Agita – fly repellent: instructions for use, precautions and treatment areas

Description and principle of operation

Agita is an insecticide produced in Austria, designed to destroy flies, cockroaches and fleas. Available in the form of a finely granulated white or beige powder. The product is odorless.

The traditional form of release of the drug is plastic jars, sealed with protective foil film and hermetically sealed with lids.

The product is based on thiamethoxam, which is toxic to flies at a concentration of 10%. This insecticide is classified as a group of contact-intestinal poisons. Once in the body, it causes paralysis of the insect’s nervous system and leads to its inevitable death.

In order for pests to come into contact with the substance, an insect-attracting substance, the pheromone Z-9-tricosene (0.05%), is added to it. Sensing the stimulating odor, the insects touch the product and die within a few minutes. The product contains sugar and the carbohydrate lactose as stabilizing additives.

It is recommended to use the product to control flies in residential premises and on livestock farms and enterprises. Store the drug in a cool, dry place for 5 years at a temperature not lower than -10, but not higher than +30 degrees, away from food and animal feed.

Composition and release form of the drug Agita

Agita insecticide is an Austrian-made drug produced in the form of water-soluble beige-gray granules. The product is packaged in plastic jars of 100 and 400 g, hermetically sealed with metal foil and lids.

The main active substance in the insecticide is thiamethoxane (10 g per 100 g of composition). This component belongs to the group of neonicotinoids and has a rapid and prolonged effect against many insect pests.

Muscalure is used as an auxiliary component in the Agita preparation - this is an analogue of sex pheromones of flies of synthetic origin. Additionally, the insecticide contains lactose and sugar - these sweet components attract a large number of synatropic insects to the treated areas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Agita is a popular insecticidal drug that has proven its effectiveness in the fight against flying and crawling insects. The product receives consumer trust and a positive assessment from experts due to the following advantages:

  1. Effective even against those pests that have developed an addiction to organophosphorus poisons.
  2. Safety – the product is assigned the lowest hazard class IV, subject to compliance with the attached instructions.
  3. Non-toxic. The product does not smell of anything either in dry or diluted form.
  4. Speed ​​of action. Agita begins to act within 3-4 minutes after contact with the fly.
  5. Economical. In residential premises, 1 treatment is enough; in rare cases, disinfestation is repeated after 3 weeks.

However, the drug also has weaknesses, including:

  • toxic to fish and reptiles;
  • the need to remove dead insects, since flies die in flight;
  • instability of the drug during outdoor work (washed off by rain).

Reviews and recommendations from users

Experienced livestock breeders and gardeners recommend this product as one of the most effective. At the same time, the price of the drug is affordable.

Experts also share their secrets for killing insects using Agit:

  • In order to quickly get rid of wasps, you need to prepare special baits. They are made from food substrates on which a little dry poison is sprinkled. After this, it is enough to place the bait in the room at the rate of 3-5 pieces per 10 square meters. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the destroyed wasps do not get into dishes or food.

  • Reviews of the fly repellent “Agita” also indicate that this drug is quite effective in fighting mosquitoes. To do this, you need to make a 0.4 percent suspension with the addition of water and apply it to frames, glass and other places where insects accumulate. It is also worth spraying basements and cellars with this solution. After this, the mosquitoes will disappear for a long time.
  • To destroy cockroaches, it is necessary to prepare a 1.1% aqueous suspension and use it to treat all possible routes of the parasites. They are most often found in crevices between baseboards, water pipes, sewer systems, cracks in walls and many other places. You can also prepare traps to combat cockroaches. However, it is important to ensure that they do not interest children or pets.
  • “Agita” even copes well with bed bugs. To get rid of them, you need to prepare a 0.8% solution of poison and treat all possible habitats of the parasites with it. They usually accumulate not only on the beds themselves, but also under baseboards, carpets, wallpaper and on furniture.
  • Fleas can hide in similar places. In addition, annoying parasites often live in cluttered basements, damp cellars and in places where garbage accumulates. To get rid of jumping parasites, you need to dilute a 0.8% solution of poison and treat the surfaces of the infected premises. It is recommended to first throw away all trash. In some cases, additional treatment may be required, but most often the fleas disappear for a long time.
  • There are a huge variety of ant species, but they all differ in their tenacity. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of such “neighbors”. In order to destroy red and black parasites, it is necessary to trace their routes of movement and places of accumulation. All these areas must be treated with a suspension of water and poison diluted in it. Traps also help a lot. It is better to use non-food materials for them. 3-5 pieces will be enough to protect 10 m2 of territory from parasites. However, it is imperative to ensure that pets or children do not have access to the traps.

