Kerosene is a simple and effective way to get rid of onion flies

Onion fly

The onion fly is a pest that can completely destroy root crops. This is a small insect, not exceeding 7 mm in length, of an ash-gray color. It has wings fringed with a fringe of thin long hairs, with two to three longitudinal veins. The abdomen is segmented. Visually similar to an ordinary fly.

It manifests itself with the establishment of warm weather, in late April – early May. The larvae are laid in the soil. The leaves of affected plants lose turgor, droop, spiral, and their ends turn yellow.

If it spreads strongly, the insect can destroy entire plantations.

The cause of the appearance of an insect can be:

  1. Failure to comply with crop rotation rules;
  2. Wrong choice of neighboring crops;
  3. Late boarding;
  4. Not performing deep digging of the soil in the fall;
  5. Use of infected planting material.

Description and life cycle

The onion fly is small in size and looks very similar to an ordinary house insect. The body of the pest reaches 6 mm, the color is most often gray with a slight faded green tint. Therefore, the pest is practically invisible on the plant. Eyes are red or burgundy.

The insect appears in the beds at the end of April, mid-May, depending on weather conditions. The female can lay up to 15 eggs at a time, from which larvae appear after 3-4 days. Externally, the larvae are white and small in size. The larvae feed on young onion shoots and can sometimes accumulate in large numbers in the bulbs. After 10-12 days they pupate and fall into the soil for several weeks. After this time, new adults appear and spread throughout the area.

Why is the procedure needed?

Those who have been gardening for a long time know that onions are extremely selective in terms of fertilizers and various additives. This plant cannot be flavored with chemicals, since the onion immediately absorbs them, which can be dangerous to human health. That is why this crop should be fertilized and treated carefully.

Kerosene is absolutely safe for her. Using this substance, you can easily get rid of pests such as onion moths, flies, stem nematodes, onion thrips, and worms. In addition, kerosene can also serve as a fertilizer. It allows the onion to grow faster, while the green mass becomes more lush. The use of kerosene also prevents the hands from turning yellow.

Reasons for use

In what cases should you use ammonia:

  1. Ammonia is considered a quick option for feeding onions. Therefore, if you need to quickly take action, then use it.
  2. Yellowness of the stem or feathers of the crop. These signs require an immediate reaction, so ammonia is used.
  3. The onion stem has a whitened appearance. This symptom also requires treatment with ammonia.
  4. Feathers that are too small, growth retardation or growth arrest are another reason to use the product.
  5. A thinning and breaking onion stem may indicate a lack of nutrients, including nitrogen, which is replenished with ammonia.

Is it possible to pour kerosene on onions?

You can water it with kerosene to prevent pest infection, but be careful - the composition should not get on the bow arrows. The method is harmless to humans.

Watering with a solution of kerosene and salt is very useful

A mixture of kerosene and salt is especially effective for irrigation. Firstly, onions love salty soil, and secondly, the larvae of the onion fly that live in the ground perceive salty water and kerosene with their nerve endings and die.

The benefits of ammonia: in what cases is it used?

Ammonia is a 10 or 25% ammonia solution and is used as a source of nitrogen. The use of this fertilizer stimulates the rapid growth of onions. Plant growth is activated and their productivity increases. Due to nitrogenous fertilizing, onion feathers become juicy and bright green

Here it is important not to forget about potassium and phosphorus, and to prevent excess nitrogen application

Although people often call ammonia alcohol ammonia, this is not entirely true, since the first substance is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water, and the second is its nitrate. Ammonia is not used in agricultural activities.

When plant feathers either turn yellow or turn light green and the tips turn white, this indicates a nitrogen deficiency. In this case, experts recommend watering the onions with ammonia. This fertilizer can quickly improve its condition. This kind of plant food is a first aid. It is also used to repel insects due to its pungent and unpleasant odor.

Ammonia has an additional advantage - it has a stable compound and is not washed out of the soil by rain in the garden.

Ammonia is food and medicine for bulbs in one preparation.

How to process?

The pungent smell of kerosene can repel harmful insects. Liquid is spilled between rows two or three times during the growing season.

Another processing method can be used when the feather reaches 8-10 cm, and it involves the following steps:

  1. Stir three tablespoons of kerosene in a ten-liter bucket;
  2. Water at the root, trying not to get on the feather;
  3. After a few hours, water thoroughly with clean water;
  4. Repeat the procedure once every two weeks.

It is necessary to monitor the appearance of onion fly in order to timely combat the pest both in the open ground and in the greenhouse. The method of processing using kerosene at first glance seems dangerous, but in fact it is completely harmless to humans and, if watering technology is followed, the plant will only benefit.

