For effective protection against annoying insects, we use Agita fly repellent

Agita fly repellent is produced by NovartisAnimalHealthd.oo (Slovenia). Used in residential premises, utility rooms, barns where animals live. Effectively fights flies, cockroaches, fleas, arthropods sensitive to organophosphorus insecticides. Apply smears or spray on surfaces.

Instructions for use dosage

The drug Agita is produced in the form of odorless, beige granules that dissolve well in water.
The main active ingredient is thiamethoxam, which leads to the death of insects. The auxiliary components are lactose (promotes the willing consumption of the drug by flies), starch and the sex pheromone of flies (Z-9-tricosene), which attracts insects to the places where the product is applied. The drug is packaged in plastic jars of 100 and 400 g.

According to the instructions, the drug is used to control flies, as well as cockroaches and fleas in livestock buildings.

Before starting to treat the premises, you should remove the animals and cover all objects that the animals may come into contact with, as well as feeders and drinking bowls.

Next, begin preparing the working solution. If the treatment will be carried out by applying smears, then the granules are mixed with water at the rate of 320 ml of water per 400 g of Agita and 80 ml of water per 100 g of the drug. A 400-gram package will allow you to treat rooms with a floor area of ​​160 m2, and a 100-gram package will allow you to treat a room with a floor area of ​​40 m2.

The prepared working solution is applied to the surface with a brush in strips measuring 10*30 cm (at least 30 stripes in a large room, and at least 8 stripes in a smaller room). The effect of the drug will last for 6-8 weeks after treatment. The working solution can be used to treat strips of cardboard or plastic tape, which are then hung indoors.

Treatment is also carried out by spraying warm sunny walls, window frames, and lamp shades. In pigsties, walls are sprayed at a height of more than 1.5 m from the floor surface, and in premises for cattle - at a height of more than 2 m from the floor.

Prepare the solution in the following way: pour granules (100 gram or 400 gram packaging) into the container of the spraying apparatus, add water (800 ml for 100 g and 3.2 liters for 400 g) and mix thoroughly. In the first case, the solution is enough to treat rooms with a floor area of ​​20 m2, and in the second - 80 m2.

The room can be used after the treated walls have completely dried. The validity period of Agita when sprayed is 4-6 weeks.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Agita is 5 years from the date of manufacture. The drug is stored in places protected from light and moisture, inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed, at temperatures from -10°C to +30°C. The prepared solution is used within one day, and the unused product is disposed of away from livestock grazing areas and away from water supplies. It is not allowed to pour the product into the sink or toilet. Empty containers are disposed of together with household waste.

The treatment of premises is carried out in gowns, rubber gloves, safety glasses and respirators. If you have symptoms of poisoning, you should drink several glasses of water, take activated charcoal and consult a doctor.


Analogues of Agita are such drugs as Interflytox Kyodr, Bros Sagitaria, Muhostop and others. In general, fly repellent must be selected with special care and consideration must be given to the rooms in which it will be used. So, ordinary Velcro can cope with flies in the house, while on the farm it will be useless.

Today, fumigators, aerosols, sprays, powders, traps, smoke bombs, etc. help in the fight against flies. All have their own advantages and disadvantages, so before use, carefully read the instructions for a particular drug.


The Agita product was purchased to get rid of flies in a country house and under the canopy adjacent to it. I diluted 50 grams of warm (not hot!) water per 400 ml of water. I didn’t feel any smell, since I dissolved it directly in a plastic 600-gram bottle. The wall panels in the house were treated at a height of 150–170 cm from the floor and the ceiling of the open canopy adjacent to the house. Flies, flying under the canopy, begin to spin and “dance” in the air, then fall dead. All that's left to do is sweep it up. Night butterflies and moths, mosquitoes and crickets also die. When used in a city apartment to kill cockroaches, no effect was found, although this was also written in the annotation.


For many years we used various products with an unpleasant odor, but now we have a child in the house and the use of toxic products has become impossible, friends advised us to go to the vet. pharmacy and buy an odorless miracle product, this miracle turned out to be Agita.


