What does a peacock look like in flight? Now you've seen all 9 photos

A chicken is not a bird

Peacocks belong to the order Galliformes. As the famous proverb says, a chicken is not a bird, therefore it cannot fly. In fact, even she is able to rise above the ground, although she does not fly long distances. Peacocks can fly too. The flight of these birds is short. They cannot rise high. However, in case of danger, the “bird of paradise” will be able to protect itself by flying from one place to another.

Not knowing whether peacocks fly or not, people domesticated them in order to decorate their homes. Birds could be seen in the courtyards of rich houses in southern countries. However, peacocks also had to be kept for practical reasons. In India, birds protect their owners' houses from snakes, which are caught and destroyed. In the forest, peacocks warn of the approach of predators with a loud cry.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Peacock in flight

Photo 2. The Firebird flies

Photo 3. Peacock flying over the river

Photo 4. The Firebird flies into the field

Photo 5. Peacock in the sky

Photo 6. Flying peacock in the forest

Do birds of paradise fly?

A flying peacock is not so easy to see. The reason is that birds most often rise above the ground in case of danger, such as predators or intrusive tourists. In the air they reach speeds of up to 16 km/h. At the same time, large dimensions do not interfere with birds. On the contrary, it is thanks to the large graceful wings that the bird can quickly take off at the right moment. The flights of peacocks do not last very long, they do not rise to great heights. But this is enough to climb to safety. The time during which birds are above the ground directly depends on their species and on the current situation. So, for example, the Javan peacock (found in Malaysia and Thailand) in natural conditions prefers to live at a height of up to 900 meters.

In flight, the bird knows how to carry itself gracefully and gracefully. Birds of paradise can also run nimbly. They got speed from their ancestors, pheasants. Thanks to this skill, fugitives hide from the enemy in impenetrable thickets in a matter of seconds. In their natural habitat, trees are preferred for sleeping. This is explained by the desire to protect themselves from a predator.

Mostly peacocks take off to climb a tree.

Can the firebird fly?

As surprising as it may be, peacocks can still fly. Moreover, their flights are not very long and at low altitudes. All this is because the bird is a direct relative of the chicken, namely the pheasant family. A characteristic and distinctive feature of the peacock is its fluffy tail, thanks to which it is known as the most beautiful bird on earth.

Based on Russian folk culture, the bird is better known to all of us as the firebird. And all this because this is exactly how she was described in all our favorite fairy tales. Each of us, at least once in our lives, has seen this beautiful bird, and we all saw how large and wide its wings are, and how long its tail is, as seen in the photo.

In fact, with such dimensions, can a bird fly? The answer is, of course, yes, and quite well. This is how, with the help of flights, the peacock protects itself from the danger that awaits it, be it predators or annoying tourists at the zoo. At the most appropriate and convenient moment, the bird of paradise, as it is also called, gracefully flaps its large wings and takes off.

Often the flight itself is very short and not very high. However, this is enough for the peacock to climb into a safe place, for example, onto the nearest tree. All this is due to the fact that, despite its size, the bird’s wings are very weak and cannot withstand long flights. Interesting fact: trees are the most favorite place for peacocks to rest.

General characteristics of the individual

Peacocks live in zoos in many countries, nature reserves, and even private farmers breed them on their farms. These birds belong to the chicken-like order. Pheasant and wild chicken are the closest species of birds to the peacock. Zoologists note that there is a green and an ordinary peacock. In terms of external characteristics, the two types are practically indistinguishable. During the selection period, pure offspring are obtained. The common bird is smaller in size than the green bird. The peacock is distinguished not only by its particularly beautiful appearance, but also by its overall size. In the chicken order, the peacock is the largest bird.

Sexual dimorphism is inherent in peacocks, that is, the female individual is different from the male. Female individual with gray-brown uniform feather color. Males, in turn, are distinguished by complex colors. The neck and head of the male have a bright blue color, the feathers on the wings are fiery red, the back is bright, shimmering with green and gold. Peacocks have a feathery crest on their head, the female individual has the same plumage, and the male individual has a blue color.

These graceful birds are distinguished by the presence of a bright and unusual tail. More precisely, the feathers that are located above the tail itself. They have different lengths, with long feathers on the bottom and short feathers on top. The feather reaches a length of up to one and a half meters.

Only male peacocks have bright tails.

