Wax moth waste product: properties, production method, benefits and harms

Bee moths, called wax moths or moths, are the worst parasite in the apiary. Moth larvae feed on all bee products. A large population in a hive causes the death of a bee colony. However, the insect gained fame not because of the harm it causes, but because of its healing properties. According to the manufacturers, the use of bee moth tincture can replace complex treatment of the whole body. The remedy cures tuberculosis, cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, excretory, reproductive systems. Is there any scientific basis for such unfounded statements or is this a marketing ploy by enterprising beekeepers? Let’s find out.

What is PZHVM?

The waste product of the wax moth is a biological substance that can be obtained thanks to this insect, which is also called the bee moth.
It is considered a source of a wide variety of waste products. At the same time, the wax moth itself is considered a pest that threatens beekeeping quite seriously. You can tell that a bee's home has been attacked by wax moths by looking at the wax on the honeycomb cones, which has been chewed. The main evidence of the penetration of this insect is precisely those excrement. The waste products of wax moths are miniature black pellets that look like poppy seeds. This excrement in the hive remains from the larvae that the wax moth lays.

These creatures are very voracious, capable of actively destroying honey, attacking baby bees and gnawing wax. In this regard, beekeepers consider moths primarily to be dangerous pests, and only then can they be considered as a source of useful and healing products of natural origin.

Few beekeepers breed moths specifically to produce excrement. However, there are still such people. True, because of human disgust, they prefer to call this substance veiledly, often with the same abbreviation PZhVM - waste products of wax moths.

How to prevent caterpillars from appearing?

It is better to prevent a problem than to fight it. To achieve this, experienced beekeepers carry out a number of preventive measures.

First, you need to keep your hives clean. Secondly, as soon as you notice that wax moths have appeared in the hive, you need to start fighting this pest and not delay it. Thirdly, timely repair of hives and frames. Fourthly, wax should be stored as far as possible from the hives and try to be recycled immediately. Fifth, store additional honeycombs in a well-ventilated area and constantly inspect them.

Experienced beekeepers try to plant plants next to the hives that repel wax moths. It could be:

  • mint;
  • marigold;
  • Melissa;
  • sagebrush.

You can make traps to confuse the moths. A specially prepared mixture is poured into small plates: yeast, honey and a little bee bread.

Unique Digestive Enzymes

It is worth recognizing that scientists do not yet have a consensus on whether the excrement of these larvae is really as useful as some people say about them. An indisputable fact is that the moth is the only living creature capable of digesting beeswax due to its unique digestive fragments. As a result, the waste products of wax moths actually contain a number of unique substances.

As a result of careful research in laboratories, scientists were able to come to the conclusion that these excrement consist of several active chemicals, which determine the properties of this product.

Application of bee moth tincture

Many people know bee moths as a pest. It is often also called wax moth. This type of insect belongs to the moth family. For bees, it is a parasitic creature, so it is a frequent visitor to apiaries. A hive is a place where an insect spends time during its development.

It penetrates it at night and lays eggs, and during the day it leaves it and finds shelter in the branches of trees. The eggs are laid over several nights. As a result, the emerging butterflies mate as soon as they emerge from the pupae. They don't eat anything, so they don't live long. Their main task is to lay eggs in a new hive they find.

There are several varieties of bee moths. But useful for humans and suitable for preparing a healing tincture is a large moth with large larvae.

Healing properties

To prepare the preparations, bee moth larvae are used, which contain unique enzymes, trace elements, and amino acids. Wax moth extract has antioxidant, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antibacterial properties. Its use in folk medicine:

  • improves sleep;
  • lowers blood cholesterol and sugar;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • accelerates recovery after strokes;
  • removes toxins, heavy metal salts;
  • increases performance;
  • activates tissue regeneration.

What to do if a child is bitten by a bee

Bee moth in folk medicine, having absorbed the benefits of honey and its derivatives, helps:

  • stop the development of atherosclerosis;
  • dissolve scars and adhesions;
  • improve the condition during menopause;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • cope with impotence;
  • restore the state of the nervous system;
  • increase endurance;
  • cope with infections, parasites;
  • activate blood circulation;
  • strengthen general condition;
  • stop fat deposition in the liver;
  • relieve stress;
  • speed up recovery from illness;
  • improve mental and physical abilities.

Chemical composition

The usefulness of PZhVM has not yet been scientifically proven and its composition has not been fully studied. However, scientists recognize the wax moth's unique ability to digest wax.

Did you know? Bee moth larvae, thanks to their active enzymes, are able to digest even plastic bags. In half a day, one hundred larvae consume 92 g of this substance, forming ethylene glycol.

Laboratory studies also found the following substances in the PVH:

  • flavonoids;
  • iridoids;
  • steroids.

These are bioactive substances of animal or plant origin that have healing effects and can have a good effect on metabolic processes.

What is the reason for their beneficial effects?

To confirm the value of pzhvm - a waste product of the wax moth, a number of scientific studies were carried out, during which a comparative description of the extract from the larvae and their excrement was carried out. The excrement was infused for nine days, stirring occasionally, resulting in a red-yellow solution. Computer diagnostics of this solution showed that it precisely contains the following active substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • iridoids;
  • steroids.

Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on vascular permeability, preventing the development of varicose veins and atherosclerosis. Iridoids increase energy, stimulate the immune system and brain activity of a person, and steroids are known to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so the drugs they contain can treat a fairly wide range of human diseases.

Waste product

The larvae extract is known to a wide circle, but not many people know that the waste product of the wax moth has similar properties. Along with the biological activity of the enzymes of the larva itself, it transfers these properties to its excrement.

Eating everything: bee bread, honeycombs, the larvae do not disdain small fellows and even their own excrement, the result is a product that has been processed many times, saturated with microelements and useful substances. A black scattering of excrement collects at the bottom of the hive, and beekeepers call it PZhVM.

To obtain this valuable raw material, the beekeeper places blackened honeycombs, which have already been used several times, in the hive where the moth has settled. In a few months, the larvae will have time to process this wax many times, saturate it with useful substances, enrich it with their enzymes, and by the end of the season, half of the hive will be strewn with excrement, filled with active components.

PZHVM works on the principle of vermicompost: if worms, processing plant waste, transform it into a useful and easily digestible form, then the larvae, having worked hard, also enrich the composition of the product, which makes it a valuable medicinal raw material.

An extract of PGVM is made from excrement; it is believed that in some respects it is superior to the tincture of larvae. This is explained by the fact that digestive enzymes are active components of the composition, and their concentration in excrement exceeds it many times over, so a predominance of certain components is observed.

Analyzes have shown that it contains:

  • flavonoids have a beneficial effect on vascular permeability;
  • iridoids stimulate the human immune system and brain activity;
  • steroids have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Since PVVM perfectly restores the body after heavy loads, stress and exhaustion, its use in sports medicine is completely justified. It is also better to use PZhVM if you need to intensify sexual activity or increase tone, this drug will instantly give a positive result.

The tincture from PZHVM is prepared simply, the product is filled with alcohol 1:10, and infused for a week and a half. If linseed oil is used as a base, then it infuses for a little longer, up to a month, and it must be consumed as quickly as possible, since PGVM cannot be stored in this composition for too long.

On oil

An alcohol-based extract is not suitable for everyone, but an extract based on linseed oil can successfully replace it. This product is sold in the form of gelatin capsules and is very convenient to use; it is a supplement for providing adequate nutrition.

  • Flaxseed oil, enriched with larvae enzymes, has all the qualities of a tincture; it contains zinc and magnesium, and many trace elements.
  • The product is perfect for children as a preventive measure.
  • The oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.
  • The drug is enclosed in a gelatin capsule, which allows you to extend the shelf life of the oil, it restores all types of metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It should be taken into account that some people cannot tolerate bee products; this oil is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Wax moth preparations

Products containing wax moth larvae are difficult to find in pharmacies - they are not produced by pharmaceutical concerns. The preparations are produced by beekeeping farms and companies producing natural phytoproducts. Can be purchased in specialized departments of companies, online stores, and from beekeepers:

  • moth larvae extracts;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • medicinal ointments;
  • skin creams;
  • products in capsules, tablets.


The drug contains unique enzymes, amino acids and trace elements that help cope with diseases. Industrially produced tincture is used for internal use. Healing agent:

  • "Galeria Milonella";
  • contains glutamic, aspartic acid, lysine, serine, glycine, valine;
  • indicated for the treatment of problems of the cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, hypertension, arrhythmia, recovery after surgery;
  • price – 360 rub. per bottle 100 ml.


The drug is a natural immunomodulator. Alcohol extract of bee moth has antiviral and antibacterial properties. The product helps restore strength after heavy workload or illness. Effective composition:

  • "Bee moth extract";
  • contains amino acids, peptides that increase energy levels in the body;
  • promotes recovery from asthma, respiratory diseases, allergies, reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, normalizes blood pressure;
  • price – 250 rub. for 50 ml of solution.

Tablets and granules

The drug in this form is intended for oral use. The medicine is used to treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Effective product in capsules:

  • "Melonapis";
  • contains dead bees containing chitosan, drone jelly, bee pollen, poison, honey;
  • treats the pancreas, thyroid gland, liver, joints, impotence, eliminates inflammatory processes, hematopoietic disorders;
  • consumed twice a day during meals;
  • price – 410 rub. for 50 capsules.

Ointments and creams

Preparations for external use help treat skin diseases, burns, and quickly regenerate tissue after injury. Extract from the larvae eliminates scars and helps take care of facial skin. Cream containing herbs:

  • "Ognevka with propolis."
  • Ingredients: bee moth extract, propolis, wax, olive oil. Added extract of sage, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, almond.
  • Helps nourish, quickly restore skin, heal wounds, treat acne. Has a rejuvenating effect, relieves itching and irritation.
  • Price – for 40 grams 450 rubles.

The benefits and harms of fireweed

The wax moth settles in the apiary and uses the bee houses to lay its eggs. This happens for only a few days in the summer, after which the insects fly away and the pest larvae hatch from the eggs.