The main thing is that the Agita 10WG fly repellent really works. Moreover, the effect is long-term. Someone talks about weeks of life without flies after treating the area, but I don’t believe in such a period. My grandfather already used this poison at home (and there are tons of mosquitoes there, since the Kuban River is nearby) and noted a three-day effect. There is no price for this thing. Now you don’t have to close the doors to the street without fear of a house full of scoundrels with wings. By the way, the product can be used not only outdoors, but also indoors. The white, thick liquid that results after mixing the granules with water is quickly either absorbed or dries without leaving any visible traces. And yet, the product is also effective in the fight against cockroaches and fleas. So for 130 rubles this thing is like a gift from God. Especially for those living in areas with a high concentration of flyers.

Kosmonaut Misha

Agita is an effective drug for exterminating annoying flies. The effectiveness of the product is determined by its unique composition, which combines an insecticide and a sex pheromone of flies. The working solution is easy to prepare yourself and application does not require special skills or equipment.

Composition and storage

The substance should be stored in a place inaccessible to sunlight and excess moisture, away from children and animals. Recommended storage temperature is from -10°C to 30°C. Recommended shelf life is 6 years.

So, we hope this article helped you come to a unanimous opinion whether you need to use this tool

Remember that if used carelessly, fly poison can also serve as poison for your pets.

Therefore, scrupulously follow all the recommendations given in the instructions.

Store the drug in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of pets and children, at a temperature range from minus ten to plus thirty. The shelf life of the powder is five years.

The drug Agita is presented in the form of a powder consisting of small granules. The advantages include the fact that the product does not have an unpleasant odor. After carefully studying the instructions, the powder is diluted with water in the required proportions. The products are packaged in plastic containers.

The uniqueness of Agita lies in the fact that it uses two active components simultaneously: the sex pheromone of flies and the insecticide thiamethoxam. They complement each other perfectly, which allows you to achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug. There are also sugar and lactose, which are auxiliary components.

After mixing the powder with water, a foam with a beige tint is obtained.

Hazard Class

The insecticide Agita is able to please with a wide spectrum of action. The active components completely destroy not only flies. They actively fight cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, and ants. Within 24 hours after use, harmful insects will be completely destroyed. The product also has a long residual effect. You can be sure that the insects will not appear again for the next 5-8 weeks.

The insecticidal agent Agita belongs to drugs of hazard class 4. The working mixture, as well as its vapors, are considered a low-hazard compound. Thus, if the dosage and safety precautions are followed correctly, the active components are not capable of causing harm to human health. The product can be used both to combat insects and to prevent their occurrence.

The poison is made on the basis of thiamethoxam, the proportion of which is 10% (in the form of a concentrate). In addition, the Agita fly repellent contains an auxiliary component - ticozen. This substance is a pheromone that effectively attracts insects to the poison. The drug also contains 100 percent sugar or lactose. These components are also a favorite food of pests.

According to the instructions, the Agita fly repellent should be stored in a tightly closed cabinet at a temperature of no less than -10 degrees and no higher than 30. However, do not destroy the original packaging. After the expiration of the warranty period, the drug is subject to mandatory disposal. Storing expired poison is strictly prohibited.

Release form and price

Agita insecticidal powder is available in plastic jars with lids of 100 and 400 grams. The container volume is 240 and 900 ml, respectively. Closed packaging should be stored away from food products and out of reach of children and animals. It should be stored at a temperature of minus 10°C to +30°C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of release.

You can buy Agita at a hardware store that specializes in selling chemicals. This product is also available on websites. The price of Agita fly repellent may vary depending on the supplier, place of sale and a number of other circumstances. The average cost of a drug weighing 100 g is 900 rubles, and a large jar of 400 g is 2,400 rubles.

Analogues of the drug Agita are: Absolute in the form of granules, insecticidal powder Adamant, Get against midges and flies, universal powder Delicia.

Where to buy Agita fly repellent

You can find Agita in almost any veterinary pharmacy. It is better to avoid purchasing the product in markets or underground passages. There is no guarantee that you will be able to buy original products here. You can also contact a specialized online store.