When to weed carrots with kerosene

The ideal time to spray carrot beds is when the first true leaf appears.
As a last resort, it is permissible to wait until the third blooms. But it should be taken into account that then you may not have time to re-process. Usually by this time the weeds have time to rise above the carrot shoots and therefore block the shoots from direct splashes.

Work must be carried out in dry weather and in the absence of dew. Moisture on plants in combination with kerosene causes burns on young carrot tops. Rain will either wash everything away from the weeds or reduce the concentration of the product. It is advisable that the plantings remain dry for at least a day before treatment and the same amount after it.

Windy weather should also be avoided: the wind will blow up small splashes that will fall past the ridge and can harm plants planted nearby.

After spraying, it is advisable to water the bed with salt water: this will make the fruits sweeter.

One of the ways you can fight weeds in carrot beds is to use pure kerosene.


Finely dispersed spraying of kerosene over the ridge is justified at a time when seedlings have not yet appeared. The deadline is when 1-2 leaves of carrot tops have appeared, and the weeds already dominate the garden bed. At the time of processing, the weeds are much larger in size than the carrot shoots; its leaves and stems will become a kind of cover for the young shoots from the direct impact of kerosene on them, and the weeds themselves will be destroyed.


To carry out the treatment, the gardener will need:

  1. Spray.
  2. Latex gloves.
  3. Respirator.
  4. Pure kerosene.

One of the main pests is the carrot fly. The use of kerosene to control weeds is possible only in beds with carrots or dill.

Preventive treatment of kerosene onions against flies before planting

Kerosene protects not only from onion flies, but also from other pests. It is better to start preventive measures before planting onions. To treat the soil, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of kerosene in 10 liters of water with the addition of a glass of salt, without a slide.

Kerosene in this case is a clear repellent against onion flies, and salted water fights many other pests.

The resulting solution is used to water the furrows prepared for planting seedlings and sprinkle them with ash. After a pause of a couple of hours, we plant the bulbs. Subsequently, kerosene treatment is carried out a couple of times per season:

  1. the first one is done during cherry blossom season
  2. the second at the end of June, beginning of July

These periods are important because they coincide with the periods of activation of the onion fly, which must be stopped. Secondary treatments can be carried out in the same concentration as during planting, the main thing is that the solution does not get on the feathers and roots, but is carried out only in the inter-row spaces.

Fighting methods

To combat the pest, various methods can be used, including traditional ones.

Folk remedies

The advantage of folk methods is their accessibility and lack of harm to culture.

Saline solution

The use of this method allows you to eliminate the pest in the first stages of its appearance. To fight, you need to prepare a saline solution, mix 200 grams of salt in a bucket of warm water. The resulting mixture is used to water the onion rows using the root method. Used once every 2 months.

Potassium permanganate

It is necessary to prepare a solution of manganese by mixing 5 grams in a liter of water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto the plant and the soil in the beds. Can be used every 10 days.

Wood ash

The substance can be used in several ways:

  • Mix a kilogram of ash in a bucket of water and spray the plants and soil between the beds. Apply once every 10 days.
  • Spread the ash in a thin layer between the beds and on the plants, after watering the area with the onions.

See also

Description of varieties and varieties of wild onions, subtleties of cultivation


Ash repels insects and acts as fertilizer.

Infusion of tobacco dust

You can buy tobacco dust at any store that sells fertilizers and pesticides. Tobacco dust is scattered between the onion beds, the smell of the substance repels the pest. Can be used every two weeks.

Proper destruction of rotten bulbs

It is possible to save the harvest if you remove rotten onions. Carefully remove the bulbs from the soil along with the soil and place them in a container. The beds must be watered first. The onion growth area must be treated with a manganese solution to remove possible larvae. Spoiled onions must be burned immediately after removal from the soil.

Dandelion root

A fresh plant root is used, it is cleared of soil and washed with water. To make the solution, pour a glass of crushed roots into a liter of water and leave for 5 days, then strain and mix with 9 liters of water. Spray every 7 days.

Insecticidal plants

The use of insecticidal plants allows you to repel pests and fight a large number of diseases. These plants include:

  • tobacco;
  • potato;
  • Red pepper;
  • yarrow;
  • garlic.

To eliminate onion flies, tobacco can be used. The plant is finely crushed and filled with water in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture is infused for 2 days and used to spray the crop.

Birch tar

The recipe for preparing the working solution is simple. To use, you need to stir 10 grams of tar in a bucket of water and add 20 grams of liquid soap. The solution is mixed and used to spray onion beds. Can be used every 15 days.

