Injections are a quick and effective way to get rid of fleas

Parasites such as fleas can cause a lot of trouble for both animals and people. In addition to the presence of constant scabies from bites and scratches, the pet can become infected with dangerous diseases (for example, distemper), which are carried by ectoparasites. What to do if conventional products such as shampoos, drops and sprays are ineffective? In this case, veterinarians recommend using injections, which are very effective. These are the ones we will talk about. We recommend that you read our article and weigh the pros and cons before using flea injections.

How do flea injections for cats work?

After introducing the medicinal solution into the cat’s body, the substance enters the parasite’s body through a bite. As a result, complete paralysis of their nervous system and almost all organs occurs, which leads to inevitable death.


Flea injections contain an active substance that has a strong effect on many parasites at any stage of their development.

Thus, even if a pregnant female manages to lay eggs, her offspring will not be viable. And the larvae that are born before the injection is administered will be active until the first meal.

How the vaccine works

Once the drug enters the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the soft tissues and internal organs. A flea bites a vaccinated cat and dies instantly due to vaccine poisoning. The active components cause paralysis of the arthropod, which entails its inevitable death.

Flea vaccinations for cats do an excellent job of their intended purpose, demonstrating effectiveness against mature individuals, their larvae and eggs. Even if the female lays eggs in the animal’s fur and produces numerous offspring, they still will not survive.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

The advantages of this method are:

  • ease of use;
  • efficiency and speed;
  • safety for cats;
  • painlessness;
  • effect not only on fleas, but also on many other parasites;
  • duration of action.


  • drug toxicity;
  • Possibility of use only for adult, healthy individuals.


Flea injections should not be used on pregnant or lactating females!

Composition or active ingredients

Each flea drug available in veterinary pharmacies has different components. However, the active ingredients are always the same. Injections against skin parasites may contain the following elements:

  • eprinomectin (a drug containing this element is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously and is repeated only as prescribed by a veterinarian);
  • lufenuron (medicine with lufenuron is more gentle and is recommended for use with other drugs);
  • ivermectin (injection with this active substance is administered twice with an interval of at least a week).

In addition to the active ingredients, preparations often contain various vitamins. At the same time, not only the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against parasites increases, but also the benefits for the animal’s body.

The best deworming tablets for humans

According to parasitologists, Vermox and Dekaris are among the most common means of preventing worms in humans. But they are not suitable for animals. Medicines are used once every 6 months. Before use, you should consult your doctor, as there are certain contraindications.

If you suspect that your body has already been infected, it is recommended to take a stool test for worm eggs to accurately determine the type of parasites and prescribe a narrow-spectrum drug. The prescription of anthelmintic drugs should be carried out only by a doctor according to the results obtained.

In what cases do injections work?

When to use injections, and when is it better to refrain from using them? It is recommended to use injections when fleas in a cat do not go away for a long time and all other drugs do not have the desired effect.

Injections are the most powerful in comparison with shampoos, drops and other medications. In addition, injections work in case of infection not only with ectoparasites, but also with helminths, which once again confirms their high effectiveness.

Precautionary measures

Be careful when giving anti-parasite injections to cats. All injectable medications are toxic and can harm the animal. It is better to resort to this method in extreme cases.

It is forbidden to give injections to kittens, small and sick animals. Most injections are designed for large pets. Pregnant and lactating cats are also prohibited from administering flea medications.

You should not use injections more than once every six months. Using other insecticides during a break is dangerous due to the development of intoxication of the body. Injections are given only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Popular injections and reviews

The duration of protection against skin parasites depends on the drug you choose. Almost all of them have protective properties that last up to six months.


The drug is a colorless or yellow liquid with a volume of 1 to 100 milliliters. Ivermek can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies or directly at the veterinary clinic.


The drug is a substance that belongs to the group of moderately dangerous. Therefore, when using this medicine, it is very important to adhere to the correct dosages that will not have a negative effect on the animal’s body.

Ivermek is prescribed to combat fleas, roundworms and ticks.
In addition to getting rid of parasites, the drug prevents the development of many serious diseases. The drug is administered intramuscularly, used once, and only in very advanced cases can the veterinarian prescribe repeated use.

Reviews about the drug are all positive.

The disappearance of fleas is observed very quickly, and there is no negative effect on the body of the animal itself. Only in some cases (with hypersensitivity to the components) is frequent urination and increased excitability observed, and very rarely - vomiting.


Transparent, light yellow injection solution “Eprimek” contains the active ingredient eprinomectin. Belongs to the third class of moderately hazardous substances.