Is it dangerous?

The drug is moderately dangerous, so pay special attention to its correct use. And yet there is a certain danger: . For man

Poisoning is possible in cases where safety measures have been violated. For example, when working without safety glasses, a drop of the product may get into your eyes. When spraying the drug without a respirator, you risk inhaling small particles of toxic substances.

For pets. Naturally, if the pet is in the room where the treatment is taking place, it will inhale toxic substances. If you take your pet out of the room and return it after treatment after a certain time, then the use of this product will not affect its health in any way.

  • For a person. Poisoning is possible in cases where safety measures have been violated. For example, when working without safety glasses, a drop of the product may get into your eyes. When spraying the drug without a respirator, you risk inhaling small particles of toxic substances.
  • For pets. Naturally, if the pet is in the room where the treatment is taking place, it will inhale toxic substances. If you take your pet out of the room and return it after treatment after a certain time, then the use of this product will not affect its health in any way.

Agita price

To purchase Agita, it is recommended to choose specialized retail outlets or Internet portals. They are also sold in veterinary pharmacies. The cost of the drug at different retail outlets does not differ significantly. So, the cost of a jar with a capacity of 400 g costs about 1600-1700 rubles. The drug is also packaged in 25 g sachets. Their cost is about 150 rubles. Naturally, if you need to process a large area, it is better to pay attention to a larger capacity. Also, some stores may offer promotions where you can purchase products at a discount.

Pros and cons of the drug

The main advantage of Agita over other insecticides is its high efficiency and speed of action. The chemical effect begins to work from the first minutes of application of the insecticide. Easy ways to use the product also have a positive effect on its overall rating. Anyone can cope with simple instructions for use. The absence of strong pesticides makes the product low-toxic and safe for people.

The disadvantages include the fact that in addition to insects, the drug can attract the attention of domestic animals and birds. It also poses a danger to bees and bumblebees, which are pollinators of many garden crops. The insecticide itself is expensive, which may be a reason to choose a cheaper analogue.

Where to buy and how much it costs

The cost of "Agita" is not very high and anyone who needs it can buy it. It can be ordered from online stores or directly from specialized stores.

On the Internet you can find a product at a price of 120 rubles. up to 2700 rub.

The advantage of ordering goods in online stores is delivery of the product directly to your home, but there are not always guarantees of its quality.

In addition, Agita can also be found in stores specializing in insect repellent chemicals.

Natalya: “For a long time we have tried a huge number of different means. They had a very unpleasant smell. Now we have a baby, and there is no opportunity to use such toxic products.

Friends advised me to try to purchase this wonderful remedy at a veterinary pharmacy. "Agita" works wonderfully against flies and is not so toxic for a child."

Tatyana: “We bought a product to control flies at the dacha. They diluted it with warm water in a plastic container, and there was no smell. We treated the panels in the house and the ceiling under the canopy.

The action was simply incredible: the flies just flew in and were already dying, we only had time to remove them. We dealt with butterflies, moths, mosquitoes and crickets in the same way.”

Nina: “For the first time this year I encountered a huge infestation of flies. This was a complete surprise to me. We moved to a private house and were simply delighted with the fresh air, silence and natural products. And here is such a misfortune. The neighbors raised chickens, ducks, cows, and because of this we had flies. First we used sticky tape.

She didn't help us much. But “Agita” became a real salvation. True, it had a slightly unpleasant smell, but this was not a hindrance. We sprayed it on some surfaces and as soon as the insects landed on them, they died right before our eyes. We only treated the yard, but there were no insects in the house either.”

Svetlana: I use Agita at work (we raise chickens), and it’s a very good product. After using it, flies die very quickly and new ones do not appear for a long time.

The disadvantage is the unpleasant smell of the powder, but this does not interfere, since this is the only disadvantage of the drug. As long as it is not diluted, it can be tolerated, but as soon as I add water, it feels like it stinks of rotten fish. But this stench goes away very quickly. At home, you can generally not add water, but simply sprinkle a little powder in places where flies congregate, but if you have pets, you need to be careful not to eat it, otherwise you won’t destroy the flies, and the pets will suffer.”