Ground red pepper

Red pepper has a scent that repels pests. To eliminate pests, it is necessary to scatter ground spice along the beds. This method is considered effective at the first appearance of flies on the onion.


The substance has a strong odor, so kerosene can be used to repel onion flies. To use the method, you need to take a bucket of sand and pour it with kerosene (400 grams). Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the soil between the beds.


To apply the method, it is necessary to place containers along the beds with onions into which vinegar is poured; when exposed to sunlight, the substance begins to evaporate and repel pests.

Laundry soap

Most often, treatment for onion flies at home is carried out using laundry soap. To prepare the solution, you need to grate a bar of soap on a fine grater and mix it with a liter of warm water; after the soap has completely dissolved, the solution is mixed with 9 liters of water. The solution is sprayed onto the onion beds every 15 days.


The medicinal substance is an antibacterial drug and is used to eliminate fungal diseases and pests. To process onions, you need to grind 5 tablets of the medicinal component to a powder. Mix with 10 liters of water and spray the plant every 10 days.


To use a solution with the addition of ammonia, you must mix the medicinal substance with water in a ratio of 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is distributed between the beds every 15 days.


The drug is most often produced in the form of pellets and has a strong odor. To remove onion midges, you need to crush 10 balls to a powder and mix them in a bucket of sand. Sand is scattered between the beds.

Deworming tablets

Anthelmintics have an antibacterial effect and are most often used to remove larvae. It is also recommended to soak the seed with the drug; to prepare the solution, 1 tablet of the medicinal substance is mixed in a liter of water.

Iodine and boric acid

The method has repeatedly proven its effectiveness; to prepare the solution you need:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of boric alcohol in 10 liters of water;
  • add 3 drops of iodine and 5 grams of manganese;
  • stir and add a spoonful of ammonia.

Each onion bush is watered with the solution every 15 days.


The use of chemicals allows you to get rid of the pest in a short time.


The drug contains a component such as diazinon. The active substance blocks larvae and affects adults. Recommended for use when planting bulbs in the ground. The product must be used to treat the soil and seed.


To use the insecticide, you need to prepare a solution by mixing 1 gram of the substance in 10 liters of water. Spraying is done twice a season.

"Karate Zeon"

The drug acts on the nervous system of pests and leads to their death, and can be used throughout plant growth. To prepare the solution, take 1 gram of the substance per liter of water. Does not affect the taste of the crop.


Contains tobacco dust. The package of the substance must be diluted in a bucket of water and the onion beds must be treated. After 10 days, the procedure is repeated.


Refers to safe types of insecticides. To prepare a working solution, you need to mix 5 grams of the substance in two liters of water. Spraying is carried out every 7 days until the problem disappears completely.

See also

Description of annual onions Daytona F1 and agricultural technology of the variety


Ammonium carbonate salt

It is classified as a fertilizer, but it prevents the development of diseases, including onion flies. For use, it is necessary to disperse the substance in the amount of 60 grams per square meter. Water the field generously with water.


The drug is produced in the form of peas and has a specific smell; to combat onion flies, it is necessary to sprinkle the insecticide between the beds and loosen the soil. Allows you to destroy an insect in several applications.


The action of the insecticide is aimed at removing pests that most often reside in the soil. Active particles of the substance, entering the pest’s body, destroy it from the inside, which leads to death. Instructions for use contain all the necessary tips for using the drug. The substance is distributed between the beds, after which the soil is loosened; it can be used every 20 days.


Quickly destroys the pest without harming the plant. To use, you need to mix a tablet of the substance with 2 liters of water. The effect of spraying is noticeable within a day and can be used several times a season.


The drug is used once a month to spray onion beds. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 2 tablets in 2 liters of water and spray the plant. It affects not only the larvae, but also the eggs of insects.

Important. To obtain a visible result, it is necessary to add liquid soap to the insecticide solution to adhere the active substances to the onion shoots.


It is used to eliminate all types of harmful insects; upon contact with pests, it tends to penetrate the body and lead to death. To use, you must follow the instructions for use. The product can negatively affect a person’s well-being. Therefore, when processing onions, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.


The use of “Kreolin” is a very common procedure for the preservation of onion beds. To use, you need to prepare a solution by mixing a spoonful of the substance with a bucket of water. The procedure is repeated after 21 days; personal protective equipment must be used during treatment.


Suitable for general cultivation only. During the growing period, the substance is not used for feathers. You need to mix 30 grams of the substance with a bucket of sand and distribute it over the onion area.


Used for complex cases of onion damage by insects. To prepare the solution, mix 5 ml with 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is sprayed over the onion area. Spraying is carried out in the evening.