The drug has a broad spectrum antiparasitic effect. When the parasite enters the body, it leads to paralysis and death. Used to get rid of fleas, ticks, nematodes and helminths.

It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The drug is excreted from the cat's body through urine and feces. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

Numerous reviews prove the effectiveness of the drug. However, if the dosage is not observed, severe agitation and increased bowel movements are noted. The symptoms go away on their own after some time.


Do not mix the drug with any other antiparasitic agents.


The colorless drug against parasitic insects contains lufenuron.

“Lufenuron” is the only one of all the drugs presented that is able to prevent the development of larvae from eggs, which leads to a break in the chain of development and reproduction of organisms.

However, at the same time, it has practically no effect on already adult individuals, which forces them to use other drugs together with it.


The drug has a broad spectrum of action, actively affects the nervous system of parasites and leads to disruption of their functions, which subsequently promises their death.

Reviews are mostly positive, but many note the ineffectiveness of the drug on adults. When used together with drops or sprays, it helps get rid of all fleas in a very short time.


Otodectin is a colorless injection solution used for parasitic diseases in cats. Contains ivermectin as an active ingredient. Used against adults and larvae of various parasites.

The effect of the drug in the animal’s body occurs within two weeks, after which it is excreted through vital activity. According to the degree of danger, it belongs to the fourth class - few dangerous substances.

The product can be used on lactating animals, but consultation with a veterinarian is required.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. According to reviews, you can get rid of fleas with the help of this drug in the shortest possible time.


There are many modern effective anthelmintic drugs. They differ in their spectrum of action: some drugs kill only one type of parasite, while most act in a complex manner.

Based on the form of use, anti-worm medications are divided into several groups, and here you will have to experimentally find out which option is best for your pet.

Most often you can buy tablets in pet stores, such as:

  • Drontal, cestal - acts on round and tapeworms, one tablet is given per 4 kg of animal weight;
  • Milbemax/Milprazone is a complex-action drug that is destructive to both adult worms and their larvae; effective not only against worms that have settled in the intestines, but also in blood vessels and the heart;
  • Dirofen - has a pronounced complex effect, but is especially effective against nematodes and tapeworms; It is also available in the form of a suspension and paste.

When giving medicine, under no circumstances should you frighten the animal, squeeze it, or hold it forcibly. Gentle stroking of the withers and neck will calm the pet, and then you can gently open its mouth and quickly place a pre-prepared tablet on the root of the tongue. After this, you need to close your mouth and, trying to hold her head up, lightly stroke her neck, encouraging her to make a swallowing movement.

If your pet stubbornly spits out the tablet, you can crush the drug and either mix it with your favorite cat treat, or dilute it with water and carefully inject it into the mouth from a syringe (without a needle!).


Suspensions are more convenient for use. Included with the medicine is an atraumatic syringe, with which it is not only easy to measure the required amount of the medicine, but also to quickly give the medicine to the cat. The main thing is to also try to get it on the root of the tongue so that the pet swallows the suspension.

The most common suspensions are Prasitel, Prazicide and Dirofen. Prazitel has a complex effect, killing parasites at any stage of development. Another advantage of this suspension is the absence of any taste.

Drops on the withers

Another type of anthelmintic drugs is drops on the withers: Stroghold. The medicine according to the dosage is applied to the withers of the animal, after a few days the procedure is repeated.


At your appointment with a specialist, you will be offered various flea medications in the optimal price category for you. The names of the drugs may differ, but the active ingredients for them are unchanged.

When using injections, it is important to adhere to the dosage. That is why only a veterinarian is allowed to use the drug. Self-medication is excluded!


Flea injections are performed exclusively by a veterinarian. The injection is given into the forearm or into the back of the shoulder joint.

Preventing flea infestation

It is necessary to regularly prevent infection with ectoparasites not only for street cats, but also for domestic cats. For this:

  • do not allow contact with infected animals;
  • regularly handle and wash your pet’s personal belongings (bedding, collars, etc.);
  • after going outside, be sure to wash your hands with soap and shake out your clothes and shoes to prevent fleas from getting in from the street;
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the premises monthly with the addition of flea products.


If you do not pay due attention to such a problem as the presence of fleas in your pet, then in the future you can expect a decrease in immunity, the development of anemia, the appearance of alopecia areas on damaged skin and the development of many diseases. That is why it is easiest to use protective agents against fleas than to treat the consequences of their vital activity.

Fleas are incredibly tenacious, and if neither pills, drops, nor sprays have helped you get rid of them, then it’s time to seek help from a veterinarian and use anti-parasite injections.

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