Marina: “Everyone knows how annoying flies are in the summer. We used Agita to kill these nasty insects on a dairy farm. The result was already a few hours after treating the area. We and the animals have become absolutely calm, since they no longer irritate us and do not damage our equipment.”

Flies in the house: why are they dangerous?

Of course, flies are not the most dangerous insects that can appear in the house. They do not drink blood (with the exception of the burner fly) and do not cause such disgust as occurs when “meeting” bedbugs and cockroaches. Houseflies cause anxiety when there are too many of them. The buzzing of these insects is annoying. But the problem of being close to flies is not only their intrusiveness. They can cause many health problems, as they are carriers of infectious agents:

  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • paratyphoid fever;
  • cholera;
  • tuberculosis;
  • polio;
  • helminthic and protozoal infestations, etc.

If flies appear in an apartment, they will land on everything: dishes, food, personal items. This means there is a risk of contracting an infection.

Drug Agita against flies

The product is produced in Austria, is stated as a drug for killing flies, but it can also be used to combat other harmful insects: cockroaches and fleas.

The insecticide included in the drug Agita is also used to kill cockroaches and fleas

Composition and description of the drug

Agita is available in the form of a powder of small granules. The color is beige, there is no smell. The manufacturer, the Kvizda company, recommends diluting the product with water in accordance with the instructions.

You can find tips on how to avoid the appearance of dirty stains from the product. Some owners have adapted to using dry granules of the drug

It is important to know that this method of using Agita is not recommended by the manufacturer and is not safe.

The drug Agita goes on sale in plastic jars, covered with metal foil and sealed with plastic lids with first opening control

Important! Agita is produced in cans of 0.24 and 0.9 liters, the weight of the drug is 0.1 and 0.4 kilograms, respectively. There is no other form of release of the original product. The manufacturer warns against counterfeits.

The composition of the drug Agita includes:

  • insecticide thiamethoxam - 10% (active ingredient)
  • sex pheromone of flies Z-9-tricosene - 0.05% (active ingredient)
  • lactose (excipient)
  • sugar (excipient)

After adding the amount of water specified in the instructions, a white suspension with a beige tint should form.

Operating principle

The active substance thiamethoxam is a neonicotinoid with contact-intestinal effects, to which the nervous system of flies, fleas and cockroaches reacts. At the slightest contact with the product, the cell membranes of the parasite begin to quickly collapse, and eventually the insect dies.

Agita is not an immediate action drug, but the pest dies quickly and is guaranteed

To ensure that flies have more contact with treated surfaces, a sex pheromone is added to the active substances, which attracts insects. The effect of the product begins within approximately 4 minutes after the pest first comes into contact with the product.

Efficiency compared to other fly repellents

Thanks to the active substance, Agita is effective against pests that have already become addicted to organophosphorus insecticides. Unlike most insecticidal preparations, Agita is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class IV). In the absence of allergies and strict adherence to instructions, the possibility of side effects is minimized.

Important! Agita cannot be used near fish ponds and apiaries: the active substance is toxic to fish and bees.

Agita is toxic to fish and bees

Safe Home Remedies

If you absolutely do not accept chemicals, try using products that are available in any home:

  • vinegar (it’s better to take apple cider vinegar) - pour into any containers (metal lids from jars with preparations will do) or place pieces of bread soaked in vinegar on the windowsills;
  • lavender - helps not only against moths, it turns out that midges cannot stand its smell (you can use fresh or dry, in the form of a sachet);
  • cloves (spice) - just put a few buds on a saucer and leave them on the table, and if you stick a clove into half a fresh lemon, the repellent effect will increase many times over;
  • essential oils of myrtle or laurel (provided that no one in the household has allergies) - lubricate door and window openings;
  • branches of elderberry or fern, tansy inflorescences - you just need to lay them out on the windowsills;
  • get geraniums - the smell of flowers repels midges;
  • an ordinary red rowan will destroy flies in an hour, and a juniper in 3-4 hours.
  • Aloe juice or a decoction of pine cones also work well.