"Spark double effect"

Destroys larvae that have appeared in large numbers. The pesticide is used against all types of pests. For onions, you need to prepare a solution by mixing 10 ml in a bucket of water. The resulting composition is sprayed on the ground part of the onion every 15 days.

The drug "Moveton Nova"

Penetrates into the body of insects and leads to death; to use, you need to prepare a solution by mixing 10 ml of the substance with 10 liters of water. The beds are processed 2 times a season.

Agrotechnical methods

Using the rules of agrotechnical care reduces the risk of insect occurrence and allows for timely detection of infestation.


Effective for beds that do not have visible lesions. During loosening, the soil is saturated with oxygen and the moisture level decreases. Such factors negatively affect the pest larvae. Loosening is carried out every week.


Good protection of crops from pests is timely removal of weeds. Weeds can act as carriers of onion fly eggs. Weeding should be done every 2 weeks.


In dense plantations, onions are weak and easily susceptible to disease. To reduce the risk of insects, thin out the beds, leaving only strong specimens.

Destruction of affected plants

A damaged bush can infect other plantings in a short time. The plant should be carefully removed and the growth site should be treated with an antiseptic. Such bushes have visible symptoms of infection and when removed from the soil, a gray coating is noticeable and larvae are visible.

Fertilizing with urea in May

Urea contains components that negatively affect insects. To use, prepare a solution by mixing chalk, urea and copper sulfate one tablespoon at a time. The resulting composition is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Apply to onion beds.

Prevention measures

Controlling pests on onions is very difficult. By damaging the leaves, they thereby create favorable conditions for the penetration of infections. As a result, the gardener may lose the entire crop, including the bulbs. It is impossible to fight white worms with chemicals, so special attention must be paid to preventive measures: from observing crop rotation to pre-planting treatment of bulbs and seeds. Gardeners who neglect these rules risk serious losses.

Digging beds

Pest larvae develop in the bud, and adult insects also hide there for the winter. Therefore, autumn digging and loosening throughout the season helps prevent the appearance of white worms on onions.

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Systematic loosening prevents insects from pupating, which means there will be fewer adult secretive proboscis, and there will be no one to lay eggs in onion greens. As for the onion fly: it does not like loose soil and will not lay eggs in it.

Autumn digging makes insects hidden in the ground easy prey for birds, while surviving individuals will die during frosts.

Crop rotation rules

Crop rotation is a poor defense against the secretive proboscis: the insect rarely overwinters near the garden, preferring secluded places far from humans, which means it will fly to the dacha again in the spring. But crop rotation helps against onion fly. You cannot plant onions in the same place for several years, with the exception of onions, which can grow in one bed for years.

Good results are obtained by planting onions in the beds where carrots were sown last year and vice versa. Using the same principle, it is good to plant carrots and onions side by side; the first plant repels the onion fly, the second - the carrot fly.

Clean garden

It is difficult to fight weeds, especially over a large area, and therefore it is impossible and not necessary to keep the garden perfectly clean. It is much more important to promptly remove and burn plant debris. This is especially true for the technology of growing plants under mulch: it is unacceptable to leave last year’s mulch on the beds; it is changed every 1-2 months.

The problem is that insects, including the secretive proboscis, feed on last year’s plant debris in early spring. If there are any near the onion beds, the plant is more likely to be attacked by white worms.

Remove weeds and mown tops from the area in a timely manner, do not leave them in the walkways.

Bulb processing

Onion sets may already be affected by onion fly eggs, and therefore there is a risk of introducing the pest into your area. It is correct if the material is processed before planting:

  1. Visual inspection, rejection of damaged specimens.
  2. Feeling and removing bulbs with a soft bottom.
  3. Soaking the planting material for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, followed by drying.

For preventative purposes, you can soak the bulbs in a tar solution, the recipe is listed above. After this treatment, you don’t have to worry about bringing carrot flies into the beds, and there will be fewer white larvae.

Chemical soil treatment

If an invasion of white larvae has been observed this year, then before wintering it is better to treat the soil with insecticides - this is the only time of the year when the drugs will not harm human health, but will destroy larvae and adult insects

The following preparations can be used to treat the soil:

  • Medvetox;
  • Zemlin;
  • Aktara;
  • Corado;
  • Fly eater.

When processing, follow the instructions for use. Remember that using these products on onions during the growing season is prohibited. Spraying is allowed a few weeks before planting the onions.