As a rule, after using the drug "Agita" insects and other pests disappear for a long time. Thanks to this, repeated treatments can be carried out only if the parasites reappear.

In addition, do not forget that we are talking about a rather strong drug. Therefore, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment and avoid direct contact with the poison. It is also necessary to remove all animals and children from the treated area. If it enters the body, the product can cause severe poisoning. If this happens, you need to go to the hospital quickly.


Despite the fact that the drug is safe for humans and pets, when disinfesting yourself, you must follow the rules for handling insecticides:

  1. Before starting treatment, put on a protective gown or a special suit for disinfestation, a respirator mask, plastic goggles, rubber or vinyl gloves.
  2. During the procedure, children, women (during pregnancy and breastfeeding), pets and people without personal protective equipment are removed from the premises.
  3. Food and dishes are taken to other rooms, clothes and bed linen are hidden in closets, furniture is covered with old sheets or bedspreads. The same is done with bowls and drinking bowls, bedding and houses for animals.
  4. At the time of treatment, do not eat or drink, or smoke, to avoid splashes or particles of the insecticide on the mucous membranes.
  5. After disinfestation is completed, protective equipment is disposed of (clothes can be boiled in a solution of soda ash).
  6. Wet cleaning in the treated room is carried out no earlier than 2 days after the procedure for getting rid of flies. All surfaces with which people and animals come into contact are washed with soapy water.

How to use?

This drug must be dissolved in warm water.
It must be used immediately after mixing; the finished suspension is suitable for a maximum of 1 day. Before use, it is recommended to mix it very thoroughly and stir it every half hour. It is necessary to treat places where flies accumulate: window frames, window sills, warm walls, doors, pipes, etc. The Agita solution can be applied in smears or sprayed onto areas where flies congregate.

For application with smears, you should adhere to the following mixing ratio of the product with water:

  • per 100 g of powder – 80 ml. water;
  • for 400 g of powder – 320 ml. water.

The treatment is carried out by applying stripes to the floor using a brush. A small package of product is enough for 8 strips of 10 x 30 cm to treat 40 m2, and a large package is enough for 30 strips and treatment of 160 m2.

If there is no suitable surface for spreading the mixture, then you can use cardboard or plastic tapes, which are laid out in the required places and attached to the walls or ceiling.

For spraying, you need to mix the powder in the following proportions:

  • for 100 g – 800 ml. water;
  • for 400 g - 3.2 l. water.

A small package of the drug is suitable for treating 20 m2 of space, and a large one – 80 m2. Treatment is carried out by spraying the walls and ceiling.

To treat pigsties, spraying should be done leaving a space of 1.5 m from the floor untreated, and farms for cattle - 2 m from the floor. Animals must be removed for the duration of treatment, and immediately after drying they can be returned back.

Also, “Agita” can be used in dry form, simply by spreading the powder in places where flies accumulate. For greater effectiveness, you can drop a little water onto the dry preparation.


There are no side effects when using the drug correctly and following safety rules.

It is contraindicated to disinfest flies with Agita in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • people with allergies;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • Do not treat surfaces where human hands or animals will come into contact.

It is contraindicated to work with a toxic substance without personal protective equipment.

Safety regulations

The drug is a low-hazard substance and, when used correctly, does not cause harm to people or the environment. If safety standards are violated, Agita can cause poisoning. Upon contact with the skin, irritation and an allergic rash appear; in the respiratory tract, it causes intoxication of varying degrees of intensity.