Beekeepers know that to prepare medicinal tinctures, they need those individuals that have not reached the pupation stage, usually 2-3 weeks old. As the moth larvae develop, they first eat honeycombs and then begin to feed on their own fellow moths, choosing the weaker ones. During their lives, they excrete excrement, which contains healing properties. It is these waste products of wax moths (WWM) that beekeepers collect.

In appearance, such excrement resembles small black poppy seeds with the smell of honey. They contain very valuable substances that are valued in folk medicine and are used to treat diseases as wax moth tinctures. To obtain a large amount of this product, experienced beekeepers place black honeycombs in hives, already treated with a moth, cover them with a net and a lid for 3-6 months, after which they collect the accumulated black mass at the bottom of the house to make wax moth extract and medicinal infusions.

Wax moth waste products

According to the conclusion of scientists who 15 years ago determined the chemical composition of the wax moth’s waste products, it is a mixture of the following components:

  • Flavonoids are substances that regulate metabolism in plants and color their flowers. There are 10 species of them found in nature, and almost all of them are present in wax moth products. Their main positive effect: strengthening blood vessels and improving their elasticity, protecting cells from attack and the action of free radicals, which is an obstacle to the appearance of tumors, both benign and malignant cells.
  • Iridoids are beneficial substances that are found in the contents of many vegetables and fruits and give them a bitter taste. When ingested by both plants and humans, they help eliminate toxins, cleanse the liver, affect cholesterol levels, and strengthen the immune system. These substances are contained in large quantities in moth excrement, but they are absent in the tincture.
  • Steroids are substances that affect protein synthesis and accelerate muscle tissue repair processes, which are successfully used by athletes, especially those involved in bodybuilding. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body as natural anabolics. Therefore, tincture from PVHVM is a therapeutic agent that can relieve pain and inflammation.

On a note!

By eating a large amount of vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts, a person can get the same amount of flavonoids as contained in a small amount of wax moth tincture.

Features of the life activity of bee moths

The bee moth is a butterfly from the moth family that lives everywhere where there are apiary farms. As an adult, the insect has a nondescript gray color. The length of females reaches 30-35 mm, males 15-20 mm. The similarity to the house moth is evident in the shape of the head.

Bees, which always stand guard over their hives and do not let strangers in, do not define bee moths as an enemy. Butterflies and their offspring emit odorous substances that are similar to the aroma of the bees themselves. Therefore, they can freely penetrate the hives, lay eggs and, over time, displace the true “owners”.

The mouthparts of an adult butterfly are not intended for feeding. Moths meet their energy needs from savings made during the larval stage. The main purpose of adults is reproduction. Mating takes place outside the hive. The female then enters the hive and lays her eggs there.

Newborn moth larvae that emerge initially feed on honey. The stronger young animals switch to a more solid diet and eat literally everything that is in the hive: honeycombs, bee bread, wax, dead meat. With a lack of food, a tendency towards cannibalism appears. After the caterpillar gains the required mass, it enters the pupation stage. Excessive infestation of the hive leads to the fact that the bees leave their home or die.

The benefits and harms of bee moths are a subject of discussion and debate. And if the harmfulness of the insect is obvious, then the benefits have not yet been proven by anyone. The medicinal properties of a drug unrecognized by official medicine are highly questionable. The version that seems plausible is that enterprising people have spread the legend about the effectiveness of wax moths and are selling a tincture with floating caterpillars of unknown origin to gullible citizens.

The larvae of bee moths are very similar to the larvae of granary moths, codling moths, mill moths, and fruit moths, which have nothing to do with bees. Only a specialist can determine the species.

Effectiveness of steroids

Finally, they contain steroids. These are almost complete analogues of plant and animal biologically active compounds that have anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties. Once in the body, they help enhance metabolic processes and are able to quickly relieve pain from muscle tension. Due to these healing properties of moth excrement, preparations based on them are recommended for neuromuscular diseases.

It is worth noting that the deciphering of the chemical composition of these excrements has not yet been completed. Therefore, some new useful qualities and properties may be discovered. In this regard, some scientists consider this raw material to be very promising for pharmaceuticals.

Composition of the product

It is quite difficult to find an official statement that wax moth excrement has unusual medicinal properties. But the fact that the moth is the only living creature that can digest wax is undeniable. As a result, butterfly excrement contains substances that have a positive effect on all working processes of the body.

This is what a PVVM looks like.

Laboratory studies have demonstrated that insect waste consists of the following active chemical elements:

  1. Flavonoids – these ingredients can be found in many plants. They have a positive effect on the vascular system, cleansing the walls, preventing varicose veins and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.
  2. Iridoids - these compounds have the property of lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood, removing toxins and activating the internal reserves of defense systems. It is the iridoids that give the tincture its bitter taste.
  3. Steroids are ancient substances that are analogues of animal and plant biological compounds and have high anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties. Getting them into the body improves metabolism and relieves muscle tension.