Conventional adhesive trap tapes can be replaced with homemade ones. Strips of thick paper or cardboard are moistened in thick sugar syrup and hung in places where insects accumulate. The effect will be no worse (flies will also stick), plus such traps are absolutely safe for pets.

Starch and sugar syrup will help get rid of flies in your area - just mix the ingredients to a paste and place them in strategically important places in the evening (near the grill, next to the toilet or compost heap). Flies, attracted by the sweet smell, will get stuck in the sticky mass and will definitely not bother you for 24 hours.

If you know how to use tools and have unnecessary wooden blocks and fine mesh lying around the house, you can build a flytrap. In fact, this is an ordinary box with a closing lid and a cone-shaped bottom (the top of the cone is directed upward). A small hole is made in the lid into which midges can fly freely, and bait is placed on the bottom - the same sugar or a ready-made insecticide.

Agita from flies instructions

Fly powder is used indoors and outdoors for various purposes. Agita is used for spraying and spreading surfaces. They treat the places where insects most like to be: lamps, walls, window frames, ceilings, window sills.

Where processing is not recommended, it is worth hanging cardboard strips or polyethylene tapes pre-impregnated with Agita. In barns, the solution should be distributed at a height of over 1.5-2 m so that animals cannot reach the poison.

The manufacturer's instructions for using Agit describe 2 methods of surface treatment - application with a brush, spraying with a household spray bottle, or spray bottles.

On a note!

Sometimes owners spray the powder in dry form, but the manufacturer does not recommend this method of treatment, since there is a high probability of small particles getting into the respiratory tract of humans and animals.

Agita repellent for flies

Processing with stripes (strokes)

Take a separate container and mix 400 ml of cold water with 400 g of Agita powder. Mix until smooth, apply with a brush in strokes measuring 10x30 cm. Make about 30 stripes. The solution is enough to cover a floor area of ​​160 square meters. m.

The toxic properties of the drug persist for 8 weeks. The prepared solution should be used within 24 hours and should be diluted immediately before treatment.

On a note!

The manufacturer recommends stirring the Agit solution every half hour during the disinfestation process to prevent peeling and settling to the bottom.


To kill flies, dilute 400 g of Agita in 3.2 liters of water at room temperature. Mix thoroughly for 5 minutes and pour into a household spray bottle. This method of application involves treating walls, ceilings, and window sills. This amount of solution is enough to disinfect a room with a total area of ​​80 square meters. m.

For spraying surfaces with an area of ​​20 square meters. m is enough for 100 g of granules, which are diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Insecticidal properties last 6 weeks according to the instructions for use. The drug is most effective in the first week. It can poison within a few seconds after contact with the treated surface.


At my dacha, neighbors raise chickens and pigs. We often get flies from them. A very unpleasant phenomenon. I used adhesive tape, it had an effect, but I wanted to achieve a better result. A work colleague suggested buying Agita. I decided to try it. I applied it to the walls and floors in all rooms of the dacha. Within a couple of hours, insect corpses were lying everywhere. The product is good, I recommend it!

I want to tell you about Agita insect repellent. My husband and I recently moved to a house on the outskirts of the city. And they encountered an unpleasant problem: insects. Flies, midges, and mosquitoes constantly fly into the house through open doors and windows. I started looking on the Internet for information on how to get rid of insects. They offer many chemical and folk remedies. I found positive reviews about Agita fly repellent. I ordered a small jar on the website to try. I only treated the kitchen and veranda with it, but a lot of flies died. After that, I bought a large jar and treated it everywhere. Until the end of summer, insects no longer bothered me.

I learned about fly poison from my neighbors. They poisoned flies with Agita in their barn. I have a chicken coop and a small barn in my yard, where I keep pigs every summer. Naturally, flies flock to the smell. I treated the walls at a height of 1.5 meters and the ceiling so that the pigs could not reach the poison. As a result, there are much fewer flies; new ones fly in every day and die almost immediately. A very effective remedy.