Characteristics of birds

You can meet these majestic birds in zoos and protected areas around the world. Their natural habitat is dense thickets and forested areas, but the birds were domesticated several thousand years ago, which allowed farmers to begin breeding birds of paradise.

Flying peacock

Types of peacocks

There is a greater variety of bird colors. Despite the fact that they all belong to the same family, only some of them are preferred to be raised in captivity.

Table No. 1. Varieties of birds.

View, illustrationDescription
Common (Indian)These birds have bright blue feather color with green and brown splashes.
Another distinctive feature of the birds is their pinkish beak. Most often you can find them in zoos, and not on home farms, because they do not get along well in the same yard with other birds and animals. In addition, young animals are sold at too high a price. In the wild, Indian peacocks live in jungles and some mountainous areas.
WhiteSuch individuals are a subspecies of the Indian peacock. They are not considered to be albinos - the characteristic feather color was obtained due to a genetic mutation during long-term keeping of the birds in captivity. It is worth noting that such birds appear strictly when white peacocks are crossed with each other.
AfricanSeveral decades ago, these birds were classified as Indian peacocks, but then, due to some differences, it was decided to distinguish them as another subspecies.
They have no feathers on their heads (only a crest), and there is a red spot on their throat. Males have golden and green feathers with a lilac tint on their bodies, while females have a metallic tint. The beak is silver with a blue tint. Another distinctive feature is the monogamy of birds of this species.
JavaneseYou can meet this peacock with a bright green color in Asian countries and on the island of Java. Residents of Burma even consider birds to be a national symbol. Among the distinctive features, it should be noted that this is the largest and brightest representative of the family of all existing species.
Black-shoulderedIt is not a separate subspecies, because it appeared as a result of a mutation of the Indian breed. Males differ from their counterparts by the presence of black wings, and females by the light beige color of their feathers.

How to distinguish a female peacock from a male: step-by-step instructions

Step 1: The first step is to look at the birds' plumage. After all, in females (peahens) it is pale compared to males. Most often, gray-brown feathers can be found on their body, and colored feathers are found only near the wings (the color depends on the breed).

The modest color allows the female to hide from predators in the thickets

Step 2: you need to look at the tail of the birds, because only in males it looks like a bright fan, and in “girls” it is almost invisible.

In addition to a chic tail, males have an expressive crest on their heads.

Step 3: It is important to pay attention to the size of the body - males are always heavier and larger. This feature makes it possible to distinguish chicks that do not have permanent plumage.

Even among the baby peacocks you can find males because they are larger

Interesting facts about bird flights

Continuing the topic, let's say that a peacock is in a state of flight for different times and often this depends not only on the situation of danger, but also on the subspecies of the bird. For example, the Javan peacock in natural conditions, that is, in natural conditions, lives at an altitude of up to 900 meters. The bird is found in northeastern India, Thailand and Malaysia. Also, various breeds of peacocks live in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Their natural habitat is jungle and woodland, and the birds were domesticated 3,000 years ago.

In flight, the peacock looks even more elegant and graceful, and we see how beautiful it is in the photo. So, we already know that peacocks can fly, albeit very reluctantly, but what do we know about their running? No matter how strange it may sound, peacocks, despite their size, run very briskly and quickly. And this despite the fact that they have such a large tail, which seems to be in their way. Moreover, birds in the wild are very agile and, like their ancestors pheasants, can very quickly hide from the enemy in dense thickets.


  1. Peacocks do not sleep in the grass, but exclusively in trees.
  2. There are three types of peacocks in the world - Indian, African and green. Moreover, all three species come from Asia, but nowadays birds can also be found in Australia and Africa.
  3. Only males can boast of a chic and beautiful tail. At the same time, the females look rather inconspicuous against their background, and they are half the size.
  4. The length of the feathers on the peacock's tail reaches up to two meters.
  5. Birds feed on plants and seeds, and in rare cases eat small animals.
  6. The peacock needs a tail not only to attract females, but it also intimidates opponents.
  7. The stereotype that this beautiful bird cannot fly among the majority of the population of the former CIS was formed thanks to cartoons about Baron Munchausen.

Peacock feathers were once so popular that the birds suffered from greedy poachers. Fortunately, today there is already a hunting ban in most countries. In their homeland in India, the bird is dedicated to the god Krishna and is considered sacred among them. Here, peacocks are considered excellent helpers for people; they catch predatory snakes and in the forest, with their cry, warn people about the approach of a predator.