Treatment with PVVM

Treatment with wax moth waste products

The waste product of the wax moth acts on the principle of vermicompost, i.e., during the life process and after the passage of the larvae through the body, it becomes easily digestible, so a person does not need to expend great effort on processing all its useful components. Thanks to this feature, the patient notices the therapeutic effect within a few days after the start of the course.

The following diseases are treated with products made from wax moths and their larvae:

  • All forms of tuberculosis and its negative effects on the skin, lungs, heart, etc. For such patients, it is recommended to take an extract from the larvae along with an infusion; both drugs enhance their mutual effect, and the recovery process lasts about 1.5 months instead of 3. Additionally, the tincture also helps relieve coughing attacks, which are often painful for patients with tuberculosis.
  • Prescription and treatment of wax moth tincture is indicated for many diseases of the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood pressure, normalizing the rhythm and activity of the heart muscle. By taking wax moth waste products, patients treat hypertension, reduce the number of angina attacks, and also for preventive purposes have a positive effect on the entire vascular system, preventing the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Treatment of oncological diseases is carried out by increasing the body's defenses and strengthening the immune system, however, research into the therapeutic effect of a 20% tincture of PGVM is at the development stage; some scientists talk about it as a medicine that can save humanity from this terrible disease.
  • The increase in immunity in patients taking the tincture is very good, due to the influence of steroid substances.
  • Fungal diseases are cured due to the antimicrobial activity of drugs from PVH, thanks to iridoids.
  • Help with infertility is provided by consuming bee moth tincture by increasing sexual desire and stimulating the production and activity of sperm. Nutrients can enhance erection in men, and in women - normalize hormonal processes in the body. In complex treatment, this helps to increase the likelihood of pregnancy and cure infertility.
  • The waste product of the wax moth and its larvae is widely used in sports medicine to improve physical endurance during competitions and strengthen the defenses and nervous system. For the best therapeutic effect, it must be taken in dry form.


Scientists conducted computer diagnostics to compare two drugs prepared from the larvae themselves and from their excrement, which showed that the alcohol infusion from the extract of the larvae is 10 times more active on the human body. This proves that products that were previously considered waste from the production of wax moth preparations are actually more valuable.

Honey moth: medicinal properties

Some beekeepers do not even realize that the biggest pest in the apiary is a source of unique healing power. Eating honey, beebread and, most importantly, wax, the larvae saturate their body with valuable enzymes. And when processing wax, they use essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine), which are necessary for a person to function normally.

The tincture prepared from bee moth larvae contains 20 of the 28 free amino acids. Moreover, 9 of them are essential, that is, they are not synthesized by the human body.

In addition, the three above-mentioned amino acids are a source for the synthesis of alanine, an amino acid that regulates higher nervous activity and is responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes. Even in the synthesis of glucose, alanine can be used as a raw material if necessary.

Preparations based on bee moth larvae have a number of therapeutic effects when used:

  • Antimicrobial (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi);
  • Immunostimulating and regulating metabolism;
  • Absorbable in case of scar formation: myocardial infarction, secondary female infertility, gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • Normalizing in relation to the vascular system. At the same time, the risk of blood clots is reduced, blood microcirculation improves, blood pressure and hemoglobin levels return to normal;

  • Restoring the nervous system, especially during rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accident;
  • Cleansing for damage to the body by radioactive radiation and various types of toxic poisoning, including alcoholic ones;
  • Regenerating, if necessary, recovery after surgical interventions, as well as restoring after serious diseases, including infectious ones;
  • Regulating in case of disruptions in hormonal processes during pregnancy, menopause or in the treatment of impotence.

Important! The healing properties of preparations from moth larvae were known back in ancient Egypt, where the “elixir of youth” was prepared from the caterpillars, which slowed down aging. Studies by numerous scientists (I. I. Mechnikov, his students S. I. Metalnikov and I. S. Zolotarev, doctor S. A. Mukhin, professor A. A. Nikulin) have proven that the presence of the cerrase enzyme in the digestive tract of caterpillars makes it possible wax processing. It is this ingredient, turning into a medicine, that dissolves the durable shell of Koch's bacillus spores, making it available for destruction.

Indications for use

What are the health benefits of wax moth waste products? Thanks to its rich biochemical composition, the tincture of moth excrement has a wide spectrum of action, however, several main areas can be identified when its use is most justified.

  • Tuberculosis. Wax moth larvae and butterfly excrement are a recognized remedy for this serious disease. If you use natural medicine with certified medications, you can quickly forget about the unpleasant symptoms of tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Preparations based on moth excrement improve the condition of blood channels, which is reflected in a decrease in pressure, frequency and severity of attacks of coronary heart disease. The manifestations of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are also reduced.
  • Reduced immunity. Moth excrement activates the immune system, which significantly increases the defenses of the human body. The result of frequent use is a reduction in the frequency of colds and viral infections. Some experts even claim about cancer prevention.
  • Infections of fungal origin. The elements contained in the product have increased antimicrobial properties. If you treat areas of the skin affected by the fungus with a tincture of moth excrement, you can get a pronounced therapeutic and cosmetic effect.
  • Infertility. Naturopaths are convinced that the substance helps to increase sexual desire, increase sperm activity, and relieve hormonal imbalance. All this helps to conceive a healthy child.
  • Sports loads. According to athletes, this substance helps increase endurance and strengthen the nervous system, as a result of which training becomes more effective and the body recovers more quickly after increased physical activity.