Agita fly repellent properties of the drug

The product is based on 10% of the toxic substance thiamethoxam. This is an odorless crystalline powder that acts on the nicotinic-acetyl-choline receptors of the nervous system of pests. Thanks to the action of this poison, the parasite dies.

It also contains lactose, sugar and the sex hormone of pests - tricosene, which attracts parasites. As a result, poison enters their body, and after just a couple of days you can forget about insects for up to two months.

To assess the effectiveness of this poison for insects, it is worth considering the indicators of its individual components:

  • Thiamethoxam leads to paralysis of the nerve fibers of insects, after which the pests die,
  • ticozen attracts annoying flies and other parasites,
  • sweet components quickly attract insects.

Before diluting Agita fly repellent, you should pay attention to precautions. According to GOST, this drug is considered low-hazard, since it belongs to category 4

This means that after short contact with human skin, the product will not have a negative effect on it.

Do not eat, drink water or smoke while working.

Precautionary measures

Agita fly repellent belongs to hazard class 4, meaning that it is safe for humans with short-term contact. But, like any insecticide, the drug must be used with certain precautions:

  1. Persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers are not allowed to kill flies using Agita.
  2. Before treatment begins, people and animals must leave the premises. All food products, dishes, and animal feed must be taken out of the treated area or isolated, tightly packed in airtight packaging.
  3. If Agita is used in pigsties, surfaces located at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor level should be treated. In farm buildings for cattle and in stables, walls are not treated at a height of up to 2 meters.
  4. The person who uses the drug against flies must have personal protective equipment: gloves, a gown or a special suit, a respirator. During the entire procedure, you must not eat, drink water, or smoke.
  5. Containers and tools that were used during insecticide treatment cannot be reused for other purposes and cannot be stored. These items must be disposed of.

Instructions for use

Agita is used to kill flies in residential buildings and livestock farms.

Precautionary measures

Despite the low degree of danger, the room must be treated using protective equipment. The manufacturer recommends full attire:

  • Protective robe. If the treatment area is small, you can use an old raincoat instead of a commercial robe
  • Rubber gloves. Rubber gloves will protect the skin of your hands from contact with the product.
  • Respirator. For an extremely small amount of work, instead of a respirator, you can use a regular medical mask
  • Safety glasses. The use of sealed glasses during processing protects the eyes from accidental splashes of the drug

People and animals must be removed from the premises during treatment. To prevent the product from getting on the mucous membranes, you should not smoke, eat or drink during the treatment process.

Important! Application of the drug to contaminated, porous or freshly painted surfaces is not allowed. . Before treatment, the room should be prepared, taking into account the following requirements - it is impossible for the drug to affect:

Before treatment, the room should be prepared, taking into account the following requirements - it is impossible for the drug to affect:

  • Food. Food products that for any reason cannot be put into the refrigerator or taken out of the room should be carefully sealed
  • Dishes. From the dishes, the product can get into the food, and with it into the body, and cause illness
  • Animal food. Like human food, animal food must also be isolated from accidental contact with the drug.
  • Feeders and drinking bowls. Dishes for animals should also be removed before processing the premises.
  • Surfaces accessible to animals. When treating surfaces in rooms with animals, you should be especially vigilant and apply the product only where they definitely cannot reach

Upon completion of treatment or when going on a break, you must wash your hands with soap and water.

Processing order

To prepare the liquid preparation, the manufacturer recommends using water at room temperature or slightly warmer. It is worth considering that the finished suspension is suitable for use only during the day. As the room is treated, the composition must be stirred every half hour, otherwise it will separate.

Agita can be applied in two ways:

  1. Brush (strokes). When treated with a brush, Agita does not lose effectiveness for 6 to 8 weeks
  2. Spray. Agita applied by spraying remains effective for 4 to 6 weeks
Processing methodDrug AgitaWaterNumber of strips measuring 10x30 cmRoom floor area
Applying strokes to the surface100 g80 mlat least 840 m2
Applying strokes to the surface400 g320 mlat least 30160 m2
Spray onto surface100 g800 ml20 m2
Spray onto surface400 g3.2 l80 m2

The suspension remaining after treatment must be disposed of taking into account the danger of the substance, away from water bodies and pastures. Under no circumstances should the drug be poured into the sewer.