Today, seeing a firebird alive is not such a rarity; they are raised in many nature reserves, zoos, or simply on private farms. Now, thanks to our article, you have learned a lot and dispelled the myth that they do not fly. If you have never seen the flight of the most beautiful bird in the world, immediately go to the nearest poultry yard or other establishment where these beautiful creatures live.

Do peacocks fly: answer the question, interesting facts and colorful photos

We have all seen beautiful peacocks either in a zoo or in a nature reserve. Often this proud bird walks freely, wide and beautifully fluffing its tail. And so we wondered, can peacocks fly? And now we will try to tell you this in great detail.

Can the firebird fly?

Interesting facts about bird flights

"Peacocks Fly"

Flying peacocks: is it true?

Most of us have seen peacocks either walking freely across a beautiful lawn with flowers, or with fluffy tails in the alleys of the palace park. But it’s interesting to know whether peacocks fly or not? We have already found the answer to this question.

Interesting facts about bird flight

Continuing the topic, let's say that a peacock can fly for different times and this often depends not only on the situation, but also on the type of bird. So, for example, the Javanese species of these birds in nature, that is, in natural conditions, lives at an altitude of about 900 meters. It is found in the northeastern part of India, Myanmar, Thailand and the western zone of Malaysia.

We already know that peacocks fly, but what is known about their running? Strange as it may sound, they run very briskly and quickly. And this despite such a long tail, which supposedly should interfere with them. Moreover, in nature, peacocks are very agile and even in dense thickets they can quickly hide from the enemy. By the way, birds of paradise sleep not in the grass, but in the trees.

Peacocks have been known to man since time immemorial, and all these centuries and millennia we have not only admired their beauty, but even idolized them. For example, this bird in the ancient world was considered sacred and belonged to the goddess Hera.

According to legend, it was she who gave her such a tail - a thousand eyes. Then peahens became a symbol of royal power and greatness. For example, their image was on the emblem of the Empress of Ancient Rome.

In Persia, the Shah's throne is also decorated with an image of a bird.

In Russian folk culture, the peacock is better known as the Firebird from fairy tales. Just remember the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, who was supposed to bring a feather to the Tsar.

Bird feathers were so popular that at one time peacocks suffered en masse from poachers. Later they began to be caught not only for their feathers, but also for their meat.

Yes, yes, can you imagine eating the Firebird? And many previously were ready to give hundreds of gold coins to taste her meat.

Fortunately, today there is a ban on hunting peacocks in many countries, in particular in their homeland - India. There this bird is dedicated to the god Krishna and is considered sacred.

Read also: Chicken breeding: selection traits

Helper for people

Even in India, peacocks are valued because of their special qualities and ability to help people. Firstly, they catch snakes, and secondly, in the forests they always warn people with a loud cry about the approach of a predator.

Today this bird is successfully raised in many nature reserves, parks, sanctuaries and simply on private farms.

If you want to see them fly or run, head to your nearest bird yard that has these wonderful birds of paradise.

"How Peacocks Fly"

In this video you can see that birds are soaring in the sky and see how flight occurs.

Find out more

Do swans fly south or not?

Bird of paradise diet

How to breed and keep peacocks in your garden?

Can peacocks fly?

The amazing beauty of peacocks has guaranteed them the title of royal birds in many countries, and in India they are considered sacred.

Both in their natural environment and in captivity, birds of paradise are admired. Many admire them during their proud walks across the lawns, but few have seen peacocks fly.

Because of this, the question arises, can the firebirds from fairy tales and legends fly?

Briefly about the bird

You can admire birds in nature reserves and zoos in almost all countries of the world. Jungles and woodlands are the natural habitat of birds that were domesticated 3,000 years ago. Increasingly, private farmers are starting to breed peacocks. Birds of paradise are classified in the order Galliformes.

Zoologists distinguish two most popular species:

They are both very similar, and only zoologists can tell them apart. Green birds are larger in size. Pure offspring can be obtained through the selection process. In the order Galliformes, peacocks are rightfully considered the largest.

Externally, the female and the male are different. Only males have the opportunity to boast of a chic tail, while females look very inconspicuous against their background. In addition, females are almost half the size of males.