Cosmetics made from moth larvae excrement is another promising direction. Such remedies will be especially beneficial for middle-aged people who are struggling with visible signs of aging.

Use of the drug in folk medicine

Tincture of wax moth larvae

Due to the fact that drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry have side effects on the body, science has turned to the search for alternative solutions in the field of medicine and biology. A traditional medicine is being studied - an alcohol infusion of bee moth larvae. It was found that taking the tincture is indicated for:

  • treatment to prevent viral, inflammatory and colds (lysine, riboflavin);
  • pathologies of the nervous system (stroke, Alzheimer's disease, neuritis, paralysis, dementia, cerebral hernia, etc.);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial infarction, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, angina, etc.);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pleurisy, asthma, tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.);
  • liver diseases (jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • diseases of the pancreas (cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis);
  • pathologies of the vascular system (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis);
  • joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis);
  • skin diseases (rosacea, eczema, trophic ulcers, demodicosis, skin cancer);
  • gynecological pathologies (adnexitis, anemia, infertility, placental insufficiency, etc.).

Wax moth extract is used in gerontology as a means of rejuvenation that can reduce the manifestation of age-related dystrophic and degenerative changes in the human body. Crushed dried wax moth larvae and tincture of them are used in cosmetology as a natural peeling and biostimulant for skin and hair. Wax moth is included in some anti-aging cosmetics.

Serine protease is an enzyme contained in wax moth larvae that helps reduce keloid scars and restores the structure of any tissue. The use of wax moth tincture for the treatment of purulent wounds and abscesses, ulcers and the healing of postoperative sutures is based on these properties of the tincture and prevents the formation of scars. Serine protease restores heart muscle after a heart attack, brain tissue after a stroke and traumatic brain injury, prevents the formation of adhesions and fibrous degeneration of lung tissue after pneumonia, pleurisy. The enzyme helps reduce cavities in tuberculosis.

Wax moth is used to prepare athletes for competitions and restore the body after physical overload. The tincture is indicated after a serious illness, for people engaged in mental and physical labor, for the elderly and for children as an adaptogenic, anabolic, anti-stress, immunomodulatory, tonic and restorative agent.

Wax moth extract relieves toxicosis in the first trimester of gestation.

Tincture of wax moth larvae

Amino acids in the composition of the medicine can protect the body from toxins and the effects of ionizing radiation and radiation.

Those who take the drug of bee moth larvae note improved memory, increased ability to work and endurance.

The benefits of wax moth larvae extract for a child’s growing body have been proven. The medicine promotes growth, mineralization of bone tissue, and increases the body's defenses. In pediatrics, the tincture is used to treat the consequences of birth injuries and anomalies of intrauterine development of the fetus.

In cardiology, wax moth tincture is used to protect the myocardium from the toxic effects of cardiac medications.

An alcoholic tincture of larvae is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Enzymes that are involved in the digestion of wax are capable of dissolving the protective shell of Koch's bacillus, as a result of which it dies from the action of antibiotics and cells of the immune system.

The benefit of wax moth in andrology is that the drug is used to increase potency, libido and treat male infertility. In urology, the drug is of great benefit in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia.

Varieties of tinctures

To prepare a medicinal preparation (tincture), two main ingredients are used:

  • the wax moth larvae themselves;
  • their feces.

The feces of caterpillars are good only before pupation - only at this time all their useful qualities are preserved. The tincture of PZhVM contains more bioactive substances than the caterpillars themselves, and its alcohol extract is 10 times more active than the extract from the caterpillars. Honey extract of excrement has a similar effect on the human body as infusion. The higher the quality of the larval feces product, the more it has consumed its own feces.

Mandatory consultation with a doctor

The use of waste products of wax moths (WWM) occurs in the form of the use of an alcohol extract, which is considered a concentrated and potent biological additive.

In this regard, it is allowed to use it only after consultation with a doctor, who can give useful recommendations and advise whether the tincture can be combined with medications prescribed to you.

If we take the average recommendations for its use, then it is recommended to take it in a diluted form according to a specific regimen, which depends on the patient’s diagnosis and his age.

Side effects contraindications for use

Although bee moth tincture has many beneficial properties, it should not always be used. In certain cases, bee moth extracts should not be used. Such cases include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Children under 14 years of age.
  • People who have inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If you are allergic to certain components.
  • In case of individual intolerance to certain components of the tincture or ointment.

Although side effects are uncommon, some people experience them. Among the negative consequences are:

  • Occasional dizziness or headache.
  • Vomiting or nausea.
  • Problems with appetite and sleep.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is in folk medicine that an ointment or tincture based on insect larvae is actively used. After all, bee moths can improve the functioning of various systems. With the help of the extract, people solve problems associated with sleep and lethargy.