Adhesive tapes

Adhesive tapes are widely used to control flying pests in rooms where the use of other means is undesirable - children's rooms, kitchens, dining rooms. The principle of operation is very simple. When a fly lands on the surface of an insect trap, it sticks and dies. The tape is treated with an adhesive substance containing pheromones that smells pleasant to insects.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • low price;
  • the product is safe for humans and the environment;
  • can be used outdoors;
  • long validity period (up to two months);
  • no unpleasant odor.


  • unaesthetic appearance;
  • the product is ineffective when there is a large concentration of flies - the tape quickly becomes unusable and requires replacement.

Popular ones are available in cardboard packages with a meter-long ribbon. Active substance -

attractant _ The average cost is 17 rubles. For a room of ten square meters, you will need two tapes to get rid of flies and other flying insects. The product is highly effective. Ribbons should not be hung near open fire.

“Amanita” is sold in stores in packs of four strips. The average price is 49 rubles. The length of each tape is 80 centimeters. One package is enough to protect two rooms.

Mosquitall is also available from the manufacturer in boxes of four tapes. The average cost is 42 rubles. The company has established itself well in the market by supplying high-quality insect control products. The tape is odorless and easy to use. For a room of ten square meters, two or three tapes are required. Do not hang near open fire, in the sun or drafts.

First aid for poisoning

Failure to follow safety rules is not the only reason why a person can become poisoned. There is still a possibility of individual intolerance to the active components. There are several options for poisoning:

  1. We inhaled the fumes. During work, there is a general deterioration in well-being. In this case, it is recommended to immediately stop work and go outside. Consult a doctor to accurately identify the cause of your poor health.
  2. If the product comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  3. If the product somehow gets into the stomach, it is recommended to drink as much water as possible immediately. Then you need to take activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

There are no specific medications that can help get rid of the symptoms of poisoning from this drug. If a person has individual intolerance, it is better to consult a specialist. After studying the specific situation, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate medications.

Like any chemical substance, Agita requires strict adherence to the instructions

When carrying out processing, precautions must be taken to help avoid harmful effects on the body.

Security measures:

  • use of protective equipment,
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying,
  • after the treatment is completed, you must thoroughly wash your face, hands, rinse your mouth with water,
  • unused residues of the substance are disposed of in places for chemical waste,
  • after the expiration date of Agita, the treatment areas are wiped with a solution of soda ash,
  • It is not recommended for children, pregnant women, people prone to allergies to come into contact with the drug,
  • the drug container is also destroyed and reuse is prohibited.

If the fly repellent is used incorrectly or due to individual intolerance, the body may be poisoned.

The following symptoms may occur:

  • deterioration of health, weakness,
  • darkening of the eyes, dilated pupils,
  • dry mouth, nausea,
  • dizziness and pain,
  • coldness of hands and feet,
  • temperature increase,
  • heartbeat.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the amount of the substance that enters the body. In addition, it is necessary to consider whether the poisoning was one-time or regular in small doses. To alleviate the victim’s condition, you need to take him out into fresh air and determine the method of poisoning. If the symptoms are mild, help should be provided, but if the symptoms worsen, call a doctor.

Acute poisoning provokes profuse vomiting and diarrhea. With chronic exposure, a decrease in body weight, an allergic rash, a disturbance in the mental state, and increased activity of the production of liver enzymes are observed.

Help with Agita poisoning:

  • if the skin and mucous membranes are damaged, wash with running water and soap or soda solution,
  • if it gets into the stomach - rinse with soda solution or manganese, use activated carbon, sorbents,
  • in the respiratory tract - rinse the mouth with water and soda, ensuring a flow of fresh air.

Agita fly repellent is an effective drug that can quickly cleanse the affected area from the accumulation of parasites. Due to its low toxicity, it is allowed to be used in apartments, residential buildings, and livestock farms. The availability of processing and the effect of long-term exposure contribute to the popularization of this product among consumers.