Safety measures when working with Agita

  • All work should be carried out using personal protective equipment. When preparing Agita, you should avoid contact of granules or solution with mucous membranes, skin, or respiratory tract.
  • After disinfestation, be sure to wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water. If granules are scattered on the floor, they should be removed with a broom and washed with soapy water.
  • It is prohibited to eat or smoke while using Agita. If weakness or dizziness appears, you must stop pest control, go out into fresh air, rinse your mouth with a soda solution, and take a sorbent.
  • During the use of Agita, all people and animals should be removed from the premises, the equipment should be covered with polyethylene, and all remaining food and water should be taken away. It is allowed to bring livestock into treated premises only after the preparation has completely dried.
  • In a residential building, food should be taken out to the balcony, put in the refrigerator, and the dishes should be hermetically sealed so that the product does not get on it during disinfestation.
  • Treatment with Agita should be carried out away from reservoirs and apiaries. The insecticide is deadly to bees and fish. Use outdoors only in areas with the greatest concentration of flies. The product is suitable for spraying garbage pits, garbage cans, drains, and outdoor toilets.


The remaining mass is disposed of away from pastures for grazing and water bodies. It is strictly forbidden to drain the drug into the sewer. You can remove the remaining poison from the container with an alkaline solution. Add baking soda and laundry soap to the water.

Instructions for use

The poison is used only in liquid form: the solution looks like a white suspension interspersed with beige. To dilute the product, take clean warm water and a disposable container for mixing. Processing is possible in two ways:

  1. Using a sprayer (spray, aerosol can). Agita distributed over the surface in this way retains its insecticidal effect for 5 weeks.
  2. Using brush strokes (a wide construction brush with artificial bristles will do). With this application method, the composition will remain operational for 7 weeks due to a thicker coating layer.

Depending on which processing method is chosen, 50 g of the drug is diluted in 40 ml of water. If the composition is applied in 4 strips 10 cm wide and 30 cm long, this amount will be enough to disinfest a room of 20 m2.

For spraying, the same amount of the drug is diluted in 400 ml of water, but only 10 m2 of surface can be treated. The required mass of the product is calculated based on the area of ​​the room being treated: the larger the square footage, the multiple times the amount of product needs to be used.

It is recommended to use the finished solution within 1 hour, stirring occasionally during use to avoid separation of the suspension. The remaining mixture must not be discharged into the sewer system. Disposal is carried out far from agricultural lands, pastures and hunting grounds.

How to use Agita correctly

Agita powder is diluted with warm water and mixed well before application. The working solution is applied by spraying or brushing. The table shows the proportions of the substance and water for different types of treatment.

Processing typeAmount of Agita powder 10, gr.Amount of water, ml.Strips 10x30 cm, pcs.Square
Strokes10080840 m2
40032030160 m2
Spraying10080020 m2
400320080 m2

Pay attention to the following tips for using the drug Agita:

  • The prepared dab solution can be applied to interior items, walls and other surfaces.
  • Consider the fact that the composition, although low-toxic, is still an insecticide. Don't swab anything you come into contact with regularly.
  • The product will be less effective if applied to wood, plaster or other porous surfaces.
  • If you don’t want to leave traces of processing, make smears on cardboard or polyethylene and place them in the “favorite” places for flies. Better yet, hang it from the ceiling.
  • When choosing spraying treatment, spray the walls at the top (about 2 meters from the floor).
  • The active effect of the drug will end after 6 weeks. Thus, one treatment is enough for the season.

I always look at hanging sticky flycatchers with some disgust. Especially if there is no free space on them, and some insects continue to buzz, trying to escape. Running around the apartment with fly swatters is also not the best option, except perhaps to develop attention and reaction. Using Agita solution, you can make hanging baits (by spreading the product on cardboard), which will look much better than sticky tapes. Flies will land on such poisoned “platforms” due to the action of pheromones. And, most importantly, such traps will have to be updated infrequently - once every 1.5 months.

Where to apply

The drug is used to treat those places where flies most often appear and prefer to sit:

  • the walls of the room are opposite the sunny side;
  • window sills and window frames;
  • door frames;
  • pipes and fences.

Additionally, baseboards or ceiling moldings are treated, thus protecting the room from cockroaches and ants.

It is not recommended to apply the product on surfaces:

  • made of wood;
  • whitewashed;
  • dirty;
  • porous;
  • with plaster.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to apply the product to strips of cardboard and hang them in doorways and near the ceiling.

Agita from flies instructions

Fly powder is used indoors and outdoors for various purposes. Agita is used for spraying and spreading surfaces. They treat the places where insects most like to be: lamps, walls, window frames, ceilings, window sills.

Where processing is not recommended, it is worth hanging cardboard strips or polyethylene tapes pre-impregnated with Agita. In barns, the solution should be distributed at a height of over 1.5-2 m so that animals cannot reach the poison.