Method of administration and dosage

Treatment with wax moth products and its larvae

Recommendations for an adult patient on how to take the infusion from the PVH are as follows: drink 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. In the evening, you can take it no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The duration of taking the medicine can be extended to 1 year, but with breaks: 1 month - taking, 1 week - rest.


The only contraindication to taking infusions of wax moth larvae is an individual allergic reaction to beekeeping products and specifically to these. This drug combines well with any medications except metronidazole.

Tinctures and waste products of wax moths are sold ready-made in stores selling beekeeping products; they have a pleasant smell, similar to the aroma of propolis and also taste like it. The effect of the tincture from PGVM appears 3 days after the start of administration. Reviews from patients indicate a noticeable surge of strength and energy, an improvement in the manifestations of many chronic diseases, a decrease in migraine attacks and other symptoms.


I was diagnosed with tuberculosis several months ago. I started taking pills, but they made me feel worse, so I decided to try products made from wax moth larvae excrement. After 2 months of taking it, I feel a general improvement in my health: the pain has disappeared, the analysis is good. I will continue to accept it.

Alexander, Perm

An extract from the pancreas helped me overcome the consequences of a stroke and varicose veins. I’ve been taking it for 4 months now, my condition has improved: my legs don’t hurt, my blood pressure has stabilized.

Vladimir, Moscow

How to use

To avoid negative consequences, it is important to have an idea of ​​how to take wax moth tincture. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and required duration of treatment.

Depending on the disease, there are 2 methods of administration: externally and internally.


Used externally in the form of a mash or ointment, the tincture has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, disinfectant, and analgesic properties. What does the product treat? It is recommended to use it for furunculosis, herpes, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, bruises, sprains, frostbite, burns, bedsores, joint pain, colds, problem skin.

The chatterbox is used like this:

  1. take 2 teaspoons of tincture;
  2. add them to a 33% dimexide solution;
  3. soak a napkin with the resulting solution;
  4. put on the problem area;
  5. leave for 2 hours.

In case of excessive susceptibility, the solution must be diluted with water.

The method of using the ointment depends on the disease:

  • on boils, hemorrhoidal cones, wounds, frostbitten or burned areas, the ointment is applied as an application for 1 hour;
  • for colds, rub the product into the back and chest area until completely absorbed;
  • for joint diseases, the product is applied to the affected areas for 30 minutes;
  • Apply a thin layer of ointment to problem skin twice a day: in the morning and 1 hour before bedtime, carefully blotting off the excess with a napkin.


The dosage of the tincture taken and its concentration should be selected personally, based on the type of disease, the stage of its progression, the age, and weight of the patient. It also differs depending on the purpose of administration: as a treatment or for the prevention of diseases. The following instructions for using wax moth tincture contain detailed information on this issue.

The standard method of administration for many diseases is according to the following scheme:

  • For adults – 3 drops per 10 kg of body weight. Duration of use is at least 3 months, then a pause of 1 month.
  • For children under 14 years of age – 1 drop for each full year of the child’s age. Regimen: 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. Duration of treatment (not including break periods) – 3 months.

How to drink the tincture? It is taken half an hour before meals, diluted in 3-4 tablespoons of boiled, pre-cooled water, milk, juice, tea. For greater effect, it is advisable not to swallow the drops immediately, but to hold them under the tongue for a while.

It is not recommended to take the tincture immediately before going to bed due to its tonic effect. For preventive purposes, the product is taken once a day, in the morning, 30 minutes before meals.

In addition to the standard method, there are some features of using the medicine for certain diseases. How to drink wax moth tincture for:

  • Tuberculosis, cancerous tumors. To treat an existing disease, start using 15 drops 2 times a day. In the absence of negative sensations, after a few days the dosage is gradually increased, bringing it to 3 drops per 10 kg of weight. In severe forms, an increase to 8 drops per 10 kg of body weight is permissible. Wash down with 3 tablespoons of boiled water. After 7 days of use, increase the number of applications to 3 times a day. In the treatment of children under 14 years of age, either a 10% extract from moth larvae is used at the rate of 2 drops for each year of life, or a 20% extract at the rate of 1 drop for 1 year of life, diluted in milk or juice.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Accepted according to the standard regimen. After a heart attack, treatment begins 10 days later. It is permissible to alternate with taking tincture of dead bees.
  • Diseases of the respiratory-respiratory system. If the epidemic threshold for infectious diseases is high, it is taken 2 times a day according to the standard regimen. For bronchitis, drink the tincture three times a day, diluting 1/3 cup of herbal infusion. In most cases, the temperature decreases on the 3rd day of using the product, a dry cough turns into a wet cough on the 5th day, and completely disappears after 10 days.
  • Depressive states, stress, nervous disorders. To improve the condition, drink 20 drops of the product twice a day for 30 days.

The tincture can be used without giving up the use of other medications.

How to prepare and infuse medicine

It should be understood that PVH and moth in the form of larvae are bred by beekeepers specifically for medical purposes. That is why it is better to purchase ready-made products in person or order the drug via the Internet. In this case, there will be no problems with using the bioactive tincture, since it usually comes with instructions.