Females are distinguished by a simple gray-brown uniform color. But males have a more complex palette - blue on the head and neck, red on the wings, back with golden and green tints.

The feather crest on the head of males is blue, while in females it is similar in color to the body. A bright long tail is a feature of peacocks. The feather reaches 1.5 meters in length.

Peacock description of a handsome man

The most unusual and beautiful bird in the world is a close relative of pheasants and chickens. There is a lot of meat in it, it is considered a delicacy, the fillet of young individuals is especially valued. In size, peacocks are superior to all representatives of the gallinaceae order. The beauty of the bird amazes the imagination, therefore, since ancient times, peacocks were more considered as objects of decoration, but not as game that should be cooked for lunch or dinner. Their unearthly splendor was created by nature to please the eye. Luxurious birds were kept in rich estates solely as a symbol of the owner’s wealth and refined taste. They are easy to care for and live well in captivity, but I would like to know whether peacocks fly or walk proudly, demonstrating their stature and beauty.

Remembering television programs about wildlife, in which they showed and talked about peacocks, or meeting birds, for example, in modern fashionable restaurants designed for clients with good taste, or in open zoos, we see that birds move around the territory absolutely free. It is impossible to meet a peacock on a leash. He walks freely, looking around his possessions. That is why many people wonder whether the peacock flies at all.

Habitat of miracle birds

India and the island of Sri Lanka are considered the homeland of peacocks. The climate here is tropical, with slight temperature fluctuations and high humidity. The favorite places for settlement, which peacocks give the greatest preference to, are thickets and dense forests away from open areas. These birds have strong legs, thanks to which they run quickly and maneuver between bushes and trees with ease. When answering the question of where the peacock lives, it is worth talking about tropical thickets, deprived of direct sunlight and open space.

Do peacocks fly

A frequent question - whether peacocks can fly or not - is associated not only with the constant observation of birds on lawns, but also with the long tail of males. Many people think that birds with such a thick and heavy tail are not adapted for flight. But what do we really know about them? Peacocks, by their nature, are not bad flyers and can reach flight speeds of up to 16-17 km per hour and rise to a height of more than nine hundred meters. Thanks to large feathers and strong wings, the bird takes off very quickly and almost silently.

Flight duration and altitude depend on weather conditions and the need of the bird. Most often they take to the wing to escape predators. Birds do not need to fly in search of food because they lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, upon reaching sexual maturity, young individuals are forced to go in search of their own lands. Often a young male or female flies hundreds of kilometers from the place where they were born.

A flying peacock, especially with a long tail flowing in the wind, is an incredibly beautiful sight.

At home, the flight of a peacock is an unusual and rare spectacle - the limited space of the enclosure, the abundance of food and the absence of enemies make the birds of paradise lazy and heavy. However, breeders should not forget that peacocks fly quite well, and take this feature into account when organizing an enclosure.

Does a peacock fly or not - that is the question!

We have all seen beautiful peacocks either in a zoo or in a nature reserve. Often this proud bird walks freely, wide and beautifully fluffing its tail. And so we wondered, can peacocks fly? And now we will try to tell you this in great detail.

Can the firebird fly?

Interesting facts about bird flights

Video “Peacocks Fly”

About peacocks

All modern birds of this species belong to the widespread order Galliformes and the pheasant family. They are the largest representatives not only of the family, but of the entire order. Adult dimensions:

  • Average body weight is about four to five kilograms,
  • The length of the body including the tail is about two meters,
  • Uppertail feathers - up to 180 cm.

Sizes of the African subspecies:

  • Average body weight is about three kilograms,
  • The length of the body including the tail is no more than a meter,
  • Uppertail feathers - up to one meter.

It is the long feathers of the upper tail that many ordinary people confuse with a real tail. The rump feathers have a tiled arrangement and the shorter ones rest on the longer ones. Each uppertail feather ends in a kind of fan, consisting of sparse, silky and fine hairs. The pattern of the fan resembles an eye, and the shades range from rich green and blue to golden and reddish.

The rump feathers grow only in males during the mating season, and at the end of the mating season the feathers fall out and the male takes on a more modest appearance.