Signs of a pest

It is quite difficult to see the presence of pest eggs and larvae on onions due to their small size and inconspicuous color. In addition, their activities take place mainly underground. This leads to the fact that the moment when the first fly attacks appeared may be irretrievably lost. All that remains is to begin active efforts to save the crop from imminent death. Signs of pest damage to onions appear on both above-ground and underground parts of plants and look like this:

  • the onion stops developing or there is a significant decrease in its growth;
  • bulbous feathers and arrows begin to dry out and turn yellow;
  • an unpleasant smell of rot appears in the area;
  • the bulbs soften and begin to rot;
  • Larvae appear inside the bulbs and on the roots.

If any of these signs appear, cleanup measures must be carried out immediately. Affected bulbs become unfit for consumption. They must be removed from the ground immediately to prevent healthy vegetables from becoming infected.

What to soak onions in?

Summer residents did not have a consensus on whether it is worth soaking before planting or not. We can say that the general circle of specialists is divided into two camps. Some argue that before planting, seedlings must be treated with a special solution. Others say that it is not necessary to soak the onions; the crop will grow anyway.

Experts do not have a consensus on whether it is worth soaking onions before planting.

Attention! Remember that soaking is a guarantee that the harvest will be preserved in any case, since treated seedlings are not afraid of fungal diseases.

In fact, soaking is a precautionary measure for the summer resident himself. After all, when purchasing planting material, the buyer is faced with a lot of unresolved questions: in what conditions did the onions grow, how and with what fertilizing was done. Therefore, many people prefer not to take risks and carry out the soaking procedure, which is carried out immediately before planting.

No. 8. Planting onions with marigolds, carrots, tomatoes

This will help confuse the fly and the pest will not find its way to the onion bed. Onions and garlic are combined with the following crops.

Dill. The spice is sown pointwise between the rows of onions. Or you can first plant the seedlings, scatter dill seeds on top and lightly cover them with a rake. Usually the plants do not interfere with each other, you just need to remember to regularly pull through the greens.

Tomato. Nightshade crops also have a distinct odor that repels flies. To get a good result, it is enough to place the onion bed next to the ground tomatoes.

Carrot. Some gardeners like to alternate rows of carrots and onions in one plot. Yes, this is a beneficial combination in terms of pest control. But you also need to take into account that cultures need slightly different care.

For example, it is advisable to dry the soil under onions 1-1.5 weeks before harvesting, but carrots need watering at all stages of growth. Therefore, it is better to do this: divide the bed into two parts (lengthwise or crosswise, whichever is more convenient) and plant one with carrots, the other with onions.

Marigolds, calendula. Flowers are sown between onion rows, or along the edge of the bed. In this case, the distance between the rows is increased to 40-45 centimeters. This is necessary so that the plants do not shade each other.

Tobacco dust

You can repel onion flies using tobacco dust. The powder should be scattered between the beds at the rate of 100-200 g per square meter. This should be done during the period when insects are laying eggs. Treatment with tobacco dust should be carried out every two weeks.

In addition to using pure tobacco dust, you can use a mixture of tobacco, ground hot pepper and ash in a 1:1 ratio or a mixture of tobacco and sand in the same proportions.

Another good option is spraying. To do this, you need to mix 400 g of dry tobacco waste with 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days. Then transfer to a dark place. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2.

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What other ways are there to prepare winter onions for planting?

Before treating the bulbs with drugs against diseases and pests, the seedlings go through the following stages of preparation:

  • selection of healthy and whole bulbs;
  • drying and ventilation;
  • preventive treatment.

Sorting and drying

Required storage temperature for onion sets: +18°C. But it is not always possible to comply with this. Onions stored at low temperatures do not form large bulbs and will go into arrows.

Therefore, a couple of weeks before planting, the onions are dried and ventilated after winter storage. To do this, it is enough to keep the onion for 14-20 days at a temperature of +20°C.

During the sorting process, onions go through several stages:

  • selection of bulbs with a diameter of up to 3 cm;
  • selection of healthy, not flaccid and uninjured bulbs;
  • removal of dry husks;
  • trimming dry tops.

Warming up

The method prevents the formation of onion shoots and stimulates the growth of the root system. Sometimes it helps against powdery mildew infection.

Warming up the bulbs begins 10 hours before planting at a temperature of +40°C. You can warm it up by laying out the seeds near radiators and other heating devices.


If there is no time for long heating, then you can use an express processing method - hardening. To do this, prepare water at a temperature of +45°C to +50°C and immerse the bulbs in it for 15 minutes. Then soak for the same time in cold water.

The procedure increases the immunity of the crop and helps acclimatize the seed.


The easiest and most convenient way to prepare onions for planting is to soak them in plain water. The seedlings are kept in hot water (+50°C) for 10-15 minutes, without the use of any drugs or fertilizers.

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