In general, the technology for producing the PZHVM tincture is as follows: beekeepers remove a black mass resembling poppy seeds (excrement) from the hives, place it on the bottom of a dark glass container and add 70% alcohol.

The resulting preparation should stand in a dark place for nine days. The tincture, ready for use, is a black, opaque liquid with a pronounced aroma of honey and dried fruits. The taste is distinguished by a slight bitterness.


  1. First, according to the recipe, the dead bees need to be thoroughly ground. To do this, use a coffee grinder (who has one), but buying it just to prepare a small bottle of tincture, unless you prepare it all the time, is not worth it.
  2. Take a mortar and crush it with a pestle into a fine, homogeneous mass. Be prepared for an unpleasant smell; after all, these are dead bee bodies.
  3. There are different cooking recipes, namely the ratio of the amount of dead meat and vodka. Some offer 1:1, others 1:2, respectively, others - 1:5. You can make a small bottle for testing. To do this, pour two tablespoons of the substance into a jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka.
  4. Stir and pour what happens using a regular funnel into a previously prepared bottle (it can be the same one that the vodka was in, and there is no need to rinse!). Some beekeepers insist that the bottle should be made of dark glass, because we are talking about an infusion. Close the bottle.


It is necessary to insist in a dark, cool place for at least two weeks (some wait even a month). You need to shake the bottle every day during the first week of infusion, and every three days thereafter. At first the liquid is cloudy and all the powder collects on top. But then it settles, the liquid acquires a beautiful amber color, like real cognac. But the color may vary depending on when the dead bees were collected.

After infusion, the liquid can be strained through cheesecloth, or it may not be strained. It will be good to add crushed eucalyptus leaves (10:1) to the infusion if you are going to use it to treat wounds. The shelf life of dead bee extract infused with vodka is three years if storage conditions are met (a cellar is best for this).

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If you decide on alcohol, then you will have to adhere to the ratio in the recipe that you choose yourself (there are many of them). If it’s moonshine, then you are your own adviser, because each moonshine comes out to different strengths and different quality. But whatever method you choose, rest assured that you will receive a high-quality and useful product.

Having made an infusion, take care of the bee dead, which remains and can also be used for treatment as a decoction or ointment. Pour it into a linen bag or cardboard box. Store in a dry place that is frequently ventilated. You can also put it in the freezer, but do not allow it to thaw. The shelf life of deadstock if stored properly is one year.

Description and characteristics of the insect

People call moths all insects belonging to the order Microlepidoptera.

Adults are similar in appearance to small butterflies, which are mainly nocturnal or crepuscular.

Their powerful jaws help them chew even wood and fruit seeds, and their unpretentiousness in food determines the wide distribution of these pests.

The moth causes greater damage to plants, tissues and products when it is in the caterpillar stage.

Appearance of a moth

Although there are many types of these insects, they are similar in appearance.

The moth has an inconspicuous appearance, the size is 5-9 mm.

Their size does not exceed 5-9 mm. They fly poorly and are dull in color. There are 2 main types of moths living in houses: clothes moths and furniture moths. The first has a light brown color, and the second is gray, but with a quick inspection it is difficult to identify these differences.

Externally, the caterpillars of these insects and other species of butterflies are no different. They rarely exceed 1.5 mm in length, so they are difficult to notice. The larvae are sedentary, love dark places and eat a lot.

How long does he live?

Before becoming adults, these insects go through the egg and larval stages. The caterpillar lives from 3 to 10 months. At this time, it actively feeds and destroys clothing, furniture, food, and forms a cocoon in which its further development occurs.

The life expectancy at all stages of moth formation is about a year.

Where does it live?

Depending on the species, the habitat of insects will be different. Food moths lay eggs in food.

Food moths lay eggs in food.

It can be:

  • cereals;
  • candies;
  • vermicelli;
  • cookies, etc.

Furniture moths feed on outerwear made from natural woolen fabrics, fur, etc. They often develop in closets and suitcases where sunlight does not penetrate.

Indoor moths can develop anywhere in the house where there are favorable conditions for it, as well as products made from natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, etc.

In addition, these insects can live on different plants (cabbage, potatoes, poplar, chestnut, wormwood) and harm them. They also live in beehives, where they feed on beebread, honey and wax.

In nature, some types of moths feed on the horny formations of animals and birds. They settle in their burrows or nests. There is a species of moth that lives in the horns of buffalos or antelopes, and in the shells of dead turtles.

Methods of application

PZHVM extract infused with alcohol is a potent biological additive. It is advisable to use it after consultation with a specialist who will give recommendations for use.

According to average recommendations, it is necessary to use the tincture according to a certain scheme, which takes into account both the patient’s age and his illness:

  1. Adults on average should take 20-25 drops. The children's dosage is calculated based on the patient's age: one drop for each year of life after 6 years.
  2. It is recommended to use the product half an hour before meals. It is diluted with water in small proportions, no more than two tablespoons of water. The child can be given the extract by first mixing it with juice or tea.
  3. It is best to take the product 2-3 times a day, for prevention – 1 time.
  4. The duration of the therapeutic course is usually 6 months, but after 12 weeks you need to take a month's break and then continue treatment.

