

  • Bryonia – for stomatitis with dry mucous membranes of the oral cavity,
  • Mercurius – for stomatitis with profuse salivation,
  • Arum – for acute inflammatory processes,
  • Kali carbonic – to eliminate cough.

Coffee and Hamomilla act as antidotes to Borax. Drugs - analogues:

  • Sulfur,
  • Salkarey,
  • Bryony.

The drug is incompatible when used simultaneously with wine and acetic acid derivatives. During therapy, you must refrain from drinking alcohol and taking products containing vinegar.

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