Safety regulations

The drug is a low-hazard substance and, when used correctly, does not cause harm to people or the environment. If safety standards are violated, Agita can cause poisoning. Upon contact with the skin, irritation and an allergic rash appear; in the respiratory tract, it causes intoxication of varying degrees of intensity.

Safety measures when working with Agita

  • All work should be carried out using personal protective equipment. When preparing Agita, you should avoid contact of granules or solution with mucous membranes, skin, or respiratory tract.
  • After disinfestation, be sure to wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water. If granules are scattered on the floor, they should be removed with a broom and washed with soapy water.
  • It is prohibited to eat or smoke while using Agita. If weakness or dizziness appears, you must stop pest control, go out into fresh air, rinse your mouth with a soda solution, and take a sorbent.
  • During the use of Agita, all people and animals should be removed from the premises, the equipment should be covered with polyethylene, and all remaining food and water should be taken away. It is allowed to bring livestock into treated premises only after the preparation has completely dried.
  • In a residential building, food should be taken out to the balcony, put in the refrigerator, and the dishes should be hermetically sealed so that the product does not get on it during disinfestation.
  • Treatment with Agita should be carried out away from reservoirs and apiaries. The insecticide is deadly to bees and fish. Use outdoors only in areas with the greatest concentration of flies. The product is suitable for spraying garbage pits, garbage cans, drains, and outdoor toilets.


The remaining mass is disposed of away from pastures for grazing and water bodies. It is strictly forbidden to drain the drug into the sewer. You can remove the remaining poison from the container with an alkaline solution. Add baking soda and laundry soap to the water.

How to use Agita correctly

Agita powder is diluted with warm water and mixed well before application. The working solution is applied by spraying or brushing. The table shows the proportions of the substance and water for different types of treatment.

Processing typeAmount of Agita powder 10, gr.Amount of water, ml.Strips 10x30 cm, pcs.Square
Strokes10080840 m2
40032030160 m2
Spraying10080020 m2
400320080 m2

Pay attention to the following tips for using the drug Agita:

  • The prepared dab solution can be applied to interior items, walls and other surfaces.
  • Consider the fact that the composition, although low-toxic, is still an insecticide. Don't swab anything you come into contact with regularly.
  • The product will be less effective if applied to wood, plaster or other porous surfaces.
  • If you don’t want to leave traces of processing, make smears on cardboard or polyethylene and place them in the “favorite” places for flies. Better yet, hang it from the ceiling.
  • When choosing spraying treatment, spray the walls at the top (about 2 meters from the floor).
  • The active effect of the drug will end after 6 weeks. Thus, one treatment is enough for the season.

I always look at hanging sticky flycatchers with some disgust. Especially if there is no free space on them, and some insects continue to buzz, trying to escape. Running around the apartment with fly swatters is also not the best option, except perhaps to develop attention and reaction. Using Agita solution, you can make hanging baits (by spreading the product on cardboard), which will look much better than sticky tapes. Flies will land on such poisoned “platforms” due to the action of pheromones. And, most importantly, such traps will have to be updated infrequently - once every 1.5 months.

Phenaxin powder

This drug based on fenvalerate and boric acid, mixed in an oil solution and dried in the form of small granules, demonstrates increased effectiveness. Particles with poison reliably stick to the paws of pests, and from there they often enter the digestive tract. Having a pronounced intestinal and contact effect, Phenaxin effectively destroys flies that land on it. The composition includes components that attract insects with their smell.

The drug is completely ready for use; the user only needs to unpack the sealed bags and distribute them throughout the room according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Dust Absolute

An effective product that is perfect for killing flies, cockroaches, and other insects. When treated with pyrethroid deltamethron and fenthion, they affect the nervous system and digestive tract of pests, but they do not pose a serious threat to humans or warm-blooded animals. For this reason, it can be successfully used in domestic conditions. However, it is necessary to strictly follow safety recommendations and avoid prolonged contact of the dust with skin or contact with food products.

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