The dosage of the drug and the intensity of its use may directly depend on the disease.

In order to cleanse the body of toxins

If the purpose of using the tincture is to cleanse the body of toxins, then it should be used according to a prophylactic prescription. That is, 20-25 drops once a day for three months, then take a month's break and continue taking the medicine for another three months. For greater results, it is recommended to combine the use of the product with everyday physical activity: a short jog, morning or evening warm-up is enough. Honey with PVH also demonstrates greater efficiency.

For adenoma

Dosage per dose – 5 drops for every 10 kg of patient weight. That is, we divide a person’s weight by 10 and multiply by 5. But no more than 35 drops at a time. Prevention: two to three times a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, in courses of 2-3 months in spring and autumn. Treatment: three times a day, half an hour before meals, in courses of 3 months with a break between courses of 1-2 weeks.

For the treatment of myopia

Dosage for the treatment of myopia: 25-30 drops of extract 2 times a day (morning and evening). According to the standard scheme - 3 months, a month break, again 3 months. In this case, it is advisable to combine the use of the extract with special gymnastics for the eyes.

Bee moth ointment

For treatment and prevention, not only tincture of bee moths and ethyl alcohol is used, but also ointment. Its beneficial properties largely depend on how properly the mixture is prepared. When preparing the medicine, the following recipe is used:

  • You will need 50 to 70 grams of caterpillars. They are poured with ethyl alcohol so that they are covered. A large amount of alcohol is not required.
  • For 5–6 days, the prepared mixture is placed where the sun’s rays do not penetrate. Subsequently, propolis, wax or calendula oil are added to the mixture.
  • The mixture is heated before use. A water bath is prepared for this. It is necessary to preheat for 2-2.5 hours. After this, the mixture is carefully filtered and placed in a cold place.

The use of ointment is allowed only after a thorough examination and recommendations from the beekeeper. After all, the mixture has unique properties. But in some cases it provokes allergic reactions. Therefore, the ointment should not be used without prior consultation.

Effects of application

You won’t be able to feel positive changes from using the tincture on your PVH right away, just like with any other medicine. It takes time and careful adherence to the recipe. But after a month you can feel slight general improvements in your condition. The product improves both the physical and emotional health of the patient, acting comprehensively on the entire body. Immunity indicators and, as a result, resistance to viral infections are normalized. Blood pressure normalizes, all body parameters improve, and the person feels more alert.

Where to place

The larvae can be raised in an apiary in a separate hive, where frames with dry food are placed in regular rows. You can take a regular box or an old Ramonos, whatever you like. They are placed in a separate room, filled with honeycombs, and larvae or butterflies are placed there. The main thing is to make sure that the ripe butterflies do not escape from it, since they can crawl into very narrow cracks, and this is already a danger for the entire apiary.

A completely acceptable option is breeding moths in a jar; this method is attractive because any volume is available. For example, if at the initial stage one container is enough, then later you can occupy entire racks in the room reserved for this. In addition, this procedure is available all year round, while in hives this occurs only in the summer.

Before starting breeding, you need to prepare a sufficient amount of sushi and stock up on larval producers. For the average beekeeper, this is not a problem at all, since butterflies can often be found in hives, and larvae are also easy to find there.

They need to be planted in a jar; for the larvae, you need to throw a piece of sushi so that they hide there and do not crawl away. The jars are simply tied with thick fabric, but this is not always an obstacle; the sharp teeth of the caterpillars can gnaw through it too.

The prepared containers are placed in a box lined with foam, this material perfectly retains the heat that the larvae will produce, you just need to make sure that they do not overheat, a temperature just above 35 degrees is dangerous for them 0 this can be seen in the video on how to breed wax moth larvae.

Preventive measures

In order to save yourself from such a problem, it is recommended to maintain order and cleanliness not only in the hives, but throughout the apiary.

  1. All hives must be in good working order.
  2. In places for storing honeycombs, the temperature should not exceed 10 degrees, and be well ventilated.
  3. The room should be fumigated with sulfur once every two weeks.
  4. Regularly replace frames in hives; damaged ones must be disposed of immediately.
  5. It is recommended to store beeswax in a tightly closed container.


In reviews of wax moth waste products, patients who have tried this drug on themselves note that the drug is especially effective in the fight against tuberculosis. Some patients feel an improvement in their health even after long-term treatment, when no results were observed for a certain time.

After taking this alcohol tincture, the first results appear within about one week. The cough decreases, the patient regains his appetite, and he stops choking with each attack. Then the patient regains the lost weight, gains strength, and improves sleep. Here are the positive reviews you can find about PZHVM (the waste product of wax moths).

However, it is worth noting that the reaction to this biological supplement may be individual for each patient. Therefore, you should not take it without consulting your doctor in advance, and also do not use it as the only drug in the treatment of any disease.

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