The manufacturer's instructions for using Agit describe 2 methods of surface treatment - application with a brush, spraying with a household spray bottle, or spray bottles.

On a note!

Sometimes owners spray the powder in dry form, but the manufacturer does not recommend this method of treatment, since there is a high probability of small particles getting into the respiratory tract of humans and animals.

Agita repellent for flies

Processing with stripes (strokes)

Take a separate container and mix 400 ml of cold water with 400 g of Agita powder. Mix until smooth, apply with a brush in strokes measuring 10x30 cm. Make about 30 stripes. The solution is enough to cover a floor area of ​​160 square meters. m.

First aid for poisoning

Side effects and contraindications are excluded when Agita is properly diluted and used in accordance with the instructions included in the product package. If the product gets into your nose, mouth, or eyes, it is recommended to immediately wash off the drug with running water before symptoms of poisoning appear.

If during treatment a person’s breathing becomes difficult, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs, he is taken out into fresh air. If Agita gets into the stomach, gastric lavage is performed under medical conditions.

Even if the symptoms of poisoning do not cause serious concern, it is recommended to give the victim plenty of water to drink and take a one-time dose of sorbents - activated carbon or enterosgel.

In rare cases, painful conditions are caused not by drug poisoning, but by individual intolerance to the components of the drug, which manifests itself in the form of a severe allergic reaction.

Agita is an effective, potent fly repellent that helps clear your home of flying insects in a short time. Before use, it is important to carefully read the instructions, follow the proportions when diluting with water, and during processing, follow the safety rules when working with poisons.

Flies in the house: why are they dangerous?

Of course, flies are not the most dangerous insects that can appear in the house. They do not drink blood (with the exception of the burner fly) and do not cause such disgust as occurs when “meeting” bedbugs and cockroaches. Houseflies cause anxiety when there are too many of them. The buzzing of these insects is annoying. But the problem of being close to flies is not only their intrusiveness. They can cause many health problems, as they are carriers of infectious agents:

  • dysentery,
  • typhoid fever,
  • paratyphoid,
  • cholera,
  • tuberculosis,
  • polio,
  • helminthic and protozoal infestations, etc.

If flies appear in an apartment, they will land on everything: dishes, food, personal items. This means there is a risk of contracting an infection.

Information about the drug

The repellent for flies and other insects consists of thiamethoxam DV, attractant Z-9 tricosene, surfactants and other fillers that were needed to give the appropriate form. You can purchase this drug in a laminated bag or aluminum foil. It is available in 400 or 1000 g packaging. This product can be used for 3 years. The prepared solution can be stored for no more than 6 hours.

Agita is a universal remedy and can be used to combat wasps, mosquitoes, fleas and other insects. Within 24 hours after treating the surface, no trace of insects will remain, and the effect will last 1-2 months, sometimes longer.

This product is proven and beyond doubt. The drug Agita is a certified product that is manufactured in accordance with GOST. It is classified into the fourth class of low hazardous substances. Evaporation does not cause harm to the body, since it has a very low toxic threshold.

Inhalation of vapors is not dangerous to humans, but has a detrimental effect on insects.

You can fight flies in various ways. This drug is diluted in the required concentration and then sprayed or used dry granules. To drive out flies once and for all, you need to use a 5.6% solution to apply to the surface or spray a 1.1% solution. For preparation you will need ordinary water. Apply the aqueous solution with a brush. You can use ordinary dry granules placed in special places that can attract flies.

The product should be applied where insects most often live: warm, sunny places (windows, garbage dumps and other places where garbage accumulates). You cannot treat furniture with this solution, but you can apply it to paper or a rag, which will then be attached to the required surface. To obtain a solution, you should take the required amount of granules and dilute them in water. The solution must be warm.

There is no need to completely treat the bait area, you just need to apply it pointwise (10 by 30 cm). Approximately 3% of the entire surface of the room needs to be treated. Per 100 cu. We need to make 30 such spots. Use dry granular bait, which is applied to the favorite places of flies.

Bait devices can be placed in areas where food is prepared and where animals live. This is where insects live most often. For a room of 10 square meters you need to take from 3 to 5 baits from 0.5 to 2 g. For greater efficiency, add a couple of drops of water to the granules.