Thanks to their extraordinary beauty and regal posture, peacocks received the unofficial name - birds of paradise. Birds spend most of the day on the ground in search of food. Food can be of both plant and animal origin. They happily eat plant seeds, various berries, young shoots of grass, and can cause great damage to fields of grain crops. A wide variety of insects and larvae, small lizards, and river mollusks serve as delicacies for birds, and the people of India are especially grateful to these birds because peacocks eat snakes. From their distant relatives, pheasants, peacocks inherited the ability to run quickly. They prefer to escape from small predators by flight. Peacocks spend the evening and night on tree branches.

In nature, peacocks live in small groups or families - there are about five to six females per male. The mating season begins with the arrival of spring. With an abundance of food, the clutch of an ordinary Indian peacock can contain up to 6 eggs. Java peafowl hatch only one or two eggs.

How to keep peacocks at home?

Keeping birds at home does not require large expenses from the poultry farmer, because the main condition is the availability of free space for the birds to walk, because the birds spend a lot of time walking.

In winter, it is necessary to prepare a warm room for peacocks. However, some breeds are resistant to cold climates, so they are happy to walk in enclosures even on cool winter days.

Thanks to adaptation to cold, peacocks are grown even in the north

Since peahens and peacocks live in families, they need to be allocated a separate room, otherwise conflicts between males will constantly occur. Another feature of peacocks is that they are very shy, so they should be kept away from sources of noise.

Video - Features of keeping and breeding individuals

Principles of arranging an enclosure

Even a beginner can handle setting up an aviary for birds - to do this, you will need to secure the supports on which the mesh is stretched. In addition, a canopy should be installed over part of the enclosure where feeders, drinking bowls and nests will be located. Here birds can hide from the heat or rain.

Prices for chain-link mesh for fencing poultry houses


The floor in the enclosure should be covered with sand and containers with wood ash should be placed on the area.

Poultry house arrangement

Usually the poultry house is built next to the aviary where the birds will be in the cold season. The construction of this premises requires compliance with certain requirements:

The poultry house is connected to the walking area through holes in the wall. Feeders with drinking bowls should also be secured near the walls so that they can be conveniently filled with food.

In addition, perches should be installed inside the house. Their height should be 150 centimeters. Nests are often installed on the floor; their width is 55-60 centimeters and their depth is 65 centimeters.

Important. The poultry house is equipped with an exhaust system, as well as heaters and lamps. All this will be useful for birds in the cold season. You can read more about keeping and breeding peacocks in our special article.

Features of feeding peacocks in captivity

While on the range, birds feed on various insects and herbs, just as in their natural environment. When keeping birds in a poultry house, they should be provided with food at least twice a day. During the mating season, the frequency of feeding increases.

Approximate daily diet for each peacock:

  • concentrates (you can give both dry and boiled cereals) – 65%;
  • sunflower meal – 15%;
  • bone and meat and bone meal – 10%
  • fresh herbs and vegetables – 8%
  • yeast – 2%.

    Peacocks require a balanced diet

    Bone meal prices

    Bone flour

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that there is always fresh water. Of the vegetables, peacocks most like pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, and cabbage - all of this should be given only fresh.

Containers for feeding peacocks

Types of peacocks

In nature, there are two types of these birds: green and ordinary. So, the ordinary peacock is slightly smaller in size and inferior to it in the color of its plumage. By the way, they are easy to distinguish by gender. It is impossible to confuse the male, because he is a bright representative of the breed. Sexual dimorphism is evident here. The plumage of its body and wings is a magnificent palette of bright blue, golden green and fiery red. The only common feature that unites representatives of both sexes is the tail. It is absolutely the same in both females and males. But only males spread their tails to attract and conquer a partner. Their courtship is similar to throwing a “dog in the manger”, in other words, as soon as the female begins to show interest in her partner, he immediately folds his tail and turns away. And, conversely, if the female shows coldness, she walks again in all her glory, demonstrating the bright color of her tail feathers. The presence of a funny crest located on the bird's head can also be considered a common feature characteristic of all peacocks. True, the peahen's is gray, and the peacock's is blue. The representative of the green species is endowed with the same crest, slightly tilted to one side.

How did the domestication of peacocks happen?

For the first time, these birds began to be domesticated in Asian countries. However, they are still very popular among poultry farmers in India. There, their meat and eggs are not eaten, but peacocks are considered sacred and kept only as pets. You can notice the image of peacocks in ancient paintings and the walls of Buddhist buildings.