Do not use this method in rooms where food is consumed, as flies can fall into the dishes and infect them. If the “irrigation” processing method is used, then you need to be firmly convinced that the resulting suspension is homogeneous. To do this, you need to take the required amount of granules, add warm water in the recommended amount and shake the resulting mixture well. If treated with a solution, it is necessary to irrigate about 30% of the surfaces of the total area of ​​the room.

For your own hygiene, you need to constantly remove dead or paralyzed flies at regular intervals.

Prevention of flies

Before you start fighting flies, block their entry routes. Arthropods enter the apartment with:

  • streets;
  • entrance;
  • ventilation.

Install mosquito nets on the windows. Owners of wooden windows can stretch gauze folded in two layers around the perimeter of the frame and secure it with buttons. Cover the ventilation hole with a fine-grained mesh. Such measures allow you to regularly ventilate the room without the threat of introducing hordes of flies into the house.

To clear your apartment of insects, insecticides alone are not enough. If you do not adhere to preventive rules, the flies will appear again as soon as the effect of the poison stops.

  1. Insects flock to the smell of food waste, so throw away old food.
  2. Pack the food tightly and hide it in the refrigerator or cupboard.
  3. Avoid allowing dirty dishes to accumulate in the sink.
  4. Take out the trash can every day and treat it with a cleaning agent.

Wash floors, kitchen cabinets, tables, window sills, and stove with a weak vinegar solution twice a week.

Precautionary measures

When working with products, be careful and follow simple rules. Before disinsection, hide food in plastic bags, remove dishes and personal hygiene items.

  • Evacuate animals and children from the apartment. Close the windows tightly. When diluting the powder and processing, wear rubber gloves, protect your respiratory system with a respirator, and protect your eyes with goggles.
  • After finishing the disinfestation, close the apartment for an hour. When the specified time has passed, open the windows for half an hour for ventilation.
  • Prepare a soda ash solution by stirring a tablespoon of crystals in a liter of water. Wash the work surfaces with a cloth and wipe dry. Areas not in contact with food should not be cleaned to maintain the activity of the insecticide.

Arrange the dishes, return the household. Properly diluted powders protect your home from insects for 6-8 weeks. During this period, flies that fly into the apartment are doomed to quick death.

Hazard Class

  1. It is not recommended to use this product for treating surfaces intended for contact with food, feed, feeders and water bowls for animals, as well as directly with animals.
  2. Do not spray Agita on dirty, porous or freshly whitened surfaces.
  3. Sink and drain are not safe ways to dispose of the drug.
  4. Poisoning is also possible if the product gets into the skin, mucous membranes or stomach during treatment.

“Agita” is a low-hazard drug, so side effects from its use are possible only if the dosage is violated.

Effective powder products

Powders and granules work reliably and are not addictive to insects. They are in demand for use not only in residential premises, but also in public places. They are used on livestock farms, canteens, and shops.

Fly Byte

Fly Byte poisonous bait contains 2 main components:

  • broad-spectrum insecticide methomyl;
  • cis-tricosene, which attracts flies within a radius of 1 meter to the poison.

The composition contains a bitter component that causes disgust in pets. Its presence reduces the risk that your pet will accidentally try the product.

The yellow fly repellent powder is produced in the Netherlands by Baer. The drug blocks the nerve impulses of insects and disrupts respiratory function. Death occurs 5-10 minutes after eating the bait.


Small Mashenka granules are used to destroy many species of arthropods that have settled in residential and industrial premises. The product is produced by a Russian company. It contains:

  • organophosphorus compound azametifos;
  • bitrex bitters;
  • stabilizer;
  • sugar;
  • preservatives.

The powder belongs to class 4 hazardous substances. During use, avoid contact of granules with mucous membranes and vapors in the respiratory tract. Immediately after placement, the bait begins to act and retains its poisonous properties for 2 months.


Baigon insecticidal powder contains the poisonous substance propoxur. This is a pesticide of contact-intestinal action, causing intoxication in insects, disruption of respiratory and motor function.

  1. White powder is used to treat garbage containers, furniture and other places where pests accumulate.
  2. The product is used in its pure form at the rate of 1.5 g per square meter. m of living space.
  3. The poison is applied in a thin layer to the surface. After 6 hours, the powder is washed off with a solution of soda ash.

Baygon is toxic to warm-blooded animals, so remove pets from the apartment during disinfestation.

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