Birds quickly make contact with humans

It is believed that the birds came to Europe during the time of Alexander the Great, who brought them as a trophy. From there they began to gradually spread to other countries. However, not every person could afford such an expensive purchase and the birds were considered pets of very wealthy people.

The bird can be seen in flight

Peahens (as “birds of paradise” are often called) have been known to man since ancient times. In Rus', peacocks were rare. But even here they knew about their existence. Proof of this is the numerous folk tales about the firebird. The Greeks idolized peahens, believing that they belonged to the goddess Hera. According to legend, she gave the birds an unusual tail. In many countries, peahens have become the personification of royal power.

Their luxurious tail makes one doubt whether peacocks fly or not. Various facts about them indicate that long, heavy feathers do not become a hindrance in flight for the following reasons:

Nature endowed only males with the decoration in the form of a tail, giving them the opportunity to attract the opposite sex. The tail feathers of females are short, which means that they cannot interfere with flight.

Peahens prefer to sleep in trees rather than on the ground. In the wild, this maneuver helps them avoid becoming easy prey for predators. The ability to rest on a tree also confirms the fact that the tail is not so heavy as to interfere with the birds' activity.

The tail serves the male not only as a means of attracting a female. In relation to an opponent, feathers become intimidating.

The stereotype that peacocks cannot fly was widely spread thanks to the famous cartoon about Baron Munchausen.

The duration and height of the peahen's flight depend not on the level of danger, but on the subspecies. All members of the family can fly, but the shorter the tail, the longer the flight. In some individuals, tail feathers can reach two meters in length. According to zoologists, the Javan peacock is capable of rising the highest. They can hover 900 m above the ground in natural conditions. In captivity, individuals rarely fly due to the infrequent threat to life.

Feathers cause considerable inconvenience to the peacock. And not only because they complicate the flight. The peahen's tail turned it into prey for hunters. Peacock meat was also eaten by people. Beautiful feathers were used for decorative purposes. However, such treatment of birds is already prohibited at the legislative level in many countries. For Indians, peahens have always been sacred.

No matter how beautiful a flower is, you should not pick it. In a few hours it will wither and will not please you. Peacock feathers also look much better in the tails of their owners than in vases or on people's hats. You can admire the “birds of paradise” and eliminate your doubts about whether peacocks fly in the nearest nature reserve.

Interesting Facts

Peacocks have learned to hide well from predators. Moreover, they themselves are predators for small animals. Birds of paradise sometimes feast on them. True, more often they feed on seeds and plants.

The large and beautiful tail serves not only as decoration for males. With its help, they lure females and also intimidate opponents.

The inability of peacocks to fly is just a stereotype that is common among residents of the CIS. It became stronger thanks to the Soviet cartoon about Baron Munchausen. Firebird feathers used to be so in demand that peacocks suffered from poachers. Over time, some gourmets wanted to feast on bird of paradise meat. The ban on peacock hunting has curbed the ardor of poachers.

It turns out that the tail is not a tail at all.

The object of admiration for many people, about the beauty of which much has been said and written, is the peacock’s tail. However, what captivates the eyes of millions is not actually the tail, but just the rump, consisting of many feathers of different lengths. The longest tail feather reaches 1.5 meters; its tip has a special teardrop shape, most often colored golden yellow or orange with a bright blue or green core. The white peacock has snow-white hair. The feathers are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, apparently so that even when folded the peacock's tail does not lose its unearthly beauty. This is what nature came up with to please the human eye.

Interesting facts about the peacock

Some people believe that birds sleep and rest on the ground, in the grass. In fact, birds sleep and rest most of the time when they are located on tree branches. The bird's diet consists of plants, seeds, small animals and insects. They do not and cannot sing, but only scream. With their tail, males not only attract females, but also scare away enemies. Birds are assistants in the fight against snakes on the farm. They catch snakes and scare away predators in the forests with their screams. In most cases, in their natural environment, firebirds live in:

  • Pakistan;
  • Thailand;
  • Malaysia;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • India.

They are found on the Australian and African continents, and on private farms.

For decades, individuals have been attacked by poachers for their attractive tail. In their natural homeland, India, they are considered sacred birds. Many countries currently have a ban on poaching.

Bird feeding in the natural environment

The main food of peacocks is grass, so they willingly eat various weeds and small seeds. Birds prefer to settle near lands where they destroy insects, rats and even small snakes.

Birds obtain food only on the ground, and not in flight

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